How to knit braids: patterns with descriptions for beginners. Patterns for knitting voluminous braids with knitting needles How to knit wide or triple braids correctly

As soon as it’s time to knit warm clothes, be it a hat, sweater or vest, craftswomen immediately begin to be puzzled by the selection of yarn and the appropriate tools. An important stage On the way to creating a cozy, soft thing is also the selection of patterns. Among all the splendor of styles knitted clothes A separate group can be distinguished from products in the manufacture of which braids with knitting needles are used. Relief braids and diamonds, honeycombs and zigzags attract attention with their exquisite interweaving of smooth and broken lines. Such voluminous ornaments on warm items are perfect in themselves, but for knitting a spring wardrobe they can be supplemented with openwork runners and mesh fabric.

Knitted braids - complex elements

In terms of their execution, braids with knitting needles are complex elements, so tying them requires certain skills and the manifestation of handicraft skills. Traditionally, it is recommended to knit a small sample in order to see the texture of the future product. When creating various types of weaves, in addition to the main set of tools, you will also need an additional knitting needle of a regular or special pattern. You can also use a pin. The choice depends entirely on what the craftswoman has at hand, or how often she knits exactly these patterns, which means she owns all the corresponding devices.

Knitting a complex braid with knitting needles is impossible without a detailed, easy-to-read diagram, which indicates not only the types of loops, but also the places where they overlap. This element is one of the varieties of Aran patterns. If the knitter’s choice falls on a pattern that is simple in its execution, then the product will be knitted with it many times faster. The work of knitting fabric, which contains a large number of different weaves, large and small braids, zigzags, diamonds and other three-dimensional ornaments, can be very long and require special attention. However, after persistent efforts and utmost diligence, a hand-made item turns out to be very beautiful and neat. Inexperienced craftswomen should begin to master braids with knitting needles using simple patterns and, over time, increase their level of skill by moving on to more complex patterns - aranas with knitting needles.

Products with braids. Works from our readers

Knitted braids. Models from the Internet

Skirt with braids

interesting selection for the site 30 skirts, different styles and complexity

A knitted skirt with knitting needles and a description will be available to a craftswoman with any experience. This skirt with a high belt will complement the wardrobe of every fashionista. After all, you can wear it both on dates and to work in the office.

Description for sizes S (M).
Waist circumference 70-75 (80-85) cm.
The finished circumference of the belt (not stretched) is 38 (43) cm.
Length - 58 (62) cm.

Materials: 1 - 7 (8) skeins of Silkroad Aran Tweed (85% wool, 10% silk, 5% cashmere) - 95m/50g; 2 - 12 (13) skeins of Silkroad Ultra (85% wool, 15% silk, 5% cashmere) - 55m/50g; 3 - 4 (4) skeins of Classic DK Wool (100% wool) - 98m/50g; circular knitting needles: nom. 4 (80cm), nom. 7 (120 cm), nom. 10 (120 cm), additional needle.

Knitting density:
9 loops/19 rows - 10x10 cm rice pattern, knitting needles no. 10, double thread (threads 1 and 2).
22 loops/25 rows - 10×10 cm elastic, knitting needles no. 4, double thread (3).
Row 1: knit 1, purl 1, alternately until the end of the row.
Row 2: knit over purl, purl over knit.
Repeat 2 rows.

P1I - lift the loop from the broach between the loops and knit purl (+ 1 loop);
K6P - remove 3 additional loops. knitting needle, 3 knit stitches, 3 loops with extra. knitting needles;
K6L - remove 3 additional loops. knitting needle before knitting, 3 knit stitches, 3 loops with extra. knitting needles
We knit the product from top to bottom.
Spring, for skirts - beauty

Skirt Description:
On knitting needles No. 10, using threads 1 and 2 (put them together), cast on 279 (319) stitches, mark the beginning of the row (for example, with a colored thread) and close the row.
Row 1 (RS): * 12 stitches in rice pattern, knit 6, purl 4, knit 6, 12 stitches in rice pattern *, repeat stitches between * * 5 (6) times, 12 stitches in rice pattern ", 6 knit, 4 purl, 6 knit, 11 loops in the "rice" pattern.
We knit rows 2-7 as the 1st.
8th row: * 12 loops with a “rice” pattern, K6P, purl twice together, K6L, 12 loops with a “rice” pattern *. repeat loops between * * 5 (6) times, 12 loops with a “rice” pattern, K6P, purl 2 together twice, K6L, 11 loops with a “rice” pattern.
Knit 7 rows according to the pattern without braids.
Row 16: * 12 loops in a rice pattern, K6P, purl 2 together, K6L, 12 loops in a rice pattern *. repeat loops between * * 5 (6) times, 12 loops with a “rice” pattern, K6P, purl 2 together, K6L, 11 loops with a “rice” pattern.
Knit 7 rows according to the pattern.
Row 24: * 12 loops with a “rice” pattern, K6P, purl 2 times together, K6L, 12 loops with a “rice” pattern *. repeat loops between * * 5 (6) times, 12 loops with a “rice” pattern, K6P, purl 2 together twice, K6L, 11 loops with a “rice” pattern.
We knit 7 rows according to the pattern.
Row 32: * 12 loops with a “rice” pattern, K6P, P1I, 1 purl, K6L, 12 loops with a “rice” pattern *, repeat loops between * * 5 (6) times, 12 loops with a “rice” pattern, K6P, P1I, 1 purl, K6L, 11 stitches in “rice” pattern.
We knit 7 rows according to the pattern.
Row 40: * 12 loops with a rice pattern, K6P, 2 purl, K6L, 12 loops with a rice pattern *, repeat loops between * * 5 (6) times, 12 loops with a rice pattern, K6P, 2 purl, K6L , 11 loops in a “rice” pattern.
Rows 41-44 knit according to the pattern.
Row 45: bind off 12 loops in the “rice” pattern, * 14 elastic loops, bind off 24 loops in the “rice” pattern *, repeat loops from 8 to the second * 5 (6) times, 14 loops with an elastic band, close the last 11 loops in the pattern "rice" = 112 loops.
Row 46: knitting needles no. 7 knit with an elastic band to the end, pulling the thread tightly between the sections with closed loops.
Rows 47-51: continue knitting with an elastic band.
Take knitting needles no. 4 and thread 3 in two folds.
Row 52-57: knit with an elastic band.
Row 58:
size S - following the rib pattern, knit 2 together, * 15 rib stitches, knit 2 together, 16 rib stitches, knit 2 together *. repeat loops between * * 1 time, 16 elastic loops = 88 loops;
size M - following the rib pattern, knit 2 together, * 14 rib stitches, knit 2 together, 15 rib stitches, knit 2 together *, repeat stitches 8 to 2 * 1 time, 14 rib stitches, knit 2 together twice , 16 elastic loops = 100 loops.
Continue knitting with an elastic band until the height of the belt from the beginning is 29 (33) cm.
Close the loops loosely according to the pattern using knitting needles no. 10


On the wrong side, mark the center of the section with closed loops with a “rice” pattern and sew in the center between the sections with braids, forming tails. In this way we sew on all the sections with folds.

Braids schemes:

We have selected several knitting braid patterns with patterns. We hope you find them useful.

Knitted items decorated with braids look impressive. Moreover, they look good on both women and men's clothing. This type of knitting is suitable for sweaters, vests, hats and other knitted items. You can knit braids as a separate element or in combination with other ornaments.

In order to knit this pattern, you need to prepare the following:

  • two main knitting needles;
  • two special auxiliary knitting needles, large pins or double needles;
  • yarn;
  • braid knitting pattern for beginners.
  1. To make knitting easier, it is recommended to purchase special auxiliary knitting needles.

  1. The pattern will be more accurate if the auxiliary needle is one number smaller than the main one. It can also be used to control the direction of the braids. To do this, the knitting needle is placed in front or behind the product. Accordingly, patterns are obtained that will be directed to the left or to the right.
  2. In order for the braids to look harmonious on the product, special attention should be paid to the thickness of the yarn: wide braids are knitted from thick and fluffy yarn, and narrow braids are knitted from thin cotton threads.
  3. When calculating the required number of loops, you should take into account the fact that knitted product with a “braid” pattern it will tighten and narrow slightly.

Double braid knitting pattern

The most simple circuit- this is a double braid, knitted. It consists of only two weaves. The braid pattern can be changed in width and height depending on the chosen pattern.

The classic knitting pattern for this pattern looks like this:

Knitting pattern knitted braids:

  1. Cast on the required number of stitches on the main needles. In our case - 15 loops.
  2. The first row is knitted according to the pattern: the first edge is removed, 2 purls, 9 knits, 2 purls and the last edge is knitted with a purl loop.
  3. Second row: the first edge is removed, knit 2, purl 9, knit 2 and the last edge is knitted with a purl loop.
  4. The third and fourth rows are knitted like the first and second.
  5. In the 5th row we will do the weave. We remove the first edge, knit 2 according to the pattern, transfer the next 3 loops to an auxiliary needle, which we hold in front of the pattern. We knit the next 3 loops that remained on the main knitting needle. Next, he knits 3 loops that are on the auxiliary knitting needle in knit stitch. We knit the remaining loops on the main knitting needle according to the pattern, that is, knit 3, purl 2 and the edge stitch purl.
  6. We knit the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th rows according to the pattern.
  7. In the 10th row, another weave will be made, but only in the other direction: we remove the edge loop, purl two loops, throw three loops onto the first auxiliary knitting needle, throw the next three loops onto the second auxiliary knitting needle and place it on the wrong side of the pattern. We first knit the loops located on the second auxiliary knitting needle, and then three loops from the first auxiliary knitting needle. Next we knit according to the pattern.
  8. We knit the 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th rows according to the pattern.
  9. In the 16th row we make the same weave as in the fifth row.

Of course, to a person who rarely knits, this pattern for knitting braids with knitting needles may seem complicated at first glance, but in fact it is not so. With a little practice, you can knit designs and patterns of any complexity.

From all the variety of knitting patterns, braids, deserve a separate discussion because these are universal patterns. Many of them are suitable for knitting men's, women's, and children's clothing, as well as various accessories and decorative elements. The braid category contains hundreds of patterns, from the simplest braid, to the most complex weaves, arans and openwork braids. What unites all these patterns is one little secret- weaving loops using an additional knitting needle. Whatever the braid, simple or complex, the element of interlacing loops will always be present in its pattern. Weaving loops is done in two ways:

knitted braids

1st method: the number of loops required for weaving is removed onto an additional knitting needle and left in front work, knit the next few loops, and only after that, loops from an additional knitting needle;

2nd method: remove the same number of loops onto an additional knitting needle and leave this knitting needle, not before but at work, knit the next few loops, and then loops from an additional knitting needle.

The more complex the braid, the more weaves it contains, and vice versa. The simplest braid has one repeating method of weaving loops in its pattern. The rest is a flight of fancy.

Thanks to this selection of braid patterns, you can easily figure out how to knit braids. And you can come up with more than one, your own, pattern, combining various elements.

The simplest braid is a tourniquet, description of the diagram:

The diagram shows only the front rows. In purl rows, knit stitches according to the fabric pattern. In this case, the braid diagram is shown - a plait of four loops, the weave is made every 6 rows. You can diversify the pattern by changing the number of intertwined loops, for example, making a rope of 6 or 8 loops. Intertwining 3 or 4 loops each. You can also change the frequency of weaves, making them more frequent or less frequent. If you leave an additional needle not before but before work, the pattern will also change its appearance.

Braid with two weaves, description of the pattern:

This braid is a little more complicated than the previous one, but this is only at first glance. The braid consists of three parts - the same number of loops that intertwine. To weave them, both methods are alternately used: 1st time - an additional knitting needle at work, 2nd time - before work.

Spit spikelet.
In this version of knitting, braids with knitting needles, there are also 2 ways of weaving loops. Braid report 9 loops plus the required number of purl loops on the sides of the braid. The weaves are carried out simultaneously in different directions from the central loop of the pattern. To do this, first intertwine the loops using the knitting needle left behind, and knit the central loop. The next 4 loops are woven using the method of leaving an extra knitting needle before work. The pattern can be easily transformed into other patterns by interlacing loops through more or fewer rows. To make the pattern larger, you can increase the pattern report by adding the number of interlaced loops.

Volumetric braid with knitting needles.
In this pattern the principle of interlacing loops is the same as in the previous one, but there is no central loop. Weaves are made every 10 rows. Braid report 12 loops.

Braid with complex weaves

This braid is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but the result is worth the effort. To knit it, two auxiliary knitting needles and several types of weaves are used. See the diagram of a complex braid and symbols to the diagram.

The diagram shows only knit rows, knit purl rows according to the pattern: all loops are purl and only the central loop is knit.

The interlacing of 6 and 4 loops indicated in the diagram is done similarly to the interlacing of 3 loops, only the number of loops changes.

Using the principle of interlacing loops, you can knit many other relief patterns.

Relief pattern "Waves" is obtained due to the symmetrical displacement of the intertwined loops, see the pattern diagram. all weaves in this case are made in one way, using an additional knitting needle left before work.

This pattern uses 2 methods of weaving loops made on a background stockinette stitch, see pattern diagram. The pattern looks like slight hint on braids. Such elements can be placed symmetrically or chaotically, depending on the product and your idea.

By experimenting with the interlacing of loops, you can get new, “fantasy” braids. , knitted using 2x2 elastic. The diagram is taken from an old magazine. It shows what the pattern looks like from the front side. Be careful, look at the symbols for the diagram. Please note: all pictures are enlarged, just click on them.

, knitted against a backdrop of purl stitch. Half of the braid is knitted with knit stitches, and the other half with purl stitches. Thanks to the alternating weaves against the backdrop of the purl surface, voluminous “petals” are obtained. Knit the pattern according to the diagram. In the 11th row, weave the loops as follows: remove 4 purl loops on an additional knitting needle and place them before work, knit 4 knit loops, and after 4 purl loops from an additional knitting needle. Continue knitting the pattern until row 23. In the 23rd row, intertwine the loops as follows: remove 4 knit stitches onto an auxiliary knitting needle and place them behind the work, knit 4 purl loops, and then 4 knit loops from an additional knitting needle. Repeat the weave every 11th row.

Pattern "Embossed bows"
It is better to knit with thin knitting needles and thin threads. The pattern of this pattern is quite large, and is 40 loops, see the pattern diagram. Counter weaves are made in each front row, with a decrease in the number of intertwined loops. It seems as if the bow is braided into a tight braid.

Scheme of the pattern of fantasy braids - bows

Fantasy braids - bows.
The pattern diagram shows only the front rows; in the purl rows, knit according to the fabric pattern. To start the pattern, knit: 1 purl row with knit stitches, then 1 knit row with knit stitches, and 1 purl row with purl loops. After 1 time, knit from the 1st to the 60th row according to the pattern. subsequently repeat the pattern from the 49th to the 60th rows.

Braids (plaits) are obtained by simply crossing the loops. This crossing is performed on an even number of loops - 4, 6, 8, etc.

When knitting a braid, you must use an additional knitting needle, open on both sides. Crossed loops are transferred to it during the knitting process. Depending on the position of the additional knitting needle with loops on it, the braid will tilt to the right or left. If the additional spoke is behind the work, the crossing will tilt to the right. If the additional needle is in front of the work, the crossing will tilt to the left.

Technique for making a braid of 4 loops tilting to the left

1. Slip 2 loops of the braid onto a spare needle and leave undone before working.

2. Knit the second 2 stitches of the braid from the main needle with knit stitches.

Crossing stitches is often done on the purl stitch; they reduce the width of the product. Therefore, be sure to knit a control sample, since this type of knitting requires more yarn than when knitting other patterns.

Braid of 4 loops

For the sample, cast on 24 loops. The diagram shows only the front rows. Knit purl rows according to the pattern.

Rows 1, 5, 7: 1 chrome p., 2 p. p., 4 persons. p., 10 p. p., 4 persons. p., 2 p. p., 1 chrome. P.

Row 3: 1 chrome p., 2 p. p., 4 persons. p. with a tilt to the left, 10 p. p., 4 persons. p. with a tilt to the left, 2 p. p., 1 chrome. P.

Row 9: repeat the pattern from the first row.

Braid with 6 loops

The braid is performed on b face loops. satin stitch + 6 purl stitches iron.

Rows 1, 3, 5: 1 chrome p., * 3 p. p., blitz, p., 3 p. p. *, repeat from * to *, 1 chrome. P.

Row 2 and all even rows: Knit all the loops according to the pattern.

Row 7: 1 edge, * 3 out. p., 6 p. cross to the left: 3 p. remove to an additional knitting needle before work, k3. p., then knit 3 knits. p. from an additional knitting needle, 3 p. p. *, repeat from * to *, 1 chrome.

Repeat rows 1-8.

Braids in a braid

The number of loops is a multiple of 15.

Row 1: 1 chrome p., * 2 p. p., 13 p. cross to the left (slip 7 p. onto an additional knitting needle before work, knit 6 sts, then knit 1 p. and blitz st. from an additional knitting needle) *, repeat from * to *, 2 purl p., 1 chrome. P.

Row 2 and all even rows: Knit all the loops according to the pattern.

Rows 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 19, 21, 23: 1 chrome p., * 2 p. p., blitz, p., 1 p. p., 6 persons. p. *, repeat from * to *, purl 2. p., 1 chrome. P.

Rows 9, 13, 17: chrome p., * 2 p. p., 6 p. cross to the left (slip 3 p. onto an additional knitting needle before work, 3 knit stitches, then knit 3 knit stitches from an additional knitting needle), purl 1. p., 6 p. cross to the right (slip 3 p. onto an additional knitting needle while working, Zlit. p., then knit 3 knit. p. from an additional knitting needle) *, repeat from * to *, purl 2. n., chrome. P.

In knitted items, embellished items with cables are one of the most popular options. The reason lies in the ease of recreating the pattern and the breadth of its application, because almost any knitted product can be decorated with braids.

Mittens, snoods, and sweaters - the pattern is appropriate everywhere!

Understanding how to knit braids is not difficult. The basis for them is a multiple of knit stitches. An even number of them must be moved to an additional knitting needle and left behind or before work (depending on the pattern of the pattern), then knit the required number of loops, then return the loops from the additional knitting needle to the working knitting needle and knit. Thus, the loops cross and a pigtail is obtained. The pattern looks especially beautiful against the backdrop of purl loops; the braids are visually more voluminous.

Some advice from experienced craftsmen:

Experienced needlewomen also noticed that when knitting large quantity loops when working with braids, in the process of transition from front loops to purl ones or vice versa, the last front loop turns out to be too wide. It is visually divided into two parts. To avoid such a situation and not spoil the pattern, you should always knit the last purl loop in the classic, not grandma's, way. Face loops in this case, you can knit both behind the front and behind the back wall.

Simple braid

Inexperienced knitters should start learning how to knit braids with a simple and straightforward braid, which is formed from 8 knit stitches. Having grasped the principle of knitting using an elementary example, you can move on to mastering more complex patterns.

How to tie a simple braid:

Simple braids can be knitted on an even number of loops from 4 to 12. The final result depends on the thickness of the threads and how wide the braid needs to be. Before knitting large items (scarves, or even coats), it is better to knit several samples with a pattern of different widths to determine which size will look best on each individual item. It is also worth considering that the wider the braid, the greater the yarn consumption.

Volumetric braid

This is a more complex element, reminiscent of a braided hair. To knit it, the number of stitches cast on initially must be a multiple of three. The knitting pattern for a voluminous braid is presented below.

The result of following the pattern is a beautiful voluminous braid, the background for which can be any knitting.

Royal braid

A royal (or triple) braid looks very original. It is often used for knitting hats, scarves and cardigans. The pattern looks especially advantageous against the background of the front or back surface.