Pleat braid with knitting needles snood pattern. Hat and snood pattern * Braid with shadow

If in preparation for winter season You want look bright and stylish, knit yourself a new snood scarf with knitting needles: knitting patterns, new items for 2017 and beautiful patterns for knitting snoods with your own hands are already awaiting your attention.

About the methods of knitting such a warm and incredibly popular accessory, as we have told you more than once. Schemes and descriptions for You can see how to knit various types of snoods in our previous articles, completely free and without unnecessary searches. However, in the new season there will be something to tell our needlewomen and fans of warm and cozy snoods.

This time we will talk about how to choose right size , how to knit the snood itself and how to sew a large scarf using the snood technique. It’s not at all difficult if you read the instructions and choose a simple one, and at the same time beautiful pattern. They will help you detailed photos and video instructions, patterns for knitting fashionable snoods, as well as a selection of stylish patterns for the fall-winter 2017 season.

Before you start knitting a snood, you should calculate the size of the future product. In this table you will find recommendations for choosing parameters for a children's snood and a collar for adults.

Using these parameters, you can knit a snood in one turn, and the width of the product directly determines whether only the neck or the neck and ears will be protected from the cold. After all, a wide snood replaces a hood, which will keep you warm and protect you from hypothermia. For “adult” snood in two turns must be added to the length of 80 cm.

Snood knitted with pearl pattern

Let's move on to knitting a simple and stylish snood using pearl knitting. To make the pattern even more expressive, use section-dyed yarn in the composition. 49% wool and 51% acrylic(300 g, footage 684 m). We will knit a snood scarf on circular knitting needles at number 4.5. The length of the finished product will be 140 cm.

At the beginning of work, we cast on 224 loops. You can see the step-by-step process of working on circular knitting needles in the diagram.

The brim edge for snood looks like this:

  1. We join the knitting in a circle and continue knitting with a pearl pattern. Make sure that when crossing from one circular row to another, the front and back loops alternated.
  2. We continue to work until all three skeins of yarn are finished.
  3. At the end of the work carefully close the loops(do not delay).

How to connect the ends of the threads when moving from skein to skein?

    1. Take a new ball and select a section, corresponding to the color of the working thread. In the photo, two brown threads are selected - one of them is in work, and the second is from a ball.
    2. Us it is necessary to match the color sections to connect the threads. We insert the end of the working thread into a needle with a wide eye.
    3. We pass the needle between the threads of the new ball(10-15 cm), pulling the threads in different directions to mask the ends.
    4. In the place where the threads will connect, you need to lightly twist the yarn between your palms.

Seamless snood - hood

And this fashionable scarf collar rather resembles a warm hood that will fit tightly around your head, covering your ears and neck. We will knit with Polish elastic, drawing the pattern will help explain all the nuances.

For work you you will need 200 grams of yarn, with a total footage of 500 m and circular knitting needles number 5. To finish the pattern we use garter stitch(in odd circular rows - knit, in even - purl).

  1. Cast on 80 stitches or another number divisible by 4. We begin knitting, as in the diagram about circular knitting needles.
  2. We connect the knitting in a circle and continue knit according to the Polish elastic pattern (80 rows).
  3. We close the loops at the end of knitting.

Continuing the topic of snoods and creating them with your own hands, I would like to draw your attention to the almighty YouTube and its numerous mk, videos and fashion selections . From all the variety, you will definitely be able to choose a suitable stylish scarf collar for autumn or winter.

Knitting snood for women: new models 2017-2018

In the cold season 2017-2018, warm soft snoods are relevant in a variety of color schemefrom blacks and brown shades to soft blue and beige. Bright and rich colors, as well as melange colors, are also present; they will cheer you up on a stormy winter day.

As for the style - in the 2017-2018 season fashionistas will decorate (and warm) their necks with voluminous snoods, which can be tied in 2 or 3 turns and worn over a coat, jacket or raincoat.

“Single” snood collar, elegantly fitted woman's neck, is also present in a series of shows from world famous couturiers. To confirm everything said above, we suggest looking at pictures with warm new products for the 2017-2018 season.

A light but very warm snood made of weightless fluffy yarn will highlight your individuality. Snood is probably the most stylish winter accessory for a teenager. A trumpet scarf adds playfulness, intricacy, and sophistication to the look. The two-color collar looks very elegant and stylish.

Bright melange clamp looks amazing complete with a plain hat.

Women's collar in pastel colors– for elegant beauties.

The pattern can be complemented with bright buttons. You can choose various decor options yourself. The dimensions, width and length of the snood scarf are also entirely up to you if you start making fashion accessory with your own hands.

After you have become familiar with the snood models and have been inspired for new creative exploits, We invite you to watch a master class from experienced craftswomen.

How to knit a snood for beginners: diagrams with descriptions

Modern fashion for knitted items is inexhaustible, unique, multifaceted and very accessible even to beginners. In this section you are expected different ways knits, exquisite patterns and new patterns. How to knit, how many stitches to cast on and where to get inspiration - see below in the article.

Volumetric openwork snood with a "leaves" pattern.

Double scarf collar You can also knit it with a simple pattern.

Trendy this season snood with gradient worn with a hat.

Snood or whatever they call it tube scarf or scarf-collar is a scarf that is closed in one ring. It can be of different widths and lengths. This accessory is once again confidently winning the hearts of modern fashionistas. Although the main function of a scarf is to protect from the cold in winter period, snood is designed to do two things: give warmth and decorate its owner. In this article we will discuss how to knit an original snood scarf with knitting needles and crochet, we will provide diagrams and variants of patterns, we will describe in detail and show each step of the work.

The main thing in the article

How to knit a snood scarf with your own hands: knitting methods

There are several ways to knit a snood. Let's look at the most popular:

  • On straight knitting needles. One of the most simple ways. A rectangular fabric is knitted on straight knitting needles and sewn together at the edges. You choose the pattern your heart desires.
  • On circular knitting needles. This scarf is knitted in a continuous pattern in the round and is seamless.
  • Crochet. Here you can make a fabric, as on straight knitting needles, or knit a seamless product. The advantage of a hook is that it can create original openwork patterns, which cannot be made on knitting needles.
  • With your hands. One of the novelties of modern “handicrafts” is hand knitting. You can knit an amazingly beautiful snood scarf on your hands. The video shows in detail how to do this.

How to beautifully knit a circular snood scarf with knitting needles?

The snood scarf is one of the models that does not require supernatural knitting skills. It is enough to know how the knitting needles hold, and to be able to knit a front and back loop. For the work itself you will need:

  • 150–250 g – thick yarn, it can be wool or wool blend;
  • knitting needles (circular) sizes No. 5–8.

The pattern of the product depends on the thickness of the yarn and knitting needles; the larger they are, the more voluminous the product will be.

Now let's look at options on how to knit a snood quickly and beautifully.

Knitted snood scarf: patterns and instructions for beginners

If you do not yet master the art of knitting, then it is better to choose the most simple model with a simple pattern. The easiest way to knit is with straight fabric, which you then sew. To ensure that the product is voluminous and the work progresses quickly, it is better for beginners to give preference to the thickest yarn and No. 9 knitting needles.

54 stitches are cast on the knitting needles and a smooth fabric is knitted. As for drawing, we offer beginners the following options:

Knit until you get an even fabric 50–60 cm long. Cast off all loops. Sew the edges of the fabric. This is done with the same thread that binds the entire product. A beautiful DIY scarf is ready.

How to knit a seamless snood, see the picture.

How to crochet a snood scarf: ideas and patterns

Those who know how to crochet can tie a snood with it. Get ideas below.

Patterns for knitting a snood scarf, a scarf-collar

In addition to the usual (standard) options for snood, you can choose an interesting one intricate pattern. We suggest considering several options:

Swedish elastic: knitting pattern diagram

Pattern repeat Swedish gum– four loops, so you should cast on a multiple of the number of loops + 2 edge loops. Knit the first row with a regular 2X2 rib. The second row is knitted offset by one stitch, as in the diagram below. All subsequent ones repeat the first and second row.

Knitting Swedish elastic: video

Knitting pattern for the “Rhombus” pattern

To knit rhombus pattern it can be done in different ways, it all depends on the desired end result. We offer several options for knitting patterns for the “Rhombus” pattern.

Video of knitting the pattern “Rhombuses”

Knitting the “Waves” pattern: diagram and video

"Wave" pattern for knitting.

Pattern "Waves" for crochet.

Knitting a scarf with English elastic: diagram and video

English rib knitting is quite simple. There are two ways to knit it.

Regarding use English gum When knitting a snood scarf, there are two options:

Knitting a scarf with Polish elastic: diagram and video

A snood scarf knitted with Polish elastic looks impressive. The longer it is to wrap around your neck several times, the more interesting it will look.

Knit a snood scarf with braids: instructions, diagrams, photos

Let's look at how to connect snood scarf with braids:

Other patterns can be used using this principle. We offer several ideas.

Scarf snood hood: patterns for knitting, ideas with photos

We offer several schemes for creating a transformable snood, which with a slight movement of the hand can turn into a headdress.

We offer photos of ideas on how to design such an accessory.

Models of snoods and collars knitted and crocheted

Conventionally, all snood models can be divided into two types:

How to knit a snood scarf and a collar: video tutorials

You will find many tips on how to fashionably tie a snood scarf and what to wear with it in our article “”.

The snood scarf has been a popular wardrobe item for several seasons now. This type of scarf adds femininity and sophistication to the look. A snood knitted with knitting needles will be an excellent decoration for an autumn or winter look.

Now many women will want to go shopping to buy themselves this accessory.
But with every new autumn or winter style you will need to wear a new scarf. Buying many models of snoods is expensive, and you can’t always find what you need in the store.
Therefore, it’s worth crocheting or knitting a new thing for yourself, which will become your favorite thing in your wardrobe and will perfectly replace your hat.
When you learn how to knit a snood with a simple knitting stitch, you will be able to create a more complex and original masterpiece of an autumn-winter look.

Of course, every woman wants to create a new item, or knit a product that no other lady has. You need to buy yarn interesting color, knitting needles, and choose a unique model from those offered below.

So, how to knit a snood for a woman: new models with descriptions:

Zigzag elastic band looks very interesting. It is easy to knit such a collar; you will need 350 grams of soft yarn and knitting needles No. 3.

To knit such a scarf-collar, follow the following steps:

First, determine how many loops you can fit into 10 cm of knitted pattern. The total length of the snood will be approximately 150 cm. Now calculate how many loops you need to cast on. Cast on circular needles with the required number of stitches, a multiple of 3 plus 1 more stitch.
1st row - knit 1 loop inside out. Then cross to the left: using the right knitting needle while working, knit the second loop on the left knitting needle behind the back wall. Knit the first stitch and slip both stitches from the left needle. Knit like this until the end of the row.
2nd row - 1 front loop. Now cross to the right purl loops: Using the right needle, before working, knit the second loop on the left needle inside out, leaving both loops on the needle. Purl the first stitch and slip both stitches from the left needle. Knit this pattern until the end of the row.
Now repeat the 1st and 2nd rows. You will get a zigzag elastic band.
Knit with this pattern to the desired snood width, close the loops.
Sew the edges - the original scarf-collar is ready!

Braided pattern allows you to create a beautiful and comfortable thing with your own hands that will perfectly complement any look. With such a snood you will always be on the wave of fashion!

Follow these steps:

Calculate how many stitches you need to cast on in 150 cm of knitting, knitting 10 cm of the pattern.
Cast on the required number of loops. Now knit 3 loops with stockinette stitch, 5 loops with purl stitch, and again 3 loops with stockinette stitch. Pattern repeat: 5 - purl stitch on the front side and knit stitch on the back side, and 3 - stockinette stitch on the front side, purl stitch on the back side. Repeat the pattern until the end of the row.

Here detailed diagram knitting pattern “Braided”:

Faceted gum- this pattern allows you to make the product voluminous, warm and beautiful. This snood can be worn both over a sweater and over winter jacket. Even if you are a beginner and knit slowly, you will complete this snood quickly.

Knit the following rows:

If you want to wear a collar without wrapping yourself several times, then its circumference should be 80 cm. If you want to make a chic snood so that you can wrap it around your neck 2 or 3 times, then you will need to knit 120 cm or 150 cm of such a scarf. Calculate how many loops you get in the required length by knitting 10 cm of the pattern.
Cast on the required number of stitches, a multiple of 4.
Row 1 - purl 1, knit 3 - continue to end of row.
2nd row - 1 knit stitch, 1 purl stitch, 2 knit stitches - continue to the end of the row.
Now alternate rows 1 and 2.

The decoration in this collar can be a “braid” pattern. It is easy to knit - 3x3 or 4x4, crossing the knitting needles on the front side and knitting according to the pattern on the back. If you have never knitted this pattern, watch the video.

Women are very capricious, they always want something sophisticated and luxurious, especially when creating their image.

An openwork pattern is an original type of knitting that will perfectly decorate any item in your wardrobe, especially when it comes to sweaters, shawls or snoods. A scarf with openwork emphasizes beautiful facial features, rejuvenates and adds freshness to the image.

Collar with an interesting openwork pattern gray. If you wish, you can complement this snood with a hat - an interesting and fashionable set.

The knitting pattern for this pattern is simple:

Knit stitches on the front side and purl stitches on the wrong side.
To make an “openwork”, knit 1 yarn over and slip 1 loop like a knit stitch every 3 loops.
At the beginning of the rapport, slip 1 loop as a knit stitch, then knit 2 knit stitches together and place the removed loop on the purl stitch. The pattern continues until the end of the row.

The hat is also knitted according to diagrams A1, A2 and A3. First knit 5 cm in garter stitch, and then knit 19-20 cm in a pattern.

Below are several more schemes for creating the most delicate openwork snoods:

Pink snood cape- a gentle addition to the image.

White clamp, which adds solemnity and sophistication.

When a woman is at a crossroads and needs to make a choice, she is always at a loss. Also when choosing a pattern for a knitted snood, because there are so many models and designs - what will suit this or that look, how to knit it so that it turns out beautiful and stylish?

So, we knit a snood with knitting needles: which pattern and pattern should we choose? Pay attention to these models:

Fashionable gray snood with a button on the cuff. Suitable for any autumn look. The knitting pattern is simple: 7 cm - 2x2 rib, 12 cm - stockinette stitch, and again 7 cm - 2x2 rib. The cuff is knitted in stockinette stitch, measuring 7x10 cm.

Snood knitted with a pattern of original blackberry cones. Attracts attention if you combine it with a coat or raincoat. The knitting pattern is simple: knit the 1st row with purl loops, start knitting the 2nd row with cones - 3 loops together with the wrong side and so on until the end of the row. Knit the 3rd row with purl stitches. 4th row - 1 front loop and then 3 loops together with the wrong side. Repeat this pattern until the end of knitting.

The hit of the season is bactus snood. Knitted on circular needles. First go the short rows in purl stitch, then in stockinette stitch.

Pattern diagram of how to knit a bactus collar correctly, but with a slightly different pattern:

If you need to quickly knit a beautiful snood, then choose the “pearl pattern”. The product will turn out stylish and feminine, it will decorate the face and image as a whole.

How to knit a snood with knitting needles using a pearl pattern? It's easy to do:

Cast on the required number of stitches
1st row - 1 edge loop, then start alternating - knit, purl and so on until the end of the row
2nd row - 1 edge loop, then alternate - purl, knit
The 3rd row is repeated like the 1st, and so on until the end of the knitting.

Pearl pattern diagram:

Every needlewoman, even a beginner, can knit the “Braid” pattern. That's why related things With such a pattern you won’t surprise anyone. I want to create something beautiful and special.

Hat and snood knitted with interesting braids - diagram with description:

A cap:
Calculate how many loops of the pattern there will be in 10 cm of knitting. For a hat you need 54 cm of knitted fabric, and for a snood - 150 cm. Cast on the required number of loops for the hat on circular knitting needles.
Knit 5 rows using purl stitch.
6th and 7th rows - facial loops.
8th row - cross 10 loops to the left: slip 5 loops onto an auxiliary needle before work, knit the other 5 loops, then knit 5 loops from the auxiliary needle in stockinette stitch. Next 5 stitches in stockinette stitch. After this, repeat the pattern until the end of the row.
Rows 9 and 10 - knit with knit stitches.
11th row - 5 knit stitches, then cross 10 loops to the right: slip 5 loops onto the auxiliary knitting needle while working, knit the next 5 loops in stockinette stitch, then knit 5 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle in stockinette stitch. After this, make 5 stitches in stockinette stitch and continue the pattern to the end of the row.
Knit the next rows according to the 15 cm pattern, and then start skipping loops and knitting 2 loops together according to the pattern.

Cast on the required number of stitches on the knitting needles.
Knit according to the pattern, like a hat, starting with two front rows at once.
At the end of knitting, close the loops - the product is ready.

“Braids” and “Twists” are the most common pattern used to create knitted items. A snood associated with the use of such patterns can be connected in different ways: with one braid and strand, with several of these patterns, in combination with pearl and other patterns.

If you are a beginner craftswoman, then you need to knit simple patterns. Snood knitting with braids and plaits - diagram with description:

You can make a drawing like this with a combination different braids and flagella. You will get a beautiful snood - warm and dense.

More simple braids in combination with front and back stitch.

The dimensions of a full-length snood with such a pattern should be no more than 80 cm - 120 cm. It should be put on in one or two turns - no more, otherwise the scarf will turn out to be too thick and uncomfortable.

See how to properly knit a snood with the Braids and Cables pattern in the video below.

The “Shadow Braid” or “Royal Braid” pattern was invented several seasons ago. Since then, this pattern has been the most popular when creating knitted items: cardigans, scarves, hats and snoods. A clamp using this pattern turns out to be voluminous and warm.

The diagram shows knit and purl stitches. To make a weave, swap the stitches. To do this, prepare an additional knitting needle. Snood knitting braid with shadow - diagram with description:

Cast on the required number of stitches.
From the 1st to the 5th row, knit like this: 5 loops with the wrong side, 8 loops with the front stitch, 10 loops with the wrong side and so on until the end of the rows.
Now start knitting the braids according to the pattern: 5 loops on the wrong side, leave 4 loops behind the work, knit 5 loops in stockinette stitch, then knit the removed loops from the auxiliary needle in stockinette stitch.
Repeat 5 rows again, as from the 1st to 5th row, and then knit again according to the pattern.
When you reach the end, close the loops and sew the snood.

There are many double-sided patterns, so you can choose any one you like. For example, a simple “Diamond” pattern is beautiful and unusual. Knit a snood with a double-sided pattern using knitting needles - diagram with description:

The dimensions of a snood of this knitting can be from 150 cm to 200 cm, so that it can be wrapped several times. The knitting is double-sided and not voluminous, so it will turn out interesting and stylish.
Cast on a number of stitches that are a multiple of 9.
1st row - knit 2, purl 5, knit 4, repeat further according to the pattern. Last 7 stitches: purl 5, knit 2.
2nd row - purl 1, knit 7, purl 2, repeat until the end of the row according to the pattern. The last 8 loops are knit 7, purl 1.
3rd row - purl loops.
4th row - repeat 2nd row.
5th row - repeat 1st row.
6th row - purl 3, knit 3, purl 6, repeat according to the pattern. The last 6 loops are knit 3, purl 3.
7th row - knit 4, purl 1, knit 8, repeat until the end of the row. The last 5 loops are 1 purl, 4 knit.
8th row - repeat 6th row.
Next, from the 1st to the 8th rows, repeat according to the pattern.

Many experienced craftswomen They come up with patterns on their own when creating knitted items. Look at the models on how to knit a snood collar or a circular scarf with knitting needles:

Beautiful model with “harnesses” and knitted braid, which is inserted into the elastic with a 2x2 pattern.

Openwork snood made of light yarn with voluminous “royal braids”- beautiful and stylish.

A simple combination of knit and purl stitches, and how beautiful the snood looks!

"English gum" and finishing from "Braid"- an unusual snood with elements of simplicity and luxury at the same time.

Yarn with sectional dyeing creates a fantasy texture when knitted. When knitting with such yarn, the craftswoman does not know what she will succeed, but this is the whole secret. However, it always turns out beautiful and original, because these are threads that are dyed in a special way.

Snood knitted from sectional yarn - diagram with description:

Often, needlewomen knit scarves and snoods from such threads without a pattern: with the front or back stitch. After all, you will still get a beautiful texture and color scheme.
The sizes of such a snood can be very diverse: from 80 cm to 200 cm. If you want to wrap yourself in a warm collar in winter, then you should make a long scarf.
After knitting, sew the snood, wash it and you can safely wear it.

Patterns “Leaves”, “ Large braids and tourniquets"- all this helps to create interesting snoods, collars and scarves. Against the background of such knitting, the face looks miniature and beautiful.

Snood large knit knitting needles - diagram with description:

Here are more snood models with a large knit “Braid” pattern.

A snood model made of thick yarn with one braid at the bottom.

A voluminous snood with a pattern “looks most beautiful” Royal braids" The pattern and description of knitting this pattern is above. If you want to knit a collar with another three-dimensional pattern, then pay attention to the models below.

Snood volumetric knitting needles - diagram with description:

Knit a “bump” from 6 loops, turn the knitting over and thread the 2nd loop through the 6th loop until 1 loop remains. Knit “braids” as described above.

These “Braids” are knitted by hand, not by knitting needles - in a unique and eccentric way.

This is how you can make such “braids” - purl stitch with skipping stitches in the rows.

Two-color voluminous snood with autumn colors - incredibly stylish!

The tube scarf was in fashion back in the 90s last year. But until now he has not lost his popularity. Fashionistas of our time knit such snoods for themselves different models and flowers to decorate your fall or winter look.

Snood pipe with knitting needles - diagram with description:

Tie yourself one pink scarf, and wear over a coat or jacket. It will warm you up in the cold and add delicate colors to your image.

A scarf with a hood is very comfortable to wear in autumn or winter. The hood does not fit tightly to the head, and therefore will not spoil the lady’s hairstyle, especially if she has a beautiful styling. Therefore, every woman should have such a snood hood in her wardrobe.

Stylish hood scarves knitted - knitting patterns, sizes:

This turquoise snood the full length is 2 meters and 40 cm in diameter. If you wish, you can knit a bag - you will get a beautiful set.

Green snood hood- a beautiful shade for autumn. A pompom is sewn to the top of the head, but you can do without it - it will be beautiful and stylish.

Snood hood from interesting melange yarn . The full length of the scarf is 150 cm. The hood is knitted separately and sewn to the snood.

Knitted items made from mohair are warm, soft and delicate. They are a pleasure to wear. Therefore, mohair has been valued since ancient times by women all over the world.

Knitting a snood from such threads is easy. The white mohair snood is knitted using “horizontal hemstitching”. The remaining rows are knit and purl stitches. The “Merezhka” pattern is knitted like this:

Knit 2 rows with purl stitches and 2 rows with knit stitches.
Now knit 2 stitches together and yarn over. Repeat this until the end of the row.
The pattern is repeated until the end of knitting.

Interesting models of mohair snoods with knitting needles - knitting pattern:

Mohair stockinette- simple but stylish.

An openwork pattern made of thin mohair is gentle and noble. You can knit any openwork pattern from these threads.

Snood loop with ties also knitted with stockinette stitch - original and unique.

Snood, knitted pattern“English gum” looks impressive and bright. It seems that there is nothing unusual - a simple scarf, but at the same time it attracts the attention of others.

English rib can be knitted in the usual way or make a wavy effect. Snood is knitted with English elastic in one piece in full length (150 cm - 200 cm), and then the edges are sewn together. Description of knitting simple and wavy “English elastic”:

If you don't want to part with in an original way and in the summer, then tie a snood for the warm season. To do this, use cotton threads or special melange yarn. The pattern for knitting can be any, the main thing is that the threads are soft and thin.

Summer snood with knitting needles - diagram with description, sizes:

Summer snood made of colored melange yarn. Great for spring and summer. The fabric is knitted from the front or back stitch, as you like. The edges are sewn together using a needle and thread.

Multi-colored snood made of thin acrylic threads and a small percentage of wool. An interesting gradient texture is created by special threads. This snood will warm you up on a cool summer evening; you can throw it over your shoulders over a dress or T-shirt.

Knitting a snood is easy and simple. You can create several models yourself and then wear them with different things and outfits.

The most popular beanie today is the beanie knitted a braid pattern with a shadow. It is knitted in different weaves with 9, 12 and even 18 loops and each time they look like different hats. The set includes a scarf or snood, as well as mittens or mittens. Shown here different variants gradients so that you can choose the one you like best.

Knitting description:

Master class on caps and description from mamik2

Yarn- can be any half-wool, wool, mohair, acrylic. The main thing is that the yarn holds the braids well and stretches. If you want to knit with a gradient, then you need to take the yarn as thin as possible. I recommend a gradient from Lana Gold800 in 3 threads and Elite in 4 threads.
Knitting needles - 2 pairs of short circular ones for the elastic band 2-3 and for the main fabric 4-5. If you knit in rotary rows, then take straight or long circular knitting needles.

Since I knit in the round, I’m adding a video on how to beautifully connect the first row so that this connection is not visible

Patterns: large braids on 18 stitches and make a warp in every 6 stitches. You can knit braids on 9 or 12 stitches if knitting for a child.
knitting density unstretched after second:
elastic band 1*1 in 1cm 3p;
braid 1cm 4p
pattern rice for snood (who will knit) 1 cm 1.6p

A cap:

For OG 56-58, I cast on 2.5 94p needles and close it in a circle and knit with an elastic band 1*1 6-7cm.

Now we need to make increases. I usually increase the number of loops by 40-50% and adjust it to the repeat. My braid will be large, 18p. I think. 94+50%=94+47=141, 141/18=7.8, I take 8 rapports. 18p*8=144p.
I'm counting the raises. 144-94=50p I need to add. 94/50=1.88, rounded to 2p. Every 2 stitches I need to add loops.
94/2=47p. With such increases I will add only 47 stitches, instead of 50. This means that in the 2nd row from the elastic band I need to add the remaining 3 stitches.

After the increases, I knit 4-5 rows in stockinette stitch so that the pattern does not distort the elastic. I begin to knit the pattern. I remove the first 6 stitches with an additional needle and knit the next 6 stitches.

Then I return the loops to the knitting needle and knit them, then the next 6 stitches are simply knit stitches

I knit like this until the end of the row.
Having reached the 6th row, I make the next overlap.
I knit the first 6 sts, re-knit the next 6 sts with an additional needle

then I knit the next 6 stitches

and now I’m returning and knitting stitches from a double needle

I knit like this until the end of the row.

At an arbitrary height I start the gradient. I cut one of the threads and replace it with another

Decrease: braid for 15 stitches, adding/decreasing loops between decreases you can close your cap beautifully.

Closing the crown if you start from row 4

1p- *k2, vm 2, k8*
2p-3knit, skew 4*4 forward
3p- *7k, 2vm, 2k*
4p - all facial
5p- *3knits, 2vm, 5knits*
6p -*knit an overlap 3*3*3 instead of 4*4*4 in the back pattern
7p- *5knit, 2vm, 2knit*
8р- facial
9p- *k1, k2, k2, k2, k1*
10r - overlap 2*2*2 forward
11r- *2vm, 4knits*
12p - facial
13r- *2vm,2k*
14p - facial
15r- *2vm, 1knit*
16r - facial
17r- *2vm*

Scarf or snood:

Now I started knitting a scarf using the rice pattern. I took sp 4 and Elite in 4 threads, cast on 27p. I knit with straight fabric about 1m long. If you decide to knit a snood, then this is how I knitted it.

Using Elite yarn in 4 threads and sp 4, I cast on 106 sts and closed it in a circle, as shown in the video. Then I have 105 stitches left, from the very first row we knit the rice pattern. (knit, purl. Shift in each row). At an arbitrary height, I started knitting a gradient. Having reached the desired height, I closed off all 105 sts in the usual way.

The size was 34*40cm when folded.
Here is the result.

Pattern diagram:

The diagram shows both front and back rows. We read the front (odd rows) from right to left, the purl (even rows) we read from left to right.

The width of the braid is 9 loops. Repeat in height from rows 1 to 8.

Symbols for the diagram:

front (front - in the front rows, purl - in the back rows)

Cross 6 loops to the left (leave 3 loops on an auxiliary needle before work

Cross 6 loops to the right (leave 3 loops on an auxiliary needle at work , knit the next 3 loops, then 3 loops with aux. knitting needles)


Mitten size in this example: 7

For knitting you will need: the yarn is the same as on the hat, stocking needles №6

Elastic band 2×2: alternately knit 2, purl 2.

Left mitten. On stocking needles No. 6, cast on 28 loops, distribute them onto 4 knitting needles (7 loops each) and close the knitting in a circle. Knit with a 4 cm ribbed pattern.

In the last row, distribute the loops onto 3 knitting needles, to do this, transfer 14 loops from 1-2 knitting needles to one, so on the 1st knitting needle - 14 loops of the main pattern, on the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles - 7 loops each.

Knit the loops of the 1st knitting needle with the main pattern of 14 loops according to the diagram or the same pattern as the hat:

Rows 1-3: purl 3, knit 8, purl 3;

Row 4: P3, k4. cross to the right: leave 2 sts for auxiliary. knitting needle at work, 2 persons. and loops with auxiliary knit knitting needles, knit 4. cross to the left: leave 2 sts for auxiliary. knitting needles before work, k2. and loops with auxiliary Knit knitting needles, purl 3.

Repeat from the 1st row. Loops of 2-3 knitting needles (from the palm side) knit faces.

After 7 cm from the start of knitting the main pattern, form hole for thumb. On the 3rd needle from the palm side: knit 2, slip 4 loops onto a pin (or onto a thread contrasting color), cast on 4 loops on the knitting needle and knit 1 loop on the knitting needle. Next, knit in circular rows, continuing the pattern, until the required length of the mitten.

When the little finger of the hand is closed, proceed to knitting toe mittens. To do this, in the last row of the pattern, again distribute the loops onto 4 knitting needles. Then start decreasing stitches: at the beginning of the 1st knitting needle - 1 knit stitch. with a slant to the left, knit the next 2 knits together. with a slant to the left, knit the remaining loops to the end. On the 2nd knitting needle (at the end) - knit all the loops on the knitting needle, when the last 3 loops remain, knit 2 of them together, knit the last loop. On the 3rd needle - knit as on the first. On the 4th needle - knit as on the second. Decrease stitches until there are 2 stitches left on all needles. Pull the last 8 loops with a working thread and secure it to the wrong side.

Right mitten knit symmetrically, i.e. form a hole for the thumb on the 2nd knitting needle from the palm side: k1, remove 4 loops on a pin (or on a thread of a contrasting color), cast on 4 loops on the knitting needle and knit the remaining 2 loops on the knitting needle.

Thumb. Transfer the removed 4 loops to a knitting needle, cast on 4 loops on the parallel row and 2 loops on the side rows. Distribute 12 loops onto 4 knitting needles (3 loops per knitting needle), knit in circular rows. After knitting your finger to the required length, decrease the stitches. On each needle, knit the first two stitches together. Pull the last eight loops with a working thread and secure it to the wrong side.

Snood or whatever they call it tube scarf or scarf-collar is a scarf that is closed in one ring. It can be of different widths and lengths. This accessory is once again confidently winning the hearts of modern fashionistas. Although the main function of a scarf is to protect from the cold in winter, the snood is designed to do two things: give warmth and decorate its owner. In this article we will discuss how to knit an original snood scarf with knitting needles and crochet, we will provide diagrams and variants of patterns, we will describe in detail and show each step of the work.

How to knit a snood scarf with your own hands: knitting methods

There are several ways to knit a snood. Let's look at the most popular:

  • On straight knitting needles. One of the simplest ways. A rectangular fabric is knitted on straight knitting needles and sewn together at the edges. You choose the pattern your heart desires.
  • On circular knitting needles. This scarf is knitted in a continuous pattern in the round and is seamless.
  • Crochet. Here you can make a fabric, as on straight knitting needles, or knit a seamless product. The advantage of a crochet hook is that it can create original openwork patterns that cannot be made on knitting needles.
  • With your hands. One of the novelties of modern “handicrafts” is hand knitting. You can knit an amazingly beautiful snood scarf on your hands. The video shows in detail how to do this.

How to beautifully knit a circular snood scarf with knitting needles?

The snood scarf is one of the models that does not require supernatural knitting skills. It is enough to know how the knitting needles hold, and to be able to knit a front and back loop. For the work itself you will need:

  • 150–250 g – thick yarn, it can be wool or wool blend;
  • knitting needles (circular) sizes No. 5–8.

The pattern of the product depends on the thickness of the yarn and knitting needles; the larger they are, the more voluminous the product will be.

Now let's look at options on how to knit a snood quickly and beautifully.

Knitted snood scarf: patterns and instructions for beginners

If you do not yet master the art of knitting, then it is better to choose the simplest model with a simple pattern. The easiest way to knit is with straight fabric, which you then sew. To ensure that the product is voluminous and the work progresses quickly, it is better for beginners to give preference to the thickest yarn and No. 9 knitting needles.

54 stitches are cast on the knitting needles and a smooth fabric is knitted. As for drawing, we offer beginners the following options:

Knit until you get an even fabric 50–60 cm long. Cast off all loops. Sew the edges of the fabric. This is done with the same thread that binds the entire product. A beautiful DIY scarf is ready.

How to crochet a snood scarf: ideas and patterns

Those who know how to crochet can tie a snood with it. Get ideas below.

Patterns for knitting a snood scarf, a scarf-collar

In addition to the usual (standard) options for snood, you can choose an interesting intricate pattern. We suggest considering several options:

Swedish elastic: knitting pattern diagram

Pattern repeat Swedish gum– four loops, so you should cast on a multiple of the number of loops + 2 edge loops. Knit the first row with a regular 2X2 rib. The second row is knitted offset by one stitch, as in the diagram below. All subsequent ones repeat the first and second row.

Knitting pattern for the “Rhombus” pattern

To knit rhombus pattern it can be done in different ways, it all depends on the desired end result. We offer several options for knitting patterns for the “Rhombus” pattern.

Knitting the “Waves” pattern: diagram and video

"Wave" pattern for knitting.

Pattern "Waves" for crochet.

Knitting a scarf with English elastic: pattern

English rib knitting is quite simple. There are two ways to knit it.

As for using English elastic when knitting a snood scarf, there are two options:

Knitting a scarf with Polish elastic: pattern

Knit a snood scarf with braids: instructions, diagrams, photos

Let's look at how to connect snood scarf with braids:

Other patterns can be used using this principle. We offer several ideas.