How long does the mixture last? How long does baby formula last? Detailed cooking instructions

Proper storage of infant formula largely determines its quality and safety and, as a result, ensures normal digestion and good health for the baby.

When storing dry and diluted mixtures, strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Humana infant formulas are available in two forms:

  • V cardboard boxes with the inclusion of foil bags - Humana milk formulas, special formulas for children with various digestive problems or prone to allergies (Humana HA, Humana HN, Humana AntiColic, Humana Bifidus, Humana AR, Humana SL).

Keep the opened package in a dry, dark, cool place at a temperature no higher than +25ºС. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. The best place for storage is a closed kitchen cabinet away from the stove. Do not store the mixture in the refrigerator as high humidity may cause clumps to form.

After opening the can or inner pouch, keep the product tightly closed and out of the reach of children. The contents of the opened package must be used within 3 weeks.

Even if you have formula left after this period, do not feed it to your baby. The mixture is packaged by the manufacturer in a vacuum environment. After opening a can or package, the substances included in the mixture interact with oxygen in the air, resulting in a change in their physical and chemical properties. For an adult, such changes may be unnoticeable, but the baby’s body reacts sharply to all changes in its familiar environment, which can lead to Negative consequences from the digestive organs.

In addition to the mixture itself, it is important to properly store all the accessories necessary for its preparation - spoons, pacifiers, bottles. It is optimal to set aside a special container for them or store them in a sterilizer.

Remember that you can only measure and dilute the mixture with clean, dry hands. Otherwise, the risk of getting into dry food pathogenic organisms for which a nutrient-rich mixture provides a favorable environment for reproduction and growth.

Is it possible to store the finished mixture?

One of the main questions that parents of babies ask pediatricians is whether prepared milk formula can be stored and, if so, for how long?

But such an opportunity is not always available. There are times when the mixture needs to be prepared in advance, since it will not be possible to prepare it for a long time (on a trip, etc.)

The European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) issued recommendations in 2004 according to which diluted dry formula can be stored in an airtight bottle at room temperature for no more than 4 hours. In the refrigerator at temperatures up to +4°C, the finished mixture can be stored for 30 hours. But this is only if the bottle is tightly closed with a sterilized cap, and the baby has not eaten from the bottle. If the child has even sucked a little from the bottle, it cannot be stored - it can become potentially dangerous for the child, since the risk of developing pathogenic microorganisms increases.

One of the options for safely feeding a child outside the home (on a long walk, on the road, in a clinic, etc.) is to take separate water and dry formula. Pour the amount of mixture needed for one feeding into a sterilized bottle and close tightly. Pour boiled water heated to +50°C into a thermos. When the baby gets hungry, pour the powder with water, shake it thoroughly and feed the baby with the freshly prepared mixture.

  • 1) Use the mixture only within the expiration date indicated on the packaging.
  • 2) Feed your baby with open formula for no more than 3 weeks.
  • 3) Store the mixture in a dry, dark, cool place in an airtight container. The optimal storage temperature is from +12 to +25°C. Do not store the mixture in the refrigerator, near the stove or near heating appliances!
  • 4) The spoon for collecting the mixture must be dry and clean. If moisture gets into the powder, it may deteriorate before the stated date.
  • 5) Prepare the formula immediately before each feeding. In exceptional cases, if it is necessary to store the diluted mixture, use it within 4 hours (when stored at room temperature). The finished mixture can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +4°C for up to 30 hours.

When a baby is born into a family, the healthiest food for him is mother's milk. If for some reason breast-feeding impossible, adapted milk formulas will come to your aid. Modern manufacturers have tried to bring their composition closer to breast milk so that the child receives healthy and fortified nutrition.
The main thing when artificial feeding is to entrust the choice of baby formula to a pediatrician; he will be able to tell you which formula is best for your baby, knowing individual characteristics his body from birth. Let's talk in more detail about what mixtures manufacturers offer us, how long they can be stored in and outside the refrigerator, how to properly prepare the product for baby food, let's figure it out.

Today formula for artificial feeding is a high-tech food product for babies early age. The basis for creating the product is cow's or goat's milk; useful substances, vitamins and microelements are added to it.
There are two types of milk formula: dry and liquid. Dry ones are more popular because they are more convenient to store and easy to prepare. All products are manufactured in accordance with the age needs of the child. There are formulas for newborns, for children from six months and one year.
There are products that can be used for premature and low birth weight babies, for newborns suffering from allergies or disabilities gastrointestinal tract etc.

About the process of preparing the mixture

It is important to use clean, soft water (you can purchase special water for children). Bring it to a boil and let the water cool to a temperature close to 38–40 C°. Pour cooled water into a clean bottle and, using a convenient measuring spoon (they are usually found in every package of formula), pour in as much mixture as the baby can eat in one meal. Close the open box as tightly as possible to prevent air from entering.
Screw the cap onto the nipple and shake the mixture until it becomes homogeneous. The powder should dissolve tightly without sediment, flakes or lumps, otherwise it is better not to offer the finished mixture to your baby; most likely, it is spoiled.
The most optimal and favorable feeding temperature for a newborn is from 36 to 37 C°, since mother's milk has a similar temperature. The old way to determine the temperature is to place a couple of drops of the product on the spot with thin skin- wrist or bend of the arm, if there are no sensations of hot or cold, the temperature is optimal.

Rules for storing the adapted mixture

Whatever mixture you choose, there is general recommendations about how to store it properly.

  1. It is necessary to store the opened mixture exactly as long as allowed according to the manufacturer’s mark in order to prevent its expiration date.
  2. The dry product can be stored in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight; it is better not to store it in the refrigerator due to high humidity, and do not place it near the oven.
  3. It is important that the mother’s hands and the working surface of the table are clean; it is better to sterilize the bottle and pacifier or boil it for at least five minutes.
  4. When preparing food, add as much powder and water as recommended by the manufacturer.
  5. It is not recommended to heat the diluted mixture in a microwave oven. Firstly, there is a high risk that the liquid will heat up unevenly, and secondly, heating it in this way can provoke the destruction of nutrients in the diet.
  6. Offer your baby a freshly prepared bottle; storing adapted food for a long time is unacceptable.

If a child experiences undesirable reactions after consuming artificial feeding - skin rashes, vomiting, repeated regurgitation, colic or bloating, you should contact your pediatrician.

How long can the prepared mixture be stored?

The finished product does not have a long shelf life, 1.5 - 2 hours, provided that the child has not touched the food.
The fact is that if the newborn has already applied to the nipple, there is a high probability that the nutrition will spoil very quickly. Residues must be poured out and all containers used must be thoroughly washed after feeding. You can only store prepared food in the refrigerator; room temperature has a detrimental effect on the liquid, and there is a high risk that it will quickly deteriorate.
Today, according to research, it is recommended to feed newborns on demand, that is, as often as they want. If no preparation is required for feeding a baby, then an artificial baby cannot be given the same food that he ate an hour ago. The risk of adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract and even poisoning is too great.

It is better not to prepare the mixture in advance. If you want to make things easier for yourself when your baby gets hungry, you can boil the dishes in advance, pour water into a thermos, and pour the required amount of dry powder into a bottle with a pacifier. Before feeding, all you have to do is mix the ingredients.

Note to moms

You already know that in the finished product for artificial feeding of children, dangerous bacteria tend to multiply quickly. We present to your attention several useful tips, following which you can protect your baby from eating spoiled or stale food.
Utensils necessary for feeding formula-fed children:

  • 3-4 bottles, the nipples of which can be closed with a cap;
  • thermos – container for baby food;
  • cooler bag for walking and leaving the house;
  • water heater for baby food.

Place the freshly prepared product in the refrigerator; some people find it convenient to pour the contents right away or store it in a measuring cup, reheating it as much as necessary.
The baby's new dishes must be boiled for at least 30 minutes to prevent foreign substances from entering the child's body. We leave the clean dishes on the table, covering the top with a sterile bandage or gauze.
For long walks or trips to the clinic, take with you a regular thermos with boiling water poured into it. Regardless of where you are, at any time you will feed your child, and the food will be fresh, which means healthy and safe. In a refrigerator bag you can store a container with a ready-to-use mixture; for this it is better to have a small electric heater that will prepare the food by heating it to the required temperature.

Why is long-term storage of the mixture not recommended?

We have already talked above about how and how much, it is recommended to store adapted food for bottle-fed children. Expiration dates are indicated on the packaging of any mixture, but they inexorably decrease as soon as you open the pack. Dry fortified powder has an environment favorable for the development of pathogens and harmful microorganisms.
Some, after the child had not eaten enough of the contents of the bottle at one meal, boiled the prepared food and re-offered it to the baby, some poured the unfinished part into a clean bottle, putting it in the refrigerator until needed. Even taking into account the fact that adapted powders are quite expensive, it is better not to resort to such dangerous methods. After all, health, vigor and good mood
children are priceless.

Even if you have observed all the hygienic conditions for storing the finished product, it is better to scald the pacifier with boiling water before giving the baby food.

In custody

Short-term storage of formula for feeding young children is possible, but try to organize the daily routine so that the child receives a freshly prepared product in most cases. At first glance, it may seem that the process of preparing and feeding artificial babies is quite complicated. Believe me, you will get used to it very quickly and it will not cause you any difficulties, and taking into account the fact that for the convenience of parents there are convenient heaters, sterilizers and containers for maintaining the required temperatures in bottles with mixtures, the process of preparing it will be easy and enjoyable.

Infant formula is loved not only by babies, but also by microorganisms that can turn a nourishing drink into poison in a matter of hours. Food rich in proteins and fats at room temperature is an excellent environment for bacteria to grow. The immature immunity of children is not yet able to withstand invasions into the body of “guests” from the outside, so it is very important to feed children only high-quality food. It is better if it is freshly prepared, but if this is not possible, try to provide the diluted mixture with optimal storage conditions.

Before deciding how long to store the mixture, let's figure out how to prepare it correctly. An improperly diluted product can harm a child no less than food stored in improper conditions. Carefully read the instructions on the package and measure out exactly as much water as the manufacturer recommends. Excessive amounts will lead to the fact that the child will not eat enough and gain weight poorly, and a lack of fluid can cause dehydration.

The water in which the powder is diluted must be boiled. Filtered or bottled liquid may contain microbes, while boiling is guaranteed to rid the baby’s food of excess “living creatures”. In general, concern for sterility is the main condition when preparing baby food. To do this, just follow a few simple rules.

  1. Before use, all children's dishes should be washed with soap or soda and then sterilized. You can do this in a regular saucepan by boiling the nipples and bottles for at least 5 minutes with the lid closed. The procedure will be greatly simplified by purchasing a household sterilizer.
  2. If the dishes were sterilized long before use, they should be stored in a clean place, covered with an ironed towel or napkins. All nipples and bottles must be covered.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly before preparing food. It's better to wipe them paper napkins, since on kitchen towels accumulates a large number of microbes
  4. It is advisable to treat the outside of a baby formula jar with a disinfectant solution so that germs from it do not end up on your hands while preparing food for your baby.

Attention! The World Health Organization recommends using boiled water, cooled to a temperature of at least 70 ºC, for preparing baby food. If you do not have the opportunity to boil water, it is better to feed the child with a ready-made sterile liquid mixture.

When preparing, you can dilute the powder in warm, unboiled water, if it is recommended by the Ministry of Health for baby food. However, in this case, you cannot store the finished mixture: after feeding, its remains must be immediately poured out. Products that were prepared in boiled water, cooled to a temperature below 70 ºC, cannot be stored either.

Before feeding, the liquid in the bottle should be shaken well so that there are no lumps of powder or separation of liquids. The temperature of baby food should be 36-37 ºС. It is not at all necessary to use a thermometer to measure it. It is better to use the old proven method: drop some liquid on your wrist or elbow. If at the same time you do not feel any warmth or cold, it means that the temperature of the baby food is optimal.

Storage of dry and liquid mixtures

If you do not want to harm the health of your baby with food, be sure to check the expiration date on the packaging and do not use the product after it expires. Powder for preparing formulas is quite expensive, so many parents try to stretch out the jar for as long as possible. But let's figure out how long you can store an open package of dry powder.

Manufacturers of most popular brands of baby food (NAN, Nestozhen, Similak, Nutrilon, Malyutka, Agusha, Nutrilak) state that you can store an open jar of powder for preparing baby food no more than 3 weeks. As for how long liquid mixtures can be stored, their shelf life after opening the package does not exceed a day.

At the same time, you need to keep liquid baby food in the refrigerator, preferably in airtight containers. But it is not recommended to put an open jar of dry powder there, since due to high humidity, lumps may appear in it. The best place for powder mixtures - a dry cabinet away from heating devices. And do not forget to tightly close the jar with a lid each time.

Many young mothers and fathers are interested in how long the formula can be stored in diluted form. This product can be kept at room temperature for no more than 2 hours. Bacteria begin to multiply in it within 20 minutes, so after a couple of hours of storage, baby food becomes not just inedible, but simply dangerous to the health of babies.

By the way, you can store the finished mixture at room temperature only if the child has not eaten it yet. In cases where the baby has already applied the bottle, but has not finished its contents, the remains should be poured out immediately. Even if the child asks to eat again after just an hour, uneaten food can already cause food poisoning.

Interestingly, bacterial growth is not the only reason why it is not recommended to store the mixture in a diluted form. Contact with air leads to the fact that it loses some of its beneficial substances. First of all, this concerns vitamin C.

Store diluted milk mixture only in the refrigerator. To do this, prepare the liquid, pour it into portioned bottles, cool quickly and place in the refrigerator. Baby food can be stored at a temperature of about 5 ºС, and its shelf life is no more than a day.

Immediately after dilution, the milk mixture can be frozen. How long can the prepared mixture be stored in the freezer? The shelf life is 2-3 months, but be prepared for the fact that after defrosting the product will lose some of its beneficial properties, and a separation of fats and proteins will occur in it.


If you and your child are going on a trip and want to take food with you, you can put the chilled mixture in a cooler bag. However, maintaining the desired temperature in it is quite difficult, and heating food to body temperature on the road will be problematic. Therefore, it is better to take dry powder, a sterile bottle and a thermos with boiling water. Preparing food will not take you much effort and time, and the risk of poisoning from an improperly stored product will be minimized.

At home, the mixture can be reused if:

  • you immediately after preparation placed the bottle of liquid in the refrigerator;
  • the child has not yet drunk from this bottle;
  • the temperature in the refrigerator is maintained no higher than 5 ºС;
  • The shelf life of the finished mixture did not exceed 24 hours.

Before feeding, the mixture should be heated in a special electrical appliance for no more than 15 minutes. A suitable feeding temperature can be obtained by placing the bottle in a pan of hot water. To ensure even heating, periodically rotate and shake the container with the mixture.

Attention! Microwave ovens are not suitable for heating baby food. Heating in them occurs unevenly, and the baby can get burned while eating.

If there is still some formula left after feeding, it should not be refrigerated and used. Ready-made food, like the powder mixture, is susceptible to temperature changes and deteriorates much faster in such conditions.

In fact, providing a child of the first year of life with nutritious and safe nutrition is not so difficult. To do this, just remember to be sterile and throw away the mixture as soon as its shelf life comes to an end.

Your Brownie.

My daughters are 5.5 and 4 years old. And I believe that animals should not be acquired before the youngest turns 7 years old. Even at almost 6 years old, my daughter hurts her cat without realizing it. She thinks he's just playing with her. And I, like the author once lied to the children about the death of a cat, I said that we took her to the hospital, there they would treat her and give her back good people who do not have pets. I only said that because my daughter became hysterical when we wanted to take the cat into the forest to bury it. She screamed: “Mommy, please don’t take her into the forest, the wolves will eat her there.” This would make any mother's heart ache. Therefore, when, a little over a year later, we again had to experience the death of an animal, I sat the children next to me and tried to explain to them what death is, why the kitten died, what should and should not be done in order to reduce such situations to a minimum . There was no hysteria. They understood and accepted the situation.