Cases during regressive hypnosis sessions. Regressive hypnosis

Regressive hypnosis acts as a special technique that helps immerse a person in a state of trance with the opportunity to observe their past earthly incarnations. This technique They are actively used by psychotherapists to eliminate many psychological problems. Parapsychologists use regressive hypnosis to confirm the phenomenon of reincarnation (reincarnation of the soul).

The main goal of the method is to plunge a person into a trance state and find hidden information in his subconscious, which is not possible to obtain in a normal state.

Typically, people interested in regressive hypnosis want to recover true information about their previous lives on Earth.

At this point in time in psychotherapy, the technique of regressive hypnosis is used to find those starting points in the client’s past that provoked the emergence of a certain problem for him. In this case, the hypnologist asks the subconscious questions compiled according to a special scheme.

During a regression therapy session, the specialist maintains contact with his patient with the help of his higher “I” - that is, an appeal to the unconscious mind occurs. Thanks to the state regressive trance a person begins to recreate in his memory a chain of events from his past earthly incarnations. According to official medicine, these memories represent partial or complete information about situations that took place in the client’s real life, but about which he remembers nothing.

It does not matter how the information extracted from the depths of the subconscious during regression therapy sessions is explained. The main thing is that with their help it is possible to establish those situations that are the main cause of mental abnormalities and somatoform disorders of the client.

The technique of regressive hypnosis “opens a person’s eyes” to the real nature of his pathologies, he finds himself at the origins of emerging problems, and can find an explanation for many of his psychological disorders.

Thanks to this unexpected “insight,” the body’s hidden resources begin to be activated and self-healing occurs. By returning to the past in a regression therapy session, a person realizes his mistakes of the past, and he has the opportunity to change his wrong behavior. Self-confidence also increases, and motivation for further action appears.

Regressive hypnosis technique

To bring a person into a state of altered consciousness, when viewing past incarnations is possible, you need to go through good preparation. The process itself occurs in the following stages:

  1. First, the patient is put into a trance state.
  2. Then he is asked a series of questions, with the help of which those facts of the past are found that led to the problematic situation.
  3. Then the hypnologist makes changes to the situation in the past, fixes a new image in the subconscious and returns the person to the present moment.

In a state of regressive hypnosis, people easily remember and describe details of their past incarnations. In some cases, they can even talk about their future lives.

Of course, many experts in official science are ardent critics of regression therapy. They call pictures of past incarnations “figments of the imagination” or self-hypnosis.

According to traditional medicine, information about past reincarnations cannot be stored in a person’s memory (science also does not support the very idea of ​​​​reincarnation).

We bring to your attention regressive hypnosis - a video that will tell you in more detail about the features of this technique:

Regressive hypnotherapy

But many practicing psychotherapists were convinced of the effectiveness of the described method. They sent a person to past lives, forced him to relive unpleasant moments in order to get rid of them once and for all. After this, the person’s quality of life improved significantly.

Regression hypnotherapists act as guides in this process, they are obliged to ensure complete safety of therapy.

According to them, regression hypnosis will help get rid of:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • sexual disorders;
  • relationship problems;
  • addictions to bad habits;
  • lack of self-confidence;
  • psychological problems;
  • excess body weight;
  • stuttering;
  • allergic reactions;
  • depressive states;
  • problems falling asleep;
  • neuroses;
  • childhood injuries;
  • various phobias.

Today, this method is actively used in various trainings on esotericism. At these seminars you can both experience regressive hypnosis and learn its technique. Also interested in regression are reincarnation researchers, Buddhists, theosophists, spiritualists, Hindus, anthroposophists and representatives of other religious movements.

Uncle Doctor’s post is funny and absurd, but mainly threatens the wallet, then the charlatans of so-called “regressive psychotherapy” can drive you to a madhouse. This is a public that claims to help people return to past reincarnations and correct karmic mistakes. This has nothing to do with psychology and psychotherapy, pure mysticism.

I'll give an example from the site. I highlighted something there with a simple bold, I will try to give a materialistic explanation.

Now about the one highlighted with a simple bold, without italics, underlining and color. This result could have been obtained through a carefully prepared hoax. Some information from the past, samples of speech style, etc. were collected, then the paid participants were carefully trained (perhaps the necessary information was given to them under hypnosis, to facilitate perception; however, it is not easy to teach a housewife to chat in Old French; and if you dictate to her under hypnosis several meaningful phrases taken from literary sources, then this is a different matter).

In any case, such experiments on oneself are dangerous and can lead to a madhouse with everything that follows from this. And if suddenly there is no experienced doctor who knows hypnosis there, then a course of sulfazinotherapy and haloperidol intravenously without cyclodol long-term mental health disorder is almost guaranteed.

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Regressive hypnosis and hypnotherapy as the main tool for finding traumatic events. Overview of hypnotization techniques and basic principles hypnoanalysis.


Regressive hypnoanalysis: treatment of psychosomatic disorders by the method of relieving amnesic memories.

Among the first theorists of regressive hypnotherapy is Joseph Breuer, who substantiated the method of catharsis. He suggested that most diseases are formed on the basis of psycho-traumatic events in our lives. Later, already at the level of physiology, this theory was confirmed by the domestic physiologist A.A. Ukhtomsky, putting forward his concept of dominant. A dominant is a complex of excitations in our brain that arises in response to a particular need. In the process of the dominant, we select objects from the external environment and a certain type of behavior that would help us satisfy our need. As a result, an association of need, object and behavior occurs - a conditioned reflex according to I.P. is formed. Pavlova. In traumatic situations, a conditioned reflex can form extremely quickly (literally as a result of one incident), which is explained by D. Goleman’s theory of the emotional brain: it is evolutionarily important to remember the most emotionally intense events.

The mechanism described by these researchers allows a person to form adaptive patterns of behavior. The problem is only one: traumatic situations lead to a loss of self-awareness and self-control. This process was substantiated by many hypnotists, but the main contribution was made by Pierre Janet with his theory of dissociation, automatisms and fixed ideas. At the present stage, loss of control over oneself is also explained by the theory of learning associated with emotional state. This behavior is recorded in the subject’s memory, but he continues to act as if isolated from his consciousness. As a result, behavior manifests itself either under the influence of a constantly replenished need, and then we have diseases such as panic attacks, skin rashes, logoneuroses, perhaps even oncology (although this is a controversial issue), or under the influence of external stimuli that trigger one or another conditioned reflex and then we have phobias, allergies, maladaptive emotional reactions, etc. In this case, the person does not remember the root cause of the disorder. In some cases, the reason is explained by the fact that the psychotrauma occurred in early childhood, or in connection with a situation of severe stress, therefore J. Breer and P. Janet proposed to look for and achieve a response to a traumatic situation hidden in memory. At the physiological level, such healing can be explained by two mechanisms, which are essentially two sides of the same thing: the extinction of a conditioned reflex (an emotion disappears in the absence of real reinforcement, when, for example, a person experiences a traumatic situation only in his imagination). On the other hand, the completion of the dominant occurs (realization of a once unrealized action (completion of the gestalt), which triggers inhibitory mechanisms in the cerebral cortex, stopping the neurotic reaction).

A Brief History of Hypnotherapy. From hypnotherapy with Mesmer's catharsis to Mindfulness hypnotherapy

A Brief History of Hypnology: From Magnetism to Sociocognitive Approach and Neo-Dissociation Theory

Age regression procedure

Regressive hypnotherapy includes a number of basic steps that allow you to successfully work with the disorder.

1. Diagnostics. At the diagnostic stage, the hypnotherapist examines the symptoms of the disorder and the stimulus situations that trigger them. The main tasks of diagnosis: to determine whether the disease really has psychological reasons(otherwise, refer to a doctor); to find out whether hypnotherapy will really be effective for this particular client, for which tests are carried out for suggestibility, hypnotizability and cooperation; determine the degree of motivation for further work and establish objective criteria for verifying the result (this, by the way, distinguishes regressive hypnotherapy from most psychodynamic and humanistic areas of therapy, like psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy, client-centered therapy, etc.). If symptoms-activating stimuli cannot be identified during the diagnostic session, then the client is given the task of analyzing how he reacts in real stressful situations, which is accompanied by an entry in the questionnaire. If no connection is found between psychological stimuli and symptoms or the client does not pass the test, then the work is stopped. If the client passes all the tests successfully and clearly demonstrates that the symptom is conditioned by the psychological situation, then the work can have a result.

2. Hypnotization. After the diagnosis, the hypnotherapist hypnotizes the client. The therapist’s task is to immerse the client to the maximum possible depth of hypnosis, which will allow him to gain much wider access to controlling body functions and editing the psyche than in the usual state. It is important for the therapist to dispel all myths and fears about hypnosis in the client (“hypnosis is the absolute control of the hypnotist,” “hypnosis is an unconscious state,” “after hypnosis I will forget everything and will not know what they did to me,” “I won’t succeed.” enter into hypnosis”, etc.) and choose the most suitable one for this person hypnotic induction. However, in most cases, standardized Elman induction is used, which allows achieving results with most clients.

3. Regression. Hypnosis allows you to update the client’s imagination, remove criticism and launch an associative series, which will allow you to find the original traumatic situation faster than with any other method. This does not happen right away. First, a certain chain of psychotraumatic situations is discovered, united by one feeling. Then the client must be guided along an “affective bridge” - from one event to another. The supporting event at the beginning of the chain of psychotraumas is usually called the core.

4. Catharsis. The therapist helps the client to re-associate the dissociated material, that is, to unite both “I” (painful and healthy) into a single personality. This happens by the method of complete immersion in the traumatic plot through the feeling that marks it. Therapist performing emotion facilitation different ways, so that the client plays out the feelings springing up in memory as fully as possible. Resolution leads either to the extinction of the conditioned reflex, or to the completion of an unfulfilled need.

5. Change in perception. After catharsis, a prophylactic study of accentuations resulting from psychotrauma is usually carried out. Early forms of therapy did not involve such elaboration, which is why the client, having experienced even very strong emotions, could continue to behave as before. Today, regression therapy seeks to guide the client through the process of his own growing up, but with different - actual conclusions and reactions.

6. Checking changes. At the end of treatment, the therapist strives to immediately check the result. The first test is a test in the imagination, when the client, having already matured, imagines himself in a provoking situation. Upon successful completion of this test, the client is sent “out into the field” to evaluate the results of therapy directly in practice. If the symptom no longer occurs, then the work can be considered successful. If the symptom has decreased, then it makes sense to continue the work: in most cases, a new chain of psychotraumas associated with a different feeling and another event is discovered, and sometimes a simply missed case is found. Testing in the “field” allows not only to evaluate the results of therapy, but also to work out the problem at the behavioral level (in addition to the levels of emotions and thinking), since a person immediately after a hypnosis session allows himself to implement new patterns of behavior.

The effectiveness of regression hypnotherapy

Today, hypnotherapy is considered one of the most substantiated methods of psychotherapy along with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is the merit, first of all, of domestic scientists. According to Alfred Barrios, who published performance statistics in 1970 various methods psychotherapy, psychoanalysis helps in 38% of cases after 600 sessions, behavioral psychotherapy in 72% of cases after 22 sessions, hypnotherapy in 93% of cases after 6 sessions. It is generally accepted that the combination of CBT with hypnotherapy or short-term psychodynamic therapy shows maximum effectiveness.


1. Goleman D. Emotional intelligence in business - M.: “Mann, Ivanov and Ferber”, 2013. - P. 512.
2. Jane Pierre. Mental automatism. Experimental study of the lower forms of human mental activity. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2009. - 500 p.
3. Pavlov I.P. Twenty years of experience in the objective study of higher activity (behavior) of animals. - M.: Nauka, 1973. - 661 p.
4. Ukhtomsky A. A. Dominant. - St. Petersburg: “Peter”, 2002.
5. Barrios Alfred A. Medical Recognition of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy Magazine. Vol. 7, No. 1
6. Breuer Josef / Sigmund Freud: Über den psychischen Mechanismus hysterischer Phänomene. Vorläufige Mittheilung. In: Neurol. Zbl. 12 (1893), S. 4-10, 43-47; zugleich in: Wien. med. Blatter 16 (1893)

Two lectures on hypnosis: experiments in hypnosis with “amnesic trance” and elements of pop hypnosis


Treatment of phobias and psychosomatics using regressive hypnosis

In the life of every person, stressful situations can be repeated, which means that several stressful records can be stored simultaneously in our subconscious memory bank, giving the same program of action. If we imagine our life as a timeline, which shows a diagram of nerve impulses, then the peaks of the most severe stress are what our subconscious identifies as a model for the formation of a unified program of action. In some cases, these are psychosomatic reactions based on emotional disturbance, such as:

  • , vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).
  • Phobias (including fear of transport, open spaces, death, performances, certain people, etc.).
  • Inappropriate feelings of resentment, guilt, anger or fear that torment you, despite your understanding of the futility or groundlessness of suffering
  • A feeling of anxiety, guilt, fear that occurs when communicating with certain people or in certain circumstances ().
  • Functional sexual disorders - impotence, anorgasmia, frigidity, vaginismus, fear of communication and dating the opposite sex, “unhappy love”
  • Feelings of inferiority, indecisiveness, shyness, inadequate sense of shame
  • Psychosomatic disorders: bronchial asthma, nervous diseases, rhinitis, irritable bowel and bladder syndrome, gastritis, psoriasis, exacerbations of which are associated with any stressful situations, are successfully treated
  • Hypochondriacal disorders

In the fight against psychosomatics, the method of hypnoanalysis is considered the most effective among all the means available. modern medicine. Thanks to regressive hypnosis, it is possible to establish communication with the patient on a subconscious level; hypnoanalysis allows you to detect and erase in his memory scenes marked by peak impulses of emotions - the same ones that feed a psychosomatic disorder or. Just as a plant loses its root system and dries out, so the disease melts and ceases to make itself felt if the hypnotherapist-patient tandem successfully eliminates all amnesic memories that feed the disease.

It must be remembered that the nature of the problems with which the patient turned to the hypnotherapist may be purely somatic in nature (diseases of the flesh), therefore in some cases additional examination is necessary. In particular, preliminary examination by specialists is required if the patient has:

  • Depression
  • Substance use disorder
  • Serious personality disorder
  • Somatic illness that gives symptoms similar to those of mental disorders: hallucination, anemia, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc.

What is cognitive therapy and how does it work?

Psychosomatics & hypnoanalysis: how fears and phobias are formed as a result of psychotrauma

Regression hypnosis and hypnotherapy


Using the example of the method of regressive hypnosis, which is used all over the world, we will show how the process of hypnoanalysis occurs in practice. Due to the fact that the memories or emotional trauma that the hypnologist is trying to eliminate most often occur in childhood, return (regression) is carried out between childhood and adult years of life. In this case, the patient dissociates into two personalities: “adult” and “child”. However, it should be taken into account that traumatic memories are not always associated with childhood.

As each step is completed, which should be done very quickly, it is important to constantly praise and encourage the client. Tell him that he is doing a great job. Such words of approval create confidence in a person’s own capabilities and bring the success of therapy closer.

Step 1. Induce trance and establish rapport (trusting contact).

As a rule, during a preliminary conversation with the client, when he talks about existing problem, you decide whether regression (or reactivation) is really best form therapy in this case? So at this stage, what you are looking for is the identification of a strong emotional connection in the person's past that points to an event that you may need to address your efforts to.

If you decide to use regression hypnosis, the first thing you need to do is prepare. You are confident that you have created a strong connection with the client. He trusts you so much that he is ready to entrust this work. If so, let the patient know that you have the appropriate skills. It is very important for the person to feel safe around you. Then ask him to demonstrate a simple act of consent. For example: a person’s eyes and his attention should be focused on you. Once you have received confirmation of consent, your next task is to create a coping mechanism for abreaction (re-experiencing the traumatic event) in case this happens.

Tell the patient to feel the chair in which he is sitting. This will make the person feel that he is safe. And you will thus create a safety trigger, which will be indispensable if a person experiences a state of abreaction. In addition to this symbol, another safety signal should be prepared. This could be a touch on the person's wrist or another conventional sign that will be perceived by the person as confirmation of his safety.

Then tell the client that any sounds he hears during hypnosis are more than sounds, so he should focus on your voice and not on the sounds made by the worker who is repairing the road. Otherwise, it will not get the desired effect. Point out that it is just a matter of concentration.

Your voice will guide the patient throughout the session, and you will always be with him. This instruction is necessary to ensure that the patient does not lose interaction with you. You give him the direction of his subsequent life path. No matter how immersed he is in his memories, he will not stop listening to you during the session.

Once the patient is relaxed and ready to work, begin trance induction. You can use whichever induction method you prefer. For example you can use new version of Elman induction. Deepen the trance until the client is completely relaxed and begins to easily follow your commands/suggestions.

Say out loud that in a moment you will touch his shoulder, and he will have emotions about the event that was discussed in the preliminary conversation. Point out that the experiences that arise will be intense enough for him to feel them. But these irrational emotions will at the same time be quite weak so as not to shake him again.

After this, you need to make sure that the client’s condition is normal. Of course, the verification method depends on the approach used. For some people, a soft, sensitive democratic approach is required. For others, an authoritarian (directive) style of influence is suitable.

If a democratic style of communication is required, it is necessary to create conditions so that the client feels that he is truly cared for. So that he knows that he is not under pressure, he has a choice. When instructing such a client to return to the very first experience of painful emotions, it is imperative to ask whether he feels normal? If a person indicates poor health, you need to clarify: in his opinion, is he ready to feel the experience, or does he need something else to resurrect forgotten emotions? Such a proposal gives a person the right to choose, which brings the success of therapy closer.

The authoritarian approach involves the use of orders and directives. Despite the fact that the authoritarian style implies direct command of the patient, in some situations this style of communication helps to achieve maximum results.

So, tell the client that you will count from three to one. When the countdown is complete, he will return to the time when he first experienced destructive emotions. Convince the person that as soon as he gets back to the original event and experiences the experience during regressive hypnosis, you will return him to the present time. Point out that he will only be tense for a moment, but that the discomfort will soon subside. Make sure the client is okay. Then ask them if he is ready to start.

About hypnotherapy. What is regression hypnosis and hypnotherapy? Review of treatment for fear of the dark

How does cognitive regression hypnotherapy work?

Step 2. Complete immersion in a stressful situation with regressive hypnosis

Touch your client on the shoulder and ask him to go back to the time when he first experienced the emotion he is trying to change. It is likely that on the first attempt a person will not be able to return to the period when the original event (psychotrauma) occurred. Don't stop trying to push him back into the past until he reaches the starting event. Some helpful questions to ask the person when this happens:

  • Are you indoors or outdoors?
  • What time is day or night?
  • Roughly estimate your age?
  • Alone or does someone feel nearby?
  • What's going on/how are you feeling?

When asking such questions during regression hypnotherapy, it is important to ensure that they do not lead to false memories. In particular, one cannot ask questions that may accidentally limit a certain interval of the past. For example, if you ask, “How old are you?” and assume "you're around 7" you run the risk of greatly altering the entire memory. Questions should be neutral and alternative questions that give the person the opportunity to make a choice and reconstruct the true experience. For example, when you ask, “Are you in or out?”, you give the client the opportunity to answer based on what they remember and think, rather than relying on suggestions. Question: “Are you inside?” is a sentence implying a specific answer. Likewise, if you ask, “Do you have an abuser?” some people may say “no,” but others will consider the possibility of such an abuser because you have explicitly pointed it out. Any assumption you make can change a person's memories. Therefore, ask your patients succinct questions. Take full control of the process of formulating questions and mention only the information provided by the client.

Wait for the answer to each question to determine if the person is back at the time of the original event? If not, gently touch his shoulder and repeat the three-two-one count and again ask the person to go back to the moment the initial emotion arose. Ask him the above guiding questions again to help him track down his true memories.

It is important to ask the client about his age, especially if you believe that the person is suffering from childhood trauma. This allows us to determine whether a rollback to an even more distant past is necessary.

Many people have a question: is it important to return to the original event? The answer is: the initial situation in this case is a product of imagination, and not a reflection of reality. Because people get stuck in the idea that it was this event that caused the trauma. If you take them back in time and fix the traumatic situation, they will think that everything is fixed. Faith shapes reality.

Hypnosis - magic, art, medicine? A brief educational program on hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis without mysticism. Memoirs of Professor Zvonikov about the research of L.P. Grimak

Step 3. Dissociation in hypnosis (separation)

When a client in regression hypnosis reaches the point where he experienced a painful emotion for the first time, you need to immediately bring him back so that the experience does not traumatize him. Allow the person to feel the past emotions very quickly and briefly, but then be sure to bring him back to the present so that he remains confident that he is 100 percent protected. So, count one-two-three and tell the client that he is back to his “adult” self. Emphasize that he is safe in his chair. Tell him he can let the unpleasant scene fade away. It's as if he's watching what's happening from afar.

There are two important points to consider at this point. Firstly, the phenomenon. The problem with trauma is that people experience the wrong feelings, such as fear or anger. Too much anger causes them to lose themselves in the emotion, so they lose all their mental resources. They become so consumed by anger that they lose situational control and then act in ways that are harmful to themselves.

Likewise, fear becomes a problem when it takes control of you and forces you to change your behavior. For example, you climb forty flights of stairs to avoid ending up in an elevator. After all, you assume that it may break and you will fall into a trap.

Fear is a useful thing that protects you. But when you're constantly afraid, your body releases chemicals like cortisol in excess. The body begins to fight with itself and destroy itself, because some emotions are destructive.

Fear and anger are short-term “correctors” that act when it is advisable to pay such a price in order to avoid more serious consequences. For example, can a father run into a burning house to save his child? Of course he will do this because the result is worth it. Likewise, would someone slam on their brakes and use the handbrake to avoid a collision? Certainly. These measures will ruin the car, but the alternative is much worse.

The problem arises when these self-destructive emotions become chronic. Especially when the emergency of the event clearly does not correspond to the mental and physical reaction - constant fear or anger eats you up from the inside. To prevent this from happening, you need a way to protect yourself from them, to prevent the mental suffering that fear and anger create.

According to researchers, the chemical trace of emotions lasts from 5 to 90 seconds. The 90-second version has the most confirmations, so we will use this option as a benchmark. This suggests that any emotion that lasts longer than 90 seconds must be recreated and corrected.

A good image used to describe dissociation in hypnosis is the soap dispenser in the bathroom. Every time you press the button, soap flows out of the container. A state where people are overwhelmed with emotions, reminiscent of their finger being jammed. They just keep pressing the button until the sink is overflowing with soap leaking out. The only way to disable the mental apparatus that is mentally pressing this button is to put the cap on the dispenser dispenser so that pressing the button no longer works. This is dissociation.

The best way is to use symbolism. Let's say you come face to face with a tiger. How big will it appear? Probably very big. Are you in danger? Surely yes. Now suppose the tiger is a mile away from you. How big is it now? Are you exposed to the same degree of danger? Definitely not.

Therefore, the ideas of size and distance can be used to teach what does safety mean? When you tell a client to move the entire scene away or let it disappear, it means that it is possible to move away enough so that the person can concentrate the resources necessary to get rid of such a picture.

Secondly, why is counting necessary? When you count 3-2-1 (or 1-2-3 depending on the chosen hypnotization ritual) and tell the client to return to the earliest experience of experiencing emotions, you give him a trigger (a memory element with two or more stable states) - This is a classic method of regressive hypnosis.

Note.To monitor the client's condition, pay special attention to trance cues such as changes in skin tone, eye twitching, or stillness. Other signals include dilation of the pupil, slowing of the heart rate, changes in breathing patterns, fixed gaze, glassy eyes, changes in the blink reflex, changes in their swallowing mechanisms, tiredness or closing of the eyes, involuntary muscle cramps, stiffness of the limbs, changes in voice, increased passive reactions.

Step 4. Reconstruction in regression hypnotherapy

This step is very important to relieve anxiety during regression. The state when the client has experienced strong emotions is a nervous shock, so it is important that you find words that can convince him that there is no danger, despite the intensity of his experiences. For example, in the voice of a woman suffering from a fear of snakes, when returning to the moment of the initial experience, panic horror was clearly heard. She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The hypnotist asked her if she was alone in that situation or with someone else. He then asked a question about her age. Afterwards, he encouraged her, pointing out that her old self was convinced that she couldn’t handle the situation, but everything turned out great. She lived through it and now knows it's true. Her younger self didn't think she could survive, but her real adult self knows that everything worked out for the best.

Step 5: Find two security points

The idea behind this step is to ensure that both the “adult” and the “child” remember the experience and feel safe. The stress-initiating event refers to a dangerous situation, and it is not necessary to return to it. You can use any memory, because you are dealing with a play of the imagination on themes of the past. Another thing is the question of faith. The reason for the desire for a triggering event is the person's belief that it started there and then. This means that he will believe that it will end there. In other words, you could work with the most last memories person and release them, but if he has other memories of the same feeling, then he can recreate the problem by accidentally thinking about them. Returning and clearing all memories creates the illusion that a person has only mastered this event here and now, but this can also create a problem. The only thing that really matters is the person’s attitude towards the work done during a regressive hypnosis session. He should feel that the problem is completely resolved.

The second aspect that needs to be taken into account: inside the client there is neither an adult nor a child, but there is only one whole personality. The "child" avatar is a mind game, a symbol that helps change a person's attitude towards painful memories.

Third. The most necessary action is to clearly define the safety point before and after the event. There was a time before the event when the subject was safe, and there was a time after the event when he already felt protected. You need to obtain this information from the client.

If your patient tells you that he once got lost as a child while playing with his friend in the park, then this is your first reference point. This is the point at which a person's fun and excitement will turn into fear and trauma. The second rapper is after a traumatic event, when his parents are already hugging him, and he will again feel protected.

Helping the client find these points of safety during a regression hypnosis session is very important as it helps to contextualize the traumatic event and the emotions associated with it, making it more bearable.

Note.In some rare cases, when the trauma was significant or recent, the person no longer felt safe. However, after a traumatic event, you can use the scenario of him being in the same room as you as a safe place for him.

The ABC model in cognitive therapy. Treatment methods for phobias

Step 6. Protection circuit

Explain to the person that you are asking him to transport himself to the place where he was before the initial sensitizing event (essentially the earliest psychotrauma) occurred. Then ask your client to accelerate forward through the active area of ​​the event to a point of safety after the traumatic event. It is important to explain that his emotions will not be as intense as he experienced the first time. By doing this, you are preparing him for what to expect when he goes through a situation of discomfort again.

The defense circuit is a way of rephrasing memories to give them a different meaning. We are talking about a symbolic context. For example, if someone asks you if he can burn your hand, you will probably give a negative answer. However, if they make it clear to you: either they will burn your hand or the hand of your child, you, of course, choose your hand yourself, because now symbolically the situation has a completely different meaning.

Another point to keep in mind is that a person may be constantly trapped in memories of a traumatic experience, making it extremely difficult for them to move from one “safe place” to another. Therefore, as soon as you notice changes in facial expression and tone of voice, you must immediately return the client to reality. It is necessary to constantly monitor him and respond to any such changes, otherwise you risk worsening the condition of your ward.

With each subsequent session of regressive hypnosis, the transition to psychotrauma can be faster and emotions less severe, because the client will gradually realize that everything that happens to him is absolutely safe.

Step 7. The hypnologist teaches the “adult” and the “adult” teaches the “child”

The next step is for the hypnotist to explain to the “adult” that while the “child” does not know that he has survived the experience, the “adult” is aware of this. The “adult” is here in this room today. This should be done while the client is in trance. In this state, you can ask the “adult”: how will the younger “I” react to the fact that he will soon be able to go through a very unpleasant experience, after which he will be safe again? Ask the person how such a message would affect the “child” within him. Thus, the hypnotist trains the “adult”, and the “adult”, in turn, trains the “child”, and then everything is repeated again. And the “child” already knows that after the experience he will be safe again. You might even say, “What if you told your younger self that it will be safe again once the ordeal is over? Wouldn't that be good? Go ahead and tell the “child” everything up front to help him prepare.” Then ask the adult to go through the cycle again from safety to the traumatic event, through it to the point where he feels safe again, and back to the present. Moving along such a trajectory at a very fast pace leads to the fact that everything that happens merges into one memory. When using regression hypnosis sessions, it is necessary to return to repeating this cycle until the person’s emotions are noticeably reduced.

Step 8. Reconstruction (modeling of processes that occurred in the past) of the “adult”

While the trance continues, return the “adult” to the “safe room.” Your goal is to instruct him, who has experienced a traumatic event, how to transfer this experience to the “child”, since such a resource does not exist in childhood. You must explain to the “adult” that he must return to the moment of the event and make up a conversation with the “child”. He must understand what will happen to him, and that he will, as always, be safe.

Psychosomatics of allergies | Review of the treatment of allergies through reliving psychotraumas in hypnosis.

Hypnosis. Reprogramming the Subconscious

Step 9. “Adult” teaches “child”

Following the reconstruction, go through the “time loop” again and ask the “adult” to teach the “child” again. The “adult” must help the “child” understand that before the event everything was safe and good, and after the event everything will be just as safe and good. The “child” must understand that in any case he will be fine - after all, the “adult” is alive and well sitting in front of him right now.

This is what cognitive hypnotherapy looks like, which relies heavily on illusory empowerment to achieve success. After all, when an “adult” talks to a “child,” he is actually talking to himself. By teaching the symbolic “child”, he assumes the role of leader, whose powers are transferred to the “child”. It turns out that the “adult,” collecting resources “in the future,” communicates them to the “child,” as he becomes a role model. And the “child,” indeed, uses the “adult” resource, more easily experiencing the event that once traumatized him, which in the end makes him stronger, opening up new opportunities for him.

Step 10. Repeat the cycles multiple times

When conducting sessions of regressive hypnosis, run through the “time loop” until the painful emotion is completely depleted. This will be noticeable in the calm behavior of the “child”. You must ensure that the client

  • feels safe;
  • knows that everything worked out;
  • copes with the task perfectly.

By repeating the cycle many times, you form and adjust new human reactions, increasing the patient’s positive experience, and therefore his confidence that he no longer has problems. The cycle should continue until you no longer have any doubt that the new memories have become part of his personality.

Step 11. Forgiveness procedure in hypnotherapy

This step assumes that the “adult” will forgive everyone whom he considered guilty of his psychotrauma. Forgiveness is necessary for the patient to free himself from the burden of painful experiences that have not allowed him to live in peace all this time. Perhaps there were people at that time who should have known what to do - siblings, parents or other adults. They had to protect or make the situation less frightening, or even completely eliminate the factors that caused it. Any situation could lead to the “child” feeling resentment or anger towards other people. Therefore, it is important that the “adult” forgives each of them out loud. If necessary, he can do this in privacy, but it is important that he addresses each person individually and expresses in words:

  • how he experienced this event;
  • how angry or afraid he was;
  • what he thought the other person should have done but did not do.

Finally, the “adult” must forgive himself—the “child”—because the event was not his “mistake.” It will not be superfluous if the “adult” expresses to himself - the “child” - pride in him, since during the sessions he behaved courageously and boldly at a critical moment.

Note.When an “adult” talks to a “child” about an event, it is important that he does so kindly. If there are problems with this, you need to spend extra time until everything works out so that you can move on.

Step 12. Reunification / restoration of personal integrity

The final step of a regressive hypnosis session in this process is to bring the “child” and the “adult” together, allowing the “child” to grow and develop with the new resources that the “adult” has acquired throughout his life and as a result of the hypnotherapy process.

To begin the reconnection, ask the client to imagine walking directly into the child's body so that he becomes the child and feels oneness. It is important not to rush this process: it should take as long as necessary. The mental fusion of “child” and “adult” must be complete.

The next action involves managing the "integrated" child/adult through all stages of the person's life, starting with the age they were when the event occurred. At the same time, do not forget to proclaim out loud all the stages of development that you are carrying out. Once you are finished, you need to bring the person out of the trance in a way that makes them feel rested, relaxed and energized. It is important not to rush into this, but to allow him to return to his normal waking state without problems. This may take either a few seconds or a few minutes - it doesn’t matter. As always, check your work when the person comes out of trance! The check should confirm that the client does not have symptomatic emotions or other signs of what you were struggling with during the session.


Regression hypnotherapy can be incredibly powerful. People can get “stuck” in their past, especially at the moment when a strong emotion arose, so you should always remember: memories are not memories, but a mind game. This seems incredible because the images may look absolutely real, but in fact we are dealing with a process more similar to how a story written by a writer turns out to be different from the account of an eyewitness. Although he also remembered what happened one-sidedly - only from the point of view of his own feelings, which the writer overcame. The writer's vision, in turn, is corrected by the director, who stages a performance based on this literary work. Moreover, from now on, each new production will have new lighting, scenery, actors' costumes, etc. Hence the conclusion: hypnotic influence should not stimulate false memories. It must be taken into account that no one knows whether a person’s memories are based on real events or not. It doesn't matter. The main thing is that the patient believes that they occurred. If a person believes that a tragedy has occurred, then its consequences will always be visible in reality.

Where does psychotrauma actually come from? Two people experience the same terrible incident. One of them emerges from a dramatic situation, feeling joy and relief that everything is over. The other one looks around all the time, remembers the details of what happened, each time filled with fear. Hence the conclusion: the cause of emotional trauma is not the event, but its excessively intense experience. If you calm down your emotions, the trauma will disappear.

Access to someone's memories lies through the sphere of the unconscious in each of us, which covers the repository of all information about our personal lives. Memory is also a living, dynamic substance, changing every second like a river. It is customary to define three states of this “river” according to the level of intensity of the “flow” - hypermnesia, reactivation and regression.

  • Hypermnesia is an increased ability to remember and reproduce information.
  • Memory reactivation – memories “triggered” by an external stimulus or event.
  • Regression is the return of memories or restoration of forgotten details and details of long-ago events.

What is the difference between regression and reactivation? The state of modern science suggests a skeptical view of the differences between memory reactivation and regression. Memory reactivation allows you to revive a person's memories here and now. Thanks to this phenomenon, a person feels all the emotions, as if everything was happening now, but he is not a participant in the events, but watches the film, worrying about the main character, as we do in the cinema. During reactivation, the person describes the events happening to him in the third person: “He gets on his new bicycle.” Regression provides the effect of presence. A person plunges into the past and acts there, considering himself to be who he was at that time. However, he is not aware that he is in hypnosis and accepts everything that happens at face value. A person in a state of regression says: “I’m getting on my new bike.” Both methods are the conditions under which hypnotherapy works. It is believed that only the fact of the revival of emotions and experience matters. They begin to come to life, and the hypnologist can work to change the experience. Hence the conclusion: achieving regression is not an end in itself. Moreover, it is up to the hypnologist as a professional to achieve the maximum possible commercial result. in simple ways with the lowest cost application.

Note:In cases where the patient has extremely severe mental trauma (physical, mental or sexual abuse), the hypnologist should not put the client into a state that goes beyond memory reactivation. Regressive hypnosis can cause excessively intense experiences and excessively strong abreaction (reaction).

Regressive hypnosis session diagram

Standard regressive induction scheme:

1. Hypnotization
2. Immersion in a trance through provoking a psychosomatic attack
3. Regression to the starting episode with the aim of rethinking and abreaction (re-experiencing) the traumatic event
4. Return to reality
5. Change control

  • Hypnosis session: a journey into pleasant events of the past (preparation for hypnotherapy)
  • Immersion in trance through provoking a psychosomatic attack

    Trance (French transe - numbness) is a state that has nothing in common with hypnosis, as it represents a short-term clouding of consciousness with loss of self-control. Trans demands large quantity nervous energy that can be obtained from the focus of the patient’s psychosomatic illness. Using hypnosis, we induce the closest memory marked by an attack, immerse the patient inside and provoke a state of passion in him. Instead of an emotional explosion, we will see a deep trance. A patient in this state will be able to use the uncomfortable sensations that he experiences during a psychosomatic attack as the “smell” of the illness. By this “smell” he, like a dog, will find in his memory the starting event with which he himself associates the onset of the disease.

    A special position among the varieties of hypnotic techniques is given to methods that were formed on the basis of the spiritual culture of eastern countries and absorbed the features of European medical practice. One such method is regressive hypnosis. The technique, literally called “regression (movement back, repetition, return) to a past life,” is based on the postulates of the philosophical doctrine of reincarnation. The theory of reincarnation is the basic doctrine of Eastern religions, in particular: in Indian spiritual practice, it is based on the fact that the immortal essence of any living individual is invariably reincarnated after physical death into another body.

    Hypnosis: treatment of dust allergies and urticaria. Feedback after hypnotherapy. Psychosomatics of allergies.

    Nowadays, regression hypnosis is used to establish real key points related to the client's problem. The technique involves addressing a specially compiled series of questions to the sphere of a person’s subconscious. During a session of regressive hypnosis, a regression hypnologist conducts a conversation with the client through his higher “I”, that is, he addresses directly the unconscious mind. The state of hypnotic trance allows one to detect and identify events that supposedly took place in supposed previous incarnations. According to modern official medicine, such memories, extracted from the memory of clients during a deep trance during regressive hypnosis, are only partially or completely forgotten information about real situations that occurred in a person’s own life.

    However, no matter how the information extracted from the depths of the subconscious during regressive hypnosis is interpreted, this information makes it possible to establish the true circumstances that provoked mental abnormalities or somatoform disorders. Thanks to this technique, a person receives genuine data about the nature of his poor health, learns about the origins of the problems that have arisen, and finds an explanation for the causes of diseases. This natural “insight” allows you to activate the body’s hidden resources for the process of self-healing. “Returning to the past” during a session of regressive hypnosis gives a person an understanding of how to adjust their behavior model in order to overcome a difficult situation, strengthens faith in own strength and motivates you to succeed.

    Regressive hypnosis is a natural and safe method of healing, which is based on the client’s knowledge of his own “I”. The technique is recognized by official medicine as a very effective therapeutic technique that allows one to establish the true causes.

    With the help of regressive hypnosis, a person gains open access to those unconscious areas where a program is hidden that prevents one from living a full, happy life. In a state of trance, the subconscious comes to the fore, which quickly responds to requests and is ready to be reprogrammed into a new productive scheme. While in a drowsy state, the client relives an important situation for him, however, such a “return to the past” is comfortable and safe because full control over the event. Thanks to a session of regressive hypnosis, a person is able to look at, understand and evaluate the problem from the other side, which gives a chance to discover new, more effective ways to solve it.

    Regressive hypnosis is a powerful weapon for therapeutic changes, and, most importantly, it gives a reliable shield to a person, allowing him to face any surprises of tomorrow without fear, anxiety, or doubt.

    Psychology of hypnosis #1. How to treat and create stuttering or other phobia in hypnosis?

*The author of this article does not claim that all sessions
regressive hypnosis lead to the emergence
adverse consequences. However, he believes
it is necessary to point out the possible dangers of such
practitioner, and strongly recommends carefully
check a specialist to whom a person trusts his

subconscious, and perhaps even your life.
Lately more and more secret knowledge and practitioner

Aimed at expanding consciousness, it becomes
accessible to a wide range of people. However, along with these

With knowledge comes to light the dangers that they can

Bring to an unprepared person.
If earlier in Buddhist monasteries and yogic
Ashrams for people to achieve special states
studied for years under the supervision of teachers, now

It is offered to everyone who wants it easily, for a small
fee, learn to perform very complex exercises

To expand consciousness.
And if in the case of meditation aimed at development

Awareness, a person only wins, then, in the case of

Deep immersion practices aimed at
subconscious and unconscious - turns out to be in
indescribable danger.
One of these practices is immersion in the past -

Regressive hypnosis, which has a new name

This practice is aimed at immersing a person in
a state of trance similar to meditation, however
directed rather “downwards”, into the depths - not into awareness, but

Into the unconscious. Which in itself is very
dangerous. Then he is invited to go to any

Interesting moment in the past.
Even in relation to the past of a given life one cannot be
confident that such a dive will not cause harm
human psyche. After all, much of what man receives

Information and experience are specifically sent to very

Deep levels of memory so as not to traumatize the psyche

But now it has become popular to travel to the past

Life - and such a journey in semi-consciousness
condition carries great danger. After all, a person

He doesn't know where it will lead him.
In a state of trance, a person sees pictures, and completely

Identifies himself with what is happening. He starts to believe

That exactly he is involved in the action. And all the emotions and
he also tries on his feelings. And all these feelings and

Feelings are deposited deep in the subconscious and
are taken on faith.
After all, the trance state is a deep alpha state, in

Which lays our beliefs. Therefore in
In this state we can accept anything on faith. AND

Therefore, it is very important that the hypnologist does not provide
influence on a person, forcing him to make decisions on

Based on what you saw in the past and change your present

Life according to them.
This can deteriorate relationships with loved ones. The whole world

Can suddenly become hostile, and those little things that

He had not paid attention before, suddenly they will become extremely
an unpleasant meaning for him. A friend's laughter will now be
be perceived as ridicule, because in past life He

He laughed the same way when he betrayed or deceived. So

A person may begin to get angry with others because of
seen the story in which they took part in

Past life.
The person who decides to experience this experience can
completely unexpectedly discover a whole treasure trove

Emotions. But he never knows what exactly he will discover.

This may be an irreconcilable enmity, unbearable
pain and melancholy, resentment towards the whole world, anger and hatred,

He may also experience something new, not always pleasant.

Even a sinner if he did something in a past life

Wrong. And may also feel bitter resentment,
if he was treated unfairly.
This condition can be very difficult to experience. However

There is another, even more dangerous, attitude towards

To what he saw.
Some experts have an answer to the questions of Conscience:

Our soul came to gain experience, and we owe it to it
give. But she, like a small child, does not know what is good, but

What is wrong. And he doesn’t understand if he hurts someone.

She just wanted it that way. And we are not to blame for anything.

They say she just gets this experience, and in the next

Life is the opposite.
But isn't that how Adam and Eve were divided? Is not it

They began to receive experiences from opposite poles?
Many people know about the Buddhist Wheel of Samsara, but not everyone

What does the Wheel hold in its evil claws and teeth?

Demon Mara. It is he who tells the person: “Do you want
to be a killer? And the person agrees, lives this

Life, enjoying "gaining experience" and then Mara

He tells him: “Now go get
the opposite experience - become a victim.” And in
in the next life a person does not understand why he deserves such

Suffering. This is how Mara binds people to the Cycle

Existence - through the inability and unwillingness to distinguish

The bad from the good. The Bible indicates that this
Only small children are deprived of abilities.
Nowadays it is customary to say: “don’t reason, get it.”

Experience". But do we need every experience? As they say in

A letter from one of the Apostles: “Everything is possible, but not everything is possible.”

Isn't Reason given to us so that we can learn

Distinguish right from wrong, good from
unseelie? We live now in a certain life

situations as a result of one's own actions and
mistakes made in the past and continue
continue to carry them out thoughtlessly, instead of

Be aware of yourself. After all, we are not that person in
past, and not even this, now. We are something more. AND

This is what we need to strive for - this beautiful

Timeless, Unconditioned, which is in
each of us. Everything else is distortion of Light.

Regressive hypnosis also uses the practice
changes in what is seen - when a person is offered
mentally change the course of events in the past. But this one
practice is even more dangerous, because a person believes in
what happens and changes are also carried out through

This faith.
When a person returns to normal life, he
feels this change: his past seems to
begins to argue with the present. After all, such a real

With such a change, the past might not have existed.
This is especially dangerous with regard to torque changes
death. If a person saves one or the other, perhaps even

Fictional, in the past, how it will affect
real life? Wouldn't he want to die like this?

The same way as the one he just saved? After all, according to

The law of equilibrium may require an exchange. And this
really scary.
However, there is no guarantee that this is actually
this person's past life.
The fact is that a person, obeying the voice and influence

The guide may try subconsciously
think of a small one seen at the beginning of the session,
picture, so as not to embarrass the hypnologist with long silence.

Moments that a person experiences in his life. This

Can be called a reflection, an attempt to capture
your experiences in a different form - just like this
happens in a dream.
In fact, time is not linear. Events take place in

One moment - all our lives are within us. Changing your

Real life for the better and learning from your mistakes
we change the past one too. And for this we don't need
go into trance. Everything happens here and now in
consciousness and everything is interconnected.
Isn't that why we forget our past, so that it
no longer affected us? It is worth noting that Buddhist

Monks have been meditating for many years in order to
to expand your consciousness and be able to
travel to past lives. Buddha himself achieved this

Opportunities thanks to Enlightenment, years later
meditation and ascetic practices.
After all, only a completely awakened one, in whom there is no fear,

Pain, anger and resentment that can interfere with the process

And throw him out of balance, he can commit

Such dangerous journeys. And definitely do it in
conscious, not half asleep.
Perfectly balanced, calm and complete
psychic powers.
It is not just that it is said: “Try to enter through narrow

The gate...for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to

Destruction" (Matthew 7:13). It is always more difficult to develop the ability

Conscious movement in time and space -

After all, it requires hard training and practice - than

Yourself into the unknown. If you take this step, then choose

A specialist as thoroughly as possible, because not everyone is like that,

Even though they call themselves professionals. Especially this
applies to those who do not have psychological education,

And I received my diploma from the courses.
Only while conscious, through long training,

You can come to an increase in awareness. With awareness
an understanding of your experience will also come. There won't be such a shock

Like when immersed through hypnosis - after all, the person will

Study yourself and your psyche for a long time. He will have more

Time to become aware of yourself
He will not be thrown into heat or cold, as is the case with

Hypnosis - after all, what can be seen in a past life

It can change a person's life. And not always

For the better.
Practices of expanding consciousness are not leisure, but very

Serious job . When a person is under someone else's

By influence, he reveals the vision as if “from below”, that is

Goes to the depths of his being, the subconscious and

Unconscious, and not height, as is the case with conscious

Engaging in such practices is for the unprepared
a person is like jumping from a springboard without
pre-workout. After all, when a person
plunges into the past, he opens himself to
the impact of those negative feelings and emotions that

They could have guided him in a past life. And that's the influence
will begin to spread to real life.
Only a pure person, in whose consciousness there is no interference and

Obstacles in the form negative thoughts and feelings, maybe

Start practicing consciousness expansion practices. AND
It’s better to do this while in a conscious state, rather than

Under hypnosis. After all, hypnosis is always an influence
someone else's consciousness. Can he be trusted? Is it enough

Is that other person clean?
Cleansing your consciousness, working on yourself - that’s
the beginning of any journey. Good thoughts, good words and good

Actions - that's what the Zoroastrians say. And this idea

Justified by thousands of years of experience of spiritual seekers.
Balance, harmony, integrity are the main conditions

For successful practice and happy life.
What we are and what happens to us in this life

What happens is a consequence of our past actions, and

We can't always change this. But we can always

Try to change our future and what happens to us
will be.
We always have here and now to fix
situation. Say: “I don’t want this, I want to live
Right". And change for the better.
Finding awareness in the present moment is
the key to knowing the Truth. After all, the present moment is

The future will also open up.

This is a type of hypnosis. This is a way of putting a person into a trance state. When a person arrives in this state, there is an opportunity to find out how he lived before, his past lives, reincarnations. This opportunity can be very helpful in solving problems and fears that have arisen in this life.

This type of hypnosis allows you to identify and treat various psychological disorders, phobias, and psycho-emotional problems. Using regressive hypnosis, scientists confirm the existence of reincarnation, the rebirth of the human soul.

Regression is the process of returning to a person’s past. Available different types and regression hypnosis techniques.

The process of regressive hypnosis consists of immersing a person in a deep trance and finding certain information in the depths of consciousness. This is a very difficult process. In a normal state or in a state of classical hypnosis, it is often not possible to obtain the necessary data. In order to find out about their past lives and correct past mistakes, people agree to regressive hypnosis.

Immersion methods

To conduct a regressive hypnosis session, you must have certain skills and knowledge. The first thing a psychologist needs to do is to examine the patient and find out that plunging into regressive psychosis does not pose a danger to his health and well-being.

The immersion method consists of several steps:

  1. Putting the patient into a trance state. The specialist puts the person into a trance and keeps in touch with him, asking questions. The hypnologist helps the patient feel comfortable in the new state. Questions are asked to ensure that the individual is under hypnosis and is seeing his past.
  2. Obtaining the necessary information. After the psychologist is convinced that the person is immersed in a trance and sees his past, he begins to ask questions to obtain the necessary information. Tries to find the source of the problem, to find out all the nuances of what happened.
  3. Finding the cause. After receiving the required information and finding out all the reasons for what happened, the hypnologist changes the data in the patient’s subconscious, records it and takes the person out of the state of hypnosis. The patient comes to his senses with an already altered state of consciousness.

The specialist stays next to the patient throughout the session, monitoring his condition. With the help of questions, he helps to understand the situation. It is important to monitor the patient’s well-being; excess vitality must not be allowed, as this will create new problems.

To get the whole picture of what happened, all past lives, it is necessary to conduct several sessions of regressive hypnosis. It is believed that in such a state a person can tell in detail about all his past lives and even predict future reincarnations. Regressive hypnosis allows you to penetrate into a person’s consciousness into his unconscious part. On this platform it is possible to correct the situation, problem, behavior.

You should be very careful in carrying out any manipulations with consciousness, with suggestion, as this will entail many serious problems and difficulties. Regressive psychosis must be carried out by a person who has all the necessary skills for this, is calm, and has a positive attitude.

What problems does regression hypnosis solve?

The purpose of hypnosis is for a person to go back into the past, relive certain painful moments and correct the mistakes made. This will solve problems in the present.
The main problems that hypnosis corrects:

  • Eliminate constant fatigue.
  • Restoration of a person’s psycho-emotional state.
    Finding harmony and integrity.
  • Identification and resolution of sexual deviations.
  • Eliminate bad habits.
  • Believe in yourself, in your inner strength.
  • Establish communication with people around you and outside world generally.
  • Elimination of excess weight;
  • Correction of speech defects, stuttering.
  • Improve sleep, get rid of insomnia.
  • Getting rid of phobias.
  • Explore yourself and your inner self.
  • Rethink your past by correcting your future.
  • Find your purpose.

Regressive hypnosis is a dangerous procedure, since once in the past, the patient may be shocked by what he sees. And consciousness will involuntarily wait for what has already happened, but no one knows what will happen.
At special trainings and seminars on esotericism, training in regressive hypnosis is provided.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors do not approve of regressive hypnosis, because they believe that serious disorders can occur in people with an unstable nervous system when interfering with their subconscious. There were cases when interference in a person’s subconscious did not help, but only harmed. In Israel, this type of hypnosis is officially prohibited.

Consequences of regressive hypnosis

Like any effect on the human subconscious, regressive hypnosis poses a certain danger to the psyche. In the case where the past trauma was very strong, the person may not be able to bear re-experiencing all the emotions and real benefit won't receive it. And if there is a certain genetic predisposition to psychosis, there is a high probability of its development, even leading to psychosomatic pathology.

If the hypnosis treatment was superficial, that is, the problem was not solved at the level of consciousness in the past, but only a suggestion occurred that everything was fine, then the general nervous state, the phobia, will return after some time. Any hypnosis uses hypnotic amnesia, so a person will treat an old problem as if it were a new one and will not think that something like this has already happened.

Depending on the individual characteristics the body may experience other negative consequences. Regressive hypnosis should not be abused, as it leads to addiction.

Age regression - what is it?

This is a phenomenon in which a person, while under hypnosis, relives his childhood fears and problems. Age regression is very real, as is trance itself, and therefore patients do not consciously regress into childhood.

For example, we can consider such an emotion as resentment. Esoteric scientists believe that resentment is a behavior pattern inherent in infancy, and not an innate emotion. This is psycho-emotional blackmail. Subconsciously, a person who is offended is trying to make others feel guilty and get what he wants. If we consider the period of childhood, then resentment is usually directed from the child to the parents. As an example of immersion in age regression, a woman is offended by her husband due to lack of attention, or a drunk man falls into childhood and behaves accordingly.

Age regression treatment

All psychological institutions use the age regression method for treatment. It is used for psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, psychodrama, transactional analysis and other psycho-emotional procedures.

The operating principle of age regression is based on immersing a person in a trance and discovering his not-distant past. Searching for problems in his childhood. This is proven effective method. Since the appeal occurs to real events that happened to the patient in childhood, and not fictional stories. In this procedure, hypnosis is an auxiliary tool, not the main one.

How to hypnotize someone

Hypnosis is of interest not only to doctors who study psychology and practice medicine, but also various kinds scammers. But, as a rule, only a professional can put a person into a trance. There are people who have the gift and are able to hypnotize a person without much difficulty. There are two types of hypnotization:

  • words;
  • glance.

Hypnosis with a glance

To hypnotize a person with your eyes, follow these steps:

  • Establish contact with a person, get him talking, find out topics that interest him. You should watch your voice; it should be calm, even and pleasant. It is not good to interrupt your interlocutor.
  • The hypnotist's gaze should be direct, confident, decisive. Professionals advise training your eyes, looking at one point for at least 10–15 minutes. A person is put into a trance if you look into his eyes continuously, with a specially trained gaze.
  • When the interlocutor looks away, you also need to look away and try to repeat everything again. At the moment of eye-to-eye contact, you can try to suggest something to a person, since at such moments it is easiest to penetrate the subconscious.

In order not to fall under hypnosis, they avoid looking into the eyes of the interlocutor. Mentally build a wall and repeat the words to yourself that hypnosis has no power over you. They close and do not allow entry into consciousness.

Hypnosis with words

The method of elementary hypnosis is based on diverting a person’s attention to some stimulus, a rosary, a pendulum, or even speech. This causes a stupor in the nervous system. Hypnosis requires that the entire nervous system slow down; for this it is necessary to keep the interlocutor in this state. The result will be a trance into which the person will fall.

Hypnotization with words is based on charming and overloading the brain with information. As a result, inhibition occurs nervous system. Stories, stories, tales are used as texts. The main thing is to add commands to the narrative that the interlocutor performs. When narrating, you should insert a second or third into one story; the more complex the story, the better. They tell the story correctly, clearly, so that the interlocutor understands the meaning, but gradually falls into a trance from an overabundance of data and facts.

To protect against this type of hypnosis, they do not delve into the essence of the stories, interrupt the interlocutor, turn on the player, do not make eye contact and quickly leave.

Immersion in hypnosis on your own

The main psychologist and hypnotist for every person lives inside him. Regressions that are performed independently are considered very effective.

Regressive hypnosis is carried out in a cozy, calm, protected place. They are worried that no one will interfere with the process.

Immersion technique

It is recommended to record everything you see in a diary. All the details, everything ordinary and unusual seen. They pay special attention to what they see, because the experience of the past will be very useful in the present. Having become familiar with regressive hypnosis, they study their past in order to make it easier to live in the present.

How to protect yourself from external influences

A person is constantly in contact with the outside world on the street, in transport, at work. Often, after communicating with certain people, unpleasant sensations arise, headache, signs of disease.

Everyone has an energy field that blocks the access of negative energy from the outside. But when this field weakens, the life force is sucked out of a person by the so-called energy vampires. To protect yourself from harmful effects you should:

  • alternate work and rest;
  • do not let the disease take its course, treat it;
  • smile and think about good things;
  • play sports, strengthen the body and spirit;
  • replenish lost energy through yoga and meditation.

This strengthens the outer protective shell. Try to avoid unpleasant people who are constantly on edge and making scandals. If you can’t avoid the conversation, they agree with everything and don’t give in to provocative words.

Be sure to make or buy amulets against the evil eye, damage, negative people. This can be an aspen amulet. At home they keep holy water and wash themselves with it. If you pour a small amount of liquid into a container and carry it with you, you will get a talisman that will save you from an unkind glance and evil human thoughts.


Give kindness and the universe will answer you in kind. Healthy image life, positive attitude- the key to good luck and success. And, of course, self-confidence. This power can work miracles. A confident person can do anything. You should not pay attention to evil, negative people, you should feel sorry for them and move on with your head held high. People are envious by nature, but this anger and envy eats them from the inside. Don't give them your precious time.