The most interesting holidays in the world: list. The brightest and most interesting holidays of the countries of the world

If you pay attention to the quantity and subject matter holidays in the CIS countries, it is hardly possible to imagine other unusual holidays However, other nations also have unpredictable reasons for fun.

So, let's start with Europe.

1. Midsummer, or midsummer festival, which is celebrated in the Scandinavian countries, and in particular in Sweden. If in our country the middle of summer is logically the middle of July, then in their region the middle of summer is June 21st! And judging by the weather, it is. It’s unlikely that Swedes know what a “hot summer” is. On this day they have picnics, barbecues, and ladies wear wreaths of fresh flowers on their heads. Drinking and dancing is the main goal of the holiday. Most often they gather in parks, where a small performance can also be organized. There are several versions of how this holiday appeared. The fact is that it is very important for the Scandinavians. According to one version, even in ancient times, on the eve of “midsummer,” people fought with fire against devils and witches. Here's some Swedish fun:

2.Fireball Festival. Next we are transported to the unusually hot North America in this case and immediately feel the fervor of the local residents. Before us fireball festival in El Salvador, "Bolas de Fuego", which is held annually on August 21, is a holiday for daredevils. This is not only an unusual celebration dedicated to the volcanic eruption in 1658, but also dangerous. People take rags, douse them with flammable substances, set them on fire and scatter them around the city. This tradition has been observed for 300 years. The sky above the cities becomes flaming, as if during an eruption. Although there is a religious interpretation of the origin of the holiday. According to legend, Saint Geronimo fought the devil with fireballs.

It is unlikely that foreigners will like such antics. If you want to get a little dose of adrenaline, El Salvador is waiting for you.

3. Obama Day. The next holiday could logically be on the list "US national holidays" however, it became a legal holiday in Kenya in 2008 - Obama Day. The locals were very happy that Obama became president, since his father was born in Kenya, and have celebrated him every year since. That's how it goes

4. Great holiday - National Rubber Slipper Day celebrated in New Zealand on December 2. It should be noted that the date was chosen quite well, since in December it is summer in this part of the world.

Want to have some fun too? In this country, absolutely everyone wears flip-flops, even to work. But people not only wear them, but also lose them. A special study found that lost flip-flops are more likely to wash ashore on the ocean on the left foot than on the right. There is a logical explanation for this: sailors, when pushing boats from the shore, often push with their left foot, while their right foot is in the boat. Thus, the left slipper often sinks.

5. Holi holiday. You can attend a very kind, cheerful and bright holiday if you find yourself in India on March 17th. It's a day of colors - Holi holiday. Everyone buys dry powder paints and makes colored water, light fires and start painting each other. However, this holiday also has a religious component associated with the Indian god Krishna. He loved a girl named Radha, but her skin color was light and his was dark. So that he would not be upset, he was asked to paint her face with colored paints and see what would happen to her.

6. Many tourists go to Thailand, but they hardly ever see National holiday , which is held once a year. The city of Lopburi is home to many monkeys and they attract tourists. In order to thank the animals, a feast is held for them in the square in front of the temple, to which 2 to 4 tons of fruit are brought. A very colorful, funny and interesting show.

Thailand is also famous for its elephants, so on March 13 it is quite possible to attend the Elephant Day celebration. Now, if you are going to Thailand, do not forget about these two events that will make your vacation unforgettable.

7. Since 1998, active tourists have been traveling to South Korea in the summer for the Mud Festival. The essence of the holiday is to wallow in the sea mud to your heart's content, get a lot of positive emotions and heal the body with the beneficial substances that this very mud contains. Initially, such an event was organized by a cosmetology company to promote its products, but many residents liked the holiday and now it is national holiday of South Korea.

There is a similar holiday in Spain, where the participants of the celebration throw tomatoes, and it is called “Tomatina”. America is also not lagging behind and invites everyone to roll in clay. In short, you can get dirty everywhere: in Asia, in Europe, and in America.

8. Festival of the Five Petal Rose. The Czech Republic is a very popular destination among our tourists. If you are going to visit this country, try to attend the Five Petal Rose Festival. This event will take you several centuries back to the Middle Ages. Beautiful costumes, embodying the Rosenberg era, will forever remain in your memory. By the way, absolutely everyone is invited to wear suits, and if you don’t want to wear them you will have to pay a fine of 150 Czech crowns. So rent your costumes, because this only happens once in a lifetime!

Fans of such entertainment can also be invited to dress up as Vikings in Scotland at the Fire Festival. What doesn't happen in the world?

9. But there are holidays for passive travelers too. If you like to sleep, then you will have to go to Finland for the Sonya holiday, which is celebrated on July 27th. Here they determine the biggest Sonya of the year. Just for those who like to sleep, the day is not a pleasant one. Usually relatives make fun of the sleeping people, throwing them into the water, staining them with all sorts of mixtures. The history of the holiday dates back to the Middle Ages, when, according to legend, 7 Christians slept for two hundred years in a cave so that the Emperor of Rome would not find them. So from a rather tragic story a very cheerful holiday emerged.

10. From sleepy Scandinavians we move to naked Asians. Yes, this kind of holiday exists in Japan, and they have not forgotten about it for more than a thousand years every third Saturday in February. The spectacle is going to be fun! The celebration itself is attended by men aged 23 to 43 years. They put on loincloths and go to pray in the temple, and after that they go for a walk along the streets of the city. All spectators want to touch them, as there is a belief that touching a naked person will bring good luck.

11. In the CIS countries there is a day of driver, sailor, janitor, and in the USA - Meteorologist Day. This new holiday, associated with the birthday of the founder of weather forecasting, D. Jeffreys. Now every year on February 5, you can see the best weather forecasts for the year on TV screens.

Despite the fact that in America it is Meteorologist's Day - National holiday, There is also an international holiday of the same name, which is celebrated on March 23. Thus, the United States has a weather forecast day twice a year.

12. And closes our list of unusual holidays in Turkmenistan. The country's population is very proud of its melons, which are also used for medicinal purposes. On this holiday, conferences on the benefits of this product are held throughout the country, as well as fairs, dances and other festivities. This event falls on the second Sunday in August.

The holiday gained such popularity that it began to be celebrated in Ukraine and Tajikistan. If the melon has earned attention only in a few countries, then the watermelon has its own international day - August 3.

In fact, there are many other interesting holidays and festivals that we have never heard of. But, did you know that we also have amazing holidays? For example, the day of the cut glass or the day of St. Petersburg cats? Travel and get to know the world - there are so many interesting and unusual things in it! Every year new religious and fairytale celebrations appear that give joy and fun to others.

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People all over the world know Easter, Christmas, and New Year. But there are other holidays that are, to put it mildly, a little unusual.

Every nation has its own colorful, interesting and unusual holidays. They were invented in different countries ah of the world in order to diversify people's lives, to fill it bright colors. Such holidays allow us not to forget about national traditions.

Below is short review the most unusual holidays, which are also widely celebrated, although not throughout the world.

Unusual holidays

1. Night of the Radish (Mexico)
The holiday is held annually on December 23 in the city of Oaxaca. The city is famous for its woodcarving masters. In 1889, farmers decided to try carving radish figures to attract buyers. And it worked. The festival lasts several hours, but attracts a large number of spectators and participants. Craftsmen cut out all kinds of figures of people, animals, and buildings from radishes.

The main theme of the festival is Christmas stories. Some sculptures weigh up to 3 kilograms and reach a length of 50 cm. The holiday program includes several competitions, during which the thickest, skinniest, longest and roundest radishes are chosen. The holiday is accompanied by cheerful music, dancing and the sale of delicious sweets.

2. Hangul Day (proclamation of the Korean alphabet)

October 9 is the day of the proclamation of the Korean alphabet in South Korea. It is worth clarifying that this day marks the creation and proclamation of the original alphabet by King Sejong the Great Korean language(Hangul). In 1446, the ninth month after lunar calendar the king published a document introducing the new alphabet.

Until the 20th century, this language was used to a limited extent. But in the second half of the last century, Hangul became the main writing system in Korea. In 1991, the holiday lost its status public holiday, but remained national.

3. Lame Duck Day (USA)

On February 6, Americans celebrate Lame Duck Day. “Lame duck” is an informal nickname for presidents and politicians who lose another election but are forced to remain in office until the end of their term. The phrase appeared in American political jargon in the mid-19th century.

Also, lame ducks are sometimes called teachers in educational institutions or executives and managers of companies who are supposed to quit soon, but are still working out their last days at their jobs.

4. Cheng Chau Bung Festival (Hong Kong)

The bun festival is held on day 8 4 lunar month By Chinese calendar. This is one of the most vibrant traditional holidays in China. The holiday began to be celebrated about a century ago, when a plague epidemic hit the island. To appease the spirits, the local population set up an altar with offerings before the god Pak Tai and the plague receded. From then to this day, the island's residents have organized parades and celebrations.

The holiday begins when three 18-meter towers are lined up in front of the temple, which are completely covered with buns and pastries. People must collect as many buns as possible, the more baked goods a person collects from the towers, the luckier the next year will be.

5. Lammas Day

Lammas Day, celebrated in English-speaking countries of the northern hemisphere on August 1, has many names, but the most common is Lughnasad, which translates as "Lug's gathering" or "Lug's wedding." Lugh is one of the gods of the Celtic pantheon, the patron of agriculture and crafts.

The most important dish at Lammas is bread in all its variations, which residents bring to the local church. On festive table Fruits and nuts are also included. Several rituals are performed on this day, and afterwards residents prefer to continue the celebration in nature, if the weather permits.

6. Beer Day (Iceland)

If you are a beer lover, then you need to attend the Beer Festival on March 1st in Iceland. That day celebrates the adoption of the strong beer law, which has been in force since 1989. This act abolished Prohibition, which had been in force for 75 years.

The most important thing on this day is to drink as much beer as you can fit. On this day, most offices, institutions and banks work less, but this does not apply to drinking establishments.

7. Setsebun, bean throwing day (Japan)

Setsebun or bean scattering day is celebrated on the first day of spring, which falls on February 3-4 according to the Japanese calendar. On this day, people scatter beans (mame-maki ritual) in houses, streets and temples to drive away evil spirits and invite happiness into the home.

According to ancient legend, once an epidemic claimed many lives and evil spirits were to blame. It was possible to drive them away only with the help of roasted beans. This is where the mame-maki ritual was born to expel evil spirits and preserve well-being.

Holidays of the peoples of the world

8. Nenana Ice Lottery (Alaska)

The lottery takes place in the village of Nenana. This tradition began in 1917. The winter had been particularly long that year, and a group of railroad engineers began betting on the time when the ice on the Tanana River would begin to crack. The next year, several more people supported them and it became a tradition.

Lottery participants must guess the day and exact time when the ice on the river breaks up. A large tripod is installed on the ice, tied to a special clock on the shore. When the ice begins to melt and crack, the tripod falls into the water, thereby stopping the clock mechanism. The winner is announced. The biggest win was $303,895.

9. Nyepi Day (day of silence)

Nyepi or the Day of Silence in Bali is similar to the New Year, but is celebrated every spring on the night of the new moon. Thus, the date of the celebration changes every year. Nyepi is one of the most important holidays in the island's culture; it is preceded by several ritual ceremonies, during which almost all the islanders participate. After the ceremonies. the next day at 6 am the entire island is plunged into peace and quiet. The point is to make the demons believe that the island is empty.

There is nothing working on the island except an ambulance. On this day, the police patrol the city to make sure that all citizens celebrate the New Year without lights, television, radio and noisy feasts, while thinking about what awaits them in the next year and what goals they set for themselves. Guests of the island must also obey the rules of Nyepi. The next day a fun carnival begins.

10. Tomatina

In the last week of August, the city of Buñol in eastern Spain hosts an annual tomato festival to celebrate the passing of summer. This Spanish holiday features fireworks, music, dancing and free food. Distinctive feature festival that attracts crowds of tourists is the tomato battle of Tomatina (La Tomatina).

The history of the holiday dates back to 1945, when a group of friends staged a tomato duel in the square. Despite the authorities' attempts to ban the holiday, the festival is becoming more and more popular. And although the battle itself lasts about 1.5 hours, the consumption of tomatoes reaches 100 tons.

11. Festival of colors (Holi)

One of the most famous festivals in India is the festival of colors, Holi. It marks the arrival of spring in Hinduism, and falls at the end of February - beginning of March. The festival is dedicated to Holika, the legendary sister of the mythical king Hiranyakashipu, who refused to kill her brother on orders little prince Prahlad, who believed in Vishnu, and died in a fire saving a child.

On the first day of the festival, in the late afternoon, bonfires are lit in honor of Holika, symbolizing her burning. The second day (Dhalundi) of the festival is dedicated to paints: festival participants shower each other and everyone they meet with coloring powders and water. This tradition originates from the legends of the love of Krishna and Radha, whose face the young god painted with powder as a child. Holi is celebrated on a special scale in Indian villages around Mathura, the birthplace of Krishna.

12. Cooperschild cheese race

Held on the last Monday of May in Gloucester, England. Competitors climb a hill and, after a signal, rush after the rolling wheel of cheese. Whoever crosses the finish line and grabs the cheese first wins it as a prize. Despite the very high level of injuries, the festival attracts a huge number of tourists who want to take part.

The origin of the holiday is unknown, but the tradition of its celebration dates back about 200 years and is becoming more popular every year.

13. Monkey Banquet

The Monkey Banquet is one of the most unusual holidays in Thailand. Once a year since 1989, the Thais have hosted a feast for 600 invited primates, although many more come. On a huge 7-meter table, covered with a red tablecloth, you can find everything the monkey’s soul desires: all kinds of tropical fruits, vegetables and rice, 2 tons in total. You can even find soda and sweets there. In this way, the residents of the city of Lopburi thank the macaques for victories in past wars. According to legend, God Rama gave these lands to his to the best friend- to the monkey king Hanuman. It was the monkeys that helped the king save Rama’s wife, Sita, and defeat his enemies.

The holiday begins on the last Sunday of November at the ruins of an ancient temple. The governor gives a celebratory speech to the primates. There are a great many of them there. Then real invitations tied to cashew nuts are handed out. A few bold males appear first, then all the other members of the pack. Crowds of tourists and locals try to capture this feast on camera. Well-fed and cheerful monkeys even allow themselves to be stroked.

Hundreds of holidays are celebrated annually around the world, preserving ancient traditions and distinguished by their originality. Gone are the days of bloody sacrifices. They were replaced by harmless offerings to gods and idols in the form of fruits, dances and songs. Many of them will seem strange, but they are all worth visiting and forming your own opinion.

We all know such holidays as New Year, the eighth of March, and all those others that are or were days off. However, there are many more international holidays than we think.

We all know such holidays as New Year, the eighth of March, and all those others that are or were days off. We also know such international days as, for example, April Fool's Day, St. Valentine's Day or Cosmonautics Day, anyone else can call it Heart Day. However, there are many more international holidays than we think. All of them were established by the UN and UNESCO, and if they are not celebrated here, they are probably celebrated on a grand scale somewhere in the world.


So, in January, in addition to the New Year, International Thank You Day is celebrated. Without exaggeration, January 11 can be called one of the most “polite” dates of the year - today is International Thank You Day. “Thank you” is without which our life would become meager and gloomy.

And on January 21, one of the most unusual holidays is celebrated all over the world - International Hug Day. It was founded in the USA in 1986 under the name National Hugging Day, and then quickly spread throughout the world.


In February, in addition to Valentine's Day, World Day of the Sick is also celebrated on February 11th. This event is intended, rather, as a kind of social step aimed at supporting people who fall into the sad category of patients. World Day of the Sick was established on May 13, 1992, on the initiative of the late Pope John Paul II.

Also in February there is a day on which it is not customary to speak a foreign language - the 21st - International Mother Language Day (International Mother of Promoting Linguistic and Cultural Diversity and Multilingualism.


Now let's talk about the “March cat”. This expression is not at all accidental. Of course, in March cats serenade their cats on the 8th, but the point here is this - March 1 is International Cat Day! And when the cats' singing reaches its climax, just in time for the middle of the month, Pi Day arrives - March 14th. No, the celebration is not associated with obscene thoughts about cats, we are talking about the number Pi, known to us all as 3.14 since school. Why exactly March 14? Everything is simple - month 3 in the calendar, day 14, and all together 3.14.


April begins with April Fool's Day, but continues much more seriously - April 11 is celebrated annually as the International Day of the Liberation of Prisoners of Nazi Concentration Camps. On April 11, 1945, Buchenwald prisoners raised an international uprising against the Nazis and were released. It seems so long ago. But not for those who went through the horrors of fascist dungeons.

And on April 28, the International Labor Organization (ILO) declared World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which was first celebrated in 2003.

May also abounds in dates unknown to us. Thus, on May 3, Europe celebrates the Day of the Sun, the source of life on Earth, as well as a source of renewable energy. Since 1994, on May 3rd, enthusiasts and professionals, public organizations and businesses across Europe have organized events of various kinds to demonstrate the possibilities of solar energy.

On the very last day of May - the 31st, World Blonde Day is celebrated. Blonde-headed representatives of humanity found their day in 2006.


Partially close to this holiday is another of the unusual June days - World Fisheries Day, which has been celebrated annually since 1985. The holiday was established by the decision of the International Conference on the Regulation and Development of Fisheries, held in July 1984 in Rome.


The hottest month of the year, July, contains such interesting dates as World Chocolate Day, which was invented by the French in 1995, and System Administrator Day, which has a “floating” date and is celebrated annually on the last Friday of July.


August pleases left-handers, because the 13th of this month is their name day. Also in August, namely on the 23rd, is the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Slave Trade and its Abolition ( International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition). The holiday is celebrated on the recommendation of the 150th session of the Executive Council of UNESCO on the day of the slave revolt of Saint-Domingue and Haiti in 1791, which marked the beginning of the process of eliminating the system of slavery.


In September, in addition to Knowledge Day, there is also the birthday of the well-known smiley - this is the 19th, as well as a day without a car - September 23rd.


October, which ends with the mystical Halloween, begins much more positively: October 1 is the day of smiles. Essentially the same emoticon, only real and much warmer. And in many countries, October 8th is celebrated as International Egg Day. This is the day for all lovers of eggs, omelettes, casseroles and fried eggs. There is nothing surprising in this, because eggs are the most versatile food product.

Many tourists going on vacation abroad prefer not just to lie meaninglessly on the beach or look out the window at exotic landscapes, but to witness some unforgettable holiday or an event that does not exist in their home country. We can safely say that something similar exists in every state. After all, every nation has its own traditions, which many foreigners who come to their homeland on vacation dream of joining at least for a short time.

A list of some of them with a short description is attached below as a kind of guide to the most unusual holidays celebrated in different corners Earth.

January 11 – International Thank You Day

January 11 should, without any exaggeration, be dubbed the most “polite” date of the year. It is on this day that International Thank You Day is celebrated. Each of the people on Earth, no matter what country he lives in, miraculously realizes the high importance of decent manners and their indispensability in everyday life. It’s just that we voice the lion’s share of gratitude as if by chance, without really delving into their meaning.

But in fact, any word of gratitude uttered in response to a good deed has an almost mystical meaning and has a truly magical quality. With the help of a polite attitude towards each other, people are able not only to express their attention, but also to give joy to others. And this, you see, is not the least important thing in our already tense and nervous life, which without banal signs of politeness can turn into a gloomy and meager existence.

Carnival in Argentina

This entertainment event is one of the longest celebrations not only in Argentina itself, but throughout the world. Starting on the first Saturday of January, carnivals continue for over two months every Saturday and last until the beginning of March. Local residents call this time nothing more than “the time of love and carnivals.” During Argentinean carnivals, the streets of its cities are transformed. They are filled with cheerful dancers, whose repertoire is dominated by dazzling South American dances that please the eye.

There is no corner where you can’t hear the loud beat of drums and the rhythms of sultry samba. But the main “feature” of the carnival is the grand procession, the participants of which dress in multi-colored feathers, all kinds of rhinestones, shiny scraps of fabric and do not stop dancing throughout the marathon. Also, giant man-made figures play an important role in the demonstration, thanks to which everyone’s favorite atmosphere of celebration and fun appears at the carnival.

Flower Festival in Thailand

Many tourists going on holiday to Thailand try to combine it with the world-famous Flower Festival, which is celebrated every year in the city of Chiang Mai, located in the north of the state. Beginning on the first Friday of February, it is celebrated for three days. Thanks to the festival, a small town by conventional standards turns into a source of fun and joy, gushing with a fountain and covering everyone who decides to take part in the unusual holiday. The streets of Chiang Mai during the Flower Festival are filled with crowds of walking people, including large quantities There are also musicians playing their instruments without interruption.

Like a multi-colored river that has emerged from its bed, the celebrants scatter through the streets and avenues of the city. Tourists arriving these days immediately pour into the common cheerful stream to make it even more full-flowing. At this time, millions of a wide variety of flowers are carried through Ching Mai. Representatives of the fairer sex try to win the hearts of those around them with the unusual abundance of national costumes that they sew with my own hands for the holiday. After all, at the end of the Festival, a fastidious jury will choose the most beautiful of the girls, who will be proclaimed the queen of flowers.


For Russians it is something familiar and no one classifies it as the most unusual holiday, but for foreigners it is considered one of the most exotic entertainment events. The holiday we inherited from our ancient ancestors managed to combine both pagan and Christian motifs. Essentially, Maslenitsa is nothing more than a farewell to winter, which is replaced by the long-awaited warmth and cheerful renewal of nature in more joyful colors.

The main attribute of Maslenitsa is pancakes, which, by the way, also have a ritual meaning. Hot and round, they represent the sun itself, which begins to warm more and more the world, lengthens the day and drives away despondency and dullness. Despite the centuries that have passed since the first celebration of Maslenitsa, we still celebrate it with no less enthusiasm than our distant ancestors, who, with the advent of Christianity in the Russian lands, did not dare to abandon such a joyful and cheerful event, adapting it to the new faith.

Cake Day in Iceland

At first, the days preceding Lent were celebrated in Iceland with rich feasts and copious libations. But already in the 19th century it came to the country from Denmark. new tradition, which was immediately enthusiastically supported by all the local residents, and especially the bakers. The thing is that these days it has become customary to consume incredible quantities of cakes specially prepared for the holiday, the filling of which consisted of whipped cream, and icing was poured on top.

In addition, during the celebration of Cake Day, Icelandic children made it a habit to walk the streets, sing songs and beg for coveted sweets from bakeries along the way. Since then, cakes, called “Bullur”, have become the main product sold in the country several days before the start of the holiday, which incredibly pleases not only children, but also older confectionery lovers.

Fallas in Spain

This holiday is usually celebrated on the night of March 19-20. It consists of burning giant dolls and is a kind of finale for the pyrotechnics parade that began to be celebrated on March 1. Throughout these days, competitions of the best pyrotechnicians are held in the cities, who try to conquer the surrounding views with the most unforgettable fireworks display in their lives. At the same time, independent teams also walk the streets of Spain, whose members traditionally wear black shirts and wear checkered scarves around their necks.

You can expect any unpleasant dirty tricks from these people. They, without really thinking about the consequences, are ready to throw a firecracker or bomb at the feet of any passerby. At the same time, they absolutely do not care whether the tourists they come across are familiar with the rules of celebrating the Fallas or not. And the local residents themselves are happy to contribute to the transformation hometown in a kind of volcano rumbling and shooting firecrackers.

Floral Marathon

Celebrated in the capital of Great Britain on April 14 every year. Essentially, this marathon is an ordinary sporting event, but in reality it is something more, which has long ago turned into the largest street party in the world.

The marathon distance is 26.2 miles. Throughout its entire length, the sound of drums sounds, street performances and performances take place, and everyone can watch the sports procession from the windows of numerous pubs, whose regulars support the marathon participants with loud shouts. Every self-respecting London organization, no matter how small, tries to prepare its own performance for the holiday, which can be seen by any of the guests or residents of the city.

Flower competition

At the end of April, a grand flower parade is held in the Netherlands. Numerous moving platforms decorated with flower displays travel forty-two kilometers. This tradition of holding a flower competition appeared in the late forties of the last century. People tired after the Second World War wanted to become participants in some unusual and bright holiday.

The parade route runs through the cities of the so-called “onion” region of Holland, such as Noordwijk, Hilleg, Haarlem, Lisse and others. The holiday is held over several days at the end of April, during the flowering period of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and other flowers belonging to the bulbous family.

UK Whiskey Festival

While Russia and a number of other countries celebrate the Spring and Labor Festival, the progressive society of Scotland celebrates the national Whiskey Festival from May 1 to 3. And all because this drink is almost the only product that all Scots are proud of and which is known all over the world. Only these days ordinary people allowed to visit the territory of the most famous factories producing elite brands of whiskey.

Usually no one from the street is allowed into the holy of holies. But visitors are interested not so much in the process of producing their favorite alcoholic drink, but in tasting it, since only on festival days can they try the best varieties of aromatic whiskey belonging to rare brands.

Parrot Festival in France

Every first Sunday in May, about forty crossbowmen from all over France gather in Haute-Garonne. Dressed in medieval costumes, they try to shoot an arrow at a seven-kilogram parrot sitting on top of a long mast, which is 45 meters high. The one who manages to shoot the unfortunate bird automatically takes the place of the king of the holiday. This tradition is rooted in history. Several centuries ago, the inhabitants of the city of Courtray, located in Flanders, had to fight off the siege of the French knights.

For many years, it was believed that it was almost impossible to deal with armored horsemen at long distances - ordinary arrows fired from bows were not able to penetrate their armor. However, the city residents were armed with crossbows, with which they shot the knights like partridges in the forest.

Cat festival in Belgium

This festival is an old Belgian tradition, the origins of which go back to the Middle Ages. In those days, cats were considered the fiends of hell, and getting rid of them was the most important task of all self-respecting superstitious Christians. Today the festival is held in May in the city of Ypres, where large numbers of toy cats and cats are thrown from a high bell tower into the crowd of people. All this action is accompanied by spectacular costumed performances and parades with the participation of people dressed as cats.

Montreal International Jazz Festival

For more than thirty years now, every July in Montreal one of the most jazz festivals has been held, which is the dream of all fans of this musical style to visit. It was even included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest of its kind in the world. The Jazz Festival is almost the only attraction of this Canadian city, the streets, squares, cafes and restaurants of which turn into real concert venues during the festival.

Festival of Lights in Cuba

Held from July 3 to July 9 in Santiago, located in the east of Liberty Island. The highlight of the holiday is the enchanting performance of fakirs, illusionists, pyrotechnicians and other “lords” of fire. The sight of Santiago at night is especially beautiful, on whose boulevards “fiery performances”, all kinds of games with fire take place, and any disco is held under the light of flaming torches. Each night of the Festival of Lights ends with a majestic fireworks display that can bring aesthetic pleasure to any fan of “fiery” spectacles.

Tomatina in Spain

The second name of this holiday sounds like the Battle of the Tomatoes. Tomatina is held in the last week of August and is a kind of farewell to the passing summer. The Tomato Festival is held in the city of Bunyol. Like most Spanish holidays, it is accompanied by dancing, fireworks, music and traditional “free” treats. The beginning of the fun festival is the pop of firecrackers, which are thrown from the city hall on Wednesday at exactly 11 o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, trucks with their bodies filled with tomatoes enter the streets of Buñol. Immediately all the residents of the city rush towards them, grab ripe tomatoes and begin to throw them at everyone.

A surprisingly stupid and meaningless holiday, but very bright and cheerful. In addition, it also has some psychological feature- thanks to throwing tomatoes, a person can get an emotional release and take out his anger on the unfortunate tomatoes and people in whom they can be thrown with pleasure.

Oktoberfest in Germany

Starting in Munich on the third weekend of September, the largest beer festival in the world is rightfully the dream of any alcoholic. For 16 days here you can try an unimaginable amount of foamy drink, snacking on traditional Bavarian sausages and sausages. The birthday of Oktoberfest is considered to be October 12, 1810, when the wedding of Princess Theresa of Saxony and Crown Prince Ludwig I took place. All Munich residents were invited to the celebration, for whom they provided free beer, and horse racing was staged as a spectacle.

Candy Day in USA

Every third Saturday in October, Americans happily celebrate Sweets Day. Its roots go back to 1922, when a compassionate Cleveland confectioner named Herbert Kingston decided to throw a holiday for everyone who was going through hard times in those days - orphans, the poor and other people in need.

Karwa Chauth in India

In October, residents of India, as well as Hindus outside of it, celebrate traditional holiday Karwa Chauth, which is the festival of all married women. On this day, all married Indian women fast, refusing to eat or drink. Thus, they supposedly wish their husbands a long life. This ritual speaks of the devotion of Indian women to their husbands, for whom they agree to give up their own needs for the well-being of their beloved spouses.


Celebrated at the end of December and is one of the most beloved holidays in Scandinavia. Despite the fact that Yule is actually a purely pagan ritual, the Vikings and their descendants do not consider it shameful to celebrate it along with Christian holidays. However, as in our case with everyone’s favorite Maslenitsa. It is generally accepted that during Yule, the gods descend to earth, all kinds of mythical creatures come into contact with ordinary people, and the dead temporarily leave their Lower World.

Camel Festival

Held in January in India. The festival begins with a bright parade of festively dressed camels, one look of which can charm the audience with its brilliance and exoticism. Then at the festival all kinds of competitions take place, accompanied by music and fun. This festival reaches a special celebration in Delhi, where a military parade takes place. The fighting horses, elephants and, of course, camels dressed in bright blankets that take part in it take the audience back centuries, to the heroic past of the country.

Thaipusam Festival

The holiday is celebrated in January in Singapore. On this day, every self-respecting local resident can make a wish, and the gods will definitely fulfill it. And those who want their dream to come true as soon as possible can make an unusual sacrifice to the higher powers. For example, having put yourself into a religious trance, pierce your cheeks or tongue with a silver needle, personifying the “vel” spear, with the help of which Muruga was able to drive away the evil asura demons.

Carnival Trinidad and Tobago

The holiday takes place in February in Trinidad, five days before the start of Lent. By appearance the carnival is very similar to the famous one, but it also has a number of significant differences. For example, it takes place to the music of calypso and the playing of the so-called steelbands - orchestras consisting of “steel drums”.

Dead Rat Ball

Every second Saturday in March, an unusual festival is held in the Belgian city of Ostend - the Dead Rat Ball. Despite such a scary name, there is nothing scary about it. It’s just that everyone who decides to take part in the holiday is obliged to throw aside all fashion trends and dress up in the most provocative and colorful costume possible. This masquerade dates back to 1896, when the “Brotherhood of the Dead Rat” decided to create something unusual in order to have the opportunity to spend time as fun and carefree as possible.

Songkran holiday

Songkran is the start of the Thai New Year and is celebrated in April. On this day, everyone pours water on each other. This ritual refers to the ritual purification accepted in Buddhism. It especially hits foreign tourists, who, apparently, are considered by local residents to be the most vicious and in need of cleansing.

Pyrotechnic show "Scoppio Del Carro"

In April, on the day of the celebration of Catholic Easter, an unusual parade takes place in Florence, nicknamed “Scoppio Del Carro”. A rocket in the shape of a dove is carried through the entire city on a large harness, driven by two dazzling white oxen. She even has her own name - Columbine. After the rocket is consecrated by the archbishop, a huge number of fireworks are lit from it in the central square of the city, thanks to which the holiday becomes truly unforgettable.

Rhine in lights

For more than seven decades, in all German cities along the banks of the Rhine and Moselle rivers, so-called “wine” festivals have been held in September, the main highlight of which is the pyrotechnic performance that takes place in the evenings.

The effect of the fire show you see becomes stronger thanks to the reflections of fireworks and fireworks in the river water. The public standing on the shore watches with delight the ships sailing past, showered with colorful sparks. And high in the sky, amazing fiery flowers “bloom”, refreshing coastal historical buildings with some mystical light - palaces, fortresses, castles, colorful ruins.

Temple procession

The temple procession, or Sanja Matsuri in Japanese, takes place in Tokyo in May. Almost two million people, who are representatives of one or another Buddhist temple (mikoshi), rush to take part in the holiday. This procession is called “temple” because its participants carry copies of Japanese temples on stretchers. Moreover, no model should weigh more than 220 kg.

In total, about one hundred mikoshi are represented in the festive procession. Sanja Matsuri is also a Japanese holiday. national costume. On this day, residents walk through the streets of Tokyo dressed in the outfits of geishas, ​​medieval musicians and dancers, samurai and other traditional clothes.