Matinee in kindergarten is new. New Year's scenario for dhow "Winter's Tale"

New Year's holiday scenario for children of the second junior group
New Year's scenario for children of the preparatory group
New Year's scenario for senior and preparatory groups
Scenario "Winter's Tale"
Scenario "New Year's Journey through the Fairytale Kingdom"
Ball on Christmas night
Scenario Adventures of a Dwarf
New Year's performance for kids
Matinee script for kids
Journey to Santa Claus
New Year's adventures
Scenario “Christmas tree” (younger group)
New Year's party

Scenario for New Year's party (kindergarten).

Happy New Year!
Both hosts and guests,
Happiness to everyone, I wish you well
And nice, clear days.
And there is also congratulations -
IN kindergarten his
Healthier and more rosy
Get better every day!

Song "In December"

White, white in December, in December
Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.

Slippery, slippery in December, in December
Pots, pots in the yard, in the yard
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Voiced, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

1 child:
- Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are
Why did you come to us again
And in green needles
Brought the freshness of the forest!

2nd child:
- There are toys on your branches
And the lanterns are burning,
Multi-colored firecrackers,
Different beads are on fire!

3rd child:
- You are the freshness of the forest at dawn
She brought light into our room,
Straightened the resinous needles
Light up with sparkling lights!

Song "New Year has come to us"

Green, fluffy,
In a snow coat,
The Christmas tree has arrived for the holiday
Frosty winter.

That's how good it is
New Year has come to us,
That's how good it is
New Year has come.

Silver snowflakes
and the branches shine,
And pieces of ice like bells
They ring softly.

We drive near the Christmas tree
Merry round dance,
And together we dream a Christmas tree
Celebrating the New Year!

4th child:
- Move the circle wider
Join the round dance
We lived together happily
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance "New Year is coming to us"

It's good that every year
New Year is coming to us,
Lights up our Christmas tree
And starts a round dance.

If dancing isn't enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

We dance under the Christmas tree
We can do it for three whole hours,
And we won’t get tired at all,
What miracles!

If dancing isn't enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

- Let's have fun today
Let their faces shine with happiness,
The sister snowflakes have arrived,
Whirl around the snowstorm.

Dance of Snowflakes.
A magpie girl runs out from behind the Christmas tree and reads a telegram from Santa Claus:
-Telegram, telegram:
"I was in such a hurry that it became hot,
Yes, the gifts were scattered,
Caught on a twig
And my bag tore.
I'm still collecting them,
I am sending Snow Maiden to you.
Just, darlings, look,
Take care of my granddaughter."

- We will greet the Snow Maiden, we will meet her with the orchestra.

Children play musical instruments. Baba Yaga enters. dressed up as a snow maiden.

Baba Yaga:
And here I am, here I am.

Who are you?

Baba Yaga:
Like who? Granddaughter.

Oh, so you are the granddaughter of Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
Well, yes. . . Meet your granddaughter and be healthy.

So you become the Snow Maiden. And why Santa Claus did not come?

Baba Yaga:
He was in such a hurry that it became hot and the roasts scattered.

What other roasts?

Baba Yaga:
But of course: the roasts scattered and my twig broke.

Well, that's it. You are not the granddaughter of Santa Claus. So go away from here in good health, and we will continue the holiday.

Baba Yaga:
But Father Frost said: “Just, dear ones, look, take care of my granddaughter.”

Guys, maybe she really is the Snow Maiden?

Children in chorus:

And who is she?

Children in chorus:
Baba Yaga!

-I also think Baba Yaga. Let's tease her, the liar.

Game "Granny Hedgehog, bone leg."

Baba Yaga:
But, just think, tease. But I have your Snow Maiden, but I won’t let her go.

Wait, where are you going, let our Snow Maiden go!

Baba Yaga:
No, I’d rather make her heat the bathhouse for me.

What to do? Our Snow Maiden will melt in the bathhouse. Baba Yaga, ask for whatever you want, just let the Snow Maiden go.

Baba Yaga:
I want to stay with you for the holiday.

Well guys, let him stay? stay and bring the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga leaves, and the children dance the dance "Babushka Yaga." Baba Yaga returns and brings a pirate wrapped in white clothes.

Baba Yaga:
Here is your Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden, why are you wrapped up like that, and why is your voice somehow hoarse?

It was I who caught a cold during the storm. . . Oh! Do you want a riddle, kids?

In the thicket of the forest there is something like this,
Incomprehensible, big,
Like a chicken has two legs,
There are doors, but no windows,
A friend lives there
What kind of house is this?
Children in chorus: Hut!

That's right, children.

Something is strange. Is it really yours? Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga's girlfriend?

Pirate (covering his mouth):
Oh! No, of course not. . . Let's all dance together.

Children with the Pirate and Baba Yaga dance the "Ledka-Enka" dance. The pirate gets so excited that he takes off his white clothes and thereby gives himself away. The music stops.

Children, look, this is not the Snow Maiden, but a Pirate. Let's connect them with Baba Yaga.

The children tie up the Pirate and Baba Yaga, they resist and shout:
This is unfair. . . Have mercy, don't drown. . .

Yeah, we were scared! Tell me where the Snow Maiden is!

Baba Yaga:
Now, now let's bring it.

They are untied and they leave.

Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden so that she knows that we are waiting for her here.

Children in chorus:
Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters, sad.

Snow Maiden (sad):
Happy New Year. . .

What's wrong with you, Snow Maiden? Why are you so sad? You don't smile. Oh-oh-oh. She must have been bewitched. What to do? Guys, maybe we’ll cast a spell on her with funny poems and dances, and she’ll have fun. Sit down, Snow Maiden, and look at our songs and dances.

Girls dance the "Gypsy" dance. Boys dance the Musketeers dance.

Snow Maiden (fun):
Thank you, friends.
I became the same again.
The Snow Maiden will lead you
in the New Year's round dance!

Guys, Santa Claus is coming! Let's call him so he doesn't go astray. Let's all say together: “Santa Claus, come quickly! It will be more fun together!”

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.

Father Frost:
Oh, that's where my Christmas tree is. She ran away from the frost and came into the garden herself.

Santa Claus, the lights are not on, light the Christmas tree for us.

Father Frost:
One, two, three, help us with the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks three times with the staff).

The Christmas tree lights up, the children sing the song “The Magical Christmas Tree.”

When the New Year lights up
There are colored lights on the Christmas tree,
Everyone remembers their childhood
Happy children's days.

About wizards and animals.

Someone will make a wish
And he whispers to Santa Claus,
He will fulfill all his promises
And he will bring it in the New Year.

Tell us, Christmas tree, a fairy tale,
A magical dream for us, bring us a Christmas tree.
About palaces, about forests and sleds,
About wizards and animals.

Father Frost:
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
Santa Claus has not forgotten you,
And on New Year's Day
I brought a new song.
Get up in a round dance,
Sing together!

Children dance in a circle and sing the song “Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus.”

Oh, so good
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for our holiday
Brought it from the forest.

The lights are sparkling
Red, blue,
It's good for us, Christmas tree,
Have fun with you!

We removed the Christmas tree
In a festive outfit.
Lights on the branches
They burn merrily.

Let everyone at the Christmas tree
He will dance and sing,
We have fun together
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Father Frost:
Well, thank you guys, you sang the song with me. Tell me, guys, are you having fun in winter?

Snow Maiden and children:
We don't mind the cold! The cold is not scary either.

Father Frost:
Aren't you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands,
Yes, put it behind your back,
Who will I touch?
I'll freeze those as a joke.

Game "I'll freeze".

- Good Grandfather Frost! And also play the guessing game with us!

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Look how you look at us
Guess, Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play violin)

Father Frost:
You are scratching your beard.

No, we play the violin.

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Look how you look at us
Guess, Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play the pipe)

Father Frost:
You drink milk.

No, we play the pipe.

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Look how you look at us
Guess, Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play the piano)

Father Frost:
You sort through the grains.

No, we play the piano.

Santa Claus, you didn’t guess anything, dance and make us laugh.

Santa Claus is dancing.

Father Frost:
Oh, it’s hot here, I’m about to melt. Granddaughter, bring some cold water to cool off.

The Snow Maiden brings a large mug filled 1/3 with confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and suddenly pours confetti from his mug onto his parents.

Father Frost:
Celebrate the New Year with song,
Celebrate the New Year with dancing,
Who knows poems about the holiday?
Let him read them now.

Children go out and read poems under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:
Now it's time for all of us to play together again.

Game "Bridge", "Snowballs". During the game, Baba Yaga appears and slowly takes away Santa Claus' staff.

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, haven't you forgotten about the gifts?

Father Frost:
Now I'll take my magic staff. Where is he? Children, haven't you seen? (Baba Yaga walks behind Father Frost).

Santa Claus turns around, takes away his staff and says:
I'm back to my old ways again. You just do evil things. Now I'll freeze you!

He knocks three times with his staff, Baba Yaga shouts:
Oh, no need, oh, I don’t want to, oh. . . (and freezes in a funny pose).

The Pirate comes running and takes pity on her:
Oh, you are my Yagusenka, how can I live without you? Father Frost! Father Frost! Come on, I’ll show you a trick, if you like it, you’ll defrost Baba Yaga.

The pirate shows tricks.

Father Frost:
Okay, I’ll defrost Baba Yaga and trust her for the last time. One, two, three, die!

Baba Yaga:
Oh, what happened to me? I seem to have gotten better and want to do a good deed.

Father Frost:
Which one?

Baba Yaga:
I want to give gifts to children. (Whistles. Izbushka enters with a creak and dances).

Baba Yaga! Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga:
Who's screaming at me? Who lives in the hut? Who's calling grandma? Hey, Talking Hut, don’t be lazy, turn your front to me and your back to the tree!

Where is Santa Claus?
He brought gifts to the children,
Good Santa Claus.
I found his bag in the forest
And I quickly brought it to you,
So that the snow doesn't wet them,
I hid them in the hut,
You knock on the window
And receive a gift.

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga knock on the window, and a gift flies out.

Father Frost:
Thank you, Izbushechka, but where are the rest of the gifts?

Rake the snow under the tree
And find gifts there.
And now it's time for me to go to the forest,
Goodbye, kids. (leaves)

Santa Claus takes out a bag from under the tree and gives gifts to the children.

Father Frost:
And now it's time for me,
To your holiday in a year
Santa Claus will come again
Goodbye, guys,
Dear preschoolers!

The Snow Maiden approaches Santa Claus:
We don't really want to say goodbye
We will all miss you
What a pity that we have to part,
Let's all dance a farewell waltz.

Everyone dances a waltz to the music "Ah, Carnival." Children join hands and sing the song "Goodbye, Santa Claus."

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Grandfather Frost,
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

We promise, we promise
That as soon as we grow up,
Visit again, visit again
Let's come to this Christmas tree.

We will remember, we will remember
Our wonderful round dance,
Our songs, our dances,
Our wonderful New Year!

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Grandfather Frost.
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

This fairy tale, a time when dreams come true and miracles happen. To maintain a festive mood, preschool teachers try to organize an unforgettable New Year's party for children in kindergarten. We offer one of the interesting and fun scenarios for a New Year's party in kindergarten for the older group.

New Year's party in kindergarten, senior group: scenario

Santa Claus lives in a frosty forest

Characters: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden - adults; Bear, Bunny, Squirrel, Wolf, Fox, snowflakes - children.

The rest of the children are dressed in costumes of snowmen, goblin, pirates and other fairy-tale characters.

To the music of the song “When it comes New Year"children enter the festively decorated hall carnival costumes and masks and stand in a semicircle near the tree. Children dressed as forest animals come to the center of the hall.

Teddy Bear (solemnly). Happy New Year to everyone around and everyone around! New Year's like good friend, Pleases with his arrival!

Bunny (joyfully). And at our holiday we will sing about the New Year!

Squirrel (with slyness). Let's sing well now and then more than once!

Children sing the song “New Year”

Wolf. We gathered for the New Year, but no one comes to us! I have one question: Where does Santa Claus walk?

Fox (addressing the Wolf). You ask again, neighbor, Why is there no Snow Maiden?

Wolf (Sincerely). You, Lisa, are always right - I appreciate your words!

Fox(alarmed). Maybe they fell into the snow? Maybe they fell into a trap?

Wolf (sighing). Now we can’t find them: The paths in the forest are snowy!

Teddy Bear (Wolf and Fox - reproachfully). This is a false alarm! Wait a little...

Wolf (incredulously). Come on, Mishka! Everyone is waiting for them...

Squirrel. Quiet! They are coming to us!

Bunny(funny). We will greet them today, We will meet them near the Christmas tree with a song!

Forest animals invite all the children to a round dance. A song is being performed. Meanwhile, Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear in the hall. He carefully looks around the hall and everyone gathered, and says something to the Snow Maiden with admiration.

Father Frost. Hello, Happy New Year and thank you for the good song! ( Everyone answers and he continues.) I told my granddaughter: What a beautiful hall! We are glad that the New Year has called everyone here today! Were my dears, my good ones, my handsome ones waiting for me, did they recognize me? Come on, tell me out loud who I am?

Children (in unison). Father Frost!

Father Frost. What is the name of my beloved granddaughter?

Children. Snow Maiden!

Father Frost. Well done, you know everything! Why did we come to you today? What holiday would you like to congratulate?

Children. Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden. And what time of year comes before the New Year itself?

Children answer: winter!

Father Frost (looking towards the guests sitting in the hall). As a wizard, I feel that there is a schoolboy in this hall, probably even your graduate, who can tell in verse where winter takes place!

A schoolboy comes out and reads the poem “Where Winter Passes” by Sergei Eremeev.

Where does winter take place?

Where there is frost and snow!

Where there are Christmas trees in houses!

Where there are jokes and laughter!

Where is the yard skating rink?

What we built.

The frost helped us

By order of winter!

Santa Claus thanks and gives the young reader a chocolate bar.

Father Frost. Do you know where we came to you from? Do you think it's from the forest? That's right - first from the magical frosty New Year's forest. But on the way to you we stopped by an amazing zoo. Where all the animals and birds can talk! Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you have been!

Snow Maiden. And you, Santa Claus, will you help me?

Father Frost. Of course, Snow Maiden! How can your beloved granddaughter not help?

Snow Maiden (addressing children). We gave out gifts at the New Year's zoo! We board game They gave me a kangaroo! They gave the ball to the baby elephant, and the ball jumped loudly! We gave the Himalayan goat a spinning top!

Father Frost. We give the bear a brother. Toptygin began to smile: “Even though you’re a plush brother, I’m still glad to see you!”

Snow Maiden. After the bears, after the bears We visited the monkeys. They brought jump ropes to them, the mischievous monkeys!

Father Frost. And for everything we gave, they told us thank you! We are glad that everyone says thank you to us!

The children applaud.

Father Frost (joyfully). That's it, Snow Maiden! We got applauded and we're leaving!

Snow Maiden. What are you, Grandfather Frost? How are we leaving? Who will distribute the gifts? They've been waiting for you and me here for so long, but we came and are leaving.

Father Frost (addressing children). Oh, forgive me, old one! I just forgot what we should have next for the holiday. ( Snow Maiden.) Help me out, beloved granddaughter Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden (nodding to Santa Claus). Happy New Year to you guys! We are glad that you are happy with us! Today I will sing you my good song! Let the snowflakes dance here - Snow-white fluffs!

The Snow Maiden sings a song and the snowflake girls dance to it.

Father Frost. Thank you, Snegurochka, you helped me out! ( To the children.) Did you like how the Snow Maiden sings? And I liked how the snowflakes danced! Thank you all - and goodbye!

Snow Maiden. What are you, Grandfather Frost? You're just in a hurry to leave! Your young friends want to tell you a story! Yes, not the plain one, but the chocolate one! Not about anyone, but about you, my beloved!

Father Frost (surprised). Yes? How did you find out about this, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden. So I'm a sorceress! So are you.

Father Frost. Then let's listen to "The Chocolate Tale."

According to the scenario of the New Year's party, children in carnival costumes, surrounded by Santa Claus, read the poem “The Chocolate Tale” by Sergei Eremeev - each in a quatrain.

Scenario for New Year's party in kindergarten

Father Frost (children). Well done! The voices are clear and you speak without hesitation. What can I tell you? You won't be left without chocolate! Give it away now or leave it for later?

(Children answer: it’s better now!) So the chocolates will melt in your hands! ( The children answer that for now they will give the chocolate to their mothers.) So moms will eat it while you are having fun! ( To parents.) Is it true? Parents do not agree.

Father Frost (with mischief). Oh, I don't know Dear Parents, will you eat it, won’t you eat it... Maybe not, but why did you smile?

Snow Maiden. What's wrong with you, Grandfather Frost? You surprise me today. Right to tears! Parents smile because they know that their children will share with them! ( To the children.) Really, guys?

New Year's party script

"The Adventures of the Postal Snowman!"

Target: Creation in children festive mood, positive emotional uplift and the formation of a festive culture.


Expanding children's understanding of the traditions of the New Year holiday and its organization;

- Children demonstrate their talents and achievements;

Disclosure creativity children;

Improving monologue, dialogic speech of children, its intonation expressiveness;

Creating an emotionally positive mood among those present;

Organization of interaction between children and adults;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, and collectivism;

Show parents how their children have grown and learned in six months.



Scenario move

Children sit in the hall on chairs.

In the middle of the hall there is a Christmas tree, entangled in cobwebs, the lights are not lit.

Solemn music sounds and the presenter enters the hall.

Leading: Hello guys! Hello, dear guests!

We are glad to welcome you to the most wonderful holiday - the New Year's tree holiday.

To us whole year The beauty of the forests was gathering for the holiday.

She quietly dressed up in the hall, and now her outfit is ready.

(turns to the tree, walks around it)

Look guys

Our tree with a head

All covered with gray hair.

Dressed up all day

And I rested at night

The frost covered her with snow

And the Christmas tree fell asleep.

What should we do to wake up the Christmas tree? Who will help us?

Children's answers.

Leading: Let's write a letter to Santa Claus so that he will come to us soon and help wake up the Christmas tree.

Guys, we need to draw Santa Claus on the envelope so that the letter reaches him. Will you help me.

Game "Santa Claus"

Children assemble Santa Claus from parts.

Leading: Well done guys, while you were playing, I wrote a letter, listen.The presenter reads the letter:

Dear Grandfather Frost! We are looking forward to your visit. Come quickly and help us wake up the Christmas tree. Guys.

(puts the letter into the envelope).

Leading: Guys, do I know who can be trusted to deliver a letter to Santa Claus?

Snowball on a snowball and a carrot instead of a nose

he is not afraid of frost. Knows, small and greatthat's for sure………(snowman)

Snowman, snowman is the best mailer.

That's right, let's build a snowman.

Musical game "Snowman"

To the music, the presenter recites the text of the game and shows the movements, the children repeat after him.

We rake the snow with our hands, sculpt it, sculpt it into a big ball.

And once again we rake, sculpt, sculpt a second lump.

Let's sculpt, sculpt the third lump, you will be a snowman

Eye, eye, nose - carrot.

Mouth big up the bucket.

A snowman enters to the music.


Oh, how many children, and girls, and boys!

Hello my friends! I came to your aid.


Hello Snowman, you will be a children's mailer.

You take the letter and go into the winter forest.

Find Grandfather Frost and give him the letter.

(gives the letter to the Snowman).

The lights in the hall turn off, to the accompaniment of mysterious music, the Snowman walks around the Christmas tree, looks around, backs away in fear and runs into a fox.

Fox: Snowman, what are you doing alone in the forest?

Snowman: Here (shows envelope)The guys wrote a letter to Santa Claus. And I,(looks around, whines)seems to be lost.

Fox: Let me take the letter.

Snowman: No, this is the most important thing to me.

Fox: And I know that Santa Claus has a big bag.

Snowman: with gifts?

Fox: Well, what’s tastier: with chicken, with duck?(licks his lips).

Fox: Goes beyond this letter(turns away from the snowman, rubs his paws)

Santa Claus will give me a big bag with whatever I want.

(thinks out loud) How can I steal a letter from a snowman... But I came up with an idea.

Guys, do you want to play with me?

Children's answer.

Fox: Snowman, why won’t you just stand there and play with us?

Snowman: And I want to, I will too.

Fox plays with children (The game is played to music).


It's frosty outside -

Well, everyone rubbed their nose!...

(Three noses)

There is no need for us to beat our heads,

Everyone quickly grabbed their ears!...

(Take your ears)

Twisted, turned,

So the ears flew off!...

(Twist our ears)

Those who didn't get blown off,

(We wave our hands)

Shake your head!...

(Shaking our head)

They knocked on the knees!...

(knock on knees)

They patted me on the shoulders!...

(Clap on shoulders)

And now they've drowned!...

(We stomp)

We all dance without fail,

Best dance...


During the game, the snowman releases a letter, the fox picks it up and runs away.

Snowman: (looks around, fidgets)

Guys, haven't you seen the letter?(examines the guys from all sides).

The guard letter was stolen by a deceiving fox, what should I do?(crying).

Music sounds, the Snow Maiden comes in and sings a song.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, hello parents.

No one should be sad on New Year's Day. Guys, who offended the snowman, why is he crying?

Children's answers.

Snowman: The sly fox deceived me and stole the letter that the guys told Santa Claus to give.

Snow Maiden: Don’t be upset, snowman, Grandfather Frost is a real wizard, he will definitely figure everything out himself.

Guys, let's please the snowman, for him.....(dance a dance, sing a song, show a fairy tale, depending on what the children have prepared).

Solemn music sounds and Santa Claus enters the hall, followed by a fox.

Father Frost:

Hello guys! Girls and boys!

I was in a hurry to get to you guys.

I didn’t want health or strength,

I almost fell into a snowdrift on the way,

But, it seems, he came to visit on time.

Fox: Santa Claus, I brought you to the guys, gave you a letter. Give me your bag.

Father Frost: Wait, fox, don't rush. I love that everything is in order.

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, the guys were really waiting for you.

A snowman was sent to you with a letter.

Father Frost:

Yes, I received the letter, but only the fox brought it to me. Where's the snowman?

The snowman comes out shyly.

Snowman: (speaks stuttering)Santa Claus, the guys sculpted me, sent me to you for help with a letter, and the fox outwitted me. Don't give her the bag, she doesn't deserve it.

Father Frost: Oh worthless, oh deceiver.

Fox: And I did this because I really, really wanted chicken, duck. What about guys?(addresses the guys)When you really, really want something, aren’t you being cunning?

Children's answers.

Fox: Well, really, don’t be cunning, then I won’t do it anymore. Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, guys, forgive me.

Snow Maiden: We'll forgive her guys.

Guys' answer.

Snow Maiden:

Dear grandfather, hurry up

Wake up the Christmas tree for the kids!

Father Frost : (walks around the tree)

For the magic to happen, I need your help guys. Children's answers.

Then repeat after me:

I'll melt the snowflakes(stomp our feet 3 times)

I'll remove the cobwebs. (Clap your hands 3 times)

Come on, Christmas tree, smile!(turn around yourself)

(cover your eyes with your palms)

Wake up from your sleep quickly!

(the fox and the snowman remove the cobwebs from the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

Grandfather Frost, but the lights on our Christmas tree are not burning.

Father Frost: Let's guys say a spell together:

One, two, three, the Christmas tree is on fire.(the presenter lights the lights on the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden:

Beautiful Christmas tree,

The guys really like it.

You are our guest again.

The lights run, sparkling,

On your thick branches.

Father Frost :

Happy New Year, Happy New Year,

Dear child! Happy holiday, cheerful

It's time to start!

Snow Maiden:

We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

Haven't seen each other for a whole year.

Sing, sound under the tree

New Year's round dance.

The guys stand in a circle. Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

The guys remain in a circle after the song.

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys, you sang the song with me. Tell me, guys, are you cold in winter?

Children: no.

Snow Maiden:

We don't mind the cold! The cold is not scary either.

Father Frost:

Aren't you afraid of frost?

Beware, beware

Come on, show me your hands,(children show hands)

Yes, put it behind your back,(children put their hands behind their backs)

Whoever I touch, I'll freeze them as a joke.

Game "I'll freeze".


Good Grandfather Frost! And also play the game “Snowballs” with the guys.

Snowball game

Children throw paper snowballs.

Father Frost:

Celebrate the New Year with song,

Celebrate the New Year with dancing,

Who knows poems about the holiday?

Let him read them now.

Children read poems near the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys.

Father Frost: And now it’s time for all of us to dance together again.

Dance block: Santa Claus walked through the forest; Icy palms.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the guys sang, danced, read poems, it’s time to give out gifts.

Father Frost: You're right, granddaughter. It's time to please the guys with gifts. Snowman and fox help me give gifts to the guys.

All the heroes hand out gifts to cheerful music.

Father Frost :

We gave you gifts, and we give you instructions,

Snow Maiden:

May you all be healthy and prettier every day!

Snowman: To have in your life

Fox: And fun and laughter.

All heroes:

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Father Frost: Don't forget about us, wait for us in a year!

Snow Maiden: And now it's time for us to go.

All heroes: Goodbye, kids!

Leading: We sincerely wish you all a good journey!

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye. I want to wish everyone Happiness, joy, good luck, never lose heart!

Who do you think is looking forward to the attack the most? New Year's holidays? Of course, children! They make wishes and write letters to Santa Claus, expect gifts, a decorated Christmas tree and fabulous surprises. And I really want to meet their expectations! Therefore, it is very important to choose interesting scenario New Year's party in kindergarten and arrange a real holiday.

When choosing a script, remember that it is better to take into account the desires and hobbies of children. Some people like the adventures of Emelya and Baba Yaga, while others dream of seeing Superman or Batman as their guest. You may spend a little more time preparing the New Year's party in kindergarten, but can this compare with the delighted eyes of a child during the performance? Your favorite hero can become both a part of a fairy tale and a presenter who will play, read poetry and call the Snow Maiden and Father Frost along with the kids. The script for the New Year's party should not only entertain, but also involve children in a magical game.

When reworking the script for kids, don’t forget about the funny ones, beautiful decoration hall and parade of costumes. And let this holiday become unforgettable!

A universal scenario for a New Year's party in kindergarten: "New Year's Tale."


Here comes the New Year!
It's snowing outside the window!
People celebrate this holiday
And they buy gifts!
We are with you today
Let's make the gifts ourselves!
We will sing, we will dance,
Let's decorate the Christmas tree!
So let the New Year come,
After all, the people are waiting for him!
The presenter calls all the children to the center of the hall.
What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance!
Children hold hands
The Christmas trees are curling around,
Driving away the evil blizzard,
Dispelling sadness and boredom,
Inviting jokes, laughter,
Round dance is now for everyone!

Children dance around the Christmas tree, singing the song “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, “An elegant Christmas tree - lots of lights” and other songs learned in advance.


Round dance - just lovely!
Do you hear the rustle of needles?
This Christmas tree is tired
She told us all to rest!
Come on, kids, let's sit in a circle,
And let's look around!
Our Christmas tree is shining
Why is she sad?
She doesn't have enough toys
And she knows about it!
We will help her now -
We have an idea too!

Presenter: Guys, let's dress up our Green Beauty! Oh, where are our balls? Where did you go?

The light flickers and the Villain appears.

The villain: That's it, little ones, your songs are over! I stole your balls! The Christmas tree will stand very, very sad! And I’ll take the colored lights for my collection! (The lights on the tree go out.) I'm tired, I'll go take a nap.

The villain leaves.

Presenter: What should we do, what should we do? Has our holiday really disappeared? Who can help us?

The children shout out the names of various heroes, knights and heroes, but everyone has flown away somewhere and cannot help. Here the Hero appears.

Hero: Heyyy! Have you forgotten about me? They left me in charge here, now I keep order.
Presenter: You're not following well, my dear. Look, the Villain stole our holiday!
Hero: This cannot be! Well, I'll show him, the prankster! Only I need your help! Will you help me, children? We will find the lights, cheer up our Christmas tree and bring back the holiday!

Maybe paints
Hidden in fairy tales?
In the thickets of the forest
And wild flowers?
In old huts,
With red freckles
Those who are on the stars
Looks like he's not sleeping?
In warm windows,
In elegant nesting dolls
A brush and palette will help you along the way.
Find paints for the holiday tree.
Lisa appears:
I'm a kind fox -
Simplicity itself...
Orange paint
At the tip of the tail.

The fox leaves an orange circle for the Hero and runs away, wagging its tail.
Snowflakes appear, dance and give the Hero a blue circle.

Hero: It was getting dark for us. Hey, sister Luna, show yourself and light the way for us!

The Moon appears, dances and gives the children a yellow circle.


Thank you Luna
You know alone
Where should we go?
Where to find paints.


There is a light in the distance.
Your path is not far
Will help you along the way
Lunar horse for you.
The horse leads everyone to the fire.


Red cheeks burn in the cold.
Red poppies and red roses.
Red sparkles sparkle in the field,
The red fire warms the traveler
I will give you this sparkle.
Its color can color the dawn,
Red feathers of bullfinches...
A holiday is always more fun with me!

Fire gives the Hero a multi-colored spark that shimmers in several colors.


Look, guys, how many colors are on the palette. I think we are no longer afraid of the Villain’s machinations. It's time to disenchant the sad Christmas tree! (They shout “The Christmas tree is burning”). The lights don't come on! Let's call the Snow Maiden! (Name).
The Snow Maiden comes and sings:
With a magic wand his
I will light thousands of lights.
My wand, spin around,
Christmas tree, light up quickly.
The lights on the Christmas tree light up.


May every light on this tree
Will fulfill your best dreams.
You will become friends with a fairy tale for a long time,
When you know how to believe in miracles!

The Villain Appears: Look! The lights are back! They sing songs and don’t let the old man sleep! Take your balls, the Blizzard has swept them white, I don’t need them anymore!
Presenter: What should we do with the balls?
Hero: Are there any colors? Eat! Snow Maiden, bring a shiny snowball! We need to make decorations! We will paint the Christmas tree balls ourselves!

The presenter herself shows what can be drawn on the ball, and then invites the children to try their hand at drawing. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children paint balloons and decorate the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden: Oh yes Christmas tree, oh beauty! The holiday has arrived! Time to call my grandfather! Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus appears. The children read poems to him.

Every home has a lot of light
New Year is coming!
Snow-white carriage
Santa Claus will bring you.
Exactly at midnight they will flash brightly
There are garlands of stars in the sky.
Doesn't come without gifts
This holiday is Santa Claus!
Will gather near the Christmas tree

Merry round dance:

Foxes, hares, squirrels, wolves -
Everyone is celebrating the New Year.

Santa Claus carries toys
And garlands and firecrackers.
Nice gifts
The holiday will be bright!

Walking the street
Santa Claus,
Frost is scattering
Along the branches of birch trees;
Walks with a beard
White is shaking,
Stomping his foot
There is only a crash.

Father Frost: Thank you for making grandpa happy! And your tree is so beautiful, elegant, and cheerful!

I wanted to give you gifts,
But I can’t lift the bag!
But I know who will help.
I'm ready to hire helpers.
The hero and the animals help bring a bag of gifts. Santa Claus congratulates the children.

Father Frost:

Well now I'll tell you
See you again, my friends!
We'll come to you again in a year
Both Snow Maiden and me.

Together: Happy New Year with a new happiness!

The music plays and the holiday ends.

This scenario children's matinee Your kids will definitely like it, because they will not only watch the performance, but also take part in it themselves. You yourself can choose a name for the Hero and the Villain, figure out who will be the host and what other colors the kids can find at the holiday. And even more New Year's tips, fun competitions, pranks and ideas for relaxing your children and friends can be found in our section!

You can talk about the New Year a lot and for a long time. But, no matter who and what they say, first of all, the New Year is a holiday of childhood. It is enough for us, adults, to remember with what greedy impatience we were waiting for him. With what trembling excitement they climbed under the tree in the morning, because they could not live until midnight. And how we rejoiced at the candy gifts and various treats that the caring Santa Claus gave us!

The main task of adults

And today, having become adult uncles and aunts, it is very important not to waste that feeling of festive anticipation that accompanies children throughout the entire preparation for. And, of course, do not disappoint your children’s expectations.

Gifts placed under the tree are very wonderful. But it is worth remembering that the New Year is a fabulous holiday. And therefore, at this time, a variety of miracles can happen. And for these miracles to really happen, you should carefully prepare for their appearance. Specialists can help with this children's New Year scenarios.

How to entertain children for New Year

No one will argue that the most important guest at children's party is Santa Claus. Without it, the gifts are not so interesting, and the holiday itself may seem boring. In the family circle, it is worth thinking about who exactly will be this “highlight of the program.” Or you can call the artists - Father Frost and the Snow Maiden - and develop a scenario around their visit.

It is clear that these artists will not be able to stay in the house for a long time. But today there are a variety of Scenarios for children's New Year's parties. And in these scenarios there are a lot of competitions, charades or practical jokes with which you can fill the time until Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear. And after the most basic representatives New Year's program will leave, it will be possible to slowly seat the children in their places.

You can create scripts yourself, or find them already ready-made option. Of course, not every person can come up with an interesting dynamic children's script. But, as practice has shown, our mothers sometimes show miracles of creativity, creating real masterpieces of the entertainment industry out of the blue. And all this is done only so that their one and only child in the world will rejoice from the bottom of his heart and receive a lot of positive emotions from the New Year celebrations.

If you don’t have creative ideas, you can borrow them from professional presenters of children’s matinees and parties. In any case, a holiday organized from the heart will definitely turn out to be bright, colorful and very interesting.