Where to wear an evening dress? Evelina Khromchenko: what is the difference between a cocktail dress and an evening dress? Where do girls wear an evening dress?

They highlight the tenderness and sophistication of a girl and allow her to hide figure flaws. Such dresses look good on girls of any build and height, the main thing is to choose the right style and fabric for the outfit and decorations for it.

Reasons to wear evening dress

You need to decide in advance where exactly you will wear it.

Official events

A charity ball, premiere of a play, presentation, award ceremony and other social events require a certain dress code.

In this case, you must wear one, which has the following requirements:

  • semi-fitting silhouette;
  • plain fabric with rich texture;
  • deep neckline, bare arms.

For such an evening dress, you need to choose shoes and a handbag that match the color, expensive jewelry. You can put a fur cape over your shoulders. Makeup and evening hairstyle are required.


A festive ball after graduation from school, college, university is a bright event For any girl, she wants to look not just elegant, but to feel like a princess. Even the name of the event implies necessity. Choose the fabric for the outfit, style, and decorations based on your own taste and the characteristics of your appearance. It is important that you feel comfortable and festive.


Traditionally, the bride wears a long dress for the ceremony. But if you are invited as a witness, this is a good reason to wear evening dress. Try to ensure that your outfit matches the dress of the hero of the occasion in color and style. If you are invited as a guest, feel free to wear a long dress of any color except white. At a wedding, white belongs entirely to the bride.


A long dress can be worn on a romantic date in a restaurant. If you have been invited to an official event and you are unsure about choosing a toilet, check with the organizers for a dress code. Classic open Evening Dress with bare shoulders and a deep neckline it will look appropriate at a social event or dinner in an expensive restaurant.

Holidays by the sea

You can safely take a light, loose-fitting evening dress with you on vacation by the sea. Feel free to wear it for an evening walk along the embankment, to an official daytime event, or on a sea excursion. You can wear this outfit to lunch or dinner at the resort restaurant.

Theater, Philharmonic

Attending an evening performance is a formal event; a long dress will perfectly suit the occasion. It is advisable that the dress is not too bright and colorful. You can choose the color to your liking, the design should be discreet and not large. In the cold season, it is appropriate to wear a dress made of dense fabric, for example, velvet or brocade. In summer, an evening dress made of light flowing fabric will look great.

Little things worth paying attention to

Some tips:

  1. All events starting after six o'clock in the evening are more formal in nature and require compliance with certain rules.
  2. At some events, a long one will create inconvenience. For a club or dance party, or a bachelorette party, wear a short evening dress that does not restrict movement.
  3. An evening dress studded with rhinestones, made of transparent fabrics, is good for New Year's holiday or a birthday with close friends.

It is important to choose an evening dress beautiful shoes high heels, handbag or clutch. For decorations, use jewelry or expensive luxury jewelry.

Surely every girl has at least one long evening dress in her wardrobe. And most likely it hangs in the farthest corner of the closet or lies on the very top shelf. You probably bought it on prom or to another significant event and now you just don’t know where else you can wear it. But don’t be upset, there are many places where you can use this wonderful outfit.

First, forget about the stereotype that short dresses much sexier and more attractive than long ones. This is wrong. At the moment, fashion is increasingly bringing maxi length outfits into our lives. In such a dress, every woman will become more impressive and romantic. It is worth noting that Long Dresses They look good on girls of short stature of any build, and on girls with chic shapes, and in general on girls with any figure. The main thing is to choose the right outfit and accessories to go with it.

The long cocktail dress of the Garderobsv online store is recognized as the most chic outfit, which is usually worn at special events http://garderobsv.ru/ katalog/zhenskaya-odezhda/platya/koktelnye/.

The first place is the theater. Keep in mind that events that take place before eighteen o'clock are considered informal, but all events taking place after six o'clock in the evening are more formal.

Therefore, if you are going to the theater in the evening, it would be appropriate to wear your long dress. Be sure to wear jewelry and, of course, stilettos. And don’t forget about such an accessory as a small handbag that matches your outfit.

The next reason to wear a long evening dress is prom. Such events take place after graduation from school, college, or university. After all, even the name of the holiday itself suggests the presence of girls in the role of princesses, and what else should princesses wear if not in an elegant long evening dress. Moreover, the outfit can be of any style and color, it all depends on your preferences.

Another appropriate event to wear an evening dress is a wedding. If you have received an invitation to a celebration, believe me, you will not find a better outfit. If you are invited as a witness, then your dress should be in harmony with the image of the bride. If you are going to a wedding as a guest, you can choose any outfit, the main thing is that it is not white, since on this special day this color is the advantage of the heroine of the holiday.
A long evening dress would also be appropriate in a restaurant. If you are invited by your lover on a date, you will look elegant and impressive in this outfit. If you have been invited to any celebration, you should check with organizer regarding the dress code, so as not to look ridiculous.

So, as you can see, there are many reasons to wear your evening dress. And remember that only in a long dress will you feel like a true princess at the ball. All that remains is to find your prince on a white horse, or a white car. This is what you like best.

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What dress to wear to a celebration - evening or cocktail? What to wear to an anniversary and what danger lies in long trains? The main fashion expert in Russia, Evelina Khromchenko, talks about this.

- Is an evening dress always only long, floor-length?

Certainly. The degree of his cleavage is dictated by the event. Everyone understands that being naked to the navel is indecent in any case. A woman should not look in her evening dress as if she were a member of the “Tsygel-Tsygel-ai-lyulyu” trade union. Show maximum respect for your age, status, shape. It would be nice to foresee the nature of the celebration. Here it is enough to use your brains: if you think about it, then it is clear to everyone that a costume party in the Venetian spirit is one thing, and a charity reception under the patronage of the top officials of the state is quite another.

I would not recommend wearing a long dress with a train train to an event where a lot of people are expected in a small room. A long train will be trampled on and ruined. But if the evening gala reception takes place in a huge hall, in an ancient palace, in a large museum, if a spectacular staircase awaits you, that’s a different story. At the Cannes and Moscow Film Festivals, stars are allowed to walk up the stairs - this is a great opportunity to show off a luxurious evening outfit with a train. There are, of course, difficulties, especially for those who are not very good at wearing such things. For example, the charming young actress Jennifer Lawrence, who received an Oscar this year, stumbled, got tangled in the hem of her magically beautiful dress and fell right during the ceremony.

Where is it appropriate to wear a cocktail dress?

To the opening of an exhibition or to the theater, unless going to a performance turns into a private reception or dinner party, the dress code of which is black tie or white tie. Then you will need an evening dress. The other day, for example, there was an anniversary of a major car brand; the organizers invited guests first to a cocktail, then immediately to a gala concert of the Stuttgart Ballet artists at the Bolshoi Theater and then to dinner in a restaurant. Of course, already at the cocktail party the ladies were asked to come in long ones.

- Boutique opening, show new collection do they have an evening option for VIPs?

No, it's short length. Not a mini, but a knee-length cocktail version.

What about a classic celebration - the anniversary of a relative, colleague, classmate, teacher?..

As a rule, this is a cocktail dress. I would not recommend anything long, or anything satiny, shiny, or ruffled; it is better to choose a plain, matte one. Sleeves covering the upper part of the arm, because if we are talking about an anniversary (fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth), adult women, often of respectable size, gather at a gala dinner in a restaurant. At the height of the holiday it gets hot, and you need to think about this in advance. You can wear a two-piece sheath dress with short sleeves, covering the upper part of the arm, and on top a light coat or jacket of the same fabric to start the event. And then, when everyone is warmed up, you can take off your coat or jacket.

If the holiday is in the apartment, is there no need for an evening dress?


- And even the birthday girl is not allowed to wear a floor-length dress?

If the celebration takes place at home, and the house is not a three-story country residence, but a typical three-room apartment, then the birthday girl will spend the entire evening running from the kitchen to the table - in our country, unfortunately, it is not customary to invite servants in such a situation. The hostess in an evening dress will be uncomfortable. Moreover, sitting at festive table, the hero of the occasion, like the guests, will be visible mainly from the waist up. You need to think about a smart neckline, you need a neckline that does not expose the woman’s chest too much if she bends over while serving food. Even if she doesn’t drink, she will have to raise her glass after each toast out of respect for congratulations - this means that it would be good to reliably protect the lower part of her arm above the elbow and cover her armpit. This dress should look good for a long time - for several hours, so you should not choose anything too tight or wrinkled. Textures, colors and patterns must correspond to the age of the hero of the day. For your fiftieth birthday, you shouldn't wear electric pink, chicken yellow. Dresses with elephants, butterflies or other children's designs are excluded.

- Maybe it would be wiser to choose a smart blouse with a skirt rather than a dress?

In Russia, the hero of the day has to move a lot, and the blouse begins to sag along the fastener. It can be a nuisance if a button comes undone in the most visible place on your chest. The dress is safer.

- What if adults celebrate a child’s birthday?

In this case, evening dress is complete stupidity. On children's party Mom should come in her mother’s dress. Lady-like style, morning version - remember the movie “The Stepford Wives”. An open sleeve or a flashlight sleeve, or a wing sleeve are appropriate. It is advisable to choose something very delicate, feminine, pastel shades, without glitter. Floral designs, polka dots, and classic options- stripe, checkered pattern. Your dress can resemble a home dress, but it should look more representative. A great option is models in the spirit of the 50s. Approximately the same as the heroines of the film “Hipsters” dressed, but not too brightly. This is a children's party, not a disco.

- And at least at dances and karaoke you can have a blast and show off your mini and cleavage?

The disco goes late and sometimes ends with an invitation to a cup of coffee, which can lead to something more. Therefore, tight-fitting dresses and necklines are appropriate here. But then don’t be surprised at anything!

- In June, graduates are preparing for their first ball. Can a girl come in an evening dress?

Today, many compare the prom with Natasha Rostova's first ball and choose floor-length dresses. But then this long dress should be made only in soft, pastel colors with a loose skirt - no fatal tight-fitting vamp solutions, bare bellies, wild minis, maxis with curtains. Nowadays, large ballrooms are often rented for school graduates, and the official part, the issuance of certificates, also takes place there. In this case, you can dress up in evening clothes. But actually, for prom, I would recommend cocktail length. A floor-length dress for 17-year-old girls is uncomfortable, and not appropriate for their age. Of course, for most teenagers, prom is a celebration of adulthood, which is identified with sexuality. Girls want to show how sexy they have become by wearing something short, tight and revealing. But you never know what they want! The mother’s task is to tactfully guide her daughter on the right path. Moreover, standard graduation events begin during the day at school. Saying words of gratitude to a class teacher in a provocative dress with a huge neckline is simply stupid. Remember last year’s “naked graduate” effect from Pavlograd? What shocked me most was that the girl’s mother is a teacher! What can she teach other people's children if her own child comes to last call in a negligee that was more appropriate for a priestess of love than for an innocent schoolgirl?

Question about the wedding. Marriage registration usually takes place in the first half of the day. How should the mothers of the bride and groom, friends, and co-workers dress if they are invited to the registry office?

Remember how the guests were dressed at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton? Nobody came in evening dress. Because the event is solemn, but formally daytime. Many of the ladies were wearing hats. For an older woman perfect option- a sheath dress with a straight skirt and a light coat. For a middle-aged lady - a dress with a waist with a fairly wide skirt and an elegantly designed neckline, often with a boat neckline. For a young girl, a more fancy outfit is possible. But all the same, the upper arms, neckline, knees should be covered, you will not find any provocative cutouts on the back, or anything extravagant or shocking at the royal wedding.

- So, in an evening dress at a wedding - only to the restaurant?

If you decide to combine registration at the registry office, which takes place not in the early morning, but in the afternoon, and a gala dinner, then an evening dress is appropriate. Ideally, a woman invited to a wedding should have two outfits, knee-length for the official part at the registry office, and floor-length for the banquet. If the wedding is serious, pretentious, the celebrations can continue on the second day. Especially in the summer, when you have the opportunity to have a picnic outdoors in beautiful tents. This is a more informal event, for which some light daytime dresses are suitable.

- Nothing like velvet or floor-length chiffon?

What kind of velvet can there be if guests sit down for a picnic on blankets spread on the grass? It seems to me that if people decide to have a large wedding, they should carefully think through the visual part of the celebration and clearly explain what guests should wear on the first day and on the second.

- And if the celebrations continue at a beautifully set table in the gazebo?

The same principles as for the city, but the weather is taken into account. If an appropriate dress code is announced, long dresses may be worn. But remember that you will be walking on grass. It is better not to wear stilettos or high heels. Choose flats, platforms or low heels. Just not sneakers! The main principle is relevance. An outdoor event can be a buffet table by the water by candlelight, it can be very beautiful. I’ll warn you right away: in most situations, those who like to swim directly in a tuxedo or bathe a lady in an evening dress are considered not Jamesbonds, but idiots, and they try not to invite them anywhere else.

- So the main rule is that an evening dress should be worn in a beautiful setting?

Naturally. The space should support your toilet. Of course, you don’t need to travel in an evening dress on public transport. You can't even drive it yourself.

- The most reasonable thing is to take a companion who will pick you up and take you. Surely he should also be dressed appropriately?

Yes. We have a familiar story in our country: women are in evening dresses, and their gentlemen are in jeans...

- And in jackets...

Best case scenario. Or even in a sweater in the winter, and in the summer in a tacky T-shirt or a creepy Hawaiian shirt and sneakers. This applies to both ordinary citizens and our stars. Why do some directors consider it possible to come to the premieres of the Sochi “Kinotavr” in shorts that look more like underpants, or in wrinkled linen pants and Hawaiian shirts?! Note that their overseas colleagues from Spielberg to Lynch for some reason wear tuxedos on the red carpet... If you are invited on weekdays to a big film premiere, to a grand celebration, take a day off from work. And get ready in the morning for this wonderful event: go to the hairdresser, get a manicure and pedicure, hair and makeup done by professionals, order a taxi. Take care of your dress and jewelry in advance. Check the weather forecast. If it's hot, protect yourself from appearing dark circles sweat on the dress. If it's cold, take something warm with you.

- What colors are the most advantageous for evening dresses?

The best solution is plain dresses. Geometric, floral and tropical prints are suitable for a celebration on the seaside. Any red carpet is poorly combined with flowers, and only a very brave woman can afford it. Or a lady with an exotic appearance.

Every girl should have an evening dress in her wardrobe! - at least that’s what fashion experts say. Indeed, evening dresses are such an attractive and beautiful outfit that it is difficult to resist buying them. Famous designers are also adding intrigue, coming up with more and more seductive versions of evening dresses: made of flowing silk, with a deep neckline or open back, variously decorated or attractive with noble simplicity - well, how can you stop yourself and not buy everything at once?

However, many fashionistas are probably familiar with this situation when you sit over a purchased outfit and think where to wear it so as not to look ridiculous? With an evening dress this problem becomes especially acute. Therefore, we will discuss how and where to wear this outfit in order to always be irresistibly and appropriately dressed. And in the online store trademark“Modus” you can choose your favorite model, relevant this year: https://tm-modus.com.ua/

What are the reasons to wear an evening dress?

When purchasing an evening dress, it is better not to give in to impulse, but to think in advance where you can go in it. It could be:


This is one of the leading reasons for buying an evening dress, because on such a day every girl wants to look her best. Usually, schools agree in advance on the styles of dress for the celebration, and most often it becomes a long, luxurious evening dress. When choosing it, you should try to emphasize your uniqueness. But we should not forget about practicality - by choosing a model that can be worn on other occasions, you will make a profitable and long-term investment in your wardrobe.


Another holiday for which you want to look irresistible, even if you are not a bride, but a friend or guest. Moreover, a wedding is an event at which just an ordinary, everyday outfit will look out of place. According to tradition, the bridesmaid dresses in a dress of a color and style that matches the bride's outfit. It is important not to outshine the hero of the occasion, but you shouldn’t look too simple either. As a simple guest, you can wear almost any evening dress, the most important thing is not white, it is traditionally left to the bride.

Official events

This concept includes charity balls, which have recently become fashionable, receptions, award presentations and other social events. A classic evening dress with a deep neckline, bare arms and a semi-fitted silhouette would be appropriate here. You should give preference to a plain but expensive fabric - silk, velvet or satin. You can complement the look with an updo and evening makeup.

Theater or concert at the Philharmonic

The tradition of coming to such events in evening dresses is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but at least for the premiere such an outfit is still considered mandatory. It doesn’t matter if in your city it’s not customary to dress up for the theater - you may well become a legislator new fashion and get another legitimate reason to take your loved one for a walk elegant dress. The style of the evening dress in this case will also depend on the type of performance: for the classics, you can wear a long, luxurious outfit made of velvet or brocade, with a discreet pattern and a deep neckline. And for modern theatrical experiments, you can choose a shocking evening dress with sequins, deep slits or a bare back.


In a good, expensive restaurant it is appropriate to wear an evening dress with bare shoulders or an unusual pattern. An outfit like this will give you confidence and allow you to turn an ordinary dinner into a fairy tale.

Holidays by the sea

An evening dress can also come in handy on a summer trip, so don’t forget to pack it in your suitcase. A leisurely stroll along the evening promenade, a boat excursion or dinner at a resort restaurant - in these situations, an evening dress will make you feel irresistible. It is worth giving preference to open long models made of light, flowing fabric - it will allow you not to suffer from the heat and will develop beautifully from the sea wind.

As you can see, there are many reasons to wear an evening dress. And if you consider that recently the tendency to wear similar outfits on weekdays has been actively developing, casually decorated with a jacket or deliberately big sweater and adding rough clothes, we can conclude that an evening dress is simply necessary in the wardrobe of every fashionista. And perhaps more than one.