The second Sunday in May is Mother's Day. When is Mother's Day celebrated around the world?

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day, although different time. At the same time, unlike the International women's day On March 8, Mother's Day, only mothers and pregnant women are honored, and not all representatives of the fairer sex.

Mother's Day is celebrated in accordance with the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated January 30, 1998 No. 120 “About Mother’s Day” on the last Sunday in November. The initiative to establish this holiday belongs to the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs.

According to some sources, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day dates back to the women's mysteries of ancient Rome, intended to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods. It is also known that in 15th-century England, the so-called “Mothering Sunday” was celebrated - the fourth Sunday of Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country. Gradually, this holiday acquired a different meaning - they began to honor not mothers, but the “Mother Church,” so the holiday became partly a church holiday. On December 12, 1912, the International Mother's Day Association was formed to promote conscious celebration of this day.

Mother's Day in different countries noted:
in Russia - on the last Sunday of November;
in Belarus - October 14;
in Ukraine - on the second Sunday of May;
in Estonia - on the second Sunday in May;
in the USA - on the second Sunday in May;
in Malta - on the second Sunday in May;
in Denmark - on the second Sunday in May;
in Finland - on the second Sunday in May;
in Italy - on the second Sunday in May;
in Turkey - on the second Sunday of May;
in Australia - on the second Sunday in May;
in Japan - on the second Sunday of May;
in Belgium - on the second Sunday in May;
in Greece - May 9;
in Norway on the second Sunday of February;
in Sweden - on the last Sunday in May;
in France - on the last Sunday in May;
in Lebanon - on the first day of spring;
in South Africa - on the first Sunday in May;
in Argentina - in October;
in India - in October;
in Spain - December 8th;
in Portugal - December 8th;
in Serbia - in December;
in Uzbekistan, March 8 is celebrated as Mother's Day;
In Armenia, Motherhood and Beauty Day is celebrated on April 7.

In the USA, Mother's Day was celebrated for the first time in 1872 on the initiative of Julia Ward Howe, but in meaning it was more like Peace Day. Mother's Day itself has been celebrated in the United States since 1907 annually on the second Sunday in May, and in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made this holiday official.

Many countries celebrate their own Mother's Day at different times of the year. In Bahrain, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 10th.
Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May in Malta, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia.

The Maltese have been celebrating Mother's Day since time immemorial. Historians believe that the tradition itself originates in the female mysteries of ancient Rome, intended to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods.
In Greece, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 9th. The history of the holiday dates back to the times of ancient Greece, when the Greeks celebrated the day of the mother of all gods, Gaia, in the spring.

In Finland, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1927 on the second Sunday of May. On this day, flags are hung, children prepare gifts for mothers, and fathers try their best in the kitchen on this day, each to the best of their abilities and capabilities. Grandmothers are also congratulated.

In Estonia, Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1992 on the second Sunday of May. On this day flags are hung. The day before, matinees are held in kindergartens, and concerts for mothers are held in schools; children give their mothers homemade cards and gifts.

In Ukraine, Mother's Day began to be celebrated back in 1929, in Galicia, but over time it was forgotten. Today this day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, modestly, without celebrations.
In Russia, Mother's Day has been celebrated on the last Sunday of November since 1998 on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin.

On this day, traditionally, women who have achieved success in raising children, mothers of many children and single mothers are congratulated.

In Belarus, Mother's Day has been celebrated on October 14 since 1996 in accordance with the order of the President of the Republic.

One of the most favorite holidays among Europeans and Americans is Mother's Day, which falls on May 12 in 2020. This is not just another official date invented by officials, but a truly good and bright holiday.


It would seem that this is just another newly-minted, fashionable holiday, but no, Mother’s Day was celebrated 300 years ago. Perhaps this holiday has common roots with the day of spring, which was celebrated by the ancient Greeks, dedicating it to the mother of Zeus - the goddess Rhea. Perhaps this is a good English tradition dating back to 1600, when on the second Sunday in May, children congratulated their mothers. It was believed that on this day one should under no circumstances go to work, but instead should visit one’s parents.

Modern History of Mother's Day

Let's return from medieval England and Ancient Greece to the very beginning of the 20th century. When Mother's Day, as a holiday, was safely forgotten, a certain Anna Jarvis, a resident of America, decided to perpetuate the good name of her deceased mother. The persistent girl knocked on the thresholds of government institutions, wrote dozens of letters to various authorities, and even asked for support from the most famous people of that time. Finally, three years later, she achieved her goal and the floating date was approved. In 1912, another unusual organization appeared in the world - the Mother's Day Association. The main goal of its creation is to promote the new holiday and establish it as one of the main international holidays.


To avoid confusion and know exactly what date International Mother's Day should be celebrated, you need to remember that you need to congratulate your mother every second Sunday in May. One big date applies to all countries of the world, so International Mother's Day in Estonia, England, the USA, Russia is celebrated on the same Sunday as Mother's Day in Ukraine, Finland, Poland, Canada, Germany, Australia and dozens of other countries.

The main word in every destiny

In every country, this holiday is celebrated with great warmth and love, but at the same time, each nation brings to it something of its own, unique, peculiar only to it. For example, Mother's Day in Ukraine is celebrated in such a way that mothers are freed from all work on the holiday Sunday. Only rest, peace and quiet. On this day, beloved children must take on all responsibilities, if they need to prepare a festive dinner, tidy up the home and go shopping. And, of course, don’t forget about a gift for your beloved mothers.

21.11.2018, 15:50 1.7k

There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day is celebrated annually at the end of November. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 120 of January 30, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to mothers' work, their selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children and "to enhance the social significance of motherhood."

Every year Mother's Day becomes more and more popular in Russian society. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, no matter how many reasons we come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.

Various events dedicated to this Day are especially beautiful and unforgettable in children's preschool and educational institutions, where children give their mothers not only good words and smiles, but also a lot of handmade gifts and specially prepared concert performances.

When is Mother's Day in 2018 in Russia, what date?

Mother's Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. In 2018, the holiday falls on November 25 and is officially celebrated for the 21st time. It is celebrated by all mothers and pregnant women.

Holiday traditions

The symbols of the holiday are a teddy bear and a forget-me-not flower.

Mother's Day is not widely celebrated in Russia. On this holiday, children congratulate their mothers and give them handmade gifts: drawings, appliqués, crafts. Social events are held, the most popular of which is “Mom, I love you.”

Leaflets are being distributed and greeting cards near metro stations, public transport stops and shopping centers. Public organizations conduct public lectures on the topic of motherhood. the main objective social activity– caring and careful attitude towards the mother, distribution family values and traditions.

Radio and television broadcast programs about family and relationships. Top officials of the state congratulate mothers. In their speeches they emphasize the role of women in procreation and human development.

History of Mother's Day in Russia

In the Russian Federation, this sincere, unique holiday has been celebrated since 1998. It was then that a decree was issued that established this holiday in Russia. The purpose of creating this holiday was to increase the social significance of motherhood.

Also on this day, all people can pay tribute to their mothers. Everyone should thank their mother for the selfless sacrifices that all our mothers make for the good of their children, for their happiness.

Becoming a mother, every woman reveals her best side. Her whole life changes. All the best qualities, kindness and tenderness, affection and love, are fully revealed in her. A child is the dearest person on earth for every mother.

And for children, a mother is the closest, dearest person who will never betray, never abandon, will always love and protect from troubles. Mom will always help at any moment. Mom is the most best person on the ground.

When is the holiday celebrated abroad?

It should be noted that Mother's Day exists not only in the Russian Federation. It is also celebrated in: America, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Holland, Sweden, Belgium, Israel, in the republics former USSR etc. But the date of the holiday is different in different countries:

The USA, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Finland celebrate it on the 2nd Sunday of May.

France - on the last Sunday of May.

England - on the first Saturday in March.

Holland - on the first Sunday in May.

It is believed that the holiday originated in other countries thanks to America. Today this holiday is known in 115 countries.

Congratulations on Mother's Day

Today is a touching day,
A wonderful, very bright holiday:
Russian Day of All Mothers.
All mothers are a support and mentor for their children.

We wish that everything pleases you,
Captured by a stream of happy thoughts,
Reliable and faithful shoulder
I moved through life with love next to me!

My beloved mommy,
I want to congratulate you on Mother's Day!
I want to kiss you and hug you
And I wish you all the best, dear.
May you always remain so beautiful,
Always be happy and smile.

Mom is the closest and dearest person. She plays a vital role in a child's life. The main one is birth itself. Knowing about the upcoming torment, women decide to take this step consciously. To honor mothers, a holiday was established dedicated to all women who have a child and those who are just carrying a baby. In the Russian Federation, it is officially celebrated every last Sunday in November.

history of the holiday

The history of Russian Mother's Day is short. The holiday was established in 1998 on January 30. Boris Yeltsin’s decree number 120 served as a help. The initiator of the introduction of this date into the calendar of significant events of the Russian Federation was A. Aparina, a State Duma deputy. She was an activist and was part of a service dealing with issues of women, family and representatives of the younger generation.

In the Russian Federation, the first holiday dedicated to mothers was organized by a teacher teaching Russian language and literature. Baku resident E. Huseynova, who works at local school No. 288, organized an event for students and parents. The events of October 30, 1988 went down in history. They were covered by the media and received public approval and support. Later, such events, which did not yet have official status, became traditional for many educational institutions.

Mother's Day is one of those holidays that people are afraid to accidentally miss in the hustle and bustle of everyday worries. This holiday is dedicated to the most beloved and most main woman, which gave me the opportunity to live and enjoy life. Officially, Mother's Day in Russia began to be celebrated in 1999, but the very first mentions of the holiday can be found in the history of the ancient world.

Mother's Day in the history and culture of different countries

The veneration of mothers existed many centuries ago in Ancient Greece. Residents of this fairyland On one spring day they worshiped Gaia, the mother of all gods. The ancient Celts honored the goddess Bridget on a holiday, and the Romans had a three-day March holiday on which they glorified the mother of their patrons, Cybele.

In England, back in the 17th century, it was customary to celebrate Mother's resurrection, proclaimed by King Henry III. On every second Sunday of Lent, children who had fled the family nest, working in rich houses, had to visit their parents with gifts and gifts bought with money they earned on their own. In honor of Mother's Day, employers provided everyone with a legal day off.

America has its own history of the emergence of a touching holiday. Its founder is considered to be Julia Ward Howe, who published the Mother's Day Proclamation in 1870. Unfortunately, her initiative did not receive universal support. Most likely, the reason for this was that Julia positioned the role of her mother only as a fighter for peace.

Mother's Day in modern Russia

The initiative to create a holiday in the Russian Federation came from the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs. The Chairman of the Committee, Alevtina Viktorovna Aparina, made a useful proposal to establish Mother’s Day. The order establishing Mother's Day in Russia was signed on January 30, 1988 by Boris Yeltsin, who was then president of the country. The date of celebration was set for the last Sunday in November.

Since 1999, this touching holiday has become one of the most adored in every Russian family. On this day sincere congratulations poured into the address of beloved mothers and women who carry a baby under their hearts. Children of all ages are preparing surprises for the holiday. Kids make gifts with their own hands and draw beautiful cards. Grown-up children visit their parents with gifts, flowers and useful gifts.

On this day they take place everywhere holiday concerts, competitions, festivals, exhibitions dedicated to mothers. Heartwarming films and holiday programs are broadcast on television. Schools and preschool institutions hold matinees and themed evenings. IN in social networks and on the forums happy women congratulate each other, and loving children shower them with virtual bouquets, colorful pictures and beautiful poems.

How and when Mother's Day is celebrated in different countries

Unfortunately, the UN has not yet established International Mother's Day, so in different countries the celebration of the most beloved women falls on different calendar dates. In China, Japan, the USA, Finland, Belgium, Canada, and a number of other countries, Mother's Day has been falling on the second Sunday of May for many years. On the last Sunday in May, it is celebrated in France and Sweden, in England - on March 22, and in Poland, mothers come to their mothers with gifts and flowers on May 26.

In countries that were once part of Soviet Union, the dates on which one of the most heartwarming mass holidays falls also vary. In Belarus, the holiday is marked on the calendar on October 14. Georgians, who are kind to their mothers, congratulate their parents on March 3, and in Kazakhstan they do this on September 16 every year. In sunny Uzbekistan, Mother's Day is combined with International Women's Day and is celebrated annually on March 8, and in Armenia, the unofficial, but popular Day of Mother, Beauty and Spring is celebrated on the feast of the Annunciation - April 7.

In many countries they have been preserved folk traditions and customs for celebrating Mother's Day. For example, Americans pin carnations to their clothes, while the white innocent flower is chosen by those whose mothers are no longer alive, in this way they honor their blessed memory.

Estonians greet the mother with flags hung on city streets, and Finns lay flowers at the Mother Worker monument located in Helsinki. It is noteworthy that this monument was also erected on Mother's Day in 1996.

According to sociological surveys, Mother's Day is one of the five most beloved and important holidays in many countries. There is nothing surprising here - it is difficult to find a person who would not honor his mother and would not be grateful to her for his birth.