You worry and value friendship. Lesson "Know how to make friends and value strong friendship"

He sows millet into the black pillbox soil.
Someone commands loudly - forward! –
Friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold.

They pressed themselves into the cold clay like lice.
A river, beyond the river there are fields and boundaries.
On the right is a village, a crane sticks out.
To the German...


I believed that our friendship would last forever,
That you are the dearest person to me,
I trusted you with a secret, I anyone
And I valued my friendship with you.

When I needed help,
You were always next to me,
You always supported me in everything,
And I needed...


Listen, now I want to understand the meaning
Such a term as “true friends”.
This thought gives me no peace,
Where can I find them, or maybe it’s ME!

After all, many people consider friendship a fairy tale,
Others say - she is strong!
And still others claim that it is in vain
We're arguing...

Friendship is more than love

Friendship is more than love
Respect is more than passion
Bad weather won't ruin the day
Blood won't spoil the wine

If you want to live nicely,
If you want respect
Don't try to conquer
Don't indulge in humiliation

Heart is a bird, two wings
What a balance...

Friendship is higher than love

Friendship is higher than love - that's what Solomon said.
A revelation like a groan.
Eternal wisdom has an unshakable throne,
And I always believe Solomon.

You only need to look for friendship in a friend’s heart,
This is the key that will open all doors.
And earthly love will put us in...


A fake friend, with insincere words, will give me a bouquet.
And without loving me, he will say that he respects me.
And looking for his own benefit, he will give me false advice.
Having said a compliment out loud, he will scold himself.

I have met such friends in my life for a long time.
I believed them - I judge...

Element of friends

I'm back in my element, how life is so full.
And my friends did not leave me, they were waiting for me.
And I am grateful to them that they did not forget me.
And this is always appreciated by our friends.

May our life always be wonderful.
And in friendship we are not given...

Holiday “We cannot live without friendship, we must value friendship!”

Goals: -introduce the rules of friendship, show the importance of true friends in a person’s life;

Teach kindness, the desire to understand and accept each other.

The progress of the holiday

Teacher: Attention! Attention! We are starting a holiday for cheerful and friendly children.

Raise your hands and clap your hands. Well done! I’ll tell you a secret, applause is the most ancient magical way to start a holiday. And what our holiday is about, I think you can guess.

Student 1 : Friendship is a warm wind

Friendship is a bright world

Friendship is the sun at dawn,

A merry feast for the soul.

Student 2: Friendship is only happiness

People have only one friendship.

With friendship you are not afraid of bad weather,

With friendship, life in spring is full.

Student 3 : A friend will share pain and joy,

A friend will support and save.

With a friend - even an evil weakness

It will instantly melt and go away.

Student 4 : Believe, keep, value friendship,

This is the highest ideal.

She will serve you well

After all, friendship is a valuable gift!

Student 5 : A true friend everywhere

Faithful: in happiness and in trouble,

Your sadness worries him:

You don't sleep - he can't sleep,

And always without further ado

He is ready to help you.


Today we will talk about friendship.

Student 1 : Colorful and cheerful

Impervious to all years,

This world is called school

He is as old as we are.

Everything here is new, interesting,

Many discoveries await us,

And he lives here, to be honest,

Amazing people.

Leading : School is our common home; you guys have come here for many years to study, to get to know the world and yourself. But without which it’s boring and uninteresting school life? No friendship, no friends. What is friendship? ( Special relationships between people)“Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.”

Guys, try to remember words with the root -friend-.

Students: friendship, buddy, befriend, make friends, friendliness, friendly, friendly.

Teacher: How many wonderful words you mentioned. And the most beautiful word of them all is “friendship.”

You say it and immediately remember your friend with whom you are interested in playing snowballs, reading new book or keep your own secrets.

You say the word “friendship” - and you immediately remember funny cartoon characters, the world of cinema, the world of books, our world in which we live, which gives us wonderful communication with each other.

A friend is a favorite book that you read and you are interested in it,

a friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times,

a friend is a school teacher who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge,

a friend is an old teddy bear with a torn ear who will listen to you when you feel bad.

Who do we call friend?“A friend is a person who is connected with someone through friendship.” This is the one with whom we communicate.

But a true friend is not easy to find. What should it be a true friend? (Children's answers).

Friend - this is the one a person who is anxious, worried, worried about his friend, that is, is responsible for his friend.

Friendship is always the main miracle,

A hundred discoveries for all real ones,

And any trouble is not a problem,

If you have real friends nearby.

Teacher: Where do you think it all started? How did the word “friend” come about? Let's listen to a poem called “The Word is a Friend.”

Student: When no one knew a word yet,
Neither “hello”, nor “sun”, nor “cow”,
The ancient man got used to his neighbors
Show fist or tongue
And make faces (which is the same thing).
But the word became a guttural sharp sound,
More meaningful face, skill of hand,
And the man came up with the word “friend”,
He began to wait for his friend and grieve in separation.
Thank him for my friends.
How would I live, what would I do without them?
Friends - people I love
I will never do anything to offend you.
This is not why our ancestor walked through the darkness,
So that when I meet a friend, I shout:
"Fool!" Showed tongue or fist
And he made faces (which is the same thing).

Enter "Friendship"

"Friendship" : I am friendship!

Communication with me is pleasant and easy,

But sometimes it feels completely different

They take you far from friendship.

(Children run out with signs on their chests: “anger”, “envy”, “selfishness”, “greed”, “deception” and take away “friendship”)

Scene “The Trickster Frog”

Fairy tale “The Frog is a Deceiver”


Hello, good people!

Venerable and young,

Lively boys

Cheerful girls.

The show is about to start

Surprisingly for the whole world!

I'll tell you an old tale!

Not too short, but not too long either!

And just like this

How from here to you!

This is a saying, wait -

The fairy tale will be ahead.

On a meadow under the mountain

There is a small swamp.

A frog lived there

I caught mosquitoes and flies.


I am a Frog - jump and hop,

From heel straight to toe,

And in a different order

I jump on my heel.

I can't be sad

I love to dance.

Where are you, frogs,

Dear friends?

There's no point in sleeping in a swamp,

Come out and dance!

Dance of the frogs.

All! Enough! This business

I'm pretty tired of it!

Jump and hop along the path,

I'll take a walk in the woods!


I galloped through the fields,

Along paths and meadows,

Jumped behind a bush

For the birch forest,

Over the groove, over the hill,

Over the high slope.

I've gone far from home,

All the places are unfamiliar to her.


I kept jumping and jumping

And I lost my way.

Someone tell me

How to find the way back.


In a clearing of branches

A black ant crawled out.

He hurried to the anthill

And he pulled the straw.


Hey Frog, what happened?

Are you really lost?

Don't be sad somehow

We will find a way back.

But I see you're tired

After all, she rode a lot.

I'll find you something to eat

I'll take you to the anthill.


The ant is walking

And the Frog keeps up.

An ant's house is visible,

There are a lot of ants all around.


Hey my friends, girlfriends,

I'm taking Frog to visit.

Come out and meet

Have fun and treat!

Two ants come out.


Hello, dear Frog,

I'll treat you to cheesecake!


Here's the jelly, take a mug,

Don't be shy, Frog!


It's fun visiting the Frog,

Drinks jelly and eats cheesecakes!

But it's time to go home

Don't sit until the morning!


Hey, my friend Ant,

Climb the tree quickly!

Look around the whole forest, -

Maybe you'll see my house?


Ant is a brave brother,

He immediately got down to business!

I quickly climbed onto the branch

And immediately disappeared into the foliage.

The Frog raised his eyes:

The ant is already at the top,

I made a paw into a visor,

Looks around.


There’s something shining behind the forest...

I see your swamp!

So that you don't go astray,

We will guide you.


Ants lead the Frog

Everyone is following each other.

It's hot for everyone, they leave later,

Finally, we came to the swamp.


Oh, tired, long journey,

It would be nice to have a rest

Yes, we should drink some kvass,

Have a sandwich...

This morning you were with us,

I ate and drank heartily,

I rested for an hour

Now treat us too!


Stand here on the shore.

I'm running for buns

I'll bring you some bread kvass.

Wait, I'm coming now!


Ants are eager to eat,

They are waiting for the Frog by the swamp.

They wait a minute, wait an hour...

Where are the buns? Where is the kvass?

And there is no frog,

There is no kvass or sweets.


Eh, Frog, what a shame!

We are very ashamed of you!

Every ant knows:

This is how you deceive your friends

Ugly and awkward!

You're not a frog - you're a cheat!

You don't need a friend like that at all

You and I are no longer friends!


The Frog was ashamed here,

Brought kvass, cheesecakes,

And candies and cookies.

She also asked for forgiveness.


Sorry, I got carried away

I was dizzy, shopping...

And I forgot

That friendship is our strength.


That's the end of the fairy tale,

Well done to those who listened.

Teacher: Unfortunately, rude words can sometimes be heard during recess at our school, and sometimes it happens like in the poem “Two Goats.” Fighting at school is one of the main enemies of friendship. And the reason for everything is often simply inhuman stubbornness. Maybe, after listening to it, someone will recognize themselves, and when they do, they will try not to be like these characters.


One day two goats had a fight on the lawn,
They fought for fun, not out of spite.
One of them quietly kicked his friend,
Another of them quietly butted a friend,
One kicked his friend a little harder,
Another butted a friend a little more painfully,
One got excited, kicked as hard as he could,
Another one caught him under the belly with his horns.
Who is right and who is wrong is a confusing question.
But the goats fight not as a joke, but seriously.
I remembered this fight when in front of me,
During a school break, a similar battle broke out.


Yes, such relationships cannot be called friendly. It’s better if everything happens as in the poem “Reliable Friend.”


1.If there are friends in the world -
Everything is beautiful, everything is blooming.
Even the strongest wind
Even a storm won't bend you.
2. We are in the rain, and in the snow, and in the cold
Let's walk happily.
We are friends in any weather -
This friendship cannot be broken.
3.And any of us will answer,
Everyone who is young and brave will say:
You and I live in the world
For good, glorious deeds.
4.Who fervently believes in friendship,
Who feels the shoulder nearby,
He will never fall
He won’t get lost in any trouble,
5.And if he suddenly stumbles,
Then a friend will help him get up!
Always a reliable friend in trouble
He will extend his hand.

Song "Girlfriends"


The ability to make friends and communicate with people must be learned from childhood. You cannot be indifferent to the grief of others, you must always remember that a person lives once on Earth, so you need to do good every day.

Song "On the road to goodness"

Student (sketch)

A friend reminded me yesterday
How much good he did to me.
He once gave me a pencil
I forgot my pencil case that day,
In the wall newspaper, almost every one,
He mentioned me.
I fell and got wet
It helped me dry out.
It's for a dear friend
I didn’t spare the pie either.
He once gave me a bite,
And now I presented the bill.
Doesn't appeal to me guys
No longer attracted to a friend.

Students 8 : Should I call a friend?

When is it dark on the road?

When the road is unrecognizable

And you don’t have the strength to go?

When there is trouble on all sides,

When is it night in the sun?

But won't he see

Won't he rush to help?

After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep,

When does this suddenly happen!

But, if you need to call a friend,

This is hardly a friend!

If you value friendship,

You can argue and be friends,

And no quarrel will break out

From any dispute.

And here is another poem called “A Friend Needed.” (sketch)

Everyone lives, they don’t grieve,
But they are not friends with me!
Katya has a painted bow,
Red tights
And the character is meek.
I whisper: - Be friends with me...
We're the same age
We're almost like sisters
We are like two doves
From one shell.
I whisper: - But remember -
You have to go in everything
To make concessions to a friend.
I suggest Ilyina:
- Be friends with me alone! –
Ilyina has a rank,
And a sports sweater

And a retinue of girls.
I'll make friends with Ilyina,
I'll become famous!
All fives to one
At Svetlova Nadya's.
I ask: - Are you with me?
Make friends at least for a day!
You and I will get along:
Will you save me -
Let me write off the test.
And the girls are on their hind legs!
They say: Be silent!
Don't get on your knees,
Persuade friends...
I'll write an announcement:
A friend is urgently needed.

"Friendship" : Yes, you won’t find friends with that attitude.It’s better if everything happens as in the poem “Reliable Friend.”

Student 10: If there are friends in the world -
Everything is beautiful, everything is blooming.
Even the strongest wind
Even a storm won't bend you.
We are in the rain, and in the snow, and in the cold,
Let's walk happily.
We are friends in any weather -
This friendship cannot be broken.

Student 11: And any of us will answer,
Everyone who is young and brave will say:
You and I live in the world,
For good, glorious deeds.

Student 13: Who fervently believes in friendship,
Who feels the shoulder nearby,
He will never fall
He won’t get lost in any trouble,
And if he suddenly stumbles,
Then a friend will help him get up!
Always a reliable friend in trouble
He will extend his hand.



Don't stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
Need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
And if it helps anyone
Your kindness and your friendship.
You are happy that the day was not lived in vain!
You don't live in vain!
Be cheerful so that you become happier
To the one with whom you become friends,
So that everyone has enough in life
Wonderful human kindness.
You will hear someone's song,
And it will become brighter all around:
The most magical miracle
It’s not for nothing that we call it friendship.

Know, my friend, the price of enmity and friendship,
Do not sin with hasty judgment.
Anger at a friend, maybe
Don't rush to pour it out just yet.
Maybe your friend was in a hurry
And I accidentally offended you,
A friend was guilty and apologized,
Do not remember his sin.
People, I ask you, for God's sake,
Don't be shy about your kindness.
There are not many friends on earth,
Be afraid of losing friends.


Friendship : No, it shouldn’t be like that, true friendship is always selfless.

Unfortunately, friendship can be easily destroyed by a rude word or an impolite act.

We must always remember that a kind word makes people’s hearts warm. And an evil word can destroy a friendship in an instant. No wonder people say: “The word heals, but the word also hurts.”

You need to constantly monitor your behavior, understand how to behave in various situations, and not be offended if adults or comrades make fair comments to you.

Listen to ditties performed by the guys.

"School ditties"

Play it, balalaika,

Balalaika - three strings.

Sing along, don't yawn.

Come out, dancers!

Sasha quarrels with friends

He uses his fists.

The bully has under his eyes

Bruises do not go away.

The lazy mother says:

Make your bed.

Mom, I would clean it up

Only I'm still small.

Petya deftly catches fish,

Maybe make a boat.

Just “hello” and “thank you”

Can't speak.

We made a little noise

The glass in the windows rattled.

We said: "Silence."

The wall at the school was cracked.

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

May you clap for us!

(There is a knock on the door)


Guys, they're knocking on our door. I wonder who's there.

(Leopold the cat enters)song “We will survive this trouble.”

Leopold the cat:

Hello guys! Show me your palms... Yeah... these are the most magical palms I've ever seen. And show me your eyes... these are the smartest and kindest eyes in the world. So that's where I ended up. This is the class of the most friendly children. How amazing! I found out that today is your friendship holiday. Right? And we also have many friends in the country of Cartoonland.

Let's play with youV game “Who is friends with whom”.

    Funny chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale)

    Good Snow White and ... (seven dwarfs)

    Funny Winnie the Pooh and ... (Piglet)

    Good Kid and .... (Carlson)

    Trusting Pinocchio and ... (Malvina, Pierrot)

    Green crocodile Gena and ... (Cheburashka)

Well done!

Leading : We talk a lot about friendship. We remembered when friendship can be lost.

It is not for nothing that our people have created many proverbs about friendship. What proverbs do you know? (give each class the task of learning proverbs in advance)

old friend better than the new two.

Remember friendship, but forget evil.

One for all and all for one.

Friend is known in trouble.

If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

Now let’s play, at the beginning of the proverb, remember it all.

Game “Guess the proverb”.

I call the first half and you finish.

Don’t have a hundred rubles, ..... (but have a hundred friends)

Look for a friend, .... (and if you find it, take care)

Friendship is not a mushroom, .....(you won’t find it in the forest)

A tree lives by roots, .... (and man by friends)

Friendship is like glass: ....(if you break it, you won’t be able to put it back together)

Cherish your friendship, .... (don’t rush to forget it)

Well done! How many proverbs about friendship do you know?

Student 15 : The breeze and the birch tree are whispering,

Dew glistens on the grass.

For you and me, the earth is a magician

Gives miracles again.

If the song is spinning in the sky,

The leaves are ringing more cheerfully.

If everyone around becomes friends -

There will be more magic.

Student 16 : A million mysterious wonders

We meet every hour.

Like the kindest storyteller

He composes them for us.

If the song is spinning in the sky,

The gardens are ringing more cheerfully.

If everyone around becomes friends -

There will be more beauty.

Students 17: Let the flowers join hands

And they will come together in a round dance.

Let the planet be the color of the rainbow

It will never fade.

If the song is spinning in the sky,

The dawn rings more cheerfully.

If everyone around becomes friends,

The whole earth will smile!


« Friendship": For the sun to shine,

So that there is enough for everyone,

So that flowers bloom in the meadows,

So that you and I can be friends.

Let's join hands,

Let's stand in a circle.

Every person is a friend to another!

Let's hold hands and let him go

A huge round dance across the earth.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let the circle be wider than friendship.

Result of the holiday:

Leading :

Our holiday has come to an end. Let's stand up and tell each other the words of the famous hero, the kindest and most patient cat Leopold:
- Guys let's be friends!

This concludes our holiday, thank you for your attention!

There can never be too many friends, there can only be many acquaintances. And there will only be one best friend. We offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and aphorisms about friends. Some of them will help you understand what true friendship is and what a fine line it has, while others will amuse you and lift your spirits. We are sure that in humorous statuses about friends, almost everyone will recognize themselves or their friends!

Friendship is a relationship that a person becomes immersed in as a child. While playing in the yard, children begin to make friends, then friends appear in kindergarten, at school, and among students. At work, finding a friend is already much more difficult; as a rule, by this time a person already has friends, and possibly experience of betrayal, so he is in no hurry to let someone get too close to him. In addition, the spirit of championship and competition is always in full swing at work, so it’s good if friends are not connected by a common type of activity - then they have nothing to share.

Friends are not just people you can meet to chat and have fun. Friends are, first of all, people to whom you are ready to open your soul. A true friend will never envy, but on the contrary, will only rejoice at the achievements of his friend. A friend is a person who always speaks the truth, perhaps even criticizes in private, but in front of others he will never dare to talk about the shortcomings of his friend. A friend is a person who believes in you, who can give you a magic kick and tell you that everything will work out for you!

It's strange that we are afraid to be friends with those with whom we shared the best moments of this short life. Who else can we be?

It happens that friends with whom many bright moments have been lived become simply acquaintances...

Friends should be valued regardless of their origin. (Kate Morton)

Friends are much more valuable than diamonds.

A true friend is always by your side. He shares your joys and sorrows. When you are in trouble, he is always ready to sacrifice himself for you, without thinking about the consequences, without expecting a reward, you rarely come across such friends, if you meet him, take care of him. It is your strength. (From the movie Rebel Spirit)

A true friend is support and moral support, but he does not expect benefits and always helps unselfishly.

The best cure for melancholy is meeting with friends.

With friends, the world becomes brighter and life more fun.

It's not hard to die for a friend. It's hard to find a friend worth dying for.

True friends are ready to do anything for each other.

In friendship, unlike in love, friendship requires obligatory reciprocity. And equality at all costs. But not in the sense of sameness. (I. Efremov)

Friends are the same in their rights, but in tastes they can be different.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. (Russian folk proverb)

Only difficulties and trials will help you understand who is next to you, a true friend or not.

If you went to visit a friend, then the sight of his children even before you entered the house will tell you whether you are considered a friend. If the children greet you joyfully, you can be sure that your friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, it means that your friend does not want to see you. Then turn around and return home without hesitation. (Menander)

Now I’m waiting for my friend to finally have children, I want to check if he’s happy to see me...

Everyone sympathizes with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice at their successes. (O. Wilde)

A true friend will never envy, he will only be happy with all the successes of his friend.

About funny, good, best

In a circle of true friends there can be no sharp edges.

Among friends there are no traitors, liars and gossips.

Where is the wise and faithful friend? Become one yourself!

To have a good friend, you must first become one yourself.

Who himself good friend, he also has good friends.

Your friends are a reflection of you.

A true friend is the person to whom you don’t need to say “make yourself at home.” He's already at the refrigerator.

A friend and his family are something like close relatives.

Friends are those people who hate your ex more than you...

Friends are ready to tear up anyone who hurt you.

Probably, each of us has a “pen pal” who lives far from us, but at the same time knows more about us than those who live nearby.

Because he doesn’t know anyone from your circle, and won’t tell anyone anything, which means he won’t betray you.

Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, whom you won’t give a damn about, because you’ll have to go there with her, so as not to worry about how she’ll get there.

They don’t send friends, because they may never return.

True friends are friends who won't let you do stupid things alone.

True friends will either talk you out of stupid things or go with you to do them.

About betrayal

You won't understand anything about friendship until the friend who was the best betrays you.

To become real, friendship must go through difficulties. If one cannot stand them and betrays them, then there was no friendship...

When you're in a car, with money -
Friends rock you in their arms.
When you buy them wine -
They laugh with you at the same time...
You give gifts, you rush to them,
You worry and value friendship.
You come and help them in trouble.
You're crying... Where are your friends today?
When you don't have a car, but are in debt.
When not above the ground, but at the feet.
Take a closer look at who's next to you,
Is this a friend given by fate?
And those who laughed in unison,
And we spent a million with you,
Today they will also laugh,
It’s up to you to discuss with your enemy.

The more money you have, the more “friends” you will have...

When friendship begins to weaken and cool, she always resorts to increased politeness.

They don’t stand on ceremony with friends and they don’t get offended by anything, because that’s how they are, but with acquaintances you have to treat them politely...

Friends are not capable of evil, otherwise they are accomplices.

And if one friend is capable of causing harm to another, then he is a traitor.

There is no enemy more cruel than an old friend. (Andre Maurois)

After all, he knows so much about you...

An enemy is usually made out of a friend.

From friendship to enmity, as well as from love to hatred, there is one step.

Do not make acquaintances with those who betrayed old friends - just as they betrayed old ones, so they will betray new ones.

Don’t make friends with him, don’t expose yourself to betrayal.

Why do those who, as a rule, protect with your chest, stab in the back?

A friend is the closest, and at the same time, the most dangerous person, because he knows everything about you.

The statuses are cool, funny and meaningful

Mom was right. It's better to have a hundred friends than a hundred toys. Especially when your friends are as funny as Petya. (From the song V. Thunder Ship)

Only out of these hundred will only one be the best.

There is only one person you can rely on.
- I thought there were two of us. (From the movie Dr. House)

In friendship, two people must be confident in each other.

True friendship is when the message “I’m sick” is answered with “Are you nuts??”

After all, there were so many joint plans...

Girlfriend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center rolled into one!

Sometimes this is also a stylist, makeup artist and... spy...))

A true friend is not the one who sympathizes in trouble, but the one who shares your joy without envy.

Everyone can sympathize, but only a few can sincerely rejoice.

Friendship is like a puzzle. Each of your friends is a piece... Some are on the edge, others are closer to the center, but each one adds a piece of themselves to us.

Each of your friends has its place in your life.

Friendship is everything. Friendship is more important than talent. Stronger than any government. Friendship means only a little less than family.

And sometimes friends have a greater influence than family.

A true friend is someone who will walk through your door even if the whole world has walked out.

A true friend will never turn his back on you, even if everyone else does.

You've probably wondered whether all the friends around you are really friends, or perhaps some of them are just good acquaintances? Many probably remembered their street and school friends and wanted to meet them, while others realized how dear their current friends were to them. Be a good, loyal and reliable friend, value your friends, and may your friendship only grow stronger over the years. Make friends so that later your children will be friends too!

The most best statuses about money and friends

If you need money, go to strangers, if you need advice, go to friends, if you don’t need anything, go to relatives.)))

The sage was asked: -Tell me why we love our family, loved ones and friends, but as soon as money appears, relationships deteriorate, conflicts begin... The sage thought and said: -Go to the window. What do you see? -Well... children playing in the sandbox. A couple in love... flowers, trees... clouds. -Fine. Now go to the mirror. What do you see? -Myself. -Look, both are glass. But once you add a little silver, you no longer see anyone but yourself.

Do you know what I regret? About not doing more. Most. Even nonsense. I regret that I didn’t love you more. Didn't kiss you more often. I didn't hug her for longer. Because everything passes. Everything disappears. Beauty. Money. Favorites. Friends. Live full life...

When my friends become businessmen, I will sell their unsuccessful photographs from my archives for crazy money and buy a villa on the Cote d'Azur.

Friends, these are the people who, in difficult times, will share everything with you: failures, grief, misfortunes... money... business... wife...

A free life cannot acquire much money, because it is not easy to do without subservience to the crowd or rulers; but she has everything in continuous abundance. And if somehow she gets a lot of money, she can easily divide it up to gain the favor of close friends. Epicurus

Choose friends other than those who more money, and those whose actions are more valuable than any money!

If you want to lose a friend, lend him money.

Don’t have a hundred rubles in bonds, but have a hundred friends in the right organizations!...

If you want to get rid of a friend, lend him money.

Boys' best friends are billions!

Yes, I have a lot of money! Yes, I can buy friends and their friendship! But I never sell what I buy!

Money can't buy a friend, but you can buy better enemies.

Don't have 100 rubles, but have a hundred friends. Everyone will give 2 rubles, you will have 200!

Money rules the world, controls people. Smelling them is in my blood. And everyone around you is friends when you have a lot of money. I understood this simple rule perfectly.

When you have a car, with money, your friends rock you in their arms. When you buy them wine, they laugh at the same time... You give gifts, rush to them, worry and value their friendship. You come and help them in trouble... You cry... Where are your friends today?

No, friends are not where they toast each other at the table. Friendship is where they cover their shoulders, where they are the last to share the ruble and help out in any adversity. Eduard Asadov

Money cannot buy friends, but you can make many interesting acquaintances.

If each of my true friends gave me five rubles, I would already have 7.5 rubles.

Friends who wished me a lot of money, success in work, good luck and much more interesting things for my last birthday... I hasten to please you - not a damn thing came true!

Sections: General pedagogical technologies , School psychological service , Social pedagogy

Target– developing the ability to be friends and treat each other with care; students' awareness of the qualities that are valued in friendship.


  • give recommendations for establishing, maintaining and maintaining friendly relationships;
  • promote the formation of constructive interaction skills in the group:
  • help overcome communication barriers
  • increase students' self-esteem.

Expected result:

  • formation of the concept of “friendship”;
  • students' awareness of the importance and necessity of friendships;
  • developing skills of mutual assistance and cooperation.

Equipment: white sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, ball, pictures, cut out people from colored paper, the painting “Friendship”, glue, scissors, tape, tape recorder, music
(instrumental, song “About Friendship”), materials for the exercise “What is important for friendship?”


1. Exercise “Applause”

Getting to know a person begins with a greeting, which contains a charge of positive energy, so I suggest starting the lesson with the “Applause” exercise. To do this, you need to raise your hands in front of you. We begin greeting each other with quiet applause. Tap the palm of your left hand with one finger of your right hand. Listen to these quiet sounds. Now with two fingers, three - the applause has become brighter, with four, and now greet each other with the whole palm. Thank you for the applause, I felt your energy and support, and this is sometimes so necessary in our lives

2. Exercise “What I love to do most and what I would like to learn”

– You have been studying at school together for a long time. Each of you - interesting person, an interesting personality, everyone contributes to the affairs of the class, to intra-class relationships. As you pass the ball to each other, say your name, a quality or character trait that is characteristic of you and tell a little about what each of you likes to do. And also say about what you would like to learn.” (In a circle, students talk about themselves)

3. "Take a Stand"

Two posters are hung on opposite sides of the classroom. One says, “Friendship is not needed in the class,” and the other says, “Friendship is needed in the class.”
Now you are invited to determine your position and stand near the poster that corresponds to your point of view on this issue.

4. Announcing the topic of the lesson

Today the topic of our lesson « Know how to be friends and value strong friendships.”
How do you understand these words?

5. Brainstorming “Friendship is...”

– What does “friendship” mean and why do people need it? Working on the concept “why do people need friendship?”

“Friendship” (dictionary) is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.
“Friendship” (dictionary) is an intrinsically valuable relationship, which in itself is a benefit, since friends help each other selflessly.
Friendship brings us a lot of joy.
Friends are those whom we trust, who will not betray us, who will not let us down, who are able to support us in difficult times, sympathize with us and help. We can trust a friend with all our revelations.

The concept of friendship is ambiguous.

1. The poet Mikhail Svetlov (1903-1964), having written poems, often read them to friends on the phone at any time of the day or night. Svetlov’s friend, awakened once again in the middle of the night by a telephone call, reproached him: “Do you know what time it is?”
“Friendship is a 24-hour concept!” answered Svetlov.

2. Khoja Nasreddin was once asked: “Can you tell me how many friends you have in this city?”
“How much now,” Khoja answered, “I can’t say, because I had a good harvest this year, I live in abundance. And friends are known in trouble.”

3. An Eastern sage was asked: “Why do friends easily turn into enemies, while enemies become friends with great difficulty?” He replied: “It is easier to destroy a house than to build it, to break a vessel is easier than to repair it, to spend money is easier than to acquire it.”
There are also many proverbs and sayings about friendship. Which ones do you know?
More friends means more enemies. If only there were pies, there would be friends. There is truth in friendship
You will not get to know your friend without trouble. Life is hard without a friend. There are no distances for friendship. good friend better than a hundred relatives. There is no price for a true friend. A tree lives by its roots, and a person lives by friends.

6. Dividing the class into groups

Students pull out pieces of paper: with heart and sun

7.“My ideal friend”

Qualities are written on the board. You must choose the qualities that your friend needs. “A friend is someone who...” ( sociability, cowardice, confidence, impulsiveness, openness, tolerance, good nature, selfishness, reliability, touchiness, aggressiveness, willingness to help, calmness)

Joint discussion of the results.

8. “What is important for friendship?”

– What do you think is most important in friendship? Now you must choose sayings that are important in friendship.

What is important for friendship:

  • Let each other copy tests and homework.
  • Protect each other from offenders.
  • Come up with interesting games together.
  • Be able to sympathize, support, console.
  • Treat each other with sweets.
  • Be able to tell each other the truth, even if it is not very pleasant.
  • Be able to give in to each other.
  • Visit each other often.
  • Always say only nice words to each other.
  • Be able to share news.
  • To help each other.
  • Be able to listen to each other and understand.
  • Be able to be tolerant of your friend's other friends.
  • Don't quarrel with each other over trifles.
  • Sincerely rejoice at each other's successes.

9. Modeling friendship in the classroom

– Now you need to model a friendly class team.
– How do you imagine friendship in your class? When creating this project, you must all work together and not offend each other. (Instrumental music starts)

Presentation of projects.

– Did you enjoy working in this team?
– Which team immediately failed to work together? Why?
– Which group coped with the task well? Why?
– Which group did not cope with the task? Why?
– What is more important, working together and together, or separately?

10. Summary

– Friendship must be treasured, cherished and protected! Know that it is always easy to quarrel, but making peace and forgiving is very difficult. It's better to discuss than to argue.
Remember that everyone is different! Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Don't try to change your friend - it's not fair to him.
Friendship is a mutual process! This means that you also need understanding and attentiveness towards your friend.
Don't treat your friend the way you wouldn't want them to treat you. Be tolerant of friends.
Friendship involves trust and sincerity. Therefore, be sincere with your friends!
To make friends you need to be able to communicate. Communication is an art! You need to learn to communicate. Be attentive to those around you, don’t forget to say hello, don’t forget to congratulate people on holidays, remember the birthdays of the people around you.
And then they will definitely notice you, they will definitely remember you, they will value your communication, they will appreciate and respect you. And each of you will have real friends, permanent friends who will help you in the most difficult life situations.

11. “I wish for myself and others...”

The ball is passed in a circle. The participant holding the ball says good wishes to himself and others, then passes the ball to his neighbor