Successful child. Features of education

Sooner or later, parents wonder how to raise their child to be a successful person? How can I help him realize himself in the future? And it is better if parents become interested in this issue as early as possible. In their dreams, parents see their child as a famous musician, writer, inventor or athlete. The main thing is not who you want him to be, the most important thing is that the child himself ultimately finds his calling in life and realizes his talents.

Firstly, the child must feel that you love him

The key to a successful person is normal self-esteem. Show your child that you love him for who he is. Tell him about this more often, hug him, he should know that his parents love him no matter what. Respect everything your child does. For children, play is very important, in much the same way that work is important for you. If, for example, you need to go to bed, but your child is playing too much and doesn’t want to listen to you, then help him finish playing, finish building the garage, or put the doll to sleep. It is not the child himself who should be criticized, but only his actions. Don't forget to praise your baby and show your approval. Praise him often for good actions so that he realizes that it is healthy to behave well.

Secondly, you need to provide the right to choose

Even the most banal thing, for example, what to wear for a walk, even in this the child must express his opinion. This way he will learn to have his own opinion, because understanding what and why he wants is very important. Communicate with him as often as possible, discuss the cartoons you watched, the book you read, or the situation that happened; in the future, all this will contribute to raising a successful child. Try to choose even big purchases for your child together with him, for example, when choosing furniture for the nursery, go together to the website of the World of Furniture online store to search for new ones.

Thirdly, the ability to negotiate with people

This is very useful skill, especially to achieve success. Help your child learn to express his thoughts and feelings about different situations. Develop your baby's eloquence.

Fourth, help your child find a business to which he can devote his life

Everyone has their own abilities and talents. Take a closer look at your child and see what he likes to do. for a long time, and start developing it in this direction. The sooner you start working in the right direction, the better. But be prepared for the fact that in the future, he may switch to something else. Without a doubt, the experience gained will only benefit you.

Fifth, learn to notice your child’s creative skills and develop them

WITH early childhood You should engage in creative activities with your baby: drawing, writing poetry, dancing or music. A person’s success largely depends on how he looks at emerging problems. After all, the more solutions he finds in the current situation, the easier it will be to overcome various difficulties. Encourage your child to be curious and inquisitive.

Sixth, teach him responsibility. Explain that you should always be held accountable for your words and actions.

Teach your child to take responsibility for what he has done. But you shouldn’t scold him for mistakes, because experience is gained just by making mistakes. Better help him come up with a way out of this situation. Show by example that you need to keep your word. Be sure to keep your promises, but if you are not sure that you can keep them, it is better not to promise.

Seventh, teach your child to be optimistic.

Help him learn to see the positive sides in any bad situation, this will help in raising a successful child. Explain that in life victories are replaced by defeats, and that this is normal. After all, the experience gained is very valuable, it helps to achieve future goals. Better yet, show by your own example how useful and healthy it is to be an optimist, to see the good, even in the most difficult situation.

Eighth, one of the qualities of a successful person is to value time

Teach your baby to be constantly busy with something. There are times when the child himself does not know what to do, then you can help and suggest, find interesting activity for him. Over time, being constantly busy will become a habit.

Ninth, teach independence

At the age of two years, the child begins to show independence. Give him the opportunity to do something himself, don’t rush to do it for him. Just show a little patience, help or point in the right direction, but let him do it himself, for example, wipe up spilled tea.

All parents who wondered how to raise a successful child thought that the child is like a sponge, absorbing the behavior of his parents. Therefore, you need to start with education and self-improvement. For the sake of the children, I want to achieve some success, change for the better, in order to become a worthy role model for my child. Raising a successful child requires a lot of effort and patience, but the results will be worth it.

Any action or inaction must be determined for yourself by answering the question “Why do I need this?” Only after receiving your sincere answer to this question will you understand whether you really need to demand certain knowledge from yourself and from your child.

What knowledge and skills will your children need for adult success?

There is a probability that says that a child is 95% likely to occupy in his time in society the level at which his parents are. Thus, if parents do not make any efforts and do not ensure the development of the child, then from childhood parents can roughly understand at what social level their children will be. It turns out that without certain additional efforts on the part of parents and children, the result will not be worthy.

Many parents decide that they send their child to elite school by paying for tuition at a private school. This is how they expect to raise a representative of the elite. But you should not rely on this, since elite schools in the post-Soviet space have nothing to do with elite schools that provide the necessary knowledge and are located in various developed countries. If parents have the opportunity to send their child abroad to a real elite school, then he finds himself in a new society, which consists of people from the real world elite of financial and management areas. This way, children get the opportunity to get into a new environment, gaining new skills and knowledge, they perceive the transfer of a new outlook on the world, which is aimed at financial growth.

Good to know: to determine the necessary skills for a child, you need to think from the height of future experience. That is, think about what skills he will need at the age of 30-40 years. This is how you will understand that most of the knowledge acquired at school turns out to be completely unnecessary.

At the same time, those skills that are aimed at working with information, developing communication skills and emotional intelligence come to the fore.

Important: an important task for parents is to teach their child to set goals for themselves and achieve them. Now, every day, the demand for employees for routine work or those who do not produce specific results is decreasing more and more significantly.

Therefore, the child must learn to minimize fuss and chatter, but increase the effectiveness of those few actions.

Where, how and why to get these skills?

In order to achieve a high level of child success, the child must have the skills to:

  • focus on results, the child must be able to set a goal, distribute it among tasks and successfully achieve it;
  • financial, allows you to properly control and manage financial flows, develops the ability to earn and invest;
  • management, the ability to manage other people is always highly valued and allows you to become a leader and lead your team. These skills will allow you to become a leader of a certain type (a grise eminence or a charismatic leader), learn to manipulate and organize work in a team;
  • speed of information processing, allows you to develop logic, attention and memory.

Children acquire these skills through communication and the correct setting of tasks for them by their parents. Proper parenting involves the use of a variety of tools on the part of parents. In addition, there are numerous trainings, clubs and courses.

How to teach a child to act effectively, achieve their goals and be successful?

In order to raise a child to be successful and achieve success, parents must be an example. If you want your child to be successful, become successful yourself. To do this, the first step is the ability to abstract from all the negative attitudes that were sent by parents about the inferiority of the world and the lack of resources. The most correct attitude for yourself and for your child is to understand that there is a lot of money in the world, and the family now owns exactly the amount that is currently needed.

Good to know: to develop a child’s ability to manage their finances, it is worth using pocket money, which is a learning tool.

To do this, the child must keep a financial report, where he will write the amount he had at the beginning of the week, the amounts received and spent, as well as the total amount at the end of the week. This way he will learn to understand that a significant accumulated amount provides more opportunities - the child learns to manage his financial flows. It is worth considering that in no case should you financially incentivize a child to do homework for self-care or to achieve school success. So you demotivate him and deprive him of the opportunity to enjoy the process and thirst for knowledge.

How to raise children to be confident?

A child should always be confident that he will be supported, this is how his inner peace and confidence is formed. Whatever ideas or undertakings he has, despite their naivety and, possibly, stupidity, he expects support and constructivism. So he understands that any of his ideas has the right to life. If parents teach their child that he can voice any of his ideas to them, then over the years this feeling of confidence accompanies the child when communicating with absolutely everyone.

Self-doubt may also develop against the background of some imperfections in the child’s appearance or physiology. In order to increase the feeling of self-confidence in your soul, communicate with your child as often as possible about what he has achieved positive results. You can play with your child the game “Pros from Cons,” in which you need to identify positive features from disadvantages. So, for example, if a child has big ears, then in contrast we can say that despite this he hears better than everyone else.

How to teach your child to negotiate effectively?

Teaching your child to negotiate effectively can begin with the use of the pocket money tool. Using examples, parents need to show their child that saving and making a final significant purchase is much more interesting and profitable for him compared to spending money on various little things. This is how the child develops a goal that is understandable and achievable for him. This goal could be a laptop, iPad, or other gadget that interests the child.

Having formed a goal for himself, the child begins to move towards the issue of bringing his project to life. At the same time, he tries to think through all the options in order to bring the desired moment as close as possible. This is where the negotiator in him comes into play.

Advice: initially show your child that you are ready to take part in the purchase, but are not sure. Let him work to convince you.

Please note that the child must convince the Parents, not beg. So the parents will take on part of the price if he successfully negotiates with them.

The next step is to “process” friends and relatives. A child interested in purchasing the gadget he needs must conduct the most successful negotiations with them to convince him that for the child the best gift are money. Understanding that the speed of achieving the goal depends on a successful conversation will spur him to prepare for the conversation as much as possible. In addition, this is how he learns to find financially beneficial solutions to all issues.

How to raise a successful child. Video

How to raise a child to be successful?

A child comes into this world without any idea about himself or the world around him. Subsequently, frequently repeated events and words shape the child’s perception of himself and everything around him. This is a kind of program that affects all events in the future.

"If you sow a thought, you will reap an action,

If you sow an action, you will reap a habit,

If you sow a habit, you will reap a character,

If you sow character, you will reap destiny..."

Parents are the first people who set the basis for this program, showing by their own example what can be done and what cannot be done, how to treat ourselves and everything that surrounds us.

Below are tips to help you lay the foundation for a successful person.

1. Respect the child. Show him your love.

Your task as a parent is to lay the foundation for a successful personality -

high self-esteem of the child. People with high self-esteem

they know their worth, are not afraid of the disapproval of others, and do not try

prove to others that they are better. The more your child loves and

respects himself, the better he treats others and the better their opinion of him.

Tell your child about your love. Hug him often. Your child needs to know that he is loved and will be loved no matter what happens. He needs to know that you love him even when you punish him.

Under no circumstances try to control your child by blackmailing him with your love. Don't tell your child, "If you don't do what I ask, I will stop loving you." Children who experienced the fear of losing their mother's love in childhood grow up to be insecure people.

Be respectful of everything your child does. If it's bedtime and he's still playing, help him finish the game (for example, build a garage for a car or a house for a doll where the toy can sleep). Play is as important to your child as your work is to you.

If you criticize a child, criticize not him, but his actions. For example, it is better to say “you did bad” instead of “you are bad.”

Accept your child for both the good and the bad. Accepting a child as “bad” does not mean refusing to improve. This only means that your child is a unique individual with his own strengths and weaknesses.

2. Teach optimism.

“Life belongs to the optimists. Pessimists are just spectators.”

Teach your child to see the positive aspects in every situation.

Make a game out of it: who can find the most? positive aspects in a bad situation. Teach you to believe in the best.

Failure is an experience that is necessary to achieve future goals. For example, a child did not win a competition, although he really wanted to and prepared for a long time. Explain to an upset child that his temporary failure will serve as a good incentive to achieve better results in the future.

Tell your child that in life there are joys and difficulties, happy moments and bad situations. It is impossible to win all the time and always do everything right. But we need to strive for this. So if something doesn’t work out, you need to put in more effort, think through everything, and then everything will definitely work out.

3. Find your child’s “life’s work.”

Every person has certain abilities. How earlier child will begin to engage in the work of his whole life, the faster he will achieve great success compared to his peers. For example, a girl who started playing tennis at the age of 4 will achieve greater success by the age of 20 than one who only recently started playing tennis.

Finding your “life’s work” in childhood is very difficult, but it is necessary. So your task is to show and let your child try as many features of each profession as possible. Tell your child about how you can earn money (using the example of people you know), watch educational films together, read books about professions, play games about professions, etc.

Start from the very beginning early age. Give your child tasks and take a closer look at what he likes most. If he is very interested in a particular activity and is ready to do it more often and more, then this is a sure sign to develop this direction in the child. For example, a girl likes to draw more than to do logic tasks. In this case, the parent’s task is to provide the girl with various tools and materials for drawing (drawing with special paints on clothes, oil on canvas, spray cans on the wall), familiarization with the works of masters, and reading specialized literature, etc.

A child who showed an active interest in art at 5 years old may well switch to something else in the future. Be sure that your experience will definitely be beneficial. And it may well be that your child will find some new combination of professions.

4. Develop your child's eloquence.

80% of a person’s success in life depends on the ability to negotiate, find mutual language and win people over. If you want your child to be successful in life, it is imperative to develop effective communication skills.

Teach your child to realize and express his feelings in words, explain his thoughts and emotions, construct sentences correctly, and be able to say the same thought in different words.

Support your child's desire to communicate more. Attend educational groups and clubs, retell stories you have read, discuss films you have watched and situations that have happened.

5. Teach your child to have his own opinion.

Teach your child to have his own opinion and to be aware of his desires. Know WHAT and WHY he wants. In adult life It is very important to recognize yourself as a separate unique person with your own desires and needs. And it is quite normal if in some cases your child’s opinion does not coincide with the opinion of others.

Teach your child to constantly make choices and be content with what he gets. In fact, our entire life depends on what we choose. Every choice of action (or inaction) has its own consequences, which shape our lives. So it is very important that a person with early years learned to make choices.

If you are buying food for a child, ask them to help you choose. If you are going for a walk, ask him what he wants to wear for a walk. For example, ask: “What will you wear for a walk - a red sweater or a blue one? What will you take with you - a spatula or a scoop? " Constantly teach your child to make choices: what plate to eat from, what toothpaste to brush his teeth with, what toy to go to sleep with today, what book to read, etc.

Talk to your child more often, ask his opinion and advice, discuss the books you read, the cartoons you watched, the films you saw, and the situations you saw.

6. Teach independence.

The more a child does independently, the

he feels more confident. Teach from an early age

dress and undress independently, clean up the potty after yourself, wipe up what you spill, correct what you have done. Don't scold your child for mistakes. Be patient and better help your child do what he is trying to do on his own.

At approximately the age of 2.5-3 years, the child goes through a “3-year crisis.” If during this period you do not encourage his desire to do everything on his own, then later you will not expect this from him.

7. Develop your child’s fantasy and imagination.

"A successful person is always an amazing artist

your imagination. Imagination is much more important than knowledge,

for knowledge is limited, but imagination is unlimited." (Albert Einstein)

Success in our lives depends on how well we cope with difficulties. The more options we come up with to solve problems, the more effectively we cope with obstacles.

Develop in your child from an early age Creative skills: draw, practice music and dance, come up with poems, stories and your own ending to famous fairy tales, find new uses for everyday objects. Encourage curiosity and curiosity in your child, often make your child think: “what if...”.

8. Teach to value time.

The most valuable resource you have in life is time.

The more effectively we use it, the better our life.

From an early age, teach your child to be constantly busy. If your child doesn’t know what to do, be sure to keep him busy with something interesting. Over time, the habit of constantly being busy will be fixed in the child’s character, and this is a necessary quality of a successful person.

Plan the next day and week with your child. Analyze the past day. For example, before bed. Celebrate your child's successes and praise him.

9. Teach your child responsibility .

Successful people realize that only they carry

responsibility for your life and everything that happens in it.

From an early age, teach your child to take responsibility for his words and actions. The child must understand that all his actions have consequences. But don't blame us for mistakes. Your child is developing as a person and must gain experience based on mistakes. But don't hold him responsible for your life or for something he can't change.

Get a pet, but agree in advance with your child that he will look after it, feed it and clean up after it.

Develop in your child the habit of keeping your word. Lead by example - always do what you promise to your child. This way he will feel his importance and significance, and just like you, he will learn to keep his word.

10. Learn to set a goal and achieve it.

Many people don't succeed because they simply don't know

what exactly do they want? They only have the outlines of what

what they would like to have in their lives and a faint hope that someday this will happen.

Therefore, from an early age it is necessary to teach a child to be aware of his desires, set a specific goal, come up with actions to achieve it and achieve results.

It is very important to give your child a taste of victory. Be sure to praise your child when he deserves it. Note what exactly you praise for. If your child is struggling, help him a little (but don't do all the work for him). Encourage your child's desire to finish what he has started. Teach your child not to stop in front of difficulties, but to overcome them. After all, success is the result of vigorous activity, and failure is just a reason to start all over again, only more thoughtfully.

In order for your child to be successful in adulthood, you will have to work hard. But the reward for this will be happy life your child. In addition, by developing the qualities of a successful person in your child, you yourself will improve yourself. This means change your life for the better and your life will sparkle with new colors. Good luck to you in this important and interesting matter!

You may be surprised, but whether your child succeeds or fails largely depends on you. As a result of the research, it was found that lack of sleep, poor nutrition, obesity and lack of parental support most negatively affect schoolchildren's academic performance.

The highest results in school are shown by students from families that lead healthy image life, as far as possible, adhere to a clear daily routine and are able to find a solution that suits everyone in any situation.

How can you help your child succeed in school? Follow these 10 tips and you will see your child begin to thrive.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

No one can do anything well if they feel bad. To help your child do better in school, develop healthy habits and ensure a good work-life schedule at home. Choose a bedtime that allows your child to get enough rest and insist on a consistent routine. If his body is sufficiently rested at night, you will not have to persuade your child to eat in the morning - he will have an appetite. All you have to do is prepare a healthy breakfast for the student - for example, porridge and cocoa with toast. In general, encourage your child to participate in various clubs and sports sections - this will help you minimize the time your child spends watching TV, playing video games, listening to music and using the computer.

Stick to a set daily routine

Most children quickly get used to a clear daily routine and structured activities - this helps them independently organize their actions correctly. In our house, for example, my son gets dressed, makes his bed, and eats breakfast while I pack his lunch and put it in the school bag notebooks with completed homework and sports uniform. When he gets home in the afternoon, I give him a snack and then he does his homework while I make dinner. Your daily routine may be different, but the basic principle of commitment remains the same - every day, your child knows what to expect and what to do.

Give your child a “starting platform”

Experienced parents know how important it is for a child to have a clearly defined place to put backpacks, jackets, shoes, lunch boxes, and other school supplies. Some call it a "launching platform" and others call it a springboard.

We have such a place located near the back entrance. Whatever you call it, be sure to create a corner where your child can store the items he needs for school every day, and make sure he keeps it organized. Then you will always know where to find the right thing in the morning rush.

Organize the right workplace for your child

At school, your child has a desk or table at which he works. There is enough light, many stands and an equipped room. Why not provide a similar environment for your child to do homework? Having the right work space often makes doing it easier and more fun. This is especially important for younger children school age. A desk is great, but a fold-out countertop shelf built into a cabinet or a spot in the kitchen would also work.

Read anytime, anywhere

It is often said that children spend the first few years of school learning to read, and the rest of their lives reading to learn. The written word is the gateway to all types of learning, and the more you read to your child, the more likely he is to become a good professional in the future.

Try to find time every day to read together - give your child the opportunity to read aloud to you and read yourself, mutually enjoying the process.

Teach your children constantly

Even if your child has already left preschool age, remember that home education still plays a critical role in motivation and learning experiences.

Look for ways to teach your child throughout the day. For example, cooking combines chemistry, mathematics and physics. Use the time you prepare dinner as an opportunity to teach your child to follow the instructions and measure food correctly. Along the way, you can discuss the components of the dish and put forward hypotheses (“What happens when I break the eggshell?”).

Be an example

Like all children, human children learn by imitating adults. Let your children see you reading or learning something new. Take time to learn useful new skills yourself, and discuss the skills you learn with your child. It’s good if, while your children are doing homework, you will also be busy with something - sit down and pay bills, sew, make crafts or do other homework.

Talk to your children every day

Do you know how your child feels in his class, how he communicates with the teacher and classmates? If not, then ask him about it. Talk to your child about what he likes and doesn't like about school. Give him the opportunity to speak out, telling you about his problems, successes or disappointments, every day. In the future, make it a rule to talk with your child about the past day, support and encourage him, praise him for his achievements and efforts.

Keep up to date with your child's affairs

Don't limit yourself to just your child - get to know their teachers (coaches) and stay in constant contact with them by phone or email so you can discuss any news or problems as they arise. This will not only make it easy for you to ask questions, but will also allow you to listen to teachers if they have any concerns about your child.

Set your child up for success

Perhaps the most effective way to support your child's efforts in school is to expect him to succeed and give him confidence that he will definitely achieve his goal.

This does not mean that you should demand that he must be the best student, or the best athlete, or the best artist. But he must know that you expect him to make every effort, “everything possible” to achieve the goal. After all, only in this case will he be proud of what he was able to achieve.

If you expect him not to get high grades, but to do quality work, and provide a home environment that would be conducive to normal learning, then your child will make every effort to become the best student to the best of his ability.

How to raise a child for further success in life? Many people want a better life for their children. Moreover, the majority understand that a child needs greater opportunities than the parents were given. But opportunities are determined by the education system, the basics of which are passed on in the family from generation to generation. In the overwhelming majority of cases, what takes place in families is not a system of education, but a practical transfer of life experience. It is no coincidence that the proverb: “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Then it turns out that, with all their desire, children who grew up in families with a not very successful fate are not able to be successful? No and no again. There are many examples of success achieved by children from families in which the parents were not distinguished by anything special. . So what is the secret of this success then? And the fact is that such parents did the maximum possible for their children

. And it's not about bribes or other similar methods. Parents who want their children to succeed show life goals and help them achieve them through education. Only in this case do children form a correct perception of the world in their brains.

You can talk a lot about educational systems, about necessary actions, but if you do not know the goal to strive for, then all your actions will be chaotic, and you will never achieve the desired result. Of course, your child will not “fall out” to the sidelines of life (you will try!). He (or she) will become an ordinary person. This is neither good nor bad. But you want your child to be grateful to you for the fact that it was you who led him to a life that he will like, in which he will have prosperity. Right?

This requires your understanding of perspective. It is your understanding, because the earlier you start parenting, the higher the likelihood of achieving success. You can start at two, three or four years old. It would be your wish, since at this early age the baby is not yet able to make decisions on his own. And you will guide him.

Before you start acting, you need to take a close look at your baby. Of course, with one hundred percent probability, at the age of 2–3 years you will not be able to determine your existing inclinations. This may become clearer later as you grow older. But your attentiveness can help you start working on polishing your abilities as early as possible.

This is what the kindergarten teacher says .
My pupil Dima (let's call him that) was diagnosed with good feeling tact. Accidentally. In music classes. My advice to parents to pay attention to this was heeded. Dima was brought to dance group classes, who was just picking up “small boogers.” He liked this.

Yes, there were attempts to stop dancing. This happened around the second grade of school, when it turned out that there were only two boys in the team. But Through the efforts of his parents, Dima was convinced to stay. And now Dima has been dancing in a semi-professional group for 10 years. They go to competitions and win first prizes. The team is now very important for Dima and the future is roughly determined .

Having determined at least approximately the inclinations of your child, you should pay special attention to them. It is fundamentally wrong to engage in the development of ONLY the chosen direction. Raise your baby to be a versatile personality. Only in this case will everything be easier for him.

Don't insist on your own. If it seems to you that your child, for example, should play the violin, and the child wants to assemble a car from a construction set, you should not pester your child with the violin. Your persistence can only do harm.

If you don’t see any inclinations in your child, take a closer look at his abilities in six months or a year.. Let him show his inclinations. When you see something, consult either a kindergarten teacher or a teacher at school. Many children have passed through their hands, and they will tell you everything about your child. Just take their words correctly. Their criticism is most often constructive.

Having determined your baby’s disposition towards any direction, read the information about development around him and make up individual plan work with defining a goal, such as was - became. In this case, all your actions will be meaningful, and you will raise your beloved child in the right direction.

Psychological principles

Since the little man does not yet have logical thinking, it is very important to understand that in the first years of life psychological principles come to the fore in education. These principles are not formulated in a vacuum. This is the life experience of many generations that should be trusted. Just trust them. Try to implement them as correctly as possible. It is clear that this is not always convenient, but it is important for your baby.

How to raise a child without respect?

Many will think: how can I respect a booger who represents nothing? It's a delusion. In fact, from a very early age, your child can demonstrate his character. Yes, he cannot express something in words, but he is quite capable of doing it. It is at the moment of growing up that the character traits of a future full-fledged person are laid.

A friend told me how her son, at the age of 2–3 years, showed his character. While walking, he suddenly turned 180 degrees and walked in the opposite direction. This especially irritated the mother when she had to go somewhere on time, and there was no way to drag her son on her. The solution was found in simple version. The child was placed facing the opposite direction, he turned around and walked in the right direction. But the parents respected their child's opinion.

Experience shows that if you listen to your child’s opinion and respect his wishes (within reason, of course), then your grown child will not have complexes in the future.

If your child feels that his opinion is listened to, that others respect his wishes (but without fanaticism, of course), then he will behave the same way in the future. Usually those who were practically ignored in childhood become selfish. As you know, children copy their parents in everything. If you don’t want your child to give up on you in old age, start respecting him today.
Respect is often confused with agreement. This is where the problem of misunderstanding lies. Simply agreeing will not reflect your respect. For the sake of respect, you will not allow your baby to do EVERYTHING he wants.

Respect reflects your understanding that you recognize your child's right to his way of thinking and his actions. Naturally, they should not go against the rules of behavior in society.

Tell your child that you love him

I just want to say to many parents: “Tell your baby at least once a month that you love him.”. Children, especially at a young age, lack words of love! But these words are a real magical force that can work miracles. And who else besides mom and dad can a baby lean against in a big and inhospitable world?

Parental love will help develop self-confidence. Praise your baby for some good deed - he will repeat it hundreds of times. This is the path to success in life - repeating the right actions.

Please note that words of love must be accompanied by emotions. Parents must convey an emotional state of love, joy for the baby, for his success. If your emotions are sincere, the child will believe the words.

Give your child time

Many clubs, school, sports clubs - this, of course, has a great effect on the all-round development of the child, but it takes up almost all of his time, and after work, parents usually only dream of emptying the refrigerator and going to bed. As a result, there is practically no time left for communication, and then the parents, coming to their senses, are surprised at how far their children have become from them.

It's not a matter of adolescence : if you don’t devote time to your child, he will suffer from lack of attention, he may develop complexes, but most often the child simply switches – finds new interests or closer people .

If you want to teach your child to build adequate relationships with people, do it by your own example. Try to use every free minute to talk with your son or daughter. You will definitely find interesting, exciting topics for conversation!

Give your child freedom

All parents fear for the safety of their children, while many care for their offspring so passionately that as a result, their now 45-year-old “children” live in their father’s house without their own family, normal work and purpose in life.

If a child is not given enough room to maneuver and explore, he may become a disinterested, fearful person who lacks ambition. Many mothers, with their excessive care, not only endow their sons and daughters with all sorts of shortcomings, but also break their own family nest, completely forgetting that their husband also needs attention.

Try to give your child freedom of choice and action, while quietly supporting him. When he learns to walk, stand nearby and be ready to pick him up, but do not hold his hand until he is 2 years old! Nature has created this law: people learn from their mistakes. If you exclude the opportunity to learn from experience from your baby's life, then he will never be ready for independent life.

Stick to the chosen line

You can’t forbid your child to do something today, and then suddenly forbid it tomorrow because your mood has simply changed. This will have a detrimental effect on his attitude towards you: seeing that you easily change your mind, the little man will try to manipulate you in the future, trying to get his way.

If you are consistent in your prohibitions, you will minimize conflicts in the family. In addition, your child will follow your example: he will be a reasonable, principled person who always sticks to his own words and keeps his promises.

Raising a child is a very long, complex and multifaceted process that has no breaks or vacations. Be prepared for it to be very difficult. The main motivator in this difficult task is the idea that all your efforts today will be justified in the future in the person of your child.
Only thanks to your efforts will your child be able to turn into a responsible, sincere, thinking, kind, purposeful person who loves and respects his parents and appreciates the upbringing they gave him.

Three areas to work on to achieve success

Probably every parent would like his child to become successful and rich in the future. But for this it is necessary that he possess certain character qualities and skills that need to be developed from childhood. And who better than his parents can help him with this. However, it very often happens that it is the parents who are to blame for the fact that everything in the child’s life did not turn out the way he wanted and therefore he does work that he does not like. This happens when parents impose their choice for the child to follow in their footsteps or when they want him to make their unfulfilled dreams come true for them. This main mistake most dads and moms.

Probably one of the main tasks of wise and loving parents is not to impose their options on him., but provide him with the entire list of options, i.e. make it so that he can choose any road himself and follow it.

But how to give him the opportunity, for example, to enter any university? The answer is quite logical and simple. It is necessary that the child does well in school, i.e. Not only did he have excellent grades, but he knew the subjects. And secondly, so that he has excellent health. Of course, there is also a third factor, the essence of which is the size of the parents’ wallet, in the event that the grown-up offspring suddenly wants to study at a prestigious educational institution, for example, abroad.

In any case, it is worth starting to implement these three goals in life already in childhood, when the child has just started school. And if you achieve all these three goals, then at the end of school, a graduate who has studied excellently and has good sports performance, and also, if necessary, your financial savings, will be able to choose any higher educational institution.

From all of the above, we can conclude that in order for a graduate to have a large choice of further place of study, he must achieve excellent results in three areas: studies, sports and health. You should strive for these results from childhood, and here are some recommendations for parents on what to do and what not to do.

Need to: From childhood, instill in your child a love of reading. In order for him to love books, the baby’s parents should read fairy tales to him before bed. According to experienced teachers and psychologists, citing their many years of observations, those children who were not read fairy tales in childhood were never able to fall in love with reading.

No need: establish strict control and constantly make him study, thereby depriving him of his childhood. Everything should be in moderation and according to the principle: “Done your homework - take a walk, rested - read!”

Need to: Constantly monitor the progress of your son or daughter. And do not rush to scold the child if he begins to receive bad grades, but find out the reason for their appearance.

If this is due to a picky and harmful teacher, then you need to find a common language with him, and if there really is a gap in knowledge, then try to eliminate it and explain the incomprehensible topic to the student.

No need: get nervous and swear when your baby doesn’t understand the topic you’re trying to explain to him. Perhaps you are simply explaining it incorrectly, and therefore it is worth doing it again more clearly and calmly, or entrusting it to a tutor until the child’s desire for this subject is completely discouraged.

Need to: develop the child’s horizons in your own words and tell him in an accessible form, for example: “What is the Sun?” or “Why does day and night come?” Since it is believed that children learn information best visually, you can try to find pictures or videos on a topic of interest on the Internet and show it to him.

Any successful man must have his own talents and skills. So what else needs to be taught to a child to make him smart, healthy and successful in the future?

In addition to the above, you should take care of his health and athletic development. It is necessary to accustom him to regular morning runs, and it is best if the parent acts as a clear example. It’s probably not worth talking about the usefulness of such activities, because this is already clear to everyone.

Exercises on the horizontal bar can also be no less useful. And even if you don’t have it in your yard, it can be installed in any apartment together with a wall bars or separately. And it’s okay if the baby can’t do pull-ups yet. In this case, just let it hang on the horizontal bar for some time. This will help him form correct posture, prevent the development of spinal curvature, and also achieve tall growth.

Swimming has the same effect on the body. Even if the child does not professionally engage in this sport, then one way or another he must be able to swim so as not to be afraid of water and feel more confident in the future.

And another important skill that can be very useful to him in the future is the ability to play chess. Perhaps there is no better training for the brain than playing chess. And if you teach this to your child, he will acquire very developed logical thinking and will be able to make important decisions clearly and quickly.