Scenario for the Sabantuy holiday in the park. Scenario of the holiday "Merry holiday - Sabantuy" material (senior group) on the topic

Scenario of the Sabantuy holiday (in the kindergarten area)

Musical director Vagapova Almira Mudarisovna


Tatar dance music sounds. The site is decorated according to -festive: colorful balls, flags, posters.

Presenter :

Isanmesez, balalar! Hәllәregez nicek?

Guys, what holiday is today?

Children : Sabantuy!

Presenter : Right.

On a merry Sabantuy

We invited all our friends.

We'll sing and dance,

Friendly, fun to play

We congratulate you all on the joyful Sabantuy holiday.

This is the most beloved, the most cheerful, the most solemn folk holiday. It is carried out after the end of spring field work. At this festival, people compete in strength, agility and endurance. Today we have gathered to spend this joyful holiday together.

Song-dance “Shoma bass”.

(5th disc “Yyrlap-beep uynybyz”, No. 9, 10.)

(Children come out to recite poems)

1 child:

Bugen bezda Sabantuy -

Eshlarenen, master, give it a shot!

Tizrәk yoger mәidanga,

Bayram bashlana anda.

2nd child:

We will compete

We will play with you,

Who is stronger, who is faster,

We can find out today.

3rd child:

Kүңelle Saban tuylary,

Bugen bayram, zur bayram.

Matur җyrlar җyrly-җyrly

Uynyybyz әylәn-bәylәn.

Yyr”Saban tue ”.

(Disk “Biilәr itek chiteklәr”, 4, (22) , Gөlshәt Zәineshevasүzlәre.)


Oh, how beautiful everything is in the summer. And flowers and butterflies. ..

Guys, you love to play. Let's play.

A game“Let's jump” .

Let's jump with you.

One two Three!

And we kick our legs.

One two Three!

And let's clap our hands.

Once. Two three!

Let's spin around with you.

One two Three!

And you and I will become friends.

One two Three!

(Dancing to the soundtrack, a cheerful girl appears.)


I'm a fun girl

Fidget, Laughter,

My years are young.

And I'm young at heart.

I don't miss a minute

And I won’t let others get bored!

I like to dance and joke,

I make everyone around me happy.(dances)


I don't like to sit still.

I love to sing funny songs.

Well, are you singing here?

Are there any artists among you?

Oy aldynda chebilәr ” - re-enactment.

(Disk -Tugan җiremә, 4(16) . , R. Urmanov kөe, Y. Iganәy sүz.)

Oy aldynda chebilәr.”

1. Ishegaldinda irtan

Sap-sary kulmak kigan.

Nәni genә ber chebi

Aptyrap elap yori.

Chip-chip chebilәr

Aptyrap elap yori.

2. Court ezlәp ara-ara

Erakkarak kitkan st.

Iptәshleren yugaltkan

Һәm adashkan ikәn st.

Chip-chip chebilәr

Һәm adashkan ikәn st.

3. Bik zhalledem min ana

Annan totyp sak kyna.

Iltep kuydym chebine

Bashkalars Yanyna.

Chip-chip chebilәr

Bashkalars Yanyna.

Veselushka :

Sing loudly, sing together

They sang as they needed to!

(there's a knock on the door)

Presenter: New guest? Who is it?

Go, honey, open it!

(Shurale and Su Anasy enter )

Su Anasy: Isanmesez, balalar! Hәllәregez nicek?

Shurale : Hello guys. We passed by your kindergarten and heard how well you read poetry and how loudly you sang.

Su Anasy : We wanted to come and visit you. Are you celebrating a holiday today? What holiday?

Children: Sabantuy!

Shurale : (sad) It's so interesting and fun.

I always sit alone.

And I don't play with anyone.

Don't sing? I don't know any poetry!

Presenter : Don't dance?

Shurale :

Just lazy

I just cry all day.

I sigh alone in the corner

And I'm dying of boredom.(crying)


You're my friend, don't be sad

Don't be bored, my friend. .

Get out quickly.

Let's play together!

A game“Shurale” .

Shurale is fat.

Bigrak ozyn kullarim,

Kuzlәrem yorep torah.

Kilesh -kilbәtemne kүrgәch,

Kolesen kilep torah.

Min Shurale, Shurale,

Chakyrgach kildem ale.

Onytyp үpkәlәrne,

Kelderep alyim ale.

Balalar Kyrly.

Achulangan, Tursaigan

Shuralene kur ale.

Onytyp kilgan inde,

Wastyrgy үpkәlәrne.

Ay, Shurale, Shurale,

Bezneң yangga kil ale.

Sin yakhshy bit,

Sin әybәt bit,

Bergalep uynyk ale.

Shurale :

We had a lot of fun playing

And not a bit tired.

I confess to you, by the way,

I liked it here very much!

Su Anasy :

Guys, I’m wondering when this holiday is Sabantuycarry out?

Children: In summer!

Su Anasy : Oh how great. A. I love summer very much.

In summer you can sunbathe.

And lie on the grass,

Go to the forest to pick mushrooms.

Catch fish in the river.

Summer has come to us again -

This is very good!

Children, do you know how mosquitoes squeak?

How do flies buzz?

How do birds sing in the forest?

Does the cuckoo scream at the bitch?

How does a frog croak?

Oh, what great guys!

(Dancing to the soundtrack, Khadja-Nasretdin appears)

Khaja Nasretdin : Assalamagalaikum! Oh, how great it is here! So funny! I also decided to come to your holiday.

Presenter: We are very glad to see you, Khaja Nasretdin. Where's your donkey?

Khaja Nasretdin : Oh, he already ran to the races in the morning. By the way, guys, I really want to test your intelligence, and that’s why I brought riddles for you.

1. All known birds are blacks, the enemy of larvae and worms.

In the garden, like a doctor, he walks around with dignity. This...(rook) .

2. Here is the alarm clock in the yard,

He wakes everyone up at dawn.

Red smooth comb.

This is Petya...(cockerel) .

3. The red spine is hidden.

Only the top is visible from above.

And if you pick it up deftly and in your hands...(carrot) .

4. The sky is covered with rain.

How can we go for a walk?

Don't worry, because in the garden

Shines in any weather

In villages, dachas, villages,

Our sunshine...(sunflower) .

Khaja Nasretdin: I knew you were so smart!

Presenter : Do you want to play with us?

Khaja Nasretdin: Sure, let's play.

A game“Plague Urdak, Plague Kaz” .

(3rd disk “Yyrlap-beep uynybyz”, No. 15, 16.)

Presenter: We will also sing a song for you.

Җыр “Әылән-Бәйлән ”.

(3rd disc “Yyrlap-beep uynyybyz”, No. 15, 16. , F. Abubukerov muzykasy, R. Minnullin suzlere) .

Presenter : Khadja Nasretdin, our guys and guests came here to play and compete. Do you want to join us?

Khaja Nasretdin: Yes, I am stronger and more dexterous than everyone else.

Presenter: Then come out with us to the big Maidan and compete. We invite everyone to the sports ground.

Competition games:

    "Bucket Run";

    "Running with spoons";

    "Pot Fight"

    "Running on horses";

    "Tug of War"»;

Happy holiday - Sabantuy!

Holiday for the senior group of kindergarten.

Target : Involving children preschool age to the traditions of the Tatar people. To form a festive culture, to induce in children an emotionally positive attitude towards the holidays. To develop in children the desire to actively participate in holidays.

Preliminary work: Conversations with children about the traditions of the Tatar people, viewing illustrations / national costumes, Tatar culinary products, arts and crafts /, excursions to the museum of Tatar culture in kindergarten

Characters: Two presenters: a boy and a girl in Tatar folk costumes; Kamyrsha, Batyrsha – adults in national costumes.

Attributes: horses on a stick, props of Tatar cooking, samovar, embroidered towels, dolls in costumes different nationalities, a pole with towels, rockers with buckets, wooden spoons, bags, sticks and pots.

All children are smartly dressed, if possible in costumes of different nationalities, the holiday takes place on the sports ground, parents are invited.

The progress of the holiday

The presenters come out: a boy and a girl in Tatar costumes.

  1. Bugen bezda sabantuy,

Eshlerenen gentleman, tell me.

Tizrәk yoger mәidanga:

Bayram bashlana monda!

  1. The Tatar people have a custom

Every year, only the weather gets warmer,

After sowing,

Everyone goes to the holiday together,

They dance and sing merrily!

Compete in whatever they can

And they don’t let us get bored!

We are in Tatarstan today,

We live together happily

Our dear guests, we invite you to Sabantuy!

Festive procession

12 children in Tatar costumes come out and start a round dance

Round dance: “Wreath” Tat. adv. melody "Kaz ropes"

At the end they change into a semicircle. 6 boys come out with horses.

  1. Dashing horsemen are galloping,

The horses rush and hurry.

And the boys are daring,

They want to show off their dexterity!

  1. Malaylar alyp kilganner

In life yurtaklarny

Uzlәre dә sonatmyylar,

Chitta torsyn atlary.

Rhythmic etude: “Horsemen”

Children come out to the cheerful Tatar melody, holding fake Tatar culinary products and items of arts and crafts. They walk in a circle and take their places, at which time the teachers say words.

Tarbiyache: Bezneң әbi-babalarybyz elek-elekәn үk eshchәn, tyrysh, tynak, namusly һәm pөkhtә bik tә ungan bulgannar. Kaida gyna, nindi genә esh bashkarsalar yes, җirenә җitkerep, tөgәl itep eshlәgәnnәr, bush vakitlarynda da matur itep yal itә belgәnnәr.

Educator: The people of Tatarstan are known for their hospitality. Guests are invited to the Samovar, and on the table are “chak-chak” and other world-famous Tatar culinary products. For a long time, Tatarstan has been famous for its craftsmen and craftsmen. Hard work, patience, invention, imagination - all this is inherent in the Tatar people.

Children come out in costumes of different nationalities, holding flags of different republics. Waving the flags, they walk in a circle and take their places, at which time the teacher says the words. Some children are holding dolls in national costumes.

Tarbiyache: Tatarstan kupmillatle republic. Anda tatarlar, ruslar, chuvashlar һәm bashka millәt keshelәre, ber gailә kebek, bergәlәp eshliәr, dus, tattoo yashiәr.

Dus yashәrgә kirәk җir yozendә,

Duslar kirәk һәrber keshegә

Duslar bulsa yashәү dә kүңelle,

Unai bula һәrber eshen dә!

Educator: Wider the circle, wider the circle, the music is calling.

All friends, all girlfriends in a noisy round dance.

People of different nationalities live on the territory of Tatarstan. They work together, relax and, of course, love the Sabantuy holiday!

Musical and literary composition

Readers come to the fore.

1 point: Yilferdi chikkan solgelar

Bulklәr kubebezgә.

Kөrәshik tә,uzyshyk ta-

Sabantuy bugen bezda!

2 points: Plow Festival, Summer Festival -

This is what Sabantuy means.

And on this holiday

Sing songs, play, dance!

3 points: Sabantue – hezmat tue

Shatlyk һәm bәhet tue.

Uynap - beep, җyrlap kөlep

Bәyrәm itek kөn bue!

4 points: Kүңelle saban tuylary

Bugen bayram, zur bayram!

Matur җyrlar җyrly-җyrly

Uynyybyz әylәn әilәn!

5 points:” Finished the job, walk safely” -

The people wisely echo us.

And on our Sabantuy

We're having a round dance!

Song “Sabantuy” lyrics by G. Zainashev, music by L. Batyr-Bulgari.

6 points: Shau-gor kil,kin biginnar

Kyrlar һәm su buylary,

boilers bulsyn, gөrlәp torsyn

Yamle Saban Tuylary!

7 points: And it's a national holiday

Happens in June

then they participate

Everyone is on Sabantuy!

The participants of the procession sit down, children of the 3rd group come out.

Educator: This year our country celebrated the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Tarbiyache: 1941 elda fascist ilbasarlary bezneң ilebezgә sugysh uty achtylar. Bezneң babalarybyz yashәү өchen, үз-үзләren ayamyycha kөrәshәlәr.1945 elnyn 9 May irtәse bezneң ilebezgә җѣү irtәse alyp kilә. “Sugish” digan dәkhshәt kabattan

Yanarmasyn tarikh bitendә.

Dus bulsynnar illur, halyklar,

Koyash kolep torsyn һәrkemgә!

Bala: Tynychlyk suzen

Kabatly һәrkem.

Tynych kuk jozen

Kurik without һәrkon

Kirәkmi bezgә


Үlem chәchuche

өрәк bit alar!

Kүktә һәrkөn

Koyash Balkysyn,

Җirдә balalar

һәrchak shat bulsyn! /Ә. Gazizova/

Song: “Kurasem kil” suz. R. Gazizov, music M. Minkhakhev

Dramatization: “Batyrsha and Kamyrsha”

Participants in the procession take their seats, Kamyrsha and Batyrsha come out from both sides. Kamyrsha holds a bun, Batyrsha holds a pole with towels and scarves.

Kamyrsha: Hello, Batyrsha!

Bamyrsha: Hello, Kamyrsha! How are you? How is your health?

Kamyrsha: What health is there! I think I try to eat a lot and sleep a lot. I don’t move much so as not to lose my health, but still my back ache or my side hurts. Yesterday I lay on the stove all day, saving my health for Sabantuy. Batyrsha, do you know if they will feed you at Sabantuy?

Batyrsha: Oh you, Kamyrsha! What health is this! Take my example. I get up early in the morning, do exercises, and wash my face with cold water. (Kamyrsha shudders) I work all day and manage to do physical education.

Kamyrsha: When do you take care of your health? When do you have time to lie on the stove?

Batyrsha: Yes, I can’t handle it alone. Will you guys help me?

For a long time, at Sabantuy people not only sang and danced, but also competed in strength and dexterity. The strongest, fastest, most dexterous won prizes and even a whole ram!

Kamyrsha: Wow, a whole sheep! I also want to be strong, agile, fast!

Batyrsha : Well, first, let's see how resilient you are! Together with the guys we will play the game “Freeze”. When the music plays, everyone dances, but when the music stops, everyone freezes and does not move. Whoever moves from his place is eliminated from the game.

Game "Freeze".

Kamyrsha: How fun it turns out to be to move and play. I want to make friends with the guys!

Batyrsha: It's very simple. Join the round dance and sing along to a song about friendship with the guys.

Round dance “My Song”

Games, competitions, awards, treats.

Leading : Our Sabantuy continues, the competition begins!

Don't be lazy, come out and show your strength!

Tarbiyache : Saban tuenda gyna

Bula gaҗәep yaryshlar:

Kapchyk kiep tiz yogerү,

Koch son, ger kүtәru,

Ә in kyzyky-bulak өlәshү duslar!

Children disperse to five objects with competition games: “break the pot”, “yoke run”, “sack race”, “bag fight”, “horse racing”. The winners receive prizes.

Batyrsha: Kamyrsha, where have you been?

Kamyrsha: There must be a treat at the end of every fun! Do you agree Batyrsha!

Batyrsha: After such competitions, it’s not a sin to treat yourself!

Kamyrsha: Yeah! Here you see! Kamyrsha took care of everything and now the most favorite Tatar treat “chak-chak” will appear here.

Children in national costumes bring out “chak-chak” and treat everyone.

Leading : And now a merry dance for all of you.

Play the music louder, invite everyone to dance!

Duslar! Typyr-typyr typyrdashyp

Bergә basayek әle.

Uynap-kolep, җyrlap-biep

Dus, tattoo yashik ale!

Cheerful Tatar music is playing, children and adults are dancing.

Compiled by: Varlamova M.A. music director 1st quarter.

Gizdullina I.A., Khasanova G.K. educators

Teaching children the Tatar language.

Preschool educational institution No. 71 “Korablik”, Naberezhnye Chelny

The educational process at school is the core of organizing a child’s life, and moral education is the core of the educational system, its essential component. Its relevance as an expression of the fundamental foundations of life, as the basis of culture today is obvious. Today we are experiencing a decline in humanity, a crisis of spirituality, individualism, and a developing cult of money.

A protest against such trends, which have a detrimental effect on the younger generation, was the activity of teachers and other educational and cultural workers, one way or another connected with the training and education of young people. They foster interest in Russian history, culture, traditions, and introduce us to the great merits of our ancestors, who created world-famous cultural monuments, left us a legacy of highly moral values ​​and humanistic commandments, and glorified our Motherland with heroic deeds. History, folk traditions teachers in many schools have made it an effective means of moral education for children and adolescents.

Rural life and working life have always been the basis of public morality. After all, it is the Russian village, unlike the cities, that today has preserved folk traditions (work, family, holidays), communalism, and the upbringing of children by the whole world. Therefore, a rural school can become a pioneer in creating an ethnopedagogical system for teaching and educating students, which includes the cultural, spiritual and moral, time-tested and time-tested values ​​of different peoples, nations and ethnic groups of our country. The essence of the system is the skillful, pedagogically structured use of folk cultures.

I.V. Kireevsky wrote: “The education of every people must be built on the fundamental foundations of its existence. It is just as impossible to destroy a peculiarity of the mental life of a people as it is impossible to destroy its history... Forgetting this rule is the same as destroying a people. For what is a people if not a body of convictions, more or less developed in its morals, in its customs, in its language, in its concepts, heartfelt and mental, in its religious, social and personal relations - in a word, in its entirety his life. From here it is clear that education must be established for them in order to take on a national character.”

How to build an educational process that contributes to the education of a citizen, a patriot, who is aware of the causes of historical cataclysms, and does not blame the negative processes of our time on our grandfathers and fathers? How to form national identity among the younger generation? How to raise a moral person?

In order to successfully educate children in folk traditions, various events are held in our school: “Navruz”, “Sabantuy”, “Sumbelya” (“Autumn Ball”), “Party” (“Aulak?y”); the birth dates of writers and poets - our fellow countrymen - are celebrated, for example: “Festival of Poems”, dedicated to the birthday of G. Tukay; Garif Akhunova and others.

Sports festival“Small Sabantuy”.

  • Education of human values: patriotism - love for the Motherland, nature, people, respect for its history; tolerance - acceptance of other nations and peoples; hard work, honesty, kindness.
  • Development: agility, strength, endurance.
  • Give initial information about the Sabantuy holiday, continue to familiarize yourself with the traditions of the Tatar people.


  1. Children's buckets (mayonnaise) with water.
  2. 2. bags filled with straw.
  3. Tennis balls (3 pcs.)
  4. Target.
  5. Empty bags.
  6. Wooden spoons, cones.
  7. Rope.
  8. Kettlebells (dumbbells).
  9. Jump ropes.


  1. G. Baturina, K. Lisova, G. Suvorova. “Moral education of schoolchildren based on folk traditions.”
  2. M.: public education, 2002.
  3. A.G. Aksenov. “Rainbow” Reader on Tatar literature for grades 1-4 in Russian schools. Kazan.
  4. Ed. "Magarif". 1995 E. Blinova “Sabantuy”. Kazan. Tatar book publishing house. 1984
  5. Primary School

" Monthly scientific and methodological magazine.

"Elementary School". Supplement to the newspaper “First of September”.

Location. Playground.

Time spending. End of the school year.

Just as it is impossible to imagine the Greeks without the Olympic Games, the Spaniards without their national spectacle - bullfighting, the Latvians - without the Ligo holiday, the Russians - without Maslenitsa, the Ukrainians - without Kupala rites, the Japanese - without the cherry blossom festival, it is impossible to talk about the way of life of the Tatars without Sabantuy - a holiday of spring renewal of nature, whose origins go back centuries. Sabantuy, which has not been lost in the abyss of time, has brought its aroma and colors to the present day, is celebrated annually in June - after the completion of sowing, symbolizing the continuity of the past, present and future, uniting people of all ages and professions, nations and beliefs around its open Maidan.

The famous French political scientist, journalist and writer Kenizi Murad, during one of her visits to Tatarstan in connection with collecting material for a book about the great son of the Tatar people, Mirsaid Sultan-Galiyev, having visited the Kazan Sabantuy in Birch Grove, expressed her admiration for what she saw in these words:

Sabantuy is a miracle! Just look at the participants and guests of the holiday: they left at home all the burden of their daily worries and problems. How much joy, cheerfulness and kindness are on their faces!

In her opinion, Sabantui, like Jadidism (a movement of secular education in Islam), is a worthy contribution of the Tatar people to the treasury of universal human values. It is difficult to disagree with this assessment of an expert on the East, in whose pedigree the genes of the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad and the Turkish sultans are intricately intertwined!

Truly popular nature, the spirit of Sabantuy, touching the innermost strings of our soul, gradually contribute to the preservation and strengthening of interethnic harmony and cohesion, social stability. Therefore, it is not by chance that Sabantuy was included in the list of legislatively approved national holidays.

1st presenter. There is a wedding only once in a life, and Sabantuy - “the wedding of the plow” - only once a year. Like a bride, the village prepares for her: outfits are obtained, gifts are collected, guests are called.

2nd presenter. Sabantuy... Its history is rich, its meaning is deep. As for the name, the word “saban” has two meanings - a wedding and spring sowing. “Tui” is a holiday of agriculture, honoring Mother Earth, a tribute to her worship.

1st presenter. The Tatar people love Nature and respect it - our other holidays also speak about this: Nauruz - the meeting of spring or Sombel - the harvest festival, Sabantuy is the funniest and most beloved of them.

2nd presenter. Sabantuy is held in the most beautiful time of the year - June. Look how beautiful nature is at this time: it has blossomed with all its colors, every leaf has blossomed. The air is filled with a thousand aromas, everything is saturated with the joy of life, breathing peace and love.

1st presenter. The village in front of Sabantui is also preening. It shines with the windows of cleanly washed houses, blushes with pies; her soul rejoices, her soul sings with the sounds of accordions - a holiday!

2nd presenter. Sabantuy is a universal holiday, and the whole world prepares for it. On the eve of the holiday, you can see an unusual and colorful sight: gifts for the winners of Sabantuy are collected in all houses. a handkerchief embroidered by the hands of a young girl, a towel carefully kept in a chest by a grandmother, a piece of cloth for a horseman’s shirt - each gives a bit of their own warmth, warmth that will warm everyone.

1st presenter. In the morning, leaving all their affairs and worries, people flock to the place of Sabantuy - to a large green meadow. Smartly dressed people, festively decorated horses, laughter, fun, songs everywhere...

2nd presenter. Sabantuy is a holiday of agriculture. Therefore, it begins only after a symbolic ritual. A horse is harnessed to a wooden plow and the first furrow is laid. The holiday is coming into its own!

1st presenter. Sabantuy - a bright and original holiday of the Tatar people - has collected all the best from the distant and present.

2nd presenter. The history of Sabantuy is as ancient as our people themselves. Back in 921, the ambassador who arrived to the Bulgars from Baghdad, the famous researcher Ibn Fadlan, described this Bulgar holiday with amazement in his writings.

1st presenter. From time immemorial, festive games with competitions, songs and dances have been held at the end of spring field work. Sabantuy is a holiday of labor and hope. Here results are held and victories are celebrated.

2nd presenter. This is our Sabantuy - the eternal holiday of agriculture. If you celebrate it well, please, thank Mother Nature, the harvest will be good. Shoots will sprout, the fields will begin to sprout... Winter will pass in contentment - and then spring will come again, sowing again. And again the cheerful Sabantuy will gather us for the holiday.

How many holidays does the great Volga remember:
How many joyful songs sounded above her!
I remembered every stone of Kazan for a long time,
The sound of banners in the wind and winged horses.

Let them remain for centuries on wide Maidans
The play of tunes and the reflection of lightning.
The holiday is alive! I'm in Tatarstan again today
Light and joy shine on thousands of faces.

The songs sound again, the horses gallop, as before,
And the people applaud their warriors.
Sabantuy! This is a holiday of work and hope.
Only in an open heart does joy live.

Well, are you a real hero?
If yes, go to the Maidan!
Towels in each other's belts
And let's dance in circles! (E. Blinova)

2nd reader. 3rd reader.

The house we live in
This is a very noisy house.
After various things in the morning -
There is always a game going on!

And at the holiday, friends,
We can't live without games.
More passion, more laughter
Let the fun go on!

4th reader. 5th reader.

All of us, without a doubt,
It's good now
What is the day of Sabantuy
Came today.

And we congratulate everyone
With all my heart
And we'll have fun
Our holiday is big.

There will be fun here
And jokes and laughter.
For a holiday to yourself
We invite everyone!

Competition games.

1. “On some water.” Players take buckets filled with water and run to the flag and back.

The player who arrives first and does not spill water wins.

We'll take buckets
And on our way,
Let's help adults
Get some water.

2. “Fight on a balance beam”

Taking turns striking each other with a bag half filled with hay, each participant tries to knock the opponent off the log.

These competitions are held according to the Olympic system: the loser is immediately eliminated from further competition. The height of the log should be no more than 1 m. Holding onto a log with your free hand is prohibited.

I'm sitting on a log
Like a horseman on a horse,
And facing me, -
Like a horseman on a horse,
My friend on the log.
Not damask blades,
And bags of straw
Let's keep it in front of us...
The battle begins. (E. Blinova)

3. “Sharp Shooter”

A target (balloon) is placed at a distance of 5m from the player. The player throws the ball at the ball three times. The one who scores the most points wins.

Now let me begin,
I ask the rest of you to be quiet.
Who hits the target three times accurately?
He will find victory in the competition.

4. “Bag Run”

Participants in this competition, putting a bag on their feet, line up at the start. At the judge’s signal, holding the bag with their hands, they begin to move towards the finish line in leaps and bounds.

Sack running is carried out over a set distance. The winner is determined by the best time shown.

5. “Running with spoons”

At the start, participants are given a wooden spoon and a pine cone.

Before the start of the competition, they must place a pine cone in a spoon and hold it between their teeth. The participants' task is to be the first to arrive without dropping the cone. It is prohibited to support the spoon with your hands. Anyone who drops a cone is deprived of the right to receive a prize.

A squirrel for the winter
I collected supplies.
Mushrooms, nuts, cones
She carried it to her hollow.
We will help her with this
And we'll bring her some cones.
A little strange though
For the squirrel way.
Let's put the cones in a spoon -
And quickly hit the road.

6. “Pole”

To climb on it,
You need to eat a lot of porridge.
There are boots hanging at the top -
Well, more! a little more
Pull yourself up! pull yourself up!..
But again you slide down.
Don't give up, well done
The pole also has an end!

(E. Blinova)

7. “Gift”

Prizes (pencils, pens, soap, etc.) are hung on a rope stretched at a height of 1.5 m. The player stands at a distance of 3-4m, is blindfolded, and given scissors in his hands. The player slowly moves forward, trying to grab the prize with scissors; if he grabs it, he cuts it off.

And now, friends, for you
Important competition We have it!
Who is the most accurate, come out,
Show your skills here.
Scissors in hand, friends, -
Cut a gift for yourself!

8. “Strongman.”

In this fun, work is important:
Reception, effort, dexterity.
The one who wins the most times will win
Will lift this weight deftly.

9. “Who will jump over whom?”

They wave at me with linden branches,
The flowers are smiling.
If you are hardened,
You can do everything in the world!
Jump more joyfully, jump rope,
Where there is a jump rope, there is training!

10. “Musical”

The participants line up in a circle and each begin to sing their own song (who will out-sing who).

Contest participant:

Duryagina Natalya Nikolaevna,

musical director

MADOU Narimanov kindergarten

Tyumen district

Objectives of the holiday:

  • Continue to introduce children to the traditions and customs of the Tatar people: give ideas about the Sabantuy holiday, arouse interest and desire to participate in competitions;
  • To promote the development of physical qualities in children: agility, strength, speed, to satisfy children’s need for physical activity.
  • Foster a responsible attitude towards following rules and various tasks. Promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Materials and equipment: wooden horses, 4 colored scarves, 2 basins, 2 bowls, 2 pillows, 2 bags, rope, 2 small pillows.

The progress of the holiday

The hall is decorated with colored scarves, on the central stage there is the inscription “Sabantuy”. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.


A holiday has come to us today,
Merry fellow, hero, prankster,
Sabantuy, sabantuy,
Sing, jump, fight, dance!

(5 children come out)

1 child:

June rang with warmth
Hello, Sabantuy holiday!
After sowing on a summer day
We will dance and sing!

2nd child:

Whoever is strong will win
Brave, dexterous, daring!
Dexterity comes in handy here
And courage to the young.

3rd child:

A fast horse flies like a whirlwind
It is controlled by a horseman,
And a little further, look,
There are strong men in the clearing!

4th child:

Here is a tall pole,
He attracts all people to him.
Try it - it's in the bag
Take a run on the grass!

5th child:

Buckets full of water
Pass it very quickly
Laughter, smiles, jokes dance -
Everything is here now

Have fun and rejoice!
It's Sabantuy holiday!

1. Song “Sabantuy” ( application).

2. Game "Horsemen"

Two or three children line up at the starting line. They are given wooden horses. At the signal, children move to the finish line without pushing each other. Whoever reached the finish line first won.

Presenter: And now the girls will compete.

3. Game-attraction “Who will bring the water in bowls the fastest.”

Two girls draw water into bowls from one basin and carefully carry it and pour it into a basin on the opposite side of the hall. The main condition is not to spill water on the floor.

(The bear enters to the music)

Bear: Hello guys! I heard you're having a holiday here?

Presenter: Yes, we are having a holiday.

Bear: Which one?

Children: Sabantuy .

Bear: What kind of holiday is this? I don't know anything about him, tell me about him.

Presenter: Sabantuy is the “festival of the plow”. It is celebrated when spring field work ends. So we worked hard in the garden, and now we’re having fun.


What a miracle!
Look, the bag has moved!
Hey! Grab him, catch him,
Hurry up and grab the bag!

6. Game "Sack Run"

Two teammates climb into bags and run in them for a certain distance.


Boys, guys, guys
We call you to the rope
Seven here on the left, seven here on the right,
Only the muscles are cracking.

7. Game “Tug of War”»

Two teams compete in the game. Whose team will win the tug of war?

Presenter: Oh, guys, look, we have more guests.

Tatarochka: Hello guys!

9. “Tatar dance”

Tatarochka: I heard about your holiday and decided to come see if you have clever, brave kids.

Presenter: But of course! All our guys are dexterous, brave, fast. Let's show our guest how we play.

10. Game “Sell the pot”

Children stand in pairs in a circle. Those standing in the inner circle crouch. They act as "pots". Who stands in the outer circle are the “sellers”. The driver is selected. He approaches one of the “sellers” with the words: “Sell the pot?” “Buy!” "What is the price?" “2 rubles!” After these words, the children say in unison: “One, two, three - run!” The seller and the driver run in a circle in different directions: whoever runs first to the place takes it.

Tatarochka: Well done, smart guys. And now I want to check who is the smartest here. I'll tell you riddles, and you can guess them.


1. A blue horse is racing
The mane curls like a wave. (River)

2. You can’t ride this,
The copper whip cannot be held back. (Bear and snake)

3. For a man - a wing,
For the Sultan - a mark,
Doesn't get tired in summer
Snow crumples in the field in winter. (Horse)

4. Youngster - both in summer and winter
In a green fur coat. (Pine)

Tatarochka. Yes, indeed, you are smart, and dexterous, and you know riddles. And as a gift, I brought you a wonderful Bashkir dish - “Chak-chak”

Presenter: Now you and I will go into the group, wash our hands, and drink tea and treats.

Presenter: Thank you, dear guests, for coming to our holiday. And thanks for the treat. Sit down at the table with us.

Tea party. The guests thank and leave.

Application: 2 phonograms, lyrics in Russian and Tatar languages.

Screenplay competition sponsors summer holidays and entertainment “The long-awaited time, the kids love you!”:

Sabantuy in kindergarten. Holiday scenario

1 Presenter: Haumyhygyz kazerle balalar!
2 Presenter: Hello children! Hello dear guests!
1 Presenter:
A holiday has come to us today,
Merry fellow, hero, prankster,
Sabantuy, Sabantuy,
Sing, jump, fight, dance!
Those who are brave, strong and dexterous,
Rewards are waiting, updates are waiting
Skullcaps, sashes,
Beads, shawls, boots.
The first to rush to the finish line -
Know that you got the rooster.
Outstripped everyone in the bayga
He deserves honor and glory.
To the winner of the Maidan
They give a fat sheep...
Sabantuy, Sabantuy,
Compete, don't give up!
2 Presenter:
And it will happen, by chance,
If you lose, don't be angry
Here's a towel
Don't be embarrassed, get it!
(Children come out)
1 child:
June rang with warmth
Hello, Sabantuy holiday!
After sowing on a summer day
We will dance and sing!
2nd child:
Whoever is strong will win
Brave, dexterous, daring!
Dexterity comes in handy here
And courage to the young.
3rd child:
A fast horse flies like a whirlwind
It is controlled by a horseman,
And a little further, look,
There are strong men in the clearing!
4th child:
Here is a tall pole,
He attracts all people to him.
Try it in a bag
Take a run on the grass.
5th child:
Buckets full of water
Pass it very quickly
Laughter, smiles, dance jokes -
Everything is here now.
Presenters together:
Have fun and rejoice!
It's Sabantuy holiday!
2 Presenter: Children junior group We have prepared a song for you.
Song "Tram there-there"
(Bear enters to the music)
Bear: Hello guys! I heard you're having a holiday here?
1 Presenter: Yes, we are having a holiday.
Bear: Which one?
Children: Sabantui.
Bear: What kind of holiday is this? I don't know anything about him, tell me about him.
2 Presenter: Sabantuy is the “festival of the plow.” It is celebrated when spring field work ends. So we have worked hard in the garden, on the plot, and now we are having fun.
1 Presenter: Guys, let's play with the bear!
Game "Bear and Bees"
Bear: I really enjoyed playing with you, but it’s time for me to go to the forest, my friends are waiting for me there, I’ll tell them about your holiday. And I brought you Bashkir honey as a gift.
2 Presenter: Thank you, Mishenka, and see you again! And the children from preparatory group We have prepared a song for you.
Song “My Bashkortostan”
Guys, do you know that bees also work very hard, they collect nectar. Now we invite you to temporarily take on the role of bees and collect nectar.
Game “Whose team will collect nectar faster”
A participant from each team must transfer the ball from the “flower” to the hive in buckets. The team that finishes the competition first wins.
1 Presenter: Now let's start the competition of daredevils.
Here is the ring, and here is the opponent
Come out horsemen,
Who will knock who off the ring?
He will win the game.
Game "Cockfight"
Hoop, each hoop has two participants. Participants need to push their opponent out of the hoop. Whoever stepped through the hoop lost.
2 Presenter:
Look, it's a spoon
An egg nestled in it
Go for a run along the path
Just don't break it.
There is a team competition “Transfer the egg in a spoon”
1 Presenter:
Our Ural is a brave rider,
He rides a white horse
Dust swirls from under the hooves,
The horse's mane shines.
Game "Dexterous horsemen"
A team competition "horse racing" is held
2 Presenter:
Hey, horsemen, why are you sitting there?
Quickly run to the field
It's time for us to build yurts
Get ready kids!
Game "Yurt"
1 Presenter: Well done, fast guys. And now I want to check who is the smartest here. I'll tell you riddles, and you can guess them. (Guess in two languages).
Everyone needs it, but not everyone can do it. (Bread)
For a man - a wing,
For the Sultan - a mark,
Doesn't get tired in summer
Snow in the field in winter. (Horse)
What kind of horse plows the ground?
Doesn't he eat hay? (Tractor)
I found a ball, broke it,
I saw silver and gold. (Egg)
The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming
The rye is ripening
when does this happen? (Summer)
2 Presenter: Yes, indeed, you are smart and dexterous and know riddles. And now we invite everyone to a Bashkir dance.
"Dance for show"
(Awarding “medals” to competition participants)

1 Presenter: Thank you, dear guests, for coming to our holiday. And as a gift, we give you a wonderful Bashkir dish - “Chak-chak”. Enjoy your tea!