Corrective lesson on family education. Summary of a lesson on family education, outline of a lesson on correctional pedagogy on the topic

Topic: “My family”

Target. Formation of a sense of belonging to one's family; creative self-expression.

Tasks: continue to form a positive picture of the world and the concept of “family”. Understanding the role of the family.

Progress of the lesson:


Pupils pronounce the word “hello” with different intonations. If someone finds it difficult to choose a certain intonation, then the teacher calls it. We must ensure that the last intonation is positive.

Teacher: “Hello! In the last lesson, we talked about why a person needs his family, and today I want to invite you to continue this topic. Let's play a game with you."

Game "True - False!":

Teacher: “I will tell you some phrases, and if you agree with me, raise both hands up, and if you don’t agree, sit quietly.

– Family is all my friends and acquaintances.

– Family is me.

– My parents may be younger than me.

– Grandma is my mother’s mother.

– Grandpa is my dad’s dad.

– Family is people who love each other.

– Grandparents are my parents.

– I am the daughter of mom and dad.

– All people need a family.

Teacher: “Today we will draw our family.” Children draw three drawings: “My family”, “My family in the images of animals”, “My family in the images fairy-tale heroes" While drawing, you can turn on calm music. After the drawings are ready, the children talk about them.

Conversation “What does it mean to love your parents?”:

Why is it important to love each other in a family?

How to express your love for your parents?

How to learn not to upset loved ones?

How to behave when you have done something wrong?

How to learn to understand the mood of your parents?

How to improve the mood of dad and mom?

How can I help my mother run the house?

Which family holidays bring the family together?

How can men in the family arrange a real holiday for mom and sister?

How to show special attention to your mother so that she feels the attention and care of her son?

Do you think he can handle all household chores? a real man, master?

Summary of the lesson.



Topic: “My family”

Target . Formation of a sense of belonging to one's family; creative self-expression.

Tasks: continue to form a positive picture of the world and the concept of “family”. Understanding the role of the family.

Progress of the lesson:


Pupils pronounce the word “hello” with different intonations. If someone finds it difficult to choose a certain intonation, then the teacher calls it. We must ensure that the last intonation is positive.

Teacher: “Hello! In the last lesson, we talked about why a person needs his family, and today I want to invite you to continue this topic. Let's play a game with you."

Game "True - False!":

Teacher: “I will tell you some phrases, and if you agree with me, raise both hands up, and if you don’t agree, sit quietly.

– Family is all my friends and acquaintances.

– Family is me.

– My parents may be younger than me.

– Grandma is my mother’s mother.

– Grandpa is my dad’s dad.

– Family is people who love each other.

– Grandparents are my parents.

– I am the daughter of mom and dad.

– All people need a family.

Teacher: “Today we will draw our family.” Children draw three drawings: “My family”, “My family in the images of animals”, “My family in the images of fairy-tale characters”. While drawing, you can turn on calm music. After the drawings are ready, the children talk about them.

Conversation “What does it mean to love your parents?”:

Why is it important to love each other in a family?

How to express your love for your parents?

How to learn not to upset loved ones?

How to behave when you have done something wrong?

How to learn to understand the mood of your parents?

How to improve the mood of dad and mom?

How can I help my mother run the house?

What family holidays will bring the family together?

How can men in the family arrange a real holiday for mom and sister?

How to show special attention to your mother so that she feels the attention and care of her son?

Do you think a real man, the owner, can handle all household chores?

Summary of the lesson.

Methodical week

Family is something that is always with you.


Municipal state-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities health "Yaya special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type."

Mironova L.N.


Compiled by: Larisa Nikolaevna Mironova, teacher of the Municipal State Special (Correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities “Yaya Special (Correctional) General Education School – Type VIII Boarding School”.

Larisa Nikolaevna Mironova // “Family is what is always with you.” –

The work presents an extracurricular activity on family education. The lesson was held as part of the methodological week.

Lesson summary………………………………………………………p. 4-8
Bibliography................................................ ..................................With. 9

Appendix 1……………………………………………………pp.10-11

“Family is something that is always with you.”

(oral journal)
Target: instilling in adolescents an attitude towards family as a basic value of society.
Tasks: 1) Contribute to the formation of the moral duty of children to their parents.

2) Promote the development of communication ability.

3) Correct visually effective thinking based on competitions.
Equipment: multi-colored leaves, rules for working in a circle, the sun with rays, tables, phrases, bricks with words, a roof for the house, clean leaves.
Statements on the board:“Happy is he who is happy at home.” L.N. Tolstoy.

Progress of the lesson.
It was no coincidence that I gathered you to talk about family. You are grown-up boys and girls, a little time will pass and each of you will create your own family. You must take this action responsibly so that your family is friendly and happy. What does a happy family mean? How to behave to do family life happier? We will look for answers to these questions.
Page 1: Reflection of mood: “Tree of Feelings.”
Using tree leaves, try to express your mood and emotional condition. You know what color corresponds to what mood. Red – enthusiastic; orange – joyful, warm; yellow – light, pleasant; green – calm; blue – dissatisfied, sad; purple – anxious, tense; black – decline, despondency (students attach pieces of paper).

Page 2: Which family is considered happy?
I ask you to sit in two circles (two families). Families are made up of a sky of definitions by matching the noun. (blue, cloudy, endless, azure). Those who have the most identical definitions form a pair (family). It's easier to have an open conversation in a circle. This is also an opportunity to be together for some time, to see each other’s eyes. The circle is a guarantee of your security.
Rules for working in a circle.

  1. Everyone in the circle is equal, so you can express any opinion, but without affecting the dignity of those present.

  2. One person speaks, everyone listens without interrupting.

  3. You don't have to answer questions if you don't want to or don't know the answer.

Each family chooses its own head.

L.N. Tolstoy said: “Happy is he who is happy at home.” Please answer the question: “What does family happiness consist of?” (using brainstorming method). The head of the family decides who will be in charge. (Main criteria happy family: mutual love, fidelity, sincerity, tolerance, justice, the ability to forgive, joint management of the household, material wealth, respect for the interests of another, conflict resolution, having children, kindness, tenderness, etc.)

On the rays of the sun are written words that characterize a real family: loyalty, justice, care, patience, understanding, love, unity, trust.

Page 3: Distribution of responsibilities in the family.
Each of us needs a place where you don’t have to pretend, where you won’t be deceived, where you feel calm and happy, where you can rest your soul.

I hope your home is warm, sunny and cozy. Through whose efforts is this achieved in your families? How are responsibilities distributed in your family?

The following phrases are given: wash dishes, wash floors, wash shoes, dust, do laundry, cook, take care of pets, vacuum the house, water flowers, take out the trash, go to the store, mend clothes, nail something, work with children .

Tables are distributed to each family






















Can you take on some of your mom's or dad's responsibilities? There is a proverb: “Happiness is not a bird; it will not fly by itself.” If each family member is busy with his own business, then comfort, warmth, and harmony reign in the house. Where all household chores fall on the same shoulders, as a rule, irritation and misunderstanding settle.

Page 4: Complete the proverbs:
Running a house is not... (shaking your beard).

To build a house is not….(put a hat on your head).

The hostess of the house, what... (pancakes in honey).

When the family is together, and .... (the soul is in place).

IN family of origin and...(the porridge is thicker).

“The house, as everyone has long known,

These are not walls, not a window.

Not even chairs at the table, this is not a house.

Home is where you are ready to return again and again,

Furious, gentle, kind and evil, barely alive.

Home is where you are understood,

Where they hope and wait,

Where you forget about the bad -

This is your home." (Pilkina).

Our school is a second home for our students. This is a large school family. We have many traditions - sports, holidays, work, games.

Let's build a house of happiness from kind and pure words (love, children, care, patience, responsibility, respect, cleanliness).

Page 5: energizer “Impulse”

Let's stand in a circle. Let's join hands. We will transmit the “impulse” of the body by squeezing each other’s hands. I will send the “impulse”. I convey an “impulse” of warmth (kindness, joyful mood, happiness). We rested and regained our strength. Let's turn the page of the magazine.

Page 6 Is the weather always good in your house?

Conflicts have always arisen. Oddly enough, they form an integral part of human relationships. Conflict is a clash

opposing sides, opinions, forces.

Listen to the parable (educational story). In ancient China there lived an amazing family of 100 people. Harmony, love and respect reigned in her.

The fame of the family reached the emperor himself, and he visited this family.

Making sure that the rumor did not exaggerate anything, the emperor asked the elder: “How do you manage to live in peace and harmony, without quarreling or offending each other?” In response, the elder wrote 3 words. Guess what words these are? (love, patience, forgiveness).

Family is what we share among everyone,

A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.

Family is something that is always with you.

Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,

But the walls are dear, your father’s house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

Page 7: reflection of the mood “Tree of Feelings”.

Let's return to the “Tree of Feelings”, use the leaves to tell us how your mood and emotional state has changed? I want to finish

in the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Thank you for your participation and your activity. It was a pleasure to communicate with you.


1. Magazine “Education of Schoolchildren” No. 3, 2009, pp. 21-23

Correctional lesson on the topic:"My family".

Goals: 1) help children understand the role of family in human life;

2) develop students' creative and communication abilities; develop skills of cooperation with other people

3) instill respect for your family members.

4) cultivate love and respect for your loved ones, a friendly attitude towards your comrades, and a sense of responsibility for your team.

5) work on word stress.

Progress of the lesson.

    Greeting in a playful way.

Please stand in a circle, smile, shake hands and say hello.

2. Introductory physical training session.

The rain dripped on my palm,

On the flowers and on the path,

The rain is pouring, oh-oh-oh,

We ran home

We came running and sat down.

3. Guys, let's play a game called"Who will help?". I will ask you questions, and you, after thinking, will answer me.

All the guys love to eat delicious food. Who in the house can cook dinner best?
- Everyone, of course, guessed - these are our mothers.
- Now listen to other questions.

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail? Will he let you steer the car?

You guys know everything- this is our beloved (father).

And who is it? Listen to the questions.

Who knits socks for his grandchildren, tells an old fairy tale, gives pancakes with honey -this is our grandmother.

He is a man and he is gray-haired, dad is dad, he is to me- grandfather

- Who will please you with an A? Who can help me wash the grater?
- Who will go for a walk with the dog?
- Who will water the flowers?
- These simple tasks are within the capabilities of children - sons and daughters.

Moms, dads, and their children - sons and daughters. They are all family, they live in the same house, they all help each other. They all love each other and understand.
- And how, in one word, can we unite these people?

Rebus "7 I"
- This is family. It is very difficult for people without a family.

4. I suggest you choose definition words for the word “family”.

Family - what? (friendly, big, strong, cheerful, reliable, etc.)

5 . Children's story about family. (using drawings of the family, photos, children talk about the family)

“...There are no better ancestors than my ancestors!
They give me the light of smiles.
I want to tell you seriously:
For me they are like stars!” Alina

My mom's name is Natalya. She is a nurse. My dad's name is Gena. He is a fireman. (Derkacheva Alina)

“I have a big family,
But the most important thing in it
Of course it's me!" (Isakov Daniel.)

I'm Daniil Lyashkov. Dad - Sasha, brother - Artyom. We live in the city of Voronezh.

My mom is a cook. Her name is Svetlana.

My dad works at a sugar factory. His name is Alyosha.

My mom's name is Natalya. We live in a village. (Groshev.)

6.Parents give a name to their child. The name determines the fate of a person, determines his character traits. While preparing for the lesson, the children found that theynames.

Nastenka ( diminutive name from Anastasia) is the most common name of the heroines of Russian fairy tales. A girl with such a name is destined to be the most beautiful, the most intelligent, the most gentle.

Alina. The girl with this name is a real dreamer and inventor, she always comes up with some stories or games. This girl is restless and mischievous, but she is not capricious, rarely cries and never complains.

Daniel - a calm and kind boy. In character he is more like his mother. Sick a little. He loves outdoor games, is sociable, and is constantly surrounded by friends.

Sergey - a caring boy, capable of empathy. He is conscientious and obliging, almost always keeps his promises.

Children paste their photo and description onto the petals.It turns out to be chamomile.

7 . Finger warm-up “Counting”.

- Guys, let's remember the little count and stretch our fingers. Place your hand in front of you with an open palm and bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.

This finger is grandma
This finger is grandpa
This finger is mom
This finger is daddy
This finger - I will be -
This is my whole family.

8. Physical education lesson “How are you living? »

How are you living? - like this! (show thumb right hand)

How are you going? - like this! (walking in place)

Are you running? - like this! (running in place)

Are you naughty? - like this! (they hit their puffy cheeks with their palms)

How are you sitting in class? - like this! (hands in front of you)

Show me how you sleep? - like this! (palms pressed together and pressed to the cheek)

Do you reach your palms towards the sun? - like this! (pulls palms up)

How are you sitting by the window? - like this! (they prop up their cheek with their fist)

Thank you all for your attention, a new task awaits you.

9.Class tree .

Now we will make an unusual tree– a symbolic sequoia, where the trunk and roots are the parents, and the green crown is the palms of the children. And as a result, an amazing miracle happened - the birth of a new large, numerous family - a class family.

10. At the end of the lesson, for reinforcement, I want to ask you a few questions: :

1. How many people are in your family?

2. How can you affectionately call your grandmother?

3. Can grandpa be a dad?

4..Who is older, grandma or mom?

5. What is the name of your mother’s mother?

6. How can you affectionately call your mother?

6. Who is younger, dad or grandpa?

7. Who is the most important person in the family?

11. At the end of the lesson, we will all read a poem about family:

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of homework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily without a family!

    Bottom line. Consolidation of lesson results.

I want you to close your eyes now and imagineimagine something very good that happened in the life of your family. Imagine an affectionate mother, a fair father, a sister or brother with whom you often play. You will feel how warm and joyful you have become and how light your soul has become...
Remember how you feel now and store these sensations in your memory.

Open your eyes.
- Guys, what did we talk about today?

Purpose of the lesson:

- help strengthen family ties



Identify children’s ideas about the components of a happy and strong family

Correctional and developmental:

Develop children’s verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking through individual assignments, develop the ability to express their feelings, and develop monologue speech


Cultivate love and respect for your parents, the desire to bring them joy



GKSOU "Barsko-Gorodishchenskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type"

Correctional lesson according to the “Family Hearth” program

Our Friendly family

Purpose of the lesson:

- help strengthen family ties



Identify children’s ideas about the components of a happy and strong family

Correctional and developmental:

Develop children’s verbal-logical and visual-figurative thinking through individual assignments, develop the ability to express their feelings, and develop monologue speech


Cultivate love and respect for your parents, the desire to bring them joy

Preparation of the lesson:

On the tables there are sheets of paper with my mother’s and my own palms drawn on them, pens

For the lesson, children have already written mini-essays “My future family” in advance or use mini-essays written by peers written earlier

Audio recordings of songs about mother and family have been prepared

Reproductions of paintings about family and family life, proverbs and sayings about family have been prepared, which are hung during the lesson.

Developed by

Social teacher

Dubovitskaya T.N.

S. Barskoe Settlement 2012


Guys, in today's lesson we will talk about the family, what it should be, and what we should do to make the family friendly, strong and happy.

To relieve the tension and anxiety that you and I have, let’s do a simple exercise. By describing the weather, try to express your mood and well-being. (partly cloudy, calm windless weather, calm before the storm, rain...)

Let's start with me. My soul is now in calm, windless weather.

Who is next? (children's statements). Smile if the weather is good in your heart.


How do you understand the word “family”?

What comes to your mind when you say it?

Answers, statements from children.

But this is what appears in the imagination of our little sisters and brothers. Our guest"Through the Mouth of a Baby" program.You know, they used to show such a program on TV. You probably haven't caught her by now. In this program, small children explained some concept, some object or word in their children's words, and adults had to guess what the children meant.

1st baby:

“She loves children, she’s kind, she buys something tasty - whatever you want... She’s caring, she never scolds. She has a loved one - her grandfather. Who is she?"(Grandmother)

2nd baby:

“She can be kind and she can be strict. But she doesn’t buy what you want... She’s also caring, doesn’t sit idle, sometimes scolds us for being disgraceful, but she’s loving.”(Mother).

3rd baby:

“He is not afraid of anyone, he never cries. He walks the dogs in the morning... He is good, kind, caring. He promised to carry his mother in his arms all his life.”(Dad).

4th baby:

“It happens and it doesn’t happen. When mom buys something delicious, it immediately appears. I start jumping, running,have fun... This happens when you dance, when guests come... It can be bad when you are not allowed to go out, when you are forced to do your homework. It can be funny and sad, good and bad. What is this?"(Mood)

What kind of family do you have - friendly or not? What kind of family do we call friendly?

Children's statements.

But you are all future family men. What kind of family do you dream of?

Children's statements.

Here's how yours are future families are represented by your peers, are now graduates of our school.

Mini-essays are read.

Starting a family is not easy, and maintaining it is even more difficult. There are both joys and troubles in the family, but not everyone manages to resolve conflicts adequately; they lack worldly wisdom. This is precisely what folk proverbs and sayings teach, worldly wisdom. Let's remember some of them. And we don’t quite remember them in the usual way. I have envelopes in my hands, and in the envelopes are assignments. Let's imagine that these tasks were sent to you by your parents. After all, they want you to have a friendly family in the future, so that you avoid some mistakes that Once upon a time, perhaps, your parents did. These envelopes contain the same worldly wisdom that we talked about.

So, from the set of words received in the envelopes, you need to compose a well-known proverb and explain its meaning.

While completing the task, a song about mom “My mom is the best in the world” is played.

While you were completing the task, songs were played about mother, the closest and dearest person to all of us. Listen to how writer Yuri Yakovlev speaks about his mother:

“Close your eyes, listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar, dear. It cannot be confused with any other voice. Even if you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands.

Mother .

You couldn’t speak yet, but your mother understood you without words, guessed what you wanted, what hurt you. You didn't know how to walk yet, your mother carried you in her arms. And then mom taught you to talk, walk... Mom read you the first book.

...Mom has always been by your side. And everything that surrounded you seemed to start with your mother.”

(An option with household chores is possible, discussion of the saying “A woman and a cat in a hut, a man and a dog in the yard”)

Each of you has an image of your mother's and your own palms. In the drawing of your mother’s palm, write kind words for the word “mother”. Then, in the center of your palm, write how you most offended your mother. Now stick your palm on your mother's palm and now write on your palm the words thanks to which your mother will forgive you.

During the task, a song about to mom "My dear mommy"

At the request of the children, completed tasks are read out. Let down lesson results (sample questions):

  1. What qualities should family members have in order for their family to be strong and reliable?

The teacher reads out the legend:

IN ancient China There lived an amazing family of 100 people. Harmony, love and respect reigned in her. The fame of the family reached the emperor himself. He visited this family and made sure that the rumor was not exaggerated. The emperor asked the old-timer of this family: “How do you manage to live in peace and harmony, without quarreling or offending each other?” in response, the elder uttered only one word. Which one do you think? (PATIENCE).

  1. What conclusions did you draw for yourself?
  2. What kind of family would you like to have in the future?

Family is what we share among everyone,

A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silent sadness.

Family is something that is always with you.

Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,

But the walls are dear, your father’s house -

The heart will remain in it forever.

Conclusion :

I hope that today’s lesson once again reminded you that you must cherish your family and people close to you, upset your parents as little as possible, and give your wonderful palms to your mothers. I think they will be very pleased.

The song “About my family” (Spanish Children) plays

Civics lesson notes

Subject: "Family. Family members and their responsibilities"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about family ties and responsibilities of family members



To consolidate knowledge about the basics of family relationships.

Introduce the concepts of “genus”, “relatives”, “family tree”.

Learn to distribute household responsibilities.


Correction of thinking through games and gaming exercises


Foster a caring, caring attitude towards family members.

Instill respect for elders.

Replenish children's active vocabulary.


Presentation of family, family members;

Object pictures-symbols of the activities of family members (books, computer, newspaper, doll, tape recorder, etc.)

Cards on which family members and their responsibilities are recorded;

Stories about the family, written on separate strips for each student;

An image of the family tree for each student;

Hearts with the names of relatives written in them;

Glue sticks;


Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational point: greeting, mood for class

2. Introduction to the topic

Look at the picture (“Family” slide on the presentation).

Who is pictured on it? (mom, dad, children)

How to call it in one word? (family)

This word has a secret. It can be divided into two: SEVEN SELF.

Seven like me. Dad, mom, sister or brother, grandparents are the closest people.

The number 7 is indivisible. The word "family" means unity and indivisibility.

A family is created by parents. From their love and consent, the family becomes strong. Peace reigns in her. In one family, everyone is somewhat similar to each other. If not by face, then by voice, gait or habits, similarity of characters, common hobbies and activities.

3. Main part

Let's make up stories about your families. Take the envelopes, take out the sentence strips, and make stories out of them.

Stories about the family are compiled. Individual work. The stories are read to the children.

For example:


I have a big family.

My dad's name is Alexander Alekseevich.

My mother's name is Natalia Nikolaevna.

My sister's name is Sveta.

I also have a grandmother.

Her name is Maria Petrovna.

We have a friendly and strong family.

What do your family like to do?

Take small envelopes containing pictures of various objects that symbolize the activities of your family members.

2-3 students talk about their family members’ favorite activities.

Let's look again at the picture with which we started our lesson.

What is the family doing in this picture? (resting)

Can a family exist if everyone just relaxes? (No)

What else should family members do? (family members must work)

That's right, the family must work.

Now we will play a game called “Who in your family does it?”

Ball game

The teacher throws the ball to each student in turn, addressing him with the question: “Who is in your family...?”

Questions: - goes to work;

Earns money;

Prepares food;


Is washing dishes;



Goes shopping;

Teaches lessons;

Checks lessons;

Wipes away dust;

Takes out the trash;

Doing repairs

Who works the most in the family? (Mother)

Let's distribute responsibilities fairly among family members.

The game “Our Responsibilities” is played. Children are given cards with household chores written on them, and cards with family members written on them are placed on the board. During the game, all household responsibilities are equally distributed among family members.

Game "Our Responsibilities"



Earns money

Earns money



Takes care of children

Doing repairs

Cooks food

Ironing clothes




Helps clean

Helps clean

Is washing dishes

Takes out the trash

Wipes off the dust

Goes to the store

Let's return to our picture. (presentation slide) Who didn’t the artist draw? (grandparents)

Grandfathers and grandmothers are your relatives, members of your family.

Dad, mom, brother, sister, grandfather and grandmother are RELATIVES, RELATIVES, KIN.

What does this word “ROD” mean?

Let's compare it to a tree. How many branches a tree has, how many leaves. But they all come from the same trunk, from a common root. Together they are one tree.

Same with relatives. They descended from one ancestor who lived a very long time ago. You and your relatives are one family.

Now each of you will create a family tree for your family.

The teacher explains the task: hearts are pasted onto the picture of the family tree, in which the names of relatives are written, each in the space allocated for it.

Drawing up a family tree

The resulting family trees are displayed on the board.

Summing up.

4. Conclusion on the lesson

What did they talk about in class? (about family)

Who can be called family? (mom, dad and children)

Are families strangers or relatives? (relatives)

How should you treat your family members? (to love and care for each other)

Loved you for no particular reason:

Because you are a grandson,

Because you are a son

Because baby

Because you are growing,

Because he looks like mom and dad...

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

(V. Berestov)

Love, take care and cherish your family - your support in this life.