Dress code in a medical organization. Requirements for medical clothing of personnel

Former medical registrars and hospital nurses, who were transferred in 2017 to positions classified as “other,” ask the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Dmitry Kobylkin, to conduct an audit of the legality of the transfer and the legality of payment of wages and bonuses in the hospital. The anonymous letter states that the change in positions led to the deprivation of bonuses and benefits, while the general increase in salaries for medical personnel did not affect these workers.

The Sever-Press news agency contacted the chief physician of the Nadym Central District Hospital, Natalya Kaliberda.

“I read the anonymous appeal of the team, but in the text it is clear what the hospital registrars are writing. I would like to note that according to Federal Law No. 323 “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation,” the concept of “medical worker” includes a specialist who must have compulsory medical education to carry out medical activities in healthcare institutions. The transfer of employees from the position of medical registrar to the position of registrar was carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health,” said Natalya Kaliberda.

The head of the Nadym Central District Hospital emphasized that all specialists transferred to the category of “other” workers received notifications two months before the transfer order came into force.

“They all signed notices agreeing to the transfer; there were no objections or refusals. As for industrial cleaners, their job descriptions and responsibilities were also explained to them. A nurse is a category of junior medical staff, and according to qualification requirements and professional standards, she not only cleans the premises, but also cares for patients in the hospital, that is, directly provides assistance to the patient,” explained the head of the medical institution.

The next point of the complaint concerned wages, bonuses and allowances. Let us remind you that we are talking about the implementation of the Government Decree of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug dated December 29, 2016 No. 1269-P “On approval of the sectoral regulations on the remuneration of employees of state medical organizations subordinate to the Department of Health of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug” and on amendments to the Government Decree on the approval of sectoral regulations on wages dated December 26, 2017 No. 1418-P.

“I would like to note that today wage the hospital pays on time, without delays - and this is the main thing. As for the complaint, on May 1, 2017, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug government decree on remuneration of workers came into force. Before this, for several months there was transition period, the team was warned in writing about all the changes, meetings were held between the administration and the trade union with employees of structural divisions.

During the first month, at meetings with employees of hospital departments, they explained in detail about the introduced remuneration system, then meetings of the institution's tariff commission were held, where the official salaries of employees were discussed, according to their position. The salary in the hospital consists of the established official salary, compensation and incentive payments. The salary is set according to professional qualification groups. Incentive payments depend on the criteria for assessing the quality of an employee’s work by department managers. If for any reason an employee violates these criteria, then incentive payments are reduced according to the decision of a special commission. This approach to remuneration is very effective and encourages employees to perform their duties conscientiously and efficiently. Compensation payments are a regional and northern coefficient established by federal legislation,” said Natalya Kaliberda.

The next point of anonymous appeal is bonuses and benefits. The latter do not depend on the management of the medical institution. Additional benefits for employees are established by the government of the Russian Federation or the district. According to Natalya Kaliberda, all guarantees and compensations established by regulatory documents are fulfilled in full.

“Employees of medical institutions have a shortened working week. Additional vacation days are given to employees based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions when working in harmful and dangerous working conditions, and registrars are not one of them. But we approved them an additional 7 days for irregular working hours. The next item is bonuses. I want to make it clear that paying a bonus is not an obligation. medical institution, but an opportunity. We earn money by fulfilling government tasks, but today we are not fulfilling them in full. Concerning social benefits for employee health improvement budgetary institutions in the amount of 15 thousand for preferential leave, then due to the crisis situation in the economy, they are suspended by the district government until December 31, 2018,” the department’s chief physician explains in detail the anonymous appeal of the hospital’s medical workers.

And lastly, the letter says “we wear a medical uniform and aren’t we doctors.” According to Natalya Kaliberda, white robe- This is the dress code of the medical institution.

After talking with the chief doctor, we turned to the main defender of the rights of the department’s workers, the chairman of the trade union organization of the Nadym regional hospital, Tamara Volchuk. According to her, the hospital management always acts in its work in accordance with established regulatory legal acts and the nomenclature of medical personnel positions.

“There were no violations on the part of the employer. The chairman of the trade union committee took part in the work of the tariff commission in connection with the transition to a new wage system. Before the transfer, joint meetings were held between the administration of the institution and the trade union with collectives of employees of the institution, the workers were warned, familiarized with their job responsibilities and the results of the tariff commission. According to the law, the category “others” are workers who prepare the basis for providing medical care, and medical workers are people who have received higher or secondary specialized education and directly provide medical care to patients,” said Tamara Volchuk.

According to her, all local regulations are always consistent with the trade union, which strictly monitors compliance with the law, and the employer listens to the suggestions and comments of the association.

Workwear – distinctive feature medical workers, which sets them apart from representatives of other professions. , suits, caps, masks and other elements of clothing become the basis of the doctor’s image both in the waiting room and in the operating room. In the online store “Treat Beautifully” you can choose stylish and quality clothes for staff working in medical institutions. Fashionable styles, bright colors and non-standard solutions - all this is presented in the catalog.

Medical clothing performs several main functions:

  • denotes the sphere of human activity;
  • protects the body and normal clothing from contact with blood, medications and other substances.

According to their functional purpose, clothing for doctors comes in the following categories:

  • for carrying out operations;
  • for therapeutic manipulations in emergency rooms and in hospitals;
  • for pathological procedures.

Standards of medical clothing depend on the doctor's specialization. There are also universal requirements. Clothes should be:

  • Clean. Doctors should wear a clean uniform for every shift. The uniforms presented in the “Treat Beautiful” catalog can withstand many washes and practically do not wrinkle. The doctor will save time every day.
  • Convenient. Clothing for medical staff should be true to size or one size larger. Doctors and nurses move a lot, so their uniforms should not restrict their movements.
  • Breathable. Breathable fabrics promote comfort throughout your work shift.

The uniform for doctors presented in the catalogs of the “Treat Beautiful” brand is made of high-quality materials. It performs a protective function, is easy to wash, is wear-resistant and meets all requirements for medical clothing personnel. Regular washing does not affect the appearance of the uniform in any way.

A variety of medical clothing allows you to emphasize your own style, look fashionable and modern in the workplace.

Requirements for medical caps

– an important and mandatory accessory that is used by doctors every day. It performs a protective function: it prevents hair from getting on objects and surfaces located in offices and operating rooms. The accessory also protects hair from contact with medicinal substances. The requirements for a medical cap depend on the conditions in which it will be used. She must be:

  • non-toxic;
  • made of hypoallergenic material;
  • breathable and moisture resistant;
  • on a stretchy elastic band;
  • durable and wear-resistant.

The medical caps presented in the “Treat Beautiful” assortment are made of mixed fabric that meets all requirements. Stylish products will not wrinkle, which will allow you to look neat throughout your work shift.

Requirements for medical gowns

The appearance of a medic includes many elements, but the main item of clothing is the robe. In clinics, dentists, hospitals and private emergency departments, medical personnel most often go to them. The standard uniform has become a distinctive feature of doctors, so special attention is paid to its choice. Gowns are also used by medical university students - they wear them both in pairs and practical exercises outside the university.

Requirements for medical gowns depend on the place of their use. The main one is that the uniform of employees of medical institutions should be sterile, practical and comfortable. For specialists working in the emergency department and in the hospital, there are usually no restrictions on appearance forms.

When choosing a medical gown, you need to pay attention to:

  • sleeve length: in the warm season, models with short sleeves are popular, in the cold season – with long sleeves; there may be special requirements related to the specifics of the work;
  • model length: minimum length – slightly above the knee; for their convenience, doctors often choose knee-length gowns;
  • size: a medical gown should not be taken with the hope of losing weight or if it is tight; this item of clothing should be a little loose so that the doctor does not limit his movements).

No less important factors– style and color. A medical worker who spends most of her working time in a gown wants to be sure of her presentable appearance. High-quality and stylish medical clothing increases self-esteem and allows you to feel comfortable in any situation.

The online store “Treat Beautifully” invites you to pay attention to the unique collections of medical gowns. In the catalogs on the website you will find women's dressing gowns:

  • with a bow on the belt;
  • with double skirt;
  • asymmetrical length;
  • with a half-sun skirt;
  • with black edging.

The clinic can choose the same style of gowns for all employees to emphasize the individuality of the facility and attract even more patients. Bright design solutions in clothing will help you stand out among your competitors. Fasteners, inserts of other colors, embroidery, and drawings are used as decorative elements.

Men's dressing gowns in the "Treat Beautiful" assortment differ in design, can be with various buttons and knitted inserts, and have a stand-up collar. Some models feature an asymmetrical cut.

Requirements for footwear of medical workers

Doctors and nurses spend most of their working time on their feet. Seeing patients, moving between rooms and floors in a hospital, and performing surgeries all require stamina throughout the day. If the shift lasts a day, then fatigue will only accumulate. Comfortable will allow you to feel comfortable while working and not experience pain in your legs.

Basic requirements for footwear for medical workers:

  • wide toe – prevents squeezing of toes and the appearance of calluses;
  • a non-slip sole – in medical institutions tiles are often used as flooring, so it is important that the doctor feels comfortable;
  • wear resistance – quality shoes lasts a long time;
  • high sole – allows you not to create additional stress on the spine;
  • good air and heat exchange - to protect against dermatological diseases.

Manufacturers of medical shoes take care not only of basic requirements, but also of comfortable fastening and modern design. The catalogs of the online store “Treat Beautifully” present various models of shoes made from hypoallergenic materials. All models presented on the site also differ:

  • antistatic properties;
  • ease of care;
  • removable antibacterial insole;
  • adjustable straps.

Medical shoes from “Treat Beautiful” can be easily washed using cleaning products, and some models can even be processed in an autoclave.

To create an individual style, the range also includes jibits and stripes that are used to decorate shoes. Both women's and male models will become unique together with such accessories.

We recommend that you pay attention to medical shoes from brands that have proven themselves well. Manufacturers were able to combine natural materials With high-quality tailoring and affordable prices. The basis of the shoe assortment of the “Lechi Krasivo” store is made up of products from these brands.

Medical clothing and footwear are important components of a doctor’s image, and the requirements for them are quite universal. All wardrobe items must be comfortable, sterile, practical and suitable for long-term wear in clinics, hospitals and other medical institutions.

Order stylish clothes and shoes in the “Treat Beautiful” online store. We guarantee high quality goods and fast delivery to regions of Russia.

Properly selected medical clothing immediately indicates the responsible attitude of the dentist to everything related to his profession.

Functionality of medical clothing for a dentist

Medical clothing is convenient and comfortable

No one would even think of imagining an operating room where a surgeon dressed in fashionable jeans and a T-shirt and a nurse in tight-fitting clothes are working. cocktail dress. The uniform is created for comfortable work, so that when performing complex and lengthy procedures, the doctor or nurse is not distracted and moves freely. Clothing should be made of breathable material that does not stick to the body.

Medical clothing is practical and neat

A doctor's appearance is his calling card. Only a neat and sterile appearance will emphasize the doctor’s professionalism. An unkempt and dirty doctor cannot inspire confidence. Without caring about his appearance, he shows that he will also care about his patients.

The daily work of medical workers is directly related to blood, various drugs and products that leave difficult to remove stains.

Therefore, medical clothing is preferably made from materials that are easy to clean and disinfect and do not require complex care.

Until recently, all clothing for medical workers was made from soft cotton. However, the rapid loss of appearance and the inability to remove stains have inclined uniform manufacturers to use combined fabrics containing more practical and durable fibers.

Medical clothing is safe

Medical workers put on their uniform as soon as they come to work. This minimizes the amount of bacteria introduced into the healthcare facility. Hair is hidden under caps, and shoes are hidden in shoe covers. Keeping the room sterile helps patients recover faster.

Medical clothing is recognizable

Imagine how difficult it would be to distinguish doctors from other people in a medical facility if not for their uniforms.

In many clinics, employees have a uniform uniform with the logo of the institution. This emphasizes the seriousness of going to work and increases patient loyalty. To create a positive image for the clinic, managers introduce a dress code that concerns only the style and color of the uniform.

Types of medical clothing

The modern market offers a wide range of beautiful disposable and reusable medical clothing.

Disposable clothing is discarded after one use. These are gloves, a mask, shoe covers, a cape, etc.

Reusable clothing is made from textiles. It can be washed and disinfected, does not lose its shape and can be used for several years.

Of course, the symbol of a medical worker has always been a white coat. But modern trends are gradually pushing it into the background, replacing it with more convenient, fashionable and functional options, of which there are more and more every year.

Everything is developing rapidly, and the requirement for a variety of medical clothing is understandable, because it allows you to highlight clinic employees and choose the optimal comfortable clothes for each employee. The different work of doctors also determines the presence of different suits or gowns that are most convenient for a particular type of work.


The classic clothing of doctors is undergoing some additions and changes. Nowadays, the invariably white and universal gown is being replaced by options of various colors and styles, divided into men's medical clothing and women's. Inserts of a different color, trim, edging or trim are acceptable as decorative elements.

Gowns can be considered as a uniform for junior and middle staff, as well as for doctors. Modern models of women's medical clothing are quite restrained, but look stylish.

Medical outfit

The most convenient and popular type of medical clothing. Medical suits are considered extremely convenient for workers performing various procedures. They are not universal: they are specially created for women and men's options. The styles are also different.

Wide color palette allows you to choose the most suitable shade - blue, blue, green, pink, lilac, white with or without inserts. Men's medical suits are usually one-color. Women's can be produced in different options. For example, a plain white blouse with inserts or trim in the same color as the trousers.

Surgical suit

Designed for convenient work of surgeons, operating room nurses and junior staff. Such suits do not have fasteners, buttons, zippers, buttons or other accessories. They are usually green or blue.

Additional medical clothing

In addition to basic medical clothing, each clinic employee must have a cap, face mask, gloves and shoe covers.

Gloves are a mandatory attribute of any medical worker. They perform a protective function both for the worker himself and for his patient, ensuring sterile procedures or manipulations.

It is permissible to use caps occasionally, but only when necessary. An exception is for the operating room, where all personnel are required to wear hats.

Medical workers working in surgical, obstetric and intensive care units, where the level of sterility is increased, are required to wear shoe covers.

Direct contact with viral patients, seasonal epidemics and other factors require healthcare workers to wear face masks. Face masks are especially relevant for surgeons and operating room nurses.

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What requirements must medical clothing meet in a dental clinic?

Fabric used for sewing medical clothing must be:

  • highly durable and easy to clean. Medical clothing is subjected to a large number of washings, disinfections and bleaching, so the strength of the fabric is an important criterion;
  • ergonomic. Medical clothing should not restrict the movements of the doctor or nurse;
  • hygroscopic. Medical clothing must absorb moisture; the ability to absorb moisture is an important condition for medical clothing;
  • breathable. The uniform of a medical worker should be convenient and comfortable, it should not be hot;
  • antistatic;
  • painted with high quality dyes. It is important that colored medical clothing does not fade or fade even with high-temperature washing;
  • hygienic and easy to clean. Thanks to special impregnation, modern medical clothing can be washed quite easily without absorbing blood, various drugs and biological fluids.

What standards and requirements must disposable medical clothing meet?

The head of the medical institution independently regulates the volume of disposable medical clothing purchased. To date, there are no legislative documents defining the consumption standards for medical masks and disposable clothing.

When purchasing sheets, diapers and other soft equipment, medical clinics are guided by Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 710 of September 15, 1988.

Legislative standards are established for providing medical workers with protective equipment, including:

  • disposable mask;
  • apron;
  • protective glasses;
  • gloves;
  • protective screens.

We recommend that managers, when purchasing and distributing personal protective equipment to employees of a medical institution, use Appendix No. 11 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 68, which develops standards for the consumption of personal protective equipment, including clothing, shoes and accessories, for employees of research and medical institutions.

The standards specified in this appendix are fully consistent with the Intersectoral Rules approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2009.

The legislation of the Russian Federation grants the head of a medical institution the right, if necessary, to independently increase the volume of issued special clothing, footwear and disposable masks. Such local regulations must be reflected either in the labor or collective agreement.

If changes are made, the accepted standard standards should be indicated each time.

Article 221 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the rights of the head of a company or organization.

Any medical organization is obliged to adhere to the norms and rules approved by SanPiN in its work. Chapter 1, paragraphs 15.15, 15.16, 15.17 regulate the process of changing special clothing for various departments of a medical institution.

All sanitary and epidemiological requirements are summarized in unified rules for the use of special medical clothing:

  1. According to the requirements of SanPiN 1.3.2322-08 (clause 2.11.5), workers in clinical diagnostic laboratories who have contact with viruses and microorganisms that belong to the pathogenic group and have a high level of danger are required to change their overalls weekly. In case of heavy soiling, clothes are changed more often.
  2. According to the requirements of SanPiN (Chapter 3, 4), a change of special clothing and disposable accessories must be carried out after each operation, dressing, delivery, etc. This is especially true for procedures that require a high level of sterility.
  3. According to the requirements of SanPiN 3.1.3263-15 (clause 12.5), employees of endoscopy departments are required to change their overalls daily. When performing a surgical operation, the replacement of overalls is carried out immediately after its completion. Doctors performing intraluminal endoscopy are required to change their overalls at least twice a week. If there is serious contamination, replacement is carried out more often.
  4. Workers in intensive care and infectious diseases departments, obstetricians, and surgeons must change their overalls daily.
  5. Employees of the therapeutic department are required to change their overalls twice a week. If there is contamination, the change is carried out more often.

According to SP, medical masks must be replaced after 3 hours. This is especially true during periods of viral and respiratory infections, as well as for the prevention of influenza.

Any clinic keeps logs of the consumption of protective clothing and protective equipment, thanks to which it is possible to identify average consumption individual funds and special clothing for a certain period of time, not only for the entire clinic, but also for each department and even office. We recommend taking a period of work from 3 to 5 years for calculations.

Use this data when planning your next business year's expenses. Additionally, take into account all the personnel currently working in your clinic and the average number of procedures that will require disposable medical clothing, shoes and accessories.

As a result, each employee of your medical institution should receive at least three sets of protective equipment and protective clothing. Do not forget about creating a reserve base, which may be needed in case of emergency situations. Be guided by the fact that the reserve base should be at least 10% of the total volume of purchased workwear, footwear and disposable accessories.

For methodological literature, we recommend using “ Methodological recommendations on the use of disposable medical clothing and linen,” as well as the appendix “Recommended sheet for equipping disposable medical clothing and linen.” This literature was developed by the Federal State Budgetary Institution “VNIIIMT” of Roszdravnadzor.

How should disposable medical clothing be disposed of?

Disposable medical clothing should be disposed of in the same way as other medical waste. Attribution to a certain class of medical waste directly depends on the place of its use:

  • Class B includes waste with an average level of hazard. These are disposable medical clothing and underwear used in the operating room, manipulation room, infectious diseases or dermatovenerological department;
  • Class B includes waste that has an extremely high level of danger. This is disposable clothing for doctors of phthisiatric, mycological and infectious diseases departments;
  • Class G includes waste that carries a radioactive hazard. This is disposable clothing for medical workers in the chemotherapy department, chemical laboratory, pharmacy, etc.

The procedure and rules for the disposal of medical waste are specified in sanitary rules and standards dated February 17, 2011 N2.1.7.2790-10.

Immediately before disposal, medical waste is disinfected and then destroyed at a site specially designed for this purpose.

  • Medical waste management: how to ensure the safety of staff and patients

What color can clothing for medical workers be?

In the last century, the professionalism of a doctor and the success of the operation he had just performed were determined by ordinary people by the presence and number of blood stains on a dazzling white robe.

In the nineteenth century, scientists laid the foundations and began to actively develop the theory of antiseptics. According to the English surgeon Joseph Lister, who was the first to use phenol in the treatment of wounds and thereby significantly increased healing effect, the doctor's snow-white coat has antiseptic properties.

This statement caused a lot of controversy among English scientists and the public, calling into question the competence of doctors in uniforms of a different color. Modern color science (colorimetry) confirms the influence of color and shades on psychological attitude person. The studies have shown that:

  • red color has a stimulating effect;
  • green color has a calming effect;
  • blue color has a calming effect;
  • orange color gives vigor and energy;
  • yellow color awakens the intellect;
  • black color concentrates.

The most energetic color according to research is white. It is associated with purity, positivity, dedication. Patients trust a doctor in a white uniform. White color (as well as blue and green) is recognized as the most pleasing to the eye.

Choice white for sewing medical clothing is also due to its practicality. White fabric does not change its color even after a huge number of washings, bleaching and disinfection. In addition, the price of white fabric is lower than other options. However, in the age of high technology, everything is changing and improving, so now doctors are offered a huge selection of special clothing various colors, shades and styles.

Research recent years confirmed scientists' assumptions about the depressing effect of white on sick people, for whom it evokes memories of suffering, losses, negative moments, etc. And blood stains on white fabric are simply shocking, while on a multi-colored uniform they are less noticeable.

The first colored uniforms appeared at the end of the last century among doctors working in children's departments. Little patients were afraid of doctors in white coats, associating them with the pain and fear they experienced during injections or other manipulations. Expecting only negative emotions from the color white, children easily made contact with doctors in multi-colored medical clothes.

A scientific study conducted in 1998 by European scientists revealed and substantiated that best color for the surgeon's medical clothing is green, which psychologically helps both the doctor and his patient.

The first reason for the beneficial effects of blue and green colors is the ability to refresh the look after prolonged observation of red blood during surgery and specific light. John Werner, a psychologist who teaches at the University of California, Davis, believes that by looking at the color green, the doctor makes his eyes more sensitive to red hues and has a much better perception of the human body during surgery.

The second reason is the absence of color illusions when deeply concentrating on red shades that appear when the gaze is shifted to white. Such flashes are like blurry spots that obscure the eyes after a photo flash. By turning his gaze after hard work and observing blood to a white background, the doctor can become more focused, while the green color will restore the acuity of perception and significantly reduce eye strain.

The modern market offers a wide selection of medical clothing of various colors and shades. It is important to choose the one that best suits the specifics of a particular clinic.

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How to choose medical clothes

Every medical worker is obliged to do everything work time carried out in a special uniform. Medical clothing should be comfortable and functional.

Standard monotonous styles are becoming a thing of the past. Modern tendencies dictate the need for comfortable and beautiful medical clothing. Of course, the traditional white robe remains in demand, but it has become more stylish and can contain decorative elements in the form of inserts, edges or edges. But medical suits are constantly being updated with new styles, colors and accessories.

All these innovations make it possible medical worker look stylish, well-groomed and beautiful at the workplace.

There are a number of criteria that you should pay special attention to before purchasing medical clothing.


First of all, evaluate the fabric from which the medical clothing is made and the quality of the seams. If the uniform was made in a cheap studio, it may not have additional pockets, since the clothes were made according to old patterns. The presence of sections for various small items makes the uniform even more functional and convenient.


The quality of the material from which medical clothing is made determines its comfort and convenience. Modern models are sewn from natural fabrics to which artificial fibers are added. Fabrics are impregnated with special compounds for easier care and washing.

The most convenient and practical fabric is still considered to be made from natural cotton. Uniforms made from this material are hypoallergenic, support air exchange and do not stick to the body. The main disadvantage of cotton uniforms is the rapid loss of appearance due to the tendency to wrinkle and absorb stains. Ideally solves the problem by adding to the composition of the material not large quantity synthetics, providing long-lasting attractiveness to clothing and ease of care.


The work of medical personnel, including doctors, nurses, orderlies, etc., involves constant movement and spending a lot of time on their feet. Such tension requires comfortable medical clothing and footwear. Everything should be comfortable and easy. The best material for shoes is perforated leather or artificial rubber.

Style and color

Some clinics, in order to maintain their image, introduce restrictions in the form of a dress code that determines the style and color of the uniform. If this is not provided, then you can choose medical clothing of any style and color you like. The modern market is saturated with offers for every taste. You can choose a standard robe or suit, or you can opt for a more fashionable options from bright to calm pastel colors. It is important to observe the measure and choose the best option for a particular clinic.


Identical white cotton robes are already becoming a thing of the past. In their place comes clothing that emphasizes a person’s individuality. Modern manufacturers are pleased to offer fashionable medical clothing for women and men's styles with a sleeve length that is convenient for you, the presence of additional pockets, etc.


It is important that a uniform that meets all requirements and standards has an affordable price, so that even an ordinary medical worker can purchase it.

Rules for caring for medical clothing

Once you become the owner of beautiful medical clothing, study all the care recommendations given on the product label. The following table will help you decipher them.

Proper care of medical clothing will extend its service life, maintain its attractive appearance, practicality and comfort. Absolutely observing simple rules, you will achieve excellent results.

Rule 1. Washing

Only cold water is suitable for pre-washing. You should not adhere to the erroneous opinion that hot water washes faster. difficult spots. At high temperature Organic contaminants only eat into the material more strongly and the process of removing them becomes more complicated.

If there are no stains or heavy soiling, it is recommended to wash medical clothing in warm (up to 30 degrees) water using detergents that do not contain bleaches.

Serious contamination requires a special approach. They are first processed laundry soap, and then washed, adding to the usual powder products that enhance its effect due to the presence of active oxygen in them. Try to dissolve bleach in water and detergent even before starting washing, and after it is completed, use rinse aid.

Wash colored medical clothing at 30-50 degrees to avoid color loss. White clothes It is permissible to wash at temperatures up to 80 degrees, but if it has colored inserts or edgings, it is better to choose a water temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

Rule 2. Drying

Dry medical clothing on outdoors. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight and do not allow the fabric to dry out, otherwise it will be impossible to iron the uniform well.

Clothes made from fabrics that do not contain elastane dry easily. Just shake it and place it on the trempel. If there is elastane in the fabric, you should prevent stretching of the fabric and changing the shape of the product by placing it on a horizontal cotton backing.

Rule 3. Ironing

Medical clothing is ironed from the wrong side, setting the heating temperature of the iron to no more than 150 degrees. The clinic logo is ironed separately using a cotton backing. You should not immediately put on a freshly ironed uniform; it is better to let the fabric cool: this will help preserve the appearance of the product longer.

That's all the nuances of choosing medical clothing and caring for it. Let your beautiful uniform please you and your patients for a long time!

The state autonomous healthcare institution of the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) “Emergency Medical Care Hospital” in Naberezhnye Chelny (hereinafter referred to as the ESMP) was built in 1980 using the best design solutions of the Soviet era. Until 2008, emergency medical care was provided here around the clock to the auto giant city of half a million.

Hospital reconstruction

On August 12, 2008, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan M. Sh. Shaimiev made a decision on a large-scale reconstruction of the emergency hospital and the creation on its basis of an intermunicipal center of high medical technologies.

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In the process of creating a medical organization capable of providing specialized high-tech medical care to the population of Naberezhnye Chelny and the North-Eastern region of the Republic of Tatarstan in case of life-threatening conditions, the following tasks were solved:

The hospital was reconstructed without stopping the treatment and diagnostic process, while the staff of the medical organization was prepared for massive influxes of patients in possible emergency situations. The hospital was equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment equipment. Quantity optimization has been carried out. The profile of beds has been determined by the types of medical care provided (with priority to profiles with a high risk of life-threatening conditions).

The Emergency Hospital carries out continuous work with personnel: advanced training, retraining, retraining of existing personnel, search for specialists, internships at workplaces in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Federation, abroad, master classes. Modern forms of patient care are being introduced. A new management structure is being created to carry out all these projects.

During the reconstruction of the hospital, a modern admission and diagnostic department was created, the work of which is based on the principles of sorting patients not by disease, but by the severity of their condition. Patient flows are divided into emergency, planned and outpatient. There is an area with comfortable conditions for accompanying relatives with appropriate information support.

According to leading experts, including the chief freelance specialist in emergency medical care of the Russian Ministry of Health S. F. Bagnenko, the Emergency Medical Center has the best organization of emergency medical care in the country. The resuscitation and intensive care unit with an anti-shock room and a separate operating room, “chamomile” type rooms, a modern operating unit with parallel corridors for patients and medical personnel, a fully automated clinical diagnostic laboratory, three-bed comfortable rooms with bathrooms and showers are an example of a new Russian models of medical organization.

The emergency hospital today is a modern multidisciplinary medical organization with maximum concentration of resources for the effective provision of emergency medical care, high standards of service, responsibility and discipline of personnel.

The service radius of emergency hospitals is 120 km, the number of population served is 1.2 mln. people, number of beds - 600, hospitalizations of patients - up to 30 thousand per year, 400 people visit the admission and diagnostic department and trauma center daily, up to 150 patients are hospitalized on an emergency and planned basis. The emergency hospital employs 228 doctors, 629 nurses and 234 people. junior medical staff.

Over 10 thousand surgical interventions are performed in the emergency hospital per year, the number of operations per day is 50, 30% of which are performed on an emergency basis.

In addition, a vascular center, a cardiac surgery center, an oncology center, a neurosurgery center, a burn center, as well as a level 1 trauma center have been created on the basis of the emergency hospital to provide medical care to victims of road accidents; ambulances are connected to the GLONASS system.

After the reconstruction of the emergency hospital, the requirements for this medical organization increased, including for the appearance of the staff. A new one was developed and implemented.

Basic principles of dress code in a medical organization

According to research by psychologists, 85% of people form their impression of a person based on his appearance in the first 10–20 minutes of meeting 1 . This impression remains dominant for quite a long time. Changing it in the future will require a lot of effort and time.

Dress code dress code- code of clothing) - requirements for clothing, shoes, hairstyle, makeup, etc. when visiting certain events, organizations, establishments.

Most people associate good appearance with neatness and cleanliness (with personal hygiene: absence of sweat odor, oral odor, well-groomed hands, etc.), and not with fashionable and expensive clothes. Hairstyle and correct posture also play an equally important role.

The medical uniform must be selected for the employee strictly in size. If the suit is too big, there is a feeling that its owner is unhealthy and has quickly lost weight due to illness. Clothing that is too tight causes discomfort, can come apart at the seams at the most inopportune moment, and distracts attention. It is also a good idea to make sure that the form covers any excess.

Contrary to popular belief, healthcare workers should not completely give up makeup. Thus, the presence of lipstick (albeit discreet shades) on the lips indicates activity and optimism, which is important for a leader. In addition, a little shadow on the eyelids draws attention to the eyes. The skin should be matte, which can also be achieved with the help of cosmetics: an oily sheen indicates nervousness and imbalance in the body. The main thing is to look neat and not provocative (pastel shades, not bright, more natural lipstick tones).

The health worker should also minimize to the required number of things and accessories that he carries with him: a pen, a phone, a folder with documents, etc. The abundance of objects gives the impression of disorganization. Excessively emphasizing status with expensive accessories and jewelry is also inappropriate; a hospital is not a place to demonstrate the level of financial wealth of staff. You should not demonstrate your religious preferences: chains with crosses, crescents, stars of David, etc. should be of sufficient length so as not to jump out from under your clothes when working with patients. A very important point is the personal example of managers in observing the dress code, especially top officials.

Introduction of a dress code in emergency hospitals

In 2011, the head nurse of the emergency hospital prepared a draft document on the dress code in the organization “Dress code of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “Emergency Hospital””, which was agreed upon with the epidemiological service and with the head of the hospital. Then, all medical personnel were familiarized with the draft document in the form of a presentation; employees were given time to make suggestions and additions. The final version of the document was approved by the order of the organization.

According to this document, all employees of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan "BSMP" are provided with a medical uniform using the company brand and a badge. There are different clothing options for each of the four groups of specialists:

heads of medical services; medical services; heads of non-medical services and department specialists; engineering and technical service.


For male heads of emergency medical services, a shirt, tie, trousers, a white medical coat, plain socks, and shoes (shoes) are provided. Female heads of medical services must wear a white medical coat, flesh-colored tights, casual comfortable shoes, and high-heeled shoes at formal events.


There are two uniform options for the head of the department. Option 1: shirt, tie, trousers, white medical gown, plain socks, shoes (shoes). Option 2: surgical suit turquoise color, white robe, plain socks, shoes.

A male emergency hospital doctor wears a turquoise surgical suit, a white coat, plain socks, and shoes.

There are two options for a female doctor. Option 1: white medical gown, flesh-colored tights, comfortable casual shoes, high-heeled shoes for events. Option 2: turquoise surgical suit, white coat, plain socks, shoes.

The head nurse also has two clothing options. Option 1: white medical gown. Option 2: medical suit (white shirt, turquoise skirt). Also the dress code for this specialist Flesh-colored tights are provided, comfortable casual shoes, and classic high-heeled shoes for events.

The emergency room nurse wears a medical suit, consisting of a white shirt and turquoise trousers, white socks, and white shoes.

Employees of the medical cleaning service wear a medical suit consisting of an emerald-colored shirt and trousers, white socks, and white shoes.

The transport dispatch service, which transports patients from specialized departments to diagnostics and back, is provided with the following uniform: a medical suit consisting of a shirt peach color and white trousers, white socks, white shoes.

There is a special dress code in the operating room. All members of operating teams coming to the operating unit must go through a sanitary checkpoint (take off clothes, take a shower and put on clothes and shoes for working in the operating unit). Before entering the restricted area, employees put on disposable caps and masks, then enter the pre-operative room, where they perform surgical hand cleaning. In the operating room, with the help of a nurse, a sterile gown and gloves are put on.

Persons entering the operating unit without visiting the restricted area change into sets of disposable surgical clothing (cap, mask, gown, shoe covers).


Heads of non-medical services and department specialists are recommended to use one of the dress code areas: btr (business traditional) or undress - “traditional” business suit" or "casual attire", respectively.


Suit for an employee (male) of the engineering and technical service: T-shirt, trousers (overalls), jacket with long sleeve, plain socks, shoes (black). Emerald-colored uniform with the logo of the medical organization (on the jacket, T-shirt), T-shirts (white, orange, emerald).

Employee costume (female): turquoise robe, flesh-colored tights, white shoes.

When working in the premises of a specially clean zone, employees of the engineering and technical service completely change into a set of disposable clothing (provided by the sister-owner of this department).

The document “Dress code of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan “BSMP”” also provides general recommendations for the selection of clothing and footwear for staff:

Men's and women's shoes must be clean, preferably white or black. Textile products(socks) for men - white or black, for women - only white. If necessary, it is allowed to use tops, T-shirts and T-shirts under medical suit provided that the above products are white. It is advisable for women to wear white underwear.

In addition to descriptions of the types of uniforms (with photographs of samples) and general recommendations on the selection of clothing and footwear, the document on the dress code of emergency hospitals contains an introduction about the importance of the dress code and the tasks it serves in emergency hospitals, excerpts from SanPiN–10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities” for topic, technology for turnover of employee workwear, information about additional funds personal protection of personnel, including rules for removing medical gloves, using respiratory and eye PPE, as well as recommendations for protection against the influenza A/H1N1 virus.

Organization of provision of personnel with uniforms

When starting a job, an employee in the HR department becomes familiar with the dress code of the medical organization. The employment contract and job descriptions set out the requirement to comply with the hospital dress code. Also, when applying for a job, the employee indicates his height, clothing and shoe sizes. This information is entered into your personal file. At the departmental level, it is owned by the head nurse, who forms a request for the timely provision of uniforms to the staff of her department and passes it on to the chief nurse (Appendix 1). The latter, in turn, draws up a comprehensive application for all personnel of the medical organization. Technical specifications indicating the characteristics of the fabric, product style, color scheme and quantities for each size are transferred to the logistics department.

Monitoring compliance with the dress code is carried out through administrative rounds of the main nurse or representatives of the epidemiological service (one of the sections of the administrative round), during which a control protocol is maintained (Appendix 2). Planning of purchases of workwear and its circulation in emergency hospitals is carried out in accordance with Russian legislation 2 .

Washing of staff uniforms is carried out by a laundress of a medical organization (or a third-party organization) or in departments on the floors (in an automatic machine) from Monday to Saturday.

The introduction of a dress code in emergency hospitals made it possible to improve the corporate culture and image of the medical organization. From the point of view of patient safety issues, it is important for him to identify health workers (including by uniform) as doctors, nurses or orderlies - from whom and what information and assistance can be obtained. And the dress code introduced at the hospital fulfilled this task. Moreover, clearly defined dress code rules, which each employee is familiar with upon signature, ensure that employees comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements regarding the use of protective clothing and personal protective equipment, simplify the circulation of uniforms in a medical organization, procurement planning and control by responsible persons, including managers nursing staff.

Annex 1

Table of the department's need for special clothing


Protocol for checking the personnel of the State Autonomous Institution of the Republic of Tatarstan Emergency Hospital for compliance with the uniform, according to the work performed and position

1 The main thing is that the suit... vkaznu.ru (date of access - 04/09/2015). >> return to Article 2 Article 221 Labor Code RF: “The employer, at his own expense, is obliged, in accordance with established standards, to ensure the timely issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, as well as their storage, washing, drying, repair and replacement.” See also: Standard standards for the free distribution of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment to workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution,” approved . by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 1, 2010 No. 777n, section. VII “Work related to the provision of medical care, emergency medical care and medical research.” >> return to article

A nurse is a model of cleanliness and neatness. A nurse has constant contact with patients in any medical institution, so she must constantly monitor her appearance.

What is the appearance of a nurse:

Constant body hygiene. Clean body, avoid unpleasant odors, clean hands. The nurse must constantly monitor his hands. Wash your hands after eating, going to the toilet, after any procedures, regardless of the fact that the procedures are done while wearing medical gloves. The nurse's nails should be cut short and without polish. If dry skin occurs, it is advisable to lubricate your hands with cream or oil. But basically, in medical institutions, health workers wash their hands with a special liquid soap, which contains glycerin and ammonia.

  • Nurse's clothes. This is the established uniform according to hospital standards, a robe or pantsuit, and must be kept in perfect condition. Clean and ironed uniform, comfortable and silent replacement shoes.
  • Hair must be clean and hidden under a cap. And in the treatment room, in addition to the cap, there is also a mask and medical gloves.
  • Moderation in cosmetics and perfumes. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum; rings and bracelets are removed at the beginning of the work shift. At work we work, not show off.
  • The nurse should not emit any repulsive odors. Be it the smell of tobacco, perfume or food. There are patients in whom this can cause an allergic reaction.

In general, everything in a nurse's appearance should embody neatness and smartness in order to inspire the patient's trust and allow him to feel calm in the hands of such a nurse. I think it’s unlikely that a person who smells bad or looks unkempt will be liked. The appearance of a nurse is a stronghold of a medical institution and the trust of patients.

There are certain requirements for the appearance of a nurse:

  • Hygiene (nails, scents, perfumes and cosmetics). Nothing should irritate patients.
  • Cloth. The robe or pantsuit is in perfect condition, the robe should be long enough to cover the clothing underneath, and the sleeves of the robe should reach the sleeves of the robe.
  • Clothes under the robe should be made of cotton and easy to wash.
  • Hair is clean and under a cap. In the treatment room there is a mask on the face.
  • Light and clean shoes, easy to disinfect and silent. The nurse must keep outerwear
  • and special clothing separately.

Should not leave the hospital premises in protective clothing.