Fun fair nod preparatory group. Integrated lesson on the topic: “Fun Fair” Preparatory group for school

Baturina Lyudmila Pavlovna, teacher

Shcheblykina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, deputy head

MADOU kindergarten No. 176 of the city of Tyumen

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Theme: "Fun Fair"

Educational areas: cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.

Educational objectives:

1. Continue learning to form words from letters, sentences from words, words from syllables.

2.Repeat and consolidate knowledge about sounds, distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds.

Developmental tasks:

1.Develop auditory and visual perception, attention, memory.

2. Develop the ability to answer the teacher’s question with a complete answer, practice coming up with sentences with a given word.

3. Develop the ability to evaluate your work in class.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate goodwill and patience.

Equipment, materials: Maple leaves, red, yellow color with the image of a letter; cube with pictures (samovar, felt boots, drying bags, scarf, matryoshka); cards with syllables; chips green, blue;

Preliminary work: conversation about the fair; asking riddles; reading fables; looking at pictures about the fair;

Children enter the hall and turn to the guests.


Guys, look, we have guests today - teachers from the school you will go to on September 1, and teachers from other kindergartens, let's say hello and give balloon hearts.


Guys, I recently went to a fair.

Who knows what a fair is?

Have you ever been to a fair?

What are they doing there? (children's answers)

But this fair is not an ordinary one, that is, it is an ordinary fair, but only there are no goods on it, and instead of goods, games were sold, and the games are not simple, speech games, but great activities.

Merchants walked far, far away with this product, from the very distant past, when girls and boys easily got together, danced in circles, and played games.

So I wanted to know what kind of games these were.

I asked how much one game costs, and the merchant answers me:

"The girl is a sister,

If you know a fable,

Tell me a riddle,

And take the game!

If you know the riddle, take the game, but if you don’t know it, leave with nothing!”


Guys, what riddles do you know? ?(children ask riddles)

Well done, now I’ll tell you a riddle:

There are no wings
And I fly fast
You will let me out yourself -
You won't catch it later.



That's right, that's the word

Well, guys, let's acquire new knowledge? But for this you need to divide into two teams, a team of girls and boys.

In this game, each team is offered a bouquet autumn leaves, on each piece of paper you need to collect a letter and you will get a word.

What word did the girls team get and what did the boys get?


Tell me please, what words can describe the Fair? (children's answers)


Guys, if you put the words one after another, in the correct order, what will happen?

Children: Offer.


Of course it's a proposal

The next game is “Make a sentence” with the word Fair, and the cube will help us with this (children throw a dice and use a picture to make a sentence, for example: “I will buy a beautiful matryoshka doll at the Fair to play with”)

Will educate.

Is it possible to get something for free at the fair? What does it mean - for nothing?

What do they give for free at the fair? ( children's assumptions, lead toanswer) Look to the left - shops with goods! Look to the right - fun for nothing! Let's become famous at the fair - Let's show the letters of the alphabet!

(the music immediately turns on, the children scatter in all directions)

Physics lesson “Alphabet”


To the sounds of music and fun, a bird flew in and brought news, and you will find out who this bird is when you decipher the word.

Do you know how to complete this task? ( you need to select the first sound from the objects and form a word).

There are other options?

Who else thinks?


The correct word is "forty"

Listen to what the magpie said. When you hear a word with a hard [P] sound, pick up a blue chip, with a soft [P"] sound, pick up a green one.

What products will we buy at our Fair?

Children:-Ability to distinguish hard [P] from soft [p’]

Educate Listen to what words the magpie has prepared for us.

(Joy, wound, snag, samovar, rocket, cracker, motor, primers, Paradise, river, shell, village, fish, jam, decide).


Great guys, you did a great job and didn’t forget anything.

- Listen to another riddle.

We divide the word into parts.

This is great happiness.

Every literate person can do it

Make a word from parts.


A game“Find a syllable and you get a word” (each child has a syllable, you need to find the second half of the syllable and make up a word).

- Guys, look how many different words there are, Kolya, Masha, name your word?

Children:-Ka-sha (etc.).


Do you know that if we call a word, we will find out which sound the emphasis falls on.

Shall we try? (Ask teachers for words with tricky accents)

Will educate.

- Well, it’s time to sit down, but for now listen to what else I heard at the fair, this joke:

Like our Miron

A crow sits on the bow.

And there are ruffs on the tree

They build nests from noodles.

The ram boarded the ship

And I went to the garden.

In the garden somewhere in the garden

Chocolates are growing.


Did you like the joke?

What's unusual about it?

What doesn't happen?

These warehouses were called tall tales.

Why were they invented?

Would you like to try writing a story yourself?


Did we gain a lot of knowledge and skills at the fair?

As we know, people at fairs had fun, let us dance at the end of our fair and invite guests to have fun.


Our Fair is over

Well done who came to us!


  1. From birth to school. Sample general education program preschool education. Ed. Veraksy N.E., Komarova T.K., Vasilyeva M.A.
  2. “Speech development in kindergarten” Preparatory group for school. V.V. Gerbova.

"Certificate of publication in the media" Series A No. 0004661 - 0004662

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Integrated lesson on the topic: “Fun Fair”

Preparatory group for school

arts teacher

"Kindergarten "Golden Key"

Software tasks:


  1. Teach children to highlight characteristics Filimonovsky, Dymkovo and Gorodets fisheries

  2. Continue to paint wooden products from the town, Dymkovo toys and Filimonov whistles.

  3. Improve children's ability to notice combinations of colors and the arrangement of pattern elements.

  1. Develop a sense of composition, the ability to beautifully arrange a pattern in a given shape.

  2. Develop artistic taste, love and interest in folk art.

  3. Develop fine motor skills hands

  1. To cultivate respect and love for the work of folk craftsmen.

  2. Cultivate interest in oral folk art: proverbs, sayings, ditties, round dances.

  3. Foster the joy of creativity.

Preliminary work:

  1. Conversation with children about arts and crafts.

  2. Examination of illustrations of decorative and applied arts.

  3. Examination of the products of masters of Dymkovo, Gorodets, Filimonov, and Khokhloma painting.

  4. Acquaintance with the elements of paintings of folk arts and crafts.

  5. Exhibition design.

  6. Didactic game “Make a pattern”, “Dominoes”, “Ornament”, “Name the painting”.

  7. Drawing elements of Gorodets, Dymkovo, Filimonov, Khokhloma painting.

  8. Modeling of clay Dymkovo and Filimonov toys.

Progress of the lesson:
The mistress sits in the upper room and sings a song. Children in Russian costumes enter and stand next to the hostess, greeting her and making a low bow.
Educator: Hello Hostess, welcome your guests!
Hostess: Hello, dear guests, please come to my hut. My hut is spacious and bright, with enough room for everyone. Here I am sitting, doing work to sell at the fair. The fair is coming soon, but there are not enough products, if you come to visit, help me. As is the case in Rus', things work well together, but apart you can’t.
Educator: And we are ready to help. Really, guys.
Mistress. Guys, have you ever been to a fair? What is a fair?

Answers (This is a noisy large bazaar where craftsmen sell their products, ride on carousels, watch performances by cheerful buffoons, play, compete, and buy sweets).
Mistress: Well done! Let's watch the fair now (video recording).

Today we also have a fair and you will now become folk craftsmen for a while. They agree to help me. Show off your skills. Let's get to work. Business before pleasure.

A Russian folk melody sounds. Children go to the tables. They start working.
Mistress: Guys, do you know proverbs and sayings about work?

If there was a hunt, any job would work out.

What goes around comes around.

There will be no boredom when your hands are full.

It is not for nothing that it is said that the master’s work is feared.

As is the master, so is the work.
Mistress: Now let's see how our Filimonov craftsmen work. (Children read poetry against the background of a video about Filimonovka).
Child 1 . There is a village near Tula

The name is Filimonovka and the craftswomen live there

That they bring good things to homes.

And the good there is not simple and not gold and silver

It's called a Filimonov toy.
Child 2 . Strongly elongated necks and carpets like a giraffe

And the bear is that Serpent Gorynych

It's just like that

So that children like animals, birds, horses, lambs, soldiers and cows and bears

So that goodness and beauty warm the heart

And so that fairy tales never leave us.
Mistress : What will the Dymkovo masters tell us about their toys?

(In the background of the recording)
Child 1 : It’s like everything is in a haze,

Blue distances and a large village

They called it Dymkovo.

There they loved songs and dances

Miracle fairy tales were born in the village.
Child 2 : Evenings in winter are long and

They sculpted there from clay

All toys are not simple

And magically painted

Snow-white like birch trees,

Circles, squares, stripes

The pattern would seem simple,

But I can’t look away.
Mistress: Let's listen to the Gorodets masters (Slides)
Child 1 : There is an ancient city on the Volga

Under the name - Gorodets

Famous throughout Russia

With your own painting, the creator.

Bouquets are blooming,

Bright colors of grief,

It's a miracle - birds flutter there,

As if calling us to a fairy tale.
Child 2: If you look at the smoke,

You will see miracles!

Gorodets patterns

The hand came out subtly!

The Gorodets horse is running,

The whole earth is shaking under him!

Bright birds fly

And the water lilies are blooming!

Mistress: So the folk craftsmen have finished their work. Finished the job - go for a walk safely. The sun is shining, our fair is opening. We invite everyone to the fair. (Children are walking at the fair).
1 Buffoon: Attention! Attention!

Folk festival.

Hurry up honest people

The fair is calling us all!
2 Buffoon: What a holiday! What's happened!

The fair has just opened!

Jokes, laughter from all sides

Musical chime.
1 Buffoon: Most respected gentlemen!

Come join us here!

We brought it to the market

Disappointed product.
Girls come out to dance with handkerchiefs to the music.
Mistress: Pavloposad craftsmen showed their goods. From a long time ago according to the old tradition handkerchief the main decoration of a Russian woman. Previously, many women wore scarves not only on their heads, but also on their shoulders. These scarves are still worn today. Pavloposad shawls are also known in other countries. Because they are unusually elegant, cheerful and beautiful.
1 Buffoon: Would you boys and girls like to ride on the carousel?
2 Buffoon: They spun and spun the wheel on the carousel. Have fun, have fun everyone, have fun going.

“We ate - ate, ate - ate, spun the carousel

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run,

Hush, don't run,

Stop the carousel -

One two, one two, one two

So the game is over.
Mistress: And now we want to find out how well you can solve riddles:

  1. Girlfriends are different heights
But they look alike

Everyone lives with each other

And only one toy (matryoshka)

  1. All the leaves are like leaves
Not everyone here is golden!

Such beauty people

Called (Khokhloma)

Buffoon 1:

1. Colored blouses, painted skirts

The hats are three-story, stately and important. (Dymkovo toys)
2. We were blinded by masters

It's time to color us!

Horses, ladies, lambs -

Everyone is tall and stately.

Blue-red stripes

They are visible on their sides. (Filimonovskaya toy)
Buffoon 2:

  1. The blue fairy tale is a feast for the eyes,
Like spring drops

Affection, care, warmth and patience -

Russian ringing (Gzhel)

  1. Vyatka shuddered from the whistle
Every whistle pressed to his lips

And the fairy tale went through the market

Born in a merry hour

Vyatka holiday - “Svistoplyas”
1 Buffoon : Take out fellow countrymen

Hurry up the wallets.
2 Buffoon : Here they sing their ditties

Famous toys
(Girls perform ditties)

  1. We are painted toys
Vyatka laughter

Slobodsky dandies

Town gossips.

  1. Our hands are like pretzels
Cheeks like apples.

Known to us for a long time

All the people are at the fair.

  1. With ribbons, bows
Arm in arm with the dandies

We walk in pairs

We swim in pairs.

  1. The young ladies are beautiful,
Very funny

There's a fur coat on the shoulders

Yes, the skirt has a frill.
Mistress: Guys, dear guests, you guessed these ditties about Dymkovo toys.
Mistress: Along the fair to the end

There was a daring fellow

Not a product to sell

Show yourself to people.
1 reb . Admire my product

Just don't haggle!

The spoons are gilded, the patterns are twisted!

    1. reb. Come on, come on,
Buy, buy!

There are no products more beautiful than our Khokhloma!
Mistress: Guys, why is Khokhloma called golden?
(Because there is a lot of gold color on Khokhloma dishes).
Mistress: But was it only the gold color that we saw in Khokhloma dishes? What colors did the masters use when painting their products?
(On Khokhloma products there are both black and red, and green is also found).
Mistress: What are the main elements of Khokhloma painting?
(This is grass, curls, berries - currants, strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, rowan clusters).
Mistress: Our Russia is great

And our people are talented

About dear Rus', craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world.
Buffoons: "The Bravest" (Game with Spoons)
1 Buffoon : “We were going to the fair. They dressed up for a long, long time. We want to play a little. Come on, take it apart, ringing carved spoons (Children dance to the music, then put down the spoons and run in a circle. Ved. removes a few spoons, the music stops).
2 Buffoon : “Now don’t yawn and quickly pick up the spoon.”

Those who did not have time are eliminated.
Child: Oh, you are dear guests!

We have painted toys

We wrote and tried

We were going to show you

(Children show their work)
General dance.
1 Buffoon : Oh, you and I danced at the fair. And children for your kind hearts, and for your golden hands, a treat (they treat the children with biscuits, sweets, bagels, gingerbread).
2 Buffoon : Did everyone have a proper rest?

The masters were given glory?

Well now let's go home

What we learned we won’t forget

It will be remembered for a long, long time!

Summary of an integrated lesson with children 6-7 years old

"Fun Fair of Polkhov - Maidan Masters"

Educational areas (integration): cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Goal: To develop interest in folk arts and crafts, in the life and customs of Russia.


  • Continue to introduce children to folk toys Polkhov - Maidan, cultivating an aesthetic attitude towards objects, the formation of the perception of beauty.
  • To interest children in Polkhov - the Maidan toy (matryoshka), teach them to draw a pattern based on the toy, advanced coloring. Learn to convey the main color when composing a pattern.
  • Continue to raise children folk traditions, offering to act out the moment of the fair
  • Create conditions for independent creative activity

Types of activities: cognitive, communicative, productive, perception of folklore.

Equipment: Products of folk arts and crafts, blank matryoshka dolls, brushes, paints, jars of water, rags, samples of painting patterns, CD player with a selection of Russian folk melodies, a box with a surprise.

Preliminary work:

  • Examination of products and illustrations depicting folk arts and crafts;
  • Painting products with elements of painting under Khokhloma, Gzhel, Haze, Polkhov-Maidan.
  • Learning chants and poems.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher is dressed in Russian folk costume. A “Folk Crafts” fair was organized in the group room. Tables have been prepared for children to work in “art workshops” to paint the Polkhov-Maidan matryoshka doll.


Hey, honest gentlemen! Come join us here! How do we have containers and bars, all sorts of different goods... Come, come. Look, look... Children come up to Russian folk music and look at the “Folk Crafts” fair.

Educator: Look guys, how many different products there are here. Who knows what they are “trading” at our fair today? (Toys) If you take a closer look, these are not simple toys, but made by masters of arts and crafts: Khokhloma, Gzhel, Gorodets, Dymkovsky. But there is one toy that has long been famous in Rus'. Listen here.Child reading a riddle: A scarlet silk handkerchief, A bright sundress with a flower, The hand rests on the wooden sides, And inside there are secrets: maybe three, maybe six. Our Russian…….(matryoshka doll) is a little flushed

Educator: Guys, do you know which masters are the most important in making nesting dolls? (Polkhov-Maidan masters). Of course you are right. Dear guests, sit down on the bench. “Let’s sit side by side and talk well.” The Nizhny Novgorod region is famous for its wooden toys - Gorodetsky, Semenovsky, Fedoseevsky. And the Polkhov-Maidanskys are the youngest of them. For the masters of other folk crafts, serious work came first - they made household items: dishes, tools, and if there was time, they made toys for children’s amusement. But the Polkhov masters are the opposite. Previously, they made toys for all children's ages and tastes: pyramids, piggy bank mushrooms, whistle birds, nesting dolls, lollipops, children's musical instruments, and all these products were called the funny word “taratushki”. Well, then, if there was time left, we made dishes. Year after year, the range of toys from Polkhov - Maidan Masters changed.

Guys, now I invite you to play. Phys. a minute (pantomime game). Let's turn for a while into the toys of the Polkhovs - the Maidan masters.Stand in a circle. As soon as I name whatever toy, I need to try to depict it in motion. Children stand in a circle. The teacher says: “Matryoshka!”, and the children try to move the way they imagine the matryoshka moves. The teacher says: “Birds are whistles!”, The children fly like birds and whistle. The teacher says: “Horses on a stick!”, The children gallop like horses. Well done boys. A child reads a poem: Play more joyfully, accordion. A matryoshka doll has come to visit you. Wooden spoon Matryoshka rosy. Guys, look carefully at these nesting dolls, they are all different. Some are painted, while others are simply wooden. Tell me, which of them can be taken to the fair, and which are not yet ready? (painted, painted) Of course, the painted matryoshka is more beautiful. Who knows what the unpainted wooden product is called? (linen). Who makes the wooden nesting doll? (toy maker). Well, for the nesting dolls to be so elegant and beautiful, they need to........ (paint, color). And who does this? (painting master). In the painting of the Polkhov-Maidanskaya matryoshka dolls there are more bright colors– raspberry, violet. Often these colors are given in contrast: crimson with dark green, blue with yellow. In addition, when painting, it is imperative to outline all elements with black paint. The face is also usually painted only in black - eyes, nose, lips and hair in the shape of “rounds”. When making this matryoshka doll, its figure is tightly decorated in front with flowers, leaves and berries. Look how many unpainted toys we have, I suggest you turn into masters for a while, go to the art workshop and paint our nesting dolls, and then present them at the fair. Children go behind their desks and sit down.

Educator: Before we get to work, I suggest you listen to how the masters worked.Children read poetry: 1 child: I picked up a brush and paintsBecame a wizard from a fairy tale. On a matryoshka doll, a bright sundress was painted to resemble the Polkhovsky Maidan. 2nd child: The poppies bloomed magnificently on the mound. Decoration for the entire native land. And on Polkhovsky Maidan, children have been making toys since the morning. Educator : Well, “There is time for work, but there is an hour for fun.” Let's get to work. But first, let's stretch our fingers. Phys. minute ( finger game) "Helpers"
One, two, three, four (we clench and unclench our fists),
We washed the dishes (three hands on top of the other).
Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon
And a large ladle (we bend our fingers, starting with the big toe).
We washed the dishes (again with one palm touching the other)
We just broke the cup (we bend our fingers, starting with the little finger).
The ladle also fell apart,
The teapot's nose is off,
We broke the spoon a little.
This is how we helped mom. Now, you can start painting. To the accompaniment of Russian folk music, children begin to paint wooden nesting dolls.
Educator: When painting a nesting doll, first we will depict the most large flower. Remember how we drew Maidan poppies (showing samples of drawings). After the flower is drawn, offer to draw the leaves. The face is drawn according to preliminary markings. While painting, pay attention to the fact that children rinse the brush well and blot it on a cloth, otherwise the paints will get dirty or dilute and the pattern will not turn out bright and clear. Educator : The folk craftsmen have finished their painting. As they say, “I’ve finished the job, go for a walk!” Gather yourselves, people, the master trader is coming! Children go to the fair to the accompaniment of Russian folk music. 1 child reads, I will shout: This is the beauty, We are bringing to the fair! 2nd child is reading, I’ll call out: Guests, guests, look, And appreciate our product! Children are invited to praise their toys themselves, but in such a way that it is interesting to look at them (beautiful, bright, colorful, painted, etc.)

Educator: Dust swirls along the path. Matryoshka dolls are coming from the fair on rams, on bulls,

All with gifts in their hands. The girlfriends are different in height, but they look alike. They all live in each other, And only one toy!

The sun has set, Our fair has closed. Guys, you did your best and your work is simply a miracle. Masters from Polkhov-Maidan sent you small gifts for your creativity. The box opens, and there is a cockerel on a stick. Gifts are given to children.

Olga Blazhenkova
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group “Fun Fair”

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group« fun fair»

Made by Olga Gennadievna Blazhenkova.

Goals and objectives:

Continue to introduce children to folk products, cultivating an aesthetic attitude towards objects.

Help children notice and highlight essential items expressiveness: brightness, elegant colors, decorativeness, variety of painting elements.

Develop creativity, imagination, interest in drawing

To contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world and broaden one’s horizons, to cultivate interest in folk art, respect for the work of folk craftsmen, and national pride in the skill of the Russian people.

Instilling in preschoolers a friendly attitude towards others, the formation of patriotic feelings and citizenship;

Develop skills of free communication with adults and children about the process and results of productive activities.


Health saving


Equipment: laptop with a recording of an email from Matryoshka; an envelope with riddles about the products of Russian craftsmen; a game "Fold the picture"- pictures cut into pieces with Dymkovo, Khokhloma and Gzhel products; maze game "Whose element"; painted products of Khokhloma, Dymkovo and Gzhel masters with mixed backgrounds and elements; blanks of products from Khokhloma, Dymkovo and Gzhel masters and painting elements for gluing; pencils, glue, cardboard.

SOOD progress:

Educator: Guys, today we received a letter by email at our kindergarten. Who do you think it's from?

Children: Express their assumptions.

Educator: Listen to the riddle and then you can answer the question of who sent us the letter.

Friends of different heights

But they look alike

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy.

Children: This is Matryoshka.

Educator: That's right, guys. This letter was sent to us by Matryoshka. Let's listen to him.

(A letter sounds: Hello guys. Help me please. We have « fun fair» and I really want to get there. But for this I need to bring to fair products of Russian craftsmen. Fair has already started and I won’t have time to make the products myself.)

Educator: Well, guys, let’s help Matryoshka?

Children: Yes!

Educator: In order to make toys or dishes, you need to know what was done and where in Rus'. Where they made toys, where they made clay or wooden dishes. You are ready? Then let's divide into teams.

(Children are divided into three teams)

Educator: We will have several tasks.

1 task: "Puzzles"

Educator: In the first task we will find out what products of Russian craftsmen should be brought to Matryoshka fair.

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted,

Snow-white, like birch trees,

Circles, squares, stripes -

A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.

Children: Dymkovo toy.

Educator: That's right, let's listen to the next riddle.

Oh yes, the dishes, what a miracle, both are good,

All elegant and beautiful, painted, all in flowers!

There is a rose, a chamomile, a dandelion, cornflowers,

With a blue mesh around the edge, you just can't take your eyes off it.

They created this miracle not far away,

They painted those dishes in Rus', in a town... (Gzhel.)

Educator: And they solved this riddle, well done. But there is another mystery. Let's see if you can handle it.

The branch smoothly bent and curled into a ring.

Next to the three-fingered leaf, the strawberry is scarlet in color.

She shone, stood up, and filled herself with sweet juice.

And the grass is like a fringe. What is this? ... (Khokhloma)

Educator: Well done, you also solved the third riddle.

2 task: "Fold the picture"

Educator: And now the task is more difficult. Each team has an envelope with pieces of broken toys or dishes. You need to add them up and find out what products are depicted on them.

(Children put together pictures from pieces, stick them on cardboard and name the products depicted and the place where they were produced)

Educator: You guys are great. We also completed the second task. Well, are you ready to open the third envelope?

Children: Yes.

3 task: Maze game "Whose element"

Educator: You have labyrinths on your tables, where the paths from the elements to the product are mixed up. You must draw a path from a Gzhel flower to a Gzhel product, from a Khokhloma flower to a Khokhloma product, from a Dymkovo element to a Dymkovo toy. Let's see which team will complete the task faster. Let's start.

Educator: Now let's get a lot of rest.

(Physical education minute "Dishes")

Here is a large glass teapot, ( "Inflate" belly, one hand on the belt)

Very important, like a boss. (The other is curved like a spout)

Here are the porcelain cups, (Squat, one hand on the belt)

Very fragile, poor things.

Here are the porcelain saucers, (Spin around, drawing a circle with your hands)

Just knock and they will break.

Here are the silver spoons (Stretch, clasp your hands above your head)

Here's a plastic tray -

He brought us the dishes. (Make a big circle)

Educator: We had great rest? Are you ready to open the fourth envelope?

Children: Yes!

4 task: A game "Confusion".

Educator: The artist painted products of Khokhloma, Dymkovo and Gzhel masters. But it seems he got something mixed up. You need to find the mistakes and name them. The team that finds the most errors wins.

(For example: Dymkovo young lady - Gzhel pattern, and the background is yellow (Filimonovsky); Khokhloma board - Gorodets pattern, brown background, etc.).

Task 5: "Make a pattern".

Educator: In front of each team is a product of one of the folk trades: Gzhel teapot, Dymkovo young lady and Khokhloma board. But they are not painted. On the trays you have elements of Gzhel, Dymkovo and Khokhloma painting. You need to choose necessary elements and decorate your product with them.

(Children choose the elements corresponding to their product and stick them on the workpiece)

Educator: Well, guys, you have completed all the tasks of Matryoshka. You have made wonderful products that we will send to Matryoshka by e-mail.

1. Continue to introduce children to folk Dymkovo toys, cultivating an aesthetic attitude towards objects.
2. Raise children in folk traditions, showing how folk fine art is inseparable from folk music and folk oral art.
3. Help children notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of the Dymkovo toy: brightness, elegant colors, decorativeness, variety of painting elements. Focusing on the originals, make children want to paint any toys.
4. Teach children to independently choose painting techniques and elements, color combinations, and convey their attitude to the drawing.
Preliminary work:
Learning poems about Dymkovo toys with children, looking at finished toys.
Material for the lesson:
Gouache different colors, big pokes, small pokes, paper horse templates, wet wipes, audio recording, clay Dymkovo toys.
Progress of the lesson:
Craftswoman: Hello, good people. I am very glad to see you as a guest. What I see! What a wonder! So much joy around! Isn’t it beautiful here, kids? Ah breathtaking!
Craftswoman: The sun is rising brightly,
People are rushing to the fair!
And there's fun at the fair,
People love carousels!
Let's go for a ride on the carousel, guys!
Game "Carousel".
Parsley: And there are goods at the fair
Samovars for sale
Pitchforks and sleighs for sale
And sweets and bagels.
Craftswoman: People buy drying clothes,
And for a wonderful toy
They stare for a long time without breathing
How good is it?
Buy some toys
Ladies, little animals.
Look like he's alive
The horse is beautiful and daring.
Guys, look how many wonderful toys there are at our fair. What are these toys? (Dymkovo)
Parsley: What kind of Dymkovo toys do you know?
(children read poems about Dymkovo toys)
Craftswoman: Well done, guys. That's right, horse, turkey, young lady, deer, etc. - these are Dymkovo toys. Where are such wonderful, painted toys made? (in the village of Dymkovo)
Craftswoman: Yes, they are made in the village of Dymkovo, not far from the city of Vyatka, on the banks of the Vyatka River, they make toys from red clay. The winter is long and cold, toys are burned in the stoves, and smoke comes out of the chimneys. Warm and cozy in the homes of craftsmen. Let us take a look at the village of Dymkovo and admire the painted houses of Dymkovo masters. (game “The Third Extra”, two houses are painted in Dymkovo, and the third is Filimonov, children find an extra house).
Parsley: Kirill, how did you know that these were houses of Dymkovo craftsmen?
Child: These patterns are not simple,
And magically painted
Snow-white like birch trees,
Circles, squares, stripes
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away.
Parsley: Oh, what is this wonderful chest here?
Craftswoman: Guys, look how many snow-white horses there are. For them to come to life, each master must apply a Dymkovo pattern to his toy. Let's take a seat in our workshops and remember what Dymkovo patterns we know?
Parsley: Guys, what color of paint will we use?
What will we use to draw circles? (with a big poke) And dots? (with a small poke)

Children draw to music.

Craftswoman: In Rus' they said “When you’ve finished the job, go for a walk.” Hey people, join the round dance!

Analysis of works.

Craftswoman and Petrushka: Great is our Russia

And our people are talented.

About our native Rus', craftsmen

Word spreads all over the world!

Child: Oh, you are dear guests!

We have painted gifts.

We tried to write them,

They were going to give it to you. (children give their drawings to the guests)