Make up the rules of true friendship. Class hour on the topic: “Golden rules of friendship

Computer Science and ICT Teacher

GBOU secondary school No. 1207

Plink E.N.

Class hour on the topic:

"Golden Rules of Friendship"

Computer science teacher: Plink E.N.

GBOU secondary school No. 1207

Lesson objectives:

Development of rules, the implementation of which would teach all the children to be united, trust each other, and selflessly help in everything;

- formation of moral values: love and respect for one’s neighbor, a sense of personal responsibility for one’s friends.

Lesson objectives:

Understand the meaning of the word “friendship”;

Develop the ability to communicate and make friends;

Lead students to understand the essence of the material being studied;

Learn to work together and help each other.

Form respectful and friendly relationships with each other.

Activities: conversation, work with presentation material, video material, creative work of students.

Basic terms and concepts:“Friendship”, “Respect”, “Mutual assistance” Technical equipment: interactive whiteboard, projector, speakers. Equipment: flowers - daisies, booklets - reminders.

During the classes

1. Organization of student activities.2. Introduction to the content of the lesson and basic concepts.

3. Deriving the rules of friendship. (Discussion of the topic of the lesson with students: conversation, development of a set of rules about friendship.)

Conversation with students:

Teacher: Today, hostility, anger, and aggressiveness are becoming increasingly common among children. There are many reasons for this: cartoons about the Simpsons, computer games - shooting games, showing violent videos on TV and on the Internet, bad attitude towards people in the family.

The purpose of our lesson:

Develop rules, the implementation of which would teach all the children to be united, trust each other, and selflessly help in everything.

Teacher: Guys, remember what Leopold the Cat always calls for?

Student: Leopold the Cat said: “Guys, let’s live together!”

Teacher: Right! What is friendship?

Student: I think that friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust and affection.

Student: Friendship- this is when friends help each other selflessly in difficult times.

Teacher: I suggest you consider friendship among such concepts as “trust”, “goodwill”, “agreement”, “respect” and “selfless help to each other”.

We all come from childhood. The stock of impressions and knowledge that a person needs for life is provided by folk art: fairy tales, songs, riddles, proverbs and sayings.

Let's remember the fairy tale "The Hare and the Crow", which says: perish yourself, but help your comrade!

Do you remember the fairy tale: “Wooden Wheels”, it helps you understand that every person in business is known.

A Kitten Named "Woof" reads: " As friends should, we divide everything in half: a tear, a little rain, and a sausage...”

The world of fairy tales is very rich. Fairy tales of other nations also teach us to be friends, cooperate, respect each other, and help in difficult times.

What fairy tales and cartoons do you know that involve friendship?

Student: An example of inimitable friendship is the heroes of the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen” and the fairy tale “Mowgli”.

Student: The fairy tale “Winnie the Pooh and His Friends” teaches goodness.

Student: Friendship is taught by “The Flower of Seven Flowers,” when the girl Zhenya used the last petal to cure the boy Vitya.

Remembering all the fairy tales about friendship and mutual respect and mutual assistance, let's derive the “Golden Rules of Friendship.”

And daisies will help us with this, where each petal contains folk wisdom. Look, there are proverbs here that contain the concepts of “Friendship”, “Mutual Assistance” and “Respect”.

The students speak, the teacher writes the rules on the screen:

Golden rules of friendship:

    Show respect to people.

    Try to understand the other person.

    Help in difficult times.

    Be friendly.


Guys, all these rules are very important for each of us:

    Help your friend! If you know how to do something, teach him too; If a friend is in trouble, help him as much as you can.

    Share with your friends: if you have interesting toys, books, textbooks, share with other children, with those who do not have them. Play and work with friends so as not to take all the best for yourself.

    Be kind! Stop your friend if he is doing something bad. If a friend is wrong about something, tell him about it.

    Don't quarrel with your friends! Try to work and play with them amicably, do not argue over trifles; don’t be arrogant if you’re good at something; do not envy your comrades - you should rejoice at their successes; If you did something bad, don’t be shy to admit it and correct yourself.

    Know how to accept help, advice and comments from other guys.

(The teacher distributes booklets - reminders for students)

Memo - booklet: To always have many friends

    Never be rude to your comrades. Don't use offensive words. Don't give them nicknames.

    Do not try to hit or push someone in order to take a convenient place for you.

    Don't forget to say hello to all your friends. Even with those of them who are very small. You need to be friends with kids and big kids, boys and girls.

    If you are offended by your friend for something, try to quickly forget and forgive him for your offense. Do not get mad!

    If your friend asks you for some toy or book, do not refuse him. Do not be greedy!

    If you yourself took a book or toy from a friend, handle these things carefully and do not forget to return them on time (when your friend asked or when you yourself promised).

Teacher: Guys, read these “Golden Rules of Friendship” carefully to all your family and friends! Try to show other children how to do it by example. make friends and follow the rules of friendship!

We all come from childhood, and children on the big planet should always be friends,

Children should laugh and value friendship!

I call for no cruelty on our planet, no evil cartoons on TV screens, such as “The Simpsons” and “Tom and Jerry”, in which cruelty is manifested, as well as computer games - shooters, which make everyone angry , indifferent to the people around them.

And in conclusion, I want to show you a video about friendship:

(Demonstration of the video on the screen):

:// youtu . be / pDWfUcPzz 2 w

Summing up the lesson.


Students write down their opinions about the lesson on cards.

Kanke Natalya
Summary of the lesson “Rules of Friendship” for children of the preparatory group


Development of communication skills in children of senior preschool age.



1. Generalize and expand children’s knowledge about such concepts as “friend”, “friendship”.

2. Activate the dictionary on this topic.

3. Introduce children to the emotions and human qualities that help and hinder friendship.

4. Develop the ability to evaluate the feelings and actions of peers in joint games and situations, motivate, and explain their judgments.

5. Introduce children to the rules of friendly relations.

6. Form social and communicative qualities (cooperation, flexibility, tolerance);

7. Create a favorable psychological climate for the group

8. Develop the ability to distinguish between basic emotions: joy, anger, sadness, surprise, fear.

9. Enrich with new knowledge and skills of conflict-free communication.


1. Develop social feelings (emotions): sympathy, empathy for others, conscious friendly relationships, mental activity, culture of speech: express your thoughts clearly and competently.

2. Develop the ability to understand the emotional state of another person and the ability to express one’s own, the development of expressive movements.

3. Develop communication skills, friendly relations between children, the ability to negotiate and come to the rescue, positive social behavior.

4. Develop the ability to participate in joint play and work in a team.


1. Foster a culture of communication, friendly relationships, a desire to support friends, and take care of them.

2. To develop learning skills in children (the ability to answer questions with complete answers, listen carefully to their comrades, pronounce words clearly and distinctly).

3. To educate the moral foundations of the child’s personality in the process of forming ideas about friendship.

Methods and techniques: playful, visual, practical activities for children, questions for children, verbal.

Materials and equipment: projector, screen, laptop, stereo, camera.

Demonstration material: presentation.

Handouts: “magic wand”, three bells, (cut-out pictures, 6 circles of 3 colors for dividing into teams, felt-tip pens, 3 sheets of paper, a ball of thread, cards with numbers, pictograms depicting emotions, three thematic pictures, “permitting” and “prohibiting” signs, cards for the application “Rules of Friendship”.

Structure and methodological techniques

1. Introductory part: 5 minutes.


Performing game actions by the teacher.

2. Main part: 25 minutes.

Creating a game situation.

Children's stories.



Performing game actions by the teacher.

3. Final part: 5 min.

Generalization of the teacher.


Progress of direct educational activities.

2. Greeting ritual:

Guys, look how many guests have come to us, let's be polite and show how we greet each other.

Hello, Heaven! (Raise your hands up)

Hello, Sun! (Make a large circle with your hands above your head)

Hello Earth! (Smoothly lower your hands to the carpet)

Hello all my friends! (All the guys hold hands and raise them up)

2. Surprise moment.

(the sound of an incoming message is heard)

Educator: Guys, look, a letter has arrived, what is written on it? That's right, urgently! Something must have happened. Let's see what's in it?

They read the letter. “Earthlings, help. We turn to you for help, the inhabitants of our planet have all quarreled and have not spoken to each other for so long that they have completely forgotten what friendship means and how to measure themselves. We need help"

Educator: Guys, what do you think we will do? (We will help aliens, tell about friendship and the rules of friendship)

Educator: How will we pass on our knowledge to aliens? (Children see a camera on the table and offer to record it on video)

3. Conversation on the topic “What is friendship?”

Educator(draw children’s attention to the correct pronunciation of the given sounds and answers in complete sentences.)

Guys, to talk about the rules of friendship you need to know what friendship is. Children's answers, friendship, when they play together, don't quarrel, share, walk together, go to visit, go).

Educator: That's right, Friendship is a relationship between people based on the same interests and hobbies, mutual respect, understanding and mutual assistance.

There are qualities that help friendship, and there are those that hinder. You agree with me? Let's now divide you into groups, for this we will count on the first to the second, but not usually: the first stomps, the second claps his hands, the first stomps again. Well done! You and I have two groups, the first group is “Topotushki”, the second is “Hlopotushki”. The “stompers” group discusses what qualities help friendship, the “stompers” group discusses what qualities prevent us from being friends. And choose a group member who will talk. When the group is ready, ring the bell.

Children discuss in a group, then one of the group summarizes the answers.

Educator: Are you guys friendly? (Yes)

Educator: Let's weave a web of friendship with you?

We pass each other a ball with the words, I want to be friends with Olya, because she is (good, well-mannered, polite, honest, brave, kind, faithful, I always want to help a friend, beautiful, polite, I never quarrel, I like to play when you say the words , hold the thread tightly and roll the ball to someone who is ready to answer. And where does friendship begin (with a smile, with an acquaintance, with a kind word, with common interests, etc.)

Educator: Now let's show how friendly we are. (children stand on the carpet)

4. Exercise “Stand by number.”

Educator: In this game you need to do everything very quickly and carefully.

While the music is playing, you walk freely, dance, jump around the group (the hall, as soon as the music ends, I will show you a number, you need to unite into groups. There should be as many people in the group as the number indicates. Are the rules clear? Let's try? (Unite by 2, 3, 6, 1, 2)

Educator: Well done boys! Stay in pairs for now. Did you like the game? Was it easy? Why?

5. Exercise “Drawing of Friendship”.

Educator: Friends should respect each other and be able to negotiate. Now we will show you how we can do this. I suggest your couple go to the table, take one felt-tip pen for two, one piece of paper for two and draw any object together, while you can consult and negotiate with each other. (Children draw and name what they drew) Was it difficult to draw? Does everyone have the same desire to draw this particular subject? (no, why? (You need to be able to negotiate, listen to each other and agree.)

6. Game “Guess the mood”

Educator. Guys, tell me, can you understand by facial expression what emotions your friend has? Yes? Then I suggest you play another game.

Educator. Choose a card for yourself, but don’t show anyone what emotion is depicted there. You need to depict it so that your friend understands what you are depicting and shows the same card. Shall we try? (Children are given a set of pictograms with types of emotions: joy, sadness, anger, fear). Well done YOU! Now we change, your partner shows the emotion, and you guess.

Educator. Let's now complicate our game. I will ask you to choose one circle at a time, turn them over and divide them into groups, depending on the color of the circles. So, we got three groups. Choose a convenient place for your group. Choose a messenger and have him come to me.

7. Exercise “Correct your emotions.”

Children are invited to look at pictures with different situations (Children share toys; Birthday; Boy sitting by the window in rainy weather, etc.) The artist drew the wrong emotions, the children correct them. And they make up a short story based on the picture.

8. Phys. just a minute

Wider, our wonderful circle (move back, make the circle wider)

I am your friend and you are my friend (stretch your arms forward, press them to your chest)

Left, right, turn (turn left, right)

And smile at each other

Stretch your hands towards the sun (raise your hands up)

The rays take it (squeeze, unclench your hands)

And press it to your chest (they press their hands to their chest)

With this ray in my chest

Look at the world more cheerfully.

9. Guys, you are so great. Do you think that when the inhabitants of that distant planet look at you, they will remember what friendship is? It also seems to me that they will definitely remember. I also suggest making friendship rules for them. Want to? Children are divided into two subgroups (according to cut-out pictures). The teacher invites the messengers.

Look, I have these signs (the teacher shows the “permissive” and “prohibiting” signs). One group will make permissive signs, i.e., what friends can do, the second group will make prohibiting signs, i.e., what friends cannot do under any circumstances. There are pictures on the table, choose pictures for your group and glue them to the signs.

After completion, the children talk about the rules of Friendship.

Sending a letter to aliens.

What do you guys think, will the residents make peace after they watch the recording and the rules of friendship? What do you think they will find particularly interesting? (children's answers)

12. Farewell ritual:

Educator. It was a pleasure to meet you. The time has come for me to say goodbye to you.

Look around, smile, hug, go your separate ways.

Both children and adults must follow the rules of friendship if they want to have real and faithful friends.

When a person is kind, he is beautiful, when he is kind and beautiful, he is loved, when he is loved, he is happy. If a person is kind, then there are always many kind, beautiful and loving people or friends next to him. This is a pattern known to everyone, and the life experience of many of us shows that such a statement is one hundred percent accurate.

  • Teach your children to be friends and be kind. This will make their life easier.
  • Read in this article what rules of friendship children should know.
  • Tell your child about these rules.
  • Let him know that only kindness and mutual assistance are the main components of good relationships between people.

Friendship rules for preschoolers, first graders and elementary school students: the rainbow of friendship - 7 basic rules

In Rus', the rainbow has always been considered a symbol of friendship between Heaven and Earth. Modern psychologists have derived the main rules, and so that children remember them well, they associate each of them with rainbow colors.

It is easier to remember the rules of friendship for preschoolers, first graders and elementary school students if you draw a rainbow of friendship and hang this poster on the wall. This is what the 7 basic rainbow rules of friendship look like:

  • Know how to forgive. If a friend did something bad to you, don’t hold a grudge against him and forgive him. Explain to him what his mistake is.
  • Be friendly. If you have unique games, share them with friends who don't have them. Don't take the best games for yourself, give it to a friend.
  • Help others. If you know how to do something, help a friend, teach him how to do it. If a friend is in trouble, rush to his aid immediately.
  • Be cheerful. Don't be gloomy and whiny and then everyone around you will also be cheerful and friendly.
  • Love not only yourself. Treat your friend with respect. Know how to accept help if you really need it.
  • Value friendship. Don’t quarrel with your comrades, don’t argue, don’t turn up your nose, don’t be jealous. If you did something bad towards a friend, admit it and apologize to your friend.
  • Smile more often. A smile brightens everything around: people, nature, our lives.

To have many friends:

  • do not be rude
  • don't call me names
  • don't forget to say hello
  • if a friend asks for something, don’t refuse him or be greedy
  • If you take something from a friend, handle it carefully

Important: Parents! Tell your children about these rules. Show by example how to be friends and follow the rules of friendship. Thanks to this, we will be able to raise a new generation of people - kind and friendly.

In addition there is 5 laws which every person should adhere to. Thanks to this, relationships between young children and adults will always be friendly, and people will become friendly and humane.

A few rules to make it easier for people to live in a team:

What are the rules of friendship: 25 rules of friendship and camaraderie

We are often visited by thoughts about whether we are doing everything right in relation to our boyfriend or girlfriend. Anyone can make mistakes, but it is important to see your mistake and correct it in a timely manner. The rules of friendship will help you see your wrong actions. You need to stick to them, and then your friend will always be there, making life simple, happy and joyful. Basic 25 rules of friendship and camaraderie:

There are more friends at a young age than at an older age, since friends are tested by time. Only the most faithful, friendly and sincere people are always with us for many years.

Composition on the theme – “Three rules of friendship”: description, photo

You can better understand the rules of friendship if you look at them visually. Compositions will help to do this. Three basic rules of friendship - compositions in the photo with description:

Trust is one of the basic rules of friends. If you cannot trust a person with your secrets, then your relationship cannot be called friendship. A fawn in the arms of a wolf - this composition shows the feeling of trust best of all.

Composition on the theme “Trust between friends”

Help a friend. A true friend is the person who will always be there and come to the rescue. This is well illustrated by the painting “Two Friends with a Dog.” One boy collects apples from a tree, and the other holds up a basket. Even a dog is ready to help, and these animals are considered man's best friends.

Composition on the theme “Helping a friend”

Composition on the theme “Know how to listen.” A true friend will always listen to his friend, because this is important to him.

Composition on the theme “Know how to listen to a friend”

The reliable foundation of friendship is mutual assistance. This feeling originated among ancient people, when they needed it to survive and overcome hunger, cold and disease.

Video: The most powerful stories of friendship in the world!

It happens that we think about our relationship with a girlfriend or boyfriend and we are tormented by thoughts that we are doing something wrong. However, we should not forget that we are all human and we all make mistakes, we just need to see our mistakes and correct them before it is too late.

What are these rules of friendship that you need to keep in mind so that your most faithful friend will always be there and brighten up your life, making it easy, joyful and happy? Let's find out.

Basic rules of friendship

1. Smile more often

Don't be lazy to change your frown into a smile for your friend. Few people like to look at a dissatisfied and sad face.

2. Listen

Listen carefully to what your friend tells you. Let him know that you are listening to him. Ask questions, ask for details. You can also use eye contact and body language when summarizing your story.

3. Visit your friend when he is sick

A friend in need is a friend. We all know this saying, but we always do the same thing. A friend is not only a person with whom you can drink beer and talk. Sometimes he needs your support.

If your friend needs support, give him some helpful advice. But don't interfere in his life. Let him make his own decisions.

5. Keep secrets

Sometimes a friend has to share his secret with someone. If you are such a person, never reveal the secret entrusted to you. Learn to keep your friends' secrets.

6. Don't date your friends' exes.

Do not seduce your boyfriend or girlfriend, even if they are already your ex-friends. This obviously won't help your friendship.

7. Tell them when they're wrong.

It is better to hear this from your friend than from a stranger. Tell your friend that he is wrong and explain why.

8. Rejoice in your friends' victories

This is a great way to strengthen your friendship and show how much you value your friend.

9. Trust each other

There are no truly strong relationships without trust and friendship is no exception.

10. Help your friend when he needs it

If you can do something well, help your friend; if he is in trouble, help him get out of this situation.

11. Give compliments and praise

All people need recognition. It's not difficult to encourage your friend and praise him for his success.

12. Don't be jealous

Respect your friend's right to have other friends besides you.

13. Don't hold grudges

Every person has their ups and downs and you have to understand that. Try to forgive your friend and not hold grudges.

14. You don't have to talk to your friends every day.

You can meet once a month or once a year, but these meetings will cost more than communicating with someone in chat rooms or with colleagues at work.

15. Always keep your promises

This will build trust in you and make your friendship even stronger.

16. Don't change your behavior towards your friend in front of others.

Sometimes two friends may talk sincerely to each other, spend time together, but in the presence of other people, one of them may completely change her behavior to impress the other person. Never do this. This can completely ruin your friendship.

17. Be sincere

Never pretend to be someone else or give up your opinion. Be yourself.

18. Don't refuse if your friend asks for something.

As I said before, friendship is not only joy. Sometimes you need help.

19. Do something together

Do what you both enjoy. Watch a movie, go to a concert, have a couple of beers, etc.

Elena Gorina
Summary of the educational game situation: “Rules of Friendship”

Integration of educational regions: communicative and personal development; cognitive and speech development.

Target: form positive friendly relationships in the children's team.


1. Summarize children’s knowledge about friendship.

2. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards people, encourage children to do good deeds.

3. Develop good feelings, emotional responsiveness, and the ability to distinguish moods.

4. Introduce children to secrets (rules) friendly relations.

Progress of the lesson:

The lesson takes place in a group room, children sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, look outside the window... What's the weather like outside the window? (Sunny, nice, warm, etc.)

Educator: How about we say hello to the sun, the sky and each other?

Finger gymnastics:

Hello, golden sun! (for each syllable connect

Hello, the sky is blue! fingers of both hands alternately

Hello, free breeze! together)

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

I greet you all!

Teacher: On such a fine day, you just want to read a funny poem to cheer you up! Guys, would you like to cheer yourself up? (answers)

Educator: Listen carefully.

The breeze is friendly with the sun,

And the dew is with the grass.

A flower is friends with a butterfly,

We are friends with you.

Everything with friends in half

We are happy to share!

Only friends quarrel


(Yuri Entin)

Educator: Guys, what is this poem talking about? (answers)

Educator: Have you ever come to the aid of a friend? (answers)

Educator: How do you help your friends? ( answers: we help to untie a scarf, fasten a zipper, fix a toy, etc.)

Educator: And with whom can I be friends? (answers: with someone you like. With the one who shares with you. With someone who doesn’t offend you, etc.)

Educator: Do you think it is possible to live without friends ( answers: without friends it’s boring, not interesting. No one to talk to or play with, etc.)

Educator: What can friends do together? ( answers: play, work, study, relax, laugh, joke, talk, be silent, etc.)

Educator: Guys, do you know what the word « friendship» there are words - relatives. Let's name words similar to it. ( answers: Friend, buddy, be friends, friendly, Friends, make friends, friendly etc. d)

Some rustling is heard in the music box.

Educator: Oh, guys, what is this? Let's get a look?

Cartoon characters emerge from the box "Leopold the Cat": mice White and Gray.

Educator: Guys, who came to visit us? (Answers). Let's say hello to him.

Educator: I wonder why the little mice came to us? Let's ask them?

White and Gray: Guys, we want to become kind and friendly, but we don’t know how to do it. We really want to make peace with Leopold the Cat. Guys, how do we (answers: apologize for your behavior)

Educator: Guys, to live together, need to know rules of friendship. Come on let's go in search of the rules of friendship? (answers)

Educator: First rule"hidden" in the song. Let's find out where it starts friendship.

Let's listen...

An audio recording of the song is playing « Friendship begins with a smile» .

Educator: So where does it begin? friendship? (Children: With a smile)

Educator: Why do you think they say friendship begins with a smile? Right! A kind, open smile always attracts people's hearts. A smiling man is in a friendly mood. That's how easy it is for us to solve the first secret. friendship: “Smile more often and you will have many friends”. Let's look into your neighbor's eyes and give you the kindest and most welcoming smile.

Physical education minute.

Get up in a circle with us soon

Feel the joy and warmth

And how good it is to be with friends!

All the children gathered in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend.

We'll clap our hands

Friendly, more fun.

Our feet knocked

Friendly and stronger.

Hit on the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Our hands rise up

Higher, higher, higher.

Left, turn right

Hold hands together

And smile at each other.

Educator: Guys, what kind of person do you think is a friendly person? How will others know that you are a person who means well? Word "goodwill" consists of two parts "good" And "want". A benevolent person means someone who wishes you well.

Educator: And now friends, I want to know if you are strong friendship?

A game "Cobwebs". Exercise "Web of Kind Words". I have "glomerulus" friendship» , which I will pass on to Seryozha. He will wrap the free end of the thread around his palm twice and roll the ball towards one of the guys, for example Denis, accompanying the movement with a good wish or a compliment. The one who accepts the ball wraps the thread around his palm and with kind words passes the ball to another child, etc.

Educator: And again the ball came back to me. The thread did not break, it consists of many thin threads that are intertwined together and become strong and strong. So do us: a thread connected us, and our friendship has become stronger. Now look what a web of kind words we have created. What's your mood now? Has it changed? Which way and why? ( answers: The mood became joyful, cheerful, because it was nice to listen to kind words.)

Educator: Was it pleasant to say such words to your friends? (answers: Yes, and it was nice to say kind words to friends.)

So kids, being friendly is second. rule of friendship.

Guys, it’s not easy to find friends, but if you already have one, you need to cherish them. After all, a friend will help you out of any trouble, will always help you. And having fun together is more interesting. A true friend will always help lift your spirits. About friendship, as you already know, many poems and songs have been invented. Listen to one more thing.

There are many beautiful words

Talk about friends!

It's never worth it, children,

To offend a friend.

Because without friends

It's very difficult to live.

Let's say it together:

FRIENDSHIP SHOULD BE TREASURED! This is the third rule of friendship.

Educator: Would you like to make an emblem? friendship? What image do you think we will take as the basis for our logo? (answers: offer sun, flower, tree). During the discussion, children choose the sun as the basis for the emblem.

Educator: We will draw with our palms. Everyone will choose their favorite color and draw rays of sunshine.

(Calm music plays, children draw).

Educator: What mood do you think we will draw for the sun? Friendship? (answers)

When children draw, the teacher conducts a dialogue with the children.

Educator: Look what a wonderful sun we have created... What is his mood? (answers)

Educator: Guys, let's remember what we learned the rules of friendship today? (answers).

Educator: Dear mice White and Gray, now you know rules of friendship, I hope you understand everything and will never quarrel with Leopold the cat again.

White and Gray: Thank you guys, everything is clear to us now. You helped us a lot, now we will never quarrel with the cat Leopold. And now we need to run so that we can quickly make friends with the cat Leopold. Goodbye, guys!