Scrub for cleaning the face at home. Deep skin cleansing

Living in polluted cities affects not only your health, but also your facial skin: a cleansing scrub is necessary to remove blackheads, dirt, and greasy shine on the forehead, chin, and bridge of the nose.

The scrub cleanses effectively deep pores, restores the functioning of the sweat glands, evens out the tone (normalizing blood circulation), exfoliates particles of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, allowing skin cells to be fully saturated with oxygen, and therefore rejuvenate, shine with freshness and health.

How to choose the right cleansing scrub, difference from peeling

When choosing cosmetics care, there is no 100% confidence in the quality of the product: the expiration date or composition on the tubes is often not a guarantee of quality, and after use, already problematic skin may become covered with red spots or a scattering of inflamed acne.

Before applying cosmetics (no matter a scrub or cream), you need to determine your skin type and know exactly which ingredients can trigger an allergic reaction - an incorrectly selected product can cause even more harm (thinning of the skin, premature aging).

Also, do not confuse scrub and peeling.

Despite the fact that the products cleanse the pores in the same way, peeling has a chemical effect, can be laser, radio wave, and contains fruit acids (citric, grape, malic).

The scrub cleanses the face mechanically: light massage, rubbing.

In the nutritional mixture you can easily find crushed apricot kernels, sea salt or grounds from ground coffee beans.

If you are concerned about the naturalness of the ingredients and are in doubt about your purchase choice, the best way out is to prepare facial cleansing mixtures yourself.

The undoubted advantage of home-cooked recipes is the freshness of the products and the complete absence of chemical additives, and, of course, significant savings in money.

Disadvantages - to see the result, you will have to “work” on yourself for a long time, the storage of creams is not designed for a long time, which means that you need to prepare the mixture once, before use.

Contraindications for use

If you have very thin, sensitive skin, inflamed cracks appear.

As an alternative, a soft mask based on oatmeal (20 g) and yogurt (fresh kefir, 2 tbsp) is suitable.

All experiments are completely excluded if vascular cobwebs (rosacea) appear on the skin or there are painful acne or bleeding abrasions (severe inflammation may occur if the affected area gets into contact).

Do not use the scrub for papillomas on the face, any types of dermatitis, skin inflammation or acne.

Dry skin type has its limitations: the cleansing procedure can be carried out only 1-2 times every 15-20 days, for normal (combined) type - no more than 1 time in 7 days.

Most often, oily and problematic skin needs deep cleansing - 2 times every 7 days.

How to prepare your face before applying a scrub

How to check for an allergy reaction: apply a small amount of the prepared mixture to the area on your wrist, wait 15-20 minutes, then remove the product with a cotton pad.

The scrub can be used if after 24 hours there are no red spots or itching at the application site.

Before applying the mask to your face, wash off your makeup and steam your skin properly.

Prepare chamomile infusion: pour 2 tbsp into a saucepan. dry chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water, cover your head with a towel and bend over the broth. Sit for about 15 minutes.

Do not apply the cream mixture to the eyelid area. If during the procedure your skin itches and itches, wash off the product and treat your face with baby cream (complete the experiments with scrubs).

Nourishing cream should be applied after each cleansing procedure. It is not advisable to grind herbs to prepare masks: the particles can become so small that they will not have the desired effect.

Best time for cosmetic procedures- evening.

Cleansing masks at home - recipes

Oatmeal for skin

Tightens scars, cicatrices, cleanses pores, tightens skin. Grind the flakes in a blender (1 tsp), mix with finely grated carrots (1 pc.).

The carrot juice will combine with the oatmeal to create a viscous consistency that needs to be rubbed in for about 10-15 minutes.

After the procedure, wash with warm water, use cream or cooling milk.

Oatmeal is useful not only as a mask, but is very effective for cleansing the intestines and losing weight. You can find out how to lose weight on oatmeal here.

Coffee for blackheads

Grind coffee beans in a coffee grinder (about 4 tbsp), add boiling water to the ground powder until you obtain a thick, homogeneous porridge.

Mix the coffee mass (you can use grounds) with whipped egg white (1 piece), add a little salt. Apply the mixture to your face and massage for no more than 10-15 minutes, then rinse off the product.

Another way: add a teaspoon of buckwheat honey (slightly warmed) and a few tablespoons of warm milk to the ground coffee beans. Distribute the thick mass on the skin.

For fatty types: mix coffee (1 tsp) with yogurt (1 tsp).

Sugar facial peeling

Mix granulated sugar (30 g), olive oil (1 tsp), sour cream (1 tbsp), lemon juice (half). The mixture is removed after 20 minutes.

For problematic or oily areas, you can mix lemon juice with mashed potatoes (30 g) and sugar.

Down with blackheads. Dilute liquid honey with cinnamon (3 to 1), apply to skin, rinse after 15 minutes. Honey masks They are very effective against blackheads, but do not forget about a possible allergic reaction.

Recipe No. 2

Mix milk yoghurt (50 g) with 1 tsp. buckwheat honey, lemon juice (teaspoon), a spoonful of salt (preferably sea salt).

Gently distribute the mixture over areas (avoiding the eye area), rub into the skin with light movements for no more than 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water. Yogurt can be replaced with low-fat sour cream (ideal for dry type).

Recipe No. 3

Add 2-3 drops of orange juice, one teaspoon of ground oatmeal to pharmaceutical clay (a quarter of a bag), dilute with a small amount of water to make a viscous paste.

Apply the product to your face with massage movements. After 15 minutes of light massage, remove the mask with a cotton swab or disk.

Aspirin cleansing face mask

Crush 2 aspirin tablets into flour, mix with 2 tbsp. milk yogurt. The principle of application and rinsing is the same. Keep the mask on for no more than 15 minutes.

Salt mask

The recipe is quite simple. Remove the yolk from one egg, mix the white with sea or table salt (1 tsp), use the mixture for its intended purpose.

It is better to grind the salt. The mask removes blackheads and oily shine, but is not suitable for dry skin types.

Fruit face mask

Mix a tablespoon of grated apple without peel with crushed banana slice (quarter), buckwheat honey (1 tsp), low-fat cream (one tablespoon) and oatmeal (1 tbsp).

The composition of the cleanser is a creamy structure containing small solid elements. The main purpose of the scrub is to remove cells that no longer function and prevent newly formed cells from carrying out oxygen breakdown and metabolic processes.

Benefits of scrub for skin

The best scrub recipes:

In complete care of the skin of the face and body, an indispensable element is cleansing not only of dust and decorative cosmetics, but also of the dead layer of the epidermis.

In cosmetology, regularly doing a scrub can solve the following aesthetic problems:

  1. Deep cleansing;
  2. As one of the procedures of the rejuvenation complex;
  3. Restoring the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  4. Improving skin texture;
  5. Smoothing scars and scars.

Scrub compositions contain:

  • hard, very small particles;
  • soft, powdery sorbents;
  • nourishing and moisturizing ingredients.

The main difference between a scrub and peeling is its granular structure, which also performs massage tasks. Facial peeling is also used much less frequently, up to once a month.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Rules for using facial scrubs

The intensive action of scrubs is aimed at cleansing and toning the skin, improving blood flow and synthesis in cells. By following the rules of application, you can forever forget about hardware cleanings and professional intervention by a cosmetologist.

  1. For each type of dermis, the use of a scrub has its own regularity. For normal and combination skin – once a week is enough; for oily, problem skin – 2-3 times every seven days; for dry and dehydrated skin – twice a month. When deciding how often to use a deep cleanser, it is necessary to diagnose the current condition of the skin. If excessive dryness and irritation occur, the procedure should be postponed.
  2. After making a facial scrub at home, apply it along the lines of a classic massage with light rubbing movements. The cleansing composition should not be used on the areas around the lips and eyes. Also, the skin is pre-moistened with water or herbal decoction so as not to injure or scratch the epidermis.
  3. The face must be cleaned, pre-steamed with herbal compresses, and only then can you use a scrub.
  4. If any unpleasant sensations occur during the scrubbing process - burning, itching, you must immediately complete the procedure. A possible reaction is caused by an allergy to the components, or too large particles have damaged the integrity of the integument.
  5. After the procedure, moisturizing is mandatory, problem pores and oily skin wipe with citrus juice, and only then use the cream.

The best homemade facial scrub recipes

Coffee scrub

Result: coffee scrub for the face removes the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Renewal processes are accelerated, skin rejuvenation occurs.


  • 7 gr. coffee grounds;
  • 5 ml olive oil;
  • lemon balm essential oil.

Preparation: It is important to use finely ground coffee so that the particles do not disrupt the integrity of the dermis. Having combined all the components, steam the dermis with plantain decoction and apply in a circular motion strictly along the blood flow lines. Leave for three minutes, then remove with warm calendula infusion.

Video recipe for making coffee grounds at home

Oatmeal scrub

Result: a recipe made from oatmeal helps to quickly get rid of wrinkles, scars and pigment formations. A soft scrub is ideal for skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions.


  • 8 gr. oatmeal;
  • 4 gr. buckwheat bran;
  • 6 ml hazelnut oil.

Preparation: take ready-made flour or cook it, add bran and nutritious oil. Steam your face with a hot compress (in case of manifestations of rosacea, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees). Apply the oatmeal scrub with lightly rubbing movements, avoiding the eyelids and lips, for five minutes. Afterwards, rinse off with freshly brewed green tea.

Salt scrub

Result: deep facial scrub from sea ​​salt The best exfoliating product with a peeling effect. It is recommended to carry out such skin recipes no more than twice a month, so as not to deplete the lipid layer of the dermis and not reduce its protective properties.


  • 8 gr. sea/iodized salt;
  • 5 gr. mink fat;
  • bergamot essential oil.

Preparation: combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly with a plastic spoon. Remove with micellar liquid first decorative cosmetics, spread the salt scrub with a sponge and leave for literally four minutes. Rinse off with warm plantain decoction, and then be sure to apply a moisturizer.

Scrub with soda

Result: regular facial cleansing at home contributes to the rapid process of renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis. To improve skin tone, dry facial scrubs are indispensable; the regularity of their use depends on the condition of the dermis, after 30 years - at least three times a month.


  • 8 gr. soda;
  • 6 gr. lime zest.

Preparation: grind the zest of lime or grapefruit, mix thoroughly with soda with a dry plastic spoon. Steam the dermis with a hot herbal compress, blot the resulting liquid with cotton pads, apply to the face with smooth movements, paying special attention to the T-zone. Rinse off after 3-5 minutes with mineral water.

Scrub with aspirin

Result: deep cleansing, whitening and elimination of uneven distribution of pigment is provided by the scrub recipe. This procedure is recommended for problematic and oily dermis; for aging skin, it is mandatory to use it in combination with a moisturizing mask.


  • 12 gr. acetylsalicylic acid;
  • 7 ml grape oil;
  • 14 ml plantain infusion.

Preparation: prepare a concentrated infusion, heat it to 45 degrees, add crushed aspirin and base oil. After removing makeup, distribute the natural scrub, avoiding contact with the eyelids and the area around the lips. Two to three minutes is enough, then rinse with warm thyme decoction.

Scrub with honey

Result: a daily gentle scrub that renews the skin, necessary as a tonic after using decorative professional cosmetics or makeup.


  • 14 gr. honey;
  • 4 ml St. John's wort oil.

Preparation: in the evening, half an hour before bedtime, remove a layer of cosmetics with micellar liquid, mix the components of a gentle scrub and distribute with light movements on the surface of the epidermis. Finish after four minutes by removing the composition with a damp sponge. Afterwards, you can use a standard night cream or a lifting product with hyaluronic acid.

Sugar scrub

Result: a sweet facial scrub with olive oil and mustard, accelerates blood flow, improves complexion and perfectly tones tired dermis.


  • 8 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 5 gr. mustard;
  • 8 ml olive oil.

Preparation: combine dry powder with granulated sugar, stir with a plastic spoon until smooth, only then add nutritious oil. After cleansing your face of makeup with a warm decoction of calendula, distribute the beneficial composition in a circular motion for three minutes. Then immediately (so that there are no burns left) rinse off the scrub and apply a moisturizer.

Scrub for dry skin

Result: complete care for a face prone to dryness and flaking is possible thanks to simple recipes. This type of epidermis needs to be scrubbed no more than once a month; the components must be delicately cleaned without disturbing the lipid cellular balance.


  • 9 gr. cocoa powder;
  • 5 gr. buckwheat flour;
  • 12 drops of calendula oil.

Preparation: combine flour with aromatic powder, add base oil and a little green tea until a viscous structure is formed. Steam the surface of the face with a herbal compress, distribute the scrub composition and leave it for another six minutes. Remove residue with a damp towel.

Scrub for oily skin

Result: for oily and problem skin facial scrub is best procedure cleansing, normalizing the secretion of external glands, stopping inflammation, reducing the number of clogged comedones.


  • 2 gr. plantain herbs;
  • 2 gr. chamomile;
  • 2 gr. thyme;
  • 5 gr. pink clay.

Preparation: grind dry high-quality raw materials in a coffee grinder in several passes until it becomes powdery, add clay and mix thoroughly. Remove makeup with a thermal product, distribute the mixture on damp skin, and leave for seven minutes. After rinsing with warm green tea, you can apply a light moisturizing gel or pure peach oil at night.

Scrub for combination skin

Result: the best scrubs for combination dermis are easily created, removing inflammation and normalizing intracellular mechanisms. When using one twice a week it improves appearance skin, clogged pustules disappear.


  • 1 tablet of white coal;
  • 5 gr. lemon balm seeds;
  • tangerine essential oil.

Preparation: crush the tableted sorbent together with lemon balm seeds, add aroma oil. Steam the dermis over a decoction of calendula, distribute the composition exclusively on the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). Leave for three to four minutes, remove with a sponge and grapefruit juice.

Scrub for blackheads

Result: you can carry out facial cleansing without resorting to services professional cosmetologist. It is easy to remove comedones, narrow pores, and make the skin matte and velvety with the help of natural ingredients.


  • 12 gr. honey;
  • 5 gr. oat bran;
  • 2 gr. ginger

Preparation: combine candied sunflower honey with bran, add spice. Wipe the skin with thermal liquid, distribute the composition in parallel with two sponges on problem areas, rubbing into the dermis. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse with herbal decoction, close the pores with grapefruit juice.

Acne scrub

Result: the natural composition is active against spots, pustules, acne. Its healing formula can be used daily after removing makeup in the evening.


  • 7 gr. applesauce;
  • 9 gr. black clay;
  • lemongrass essential oil.

Preparation: bake a medium-sized fruit in the oven, remove the pulp, add cleansing clay and aroma oil. After removing decorative cosmetics with micellar liquid, apply the scrubbing mass in a circular motion to the surface of the epidermis, avoiding the area of ​​the eyelids and lips. Rinse off after seven minutes, be sure to moisturize with a gel or emulsion with an antibacterial effect.

Cleansing scrub

Result: homemade gel scrub gently cleanses and tones the dermis, accelerates the processes of blood circulation and intracellular synthesis. Promotes hydration and saturation with minerals.


  • 15 gr. aloe juice;
  • 6 gr. semolina;
  • 7 gr. bitter chocolate.

Preparation: combine freshly squeezed aloe juice with semolina and melted chocolate in a water bath. Clean your face with micellar liquid and apply the composition with two sponges along the lymphatic lines. Finish the manipulations after eight minutes, rinsing with hibiscus infusion.

Video recipe: Scrub with activated carbon for cleansing the face at home

Exfoliating scrub

Result: homemade scrubs remove peeling and dead skin cells without disturbing membrane structures. A universal procedure suitable for all types of dermis, regularity – no more than twice a month.


  • 8 gr. ground coffee;
  • 3 gr. rice flour;
  • 4 gr. parsley seeds.

Preparation: grind all the ingredients in a coffee grinder to the consistency of flour, moisten the skin with linden infusion, apply with gentle massaging movements to the surface of the face, pre-treat the eyelid and lip area with a nourishing agent. After three minutes, remove with wet wipes.

Moisturizing scrub

Result: gently removes the dead layer of the epidermis, releasing and nourishing newly created cells homemade scrub for face. Natural components can be used for sensitive and dehydrated dermis.


  • 7 gr. coconut oils;
  • 7 gr. grape seeds.

Preparation: Grind the grape kernels in a coffee grinder or mortar, add melted butter. Steam the surface of the epidermis and distribute the coconut scrub with gentle movements. Then remove the residue with a paper towel.

Rejuvenating scrub

Result: cream scrub for dry face is the optimal product that performs rejuvenating and cleansing effects at the same time.


  • 3 walnut kernels;
  • 2 quail eggs;
  • 1 tablet of ascorutin.

Preparation: remove the nut kernels, crush them in a mortar along with vitamin C, add raw quail eggs. Distribute the scrub mask over the surface of the face, including the area around the lips. Leave the effective composition for 6 minutes, then remove the residue with a moistened sponge.

Video recipes: Natural homemade facial scrubs

Facial cleansing is one of the important stages of skin care. It is necessary because it helps to avoid many unpleasant consequences - blackheads, acne.

Cleansing scrubs are popular products that ensure regularity of the procedure and its effectiveness.

Criterias of choice

The choice depends on your skin type, therefore, you need to know in advance how the ingredients affect the skin depending on their characteristics, what abrasive components (particles that cleanse the epidermis during mechanical action on it) should be contained in them.

For dry skin:

  • abrasive particles should be sufficiently crushed, round in shape, which serves as protection against unnecessary trauma. These are crushed rice, seaweed, lotus, ground nut kernels, their shells, polymer particles;
  • oils: lingonberry, peach, apricot, raspberry, coconut and cocoa. They contain fatty acids that help moisturize the skin (these oils can be used in hair care);
  • additional components– this is aloe, vitamins E and D.

A scrub for oily types should contain:

  • abrasive particles- rice, oats, bamboo, loofah. They absorb excess fat. Salt and polymeric materials are not suitable;
  • olive, argan, grape seed oils, which do not cause the production of sebum and at the same time nourish the skin;
  • additional components- chamomile, green tea, salicylic acid, licorice and oak root extracts. These components prevent inflammation of the epidermis and the appearance of pimples.

For normal:

  • abrasive components: bamboo, polymer materials, loofah, rice, seaweed;
  • argan, olive, grape seed oils. Normal skin ingredients are allowed that are suitable for both dry and oily skin types;
  • additional components- optional: normal-type skin does not need additional nourishment.

Among the purchased products:

  1. For dry skin, products that contain moisturizing components are more suitable. These are cream forms where the pH is neutral or slightly acidic.
  2. There are more detergent components in products for oily types, where the pH is slightly acidic. A popular release form is gel.
  3. For normal type - cream and gel forms.

Before use it is necessary to evaluate the shape and size of abrasive particles.

Barely noticeable, small particles cleanse the skin more carefully.

Rough, large particles can damage the protective layer of the skin, which can lead to loss of moisture, penetration of microorganisms and harmful components cosmetics in them.

What types of scrub should you choose based on the nature of production:

How to choose a facial scrub:

Recipes for the best natural home remedies

It is not difficult to prepare a good cleansing facial scrub at home, but it is important to choose the ingredients according to your skin type and follow the instructions for use.

Effective recipes for cleansing facial scrubs:

Skin type Ingredients and method of preparation Features of application Frequency of application
Fatty Pour 50 g of almonds into 100 ml of hot water, let it brew for five minutes, drain the water. Grind the nuts in a blender, add 1 tsp. lemon juiceApply to skin with light massaging movements and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse with water at room temperature or cooler1 time per week
Mix 1 tbsp. l. sugar and one egg white until thickApply the resulting mixture to your face with massage movements, leave it until completely dry. Then rinse with warm water and finally with cool water.2-3 times a week
1 tsp. Mix natural ground coffee with 1 tsp. honey, add 2 tsp. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. l. avocado pulp. Mix all ingredientsApply in circular motions, gently massaging for 2 minutes, then leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes. Wash with warm water, apply moisturizer1-2 times a week
Problem Mix 1 tbsp. l. crushed rice, oatmeal and olive oilApply to face as a scrub and leave for 20 minutes, wash with warm water1 time per week
Mix one teaspoon each of raspberry leaves and linden flowers, add 1 tbsp. l. crushed plantain leaves. Pour boiling water over the herbs and let steep for 1 hour. Add 1 tenth of a teaspoon of chopped walnut kernelsApply the resulting mixture to the face with a cotton swab with light massage movements and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply a soothing, moisturizing cream1 time per week
Normal 3 tbsp. l. Grind oat flakes in a coffee grinder, add 2 tbsp. l. milk (cream). Mix everything thoroughly until it becomes a paste.Apply with circular massaging movements and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water1 time per week
Grind 3 ripe strawberries, add 1 tsp. olive oils. The mixture should be homogeneousApply the resulting mixture to your face, massage for 2 minutes, rinse with warm water.1 time per week
Dry Grate half an apple on a fine grater, add chopped walnut kernels (2 pcs.)Apply the paste with massage movements and leave for 20-30 minutes as a mask. Then rinse with boiled water and apply moisturizer1-2 times a week
Mix 20-30 g of cosmetic clay with warm milkApply as a scrub and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, apply moisturizer2 times per week

Rating of the most effective store and pharmacy products

The choice of cosmetics and scrubs is extensive.

There are natural ones, with coal, fruit ingredients, expensive and not so expensive.

Popular means:

Name Active components Features of application Skin type Cost, rub.
Cleansing scrub “Clean Line”Apricot kernels, chamomile extract, corn oilNo more than twice a weekCombined and normal65-80
Garnier clean skin assetsAbsorbent charcoal, blueberry extract and salicylic acidEvery day in the afternoon or eveningFat and problematic300-400
L'Oreal absolute purity 7 in 1Salicylic acid, glycerin, mentholApply to moistened skin in a circular motion and rinse with water. Can be used dailyFat or problematic300-350
“Pine nuts and Ussuri hops” Green mamaSesame, wheat germ, lavender and pine nut oils, glycerin and hop extractApply to moistened epidermis, massage for two minutes and rinse. Must be used once a weekCombined, dry and normal290-350
Exfoliating facial scrub “Natura Siberica”Sophora japonica extract, arctic raspberry seed and bisabololApply to damp skin, massage lightly, rinse with water. Can be used more than once a weekOily and combination220 — 280

Directions for use and precautions

For maximum facial cleansing with scrubs, consider the following recommendations:

  1. Before the procedure, you must first cleanse the skin by washing your face with a cleanser, such as toner.
  2. Steam your skin using a hot towel or steam bath.
  3. Apply the product evenly, followed by massaging movements along the main massage lines faces.
  4. It is necessary to treat the skin for two to three minutes so as not to damage the epidermis.
  5. The mixture can be left on the face for a certain time as a mask so that all the nutrients can be absorbed.
  6. It is necessary to rinse off with plain water, or boiled water.
  7. Blackheads can be removed manually, with clean hands, followed by treatment with tonic.
  8. At the end of the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Worth considering precautionary measures:

  • inflammation or damage to the skin;
  • epidermal diseases and pathologies;
  • wounds, ulcers on the skin;
  • allergy to the constituent components or individual intolerance to the ingredients.

Daily use of cleansing scrubs is unacceptable.

A cleansing scrub can be purchased in stores or made yourself.

It is necessary to take into account contraindications for use and follow the recommendations. Then the result will be impressive.

Regular use of scrubs allows you to deeply cleanse the skin and prevent the formation of blackheads.

The exfoliating effect of such products promotes skin renewal by removing dead epidermal cells. The facial cleansing procedure can be carried out both in a cosmetology salon and at home. Preparing a cleansing facial scrub at home is quite simple, because ingredients such as oatmeal, coffee, salt and soda are used to make this type of cosmetic product. The use of the listed products is completely safe for facial skin. Also, many cosmetologists note that scrubs from natural ingredients

much more effective than expensive “branded” analogues.

Unlike a scrub, peeling is made based on natural acids. Some peeling masks contain abrasive particles, but their volume does not reach the required value for the mask to have an exfoliating effect. The purpose of peeling is to rejuvenate the skin and eliminate pigment spots. Since these products contain fruit acids, the use of such masks can cause an allergic reaction. That is why most cosmetologists do not recommend this procedure for people with sensitive skin types.

To deeply cleanse the facial skin, both procedures should be performed. The peeling procedure should be performed no more than once a month. But experts recommend using scrubs every few days. This approach will clear out the pores. sebaceous plugs, rejuvenate the skin and give the face an even and healthy color.

Despite the fact that scrubs effectively cleanse the skin of the face and eliminate all cosmetic defects within a short period of time, this procedure has a number of contraindications. First of all, such cosmetic masks are not recommended for owners of thin and sensitive skin. The action of abrasive particles can not only injure the dermis, but also cause severe irritation. In this situation, cosmetologists recommend paying attention to those recipes that have a more gentle effect on the skin. Cleansing masks based on sour milk and oatmeal have a mild effect without causing any harm to the skin.

Also, cleansing procedures are not recommended for those people who have a disease such as rosacea. In addition, the presence of shallow scars and unhealed wounds on the facial skin can be a serious reason for refusing the cleansing procedure. Scrubs can be used only after the existing wounds have completely healed and acne has completely disappeared.

It is important to mention that the use of cleansing cosmetic products is contraindicated in the presence of diseases such as papillomas, rosacea, vitiligo and acne.

Due to its exfoliating effect, the scrub completely renews the skin, removing the old and keratinized layer of the epidermis.

In order to avoid possible adverse reactions such as allergies, you should conduct a small test before using cleansing masks.

The prepared mask should be applied to the elbow area. The mask should be washed off no earlier than after twenty minutes. During the day it is necessary to observe the skin reaction. If during this period there are no negative reactions from the body, the scrub can be safely applied to the face. It is recommended to cleanse your face with scrubs more than twice a week. For those with dry skin, just one cleansing procedure during the above period is enough. Most cosmetologists are inclined to believe that frequent use

Such products can cause thinning of the dermis.

What Ingredients Should You Use? Making an exfoliating facial scrub at home is quite simple.

  • These masks include several components, which are divided into two separate groups:
  • base consisting of abrasive particles;

creamy ingredients to prevent skin injury.

  1. First, let's look at the ingredients that are used as the base: Ground coffee.
  2. This product has amazing cosmetic effects. The use of ground coffee gives a healthy complexion and evens out skin tone. In addition to the beans themselves, coffee grounds can be used when preparing masks. Crushed chicken egg shells . This component is a real storehouse of useful microelements. Included eggshells
  3. contains hyaluronic acid and calcium. These elements give the skin a youthful appearance and help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Nuts. Walnuts and pine nuts have nutritional effect

, which makes them an indispensable ingredient in the preparation of cleansing masks. The use of these components helps eliminate redness and even out skin color. In order to reduce the irritating effect, it is recommended to pre-grind the walnut shells. In addition to the above ingredients, oatmeal is also used as a base when preparing cleansing scrubs. Masks based on this component are more suitable for those with oily skin types. Using oatmeal helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and give the face a matte appearance. In addition, oatmeal increases skin elasticity and smoothes out fine wrinkles. Ground grape seeds can be used in combination with flakes. This product contains no oil rich in vitamins beneficial for the epidermis.

Products made from ordinary products are not only safe for the skin, but also significantly save your budget.

A natural facial scrub can be prepared using sea or table salt. The use of table salt allows you to cleanse the pores of debris accumulating in them. Sea salt has the ability to smooth out the surface structure of the skin. However, before preparing such masks, you should choose the right ingredients. The salt used to prepare the scrub should not be too coarse. Large particles can injure the skin and cause irritation.

In addition to the main component, the scrub should contain gel-like products that will prevent skin damage. Products such as yogurt, kefir, fruit puree, olive oil and cosmetic gels. Each of the listed ingredients has its own characteristics and has a softening effect.

Recipes for making cleansing scrubs

To prepare a cleansing mask, you do not need to use exotic ingredients. Most of the necessary components can be purchased at your local store. Below we will look at the most popular and most effective scrubs that you can prepare yourself.

Homemade facial scrub recipes:

Salt based scrub. This recipe is preferable for those with problem skin. To prepare this remedy you will need a small amount of sea salt and egg white. The use of these components allows you to cleanse the pores and remove excess subcutaneous sebum. In addition, egg white has a tightening and drying effect. This recipe is not recommended for those with dry skin, as the use of such a scrub may cause irritation and peeling.

To prepare the mask, you will need to grind sea salt, then add egg white, previously separated from the yolk, to it. You need to add a small amount of fine table salt to the finished mixture, after which all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. This mask should be applied for no more than fifteen minutes.

Yogurt and coffee. This recipe is suitable for those with oily skin types. The use of natural yogurt (or sour cream) allows you to cleanse the skin and eliminate unnatural shine. In addition, such a mask increases skin elasticity and significantly reduces the number of wrinkles. Coffee beans eliminate flaking, blackheads and acne. People with lactose intolerance should replace yoghurt with commercial cleansing gel when preparing this recipe.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix one dessert spoon of coffee beans with one tablespoon of yogurt. After all components are thoroughly mixed, the mask is applied to the face. Wear a similar mask should not take more than fifteen minutes. Already after the first session of the cleansing procedure, you can notice a positive result.

Fruit puree and oatmeal. To prepare this mask, you can use any type of fruit, but most cosmetologists insist on using apples. It is these fruits that contain useful microelements such as iron, potassium and a whole complex of vitamins. In combination with apples, you can use banana pulp, which allows you to deeply cleanse your pores. You can increase the effectiveness of the scrub using honey, which restores the skin structure, increasing elasticity.

The scrubbing procedure is quite simple and does not take much time.

Cream is often added to such scrubs. This product is a natural source of collagen and elastin. In addition, cream contains useful microelements such as potassium, choline and calcium. To prepare a cleansing mask, you need to grate a quarter of an apple, previously peeled. Add half a small banana to the resulting pulp, after chopping it first. Next, you need to add one dessert spoon of liquid honey, twenty milligrams of cream and two tablespoons of cereal to the resulting puree. After all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the finished mixture is applied to the face.

Soda and lemon juice. A mixture of sea salt and baking soda has an excellent exfoliating effect. You can increase the effectiveness of this product with the help of honey, which gives the skin elasticity and saturates it with many essential minerals. Citric acid refreshes the surface of the dermis and eliminates unnatural shine. The preparation of such a product must be approached with increased attention, since a large amount of lemon juice can cause irritation. This composition is recommended for use by people with problem skin.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix one dessert spoon of crushed salt with half a spoon of baking soda. Twenty-five milliliters of liquid honey and lemon juice should be added to the finished mixture. After the mixture is thoroughly mixed, the mask should be carefully applied to the face. When applying the mask, avoid rubbing movements, as citric acid can cause irritation and redness of the skin.

Oatmeal and olive oil. The best scrub for the face, with unique qualities. Oatmeal in combination with sugar has an excellent cleansing effect and eliminates flaking. Usage olive oil allows you to saturate the skin with vitamins and increase its elasticity. This scrub is suitable for owners of all skin types.

Thanks to the scrub, you can deeply cleanse the dermis, improve blood circulation, and smooth out some defects.

To prepare the cleanser, you will need to grind the flakes to flour. After the flakes are crushed, you need to add one dessert spoon of sugar to the resulting flour. The resulting mixture should be diluted with one dessert spoon of olive oil. This scrub should only be applied to pre-steamed skin. When applying, avoid getting the mixture into the area of ​​the lips and visual organs. At the end of the cleansing procedure, a cream with a fatty base should be applied to the face.