Restoration of Christmas tree decorations. Restoration of Christmas tree decorations for the New Year How to restore a Christmas tree decoration on a clothespin

Preparations for the holiday are in full swing, which means that many have already taken boxes of Christmas tree decorations from distant shelves and started decorating the interior. When sorting through jewelry, do not rush to throw into the trash those items that, in your opinion, have gone out of fashion or have lost their marketability appearance. You can donate old toys new life, and they will serve for many more years. Today we will tell you how to quickly update New Year's accessories in accordance with the latest trends.
So we have several Christmas tree decorations which have certain disadvantages. Small chips, scratches and dents significantly spoil the appearance of the products. In addition, the toys look outdated in terms of style - their color and design cannot be called current and fashionable.

Let's try to transform these jewelry to give them new life.

Option 1: silver placers.

Problem: the stripes of red and bright yellow on the decoration look cheap and unattractive, the glitter has fallen off and lost color.

Solution: Cover the toy with matte silver spray paint and let it dry. Then we apply glue over the decorative stripes and sprinkle the toy with glitter. Decorate with a transparent ribbon, tying it lushly at the base.

Result: boring decor of traditional colors has turned into bright decoration, which can be used to create .

Option 2: ribbon decor.

Problem: the paint on the New Year's ball was cracked, which is why the decoration was completely lost glossy shine and color.

Solution: cut the decorative tape into small strips and glue them onto the ball, starting from the bottom of the product. To create the effect of wings, strips need to be taken different sizes, securing small sections at the bottom, and longer ones in the middle and at the top of the product.

Result: a ball that has already served its purpose can be used again for decoration.

Option 3: velvet bows.

Problem: The surface of the ball was scratched because during storage it was not sufficiently protected from contact with other decorations.

Solution: Velvet tape will help hide scratches. Apply hot glue to the toy along the lines of future passage decorative tape. Then we beautifully tie the ball with a velvet strip to hide the chipped areas. In our case, six overlaps were enough. We decorate the top of the ball with several loops and carefully secure the ribbon with a beautiful bow.

Result: from an unsightly accessory, the ball was transformed into modern decoration in luxurious design.

Option 4: bead patterns.

Problem: In some places the paint had chipped, making the decoration look sloppy.

Solution: existing chips will work as a background for complex patterns. Apply hot glue in a spiral pattern to the ball and let dry. Carefully peel off the dry glue so that the old paint is removed along with it - this way the chips are transformed into an intricate ornament. Now we reapply glue to fix the beads. We glue the decor so that it does not coincide with the chipped pattern, but forms a new pattern.

Result: a ball with an original design can be used again for its intended purpose.

Option 5: New Year's snowflakes.

Problem: a transparent ball with shiny filling has lost its relevance and looks out of date.

Solution: We change the filler to a more stylish and effective one. To do this, carefully open the ball and fill it halfway with artificial snow, which can be salt or sugar, and shiny glitter. External side We decorate the ball with stickers for scrapbooking in the form of silver snowflakes. We decorate the loop of the toy with beads.

Result: looks fresh and elegant.

Option 6: funny peas.

Problem: The festive appearance of the ball is marred by dents on the surface.

Solution: Ordinary peas will help hide unsightly places. Glue dry split peas onto the ball so that the decor not only masks imperfections, but also evenly covers the toy. If you want the decorations to be a certain color, color the cereal in advance with felt-tip pens or acrylic paints. We complement the design with ribbon suitable color. Instead of peas, you can similarly use beads or rhinestones.

Result: the decor helped update the decoration and hide obvious flaws.

Option 7: new paints.

Problem: The colorful coating of the toy has faded.

Solution: Let's repaint the ball so that it looks like new again. To do this, apply a layer of green acrylic paint and let it dry. Add a second layer and lightly wipe it with a soft cloth until the paint has completely set. This way we can achieve a color transition effect. Take a decorative striped ribbon to match the color and carefully pull the thread along the edge so that the fabric drapes. Glue gun We fix the decor on the top of the decoration.

Result: the rich color returned the toy to a presentable appearance.

Take advantage of these simple ideas to transform old toys and put them back on holiday trees.
Happy New Year to you!

Prepared based on materials from

Which you no longer really want to use, then this master class will come in handy. Of course, you can throw away the toys and buy new ones, but you can get creative and make unique toys that will decorate the Christmas tree at your holiday.

We will need:

  • Well, of course, the toys themselves (no matter what material they are made of);
  • acrylic paint, acrylic contour for glass and ceramics;
  • acrylic universal varnish for creativity;
  • alcohol or glass cleaner;
  • napkins for decoupage and PVA (as a decorative option);
  • tassels.

So let's get started

1. First of all, wash all the toys, first with just water, then wipe dry and thoroughly treat with alcohol, vodka or an alcohol-containing glass cleaner. After the toys have dried, they are suitable for further processing. It doesn’t matter if your toys are glass or plastic, these procedures are required to ensure that the paint adheres well to your restored Christmas tree decorations.

2. Now we take a sponge and use applied movements to paint our toys in the desired colors. If necessary, you can paint the toys in 2 layers. The second coat of paint is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. We are waiting for the paint to dry completely.

One of the decoration options that I used was applying patterns with an outline.

You can also use an outline to create small but clear images, such as snowflakes or stars.

If you know how to draw or sketch, then be inspired and create. If you are not an artist at all, then we select a napkin with an interesting pattern and... Then some details of the drawing can be emphasized with an outline or sparkles.

You can complement the Images with half beads, sparkles, rhinestones, ribbons, sequins, etc.

4. Last step restoration of old Christmas tree decorations - covering the toys with universal acrylic varnish. This is a required step!

New Year's toys - DIY restoration

Christmas ball with fish

There are probably favorite ones in every home New Year's toys with a long family history that decorated christmas tree in your childhood (or even in the childhood of your parents or grandparents). Over the years, snowflakes fall off their shiny barrels, and some toys fade.

Soon New Year. And if you want to give new life to old New Year's toys, you will need:

  • acrylic paints (or gouache + PVA glue);
  • brush (or a pair of brushes - thin and thicker);
  • marker (or several, it is better to take a permanent, indelible one);
  • a jar of water;
  • paper napkins or clean rags (so as not to get dirty and stain everything around);
  • white plate (palette).

You may need a gel pen, glitter (which you can sprinkle on newly applied nail polish or glue), or glitter paint.

How to color toys

Updated Christmas tree toys

You can restore the original design on the old toy, or apply a new one if it was too complex or if the toy looks completely uninteresting and there is no point in returning to the old one.

I'll tell you how to use acrylic paints. But if you only have gouache, then in order to prevent it from being washed off or getting dirty, it must be mixed with PVA glue in equal proportions. Then you will get paint that looks like acrylic. And it will not smear and stain your hands and other toys.

Both acrylic paint and a mixture of gouache and PVA are easily washed off the brush with water. It is better to take an art brush that is not very soft, and harder (the paint is thick, it will be difficult to control with a soft brush).

Painted balls after restoration at home

Toy surfaces

Usually Christmas decorations They come in glass with a smooth shiny or rough matte surface. Even old toys were made of plastic, foam plastic; if these are figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, then they may turn out to be not only plastic, but also rubber.

Medium-thick acrylic paint or paint made from a mixture of gouache and PVA glue fits well on any of these surfaces.

Santa Clauses and Snow Maiden have found a new bright clothes, eyes, lips and rosy cheeks. Big Del Frost is plastic, small figures are foam.

Initially, all the balls were without a pattern with a shiny smooth silver surface

Outline of a design or line of a pattern

Decorating Christmas balls

If you are afraid to immediately draw patterns with paints, you can practice first on paper and/or draw the outline of the design first with a thin marker or pencil, and then paint this picture with paints the right colors.

At the same time, on toys with a porous matte surface it is more convenient to draw with a pencil or gel pen (the marker on some porous surfaces may blur). And on smooth shiny balls, use a permanent thin marker (it won’t bleed).

The balls were initially without a pattern

If you started painting with paints, but overdid it with water (you didn’t wring out the brush) and the paint ran, you can wipe off the excess with a napkin and trace the slightly blurred contours of the drawing with a marker. Then even the most crooked drawing will take shape and become more interesting.

Sometimes paints are very liquid. Then they need to be left open for some time (an hour or two), they will dry out. If the consistency of the paint is of normal thickness, then do not open it again; it will dry out. And remember that before dipping the brush into a jar of paint, the brush must be rinsed in a jar of water. If the brush is difficult to wash, blot it with a clean napkin.

Plastic Santa Claus - rear view This is what it looks like now old grandfather Little Santa Claus and Snow Maiden
Snow Maiden, Father Frost and Cheburashka against the backdrop of Bruegel Cheburashka became brown, as expected Set Christmas balls with acrylic painting (handmade)
Ball with ladybugs Ball with flowers Christmas ball with Irish clover

Mixing colors

If your paint set does not have the colors you need, you can get them by mixing two or three other colors.

Light colors - blue, pink, peach, pale green, lilac are obtained by mixing the main color with white:

  • blue=white+blue;
  • pink=white+red;
  • peach = white + red + a little yellow or orange;
  • pale green=white+green;
  • lilac=white+purple;
  • cream = white + a little warm yellow or ocher;
  • coffee=white+brown;
  • cocoa = white + brown + a little purple;
  • caramel=white+brown+a little orange;

Thick, rich colors that are missing in the set:

  • green=yellow+blue;
  • orange=yellow+red;
  • burgundy – cold red + blue;

I don’t recommend experimenting with mixing paints to get brown, purple, fuchsia. It might get messy. It is better to immediately buy ready-made colors if you absolutely need them.

Previously, this chocolate Cheburashka was a white foam toy. Well, can Cheburashka be white?! Only brown!

Old toys with new drawings!

If you want to update old Christmas tree decorations, we will tell you how. Don’t rush to throw away decorations that have lost their appearance; they can make excellent decorations for your Christmas tree!

You can decorate an old ball with decorative cord or thread. Glue them in a spiral and decorate with a bow on top.

For those who know how to crochet or knit, it will not be difficult to make an openwork “clothes” for an old Christmas tree decoration.

Ornaments or plain knitting look incredibly warm and soulful.

Knitting in combination with fabric and beads looks solemn and festive.

Decorating the balls with small beads, bugles or large beads is quite simple: you can glue them or use weaving (preferably on a fishing line).

The decoupage technique gives a lot of scope for creative experiments. The ball can be primed and a motif cut from a napkin can be glued on. Or you can do it even simpler - paste over old toy scraps of newspapers or sheet music.

Balloons covered with buttons look no worse. Children will be happy to help you find the required number of torn buttons (if there are not enough, they will find and tear off what is poorly sewn).

By analogy with buttons, you can cover the ball with coins.

Pieces of a CD disc will be made from ordinary New Year's ball something glowing and very beautiful.

Another simple one quick way Give old toys a second chance by simply wrapping them in pretty fabric.

If your Christmas decorations are scratched, cover them with glitter.

A New Year's ball covered with twine, burlap, and lace looks stylish and harmonious.

Natural materials collected during a walk with your child will become an excellent decor for old New Year's toys.

Even a child can draw a handprint on the ball.

Children will surely enjoy decorating the Christmas tree with balloons depicting their favorite cartoon characters.

Dear readers! If you have your own ideas on how to decorate old Christmas tree decorations, share them in the comments.

I have my favorite, most treasured toy - the cat Lucy. The girl is very old, with worn paint and white gaps in the glass. But for me she is the one beautiful toy in the world.:) She had a sister before I was born. In the farthest, mysteriously dark corner of our attic there is a wooden box with broken toys. It's amazing, but my great-grandmother and great-grandfather seemed to know that someday these toys would come to life again! That's where I often saw my sister Lucy. It was a round broken ball. The lower part of her body. And this year I decided to make a cat. But during the operation it turned out that it was a cat! :))) Here it is, the cat Maris.

I thought and bought him a girl. All shabby to the point of disgrace. But the muzzle is well preserved. Following my deep conviction to treat everything old with care, I left my original face. Eyes, mouth. The mustache had to be painted on a bit. I got a bow from my pajamas for the cat. Ears and paws made of self-hardening polymer clay. The cat was painted with acrylic. Cat painted with Pebeo.
Now a couple of tailed ones are together and are friends with my beloved Lucy. :)

I just finished my Little Red Riding Hood today. Her story was incredible. I've been looking for just such a girl for a long time. Found it from a resident of St. Petersburg on Meshka. When I received the parcel, I was horrified. The sender wrapped the Christmas tree decoration in a bread bag and placed it in a plastic container. I took a photo of the broken toy. I wrote to him about the situation, and oh horror! He immediately started insulting me, accusing me of fraud, etc. I was shocked. I always thought that the kindest and most intelligent people live in St. Petersburg. He, of course, did not return the money.

I looked at my Cap and began the process...

Here is a photo of the monkey. The missing part of the paw was glued with a bandage using my favorite stationery glue from Erich Krause. Excellent glue. :) I glue small holes in all toys from the inside with a bandage, and then apply epoxy resin.

Here is a photo of my favorite parrot with a broken nose. Not only did I use a bandage to sculpt his nose, but I also sculpted it with cotton pads. Top with resin. Painted with acrylic. Then I got hold of Hobby Line stained glass paints - more liquid and transparent and Pebeo - thicker and opaque.

This is my favorite toy. It crashed during my great-grandmother’s time. Before I was born. For a long time was stored in a wooden box in the far corner of the attic. I was waiting for my time. :) Now the wizard has new pants.

I love these birds. In theory, it was supposed to be a chicken. But it’s a pity to transfer such potential to chickens.

By the way, I make broken legs for toys on clothespins from... May the Motherland forgive me...:))) From flag tubes. They are much stronger than regular cocktail straws. I coat everything on top with epoxy resin. The result is a very strong leg.

And, perhaps, the last patient. My mushroom. Also hello to Russian Post. Only shards arrived. It's good that the leg remains. It was impossible to put together the hat even with my love for complications. I made him a hat from epoxylin from Moment. Painted with acrylic. I went over the cutting with Pebeo stained glass paint. This is how the fly agaric turned out. :)

Christmas tree. Eight hours on the stairs and she's dressed up. :)