Pippi Longstocking's birthday. Pippi Longstocking celebrates her eighth birthday (script)

One day Tommy and Annika received a letter, they took it out of the mailbox on the door of their house.

On the envelope was:


And when they opened the envelope, they found in it a piece of cardboard on which uneven letters were carefully written:


Tmi and Anka should come to Pippi for a birthday feast tomorrow after lunch

Any clothes

Tommy and Annika were so happy that they started jumping and spinning around the room. They understood perfectly well what was written there, although the letter looked somewhat strange. It was very difficult for Pippi to write this invitation. For example, she didn’t know exactly how to spell the letter “I.” But one way or another, she was still able to write what she wanted. In those years when she was still sailing the seas, one of the sailors tried to teach Pippi to write in the evenings, but Pippi was never a particularly diligent student.

“No, Fridolf (that was the name of that sailor), I’d rather climb up the mast and see what the weather will be like tomorrow,” she usually said, or I’ll go and play with the ship’s cat.

She sat up all night writing an invitation letter. And when it began to get light and the last stars went out, Pippi put the envelope in the box on the door.

As soon as Tommy and Annika returned from school, they began to prepare for the holiday. Annika asked her mother to comb her hair better. Mom curled her hair and tied a huge pink silk bow. Tommy carefully combed his hair into a parting and even moistened it with water so that it would not frizz - unlike his sister, he hated any curls. Annika wanted to wear her best elegant dress, but her mother didn’t let her, saying that they always come back from Pippi, how dirty they are. So Annika had to be content with her almost most elegant dress. As for Tommy, he was not at all interested in what to wear, as long as his shirt was clean.

Of course, they bought Pippi a gift, emptying their piggy bank for this. Returning from school, they went into a toy store and bought... However, this is still a secret. While the gift lay wrapped in green paper and tied with a cord. When the children were ready, Tommy took the gift and they went to visit. And their mother shouted after them from the doorway to take care of their suits. Annika also wanted to bring a little gift. So they walked, passing the green bundle from hand to hand, until they both decided to carry it.

It was November and it got dark early. Before opening the gate of Peppa's garden, Tommy and Annika held hands, because it was already dark in the garden and the old black trees rustled menacingly with their last, still unfallen leaves.

“Careful,” Tommy said at every step.

But it was all the more pleasant to see the bright light in the windows ahead and know that you were going to a birthday party.

Usually Tommy and Annika entered the house through the back door, but today they decided to enter from the front door. There was no horse on the terrace. Tommy knocked. A dull voice answered:

– Did this ghost come to my feast?

“No, Pippi, it’s us,” Tommy shouted, “open up!”

And Pippi opened the door.

- Oh Pippi, why are you talking about ghosts? “I was so scared,” Annika said, and out of fear she even forgot to congratulate Pippi.

Pippi laughed and opened the doors. Oh, how good it was to get into a bright and warm kitchen! The feast was supposed to take place here. After all, in Peppa’s house there were only two rooms: a living room, but there was only one chest of drawers, and a bedroom. And the kitchen was large, spacious, and Pippi cleaned it so well and arranged everything there so funny. There was a carpet on the floor, and on the table there was a new tablecloth that Pippi had embroidered herself. True, the flowers she depicted looked very strange, but Pippi assured that these were the kind that grew in Indonesia. The curtains on the windows were drawn, and the stove was red hot. Mr. Nilsson was sitting on the cabinet and banging pan lids. And in the farthest corner stood a horse.

Then, finally, Tommy and Annika remembered that they needed to congratulate Pippi. Tommy shuffled his foot and Annika curtsied. They handed Pippi a green package and said:

- Happy Birthday to You!

Pippi grabbed the package and frantically unwrapped it. There was a large music box there. Out of joy and happiness, Pippi hugged Tommy, then Annika, then the music box, then green wrapping paper. Then she began to turn the handle - with a jingling and whistling melody poured out: “Ah, my dear Augustine, Augustine, Augustine...”

And Pippi, in ecstasy, kept turning and turning the handle of the music box and seemed to have forgotten about everything in the world...

Suddenly she realized:

- Yes, Dear friends, now you too should receive your gifts.

“It’s not our birthday today,” the children said.

Pippi looked at them in surprise and said:

- But today is my birthday. Can't I give myself the pleasure of giving you gifts? Maybe your textbooks say that this is prohibited? Maybe, according to this very table of respect, it turns out that this cannot be done?..

- No, of course, you can, although this is not accepted... But as for me, I will be very glad to receive a gift.

- And me too! – Annika exclaimed. Then Pippi brought two packages from the living room, which she had prepared in advance and placed on the chest of drawers until the time came. Tommy unwrapped his package - there was an ivory pipe. And Annika received a beautiful brooch in the shape of a butterfly, the wings of which were strewn with red, blue and green shiny stones.

Now that everyone has received their birthday gifts, it is time to feast. The table was laden with dishes of buns and cookies of the most bizarre shapes. Pippi insisted that these are the cookies they bake in China. She brought chocolate with whipped cream, and everyone wanted to sit down at the table, but Tommy said:

“When we have a dinner party at our house, the men lead the ladies to the table. Let it be like this for us too.

- No sooner said than done! - Pippi exclaimed.

“But we won’t be able to do this, because I’m the only man here,” Tommy said sadly.

- Nonsense! – Pippi interrupted him. - What, Mr. Nilsson is a young lady, or what?

- Oh, really! “And I forgot about Mr. Nilsson,” Tommy was delighted and, sitting down on a stool, wrote on a piece of paper:

“Mr. Settergren has the pleasure of inviting Miss Longstocking to the table.”

– Mr. Settergren – it’s me! – Tommy explained importantly. And he conveyed his invitation to Pippi.

Then he took another quarter of paper and wrote:

“Mr. Nilsson has the pleasure of inviting Miss Settergren to the table.”

“Fine,” said Pippi, “but the horse also needs to write an invitation, although she will not sit at the table.”

And Tommy dictated an invitation for the horse to Peppin.

“The horse has the pleasure of standing quietly in the corner and chewing biscuits and sugar.”

Pippi put the piece of paper under the horse's muzzle and said:

“Here, read it and tell me what you think about it.”

Since the horse had no objections, Tommy offered Pippi his hand and led her to the table. But Mr. Nilsson clearly did not have the slightest desire to offer his hand to Annika. So Annika herself took him in her hand and carried him to the table. The monkey sat right on the table. She didn’t want chocolate with whipped cream, but when Pippi poured water into the mug, Mr. Nilsson grabbed it with both hands and began to drink.

Annika, Tommy and Pippi drank and ate as much as they wanted, and Annika said that when she grows up, she will definitely go to China, since they bake such delicious cookies there. When Mr. Nilsson drank all the water, he put the mug on his head. Pippi immediately followed his example, but since she did not have time to drink her chocolate from the bottom, a brown stream flowed down her forehead and nose. But Pippi stuck out her tongue in time and caught the droplets.

“As you can see, everything can be fixed,” she said.

Taught by her example, Tommy and Annika carefully licked their cups before placing them on their heads.

When all the guests, including the horse, had drunk and eaten, Pippi, with a quick, deft movement, grabbed the tablecloth by the four ends and lifted it. Dishes and saucers, cups and spoons seemed to be in a bag. She put all this right in the closet.

“I don’t want to clean anything today,” she explained.

And now it's time to have fun. Pippi suggested a game called "Don't step on the floor." It's very simple to play: you have to run around the kitchen without ever touching the floor with your foot. Whoever runs first wins. Pippi completed this task in no time, but for Tommy and Annika it turned out to be much more difficult. You had to spread your legs very wide, move stools and build real bridges to get from the stove to the cabinet, from the cabinet to the sink and from there to the table, and then, stepping over two chairs, jump to the corner shelf. There was a distance of several meters between this shelf and the bench, but, fortunately, there was a horse standing there, and if you managed to climb on it and crawl from tail to head, then you could, with skill, jump onto the bench.

So they played until Annika's almost the most elegant dress turned into far, far, far from the most elegant, and Tommy became black as a chimney sweep. The children decided it was time to change the game.

“Let's go up to the attic and call a ghost,” Pippi suggested.

Annika even lost her breath with fear:

- Ra-ra-is it there?

“Of course,” answered Pippi. - And more than one. It's simply teeming with different spirits and ghosts, you stumble upon them at every step. Let's go there?

- ABOUT! – Annika exclaimed and looked at Pippi reproachfully.

“Mom said that spirits and ghosts don’t exist at all,” Tommy said with feigned cheerfulness.

“Perhaps,” Pippi answered. - Perhaps they are not anywhere, because they all live in my attic... and asking them to get out of here is useless... But they are not dangerous, they only pinch so terribly that they leave bruises. And they also fight and play bowls with their heads.

“A-i-g-ra-a-a-ly in their ho-o-va-a-mi?” – Annika whispered.

“Well, yes,” Pippi confirmed. - Well, let's hurry up, let's get up and talk to them... I'm good at bowling.

Tommy didn’t want to show that he was a coward, and how great it would be to see at least one ghost with his own eyes, and then tell the kids at school about it. He reassured himself that in the presence of Pippi the ghosts would not dare to attack, and agreed to go to the attic. Poor Annika didn’t even want to hear about going upstairs at first. But then it occurred to her that if she stayed in the kitchen, some seedy ghost might sneak towards her. And she made up her mind. It’s better to be with Pippi and Tommy surrounded by a thousand ghosts than face to face with one, even the most boring one.

Pippi walked ahead, she opened the door leading to the attic staircase. It was pitch dark there. Tommy frantically grabbed onto Pippi, and Annika even more frantically grabbed onto Tommy. Each step creaked and groaned under their feet, and Tommy was already wondering whether to turn back. As for Annika, she was sure of it.

But then the stairs ended, and they found themselves in the attic.

It was no longer so dark here; the moonlight, penetrating through the dormer window, lay in a strip on the floor. With every breath of wind, something sighed and hooted in all corners.

- Hey, ghosts, where are you! - Pippi shouted. Whether they were there or not is unknown, but, in any case, not one of them responded.

“Apparently they are not at home now,” Pippi explained. “They probably went to a meeting at the Union of Spirits and Ghosts.”

Annika let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, if only this meeting could last longer!” - she thought.

But just at that moment some suspicious noise was heard in one of the corners of the attic:

- Klu-yu-i-id!

And Tommy saw something fly at him, how something touched his forehead and disappeared into the dormer window.

- Ghost, ghost! – he shouted in horror.

“Poor thing, it’s late for the meeting.” True, if it’s a ghost and not an owl,” said Pippi. “And in general, guys, know that there are no ghosts,” she added after a pause, “and I will punch anyone in the nose who says that they exist.”

- But you said it yourself! – Annika exclaimed.

“I told you,” Pippi agreed. “So you’ll have to punch yourself in the nose.”

And she gave herself a huge punch on the nose. After this, Tommy and Annika felt somehow lighter in their souls. They became so bold that they decided to look into the garden. Large black clouds quickly ran across the sky, as if to prevent the moon from shining. And the trees creaked in the wind. Tommy and Annika moved away from the window and... oh horror! They saw some white figure moving towards them.

Annika was so scared that she simply lost her voice. And the white figure came closer and closer. The children hugged each other and closed their eyes, but then the ghost spoke:

– Look what I found here in an old sailor’s chest: dad’s nightgown. If you hem it on all sides, I can wear it,” and Pippi came up to them with her shirt dragging on the ground.

“Oh, Pippi, I could have died of fright,” Annika said with a trembling voice.

- No big deal, nightgowns are not dangerous! – Pippi reassured her. “They only bite when they are attacked.”

And Pippi decided to rummage through the chest properly. She moved it to the window and opened the lattice shutter. Pale moonlight flooded the chest, which contained a whole bunch of old clothes. Pippi laid it on the floor. In addition, she found there a telescope, two pages of a book, three pistols, a sword and a bag of gold coins.

- Ti-de-li-pom! P-de-li-day! – Pippi exclaimed joyfully.

- How interesting! – Tommy whispered. Pippi wrapped all her treasures in her father's nightgown, and the children went down to the kitchen again. Annika couldn't wait to get out of the attic.

– Never allow children to play with firearms, - said Pippi and took a pistol in each hand. “Otherwise an accident could happen,” she added and pulled the triggers.

Two shots rang out.

- They hit hard! – she exclaimed and looked up.

There were two holes in the ceiling.

“Who knows,” she said thoughtfully. “Perhaps these bullets pierced the ceiling and hit the heels of some spirit.” Perhaps this will teach him a lesson and force him to sit still next time and not scare innocent little children. Since spirits don’t exist, why do they scare people?.. Do you want me to give you a pistol?

Tommy was delighted with the offer, and Annika didn't mind having a gun, as long as it wasn't loaded.

“Now we can, if we want, organize a band of robbers,” said Pippi and raised a spyglass to her eyes. - Oh-ho-ho! - she screamed. - This is a pipe! I can spot a flea in South America! If we have a gang, the pipe will be useful to us.

Then there was a knock on the door. It was Tommy and Annika's dad who came.

“It’s high time to go to bed,” he said.

Tommy and Annika thanked Pippi, said goodbye to her and left, taking away their treasures - a pipe, a brooch and pistols.

Pippi escorted her guests to the terrace and looked after them until they disappeared into the darkness of the garden. Tommy and Annika looked back every now and then and waved at her. Pippi stood, illuminated moonlight, - a red-haired girl with tight pigtails sticking out in different directions, wearing a huge father’s nightgown dragging on the floor. She held a pistol in one hand and a telescope in the other.

When Tommy, Annika and their dad reached the gate, they heard Pippi shouting something after them. They stopped and began to listen. The wind hummed in the tree branches, but they made out the words:

- When I grow up big, I will be a sea robber... And you?

Peppilotta (Pippi for short) Longstocking proved to girls around the world that the weaker sex is in no way inferior to boys. The Swedish writer endowed her beloved heroine with heroic strength, taught her to shoot a revolver, and made her the main rich woman of the city, who is able to treat all the children with a bag of candy.

Pippi Longstocking

A girl with carrot-colored hair, multi-colored stockings, boots to grow into, and a dress made from scraps of fabric, has a rebellious character - she is not afraid of robbers and representatives internal organs, spits on the laws of adults and teaches young readers about humanity. Pippi seems to be saying: being yourself is a great luxury and a unique pleasure.

History of creation

The red-haired girl Pippi brought her creator Astrid Lindgren world fame. Although the character appeared completely by accident - in the early 40s, the future literary star, who would later give the world a fat prankster, had a daughter Karin become seriously ill. Before going to bed, Astrid invented various wonderful stories for the child, and one day she received an assignment - to tell about the life of the girl Pippi Longstocking. The daughter herself came up with the heroine’s name, and initially it sounded like “Pippi,” but in the Russian translation the dissonant word was changed.

Gradually, evening after evening, Pippi began to acquire individual characteristics, and her life began to be filled with adventures. The Swedish storyteller tried to put into her stories an innovative idea that appeared at that time in terms of raising children. According to the advice of newly minted psychologists, offspring need to be given more freedom and listen to their opinions and feelings. That's why Pippi turned out to be so headstrong, flouting the rules of the adult world.

For several years, Astrid Lindgren wrapped her fantasy in evening fairy tales, until she finally decided to write down the result on paper. The stories, where a couple of other characters settled - the boy Tommy and the girl Annika, turned into a book with illustrations by the author. The manuscript flew to a major publishing house in Stockholm, where, however, it did not find any fans - Pippi Longstocking was mercilessly rejected.

Books about Pippi Longstocking

But the writer was warmly received at Raben and Schergen, publishing her first work in 1945. It was the story “Pippi settles in the Chicken Villa.” The heroine immediately became popular. Following this, two more books and several stories were born, which were bought like hot cakes.

Later, the Danish storyteller admitted that the girl bore her character traits: as a child, Astrid was the same restless inventor. In general, the character’s characterization is a horror story for adults: a 9-year-old child does what he wants, easily copes with formidable men, carries a heavy horse.

Biography and plot

Pippi Longstocking is an unusual lady, just like her biography. Once upon a time, in a small, unremarkable Swedish town, a freckled girl with red, raised braids settled in the old abandoned villa “Chicken”. She lives here without adult supervision in the company of a horse that stands on the veranda and a monkey, Mr. Nilsson. The mother left the world when Pippi was still a baby, and the father, named Ephraim Longstocking, served as the captain of a ship that was wrecked. The man ended up on an island where the black aborigines called him their leader.

Pippi Longstocking and her monkey Mr. Nilsson

This is the legend the heroine of the Swedish fairy tale tells to her new friends, brother and sister Tommy and Annika Settergren, whom she met upon arriving in the city. Pippi inherited excellent genes from her father. Physical strength so great that the girl drives away the policemen from the house who came to send the orphan to Orphanage. Leaves an angry bull without horns. The circus strongman wins at the fair. And the robbers who broke into her home are thrown onto the closet.

And Pippi Longstocking is incredibly rich, for which she also has to thank her dad. The daughter inherited a chest of gold, which the heroine happily spends. The girl does not go to school; she prefers dangerous and exciting adventures to tedious activities. Moreover, studying is no longer needed, because Pippi is an expert in customs different countries worlds I visited with my father.

Pippi Longstocking lifts a Horse

While sleeping, the girl puts her feet on the pillow, rolls out the baking dough right on the floor, and on her birthday she not only accepts gifts, but also gives surprises to guests. Residents of the city watch in amazement as the child moves backwards when walking, because in Egypt that’s the only way they walk.

Tommy and Annika fell in love with all their hearts new girlfriend, with whom it is impossible to get bored. Children constantly find themselves in funny troubles and unpleasant situations. In the evenings, together with Pippi, they make their favorite dishes - waffles, baked apples, pancakes. By the way, the red-haired girl makes great pancakes by flipping them right in the air.

Pippi Longstocking, Tommy and Annika

But one day the friends were almost separated by their father who came to pick up Pippi. The man really turned out to be the leader of the tribe of the distant island country of Veselia. And if earlier the neighbors considered the main character to be an inventor and a liar, now they immediately believed in all her fables.

IN last book from the original Lindgren trilogy, the parents sent Tommy and Annika on vacation to Veselia, where the children, in the company of the inimitable Pippi Longstocking, who became a black princess, received a scattering of unforgettable emotions.

Film adaptations

The Swedish-German serial film, which was released in 1969, is considered canonical. The name of the actress became famous throughout the world - Pippi was played believably by Inger Nilsson. The embodied image turned out to be closest to the book’s mischievous girl, and the plot differs little from the original. The film did not find love or recognition in Russia.

Inger Nilsson as Pippi Longstocking

But Soviet audiences fell in love with Pippi, who shone in a two-part musical film directed by Margarita Mikaelyan in 1984. Famous actors were involved in the production: they met on the set (Madam Rosenblum), (the swindler Blom), (Pippi’s father), and Peppilotta is played by Svetlana Stupak. The film was filled with catchy compositions (just look at “The Pirates’ Song”!) and circus tricks, which added to the film’s charm.

Svetlana Stupak as Pippi Longstocking

The role of Pippi for Svetlana Stupak was the first and last in the cinema. The girl did not pass the casting at first: the director rejected her for blonde hair and adult appearance - Sveta did not in any way resemble a 9-year-old child. But the young actress got a second chance. The girl was asked to imagine herself as the daughter of the leader of a black tribe, to show spontaneity and enthusiasm.

Tami Erin as Pippi Longstocking

Stupak coped with the task, demonstrating to the cinema bison a stunning trick that did not require the participation of doubles. The authors of the film decided to film her, which they later regretted: Sveta’s character turned out to be even worse than the main character of the fairy tale. The director either grabbed the validol or wanted to pick up the belt.

In 1988, the red-haired beast reappeared on television screens. This time, the USA and Sweden teamed up to create the film “The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking”. Tami Erin appeared in the cinema for the first time.

Pippi Longstocking in the cartoon

Bright animated film became a Canadian series released at the end of the last century. Pippi's voice was provided by Melissa Altro. The directors did not take liberties and followed the literary pattern carefully created by the Swedish storyteller.

  • Inger Nilsson's acting career didn't work out either - the woman worked as a secretary.
  • A museum was built on the island of Djurgården in Sweden. fairy-tale heroes Astrid Lindgren. Here you can visit Pippi Longstocking's house, where you can run, jump, climb and ride a horse named Horse.

Pippi Longstocking's House in the Astrid Lindgren Fairytale Heroes Museum
  • The theater stage cannot do without such a bright character. On New Year holidays In 2018, at the capital's theater center "Cherry Orchard" children are expected to attend the play "Pippi Longstocking", staged in the best Vakhtangov traditions. Director Vera Annenkova promises deep content and circus entertainment.


“My mom is an angel, and my dad is a black king. Not every child has such noble parents.”
“Grown-ups never have fun. They always have a lot of boring work, stupid dresses and cuminal taxes. And they are also stuffed with prejudices and all sorts of nonsense. They think that a terrible misfortune will happen if you put a knife in your mouth while eating, and so on.”
“Who said you have to become an adult?”
“When the heart is hot and beating strongly, it is impossible to freeze.”
“A real well-mannered lady picks her nose when no one is looking!”
This script was used for my daughter's 6th birthday.

While the children are playing, I bring in a closed chest and an envelope with “from Pippi” written on it. The birthday girl opens the envelope, it contains numbered tasks.
Let's read the first one.

Hello! My name is Peppilotta-Victualina-Rogaldina Efroimovna Longstocking or simply Pippi. I know that Alina really likes to read a book about my adventures. Therefore, I decided to give her gifts in my chest, but Mr. Nielsen hid the key to it and will return it only if you and your friends complete several tasks.
First, draw me, this is what I look like - my carrot-colored hair is braided in two tight braids sticking out in different directions, my nose looks like a tiny potato covered in freckles. I wear blue dress, but there wasn’t enough fabric and I sewed red scraps into it. I put stockings on my feet different colors- brown and black, and my dad bought me huge black shoes for growing up, but I really like them. To make it more interesting, draw me with my eyes closed.

Draw Pippi with her eyes closed

  1. head and ears
  2. hair, braids with bows
  3. eyes and nose
  4. mouth and freckles
  5. dress
  6. legs and stockings
  7. shoes
  8. suitcase in hand

The winner receives a prize - a pencil.

I am very strong and agile. When I want to ride my horse, I carry it in my arms into the garden. And once at the circus I walked on a tightrope and even danced on it in my huge shoes. Can you do the same?

Walk the tightrope(a rope laid out on the floor) in dad’s shoes, holding a horse in his arms.
The prize is something for dexterity: a maze, a yo-yo.

I love cooking and making pancakes, although sometimes eggs break on my head, but it’s healthy, and the splashes from the dough when I beat it fly in different directions. My friends really like my pancakes with tea. Prepare some tasty and healthy lunch.

Prepare pizza and cocktails. When the pizza was in the oven, I suggested we play bartenders and everyone happily began to come up with cocktails.
I had: milk, yogurt, several juices, condensed milk, ice cream.

I am a big dreamer and come up with various fables that I myself believe in. Do you know that in India everyone walks on their hands? And in Egypt everyone backs away like crayfish. Guess my funny riddles - Danetki (picked in the sun).

Puzzles . Finish the sentence, but remember that the answer in rhyme is not always correct!

Cheerful Danets - without candy wrappers -
Only “yes” and only “no” - give the correct answer!

If you run to the buffet,
So, are you hungry? ... (Yes)

There is a month and a star in the sky -
So it's noon? ... (No)

On the train airfield
Ready to take off into the sky? ... (No)

Who eats a lot of candy?
He's got a sweet tooth, right? ... (Yes)

Pot and pan
Need it for fishing? ... (No)

If you love ballet,
Will you go to the theater? ... (Yes)

Growing mustache and beard
For those who go to kindergarten? ... (No)

If you're always lazy,
In the diary of five? ... (No)

You ate lunch with gusto,
Do you need to say thank you? ... (Yes)

If you lie everywhere, always,
So are you truthful? ... (No)

There is clean water in the well,
To swim and dive there? ... (No)

The prize is a notepad.

I live in the "Chicken" villa with the monkey Mr. Nielsen and the horse that I carry in my arms. Try making a horse out of a balloon.

Make a horse out of balloons

Well done! YOU have completed all the tasks and now let's play two of my favorite games - to school, put the letters together into a word and to "dictor" - find what this word means, Mr. Nilsson must have left the key to the chest there.

Compose a word from letters, find the key to the chest with coins.
Issued letters B, O, D, A and they put the word together, when they put it together, they looked for an object with water in the room - an aquarium, and there they found the key to the chest.

Birthday script on the theme "Pippi Longstocking"

(For children six years old)

While the children are playing, I bring in a closed chest and an envelope with “from Pippi” written on it. The birthday girl opens the envelope, it contains numbered tasks.
Let's read the first one.

Hello! My name is Peppilotta-Victualina-Rogaldina Efroimovna Longstocking or simply Pippi. I know that Alina really likes to read a book about my adventures. Therefore, I decided to give her gifts in my chest, but Mr. Nielsen hid the key to it and will return it only if you and your friends complete several tasks.
First, draw me, this is what I look like - my carrot-colored hair is braided in two tight braids sticking out in different directions, my nose looks like a tiny potato covered in freckles. I'm wearing a blue dress, but I didn't have enough fabric so I sewed red scraps into it. I wear stockings of different colors on my feet - brown and black, and my dad bought me huge black shoes for growing up, but I really like them. To make it more interesting, draw me with my eyes closed.

Draw Pippi with her eyes closed

  1. head and ears
  2. hair, braids with bows
  3. eyes and nose
  4. mouth and freckles
  5. dress
  6. legs and stockings
  7. shoes
  8. suitcase in hand

The winner receives a prize - a pencil.

I am very strong and agile. When I want to ride my horse, I carry it in my arms into the garden. And once at the circus I walked on a tightrope and even danced on it in my huge shoes. Can you do the same?

Walk the tightrope

(on a rope laid out on the floor) in dad’s shoes, holding a horse in his arms.

The prize is something for dexterity: a maze, a yo-yo.

I love cooking and making pancakes, although sometimes eggs break on my head, but it’s healthy, and the splashes from the dough when I beat it fly in different directions. My friends really like my pancakes with tea. Prepare some tasty and healthy lunch.

Prepare pizza and cocktails.

When the pizza was in the oven, I suggested we play bartenders and everyone happily began to come up with cocktails.

I had: milk, yogurt, several juices, condensed milk, ice cream.

I am a big dreamer and come up with various fables that I myself believe in. Do you know that in India everyone walks on their hands? And in Egypt everyone backs away like crayfish. Guess my funny riddles - Danets (taken in the sun).


Finish the sentence, but remember that the answer in rhyme is not always correct!

Cheerful Danets - without candy wrappers -

Only “yes” and only “no” - give the correct answer!

- If you run to the buffet,

So, are you hungry? ... (Yes)

- There is a month and a star in the sky -

So it's noon? ... (No)

— On the train airfield

Ready to take off into the sky? ... (No)

-Who eats a lot of sweets?

He's got a sweet tooth, right? ... (Yes)

— Pot and frying pan

Need it for fishing? ... (No)

Very difficult, isn't it? ... (Yes)

- If you love ballet,

Will you go to the theater? ... (Yes)

- Mustache and beard grow

For those who go to kindergarten? ... (No)

- If you are always lazy,

In the diary of five? ... (No)

-You ate lunch with gusto.

Do you need to say thank you? ... (Yes)

- If you lie everywhere, always,

So are you truthful? ... (No)

— There is clean water in the well,

To swim and dive there? ... (No)

The prize is a notepad.

I live in the "Chicken" villa with the monkey Mr. Nielsen and the horse that I carry in my arms. Try making a horse out of a balloon.

Make a horse out of balloons

Well done! YOU have completed all the tasks and now let's play two of my favorite games - to school, put the letters together into a word and to "dictor" - find what this word means, Mr. Nilsson must have left the key to the chest there.

Compose a word from letters, find the key to the chest with coins.

She gave out the letters B, O, D, A and they put the word together, when they put it together, they looked for an object with water in the room - an aquarium, and there they found the key to the chest.

Mr. Nilsson jumped there - he loved to sleep, curled up in a ball, on Annika’s lap. Pippi warmed up a large pot of water and, without hesitation, poured the hot water directly onto the floor. Then she took off her shoes and carefully placed her huge black shoes on the bread bin. Having tied a brush to each leg, she began to drive around the floor, gliding through the water as if on water skis.
“When I mop the floor, I always feel like I’m a figure skating champion,” she said, and raised her left leg so high that the brush fell off her leg and broke off the edge of the glass lampshade of the hanging lamp. - Well, I have more than enough elegance and grace! – she added and jumped over the back of the chair.
“That’s all,” said Pippi a few minutes later and untied the second brush. - The kitchen is clean now.
- Why don’t you wipe the floor with a rag? – Annika asked in surprise.
- No, why, let him dry in the sun... I think he won’t catch a cold...
Tommy and Annika jumped off the table and, careful not to get their feet wet, walked out of the kitchen.
The sky was amazingly blue and the sun was shining brightly even though it was the height of September. The day turned out to be unusually clear, and I was tempted to go into the forest. Suddenly Pippi suggested:
- Let's take Mr. Nilsson and go on a tour.
- Let's! Let's! – Tommy and Annika shouted enthusiastically.
“Then run home quickly and ask your mom for time off.” In the meantime, I’ll pack a basket of food for the road.
Tommy and Annika did just that. They ran home and soon returned. Pippi was already waiting for them at the gate. In one hand she held a hefty stick, in the other a basket of provisions, and Mr. Nilsson was sitting on her shoulder.
At first the guys walked along the highway. Then we turned into a meadow. Beyond the meadow, an inviting path wound its way among birch trees and hazel bushes. So slowly they reached the hedge, behind which an even more attractive lawn could be seen. But there was a cow standing right next to the gate, and it was clear from everything that she did not intend to move a single step from here. Annika, of course, was scared, and then Tommy courageously approached the cow and tried to drive it away. But the cow didn’t even move and just stared at the guys with her big, bulging eyes. Pippi got tired of waiting, she put the basket on the grass, walked up to the cow and pushed it so hard that the cow rushed off into the hazel grove without looking back.
- Just think - a cow, but stubborn as a donkey! - said Pippi and jumped over the fence.
- Oh, what a beautiful lawn! – Annika exclaimed and skipped across the grass.
Tommy took out a penknife - a gift from Pippi - and cut a stick for himself and Annika. True, he injured his finger in the process, but he said it was nothing.
“Let’s pick mushrooms,” Pippi suggested and picked a beautiful red fly agaric. – I don’t know for sure whether this mushroom is edible. But I think so, since you can’t drink it, that means you can eat it. What else can you do with it?
She took a large bite of the mushroom and began to chew it.
- Really, very tasty! But let’s better pick mushrooms another time,” she said cheerfully and threw the fly agaric high, high, even higher than the trees.
- What's in your basket, Pippi? – Annika asked.
“But I won’t tell you this for anything in the world,” answered Pippi. – First we must find a suitable place for a picnic.
They scattered in search of a suitable place. Annika suggested we sit next to a large flat stone.
“It’s very cozy here,” she said.
“But there are a lot of red ants here, and I don’t intend to eat with them, because I’m unfamiliar with them,” Pippi objected.
“Besides, they bite really well,” Tommy added.
- Right! – Pippi picked up. “And I think it’s better to bite yourself than to be bitten.” No, there's not enough sun here for my freckles. And what could be better than freckles!
The guys went further and soon saw a rather high hill, which they easily climbed. At the top there was a small platform that looked like a terrace, as if it had been specially made. There they decided to stay.
– Close your eyes while I play tablecloth.
Tommy and Annika closed their eyes. They heard Pippi open the lid of the basket and rustle the paper.
- One, two, three - look! - Pippi shouted.
Tommy and Annika opened their eyes and screamed with delight when they saw all the supplies that Pippi had laid out on the stone. Two huge sandwiches, one with meatballs, the other with ham, a whole mountain of sugared pancakes, several slices of smoked sausage and three small pineapple puddings. After all, Pippi learned to cook from the cook on the ship.
“Oh, it’s beautiful when there’s a sanitary day,” Tommy said with difficulty, since his mouth was stuffed with pancakes. – If only every day were sanitary!
“No, I don’t agree to wash the floor so often,” said Pippi. – Of course, it’s fun, I don’t argue, but every day is still tiring.
In the end, they were so full that they were no longer able to move, and silently basked in the sun.
“I don’t think that flying is so difficult...” Pippi suddenly said, looking thoughtfully from the hill into the ravine: the path ran steeply down the slope, and it was far from the lawn.
“I’m just sure that you can learn to fly,” Pippi continued. “Of course, it’s not sweet to hit the ground, but you don’t have to start right away from a great height.” Honestly, I'll try it now.
- No, Pippi, please don’t! – Tommy and Annika shouted in fear. - Pippi, dear, don’t do this!
But Pippi was already standing at the edge of the cliff.
- “Geese, geese!” - “Ha-ha-ha!” - “Do you want to eat?” - "Yes Yes Yes!" “Well, fly as you wish!” And the geese flew.
When Pippi said: “And the geese flew!”, she waved her arms and jumped from the hill. Half a second later there was a dull thud - Pippi flopped to the ground. Tommy and Annika, lying on their stomachs, looked down in horror. But Pippi immediately jumped to her feet and rubbed her bruised knees.
– I didn’t flap my wings! I forgot! – she explained cheerfully. “Besides, I’m heavy from the pancakes.”
And only then did the guys realize that Mr. Nilsson had disappeared. It was clear that he had decided to take the excursion on his own. Just a few minutes ago he was sitting nearby and cheerfully fiddling with the twigs of the basket. And when Pippi decided to learn to fly, they forgot about him. And now there is no trace of Mr. Nilsson. Pippi was so upset that she threw one shoe into a deep ditch with water.
– No, you should never take a monkey with you if you go somewhere! Why didn't I leave Mr. Nilsson at home? I would sit there with my horse. “It would only be fair,” said Pippi and climbed into the ditch for the shoe. The water there was waist-deep.
- Well, since this is the case, we’ll have to plunge headlong into it. – Pippi dived and sat under the water for so long that bubbles began to appear.