Notes of open classes in the middle group socialization. Summary of a lesson in the middle group on social and personal development “Aibolit visiting children

Summary of an open lesson on socialization in middle group using innovative technologies + technological map.

Topic: “What do a seller and a cook have in common?”

Pedagogical goals : consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of a salesman and a cook, as well as find the relationship between them; learn to distinguish which profession what belongs to; learn to work in teams; learn to take initiative in choosing your task.

Planned results:



    Conversation about professions;

    Looking at pictures and magazines with professions: cook and salesman;

    Physical education video “All professions are needed, all professions are important”;

    Viewing the presentation “Seller + Cook =?”;

    Drawing and coloring;


    Didactic games: “Shop window” and “Pizza”;

    Watching a video (edited film from role-playing games conducted in the group earlier);

    Role-playing games: “Shop”, “Kitchen”, “Restaurant”.

Means of implementation: A3 poster, books and pictures depicting professions: seller, cook; professional attributes: costumes and tools of the cook and seller; interactive board; themed puzzles. Didactic games: magazines with stickers “Shop window” and “Pizza”; everything for drawing.

Innovative technologies: AMO, " Children's advice", "TRIZ"

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher invites the children:

Children's Council"

(In the center of the carpet there is a poster, and around it there are cards (half a circle of orange, half a circle of yellow according to the number of children); near the poster sits a doll dressed in 2 sets of clothes: a cook and a salesman.)

Tell me, how many of you know what a profession is? How can you and I get acquainted with any profession? (examining magazines, books, images; learn from adults; draw, paint; learn poems; watch films, presentations; get acquainted with the tools of different professions, etc.).

Before we begin our studies, let's remember all the professions and depict them. (This part lasts approximately 3 minutes)

Physical education minute (3 minutes)

(3 minutes)

We remembered who the sellers and cooks are, how they work, where they work and their other features. Please note that there are different tasks on your tables. The yellow table has everything connected to the seller, while the orange table has everything connected to the cook. At the council, we assigned everyone their task, let's get started.

The teacher helps the children distribute tasks, approaches each child and works with them separately. Children draw, color, look at illustrations and pictures; They learn poems, play educational games, and put together puzzles. The children from each table, one child at a time, put on costumes: a cook and a salesperson, and continue the lesson in costumes. (this part lasts approximately 8 minutes)

The teacher invites the children to take a break from their studies and watch the video:

Video (2 minutes)


We already have a salesman, we already have a cook, let’s join the group and play the whole production. We will still have customers, waiters and visitors to our restaurant. (lesson duration 20-21 minutes)

(Children go into role-playing games, the emphasis is on the fact that this was an activity and it is over, but it is not done. At the end of the day, everyone gathers again for the “Children’s Council” and ticks off on the poster what they did and what they didn’t We made it, we’ll leave it for tomorrow).

Technological map directly educational activities middle group

on the topic “Adult work. Professions"

Date: 10/25/2018

Chapter: Socialization

Subject: “What do a salesman and a cook have in common?!”

Pedagogical goals : consolidate children's knowledge about the professions of a salesman and a cook, as well as find the relationship between them; learn to distinguish which profession what belongs to; learn to work in teams; learn to take initiative in choosing your task.

Planned results: the child knows what a salesman and a cook look like, knows how they are interconnected; name the places where people work. Tools related to each profession are distinguished and named. Children can work together in a team and choose their own activities.

Integration educational areas: "Social-communicative", " Cognitive development», « Speech development», « Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Activities: gaming, cognitive-research, communicative, motor, visual.

Means of implementation: A3 poster, books and pictures depicting professions: seller, cook; professional attributes: costumes and tools of the cook and seller; interactive board; themed puzzles. Didactic games: magazines with stickers “Shop window” and “Pizza”; everything for drawing

Organizational structure play activity



Activities of the teacher

Children's activities



Guys, our doll Katya invited us today to “Children's Council" , wants to talk to us about something. Let's sit down around her.

(There are cards around the poster (half a circle of orange, half a circle of yellow according to the number of children); near the poster sits a doll dressed in 2 sets of clothes: a cook and a salesman.)

They react emotionally to what is happening.

Using the “Children’s Council” technology, they gather on a rug around a poster. Each child sits next to the card.

Organizational and search

Our Katya wants to talk about professions. But look what she's wearing? What profession does she want to talk about?

Katya probably wants to talk about two professions: a cook and a salesperson, but she doesn’t know what they have in common, which is why she has such a mess in her clothes. Shall we help her figure it out?

Tell me, how many of you know what a profession is?

How can you and I get acquainted with any profession?

That's right, you can learn and get acquainted with the profession in different ways, then let you decide for yourself which way you like best?! And I will write down in our plan those responsible for each task. (the poster is divided into blocks, each block contains an individual task, when the child has chosen his task, the teacher writes the child’s name in the corresponding block).

Let's hang our poster plan on the easel and at the end of the day we will note what we have done from this and what still needs to be done tomorrow. Look guys, we have 2 tables: yellow and orange, and you have cards in your hands. Go to the yellow table, who has a yellow card, and to the orange table, who has an orange card.

Before we begin our studies, let's remember all the professions and depict them.

Physical education minute

(video on the interactive board “All professions are needed, all professions are important”).

Showing the presentation “Salesman + Cook =?”

We remembered who the sellers and cooks are, how they work, where they work and their other features. Please note that there are different tasks on your tables. At the yellow table, everything is connected with the cook, and at the orange table, everything is connected with the seller. At the council, we assigned everyone their task, let's get started.

We played role-playing games separately, “Shop” and “Restaurant”. Let's take a look at the video to see what we got.


(An edited film from role-playing games conducted in the group earlier)

Have you noticed where the chef got the ingredients to cook them in the restaurant? That's right, so thatThe chef needs to prepare food, he needs to buy it in the store . So, this is what connects these two different professions. What do we recommend to our doll? That you need to decide on one profession and select a uniform for one profession.

They agree to talk, look at the doll, and answer.

They agree.

Children's answers.

They choose tasks for themselves (to draw, learn a poem, puzzles, a didactic game, pictures, magazines….)

Get up

They go to the tables.

Repeat the movements.

Watching the presentation.

Perform individual tasks.

They watch the video.

They express their assumptions.

They speak out the conclusion

They advise the doll.

Reflexively - corrective.

And now you and I will put on the uniforms of the seller and the cook. Let's go to the group and play the whole production. We will have sellers, buyers, cooks, waiters and visitors to our restaurant.

They put on costumes, go to a group, play story games.

GCD on socialization in the middle group on the topic: “Such different emotions”

Target: Teach children to express their opinions culturally, to actively listen to the answers of all participants in the conversation.


1. Introduce emotions: (consolidate joy, anger), sadness, surprise, fear.

2. Learn to convey emotions using facial expressions and gestures.

3. Continue to develop the ability to notice and understand emotional condition another person, in this case mother.

4. Contribute to the unity of the children's team and the establishment of a positive emotional mood in the group.

GCD move

The teacher does gymnastics for the eyes and when he speaks, look with your eyes magic wand, and when the children see her I say: listen, it seems that the wand is cracking, even sparks are flying out, I wonder what she wants, she takes the magic wand, offers to play with it, they remember its rules. (method of 10 games by Ryleeva)

Children are asked the following questions:

How did you feel when you came to kindergarten?

What does a person look like when he is happy?

When are you happy?

Artem, show me how you can rejoice?

(Remember something joyful and when I count to 3, let’s all pretend to be happy together. Okay.)

What does a person look like when he's angry?

And when do you get angry?

Alyosha, can you show how angry you are? (child shows)

Let's try to show everyone together how angry we are on the count of 3.

Which people are more pleasant to communicate with: good or evil?

What do you think can be done to make anger quickly leave you? (Merry yourself, draw something beautiful, beat a pillow, tear paper, play fun game, watch an interesting cartoon, read a funny book, eat candy, sculpt from plasticine, run around on the street, let loose bubble) .

Come on, let's have some fun!

Physical exercise: look at what card I’m showing and perform the movements:

As many circles as I show, do as many jumps.

Stomp your foot as many times as we have ducks.

How many green Christmas trees we can do, so many bends.

You will sit down as many times as there are houses now.

Guys, look what this is (I take out a bucket of emotions from the designer) I show the children familiar joy and anger, then I introduce them to new ones and they show with me, I ask in what situations a person has such an emotion on his face and then the children turn to the tables and practice with new emotions (show joy, etc.)

The magic wand invites us to play some more, look at these faces with changing emotions, let's now make our mommy's emotion when we wake up and see her! (after the teacher gives a magic wand and the child says what emotion he depicted)

I draw attention to the new constructor and say, oh, that’s where these emoticons come from, look how you can make little people with different moods out of this constructor......(go into activity)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

summary of a comprehensive lesson in the middle group "Journey to the land of emotions"

Goal: - To introduce children to different manifestations of emotions; -Teach children to distinguish between emotions; Objectives: Educational Field of knowledge “Communication”: consolidation of knowledge of artistic expressive media...

Comprehensive thematic planning of the educational field Socialization in the middle group for October

Comprehensive thematic planning of the educational field Socialization in the middle group for October...

Summary of open OA on socialization in the middle group

Summary of open educational activities on socialization in the middle group "Let's teach Shapoklyak to be friends" ...

State Budgetary Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 1520" North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow

Summary of open educational activities



Topic: “Let’s teach Shapoklyak to be friends”

Prepared by: teacher IQ. categories Gorodnicheva Nina Vasilievna


year 2014

Target: pawn moral principles individuals in the process of forming ideas about friendship.


- Summarize children’s knowledge about the concepts of “friend”, “friendship”;

Improve skillevaluate your actions and the actions of people;

Develop social feelings;

Cultivate friendly relationships, a desire to take care of friends.

Preliminary work.

Conversations with children about friendship, analysis of situations with good and bad deeds, listening to songs about friendship, memorizing proverbs.

Vocabulary work.

Friendship, friend, kindness.

Equipment: a toy flower, a tape recorder with a recording of the song Shapoklyak, Barbariki, an envelope with a letter from Shapoklyak, a drawn house, windows with pictures of good and bad deeds, angry and cheerful emoticons.


Guys, let's stand in a circle and smile at each other. Look, I have a magic flower, it will help us tell each other good wishes. We will pass the flower around the circle and say: “I wish you...” (children say wishes to each other in a circle).

Our group has become warmer and brighter due to your wishes. And now we will have a good, joyful mood all day.


There's a knock on the door and they bring an envelope with a letter. On the envelope there is an image of Shapoklyak.
- Guys, did you find out who it is? (answers)

Let's read what old lady Shapoklyak writes to us about.

Hello guys. I need your help. I want to build a house of Friendship, but I have no friends and no one wants to be friends with me.

And I’m friends like this...

Listening to Shapoklyak’s song “You can’t become famous for good deeds”


Beat your friends without a break
Every day for half an hour,
And your muscles
It will become stronger than a brick.

If your friend is the best

Slipped and fell

Point your finger at a friend

And grab your stomach.

Let him see, lying in a puddle, -

You're not upset at all.

A real friend doesn't love

Upset your friends.

Girls should never be
Not to be noticed anywhere.
And don't give them a pass
Nowhere and never.
They need to stand up.
Scare from around the corner
So that they immediately understand:
You don't care about them.

If a friend's birthday
I invited you to my place,
You leave the gift at home -
It will come in handy yourself.

Is Shapoklyak doing the right thing with his friends?

(children's answers)

Bring children to the conclusion: a friend is a person with whom it is interesting to play and walk, with whom you can share both joy and sadness. Friends help each other, take care of each other.

Guys, let's play an interesting game that will help us figure out what to do and what not to do.

Children sit on chairs and take smiley faces.(game technology)

Take the emoticons in your hands. The red smiley is angry, and the yellow one is happy. If I talk about a good deed, you will raise a yellow smiley face and say: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends! And if I talk about a bad deed, you will show a red emoticon and say: No, not me, no, not me, and of course not friends!

1. Let's play together

And give in to each other.

2.Oranges and candies

He eats alone in a closet without light.

3.Who will always help a friend,

Who will lend a hand in trouble?

4. We will start fights

Offend everyone in the area.

5.Who never chickens out

If you suddenly need help.

6.Whoever is always honest with everyone

He who is not a liar is not a sneak.

7.Whom everyone around loves

Who is the best friend in the world?

Guys, do you often quarrel with your friends? (children's answers)

Do you forgive your friends if they have offended you? How do you put up? (children's answers)

Of course, we need to forgive each other’s mistakes and be able to make peace. I suggest you learn Mirilka. Hold hands and repeat after me:

So that the sun smiles

Tried to warm you and me,

You just need to become kinder

And make peace quickly!

Now you know how you can quickly make peace with a friend.

Guys, let's help Shapoklyak build a house of Friendship. But first

Let's play with our friendly fingers.

FINGER GYMNASTICS. (health-saving technology)

Knock-knock with a hammer,

We are standing and building a new house.

This house is for Masha,

This house is for Sasha,

This house is for Dasha,

This one is for Natasha.

This house is for Ksyusha,

This one is for Andryusha.

All neighbors, all friends,

We cannot live without friendship!

Look, we have a house on the board. There are windows on the table in which good and bad things happen. bad deeds. What do you think, in the House of Friendship, what actions should there be windows? (children's answers)

We need to stick windows with good deeds on the house.

Children choose windows and glue them to the house.

Look how kind our House of Friendship turned out to be. We will send this house by mail to Shapoklyak, and she will definitely find friends and learn to be friends.

We've worked hard, now let's rest. Stand in a circle and we'll play friendly animals.

PHYSICAL MINUTE. (health-saving technology)

Sunny spring day
My friends and I will go to the forest

(children hold hands and walk in a circle)

Happy bunny

(turns head, showing ears)

Brave puppy

(hands on waist, foot forward)

Nimble squirrel


Mishutka my friend


Here we go out into the meadow

(walk in a circle)

You are my friend and I am your friend

(show with hands)

Together we reached out to the sun

(stretch your hands up)

Hugged and smiled

(movements through the text)

Guys, we talked a lot today about friendship, about friends. Let's remember the proverbs about friendship that you already know.

Children say proverbs.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care.

Friendship begins with a smile.

If you hold on to each other, you won’t be afraid of anything.

Friend is known in trouble.

A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.

As it comes back, so will it respond.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Well done boys! Did you like the way we played today? What did you like most?

I am very glad that you are such friendly guys. And I hope that you will always do only good things and be true friends.
- And Shapoklyak, as a token of gratitude for our help, sent you lollipops (hearts) of friendship in her letter.

To the music of Barbarika, children are given lollipops (hearts)

Anna Shabaeva
Summary of educational activities for socialization in the middle group “It’s so good to have friends”

Summary of the final direct educational activities on socialization in the middle group.

Subject: "How Fine, What have friends»

Priority: « Social- communicative development"

In the integration of educational regions: "Speech development", "Cognitive Development", "Safety".


Formation of an emotional – positive attitude towards loved ones friends.

Program content:


Reveal children's knowledge about professions: salesman, doctor, driver, conductor, postman; what material are the objects made of? about the activities of adults; on norms and rules of conduct in public places; differentiated ideas about transport as vehicle, about vegetables and fruits.


Develop the ability to reason, compare and draw conclusions, develop memory, imagination, logical thinking.


Teach children the rules of etiquette in public places; promote the manifestation of attention and care towards other people.

Vocabulary work: activate children's vocabulary in words of greeting and farewell.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, songs about friendship, s-r game "Shop", "Hospital", "Bus", "Family".

Materials and equipment: chairs according to the number of children with pasted drawings, cards - drawings - tickets; "Shop" toys and vegetables, fruits; toy; letter, traffic light, pedestrian crossing.

Organizing time.

(Children enter to the music "Friendship is strong...", stand in a semicircle.)


All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

Educator: Children come to the table, there is a letter here. How do you think. Who brought him to us? () That's right, the postman. Let's read what it says there. (the teacher reads the letter)

Educator: Children, our friend Mishutka is sick and is in the hospital. Children, what needs to be done so that he doesn’t get bored? (children's statements).

Educator: Let's visit him. The hospital is far away. How will we get there?

Children: on transport.

IN: Which? (children name types of transport)

IN: Children, since the hospital is located in our city, I suggest going there by bus. Who drives the buses? (chauffeur)

Children, we need to take our place, to do this we need to get a ticket from the conductor.

(children take their seats).

IN: Go. Children, we need to buy a gift for our Mishutka, but where can we get them? (in the shop).

IN: Stop "Shop". Children who work in the store? (salesman) Let's go out and buy a gift for Mishutka.

Only we have an unusual store, the seller will sell us what we want to buy if we describe the item. I will be the seller, and you will be the buyers.

Children, how should you behave in the store. () The right thing to do is to stand in line and take turns buying. Children come up to the counter and talk about the item they want to buy.

I want to buy a cucumber, it's a vegetable, it's oval. Green colour.

I want to buy a toy, a matryoshka doll, it is dressed in a colorful dress, it is made of wood.

IN: Children, you bought gifts for Mishutka, and did you remember to thank the seller?

IN: Children, the hospital is not far away, let's continue on foot.

Physical education minute

While we are walking and resting a little.

Let's walk happily.

From friends to keep up.

We clap our hands.

We stomp our feet.

One here, two there,

Well done, you kids.

We need to cross the road, how to cross it without getting hit by a car? (children's statements)

IN: That's right, you need to cross it at the pedestrian crossing when the light is green.

IN: Children, we are approaching the hospital, let's remember how to behave in the hospital. (children's statement)

IN: Who works in the hospital? (doctor)

IN: Well done. Now we will ask him in which ward our little bear is lying.

The children ask the doctor in which ward Mishutka is lying.

Children come up to Mishutka, greet him, and ask how he is feeling? They give him a gift. Mishutka thanks them. He's so glad that Friends We visited him and he is sure to recover quickly. And the bear, as a token of gratitude, gives the children a coloring book. So that they don't forget about him.

The children thank him.

Publications on the topic:

“It’s so good that there is a mother in the world!” Sports entertainment Entertainment for Mother’s Day, together with parents “It’s so good that there is a mother in the world!” Ved. : Everyone in the world loves mom, Mom is first.

Mom is such a short but meaningful word; in all languages ​​of the world it sounds equally tender and affectionate. How much interesting ideas you can meet at.

“It’s good that there are adults and children in the world!” Knowledge Day in first grade Day of Knowledge “It’s good that there are adults and children in the world!” in 1st grade GOALS: 1. Fostering love and respect for loved ones: dad, mom, grandma.

Summary of direct educational activities for children of the younger group “It’s so good to have a family...” Galina Filatova Purpose: Educational: to give to children elementary representations about the family, its role in a person’s life, expand and systematize.

Summary of the GCD “What is in my house?” on cognitive and social-communicative development of children of the middle group Topic: “What is in my house” (dishes, furniture.) Purpose: To introduce the history of utensils (spoons, jugs, furniture (chairs, to name external ones).

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the second junior group “What is good and what is bad” Purpose of the lesson: talking with children about bad and good deeds, improve their dialogical speech. Objectives of the lesson: create conditions for...

Middle group lesson “Friendship is great!”

Social and communicative development

Target: development of friendly relationships in a peer group.


Educational: To form an interest in a peer as a valuable person, the need for close friend, desire to fulfill the need for recognition among peers

Help normalize the relationships of withdrawn and “unpopular” children with their peers, increase their activity in communication and self-confidence.

Educational: Stimulate and support the desire to show kindness, empathy, acceptance towards others consciously, according to one’s own conviction.


A shaped Hedgehog toy, paper blanks - clouds, star stencils (according to the number of children), colored paper for cutting out stars, musical accompaniment, gifts" according to the number of children, whatman paper for the "starry sky".

Progress of the lesson:

The lesson takes place in a group room, a teacher-psychologist comes to the children with great soft toy hedgehog in hands. Children sit on chairs arranged in a circle.

Hello guys, I’m glad to be your guest again, but today I didn’t come to you alone, a cute hedgehog came with me, his name is Vitya, but he’s a little shy, this sometimes happens when you find yourself in an unfamiliar environment. But you, as hospitable hosts, can help Vita the hedgehog feel more confident. How can we show Vita that we are glad to see him and really want to make friends? (children speak out of their own free will). I agree with your suggestions, but now let’s tell Vita all this.

Game "Favorite Toy".

Goal: expanding the verbal, tactile experience of the emotional demonstration of unconditional acceptance.

We will pass the hedgehog to Vitya in a circle. Let everyone take him, give him their affection, their hugs and say something tender and pleasant. Then he must pass the toy to his neighbor. Having walked around the entire circle, Vitya will receive all your warmth and tenderness.

Children perform a game task; if they have difficulties, an adult comes to the rescue, prompting possible options wording, actions with the toy. Independent, original formulations are emotionally encouraged.

Thank you. Many wonderful, very kind, kind words you told Vita the hedgehog, and his mood noticeably improved. Why do you think? (reflection - children’s statements at will; the adult summarizes the children’s answers: when we are told by affectionate people, good words, when we are gently touched, stroked, hugged, we understand that we are LOVED, and this makes us HAPPY).

Guys, Vitya the hedgehog is visiting us for the first time, and he doesn’t know you at all yet, but in order to get to know each other better and make friends, I suggest you play the fun game “Changers”.

Game "Changers"

Goal: updating and representing each child’s own interests, priorities, affections; unconditional acceptance of the similarities and differences of peers; creating a positive emotional atmosphere.

The players sit on chairs in a circle, the driver stands in the center and says: “Those who like (for example, ice cream) change places.”

Ice cream lovers, including the driver, change places (run to empty chairs). The one who does not have enough space becomes the driver. Then all other drivers repeat the key phrase, changing the last word, depending on your preferences and tastes.

The last driver is an adult who says: “Those who love fairy tales change places.”

You all switched places, does that mean you all love fairy tales? Amazing! This means that it was no coincidence that Vitya the hedgehog came to your group, because he brought you his fairy tale story. Do you want to meet her? Then let's get comfortable and get ready to listen to “The Tale of Vitya the Hedgehog.” (Children sit freely on the carpet around an adult).

Reading (elements of dramatization using the attributes of a tabletop theater, or the Parsley Theater are possible) fairy tales. Discussion – discussion on the proposed issues

Thank you, Hedgehog, for such an instructive story. We are very glad that you have finally found a true friend. Making friends is wonderful! Do you guys have real friends? (children's statements as desired).

Some people have many friends, while others have only one, but the most faithful one! Vitya the Hedgehog brought you today to show you his magical picture called “Me and My Friends.”

An adult on behalf of the Hedgehog: - This is a cloud on which multi-colored stars are burning. This star is me, the Hedgehog, and this orange star is my friend Little Fox. There is still room on this cloud, and maybe other stars will soon appear here - my new friends. And as a gift to you, I brought blue clouds on which you can place all your friends, and if you collect all the clouds together, you will get a real, magical starry sky.

Individual work. Application “Me and my friends”

The guys sit down at the tables and receive cloud blanks, star stencils and colored paper. The guys cut out stars according to the number of friends and stick them on the clouds. During the work, “Vitya the Hedgehog” leads individual conversations with children, about who they call their friends, what they like to do together (special attention is paid to children with unfavorable social status). While working, a recording of the song “If you went on a journey with a friend…” plays softly.

During the work, many children have difficulty cutting out complex shapes - stars - they need to be supported:

Indeed, it’s not just about cutting out a star beautifully, you need to try very hard, but making friends is not easy either: you need to learn to think about others, learn to give in, share, care, protect; learn to rejoice and have fun together, and maybe be sad together.

At the end individual work children collect their clouds into a common starry sky.

Collective application “Starry Sky”.

We have created a wonderful sky of friendship. It will forever settle in our group, and it is very possible that new stars will light up on it. Well, if the black cloud of a quarrel is covered by some cloud, you need to go up to the starry sky, put your palms on the clouds, hold hands with your other palms and say the magic words:

Friends in our group

Girls and boys,

We'll make friends with you

Little fingers

(clasp little fingers)

One-two, one-two

Friends forever with you.

Sitting in a circle, the guys interconnect their little fingers and memorize the poem together.

Exercise “I give you my friend”

Goal: reflection of your impressions of the lesson, actualization of the need for close friends, demonstration of acceptance of all the children in the group.

Children, depending on the degree of internal readiness, give each other gifts prepared in advance. Children with an unfavorable social status are among the first to receive gifts on behalf of the character, from a teacher-psychologist, or teacher. Adults set a pattern for presenting a gift with words of acceptance. (For example: “I give you my friend...I really love playing with you and I miss you when you’re not in the group”).

Well, guys, it’s time for Vita the hedgehog to return to his forest, probably his friend Little Fox is already bored without him.

Hedgehog: I will definitely tell Little Fox about you, about how friendly and fun group. Or maybe you would like to write us a letter and send us drawings about your favorite games and activities. The little fox will be glad to meet you. Goodbye, guys!

Homework: drawing - reflection on the topics “Me and my friends”, “Our friendly affairs”.