Conflicting Rh factor. When does Rh conflict occur during pregnancy, why is it dangerous and how to avoid complications? Prevention and treatment of conflict of Rh factors

4D ultrasound is a study using ultrasound waves, which results in a three-dimensional color and clear image that allows you to observe the movements of the fetus in real time. The most informative 4D ultrasound is at 20-28 weeks of pregnancy.


Indications for 4D ultrasound are complications during pregnancy that require clarification of the condition of the fetus, suspicion of some abnormalities in the development of the fetus, which are difficult to diagnose using a conventional 2D ultrasound. Most often these are anomalies of the facial bones (“cleft palate”, “cleft lip”), congenital heart defects, pathology of the central nervous system, and chromosomal abnormalities. When performing 4D ultrasound, it is possible to assess the functioning of the fetal heart in each phase of the cardiac cycle, as well as assess the proportionality and anatomical correctness of the location of parts of the embryo. These types of ultrasound are indicated for women after in vitro fertilization; pregnant women with twins, triplets; if future parents have hereditary diseases.


Preparing for it modern way Ultrasound examination is not needed. Four-dimensional ultrasound, like regular ultrasound, has no contraindications. The only visible reason for refusing to scan may be serious damage to the skin or skin diseases.

4D ultrasound during pregnancy allows you to obtain detailed information about the condition of the fetus. Such modern method data processing has become available thanks to modern computer developments in the medical field. The image on the monitor screen is as reliable as possible, thanks to which you can study the child’s parameters from all angles.

When is a 4D ultrasound performed during pregnancy?

Ultrasound examinations are carried out according to plan three times over the entire 9-year period. monthly period pregnancy. First of all, such a study involves the use of a 2-dimensional image, when the baby’s health condition can only be assessed by a doctor, and the image is presented in black and white format in the form of dots and dashes.

The development of computer technology has made it possible to use 3D technology, while the child on the monitor is presented in a 3-dimensional image, which involves showing height, depth and length. Science went further, and 4D ultrasound was created, in this case a fourth dimension is added - time. Thus, something similar to a video appears on the screen, a picture in real time motion, which can be recorded on video and kept as a memory, while receiving a lot of positive emotions.

During pregnancy, an HD ultrasound shows a live image; specialists can rotate the picture from any angle to get a detailed assessment of the baby’s development and, if necessary, make an appropriate diagnosis.

Indications for 4D ultrasound

The main advantage of 4d ultrasound is high quality and image accuracy, which is very important for doctors when a pathological process is suspected. Therefore, the examination is done if there are serious indications:
  • prenatal diagnosis of the skull and face of the fetus if Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities are suspected;
  • spinal column screening;
  • study the development of internal organs, including the work of the heart muscle;
  • with artificial insemination;
  • when more than one child is formed inside the womb.
4-dimensional ultrasound examination copes well with diagnostic measures. Especially if there are suspicions of various abnormalities in intrauterine development.

In some situations, the fetus cannot be fully examined; this is associated with the mother’s excess weight, the presentation of the fetus in the uterine cavity, or a small amount of amniotic fluid.

Benefits of 4D screening during pregnancy

Ultrasound is considered an absolutely harmless diagnostic procedure, so a 4D ultrasound can be performed at the request of the spouses at any stage of pregnancy. Among the advantages of such diagnostics are safety and the lack of special preparation for the examination.

There is an opportunity to see your unborn baby on the screen in good quality and examine the smallest details already in the mother’s tummy. Enthusiastic reviews from women indicate the popularity of the ultrasound procedure, when you can see the emotions that the baby is experiencing at the moment of development, independently determine whether the child belongs to one gender or another, and also evaluate the similarity of the baby with his parents.

In addition, the probability of error with this diagnostic method is reduced to zero, because the image is very clear, which allows doctors to make the most accurate conclusion about the baby’s health and physical development.

4D ultrasound video during pregnancy

With the improvement of computer technology, it has become possible to observe the mystery of fetal development in the womb, which was previously hidden from people's eyes. Just a few years ago, only two-dimensional ultrasound was used, which could not provide the doctor with accurate information about existing pathologies.

Today, specialists use 4D ultrasound during pregnancy, which can show full picture in real time. What is a four-dimensional examination? Under what circumstances is it prescribed? And in what time frame can it be completed? Read about all this further in the article.

What is 4D ultrasound

4D ultrasound is actually a color three-dimensional scan, but it is carried out in real time, and the output has a moving picture (video image). The developers called time the fourth dimension.

The procedure is performed by a special sensor that transforms data from an ultrasonic wave into a video signal.

Four-dimensional research has a number of advantages:

  • you can view an object from different angles, which cannot be achieved with 3D scanning;
  • allows you to identify pathologies of bone tissue of the extremities, skull and spine;
  • allows you to determine the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • easy to measure internal organs and determine the correctness of their formation;
  • chromosomal abnormalities can be seen.

However, this examination method has some disadvantages:

  1. The quality of the data will be significantly worse if the mother has excess fat mass, polyhydramnios, or the presence of scars on her abdomen or in the uterus, located in the foreground of the placenta.
  2. The procedure takes three times longer than with a conventional ultrasound.
  3. It is impossible to obtain data if the child turns his back.
  4. This technique cannot be used in the early stages of pregnancy.

Despite the fact that the procedure for such echography takes longer, the intensity and duration of the ultrasound wave does not increase. The new technology is able to better process the ECHO signal while maintaining the minimum values ​​of ultrasonic waves.

This is what a baby looks like in the womb in a four-dimensional study:

How 4D ultrasound differs from 3D and 5D

Recently, developers have provided several types of ultrasound diagnostics - 3D, 4D and 5D. What is their difference?

Most people know about a simple black and white test that is used to detect diseases of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity or determining the pathologies of the child in the uterus - this is a two-dimensional image.

Next in line is three-dimensional, which is a color static image, a three-dimensional picture. 3D shows an object in three planes - width, height and depth.

A 4D image is also color and three-dimensional, but differs from a 3D image in that it shows a moving image in real time, that is, it is actually video filming.

On a 4D ultrasound, you can see how the baby waves his hand, moves his legs, smiles and other movements. From this image, the psycho-emotional state of the child and all developmental abnormalities that are already visible on his face in the womb, as well as other pathologies of the skeletal and circulatory system, are established.

5D screening also shows dynamism and three-dimensional picture However, the difference from the previous generation of formats is that the device itself identifies all existing developmental defects.

With its help you can see the structures of the baby’s organs and blood vessels. It automatically measures the diameter and length of organs, bones, and brain, which greatly facilitates the process of identifying pathologies. This screening is of higher quality and allows you to see the fetus at an early and late stage of development.

When using 3d and 4d, parents can receive a disc with a photo or video of their baby, and 5d is prescribed more often if developmental defects are suspected. Even an observing doctor can decipher such images, but a conventional planar ultrasound image is difficult to understand for most, so only a specialist can read it.

How long does it take to perform four-dimensional diagnostics?

Ultrasound screening is usually carried out 3-4 times during the entire period of gestation:

  • at 4–5 weeks during IVF pregnancy or if there were problems with conception;
  • at 11–12 weeks;
  • at 20–21 weeks;
  • at 29–30 weeks.

The doctor prescribes additional examination based on the clinical picture of the mother or possible developmental disorders of the fetus.

4D ultrasound is not advisable to do as in early, and on later gestation. Until 14–17 weeks, the limbs and organs of the fetus are not yet fully formed, and the fatty tissue is so thin that only the bone tissue and organs of the fetus will be visible on the monitor. At more than 32 weeks, the fetus is quite large, so only parts of the body will be visible on the monitor.

The optimal time to conduct a four-dimensional study is 20–27 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the baby’s arms, legs, fingers and all internal organs are fully formed, and the size allows him to be seen completely.

At 23–25 weeks, you can accurately recognize the gender of the baby, which can be seen much better in 4D format than in a static image, since the baby is in motion.

At 26 weeks you get great pictures and videos. The child’s facial expressions are clearly visible, and his mood can be determined. At this time you can even see who he looks like.

At an earlier stage, for example, at 16 weeks, 3D or 4D screening is also sometimes prescribed. But this is carried out only to identify certain defects associated with the development of the spinal cord, craniofacial structures or limbs.

Indications for use

Despite the safety of three- and four-dimensional ultrasound diagnostics, conventional screening is more often used in pregnancy management.

When there are suspicions or concerns about the presence of defects in the baby, a detailed examination of all parts of the body and organs in a high-quality image is required.

4D ultrasound is prescribed for the following indications:

  1. Suspected complications in fetal development that require clarification.
  2. Women after artificial insemination - IVF, ICSI.
  3. Multiple pregnancy.
  4. Surrogacy.
  5. In the family of a pregnant woman, cases of the birth of children with abnormal development or congenital pathologies have been recorded.
  6. Parents have hereditary diseases.
  7. The mother's desire to undergo a better examination.

4D research technique

The procedure for carrying out 4-dimensional diagnostics is no different from 2-dimensional, but its duration is 40–50 minutes.

The main stages are as follows:

  • the patient lies down on the couch and exposes her stomach;
  • the doctor applies a special gel to the skin of the abdomen, which helps to better conduct ultrasound waves;
  • then the ultrasound specialist moves the sensor over the abdomen, and all data is displayed on the monitor screen;
  • after the examination, the gel is wiped off and the diagnostic results are given to the woman;
  • If desired, future parents order a disc with a photo or video of their baby.

No special preparations are required before the procedure, but sometimes the doctor may warn that the diagnosis will be carried out on a full bladder. This means that on the day of the examination you will need to drink water before the screening. The fullness of the intestines also does not play a special role. But on the eve of the examination day, it is better not to consume gas-forming foods and drinks.

If the baby is motionless during scanning, the mother is offered to drink sweet water. If the child is hiding from the scanner or has turned his back to the front wall of the mother's abdomen, an experienced doctor will help him turn into the correct position.

Often the child reacts to the application of cold gel or to the negative emotions of the mother during diagnosis. Therefore, during the examination, the girl needs a positive attitude.

Decoding the results

The diagnostic results reveal a long list of possible pathologies. The decoding of the study is carried out exclusively by a specialist. The effectiveness of prescribing a treatment course in identifying diseases depends on the results.

Attempts to independently study the results of the survey lead to incorrect interpretation, erroneous assumptions, panic and hasty conclusions. And the expectant mother should not be nervous in a delicate position.

How much does a 4D ultrasound cost?

The cost of this diagnosis is significantly higher than conventional screening, and depends on various factors:

  1. Equipment used (quality, manufacturer).
  2. Degree of qualification of the doctor and clinic staff.
  3. Indications for the procedure.
  4. The location of the clinic or maternity hospital where the diagnosis will be carried out.
  5. The length of time you wait for your turn.
  6. Favorable environment.

These circumstances require certain expenses, which are included in the final cost of the study.

Additional factors affecting the price:

  • presence of the woman’s relatives at the procedure;
  • recording data on digital media - CD, DVD;
  • doctor's report with detailed description all indicators of the baby’s condition.

The approximate price in 2018 varies between 3,500–5,000 rubles.


With the help of a four-dimensional examination, significantly more pathologies are detected than with a three-dimensional scan.

However, do not forget that you should not undergo this procedure too often, a maximum of 2 times during the entire pregnancy. In addition, scientists have proven that the fetus does not like ultrasound, since the baby constantly tries to turn away during the procedure, and his heartbeat becomes faster. Therefore, 4D screening should be done only with the approval of a doctor.

Three times ultrasound examination is mandatory for pregnant women. However, it is carried out in two-dimensional mode, and in such an image it is difficult to make out anything without a doctor’s prompting. This is why it is gaining popularity - during such a study, the child is clearly visible on the screen and you can see the features of his appearance.

And for the most curious mothers, medical centers offer 4D ultrasound, where a fourth dimension – time – is added to the three spatial dimensions. Such research provides a unique opportunity to look into the intrauterine everyday life of your baby and watch a short film about him.

Computer technologies are developing dynamically, bringing new opportunities to all areas of our lives. Medicine was no exception - four-dimensional computer ultrasound began to be performed relatively recently, but it is already clear how much more informative this method is than the usual ultrasound examination.

A more detailed study, three or four-dimensional, may be prescribed to a woman if there is a suspicion of abnormal development of the baby.

This method allows you to much better see small details of the baby’s appearance, for example, the bones of the nose or the features of the skull and the structure of the limbs.

Thanks to a detailed image, it is possible to more accurately determine whether a child has problems with the spine or diagnose incipient disorders in the formation of organs. Important! Early diagnosis plays a significant role in the correction of intrauterine pathologies of child development and this role is increasing. And, of course, four-dimensional ultrasound is great way

get a complete picture of the future child even before his birth.

When and at what time is it better to do it?

According to the plan for screening examinations of pregnant women, ultrasound examination is carried out three times: in the first, second and third trimester of gestation. Why shouldn’t they all be replaced with modern three- and four-dimensional examinations? Simply because in the early stages 4D ultrasound is not practical. Reference!

The optimal period, from the point of view of the information content of the method, is 20 weeks, and after this, such a study can be carried out at the request of the mother.

What is the difference between ultrasound and 4D ultrasound?

The image of the child, usually in golden tones, is displayed on the monitor and requires small medical clarifications, while it is difficult to understand the image of a two-dimensional ultrasound without a doctor. 4D ultrasound is no longer a photo, but a video image of the baby. After such a procedure, a woman will receive as a souvenir not just a picture from the monitor, but an entire disk with a mini-film about the intrauterine life of a child.

A significant difference between two-dimensional, three-dimensional and four-dimensional methods and in the timing of the examination:

  • traditional ultrasound can be performed from 3-5 weeks of pregnancy;
  • 3D and 4D examinations are best carried out from 20 to 33 weeks.

In the early stages, it is not very advisable to replace the usual four-dimensional ultrasound, but from the 20th week of pregnancy this procedure becomes more interesting for the mother and more informative for the doctor leading the pregnancy.

What does this examination show?

The latest ultrasound can help your doctor determine:

  • genetic pathologies and their manifestations;
  • pathologies of heart development or congenital defects;
  • find out or clarify the gender of the child;
  • brain structures, as well as assess their development;
  • some anomalies and developmental features, for example, cleft lip;
  • fetal presentation and location of the placenta, which plays a significant role in the possibility of spontaneous childbirth;
  • transparency of the amniotic fluid to exclude the presence of infectious diseases.

Usually, a doctor performs a four-dimensional ultrasound at the request of the parents, and not on a referral from the clinic.

According to the plan for screening examinations of pregnant women, ultrasound examination is carried out three times: in the first, second and third trimester of gestation. Why shouldn’t they all be replaced with modern three- and four-dimensional examinations? Simply because in the early stages 4D ultrasound is not practical. This procedure is paid and available only in large perinatal centers and medical clinics.

But there are also indications that give the attending doctor reason to prescribe 3 or 4D ultrasound as planned:

  1. An infection suffered by a pregnant woman that could seriously affect the condition of the child.
  2. Suspicion of genetic pathology, hypoplasia, severe defects of the nervous system or skeletal dysplasia.
  3. Established developmental anomalies or hereditary pathologies.
  4. In vitro fertilization or surrogacy.
  5. Pregnancy with twins or triplets.

What can be seen in the photo of the fetus?

The difference between 4D ultrasound is that this procedure reflects the dynamics of the baby’s movements in real time. On the monitor screen you can see how the baby sucks its thumb, waves its arms, turns, and swallows amniotic fluid.

Ultrasound examination plays a big role in the formation of the psycho-emotional attachment of mother to baby, even at the stage of pregnancy.

And four-dimensional ultrasound strengthens this connection many times over. On the disk obtained after the procedure, will be able to see her baby in all details, feel that very soon she will be able to hold him in her arms and feel how the fear of childbirth goes away, giving way to the positive expectation of a new, loved one.

How do they do it?

Ultrasound examination in four dimensions is no different, in terms of the methodology, from the usual two-dimensional procedure.

The woman lies down on the couch and frees her stomach from clothes. The doctor applies a conductive gel to the skin, which can be easily removed with a regular napkin or towel after the procedure.

How to prepare?

The procedure of any ultrasound examination is completely painless, and ultrasound in four dimensions does not require any preparation from the woman in the form of drinking water or a special diet.

However, there is one peculiarity: 4D ultrasound lasts approximately twice as long as 2D ultrasound. Lying still for 35-40 minutes can be difficult for a pregnant woman. Otherwise, the method is absolutely harmless, both for the baby and for the expectant mother.

How much does it cost and where is it made?

4D ultrasound is rarely prescribed in clinics; the initiative to undergo such a procedure most often belongs to parents and is currently available only in large cities of our country. Perinatal and diagnostic regional centers, as well as large private clinics, provide the service of four-dimensional computer ultrasound for 3500-5000 rubles.

Most commercial medical institutions additionally offer:

  • video disc;
  • printout of the baby's photo;
  • a plaster cast of the baby’s face according to the parameters from the monitor.

Useful video

What is 4D ultrasound can be seen in this video.


Thanks to three- and four-dimensional ultrasound, modern diagnostic doctors have the opportunity to accurately and timely identify some specific pathologies (for example, heart defects). Women who choose 4D ultrasound instead of the traditional technique note a feeling of closeness with the child and a sea of ​​positive emotions experienced.