How to untangle a chain at home. How to untangle knots on a chain: the most effective ways Preventing the appearance of knots on a chain

Any owner of jewelry has at least once encountered complex knots and weaves on a chain. It is almost impossible to untangle a chain on your own in a matter of seconds, so often a favorite item sits for years while the owner hopes to one day deal with the knot. How to quickly untangle a chain at home without damaging it?

How to untangle a knot on a gold or silver chain?

Chains of precious metals have to be untangled most often, and Due to the specific nature of the material, care should be taken in choosing the appropriate method. Trying to unravel the thin gold chain incorrectly, you can accidentally damage the material or weaving, so you should approach the choice of method responsibly.

Regardless of which method was chosen, the following rules must be followed:

  • the place where all the work is carried out must be well lit and have a flat surface, otherwise the product can become even more tangled;
  • it is more convenient to work on a black or other dark surface that would clearly contrast with the color of the metal;
  • the product should be unbuttoned and laid out along its entire length on the surface. At the same time, you should not pull too hard on the edges of the product - this will tighten the knot even tighter.

Note! Products made from precious materials - gold or silver - should never be untangled using metal needles. It is very easy for them to damage metal and weaving. As a last resort, you can use wooden toothpicks.

Lubricate the chain with oil and soap

The most common reason why a metal chain is difficult to untangle is high friction. You can reduce it by using a soap solution or vegetable oil. It's simple: the problematic nodule should be well lubricated with the selected solution and then rolled in your fingers. Oil or soap will allow the links to slip less, friction will decrease and the knot will untangle without problems. After completing the procedure, excess fat or soap is removed with a dry cloth, and then the item is degreased using a soft detergent.

Sprinkle with talcum powder

Talc is completely safe for precious materials and allows you to untangle a complex knot without any problems. The operating principle of this technique is similar to the previous method. A complex knot must be generously sprinkled with baby powder or talcum powder, then gently “punch” the plexus so that the powder is well distributed over all problematic links in the chain. After this, you can try to gently pull the plexus of the knot.

After the knot is untangled, you need to wash off the talc with a mild detergent and be sure to dry the product with a paper towel.

We use a sharp object

Sharp objects are used only in the most extreme cases, for example, if all previous methods have failed. It's worth starting with soft wooden needles or toothpicks– carefully pick up the chain links in the knot and pull on them, trying not to make the knot even tighter. To make the procedure easier, you can combine this option with the previous methods: lubricate the chain with oil, strong soapy water, or sprinkle with baby powder. After distributing the additive evenly over the knot, you can use a toothpick.

For the screwdriver method, you will need a dark surface that you don’t mind scratching. The size of the screwdriver is selected depending on the coarseness of the chain weave, and it is advisable to choose a screwdriver with a special softened tip. The sharp edge is carefully inserted into the center of the knot so that the screwdriver seems to pass through it. In this case, the tip should rest against the surface. You need to start gently swinging the screwdriver from side to side, while pulling back the freed links. For this method you can also use any sharp object, such as a needle or even a paper clip., but using a screwdriver is more convenient and safer for precious metal.

Spray window cleaner

Unexpectedly, a glass and window cleaner can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also to untangle the chain. Window cleaner works similarly to other lubricants, such as soap solution or sunflower oil, but should be used with greater caution due to the composition and dyes in it. After generously sprinkling the complex chain assembly with window cleaner, the product is left on the vibrating surface.

This could be a cell phone or washing machine. Vibrations will allow you to relax a complex knot. Then you can try to untangle the chain with your fingers - this should be quite simple. As with other methods, the window cleaner should be washed off with a mild detergent, then rinsed with water and dried thoroughly with a towel.

Stretch the knot gradually

Sometimes a knot can be untangled only in a few steps if it is too complex. The eye may get tired, so you should try to untangle a complex knot in several approaches, and put it off until next time, as soon as you get tired of it. In difficult cases, it is recommended to combine the above methods and try to untangle the chain first manually, removing the main intricacies, then using lubricant and a vibrating surface, then manually again. As a last resort, the product can be taken to a jewelry workshop.

How to untangle multiple chains?

Working with multiple chains involves the following procedure:

Preventing the appearance of knots on the chain

How to make sure that nodes on the chain do not appear at all? The most common reason for the appearance of complex weaves, which then cannot be untangled, is improper storage of beads and chains. Many people store their jewelry in boxes, but this method does not work with chains. It is best to use special keys or tree-shaped stands– each chain should be in a suspended state and have minimal contact with others.

Unraveling a chain if it gets tangled is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance - you just need to have a little patience and use a few tricks. And storing chains correctly will save the owner from having to untangle them in the future.

Improper storage of chains and beads can cause knots to form. And it’s a shame if this happens at the most inopportune moment... Careless actions of the owner lead to damage to the jewelry.

There are several effective ways to restore the product to its original appearance. Read and quickly go untangle your favorite chains!

Read also:

Preparation for the procedure

There are several important points that influence the process of unraveling jewelry:

  • First, place the chain on a hard surface.
  • To untangle the numerous ones you will need good lighting.
  • During the procedure, you should not pull the ends too hard, as this may cause the jewelry to break.
  • To increase the contrast, you can place the chain on a white fabric.
  • During the procedure, substances are used that reduce friction.

Important! Attempting to untangle a chain using metal needles can lead to damage to the links.

How to quickly get rid of knots on jewelry

Restore original appearance Decoration can be done in several ways.

Rolling out

To hold the product in the desired position, grab the ends with your fingers.

Now begin to carefully roll out the decoration as small ball. It may take about 2 minutes to get the result.

With the help of simple steps you can relax even the most complex knots that spoil appearance products. The owner of the jewelry only needs to pry the loops and carefully untangle the chain.


To facilitate the detangling process, you can use any vegetable oil. Thanks to lubrication, the links will not cling to each other. After untangling the knots, you need to wash off any traces of oil.

Place the jewelry in the soapy solution for a few minutes. At the final stage, you just need to dry the decoration using paper napkins.

Baby powder

You can use baby powder to reduce friction. During the process of kneading the product, powder will fall into the spaces between the links.

Household chemicals

The owner only needs to apply a few drops of dishwashing gel to defective areas. After the procedure, you need to wash the jewelry in a soapy solution.

What to do if you can’t untangle a knot in a chain?

In such cases, hard objects can be used. When performing the procedure, place the chain on a hard surface that you won’t mind scratching. For example, it could be a sheet of plastic or a piece of plywood.

Using a screwdriver or paperclip, try to carefully expand the assembly. But this method is not suitable for gold and silver jewelry. To prevent damage to thin links, it is necessary to use sharpened pencil.

What to do if several chains are intertwined with each other at once

First, place all items on a table with a hard surface. Apply vegetable oil or cream to the tangled areas. After this, try to carefully open the clasps on the decorations by rolling them out.

With absence positive result You can use pointed matches. With their help, you need to lift the loops and try to stretch the knot.

If successful, you can begin to separate the decorations from each other. The user only needs to degrease the chains in a soap solution and wipe with a dry cloth.

How to avoid nodules

Often people keep Jewelry In the box. In this case, the products begin to cling to each other. To avoid the formation of knots, it is necessary to store jewelry hanging on special stands.

Knots on chains)

Simple and quick way Yes, I just don’t know how to describe it in words)) You need to hold the knot of the chain between your thumb and forefinger and “roll” it in different directions. Even the most heavily charged knot relaxes and you can then unravel it freely. You can roll the knot between your fingers in any direction. The action is as if you need to roll a tight paper ball with your fingers.

I don’t know if I managed to convey my thought or not??



Great, that’s exactly what I do often, clients come back confused. You just need to be careful if the chain is hollow, “inflated”. You can dent the links, but you can’t fix them later.

Can a “blown” chain really get tied into such a knot that it is impossible to untangle it? I’ve seen all the “inflated” chains, they had quite large links and there was always a lot of space in the knot, not like sticking a needle or a toothpick in... you can stick a finger through. Old, finely woven chains, such as anchor chains, are constantly tied into completely unrealistic knots))

In the last couple of years, there has been a proliferation of inflated thin chains. You may not immediately understand that they are hollow, just by their weight. The weight may be 1-3 grams, it is difficult to distinguish from normal. Weaves - turtle, rope - have been around for a long time, now anchor, armor, double diamond, figaro, bismarck, etc.

Puffed up Bismarck? Probably beautiful... I would buy it, but for some reason I haven’t seen a normal chain like this on sale. Some kind of garbage at unrealistic prices. Could you please tell me the address where I can buy a chain of 3 grams (or even 10 grams), at a reasonable price, blown under Bismarck or anchor weave?

Yes, I regularly see inflated Bismarcks. If it weighs 4-5 grams, it looks like 10-12 grams. I won’t tell you where to get it, I still live in Siberia, and I don’t buy chains in stores, I make them myself :). I’ll just say that if I make a new normal Bismarck for 10 grams, it will cost... now I’ll do the math - 11500+3000=14500 rubles, or 1450 rubles/g. Think about what is more profitable :))).

Well, maybe this price is not bad. Because I haven’t seen less than 30,000) They all claim that in a chain 5 mm wide there is 20 grams of gold. And this is quite possible, unless of course the chain is inflated) I remember in " fox tail", 19-20 cm long, with a 2 mm square, was 9 grams of gold.

You can untangle a gold chain faster and more accurately in soapy water.

This is the method that jewelers recommend. You can also sprinkle a little talcum powder on the dry chain, this also helps to untie the knots faster.

In order not to rush, and in a hurry not to accidentally ruin the chain, it is best to start untangling not when the chain needs to be put on, but when you have taken it off and see that it is not in order. Keep your jewelry clean and ready to be worn at any time.


How to quickly untangle a chain that has become knotted?

To quickly untangle the chain, you need to drop a little vegetable oil on the knot; things will go much faster.
The main thing is that after the chain is untangled, do not forget to wash it in warm water with liquid or toilet soap.
Jewelers advise to always store chains only when they are fastened. At the very least, you will be able to avoid complex tangled knots.
I also found reviews on the Internet that a wooden toothpick works well for untangling complex knots on a chain. I completely agree with the author of the previous answer; you should not use metal objects or needles to untangle the chain.


The answers above rightly pointed out that it is not advisable to untangle knots on a chain with needles. Everything is correct, but if you do not abuse this method and act very carefully, then sometimes this is the only way to unravel a very tight knot on a thin chain.

In these cases I use two thin needles. I carefully insert one needle into the center of the knot, trying not to scratch the gold/silver, and with the other needle I pick up the link closest to the center, after which very carefully, without using force, I “pull” them away from each other.

It turns out to untangle the knot very quickly. Over many years of this practice, not a single chain was damaged.

If chains and beads are stored incorrectly, you can often encounter them becoming tangled and forming knots. It can be very difficult to untangle products. In this case, you cannot pull the jewelry too hard, otherwise it will tear or tighten too much. We offer several methods that will tell you how to untangle a chain or beads quickly and maintain the integrity of the jewelry.

Preparation and features

The chain should be untangled on a hard, hard surface in good light. This will ensure the stability of the process and prevent the appearance of new nodules. For comfortable work, place the jewelry on a black or white surface so that the knots are clearly visible against the background of contrasting colors.

Unfasten the product. When interlacing several chains, unfasten the lock of each. Straighten the beads and place them on the work surface. Inspect the knots and use one of the following methods to untangle them. To prevent the items from being tightened even further and breaking, do not pull the ends of the jewelry too much during the process.

It is safe to use baby powder on jewelry and liquid oil, mild dishwashing detergent or window and glass detergent, soap solution. These home remedies are safe for jewelry and wash off easily.

Do not try to untie a thin or regular gold or silver chain using metal needles! Needles can damage metal, so use them as a last resort. Instead of needles, use wooden toothpicks or sharpened matches. Metal needles are only suitable for fabric beads and jewelry.

After the procedure, it is recommended to clean and rinse the gold or silver chain. You can use soapy water or special remedy for cleaning jewelry. The treatment will return the product's shine and presentable appearance. How and with what to properly clean silver, read.

Five ways to untangle a chain

  • Take the chain in your hands and grasp the knot from different sides with two fingers. Gently and slowly roll out the decoration like a small ball. After one or two minutes, the knot will loosen and you can easily untie the product. To do this, take two toothpicks, pry the loops of the knot, carefully open, loosen and untangle it;
  • Take baby or olive oil and generously lubricate the knot. Then the links will not cling to each other and will slide better, which will speed up and simplify the process. Then pry the loop with a toothpick and carefully untangle the knot. You can wash off traces of oil and degrease a silver or gold chain with a solution of water and soap or any detergent with a mild, gentle composition. In addition, you can take a special liquid for cleaning jewelry. After the procedure, rinse the jewelry in clean water, wipe with a paper towel or napkin and leave to dry;
  • Apply baby powder to the knot to reduce friction between the knotted pieces. Gently knead the knot with your fingers, then the powder will get inside and loosen the knot. Place the toothpicks in there and carefully pull them apart. From the resulting gap, begin to gradually release individual links. As a result, the chain will unravel, and the powder can be washed off using a solution of water and a mild detergent;
  • Take window and glass cleaner or dishwashing gel and place one or two drops on the tangled area of ​​the product. It will lubricate the knot and the links will slide easier. Next, do the same actions with toothpicks as in the previous paragraphs. Clean the product in soapy water, rinse in clean water and wipe with a paper towel or napkin, leave to dry;
  • If the chain does not untangle using the methods listed, you can use a thin screwdriver, needle, paper clip or pin. By the way, such products are suitable for fabric beads. Place the product on a hard surface that you do not mind scratching. A plastic sheet book or a book with a hard cover will do. Insert a screwdriver or other sharp object into the knot and thread it towards the middle part. Then press the edge of the screwdriver firmly against the surface and begin to swing it to the side. Untie the loose knot using your fingers and a sharp object. If you are afraid of damaging your silver or gold chain, you can try using a sharpened pencil.

To prevent tangling, it is important to store your jewelry properly. A thin chain without additional permanent jewelry can be placed in a drinking straw. Unfasten the product and carefully thread it into the tube.

When the edge of the ornament appears at the other end, fasten the chain. If the pendant or other elements cannot be removed, cut the straw in half and thread it through both sides of the chain.

It is advisable to store beads and chains hanging and not in a box. When transporting or traveling, be sure to pack your jewelry in a soft velvet bag, leaving the lock on the outside.

How to untangle a chain that has tied itself into a knot, isn’t it a familiar problem? Sometimes it turns out that a gold or silver chain is tied in a knot, but it cannot be untangled.

This can be especially difficult to do when the links in the piece of jewelry are small and the knot is already tied quite tightly. How can such a problem be solved, what can be done to untangle the chain, preserve it, and most importantly, not break it? We will try to solve this problem without damaging the gold or silver chain.

How to untangle the chain? Sharing our experience

So, you have tangled a gold or silver chain, how can you unravel it? And in such a difficult situation, you need to do the following. We carefully take the tied knot with two fingers and, without pressing, begin to slowly roll it back and forth, like a ball.

After such manipulations, after one or two minutes, the seemingly tight nodule begins to gradually weaken. You yourself will easily understand that the knot has already weakened enough.

After such skating, you need to take a toothpick or a sharpened match (you need to sharpen it first) and carefully pry the loop, and the knot will untangle quite easily.

It is better not to use a needle to untangle a knot on a chain. It can easily ruin an expensive piece of jewelry. Try this method, it will help you solve this problem.