How to check if a guy is in love. The main signs of true feelings

Hello! I am sincerely glad that you do not forget to read new articles on my blog. I assure you, this time it will be no less interesting.

I'm sure you know firsthand that women are more inclined to clearly express feelings and emotions. Men prefer to show their love in a slightly different way - with the help.

How to understand that a man is in love and does not hide it?

When he kisses you, when he hugs you, when he looks at you - most often with all this he is trying to tell you that he loves you. It is believed that men are straightforward creatures. But there are also more complex and, moreover, ambiguous moments that are not always noticeable and understandable.

So you don't have to guess what your man's actions mean, I'll tell you 15 subtle signs that he's showing his love for you.

  1. Passionate long kisses

When he initiates kisses and you feel passion every time, this clearly indicates the presence of romantic feelings for you.

If, when he kisses you, it seems that for him it is akin to a duty (after all, he is your boyfriend), you should doubt the presence of feelings.

  1. His friends love you

From the company of your man's friends you can always understand how he feels about you.

If you feel that you are the object of their adoration, it means that he only tells them good things about you.

Naturally, this creates an extremely positive attitude towards the woman who makes their friend happy.

  1. He is always glad to see you

I'm sure you know how unnerving it can sometimes be when someone whose personality you're not particularly interested in "wanders" into your personal space.

This feeling is exactly the opposite of what you feel when a loved one is on “your territory”.

Now remember how he reacts when you “impose” your presence? For example, when he does something personal like playing on a video console, tinkering in the garage, or even just reading a book. Does he happily accept your presence or irritably let you know that you would like to go do something?

  1. A man in love smiles after a kiss

When your partner has real feelings for you, every time after kissing, a smile in one form or another (from a smirk to a beaming smile “from ear to ear”) will be present on his face.

This is due to the fact that kissing is associated with pleasure, which makes you a little happier.

  1. A man in love listens attentively

While he may not talk out loud about his feelings often, the fact that he listens intently to you when you talk is incredibly meaningful.

He may lean closer, nod periodically, and generally express in every possible way that your words don’t go in one ear and out the other.

  1. A man in love has a proud profile

No matter how strange it may sound, a man’s good posture and straightened shoulders are a clear sign having feelings for the woman who is next to him. After all, this is how he tries to impress her. And quite often this happens unconsciously.

Agree, you would like your boyfriend a little less slouched.

  1. Hand in hand

Even if he doesn't like kissing and hugging in public, holding hands is always an option.

This The best way silently and unnoticed by others to say “”.

If he calls, texts or messages through social networks for no reason during the day, then he is constantly thinking about you.

Of course, not all lovers behave this way. A significant part, but not all. Therefore, you should not assume that he is not interested in you if he does not do this. Before drawing conclusions, pay attention to other signals.

If a man doesn’t overwhelm you with a stream of SMS and calls, perhaps he does))

  1. He enjoys activities together

Has it ever happened that your man “tagged along” with you when you went shopping?

Usually men don't like this. But romantic feelings “force” him to fall in love with absolutely any activity that will give him the opportunity to spend a little more time with you.

Cooking dinner together, cleaning the house, working in the garden, during which a happy and contented expression does not leave his face - all these are clear signs that he really feels good next to you.

  1. Eye contact

Does he often look into your eyes? If often, and in different settings (both alone and in society), then this type of contact is important to him, as another way to communicate his feelings.

Well, if your eyes almost never meet, it’s a lost cause :)

  1. A man often runs his hand through his hair

There are two explanations for this action.

First, he instinctively tries to look as good as possible in front of you and therefore simply straightens his hair.

Secondly, romantic moments, especially in “fresh” relationships, are often accompanied by nervousness. In this case, he can run his hand through his hair unconsciously - at the will of his nerves.

In any case, this gesture is .

  1. Mirror behavior

Does he tend to order the same thing as you at a cafe? Does he bite the sandwich at the same time as you, looking into your eyes? Have elements appeared in his behavior that are usually characteristic of you? Does it happen that you speak in the same phrases?

Unconscious copying of behavior, speech, manners and facial expressions is a psychological phenomenon called isopraxism and often manifests itself in lovers.

  1. A man in love gives meaningful gifts

By this word I do not mean expensive gifts. This means that he spends his time and energy to find a gift that really suits your desires and interests.

In addition, this is a continuation of point 5 that he listens carefully - he also remembers what you are talking about, so that he can later use this information when choosing a gift.

  1. A man in love laughs often

Does he think you're funny and can't help but giggle when you do something stupid?

Oddly enough, the more often he laughs and shows that he is having fun with you, the more serious the level of his interest in you.

  1. Spontaneous touches

Does he touch you when you are in public? He holds your hand, hugs you around the waist, strokes your head.

Such random touches usually show that, even without sexual overtones.

Signs of a man in love

I hope that now it will be much easier for you to “unravel” your man.

By the way, you can help expand this list by describing in the comments your own observations that allowed you to draw a conclusion about the presence (or absence) of feelings in your partner.

With faith in you and your success,

Yaroslav Samoilov.

Read the top materials on my blog:

How to understand that a man is in love - The main signs of falling in love

Why men hide their feelings: possible reasons

— Why do men hide their feelings: possible reasons
— Is the guy in love or just infatuated?
— Six signs of a man in love
— How to understand that a man has fallen in love: relationship analysis
- Conclusion

Here are some of the most common reasons why men tend to hide their feelings:

1. He has a girlfriend or wife.
The most common and common reason. The guy already has someone and he doesn’t want to break off a comfortable relationship for another girl, even if he really loves her.

2. In a man's world, it is customary to be restrained, to be able to control yourself and your emotions.
Showing your interest or love means for young man show your weakness. He has no right to be weak under any circumstances. It's different for women. When a guy is interesting to us, we try to show it.

A man prefers to do everything consistently and does not waste his energy on stupid fantasies. Even if the relationship does not go beyond intimate, he will be restrained in showing his interest.

3. Bad experience.
Having experienced a difficult breakup, men do not seek to tie themselves in any way again. It is much easier for them to date without being constrained by any obligations. Some even become recluses.

4. A man lives alone for a very long time.
He is independent, his own boss. He’s so used to it, he’s so comfortable. Therefore, he begins to perceive a woman as something that can disrupt his established life. For her sake, the guy will have to change his foundations and habits, but he doesn’t want to do this.

5. He is not sure of his feelings.
Or maybe this is not love at all, but just fleeting sympathy? Then why discover it? It will pass and that will be the end of it. And we, women, suffer, suffer, think about what is going on in his head.

6. A man is subject to stereotypes.
For some reason, in their male world it is believed that the more restrained and colder a young man behaves, the more more woman will fall in love with him. This is actually a big mistake. You should not abuse indifference, no matter how strong your principles are.

7. The guy is afraid of being rejected.
The young man thinks, is it necessary to take the first step? What if he's not good? What if the sympathy is not mutual? Even confident men can turn out to be timid and shy at such a moment. In this case, they prefer to remain silent and pretend that the girl is indifferent.

Is the guy in love or just infatuated?

Sexual attraction is an integral part of love. This is the chemistry that arises between two people, the nature of which scientists are trying to figure out, but they cannot fully unravel it so that they can give a ready-made formula.

If you feel and notice that a man is attracted to you, it’s very good, because this purely physical feeling has every chance of developing into something more. Attraction is an excellent signal, because a man cannot love a woman he does not want, but wanting does not mean loving. There is no need to delude yourself too much.

A man's infatuation with you may be of purely sporting interest, and when the trophy is in the hands of the winner, all interest may come to naught. If a man to whom you are not indifferent wants to have intimacy with you, this is certainly a reason for joy. If you are desired, you happy woman, but if you are looking for true love, and not entertainment for a couple of nights, do not rush to rush into the flames of passion.

Six signs of a man in love

One of the most obvious signs that a man is in love is the style of his clothing.

If a guy's feelings are serious, he will begin to care about getting you to like him: he will quickly change his usual clothes, which are more simply comfortable than beautiful, to more stylish and fashionable ones.

He will always be tempted to sneak a glance at you.

He will admire you when he is sure that you are not watching him, and if you do catch his eye, he will look away and may even become embarrassed. This is a good sign, he really loves and constantly admires and admires you.

If you fall into the trap of any problems, emotional, physical, financial or any other kind, he offers you his help.

He likes to talk to you, likes to spend time together.

Guys love to chat with people they really like, especially if it's someone of the opposite sex. And if he loves you, then he will always want to discuss with you some event or news that worries him.

He enjoys appearing with you in front of friends or colleagues.

Definitely, if a man does not love a girl, then he will not “introduce” her into his social circle. He will prefer to meet her away from the eyes of his friends and relatives. If a man doesn’t want to appear with you in front of his friends, then he is most likely just using you to pass the time pleasantly once or twice.

A man in love does not insist on sex.

A man who has true feelings for a woman will always consider your emotions and feelings; besides, he will never insist on sex at the very beginning of the relationship and will patiently wait until you are ready for it.

How to understand that a man has fallen in love: relationship analysis

He wants to be with Her.
When a man is in love, he not only wants, but wants to just be close to the woman he loves as much and as often as possible, seeks contact with her, tries to catch her eye more often. For a loving man, not only physical, but also spiritual rapprochement with a woman is important.

A man in love wants to know as much as possible about his beloved: how she lives, how she breathes, what she loves. If a man seeks a woman's company not only for her body and physical intimacy, there is a high probability that this is really love.

A man in love is generous and caring.
This is not only about material generosity, although this, of course, should also be present, since we still live in the material world.

If a man is in love, and even more so if he loves, he spares neither affection, nor kisses, nor kind words, no time, no attention.

Only very mercantile and empty individuals, who are interested not so much in the man himself as in the thickness of his wallet, can satisfy only expensive gifts and material goods.

No matter how busy and eventful his work schedule is, a man in love will certainly find a moment for his beloved, because there is no one dearer and dearer to him in the world.

If a man is ready to adapt to your mood, if he is sincerely happy when he manages to calm, surprise, console, delight or protect you, you can be calm and confident that you are loved.

A lover lets a woman into his life.
Representatives of the stronger sex value their independence very much, they are great individualists and react extremely sensitively to any restrictions and attempts to invade personal space. But if a man is really in love, he will easily let you into his life, you won’t have to take anything by storm, all doors will open for you.

If a man is willing to share his personal space with you, if he allows you to run his house and even encourages it, if he is not irritated by tampons stored next to his shaving cream, this says a lot.

A man in love is ready to let his beloved woman into his life much deeper than just letting her run a joint household: he introduces her to his parents and friends, he shares and makes plans with her, begins to think about starting a family and children.

If all this is present in your relationship, this is a clear sign of the seriousness of the man’s intentions.

Loving man ready to make sacrifices.
Serious relationship and living together require certain sacrifices and concessions on both sides. The willingness to make concessions and sacrifice something for the sake of another person speaks of love. However, the sacrifices must be reasonable.

If a person begins to radically change his loved one, in fact he loves his own idea, which he is trying to mold from available material. When a person sincerely loves, he gives and gives himself without setting any conditions, without expecting praise and approval, and without demanding anything in return. The main thing is that your loved one feels good, that he is happy.

A loving man will never cause his beloved pain.
A man in love values ​​his beloved and will never deliberately hurt her. Of course, anything can happen in life and we all different people, sometimes tactlessness, lack of delicacy or simple misunderstanding can hurt painfully, but in this case we are talking about pathological rudeness, deliberate cruelty, exerting psychological pressure, constant humiliation and even the use of force.

If a man loves, he strives in every possible way to protect and defend his beloved, and certainly not to hurt her. Violence and love are incompatible. If a man raised his hand to you at least once, you can be sure that sooner or later he will definitely do it again, so by turning a blind eye to such antics, you free his hands even more.

A man's willingness to take responsibility.
An indicator of not just falling in love, but the seriousness of his intentions is a man’s willingness to take responsibility for his beloved, the desire for this particular woman to become his wife, bear him children and be with him in joy and sorrow.


Unlike women, men are not as emotional and cannot always express their feelings in words. However, their actions speak louder than any words. It is by the actions of your loved one that you can determine the degree of his love for you.

If you want to find out if a man is in love with you, first of all, be objective. If you like this man, then you should hint to him about it. This will inspire even the most indecisive member of the opposite sex to take the next step. If he doesn’t understand the hints and still keeps his distance, you should talk about your feelings directly and find out whether they are mutual or not.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Perhaps every young man at least once in his life is faced with the following question: “Are my feelings mutual?” Of course, you can ask the girl directly. But what to do if there are too many doubts, and you don’t want to make yourself look stupid?

In this case, the girl’s unconscious actions come to the rescue, which she herself may not notice. But knowing about their existence and being able to read them, you can easily determine whether you really have a chance for reciprocity.

Signs that she loves you

All unconscious human actions can be divided into 3 groups: behavior, gaze, gestures. Let's look at each one separately.


In order to find out whether a girl is in love, you need to observe how she behaves. Here are the main signs:

  1. Interest. A girl who cares is usually very happy to hear about your affairs. A sure sign- if a girl tries to ask someone else about you, asks mutual friends about your condition. If a girl is always ready to help you, regardless of her own affairs, then most likely she likes you.
  2. Communication. A girl who likes you will look for communication with you. She will prefer talking with you to talking with her friend.

    Pay attention: if a girl stays close to you at all general meetings and tries to talk, this is a sure sign.

  3. Self-sacrifice. Do you know that she is terribly afraid of drowning, but she boldly climbs into the boat after you? She definitely likes you.

    A girl in love very often puts the guy’s interests first, forgetting about her own for a while. But remember that the girl will expect the same from you, don’t disappoint her.

  4. Present. A gift for no reason is a reason to think about the nature of your relationship. This is the most obvious way for a girl to convey that she likes a guy. If you were given a handmade item into which a lot of time and effort was invested, this can be a help for a long, serious relationship.
  5. Jealousy. Did you catch a look of displeasure when you started talking to her friend? You helped a nice stranger on the street, and then you can’t understand what upset her so much? She's just jealous of you. Even if you are not in a relationship yet, a girl in love does not want to share you with others.
  6. Care. If you are sick, and she comes to you much more often than all her other friends, if she tries to take care of your condition, she absolutely definitely likes you. All girls have a maternal instinct that makes them take care of people. But only about special, dear people.
  7. Happiness. There is one more, perhaps the least obvious sign. But it’s also worth paying attention to: a girl in love (even if unrequited) looks like a little sun. She rejoices at every little thing, and it seems that nothing can upset her.


  1. You are capable catch her eye on you when you are in big company? See if this happens often. If at least three or four times during your meeting, the girl is definitely interested in you, she wants to look at you.
  2. If when I look at you The pupils of a woman in love enlarge, then this is a true physiological sign. But please, don’t try to look at changes in girls with dark eyes. Even if you succeed, you risk embarrassing or frightening your chosen one.
  3. You turned your gaze to the girl and saw how she suddenly looked in the other direction? This means that she is in love with you and is embarrassed by it. She wants to look at you, wants to date you, but she is afraid that you will not reciprocate her feelings.

Sign language

  1. Touch.A girl in love will constantly seek touches of the object of feelings, often even unconsciously to herself. She will sit closer to you in cafes, in all attractions, in the cinema and in other places. For what? Hoping that at some point your hands will meet.
    If a girl is constantly trying to straighten your hair, slap you on the shoulder, or remove an invisible speck of dust from you, you can safely confess your feelings to her - and you will probably receive reciprocity.
  2. Excitement. For any woman, meeting the objects of her desire is a very exciting event. By looking at her at this moment, you can easily understand whether she feels something for you.

    A girl in love may have a slight blush on her cheeks and rapid breathing; she will not know where to place her hands and may even answer inappropriately. In order to notice these subtle, almost invisible signs, you need to develop good powers of observation.

  3. Flirting. Girls are big coquettes. And it’s not surprising that a girl who is in love with you will flirt with you. Flirting is a sure way to determine sympathy, to “test the waters.” How can you tell if a girl is flirting? A sure sign of flirting is compliments. They can be either direct or veiled “woven” into the conversation.

    Often, when a girl flirts, she teases and teases you. Don't be offended - this is a sign that she likes you. Of course, provided that the girl does not do this often and only on topics that you make fun of yourself.

    An equally important sign of flirting are gestures and movements. If a girl “shoots” her eyes in a conversation, twirls her curls and smiles sweetly, be sure that she likes you and is flirting with you.

  4. Rapport. Another sign is that the girl unconsciously “mirrors” your poses. She can keep pace with you, sit in a cafe in the same position, hold her hands in the same way - all this will be a sign of sympathy.
  5. Personal space. If a girl is calm about your intrusions into her personal space, this will also be a sign of her sympathy for you.

    What is invasion of personal space? This is if you touch her hair or cheek without her permission, if you suddenly take a bite of her ice cream, or if you take a ringing phone out of her purse to give it to her. Did the girl endure all this? She really really likes you.

Signs of indifference on the part of a woman

Here are some main signs that indicate that a girl doesn't love you:

  1. If a girl calls you not for the purpose of chatting, but only in cases when she needs something, this could be a sign - she's just taking advantage of you.

    But feel the difference. If you chatted with a girl for an hour, and during the conversation about books she asked you to nail a bookshelf, then she is probably just looking for a meeting. And if she called and started the conversation with the words “fix”, “borrow” or “buy”, then she is completely indifferent to you.

  2. Young woman tells you about his relationships with guys? This means that you are only a friend to her, and she is in love with someone else. If she liked you, she (even when dating someone else) would not remind you of it once again.
  3. If you have already met, but the relationship has already deteriorated and you decided to break it off, look at the girl’s reaction. If she is sincerely upset, it means she still has feelings for you and everything can be restored. If she doesn't care, it means the relationship has outlived its usefulness, and you did the right thing by deciding to break it off.

    But if, under the threat of separation, a girl suddenly begins to show such interest in you as she has never had before, this is a reason to think - maybe she is just using you and does not want to lose a source of money or help?

In this video you can see examples of how a girl in love behaves:

Now you have all the information you need. You just need to take a close look at the girl. She will definitely give herself away by word, gesture or deed.

We all sooner or later experience first love and the first doubts and experiences associated with it. Do you already know this feeling? Many girls, feeling love for a boy, try in every possible way to find out whether it is mutual. It is very scary to approach a boy and ask him directly, because you are so afraid that they will refuse you and laugh at you. How to find out who really loves you, and for whom you are just an acquaintance? You can watch how the boy behaves towards you, and also tell fortunes about him.

Recognize a boy in love by his behavior

Boys are also embarrassed by their feelings because they are afraid of seeming funny. They are good at hiding their love, but an observant girl will always notice the one who is in love with her. How can you tell which boy loves you by their behavior? There are several true signs.

  • He is always happy to see you, even when he has Bad mood. He greets you with a smile, often calling you by name.
  • He likes to watch you furtively, and when you notice this, he immediately looks away because he doesn’t want to be noticed.
  • In your presence, he often gets embarrassed, blushes, and tries to put himself in order (straighten his hair, clothes, etc.).
  • He is always ready to help you if needed.
  • He is interested in knowing as much as possible about you. He listens with interest to what and how you say, and often asks you about your life. He can also ask mutual acquaintances and your friends about you.
  • He can give you beautiful compliments or give you nice little things.
  • He will get jealous if he notices how sweetly you are chatting with another boy.
  • Even if you said something stupid, he will not laugh at you, take everything calmly or pretend that he didn’t notice anything.
  • He tries to be near you as often as possible.

Fortune telling, tests, omens

Now you can find many psychological tests and fortune telling that will help you determine how this or that boy treats you, and understand which of them loves you.

We offer you several tests that will help you find out who loves you. You need to wish for a specific boy and answer the questions honestly.

Many girls, wondering: “Does he love me?”, turn to various fortune telling. You can also use some to understand whether a boy loves you.

  • The simplest and most well-known fortune telling is fortune telling with a chamomile. You just need to pick a daisy you like and gradually tear off its petals, saying “loves” and “dislikes” for each torn petal in turn. The last torn petal will let you know whether the boy loves you or not. You can also get together with your friends, draw a large daisy with petals on paper, cut it out and write the boy’s name on each petal. Then the daisy must be turned over so that the names are not visible, and let each girl tear off one petal at random. Whose name appears on the petal is the one the boy loves.
  • The girls consider this fortune telling to be true. Take a piece of paper and a pen and start drawing sticks in a row, and when you feel that’s enough, say “Stop!”, go to the next line and continue drawing again until the moment when you want to say “Stop!” This should give you 4 rows of sticks. Once all the sticks have been drawn, cross out three sticks in each row until you end up with 2, 1, or 0 sticks left. When you cross out all the extras in all rows, you will get four numbers. Write them down in a row and see the interpretation.
  • There is also one simple fortune telling with matches. Take a box of matches, pour out all the matches from it, take two of them and secure the box at opposite ends. Now try to light both matches at the same time and watch how they burn. If the matches lean towards each other, then there is definitely something between you. If the matches “look” in different directions, then it’s not fate. When performing this fortune telling, be sure to make sure that nothing catches fire, so put out the matches in time!

There are also a number of signs by which you can find out whether you are loved. If you dream of a boy, then you need to look at what day of the week you had this dream:

  • PN - I like you a lot;
  • VT - will fall in love with you;
  • SR - will write a letter;
  • TH - his love for you will be eternal;
  • PT - date;
  • SB - separation;
  • VS - he loves you.

There are also signs. For example, if your lips itch, this indicates a kiss in the future; right hand - about an unexpected meeting; left - expect a gift from him; heels - you will have a date with him soon; head - his thoughts are occupied only with you; cheeks - for love.

If your face is burning on Monday, he is discussing you with someone; on Tuesday - loves, but hides; Wednesday - wait for recognition; Thursday - a quick date; Friday - mocks you; Saturday - wants to cheat on you; Sunday - loves and is waiting for a date.

Everything about feelings, love, falling in love, sympathy is so fragile and tender that it seems like one move and it will disappear. When it all just begins, your heart sinks at the sight of the object of your admiration, your head is foggy from euphoria - how to understand whether your feelings are mutual? Moreover, no one puts them on display, does not shout about them at every corner, but, on the contrary, tries to hide them as carefully as possible. For one moment, it seemed that the guy was still in love. A minute passed - no, it probably really just seemed... You can guess on coffee grounds, chamomile, whether you like or dislike the stars for a very, very long time. And it is unlikely that this will give you a satisfactory, unambiguous answer. But it is quite possible to become more attentive, take a closer look at the guy, his behavior and understand whether he is in love.

Our feelings, even the most hidden ones, can be recognized if desired. If we change from the inside, then changes also occur outside - in behavior, appearance, speech, gait, facial expressions.

How can you tell that a guy is in love?

10 signs that a guy is clearly interested in you.

1. You can suspect that a guy is in love with you if in your presence he began to behave somewhat strangely. It’s not a fact that you will like the changes; on the contrary, you will be surprised. A quiet person may begin to behave defiantly, arrogantly, rudely, so that no one notices that he is embarrassed by you, and the soul of the company suddenly loses all his charm and enthusiasm, because he feels uncomfortable in your presence and constantly thinks about the fact that you are nearby.

2. You constantly feel his gaze on you. Sometimes you manage to catch him, but he quickly looks away. Ask your girlfriends to observe how often the guy looks in your direction. The main thing is that he himself does not notice that he is being watched. Try to check this version yourself: when you feel that the guy is looking at you, take out a mirror to supposedly fix your hair or makeup. In the reflection you will see where the guy’s gaze is directed, you can also turn sharply in his direction and if he was looking, then you are definitely interested in him.

3. You should be wary that there are too many random encounters. If a guy is in love, then he wants to see you as often as possible, to be as close to you as possible. Consciously or not, he will be looking for contact and therefore can literally be “underfoot” all day long. Meet you in the morning at the entrance, be next to the wardrobe, then in the dining room, during a break, just pass by, ask something trivial, turn to your interlocutor. Don’t be surprised if you meet him in an unusual place - near your house, in a store, in a movie, where you went with your friends. This can only mean one thing - his intelligence is working well and he is in love with you.

4. This point is a little controversial, and the guys themselves are against it. The fact is that a guy in love is betrayed by his gallantry and care. But male representatives protest - supposedly they are always like this, and not just when Cupid struck their heart. But we girls know that sometimes it is not so easy to get chivalrous actions from them, especially not in emergency moments, when honor and dignity are at stake, but in ordinary everyday life. So a sudden concern, an offer of help, an unusual concern about your well-being, mood, can tell you that someone has fallen in love.

5. By nature, men are very inattentive. Or rather, they pay attention only to what is very, very interesting to them. The rest of the information instantly disappears from their heads. Girls don’t understand this; we often remember even what we should have forgotten, something accidentally told and entrusted to us. A guy's good memory of the little things in your life says a lot. He remembers what date your birthday is, and not “like in the fall?” He knows who you are according to your horoscope, what city your sister lives in, what the name of your cat is, what juice do you prefer? He's definitely in love with you.

6. He changed his plans for you. No not like this. HE CHANGED HIS PLANS FOR YOU! Only a man in love is capable of such an act. Just be careful, you need to understand that you were the cause. Perhaps you let it slip that you are still going to come to this boring cleanup and stay after work to help decorate the room for the holiday. And, hearing this, the guy put aside his business, although he had previously intended to ignore these events. And if you directly asked for his help, knowing that he was busy, but did not receive a refusal - congratulations, this is love!

7. A guy in love will try to talk to you about topics that interest you. The reason could be a phrase you accidentally dropped about your love for dogs - in a couple of days he will decide to discuss with you the intricacies of caring for toy terriers, talk about his pet, and invite you to a thematic exhibition.

8. Have you noticed that the guy looks better?. If he used to calmly walk around in just jeans all week, but now he’s clearly started to preen himself, it means someone’s opinion is important to him. He might ask you for advice on whether that shirt suits him or whether you like his perfume (oh, that's a reason to hug you). But it’s better for you to be the first to notice the changes that have occurred and give him a compliment. To receive praise from the one you are in love with - what could be better? He will not be able to hide his joy and his contented appearance and red cheeks will betray his feelings.

9. A guy will try to become better for his beloved. We unconsciously begin to behave a little differently next to the object of love, we try to look better, smarter, more experienced, more interesting. Even notorious hooligans try to control themselves in front of their lady love and “be good.” This behavior can only mean one thing - the guy has fallen in love and really wants to make a positive impression.

10. Do you know guys who would like women's whims? They irritate, anger, infuriate - in a word, they do not evoke affection. Except for those moments when a guy is in love with a girl. In this case her whims seem to him a manifestation of weakness and insecurity. And he has a heroic feeling to save his beloved from adversity, satisfying all her whims.