Graduation in dow scenario the appearance of a blot. Scenario for a graduation party in a modern dhow

All children and adults really like it modern cartoon"Masha and the Bear". After watching the next episode of “Masha and Porridge,” I came up with the idea of ​​​​creating my own series dedicated to graduating from kindergarten. This is how “Masha and the Blob” appeared. I submit this script to your strict but fair judgment.

"Masha and Klyaksa"

(graduation party for children preparatory group based on the cartoon "Masha and the Bear")

The hall is festively decorated, near the central wall there is a briefcase in which there is a blot - a ball inflated with gel so that it can fly out of the briefcase. All kindergarten employees sit in the front row (the presenters too).

“All day long” music. N. Timofeeva, the words have been redone by me - the soloist sings the first verse, first half of the children run in pairs, for the second verse the other half runs in, for the third everyone lines up in a circle, at the end everyone takes their places in a semicircle.

1. Stop, guys!

We are no longer preschoolers.

We'll go to school soon.

2. Can’t we take a nanny and teachers?

3. We can’t take anyone,

We are all adults, friends.

4. A lot warm words we want to say

We need to call everyone here.

The children call everyone by their first name and patronymic and the employees come out and stand behind the children.

"Waltz with employees"

(while they are dancing the waltz, parents are preparing to congratulate employees and present flowers)

After the waltz, everyone stands in a semicircle and the parent representative is given the floor.


Kindergarten employees
We are always happy to congratulate you!
We wish you excellent success,
Decent, decent income!
For your priceless and gentle work,
What a wonderful kindergarten!
May the sun shine brightly for you,
Please accept our gifts!

(parents present flowers to employees)

Presenter: We see off our beloved and respected kindergarten employees with thunderous applause.

Everyone claps, and the adults go to their seats; flowers can be placed in vases (vases are located at the edges, in the middle and on the windows).


We say thank you to everyone,

What a pity there is no turning back.

We don't want to say goodbye to you

All: Goodbye, kindergarten

“Our favorite kindergarten” - a song with soloists. (after the second verse and chorus, the children sit down).

To the music of the intro of the cartoon “Masha and the Bear,” Masha rides in on a scooter. Amid laughter, he puts away the scooter, stops and turns to everyone.

Masha: Very good afternoon... Who are you?

Presenter: These are kindergarten graduates. Soon they will go to school.

Masha: Wow... You are future students... (walks in front of the children). Well, well, well... Let's play school. Chur, I’m a teacher (takes a pointer). I'm all so smart, smart (rings the bell). Let's start the singing lesson. School choir performance. Benches for us, please... Boys, lead the girls out (the boys take the girls, walk one after another, help them up, and stand in front of them at the bottom).

Maestro, music.

"Back to School" from the music. project “Lessons about the road” performed by the group “Night” - conducted by Masha.

Masha: Boys, help the girls go down... Benches, please...

(rings the bell and announces recess. Masha launches airplanes at the parents, screams, the children also start running)

During recess, 4 boys go into the corridor to put on caps, pacifiers, and scarves.

The presenter quickly rings the bell and announces...

Presenter: Math lesson (shows a number, children line up by number).

“How many of us?” - game (Masha takes part).

After they said ZERO, Masha rings the bell and announces:

Masha: We'll probably get by without the change. Reading lesson. The topic of the lesson is Fairy Tales. I'll tell you a story. I’m such a storyteller (the intro of the program “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays, Masha is given a small screen, she sits on a chair, looks out the window and begins to tell)


One day, someone's mother...

And maybe for dads too...

And grandparents...

Accidentally lucky.

The Lord sent them boys...

And maybe girls...

Or maybe twins, which is also good!

(kids with mom and dad, in caps and with pacifiers, come in to the music)

Mom and dad pat the children on the head, wave and sit down.

1 baby: We were being taken, carried somewhere

2nd baby: It turned out to be in kindergarten.

3 baby: Everything here is somehow very strange,

4 baby: Take us back.

The children start crying, the teacher girl comes out.

Educator: Oh oh oh! Who's crying here?

(girl) Look, the bunny is jumping! (depicts a bunny)

Come on, take out the handkerchiefs,

They wiped their noses - that's it!

(children take out handkerchiefs and wipe themselves)

Don't sniffle, don't groan,

Look at me quickly.

(hands out tools to the children)

We will play

And repeat after me.

"Sysoy" - Russian. a folk song in a modern arrangement - the soloist sings, and everyone repeats after her, playing instruments to lose. (Masha is dancing in the background)


You tried your best

(girl) The kids have grown up.

1 baby: I can already speak

2nd baby: And I’ll put words together from letters

3 baby: And besides, I will read them.

4 baby: And I’ll write more!

(everyone clap, the kids leave to the music)

*(I took the beginning of the skit, before the song, from a music magazine, the rest I composed myself).

Masha rings the bell

Masha: Russian language lesson. We repeat the alphabet.

“ABC” to the words of B. Zakhoder - soloist Masha, and the children sing the chorus, then the parents sing along in the 3rd verse - prepare posters - tips that teachers will raise.

Masha: Wow... Great... Well done, you know a lot. And there are so many interesting things at school. I also want to go to school with you. Want. Want. Want. I urgently need a briefcase.

(looks around, notices the briefcase) Yeah... The briefcase... (walks around him) well, well, well... That's what I'll go to school with. What do we have there? (opens - laughter is heard and a blot flies out).

Masha: Oh-ho-ho... What have I done? This is a blot... (steps on it, she runs away - they pull the fishing line from the corridor). It will spread, become big and flood all the letters. Catch her, hold her...

(runs after her into the corridor, where noise, laughter is heard and a large blot with small blots comes out)

“Come out and dance the blots” - The big blot leaves blots on the floor, sticks it on the parents…. After the dance, the little blots run away.

Blot: Take me with you to school. I won’t take up much space, I’ll get into a notebook, a diary, or I can live in a book. If you take me, then you will have the best profession in the world: “Blotter” and “Blotter”.

Presenter: There are no such professions.

Blot: How is it not! What are you trying to say? I’m unemployed and I don’t have a specialty. I have already whole year I work as a Blob.

Presenter: And what do you do, what is your responsibility?

Blot: I put blots everywhere. I made so many blots. I am a Blob of the highest category. Take me with you and soon you will become just like me. Everyone will notice you, everyone will respect you. (to the girl) Girl, take me with you, I will teach you how to make big and beautiful blots. (to the boy) Boy, with me you will become a “Blotter”... this is such a profession...

Children do not believe that such a profession exists. What then are there? I don't know anyone else. Well, what professions are there?

Children list.

Blot:(addresses parents) And you, dear parents, really think that your children will be able to acquire all these professions? And do you believe this?...

Presenter: Don't scare our parents. We will now offer them a look into the future and find out who their children will be.

Blot: How is this?

Presenter: And how the daisy will fall. Let's tell fortunes using daisies.

Blot: Here's another. Everything is set up for you. Let them guess on my inkblots.

"Fortune telling by inkblots"- several parents call, (less than blots), while the music is playing, they run around, and at the end they pick up any blot and read on the back who their child will become.

They played it for the first time, the presenter said that it was a rehearsal, they play it a second time. The blot looks at its blots in surprise.

Blot: I don’t understand where the letters come from, I filled them all with ink. Something strange is happening. Well, okay, now I’ll pour even more ink (pretends to make inkblots, puts it on the floor, switching places.... Play.

They play a second time, read, clap and see off their parents, give the blots to the presenter.

Blot: It's not fair. Where are all my blots? Give me my blots, they will be useful to me.

Presenter: We repainted them and turned them into colorful polka dots. Here they are, look.

“Colored peas” in Spanish. show group "Smile" - dance.

Masha's soundtrack plays. (Where has everyone gone? - The blot is trying to hide behind an adult)

Masha comes in with a large net and drags it across the floor.

Masha: Didn't the Blot run through here?... You didn't see the Blot?... And you didn't see the Blot?

(notices Blob, she stands with her back, approaches her quietly, pats her on the shoulder, she turns around)

Masha: Will you run away yourself, or will you hurry?.. (Raises his large net and the chase begins).

The blot runs away, Masha lowers the net and wipes off the sweat.

Masha: Wow... I'm such a fighter. I see that you did not give in to the blot’s persuasion. Well done. We dealt with this Blob together. Shouldn't we all sing a song together?

Music hands: That's it, everyone together. Parents' help is needed.

While the music hands explains to the parents the rhythm that they must beat while rehearsing, the adults bring stands with microphones for backing vocals and guitars to the guitarists, Masha gets a job behind the drummers.

“Together with us” in Spanish. Sasha Kozlova - parents beat the rhythm. Masha takes her scooter and rides off to the music, waving her hand)

1. Days after days flew by,

We all managed to grow up.

Our group for the first time

Going to first grade!

2. Don’t be sad, goodbye

Smile goodbye.

You loved us all very much

And they raised me with care.

And as a gift to you from us

will sound

All: Farewell Waltz!

(Children start waltzing, guitars are put away, drummers too)

“Farewell Waltz” - after it the children remain in a semicircle.

Presenter: And now the head of our kindergarten, Nadezhda Danilovna (APL), is speaking with parting words for you.

Nadezhda Danilovna

Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious, -

After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

Today, guys, we congratulate you!

You go to school to study and make friends.

We wish you all success and health

And never forget your kindergarten

(the family committee and teachers prepare medals or ribbons and stand on both sides of the middle.

Presenter:(against the background of music) Our graduates are going to school today, meet... By name

(children come up in pairs in the center, through the arch, bow, they are given a medal or ribbon, and the pairs disperse one by one in different directions again in a semicircle).

Leading: Guys, your parents have prepared these gifts for you that you will receive in the group after releasing the balloons.

“Multi-colored balls” by N. Timofeeva - the adult sings, the children sing along with the chorus, and the teachers hand out balloons for the chorus, the second verse and chorus stand with the balloons, swaying.

Leading:(to the intro to the song)

The balloon is obedient to us

It just begs to fly.

And a fun team

I'm really looking forward to the shipment.

“Farewell to Childhood” children's studio “Magic Microphone” - chorus, then everyone stands up and clap.

A circle of honor is announced around the kindergarten with access to the playground for launching balloons.

"Circle of Honor"

After walking through the corridors of the kindergarten, the children go out into the street, where they release balloons on command. Then they go to the group for presenting gifts and drinking tea.

Graduation party at the Harmony school 2008
The tricks of Pan Blobs.
Characters: Pan Klyaksa, Peremmenka, presenter.

The presenter comes out to the music.
In our noisy, friendly school, all the guys are recruited,
After studying for many years, we broadened our horizons.
Our funny girls love different poems,
They love fashion magazines and laugh hee hee hee.
The boys at our school pulled their braids, teasing them,
And now everyone can’t live a single day without each other!
Presenter: Hello guys, Hello moms and dads, grandparents! We are very glad that you came to this wonderful holiday!
How quickly time flies,
but you should hurry
To get a lot done.
Today is a wonderful holiday!
Both smart and naughty
Ready to sing with happiness!
You've come a long way,
The road lies ahead
Discoveries and victories.
We'll take stock
And remember all the lessons
We will find an answer to everything.

And the children of 2 groups will open our holiday with the song “Multi-colored round dance”.
And our graduates will show the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, we greet our young actors with thunderous applause.

I declare the ceremony of presenting certificates of graduation from the “Harmony” school open!
Music sounds and Pan Blob appears.
Pan Blob.
Hello, I'm Pan Blob! Can you tell me what school this is?
And did I get there?
Now let's see in my documents what I have on you. Almost all of you are probably going to school, right? But nothing will work out for you! Why? Because in my documents I have everything written down about you. Points to the children: you have a lot of corrections, you were noticed to have dirty hands before the tea party, and you constantly offended the girls.
What, did all this make you feel bad? And it’s just wonderful for me! That's why I'm counting you all among the blots! And you don't have to go to school anymore. In this regard, I declare the holiday dedicated to the end of the Harmony school closed, and I take your certificates for myself. And you can return them only if you cope with my blots. (There are colored blots hanging on the screen, on the back of which various tasks are written)
Presenter: What should we do now? Will our holiday really not take place? Who or what can help us? We need to think carefully! Guys, why do fresh thoughts always come to mind? Let's think together.
Children answer after recess.
Presenter: That's right, a break will help us.
Beautiful, cheerful music sounds. Change comes out:
My name is Peremenka!
There's no point in standing against the wall
We've had enough time in class,
We decided, we saw enough,
The time has come for change,
After all, the lesson is over,
And now we're resting
Let's not get bored, let's play!
Presenter: Change, are we having a tragedy?
Pan Blob took away our holiday.
Change: Nonsense! I'll open it for you now! The main thing is that everyone has fun and is happy at the holiday.
Presenter: The kids want to congratulate the graduates with all their hearts: the dance composition “Chickens”,
They will also show you the fairy tale “Kolobok”.
Presenter: Recess, of course it’s good to have fun with you, but Pan Blot took away the children’s certificates of graduation from the Harmony school, and we can’t do without them, and we also need to deal with the blots, look how many there are.
Recess: So we need to act quickly and return the certificates to the children!
Presenter: How to do this?

5 rosy, liquid, 3 sour. How many are there?
How many insects are circling in the air?
How many insects are buzzing in my ear?
2 beetles, one bee,
There is a fly and a dragonfly,
Two wasps
Two mosquitoes
It's time to name the answer.
Six funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries.
But one kid is tired,
I fell behind my comrades.
Now find the answer, how many bears are there ahead?
Recess Well done, it’s not boring with you, you’ll be professors.
Come join us quickly and sing a song together.
Song of the 2nd group “We will soon go for the first time, to first grade!”
Recess We remove the next inkblot and read the task
Of course I want to know how you can read
Give me a word and read it all quickly.
Children are divided into 4 groups, they are given 4 envelopes in which one word is cut into puzzles: 1 group - CAT, 2 group - FOX, 3 group - GOAT, 4 group - TREE.
Presenter: Don’t you think that if you put these words together, you get the names of 2 fairy tales?
children of group 2 will show the fairy tale “Goat Dereza”
And our graduates prepared the fairy tale “The Cat and the Fox.”
Recess Great, we all coped with the blots together.
Presenter: It's time to call Pan Klyaksa
Let's be friendly, let's invite him together
Pan Klyaksa, we are waiting for you
Pan Klyaksa we call you!
Pan Klyaksa comes out: I hear, I hear, I’m in a hurry to come to you and bear witness.
accompanying you to school,
I wish you success
And a Russian proverb
I remind you everything
Learning is light!
And ignorance is darkness!
Remember her friends!
Presenter: But before we present you with certificates of completion from the Harmony school, the children will sing us a farewell song.

Presentation of gifts!

Our evening ends
We say goodbye to everyone
We wish you fun
Happiness, joy, warmth!
It's time for us to part, goodbye, kids.

Scenarios on the topic

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Scenario of the New Year's holiday.

“New Year’s “circus performance” in kindergarten.”


Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday,

All my friends today

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree!(Children enter to the music)


We all feel very good

Fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!


What's happened New Year?

New Year - frost and ice,

This is the laughter of merry friends,

This is dancing near the Christmas trees.


What is New Year?

This is a friendly round dance.

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles.


Everything is unusual today -

We're having great fun!

For guests and children

The circus came to kindergarten.

Listen and watch everything -

Let's start our parade!

The sound is "March" by I. Dunaevsky from the film "Circus". Children change lines in front of the Christmas tree. Two children come out.

Boy (with a bow tie):

The program begins

Hurry to the circus, friends!

Preschool children, fathers, mothers,

All the guys: you and me!


Here it is, our stage -

It's called an arena.

Attention! Attention!

Today is a circus, smiles, laughter

And the tree is lush for everyone.

This holiday

Let's sing a funny song!

Song "About the Circus"


There are no empty seats in the circus,

Just give me the answer:

Who should come big,

With a long white beard?

Children. Father Frost!

A melody sounds and Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost.

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Hello dear adults.

I am very glad that they were waiting for Grandfather Frost in this hall,

They didn’t forget to invite you to the holiday and decorated the miracle tree.

Congratulations on your happy holiday!

Low bow to all of you... pranksters!

Ved: Grandfather! What pranksters?

D.M.: Do you think that there are no pranksters among these guys?

Ved: Not a single one!

D.M.: Yes? Well, let's ask them themselves.

Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (No!)

What about the ugly ones? (No!)

What about the mischievous ones? (No!)

What about the naughty girls? (No!)

What about the good kids? (No!)

You see, there are no good kids among them either.

Ved: Oh, Grandfather Frost, oh, and a joker.

DM: Why not joke with such cheerful kids at a party? We joked, and now we can dance.

Come on, hold hands,

Get into the circle quickly

We will sing and dance,

Celebrate the New Year at the circus!

Round dance "Like Grandfather Frost" to the melody "Oh, you canopy."

Father Frost.

Oh, they decided to tease me.

Come on, show me your hands, ears, nose -

Santa Claus will freeze everyone.

Children run to their places and sit on chairs. From behind the tree one hears: “Ay-ay!”

Father Frost.

Quiet, I'll listen one more time!

Snow Maiden (from behind the Christmas tree). Grandfather!

Father Frost (knocks with staff).

One two Three!

Snow Maiden, come out!

The Snow Maiden comes out to the music.

Snow Maiden.

Hello guys!

Hello, grandpa!

Hello, guests!

I was in a hurry to go to the circus for the Christmas tree

And I hurried the snowflakes,

I'll show you a trick -

There's snow in the hall.

Hey you cute snowflakes

My little stars,

Get whirled around in a blizzard,

White snow carousel!

Dance of "snowflakes".

Father Frost .

It suddenly became so bright

Everything around is white and white!


Yes, nice and white

Our winter is winter!

Grandfather Frost, today the circus at the Christmas tree is here -

It's time to light the Christmas tree!

Snow Maiden.

Grandfather, show me the main trick -

Light up the Christmas tree with lights!

Father Frost.

Well, take a closer look,

Say loudly together:

One two Three,

Shine Christmas tree!

The children say the tree doesn’t light up.


Our flattering guest wants it differently.

Well, it will be different.

Well, let's find all the ears.


Making the Christmas tree laugh is of little use

Moms, dads, help us, speak with us.

They pulled their ears down, come on, light up the Christmas tree.

Knocks the staff 3 times. The tree lit up with lights.

Father Frost.

Our tree is the best in the world,

Are you happy, dear children?!

The Christmas tree glows with lights,

Have fun with us!


Well, let's continue the circus program,

We offer a strongman performance.

The “strong men” come out to the “March”.

1st strongman

There are strong men in the arena,

The best circus performers in the world!

We throw weights

Like children's balls!

2nd strongman.

I want to be a strong man

To move the cabinet with your shoulder.

I want to be a strong man

So that the weights don’t matter.

To cast iron balls

I found it useful for playing

So that your muscles barely

I could squeeze it into the sleeves!

(To the song “Harlequin”, the Strongman bends a fake horseshoe, breaks a paper chain with a movement of his shoulder. He begins to easily and naturally play with a papier-mâché weight, throws it from one hand to the other, lifts it above his head. Then he approaches a wooden barbell, which “with difficulty "Bim and Bom bring in. He breathes deeply, rubs his hands, spreads his legs shoulder-width apart, takes the barbell, quickly lifts it, bows and sits down.)

The strongmen's number is performed.

Snow Maiden.

Open the doors wider -

Animals perform in the circus!

Number of cats and a cat.


The bear performs

Citizen of forests and ice floes.

The bear rides boldly

On a circus bike.

A bear dressed in a bear costume rides out on a children's bicycle. He circles the tree, gets into a pose, raises his hand up.

The Bears . Ole Up!


Come on, Bears, turn around.

Take a bow to all the guys.

(the bears follow the command and bow)

Now don't be lazy

And spin around a little.

(the bears are circling)

Dance squat -

You'll get some chocolate.


Very good -

Clap for us!

They perform the "Bear" dance.

Father Frost.

Wow, wow, you danced like that,

It even became hot in the hall.

Snow Maiden. Rest, grandpa.

Bear. (with a chair). Grandfather Frost, you will get a chair if you sit on it first.

Father Frost.

Now I'll put you in a bag

Yes, I’ll take it to the winter forest.

A game is played with a bag without a bottom, as if Santa Claus is putting bears in a bag. At the end the bears run away.

Father Frost.

Finally I’ll sit on a chair,

I'll rest and look at the guys.



We continue the circus program,

We invite the king of beasts to the arena!

A trainer comes out with the “lions” - the child is dressed in a lion costume.


The lights are going out, quickly, quickly -

The king of beasts is in the arena!

Hit the floor with a whip.

A trained tiger and a lion perform -

They are a great success!

A lion.

I can throw the ball deftly

And jump into the hoop deftly,

I'm a wonderful circus performer

I'm a wonderful circus performer

I am a master trainer.


You don't come close
I'm a tiger, not a pussy.

Number with a lion. You can use a number with a hoop.

Father Frost:

Children stand in a circle,

Here's a game for everyone around!

The children stood around.

Pass the ball around

Hurry up, don't fall behind.

You roll, funny ball,

Quickly, quickly, hand over hand,

Who has a funny ball?

He's dancing for us!

A ball game is being played.

Presenter I. Grandfather Frost, we won’t let you out of the circle.

Father Frost . How is that?

All. And like this!

The game "We won't let you out" is being played.

Father Frost.

Well, what should I do, kids, -

Girls and boys?

Snow Maiden . Grandfather Frost, show the guys some tricks, and they will let you go.

Father Frost.

Well, I'm a famous magician,

I will treat you to miracles.

Light, clean water

IN different colors I'll convert it.

Come on, run to your places.

And you, Snow Maiden, bring us the magic jars!

The children take their seats. The Snow Maiden carries three jars with lids painted on the inside with watercolor paint or gouache.


You, water-water,

My friend is cold,

Stand, water-water,

Not simple - green.

Shakes the jar, the water turns green.

You, water-water,

Light as frost

Stand, water-water,

Not a simple one, but a blue one.

A jar of blue paint.

You, water-water,

You are my beautiful friend,

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but red.

The water turns red.

Snow Maiden. A real magician!

Father Frost.

And I still can’t do that!

I want gifts to appear!

Appear bag

We wish that Santa Claus

I brought you a bag of joy!

The second bag should contain laughter!!

And the third was a bag of success!!

Snow Maiden.

Here's a treat guys

For your circus, for your performances!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children.

Father Frost.

Did you give everyone gifts? Have you forgotten anyone?

Thanks everyone for the fun!

Goodbye guys

I send greetings to the circus performers,

I wish you all many years to come.

Snow Maiden.

Be healthy everyone

May happiness await you,

May you be cheerful, joyful

It will be New Year!


In a year, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will come to us again for our holiday.

And now it’s time to leave, kids.

Goodbye! See you again!

1 .Who's come? What did you bring?

We know - Santa Claus!

He is gray-haired, with a beard,

He is our dear guest!

2. The New Year is knocking on our door

Old Grandfather Frost.

It sparkles with snowflakes,

It's covered in icicles!

3. He has a bright blush,

Beard like white fur,

Interesting gifts

He cooked for everyone!

4. We meet him together

We are such friends!

But drink hot tea

This is not allowed as a guest!

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten “The Naughty Blob”
Educator: Sinyutina Galina Viktorovna
Musical director: Chirkova Nina Valentinovna
children younger age enter the hall
Ved: The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered.
We accompany our dear children to school together.
How many kids are we graduating to 1st grade now?
Those guys who are 7, look, they are also 7!
We will congratulate them, sing songs and dance.
Let the music sound loud, the fanfares thunder joyfully!
includes graduates
Issue: This holiday is unusual,
It only happens once.
Everything is so new, not familiar,
We're off to first grade!
Issue: The sun is a cheerful ray
He happily knocks on the windows,
And we are proud today
An important word – GRADUATE!
Graduation: We are at the graduation party
The whole family gathered.
Dads and moms are watching now
And they try to understand:
Our worries are over
Or are they starting?
Issue: We’re parting ways with kindergarten,
Everyone is very happy about school!
Let's smile goodbye
Don't be sad, our kindergarten!
1st child: You are leaving us, dear entertainers,
But they lived in a group together, as if in an anthill!
2nd child: You once came to kindergarten, small, like chickens.
And now, guys, we’ll see you off to 1st grade!
3rd child: You bring straight A's, behave well,
We want to be proud of you, our graduates
4th child: Don’t worry about the garden, each of the guys will say!
It’s okay that we part, we remain with the elders!
5th child: Believe me, we won’t upset the teachers,
You leave, they will have to educate us before school.
Ved: Our kindergarten is a “star factory”
Well, not stars, but let only stars.
Who will come to us completely stupid,
He will become a bright and smart child.
Song “It’s cool you ended up in kindergarten”
Issue: B kindergarten learned
We are beautiful words

They were read for the first time

Mother! Motherland! Moscow!

Issue: The sun shines kindly on us

Blue is pouring from the sky

May they always live in the world

Mother! Motherland! Moscow!

Song "Rosinochka-Russia"

(children sit on chairs, the round dance remains)

Dance "wreath"

(a blot runs in)

Klyaksa: How much did it bother you?

Instructed the blots,

You've grown up anyway.

Write and draw.

You are in a hurry to go to school,

Don't you want to take me?

Does that mean you don't need me?

But it’s not for nothing that I’m all black.

I won't let you into school

I'll turn back time.

(turns the clock back

I will spin you around, I will lead you astray

I won't tell you the way back!

Dance of the Karapuzov

Reb: And where did we end up?

They became small again.

Moms and dads loved us,

And they fed and taught,

So that we can grow up faster

Go to school, go to 1st grade.

Reb: But it all turns out in vain,

Time has turned back

It's dangerous to joke with a blot -

We're toddlers again!

Blob: The only magic word in the world

It will help you come back, children!

Of course you know this word.

The letters simply read:

And I will hide the letters from the word everywhere

In the sky, in the forest, on land and in water.

To find letters for words

You must visit fairy tales.

(the blot runs away)

Reb: We need to fix everything urgently,

To place the arrows correctly

We need to find the magic word.

How can we follow fairy tales?

Artist: I have a magic pencil.

He will now draw fairy tales in his album.

This is the first fairy tale, let's get into it soon

What fairy tale will we get into?

Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

He'll end up in school instead

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name?

Children: Pinocchio!

(Pinocchio runs in)

Pinocchio: Dad Carlo bought me the alphabet

I went to school.

But he did it in vain,

After all, life is wonderful even without school.

I sold the alphabet for money,

I buried them in Wonderland.

And tomorrow, early at dawn

I'll dig them double

And I’ll bury them again…..

How many were there, how many became?

How much?......A lot or a little?

What is 5+5?

Ved: You, Pinocchio, don’t be sad!

Better hurry to school

Game "count the coins"

(silver and gold coins are scattered on the floor, 2 of their children

collect and count)

Pinocchio: Thanks guys, I'll run!


Maybe I can help you with something?

Reb: The blot visited us,

She scattered the word letter by letter,

And this is the magic word for us

It will help us go to first grade.

We need to find the letters

If you can, help us!

Pinocchio: When I took the coins out of the hole

I found this little thing in the ground.

Look, guys, how good is she?

Reb: Yes, that’s her! Our letter “SH”!

(Pinocchio gives the letter and runs away)

Artist: Let's quickly turn the page,

So that in a new fairy tale find yourself.

I don’t walk and I don’t fly,

Try to catch up!

I can be golden

Well, look into a fairy tale!

Children: Goldfish!

Artist: Let's call the fish together

And with its help we will find the letter “K”!

All: Fish, fish, swim!

Help us find the letter!

Fish: Who calls me so boldly?

Just like that or on business?

Who broke the peace and quiet?

Reb: Have mercy, lady fish, and listen to us!

We bow to you and ask you

Help us, don’t leave us in trouble!

Fish: Only those I am ready to help,

Those who don't mind working hard.

After all, everyone has long known

That you can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty!

I want to know how you will study?

What kind of fish will you catch?

Game "Catch the Fish"

Fish: You completed the task well.

For this I will fulfill one of your wishes.

Now my fish friends will swim

And they will find your letter!

Dance of algae and fish

(at the end of the dance they give away the letter)

Artist: It's time for us to visit the third fairy tale

Let's turn the page again.

Well, what is all the noise and commotion here?

Who started the chaos here?

Dunno: I want to become a musician

Listen to me, friends!

(plays musical instruments)

Reb: Dunno, to become a musician

Notes need to be studied.

Who didn't want to study at school?

He's not fit to be a musician!

Sit down and listen, Dunno, quickly

How wonderfully the spoon orchestra plays!

Spoon Orchestra

Dunno: While the orchestra of musicians was playing

A piece of the sun fell from the sky.

Help me understand

What could this mean?

(shows the letter O in yellow)

Reb: This is a letter! Everyone knows.

We're missing the letter "O"!

We are looking for her everywhere...

Dunno: I’ll be glad to give it to you!

And I'll take a primer, a notebook

I'll go study letters!

Artist: He penciled us the fourth page.

What fairy tale are we going to find ourselves in?

Dance of astronauts and stars

Prince: Welcome to my planet!

What brings you here, children?

Ved: It’s no coincidence that our children

We found ourselves on the planet.

Reb: We want to find you

The letter is important for us.

Haven't you met

On some planet

Or maybe on a star?

We are looking for her everywhere!

Prince: (watering the rose)

There is one flower on my planet

An unprecedented sprout appeared nearby!

I water it, but I don’t know what it is!

Reb: This is our letter “L”!

We searched for the letter for a long time,

But they didn’t know what she was here.

This is how Klyaksa joked:

She launched a letter into the sky!

Prince: I was very glad to help you,

I wouldn't mind going to school.

But I am needed here - on the planet,

It's a pity - goodbye, children!

(gives the letter and leaves)

Artist: We went through all the fairy tales with you

We didn't find the letter "A"

(Blot comes in)

Blot: Yes, yes, you won’t find it,

Which means you won’t go to school!

Well, I defeated you.

Well, let the blots dance!

Artist: The last page tells me

That the Blob is afraid of water

Dance of the Blots

(a letter is found on one of the blots)

Ved: And here is the letter “A”!

Klyaksa: You still managed to find the word,

The arrows - well, I'll turn them again.

(turns arrows)

But always be aware of my habits,

Take care of your diaries and notebooks!!!

Ved: So we watched the fairy tales, days after days flew by...

Before we knew it, our children had grown up.

Reb: The cuckoo is singing on the clock,

Says: It's time to say goodbye!

Goodbye toys

It's a pity to part with you.

Reb: Goodbye toys:

Monkey, baby elephant,

Yula and firecrackers,

And you, little bear.

Goodbye all dolls

We won't forget you.

Let's go to school

But we will remember you.

"Goodbye toys" song-dance

(The presenter holds a star in her hands and gives it to the child)

Vedas: Starfall, starfall, stars are circling across the sky.

The stars were flying across the sky, we collected those stars.

What do you want to become, children?

Please answer us quickly?

Reb: I want to become a great doctor,

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Very tasty, like candy

I ate it - no disease!

Reb: I don’t like colors,

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait

I can handle it, no doubt!

Reb: You are with me, friends, don’t argue,

I want to become the first in sports.

Scoring the puck is a trifle for me,

I play for Spartak!

Reb: I want to become a pianist

A wonderful artist.

Music has been with me since childhood

I love her with all my heart!

Reb: I dream of becoming an architect,

Build a city without corners.

I am now making my dream come true:

At home I draw from circles.

So my dream has come true!

Mom, you won’t be able to, as before, loving

Put me in a corner!

Game "Chamomile"

Reb: The years have flown by like an arrow, and the school is waiting for the children

Only a quiet round dance will glimpse our garden in the distance.

Even if we part, they won’t forget us here.

This farewell waltz remains as a memory!

"Farewell Waltz"

Reb: The preschool ball is over,

And a new day will begin,

And the kids come back to this hall

Will gather for the holiday.

It's a bit of a pity that we're already

We will only be guests here,

But you are always in our soul,

And we are with you with all our hearts!

Reb: Thank you, dear teachers,

For affection and warmth.

We were next to you

And on a gloomy day it is light.

Reb: You pitied us and loved us

And how they raised us like flowers.

It's a pity that we can't see you

Take it with you to 1st grade.

Reb: To everyone who was very dear to us,

Replaced our dads and moms

We are bouquets of fives

We'll bring it and hand it to you.

Reb: Thank you for your care and attention,

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

For loving us so much

All: We say thank you!

Song “The Stars Are Lighting Up”

A word to teachers and parents.

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten “The Naughty Blob”
Educator: Sinyutina Galina Viktorovna
Musical director: Chirkova Nina Valentinovna
Young children enter the hall
Ved: The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered.
We accompany our dear children to school together.
How many kids are we graduating to 1st grade now?
Those guys who are 7, look, they are also 7!
We will congratulate them, sing songs and dance.
Let the music sound loud, the fanfares thunder joyfully!
Graduates enter
Issue: This holiday is unusual,
It only happens once.
Everything is so new, not familiar,
We're off to first grade!
Issue: The sun is a cheerful ray
He happily knocks on the windows,
And we are proud today
An important word – GRADUATE!
Graduation: We are at the graduation party
The whole family gathered.
Dads and moms are watching now
And they try to understand:
Our worries are over
Or are they starting?
Issue: We’re parting ways with kindergarten,
Everyone is very happy about school!
Let's smile goodbye
Don't be sad, our kindergarten!
1st child: You are leaving us, dear entertainers,
But they lived in a group together, as if in an anthill!
2nd child: You once came to kindergarten, small, like chickens.
And now, guys, we’ll see you off to 1st grade!
3rd child: You bring straight A's, behave well,
We want to be proud of you, our graduates
4th child: Don’t worry about the garden, each of the guys will say!
It’s okay that we part, we remain with the elders!
5th child: Believe me, we won’t upset the teachers,
You leave, they will have to educate us before school.
Ved: Our kindergarten is a “star factory”
Well, not stars, but let only stars.
Who will come to us completely stupid,
He will become a bright and smart child.
Song “It’s cool you ended up in kindergarten”
Issue: We learned in kindergarten
We are beautiful words

They were read for the first time

Mother! Motherland! Moscow!

Issue: The sun shines kindly on us

Blue is pouring from the sky

May they always live in the world

Mother! Motherland! Moscow!

Song "Rosinochka-Russia"

(children sit on chairs, the round dance remains)

Dance "wreath"

(a blot runs in)

Klyaksa: How much did it bother you?

Instructed the blots,

You've grown up anyway.

Write and draw.

You are in a hurry to go to school,

Don't you want to take me?

Does that mean you don't need me?

But it’s not for nothing that I’m all black.

I won't let you into school

I'll turn back time.

(turns the clock back

I will spin you around, I will lead you astray

I won't tell you the way back!

Dance of the Karapuzov

Reb: And where did we end up?

They became small again.

Moms and dads loved us,

And they fed and taught,

So that we can grow up faster

Go to school, go to 1st grade.

Reb: But it all turns out in vain,

Time has turned back

It's dangerous to joke with a blot -

We're toddlers again!

Blob: The only magic word in the world

It will help you come back, children!

Of course you know this word.

The letters simply read:

And I will hide the letters from the word everywhere

In the sky, in the forest, on land and in water.

To find letters for words

You must visit fairy tales.

(the blot runs away)

Reb: We need to fix everything urgently,

To place the arrows correctly

We need to find the magic word.

How can we follow fairy tales?

Artist: I have a magic pencil.

He will now draw fairy tales in his album.

This is the first fairy tale, let's get into it soon

What fairy tale will we get into?

Walking to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

He'll end up in school instead

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name?

Children: Pinocchio!

(Pinocchio runs in)

Pinocchio: Dad Carlo bought me the alphabet

I went to school.

But he did it in vain,

After all, life is wonderful even without school.

I sold the alphabet for money,

I buried them in Wonderland.

And tomorrow, early at dawn

I'll dig them double

And I’ll bury them again…..

How many were there, how many became?

How many?……. Many or few?

What is 5+5?

Ved: You, Pinocchio, don’t be sad!

Better hurry to school

Game "count the coins"

(silver and gold coins are scattered on the floor, 2 of their children

Collect and count)

Pinocchio: Thanks guys, I'll run!


Maybe I can help you with something?

Reb: The blot visited us,

She scattered the word letter by letter,

And this is the magic word for us

It will help us go to first grade.

We need to find the letters

If you can, help us!

Pinocchio: When I took the coins out of the hole

I found this little thing in the ground.

Look, guys, how good is she?

Reb: Yes, that’s her! Our letter “SH”!

(Pinocchio gives the letter and runs away)

Artist: Let's quickly turn the page,

To find yourself in a new fairy tale.

I don’t walk and I don’t fly,

Try to catch up!

I can be golden

Well, look into a fairy tale!

Children: Goldfish!

Artist: Let's call the fish together

And with its help we will find the letter “K”!

All: Fish, fish, swim!

Help us find the letter!

Fish: Who calls me so boldly?

Just like that or on business?

Who broke the peace and quiet?

Reb: Have mercy, lady fish, and listen to us!

We bow to you and ask you

Help us, don’t leave us in trouble!

Fish: Only those I am ready to help,

Those who don't mind working hard.

After all, everyone has long known

That you can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty!

I want to know how you will study?

What kind of fish will you catch?

Game "Catch the Fish"

Fish: You completed the task well.

For this I will fulfill one of your wishes.

Now my fish friends will swim

And they will find your letter!

Dance of algae and fish

(at the end of the dance they give away the letter)

Artist: It's time for us to visit the third fairy tale

Let's turn the page again.

Well, what is all the noise and commotion here?

Who started the chaos here?

Dunno: I want to become a musician

Listen to me, friends!

(plays musical instruments)

Reb: Dunno, to become a musician

Notes need to be studied.

Who didn't want to study at school?

He's not fit to be a musician!

Sit down and listen, Dunno, quickly

How wonderfully the spoon orchestra plays!

Spoon Orchestra

Dunno: While the orchestra of musicians was playing

A piece of the sun fell from the sky.

Help me understand

What could this mean?

(shows the letter O in yellow)

Reb: This is a letter! Everyone knows.

We're missing the letter "O"!

We are looking for her everywhere...

Dunno: I’ll be glad to give it to you!

And I'll take a primer, a notebook

I'll go study letters!

Artist: He penciled us the fourth page.

What fairy tale are we going to find ourselves in?

Dance of astronauts and stars

Prince: Welcome to my planet!

What brings you here, children?

Ved: It’s no coincidence that our children

We found ourselves on the planet.

Reb: We want to find you

The letter is important for us.

Haven't you met

On some planet

Or maybe on a star?

We are looking for her everywhere!

Prince: (watering the rose)

There is one flower on my planet

An unprecedented sprout appeared nearby!

I water it, but I don’t know what it is!

Reb: This is our letter “L”!

We searched for the letter for a long time,

But they didn’t know what she was here.

This is how Klyaksa joked:

She launched a letter into the sky!

Prince: I was very glad to help you,

I wouldn't mind going to school.

But I am needed here - on the planet,

It's a pity - goodbye, children!

(gives the letter and leaves)

Artist: We went through all the fairy tales with you

We didn't find the letter "A"

(Blot comes in)

Blot: Yes, yes, you won’t find it,

Which means you won’t go to school!

Well, I defeated you.

Well, let the blots dance!

Artist: The last page tells me

That the Blob is afraid of water

Dance of the Blots

(a letter is found on one of the blots)

Ved: And here is the letter “A”!

Klyaksa: You still managed to find the word,

The arrows - well, I'll turn them again.

(turns arrows)

But always be aware of my habits,

Take care of your diaries and notebooks!!!

Ved: So we watched the fairy tales, days after days flew by...

Before we knew it, our children had grown up.

Reb: The cuckoo is singing on the clock,

Says: It's time to say goodbye!

Goodbye toys

It's a pity to part with you.

Reb: Goodbye toys:

Monkey, baby elephant,

Yula and firecrackers,

And you, little bear.

Goodbye all dolls

We won't forget you.

Let's go to school

But we will remember you.

"Goodbye toys" song-dance

(The presenter holds a star in her hands and gives it to the child)

Vedas: Starfall, starfall, stars are circling across the sky.

The stars were flying across the sky, we collected those stars.

What do you want to become, children?

Please answer us quickly?

Reb: I want to become a great doctor,

I will treat everyone with medicine.

Very tasty, like candy

I ate it - no disease!

Reb: I don’t like colors,

I dream of becoming an artist.

Order me a portrait

I can handle it, no doubt!

Reb: You are with me, friends, don’t argue,

I want to become the first in sports.

Scoring the puck is a trifle for me,

I play for Spartak!

Reb: I want to become a pianist

A wonderful artist.

Music has been with me since childhood

I love her with all my heart!

Reb: I dream of becoming an architect,

Build a city without corners.

I am now making my dream come true:

At home I draw from circles.

So my dream has come true!

Mom, you won’t be able to, as before, loving

Put me in a corner!