Owl tattoo on arm meaning for men. Owl on neck tattoo meaning

The tattoo of a wise mystical bird attracts both men and women with its mystery, making this option very popular. No matter what style an owl tattoo is performed in, its sketches are always memorable, extraordinary and attractive.

Owl tattoo on guy's leg

The symbolism of the mysterious bird

Most peoples were wary of the owl, because night is most often considered by cultures as a time of rampant dark forces. And the frightening bird of prey, which hoots piercingly in the dark, turns its head and sparkles with burning eyes, was for our ancestors the embodiment of witchcraft and a guide to the afterlife. This is exactly what the Indians and Egyptians considered the owl to be.

The Chinese were the first to associate the night bird with the symbolism of catastrophic destruction, thunder, death and sorrow. They believed that little chicks peck out the eyes of their mothers and did not honor the owl. Mexicans associate it with darkness, night and cold.

Owl keyhole on leg

The Celts called the owl the “corpse” bird, and the Indians called it the “devil” bird. Many peoples associated her with the funeral cult, and the Romans believed that her cry brought grief and death.

But not everywhere the night predator has earned the role of a mystical spirit from the other world. The ancient Greek goddess of wisdom, Athena, was called the “owl-eyed” and always appeared accompanied by this bird, endowed by the Greeks with the characteristics of wisdom and insight. Among the Slavs, the owl was a wise keeper of hidden knowledge, treasures and the legendary tear-grass. Hindus endow the bird with cosmic spirituality.

With the advent of the Enlightenment, owls increasingly lost their negative symbolism, becoming an attribute of learning, knowledge, wisdom, intellectuality, and a sharp mind. The bird was now often depicted wearing glasses, holding a torch, or on a stack of books, and it appeared on the logos of libraries and universities.

Owl pattern with mount eyes on leg

Basic meanings of tattoos

Did you know? The famous ears of owls, which are 50 times more sensitive than human ears, are not tassels crowning the head of a bird. Owl ears are very difficult to see and are amazing in that they vary in size, shape and even position. The right ear is located lower and turned upward, the left ear is located higher and turned downward. Thus, the predator covers the entire space around itself, catching every squeak and rustle.

Owl with headphones in color, original tattoo

Depending on how the owl tattoo is made, its meaning can be reduced to the following categories:

  • Wisdom, intelligence, love of knowledge, higher intelligence;
  • Independence, freedom;
  • Willpower and spirit, intuition;
  • Search for adventures (mostly at night);
  • Love of mysteries and mysticism;
  • Mysterious personality;
  • Voluntary solitude, contemplative lifestyle;
  • Originality, peculiarity;
  • Longevity, life experience;
  • Fear of the passage of time.

Owl on a branch, tattoo on leg

Image options

I can't imagine a better tattoo than an owl soaring against the backdrop of a full moon. I tattooed one on my back. The bird itself is made in dark colors, and the burning eyes and the lamp in its claws are emphatically bright. Everyone I know is delighted with my sketch!

Oleg, Tolyatti

  • A realistic and gloomy animal with large wings, carefully drawn plumage or with a mouse in its claws is the choice of men.
  • A fabulous, cartoon owl with big eyes is the prerogative of girls. Often they depict famous owls from the books about Harry Potter or the Russian cartoon about Winnie the Pooh.
  • Sometimes the head or even the owl's eyes are pricked separately. Such drawings definitely attract the attention of others.
  • The lamp in the bird's claws represents the tattoo owner's epiphany.
  • Old owls with shaggy eyebrows surrounded by candles speak of the wisdom of the bearer.
  • Owl with a clock. A very popular image, because this bird is associated with longevity and is credited with the ability to manipulate time. The clock in the sketch can be anything: sand, electronic, mechanical. Particularly common is the design of a flying owl carrying a round pocket watch on a chain in its talons.
  • Instead of the eyes of a night bird, the same clock or gems.
  • The image of an owlet with the child’s name indicated under the picture is in demand among parents of both sexes.
  • A night predator with a key in her paws keeps secrets and secret knowledge.
  • To emphasize the mystical component of the image, the drawing is often complemented with a gloomy background, dark branches and a full moon.
  • An owl in a master's cap, glasses, on a pile of books, with a pen and paper in his hands - a sketch for lovers of learning.
  • A bird in a composition with a dream catcher is an elegant and colorful solution for both sexes.
  • Watercolor owls applied in soft blurry strokes are another trend in the sketches of this tattoo.
  • A sleepy bird wrapped in a warm blanket or in combination with a cup of coffee and a computer mouse is a sketch for lovers of nightlife, those whose biological clocks indicate an owl lifestyle.
  • Owls are often painted in a mirror image, duplicating them on legs or arms. This option looks very creative and attractive.
  • The biomechanics style involves drawing a bird consisting of screws, hinges, tendons and screws. This option is usually preferred by men.
  • Featuring graceful lines, the Tribal Owl is typically black and suits both sexes equally.

Tattoo on the leg of an owl that sits against the background of the moon

Place of application

A cute owlet, funnyly turning its head to the side, with large beautiful eyes– tattoo on my shoulder blade. It was a very delicate job. I advise all girls to pay attention to such sketches.

Lera, Dmitrov

The owl complements the sleeve on the guy's shoulder

There are no clear recommendations on where this image looks best. In addition, a lot depends on the size of the bird. In principle, the owl tattoo, a photo of which you will find in the article, can be found in almost any area of ​​the body.

Note that owls are often depicted on the inside of the arm, back, chest, back of the head and shoulder blades. You can find it on the legs and hips. Small one-color birds are even placed on the wrists, feet and fingers.

Video: Owl Tattoo Review

Owl tattoo designs

In pre-Christian times, the owl was considered a sacred bird and was associated with intelligence, mystery and knowledge. Among the Slavs, the night bird is associated with the otherworldly, the unknown. People made the night dweller a permanent participant in black and white rituals, an assistant to witches, wizards and sorcerers.

With all the duality of qualities inherent in the owl, all peoples, without exception, treated this bird with great respect. In modern interpretation owl is a symbol of learning, broad outlook and rich knowledge. It is not for nothing that educational institutions, colleges, schools and institutes with a worldwide reputation choose the owl as their symbol, as an indicator High Quality training.

Meaning of owl tattoo

The owl is a mystical, mysterious bird, it is considered a symbol protection, intelligence and sacred knowledge. Undoubtedly, a tattoo with an owl can carry a sacred meaning and personify the magical qualities of its owner.

An owl tattoo should be done consciously, and the placement of the tattoo and the design of the design must be seriously considered. Without exaggeration, we can say that an owl tattoo is the choice of strong, wise and mature individuals.

The owl has a close connection with the moon and the night; this may be relevant for people who feel lunar biorhythms, as well as for those who like to be active in the dark.

An owl tattoo with glasses can symbolize foresight and perspicacity. The owner of a tattoo where the owl has additional vision can perceive the bird as a seer and assistant in situations where special clarity of vision of situations or people is required. It is difficult to deceive an owl; she always senses the truth!

Meaning for girls

Owl tattoos have a special meaning for girls. Often women prefer an owl in an abstract or cartoon form, which also speaks of the cheerful disposition, optimistic outlook on life and carefree nature of the owner of such a picture.

Surrounded bright colors An owl tattoo has an even broader meaning for women - a picturesquely designed bird testifies to tenderness and femininity, as well as gentleness of character and sociability. Those who wear such a tattoo strive for new acquaintances and romantic adventures. An owl tattoo on the arm has the following meaning for girls: it indicates the mystery and high intelligence of the owner.

A realistic image of an owl on a tattoo indicates the girl’s straightforwardness and dreaminess. The owner of this image on the body wants to see everything in the best light, but at the same time does not break away from reality and knows how to soberly assess what is happening around her.

Sometimes the meaning of an owl tattoo for girls is of an exclusively individual nature, depending on the meaning that the owner herself puts into the picture. This may be involvement in secret knowledge or the world of magic. When making such an image on the body, one must be prepared to take responsibility for its power.

Meaning for men

The meaning of an owl tattoo for men varies depending on the color and location. A naturalistic image of a bird is usually chosen, and it can be woven into a complex pattern.

When creating an owl tattoo on the arm, its meaning is to emphasize the wisdom and determination of the owner. He is ready to do anything to achieve his goals and is a reliable support for everyone who is dear to him. The picture in this case should be on the right hand.

An owl tattoo on the leg has the following meaning when placed below the knees and done in dark colors or monochrome: the man has experienced severe mental or physical suffering. Such a tattoo can also be regarded as an indication that loneliness is a constant companion of its owner and brings harmony to his world.

The desire to hide and protect from outside world, to go into the otherworldly reality is symbolized by the tattoo of an owl with outstretched wings on the left hand. She also talks about the desire to have a connection with the afterlife.

The black and white bird is often chosen by mature men as a symbol of their determination, calmness and constancy. This tattoo shows that its owner knows how to make the right decisions and find a way out of the most difficult situations. When the picture is multi-colored, the meaning of a guy’s owl tattoo is to mark his penchant for having a good time and a carefree attitude towards everything that happens in life. Often colored owls are stuffed by athletes and creative people.

Location on the body and meaning

Where the tattoo is located also has a special meaning. Thus, an owl on the shoulder means a person’s desire to gain wisdom, prudence and abandonment of spontaneous actions. A bird on the ankle speaks of strength of character and reveals predatory notes of personality.

An owl tattoo on a man’s head is a desire to show the whole world his bright qualities: significance, intellectual abilities and capabilities. When an owl is done on the neck, the tattoo has the meaning of a sign of participation in secret knowledge and something great. This is a demonstration of your peculiarity and that unusual thing that others cannot find.

By choosing the chest as the place for the image of a night bird, the man declares a challenge to society and shows that for him there are only his own rules and he does not accept others. An owl on the stomach means that most of all in life the owner is interested in material goods and values. He knows what he wants and is ready to do anything to get it. If the picture is on the back, then this symbolizes protection from the whole world and the desire for dominance.


The plot of the owl tattoo is interpreted depending on what other symbol is present in it.

  1. Watch. The owl tattoo with a clock has a meaning associated with the understanding of time as the main value and source of wisdom and true knowledge. This drawing is an indication of the importance of the ability to appreciate and not waste every minute of your life.
  2. Key. The meaning of an owl tattoo with a key is wisdom and knowledge that opens all doors for a person, giving unlimited opportunities and freedom in life. This is also a sign of a person’s need to know his essence and inner world. If the bird is black, then in combination with the key it indicates storage secret knowledge.
  3. Dream Catcher. Feeling the need for reliable protection and faithful companions in life. The owl dream catcher tattoo has the meaning of a magical sign that serves to achieve these goals and find harmony with oneself and the world.
  4. Moon. An owl tattoo with a moon is a mystical symbol that points to the mysteries and cyclical nature of time, as well as the mystery of human nature and his knowledge of the world.

For many peoples, the owl is magical symbol and totem animals. When choosing its image for yourself, you need to know that an owl tattoo has a meaning that consists of the features and color of the design, its location, design and accompanying symbols.

What is the meaning and significance of an owl tattoo

The owl tattoo is one of the most popular images. Such tattoos are chosen by both men and women. An owl is a mystical, mysterious bird, a symbol of wisdom for some and a messenger of hard times and death for others. This bird of prey evokes fear with its frightening voice, eyes glowing in the darkness, and silent flight.

An example of a tattoo with an owl and a dream catcher on the arm

History of the owl tattoo

Due to the nocturnal lifestyle of many ancient peoples, the owl became an evil, terrifying symbol of dark forces. The owl was associated with death, grief, the afterlife, and black magic. Although for some nationalities this bird was a positive symbol. For example, among the Indians, an owl meant wisdom, erudition, intelligence, and was protection and amulet. In Ancient Greece, an owl accompanied Athena; the silhouette of this bird was depicted on coins. Therefore, many European fairy tales talk about a wise owl. But most peoples still associate the owl with evil. In China, the owl signified evil, crime, and death. In Celtic culture, the owl was considered a messenger, a corpse bird, and a night witch. In Japan, Ancient Egypt this bird of prey was called the patron of the night, the messenger of the other world, the mediator between the world of the living and the dead. In India, it was believed that the owl is a guide of souls to the afterlife. In Mexico, the bird symbolizes cold and night. In Madagascar they believed that these night birds danced with witches on the graves of the dead. Christians associate the owl with witchcraft, unbelief and spiritual blindness. In modern culture, the owl symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, prudence, erudition, conscious loneliness, and vitality.

Owl tattoo on a branch

What does an owl tattoo mean?

The meaning of a tattoo with an image of an owl can be different, depending on what meaning the owner of the tattoo puts into it. Also, the meaning of an owl tattoo may depend on the composition in which it is depicted. The main meanings that are embedded in an owl tattoo: wisdom, ingenuity, prudence, clear thoughts, intelligence, knowledge, vitality, erudition, mysticism, amulet. A tattoo depicting this night bird looks impressive. The meaning of a tattoo is determined by the composition and manner of application. Most often, these are bright, eye-catching tattoos.

Large owl and crown tattoo on chest

Often, owl tattoos are applied by people who lead a nocturnal lifestyle, are fond of mysticism, or are mysterious, extraordinary or wise people. Sometimes owl tattoos are worn by people who want to express a desire to learn new things, to show a love of learning, and comprehension of science. It should be said that the symbolism of owl tattoos is very strong, with mysterious and mystical energy.

Owl tattoo - meaning

Many girls choose owl tattoos for themselves. After all, the image of this bird has a special appeal, and therefore its image looks stylish and attracts attention. However, not everyone knows the meaning of an owl tattoo. But this drawing has quite interesting symbolism, rooted deep in the history of human civilization.

What does an owl tattoo mean?

The living bird itself is already a multi-valued symbol. Since she is nocturnal, her image would always be shrouded in mystery, bordering on mysticism. And due to the fact that the owl is a predator, it was credited with strength, cruelty, ruthlessness, bloodthirstiness and other unpleasant qualities. She was the embodiment of the inexplicable horror that grips people before the unknown that lurks in the dark, because this bird can see better at night than during the day, and moves completely silently and swiftly, like a ghost.

In many world religions, the owl is associated with the world of the dead, considering it a resident or messenger. Its appearance could be a harbinger of death, some kind of misfortune - this is what the Celts, Japanese and Chinese believed. And Christians in the Middle Ages believed that the owl was the constant companion of sorcerers and black magicians.

However, in other traditions, the image of this bird had a positive meaning. For example, North American Indians gave themselves ritual tattoos with the image of an owl, wanting to gain wisdom and learn to see what is hidden. The ancient Greeks also considered the bird wise - it always sat on the shoulder of the goddess Athena, the patroness of scientists.

An owl tattoo for girls can mean a desire for knowledge, a penchant for mysticism and esotericism. This pattern is often chosen by those who are night owls in terms of daily activity and lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle. If the tattoo is made in an unusual style, then this indicates the girl’s penchant for shocking, her desire to express her individuality.

Owl tattoo on leg

The meaning of an owl tattoo can vary somewhat depending on what part of the body the girl applies it to. If the design is pinned on the left leg, then this indicates a tendency to introspection and search for hidden reserves. The owner of the tattoo is not very happy with the existing order of things and wants to influence her life. An owl tattoo on the right leg means that the girl has already chosen her path in life and is going to move along it, without turning anywhere.

Meaning of owl tattoo on hand

If an owl tattoo is applied to left hand, then this is tantamount to the statement “I want, and therefore it will be so.” The girl is going to do what she likes, not paying attention to the opinions of others. Usually the design in this place is made by determined and daring people. The tattoo on the right hand is a desire for self-expression, some rigidity in actions.

If an owl tattoo is applied to the wrist, then usually the design serves as a personal amulet. He will protect his owner from negative energy impacts.

Owl tattoo on neck

The drawing of an owl in this place suggests that the girl considers herself exceptional, chosen, and possessing some unique abilities.

Owl tattoo on chest

The drawing of a bird on the chest suggests that its owner has her own opinion on any life issue and does not want to blindly obey generally accepted norms. Such a tattoo is a kind of challenge to the world around us.

Owl tattoo on back

The design on this part of the body is a way of protection from the outside world, and at the same time a symbol of the fact that the owner of the tattoo strives for dominance. She thus wants to activate her inner potential and demonstrate it to everyone around her.

The meaning of an owl tattoo for different people

The owl is often considered a mystical and unusual bird, symbolizing many positive and negative aspects. It can mean wisdom and insight, and can also be a harbinger of hard times and even death.

The owl is a bird that inspires mystical fear

Because of its mysterious appearance, loud and alarming owl voice, people have always attributed special qualities to it. Also, many peoples considered the bird of prey to be a sign of evil and dark forces due to its ability to silently appear under the cover of night. That is, there was a complete lack of friendly attitude towards the owl in some countries, for which the species was exterminated.

Symbol meaning:

  1. Ancient Egypt: darkness and cold.
  2. Mexico and Japan: evil.
  3. China: crimes, death.
  4. Africa and Madagascar: dancing with witches on graves.
  5. India: accompanying the dead to the other world.

The Celts also considered it a symbol of evil and death. And for Christians, the bird meant the approach of the devil’s army, it was a symbol of witchcraft and the lack of spiritual values.

Wisdom and veneration of the owl

Along with its negative meaning, the multifaceted and contradictory symbol of the owl carries positive properties:

  1. Among the ancient Greeks, the owl was respected for its inherent wisdom, which was confirmed by the placement of the bird’s image on coins. It was from the inhabitants of the warm valleys that the statement about her intelligence came. Also in ancient Greece and Rome, the bird was the constant companion of the goddess of wisdom and learning.
  2. In European works of art, the owl is represented as a fairy-tale heroine, significantly superior in mental abilities to other birds and animals. People often come to her for advice and listen carefully to her sensible words.
  3. In Russia, the owl symbol is associated with study, scientific activity, reason and intellect. Often there is an image of a bird wearing glasses with books and a pointer.
  4. For the Indians, the wise owl was a protector, a prophetess, and a symbol of good luck.

In addition, thanks to the ability to navigate in the dark, it was often believed that the owl had the gift of foreseeing the future.

What does a bird tattoo mean in the modern world?

The meaning of the owl tattoo modern world just as controversial as before. This symbol is often chosen by wise, perspicacious people with clear thinking. In addition, the drawing may indicate the bright individuality, fortitude and loneliness of the owners. The meaning of the “owl” tattoo also manifests itself in protection from dark forces, since such a tattoo is often made by people interested in mysticism. The picture may also indicate a preference for a nocturnal lifestyle.

Since the meaning of the “owl” tattoo is interpreted quite broadly, for a better understanding of the image you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Size of the drawing.
  • Style.
  • The meaning of the “owl” tattoo lies in the interpretation of the person who applied it.

The mystery and unusualness of the bird conceals many reasons why people choose this image for body painting.

Owl tattoo: meaning for girls and men. Interpretation of such a tattoo on the zone

The owl drawing can be made in a cartoon style, mystical or frightening. Men prefer the image of an owl in a darker and more realistic version. Beautiful ladies often choose an image of a fairy-tale bird with huge eyes on a decorative background as an “owl” tattoo. Such a pattern on the body often not only indicates the personal preferences of the owner, but also plays the role of decoration.

In addition, tattoos must be taken very seriously also because in places of detention they are special signs that must tell only the truth about a person. A drawing that does not correspond to the status among criminals or the personal qualities of the owner is subject to severe punishment. An owl (tattoo) also indicates certain character traits. The meaning in the zone of this image speaks of a pessimistic attitude regarding everything around its bearer, reflecting on the frailty of the world and death.

That is, an owl can be perceived in different ways, and the interpretation of the symbol depends entirely on the style of execution and what the owner puts into it. In any case, an owl is significant and possessing mysterious power drawing.

Owl tattoo: meaning and symbolism

For many peoples of the world, the "Owl" tattoo has an extremely negative meaning. It is considered a symbol of dark forces that are activated at night. Even today she is capable of instilling fear in anyone. A bird with eyes shining in the night and a terrible cry, which leads a nocturnal lifestyle, is a rather strange creature. Maybe this is why for most of the peoples of the world, the owl is a symbol of evil and is the most terrible sign.

Positive and negative meaning"Owl" tattoo

But not all nations consider this bird such an ominous symbol. There are also those for whom it is a symbol of wisdom and is considered the best amulet. The Indians are such a people. And among Hindus it symbolizes high spirituality. But in other nationalities the bird does not have such positive traits. Thus, the Celts consider the owl a symbol of death. And in Ancient China she personified evil, crime and death. It was even said that young owls pecked out the eyes of their own mothers. In Africa, there are still legends that owls dance at witches' sabbaths. And so on ad infinitum. Almost no nationality considered the owl a good sign and a cute creature. But modern interpretations have changed a lot and began to carry a positive meaning.

What does the "Owl" tattoo mean?

The meaning of a tattoo is perceived precisely in the context in which it is depicted, as well as in the manner of its depiction by the artist. Why is such a controversial symbol so often applied to their bodies by young people? They perceive it as a sign of wisdom, mystery and intimidation. By the way, most often the “Owl” tattoo can be found on the body of a person who is nocturnal or expresses a desire to win the heart of a girl. In Russia, the owl has become a symbol of wisdom. But why is this so, if it is so scary and mysterious? The roots of this sign come from Ancient Greece, where this bird was depicted next to the goddess Athena. And she, as you know, is the keeper of wisdom. It is from here that the expression “smart owl” began to be widely used. And the image of a bird on scrolls or a stack of books became a symbol of many educational institutions of that time. It is from there that the symbol of the owl as a wise and fair advisor came to us. That’s why today the “Owl” tattoo has the most favorable meaning. It symbolizes clarity of thought and strength of spirit. And besides, it is a powerful talisman for the mind.


The "Owl" tattoo has the most direct and immediate meaning - knowledge and fortitude. But nevertheless, it is worth noting the main thing, it is considered a female symbol. Maybe that’s why it’s women who get this tattoo so often. It is performed on the chest or shoulder, and not only in shades of black, but in all colors. But in general, given its ambiguous interpretation, we can say with complete confidence that this tattoo does not mean anything special. Everyone who makes this beautiful and slightly mysterious picture on their body interprets it in their own way. Some people get such a tattoo for beauty, while others try to show that their life is shrouded in mystery and darkness. There are also those who put an owl on their body as a symbol of wisdom and rich life experience.

What is the meaning, history and significance of the eagle owl tattoo

In this article we will talk about tattoos with an eagle owl and about meaning of eagle owl tattoo. Let’s try to understand the history of the eagle owl tattoo design and its possible interpretation. Also, as part of our tattoo site, you can see:

  • Photo of eagle owl tattoo
  • Sketches for an eagle owl tattoo

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey, which since ancient times has had a contradictory and ambiguous reputation and symbolism among different peoples in different historical periods of mankind. Perhaps it’s worth mentioning its significance in the culture of Ancient Greece first. The Greeks had a positive attitude towards this bird, gave it the status of a sacred animal of the goddess Athena, and considered it a symbol of wisdom, science and knowledge, erudition and life experience. She was also credited with the ability to perform magic, for she saw at night, which at that time seemed to the Greeks to be beyond their abilities.

Among the Indians, the owl symbolized death, the afterlife, prophecy, wisdom, and was also considered something of a talisman - the Indians used owl feathers for headdresses; it was believed that the bird could come to the rescue in difficult times.

In Chinese culture, eagle owls had ominous, dark and negative symbolism. The owl was associated with evil, crime, cruelty, disease and almost all the hardships of the everyday and social life of the Chinese people, and by today's standards the owl in China was considered something akin to a terrorist threat.

Christian culture also did not expect anything good from the owl. The owl was considered a demonic creature and a “friend” of the devil, the patron of witchcraft and magic, sorcerers and witches, associated with unbelief, death and horror, and was also associated with almost everything that contradicted the ethics and culture of Christianity and was painted in dark tones. The life of an owl was also associated with the life of a hermit, loneliness and wisdom.

What does an owl tattoo mean?

The main reasons for such an ominous and not entirely fair reputation of the owl were its nocturnal lifestyle, the ability to see in the dark, and the heartbreaking cry emitted by the bird. In our time, eagle owls have lost their status as the “spawn of the devil”, and now have a much more positive reputation than in medieval times.

The meaning of an eagle owl tattoo is a purely personal question.

Such tattoos can be boasted by people who are reasonable, with good analytical and mental abilities, who are cold-blooded, balanced and who know how to control their emotions. People who have gone through fire and water, who have known life in all its forms, people with a large store of knowledge and experience.

Also, a tattoo with this night bird can characterize its owner as a secretive and mysterious person, living a nocturnal (or even hermit) life, a person interested in magic, philosophy, occult and natural sciences.

An owl in some traditions is a symbol of a talisman, so a tattoo with this bird can serve you in life as a means of warding off damage, evil spirits, and other negative misfortunes of someone else’s will that is hostile to you.

Therefore, a person must clearly decide what he wants to express with an owl/eagle owl tattoo on his body, or what qualities/character strengths to enhance or improve.

An illiterate and thoughtlessly chosen tattoo will not bring anything good to its owner, and in some cases it will even act to the detriment... therefore, “measure twice, cut once.”

I want to get an owl tattoo on my arm, tell me what it could mean

The owl, as befits a large bird of prey, has become a symbol of night, dark, ominous power among many peoples. She instills fear with her eyes shining in the dark, her silent approach in flight and her frightening, rough voice. So it’s not without reason that the owl became an evil, and even terrifying, symbol among many ancient peoples, especially in China. Because of her nocturnal lifestyle, she was associated with black magic, the underworld, death and sorrow. However, among a number of other peoples, the owl also had positive symbolism.

Therefore, the overall meaning of an owl tattoo today is not uniform - wisdom and fear, loneliness, higher intelligence, seal and joy.

Ancient Celtic culture called the owl a corpse bird, a harbinger of death. For the Chinese, the owl also embodied all possible evil: yang - the destructive principle, crime and death itself. Even in China, she was credited with the terrifying habit of pecking out the eyes of her mothers.

And among the Indians, for example, the meaning of an owl tattoo was only positive. She personified great wisdom and was considered a good amulet and reliable protection. In the mythology of Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, the owl always accompanied Athena, the goddess of learning and wisdom. She was also considered a seer (possibly due to her ability to see in the dark) and in this context was often depicted on Greek coins. This is where all the European tales about the “learned owl”, and its modern association with wisdom, originate. The owl brought its positive meaning - spirituality and intellectuality - to Russia.

The nocturnal bird is quite mysterious and interesting. In Christianity, this night bird has become a symbol of impurity and witchcraft, as well as spiritual blindness and unbelief. In Hinduism, the owl was chosen as a symbol of cosmic spirituality. U African peoples The attitude towards owls is also negative. In Madagascar, they believe that owls gather with witches and dance on the graves of the dead. And in India they believed that the owl accompanies the souls of dead people to the afterlife.

In Mexico, it was a symbol of night and cold. In Egypt, she was also considered a mediator between the worlds of the living and the dead. Japanese culture, like the Chinese, recognized the appearance of this legged predator as a bad sign. For modern Goths, an owl is a reflection of a restless soul.

As you can see, an owl is perceived differently, and the meaning of an owl tattoo will depend on the manner and context in which the bird is drawn. And how the bearer of the tattoo perceives it. The owl is often depicted by people who are nocturnal, mysterious, frightening and wise.

Larisa Matyushkina

I have an owl.
And I'm very pleased with her.
Yes, I changed, I became more decisive and began to approach every task wisely.

Dasha German

The owl, as a symbol in tattoo culture, has many meanings.
Positive meanings of tattoos: owls In an expanded and general meaning, an owl in modern tattoo culture denotes wisdom, erudition, knowledge of something secret, the presence of a higher mind, mystical motives, a certain message, sacred amulet and protection.
Negative meanings: owl tattoos In life, the owl is a nocturnal inhabitant of our world. It is this characteristic feature that causes a negative attitude towards the bird. Among the general negative meanings, especially popular are connections with the other world, black magic and witchcraft, loneliness, inner evil, sadness, recluse, coldness and denial of social norms, and nocturnal lifestyle.

The owl is one of the most sought after images for tattoos. Owl tattoo is suitable for both men and girls. As a rule, such a tattoo is very colorful and bright. For a tattoo, you can choose either a portrait of one owl or complement it with other elements and symbols.

Owl tattoo: meaning

There are several options for interpreting an owl tattoo. Some people choose an owl as decorative element without thinking about its meaning. However, what this bird symbolizes will pleasantly surprise you.

on the shoulder with a key

Owl tattoo means:

  1. Wisdom;
  2. Vision;
  3. Knowledge;
  4. Independence;
  5. Freedom;
  6. Message;
  7. Mysticism;
  8. Protection.

Thanks to its meaning and striking design, it is clear why owl tattoos are so popular. The variety of this image is so great that both men and girls can easily find the best option for themselves. Representatives of the fair sex are increasingly choosing fairy owls with their cute big eyes. Guys prefer dark owls, made close to the realistic appearance of the bird.

In the last decade, tattoo artists have become so skillful that the image of an owl has become a real work of art. The bird with unusual eyes deserves special attention. Instead of eyes, precious stones or watches are often depicted. Owls are known to be long-lived, so they are often associated with time. In turn, time provides an opportunity to accumulate more knowledge. Therefore, owls are often called smart and wise creatures. This is how the owl tattoo is interpreted in American culture. The ancient Indians turned to owls for advice and protection, believing that this creature was the protector of all knowledge on earth.

Parents prefer to make a small owl and write the names of their children under its image. This practice occurs in both sexes.

In general, the owl was one of the key symbols in many ancient cultures, such as Hindi, Egyptian, Greek, Celtic, etc. These peoples believed that the owl was a guide to the other world that protected the dead. It is not for nothing that this bird was often referred to as the “angel of death.” Many ancient residents were convinced that the owl accompanied dead souls to the next world.

Since owls hunt mainly at night, and people rarely get to see them live, this adds mystical notes to their image.

Vision, both physical and the ability to look into the human soul, is one of the main symbols of an owl tattoo. The owl has a very big eyes, which expand even more at night during hunting.

Before you get an owl tattoo, you should be clear about what you want to express with this image. The design of the tattoo itself will depend on your associations.

on the elbow

on the foot

on the shoulder

On the hand

on the ankle

on the finger

all over the hand

on the biceps

The owl is perhaps the personification of wisdom and mystery that cannot be found in any other bird or animal. Therefore, most men prefer to get tattoos in the form of an owl on their bodies. Many people mistakenly believe that they understand the meaning of owl tattoos for men.

In the world of “blood and ink,” an owl tattoo is considered rare and attractive. In fact, the symbolism of such body art can be described in detail, taking into account the location of application, details, style and other parameters. The article will further offer the best sketches with detailed transcripts.

Today you can beat an owl tattoo not so much different ways images of this bird, as well as stylistic processing, symbolism, color schemes, as well as the choice of place for application. In any case, such a tattoo is used to demonstrate one’s intelligence, prudence, wisdom, or to adopt these qualities from the bird to oneself.

There can be several meanings for an owl tattoo:

Owl eyes– it has long been believed that such a tattoo is a strong talisman against the evil eye, bad thoughts, and dark forces.

Owl on a man's hand- a symbol of mystery, the rich inner world of the owner. If the bird is black and white, this indicates that the man is closed by nature and rarely opens up to people.

Bright colored owl– such tattoos are made by men who are open to communication and dating, who have extraordinary thinking and emotionality.

The most realistic image of an owl- such a tattoo speaks of the owner’s love of life, desire to rule and control his destiny.

Disproportionate owl with large parts of the body or in an extraordinary composition - a man strives for a complete change in lifestyle, renunciation of habits and previous bustle.

In general, we can say that a guy’s owl tattoo is a symbol of rejection of everything in life that provokes pessimism, melancholy and depression. An owl is a wise creature that will help a man find inner harmony and love life.

What does this tattoo give a man for self-affirmation?

Many people know what an owl tattoo means; it is, first of all, a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, prudence, and right decisions. The tattoo also speaks of love for the night, everything mysterious and mysterious, mystical. In history and culture, owl tattoos have been interpreted in different ways, for example:

  • among Orthodox people, an owl tattoo was perceived as a renunciation of God and faith, a symbol of dark forces and foul language;
  • the Chinese believed that the owl is the personification of evil and death;
  • in some cultures it is believed that the owl symbolizes cannibalism, since birds kill their relatives;
  • in India it is still believed that an owl is a sign of longevity, prosperity, and eternal life on a sinful earth.

Attention! For most men today, an owl is a talisman and a talisman against dark forces, bad influence, rash actions, and deception. Some stuff the bird, hinting at their life experience and knowledge, others use the owl for protection from evil, and others strive to adopt the best qualities of the owl into their character.

Where do men get owl or eagle owl tattoos?

An owl or an eagle owl - there is not much difference, since visually the birds look the same, and most importantly, they carry approximately the same meaning. Another thing is the place where the owl will be tattooed in a tattoo parlor, since the interpretation of the tattoo largely depends on the choice of area on the body.


With the help of a tattoo, most men emphasize masculinity and strength of the shoulders, and a tattoo with themselves will look courageous and impressive. As a rule, such a bird is stuffed at this place to emphasize its mystery, the presence of a deep inner world, hidden qualities and virtues.

Examples of such tattoos:


It is known that on the forearm there are omote and uro shakutaku points, which are considered energy centers for delivering painful blows during a fight. Accordingly, a tattoo with an owl in this area speaks of readiness for protection, the presence of masculinity and strength in a man.

Examples of such tattoos:

Wrist tattoo

The image of an owl on the wrist is considered a strong amulet that protects the wearer energy level from problems, failures, dark thoughts and ill-wishers. The owl is not pricked in a realistic version, but rather in the form of a symbol in a geometric or graphic format.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoos on the palm, hand and fingers

Hands and fingers are the place where all the strength and potential of a man is hidden, his ability to influence the world. Therefore, an owl tattoo on the palm, hand or fingers will become a guiding symbol that protects against wrong actions and evil thoughts. This is the same amulet as in the previous case.

Examples of such tattoos:

Tattoo sleeve

An owl tattoo on the arm in the form of a sleeve is a kind of challenge and statement to the environment. The man thereby shows that he always does everything as he sees fit. At the same time, he does not stand still and strives to learn everything new. The owner of a sleeve tattoo with an owl is an extraordinary person who has a daring and ambitious character.

Examples of such tattoos:


Girls often hit an owl on their neck; a man with such tattoos is an extraordinary and creative person. An eagle owl on the neck is used as a talisman against deception, betrayal, as well as a symbol of a man’s determination, the presence of an inner core, and a strong spirit. The owner of such a tattoo has all the skills of a leader and winner.

Examples of such tattoos:


If an eagle owl is depicted on the chest in a large and realistic format, thereby a man shows his love for life, his thirst to achieve new goals, his dreams of longevity, individual approach to any decision and action. Also, many people depict tattoos on their chests, associating the meaning with matters of the heart and love.

Examples of such tattoos:


Getting a tattoo on the side is the right decision if a man has a toned and sculpted torso. An owl on the left under the heart shows that a man has a companion whom he seeks to protect from problems, evil and ill-wishers. On the other hand, a tattoo can symbolize the desire to adopt good qualities from the bird.

Examples of such tattoos:


In this area of ​​the body, men make tattoos with intimate overtones. If the tattoo carries a religious and sacred meaning, this place is not entirely suitable for this. An owl can be considered an indicator of self-confidence, the desire to find a life partner, and stability in choice.

Examples of such tattoos:


A tattoo of an owl on the back is a beautiful and effective sight, especially if it is a colored composition with a flying bird. The meaning of such a tattoo is that a man demonstrates his freedom of action and decisions, willpower and spirit, the presence of inspiration and passion for any business.

Examples of such tattoos:


In the area between the shoulder blades there is an important energy center responsible for a man’s ego and his internal desires, vital needs for receiving benefits from the outside world. Therefore, tattoos with religious and philosophical meaning are most often applied here. Also, an owl on the shoulder blade can be considered a sign of the owner’s reliability and devotion.

Examples of such tattoos:


If an owl is pinned on its leg, this is an indicator of the prudence and balance of everyone decision taken, stability and unshakable life position. In some cultures, an owl on its feet speaks of renunciation of suffering and pain, which has accumulated a lot inside a person.

Examples of such tattoos:

Initially, decide which salon has good and experienced craftsmen, capable of accurately and beautifully filling any sketch of an owl. Next, listen to these tips:

  • finally decide on the sketch, print it in photo format to show to the master;
  • pay more attention to details and symbolism, do not repeat someone else’s idea, but bring your individuality and desires into the sketch;
  • consult with the artist about the meaning of the tattoo and the place where it is best to apply it;
  • indicate the size of the bird and where it will be pinned in order to correctly maintain the proportions of the design and the area for it;
  • find out in advance the meaning of the tattoo and the location on the body, pay attention to secondary signs, such as the relief and wear resistance of the skin, whether it will be possible to hide the tattoo in certain circumstances, whether the design matches the character and lifestyle;
  • Think in advance about the brightness and clarity of the owl, taking into account the physiological properties of the skin and the quality of the materials.

Important! In an owl tattoo, more attention should be paid to its eyes. This bird is able to see in the dark, which means that the pronounced eyes in the tattoo will help a man better navigate life’s difficulties and troubles.

How to choose a tattoo design for a location on the body?

An owl will be a good solution in choosing a tattoo for a strong, insightful, intelligent and courageous man. If it is a small bird, it can be applied to the lower back, ankles, hands or palms. Based on the size and type of tattoo, you can determine the optimal place for application. For example, if it is the head of an owl or just its eyes, the shoulder would be more suitable for such a design.

Large eagle owl in the background dense forest- a very symbolic tattoo with great subtext, but to convey its beauty, you need more area. This can be a sleeve on an arm or leg, as well as a raised male back. A medium-sized owl without unnecessary details can be pinned on the chest or shoulder. A whole canvas of an owl entirely in the style of realism is appropriate on the back; you can immediately combine the bird with another animal.

Does your girlfriend have an owl tattoo?


Styles and colors that are popular for tattoos with an owl, eagle owl

The owl is a bird that is not only a symbol of wisdom, longevity, justice and right decisions, but also a talisman against dark forces and deception. You can apply an owl to your skin as a tattoo in several styles, for example:

watercolor– a bright color tattoo, indicating the owner’s openness to communication, new acquaintances, hobbies and activities;

graphic arts– the owl is pinned in black and white, with an emphasis on perfectly straight lines, antiquity and masterly delicate shading;

geometry- looks impressive on small areas of skin in small compositions with straight lines and figures without obsessive detail;

realism– maximum realism of the bird and the background around it, which is appropriate on the back and in sleeve options.

The main colors for the image of an owl are black, gray, white, red, blue, green, brown.

Symbols that an owl tattoo can be combined with

The symbolism and details that complement the owl’s drawing carry no less meaning. Most often, modern tattoo artists draw an owl with the following symbols:

owl and moon– a symbol of the cyclical nature of time and events, the mystery of the soul, strong intuition;

owl and clock– the owner says that he values ​​his time, does not waste it in vain, uses every minute wisely;

owl and dream catcher– a talisman against bad dreams, helping to see clear dreams with subtext and direction;

owl and key- a symbol of the discovery of knowledge, the development of wisdom, sometimes a tattoo indicates the presence of secrets that a man prefers to remain silent about;

owl and skull– incompatible symbols, the bird is the personification of longevity and love of life, the skull of death.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

If a man decides to prick himself with an owl, this must be done only in specialized places that have permission for this type of activity. In addition to the salon, it is also important to find a master who has experience in depicting owls. Masters most often advise using the following places for such tattoos:

  • hands;
  • breast;
  • shoulders;
  • hands and wrists;
  • forearms;
  • back.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

If these are small drawings of an owl on the hands, they carry the meaning of an amulet and a talisman. If colorful compositions large sizes, close to realism, in them a man expresses his essence and guts.

Examples of owl tattoos that are not recommended. Their significance in the criminal world

An owl tattoo in prison has a certain meaning; it tells about the past and principles of the prisoner’s life. As a rule, sketches of owls are tattooed onto their bodies by criminals who look at their lives through the prism of pessimism. The meaning of an owl tattoo on a zone is renunciation from the whole world or death.

In order not to run into trouble, and not to encounter the wrong perception of the owl tattoo by those around you, you should not fill in the following options:

owl with skull– the tattoo simultaneously means life and death, so its owner can be judged as an undecided person;

owl and bladed weapon– this is a calm and peaceful animal that does not accept cruelty and death in battle;

owl in oriental style – many Eastern cultures do not accept such tattoos, considering them harbingers of death and evil;

owl in orthodox style- this religion considers an owl a sign of abandonment of faith and God.


An owl tattoo on the shoulder, arm, back or chest is a specific symbol that can both act as a talisman and demonstrate to others the strength of spirit, wisdom, balance and deep intuition of the owner. When choosing a tattoo, you need to pay attention to the style, color, details, and location of the owl.