Educational games labyrinths for children 7 years old. Labyrinths for children in pictures

Labyrinths are pictures with intricate paths or strings, following which with the eyes or a finger, the child will find a way out or the end of a rope or path. Children play mazes very willingly, but this is not only entertainment, but also educational didactic game. The game develops attention, patience, intricate labyrinths teach you to keep events in memory - you need to remember all the paths along which the child has already turned and come to a dead end. Pictures with labyrinths can be downloaded from us and printed; ask your child to color the black and white ones.

Coloring pages find the end of the string

If it is difficult for a child to navigate where the line leads, you can first trace it with your finger.

Who caught the fish?

Maze paths

Help the duck find the shortest path to the nest.

So the duckling has hatched, now he needs to get to the mother duck.

Which path does a polar bear need to follow to catch 2 fish at once?

Help the ant get into the anthill.

Lead your child along the path that leads to the bear.

Which path will the goat take to get to its home faster?

The princess lost her ring, how to find it?

Find the shortest path for the hamster to the green leaves.

Guide the train through all the stations to the station.

Geese-swans are about to catch up with the guys, show them the shortest path to the house and save them.

Mishka needs to return to the garage, but he cannot remember the way. Can you find her?

Now slightly more complex labyrinths for those who have mastered simple ones.

How can a rocket get to the planet Saturn?

Help the climber climb the mountain.

The bunny was going to visit the hedgehog. Show him off.

A butterfly circles around the clearing, but still cannot fly up to the desired flower. Show her the path.

The children built a maze out of blocks, and the teddy bear remained on the other side. How can the kids get to the toy?

On which path can a boy safely ride from a hill on a sled to the forest?

The worm has already eaten the apple and wants to get out of it. But here's the problem: the worm got lost and doesn't remember the way back. Help him get out.

Go through the maze in the wings of a butterfly.

The owners left and left the door to the parrot's cage unlocked. Help him get free.

Help the icebreaker reach the shore.

Which path does the chicken need to take to get to her baby?

Which spool of thread is threaded into the eye of the needle?

For many children, solving mazes and other tasks is enjoyable entertainment and interesting learning. Coloring pictures can be found online for children 7 years old. Such games are useful for the development of logical thinking; children learn to correctly assess the situation.

Black and white mazes can be an interesting fall activity for children 7-8 years old, which can be easily printed from the Internet for free. The solving method helps children learn to make decisions, develop logic and independence. Such puzzle games, even very complex ones, are useful for children 7-8 years old; the main thing is to find exactly the one that the child will like.

You can print out as many of them as possible and let your child play with them every day, constantly increasing the level of difficulty. So the baby will quietly begin to solve increasingly difficult tasks.


There are two types of multi-colored ones - those that need to be decorated and those that are already made in color. Coloring books are most interesting for children, since here you can not only complete the task, but also play with colors and turn on your imagination by coloring pictures around the maze.

Already color games need to be printed on a color printer. Typically, such puzzles are used several times; children 7-8 years old enjoy playing with others and in the classroom.


To enlarge a picture, click on it, and to print it, right-click on Print.

There are labyrinth puzzles that can be found online in the form of a wide variety of animals. It can be made in the form of a goat, wolf, hare, and will be interesting to a child due to its extraordinary shape.

With games

The methodology for teaching logical thinking is based on game learning. Coloring games are best suited for teaching younger students. These coloring pages are based on the principles of logical thinking, the child making independent decisions, as well as the development of creativity and imagination.

Complex mazes

The more the child solves, the more complex tasks he can be given. This technique is based on gradually increasing the complexity of tasks until the baby begins to master more and more complex logical tasks. The technique is quite simple, but it requires long period time for its implementation.

Pictures with labyrinths have always attracted children. It's hard to say when they first appeared. However, it is reliably known that already in the first half of the last century, children were eagerly awaiting the latest issue of the Murzilka magazine in order to help a bee get to the hive or figure out which thread would lead to the desired ball.

Nowadays, teachers and child psychologists have developed entire sets of cards with labyrinths that contribute to the development of children of the most different ages. Of course, a drawn labyrinth for a three-year-old child is much simpler than a picture for a younger schoolchild. However, they all pursue the same goals.

You can print the labyrinth by right-clicking on the picture, selecting “save picture as”, saving it to your PC, opening and printing

What does a game with labyrinths develop?

In fact, all puzzles with labyrinths are quite similar. The child must find the correct and, as a rule, the only path from point “A” to point “B”, avoiding obstacles. In the process of solving this problem, the little man involuntarily develops such skills and qualities as:

  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance;
  • patience;
  • logics.

The notorious fine motor skills also develop in the process of such a game. After all, you need to use a pencil very carefully so as not to get confused in your own lines. And this, oddly enough, contributes to the development of speech, since the centers responsible for the movement of the fingers are located close to the speech centers.

Moreover, unbeknownst to himself, the child learns to make decisions, choose the only correct path, overcome and bypass obstacles that arise in his path. So we can assume that labyrinths also contribute to the acquisition of very important life skills.

All of the above applies to all similar logic games. But it is natural that cards with labyrinths for children of each age group also have narrower goals.

Labyrinths for children 3-4 years old

For very young children, simpler problems are usually used. Most often, the drawing on such a card is a fairly large labyrinth with wide “passages”, a large number of turns and dead ends. To make it more interesting for the baby, there are some funny characters. Going through such a labyrinth will not tire your child. And to make it easier for the little man, at this stage you should not force him to trace his path with a pencil. Let him first find the correct path with his finger, and then color it and the characters with colored pencils.

The purpose of such classes is not only the development of logical thinking. Often, in the process of completing such tasks, the child has to return to the starting point. In this way, the young person learns to find certain patterns. Such labyrinths also help in teaching orientation in space: turn right, turn left, and so on.

Labyrinths for children 5-6 years old

For this age, cards with more complex labyrinths are suitable. This is no wonder. After all, at the age of 5-6 years, children already begin to prepare for school, which means they must master the appropriate skills.

Of course, no one can cancel the funny characters here either. However, the labyrinths themselves are becoming more confusing, and the passages are narrower. At this age, it is no longer worth giving your child the task of coloring the desired path. The child must prepare his hand for writing, which means he must be able to draw a neat pencil line along the entire path.

To begin with, the child must carefully examine the picture and find that one and only path, and then draw it with a pencil. Thanks to this, he also develops memory.

Often, mazes for children of this age are a little more complicated with additional tasks. For example: a child must not only find a passage from one point to another, but also “collect” along the way any “prizes” drawn in the branches. Preschool children perform such tasks with great pleasure, completely unaware that at the same time they are actively developing their brain, preparing it for upcoming learning.

Labyrinths for children 7-8 years old

Children grow up, go to school, and the labyrinths change along with them. In principle, for this age they are not so different from tasks for older preschoolers. The only thing they add is a learning element.

Teachers and psychologists have developed many labyrinths for primary schoolchildren, which allow them to better learn letters, numbers, the world and even rules of conduct. For example, a child must find a way from one letter or number to the next one in a row (A-B or 1-2, etc.). There are also more complex tasks built on the same principle: for example, to walk along a road on which road signs. And you must pass it, of course, observing all traffic rules.

Despite its simplicity, children often experience certain difficulties in the process of passing such labyrinths. This is due to the lack of necessary knowledge. Therefore, it is very important not only to give the child a task, but also to work out with him.

The goal of such classes is no longer so much the development of logical thinking as the knowledge of the surrounding world, its rules and patterns. During classes, the child learns to perceive information, analyze and apply it in practice.

Labyrinths for children 9-10 years old

Labyrinths for nine-year-olds and older are practically no different from those that adults still enjoy solving to this day by purchasing numerous brochures with puzzles. Of course, such puzzles also contain funny drawings, but they no longer carry the function of attracting the baby’s attention. Rather, it is simply a design element.

Such labyrinths are designed to develop logical thinking, analytical abilities, as well as attention and perseverance. As a rule, if a child enjoyed going through mazes in more younger age, then he will deal with these puzzles on his own.

General rules for practicing with labyrinths

Nowadays, finding cards with mazes for children of all ages is not difficult. True, I would like to warn you right away. Similar “labyrinth-like” games have also appeared in applications for various electronic gadgets. It’s absolutely not worth engaging a child with them. The baby will not receive any development from this, but quite a lot of problems may arise in the future.

As for ordinary paper cards with labyrinths, you should start with the simplest wire labyrinths with elements of coloring books. To begin with, you need to interest the baby in a new fun, and then give him a few colored pencils or markers so that he can try to draw the character’s movement line himself. If he doesn’t succeed the first time, it doesn’t matter. Let him take a pencil of a different color and try again. When the path is completed, you can start coloring the path and pictures.

At the next stage, the child should be taught to find a way without wires. Let him first move his finger over the picture, and then just use his eyes. This is very good exercise for the development of logic, imaginative thinking, attention and memory. Having found the desired path, you can already take a writing instrument and draw a neat line. It is worth emphasizing that it is neat. After all, one of the tasks of playing with labyrinths is the development fine motor skills and preparing the hand for writing.

That's all the rules. There is one more thing though. Parents! Find time to engage with your children on your own. After all, such hours spent together cannot be replaced by anything later!