When was the Day of the Elderly established? International Day of Older Persons Campaign “Thank you for your caring hands”

Older Persons Day October 1, 2017: beautiful animations and poems for the holiday. The calendar says October 1, which means today our country is celebrating a very touching holiday. The name of this holiday is the Day of the Elderly.

Today, all people of the older generation will accept congratulations and words of gratitude from their children and grandchildren. It’s great that there is such a holiday. You can once again tell your loved ones how much you love them and how much you need them.

Beautiful animated cards and congratulations in verse will delight the people you love.

Today is a special day -
Day of the wise and respectable,
Day of the experienced and strict,
Day of the kind, smart, prominent.

And let the years pass
This is their nature.
But you have something to remember
In any season.

And maybe memoirs
Write to you in the evenings:
Let the grandchildren read it
How did you start your life?

They will read it and be surprised
What were you like?
Worked, studied,
They were friends and loved.

Be friends and love
Learn today too.
We wish you happiness
And good health.

We wish you a lot:
Live another hundred summers,
Look forward with a smile
Don't worry about the past.

So that the heart does not play pranks,
So that the children take care
So that everything you have in mind
You were able to implement it!

At least by age “over 50”
Still 17 at heart
The eyes shine confidently
You have no reason to be afraid of age!

There is one secret to happiness -
Be kind, don’t hide evil in yourself,
To love the whole world and the light of the sun,
And every day with its sunset!

Special day on the calendar
The month of October begins:
Today the elderly
We sincerely congratulate everyone!

On your strengths and shoulders
Houses and streets grew up.
Without stopping your hands,
They created beauty for us!

You have happiness, strength, kindness, warmth,
Good health and peace.
So that all the important blessings of life
It's enough for your lifetime!


Life goes on, adding age to everyone,
But it’s not all about years.
This holiday is wise and serious,
But with a little sadness in the eyes.

Happy holiday to you, elderly people,
You have more joys than worries.
Let them respect you, honor you and love you very much.
Let every year be successful!

Happiness to you, health, tenderness
Grandchildren, attention to yourself.
May they give you happiness and patience
Dear people are in your destiny.

Many historians and sociologists believe that humanity’s transition to a civilized way of life occurred at the moment when we began to take care not even of children (natural instincts manifest themselves more in such care), but of older people. And this is the correct approach to the issue. After all, it is these people, who have rich life experience, who serve as a link between generations, preventing the loss of continuity between those who lived before and those who are destined to inhabit the Earth in the future. Therefore, the emergence of such a holiday, and an international one, as the Day of Older Persons, is completely justified and natural.


The holiday under discussion was officially established in December 1990 by resolution of the UN General Assembly, numbered 45\106. The establishment of the “Day of Older People” was the logical conclusion of a rather long process. It began with the adoption of a plan on aging in the Austrian capital in 1982, then effective UN principles on this topic were formulated and adopted. This happened in 1991.

Initially, the holiday was celebrated mainly in European countries, then the celebrations spread to the American continent, but today October 1 has truly become a completely international holiday. It is celebrated by the vast majority of countries in the world.


On this day, all over the planet, under the leadership of various associations protecting the rights of people of retirement age:

  • there are festivals;
  • congresses and conferences dedicated to this topic are held;
  • Extensive charity events are held.

A special feature of the holiday is its dedication every year new topic. On October 1, the UN Secretary-General also makes a call to ensure and respect the rights of older citizens. In a large number of countries, the TV program of this day necessarily includes in its repertoire programs that suit the tastes of the age audience.

The celebration of “Older People's Day” is perhaps greatest in scope in the countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In Russia, events on this day have not yet become particularly widespread, but the situation is gradually improving.

The celebration of the Day of Older Persons in the Land of the Rising Sun has its own significant specificity. There it is celebrated every third Monday in September. And it is called a little differently than in other countries - “Day of Honoring the Elderly.”

Any person on earth needs society: some need approval, some need help and support, some assert themselves by caring for others, and some simply compete to determine a leader. One way or another, each of us has a close person whose opinion we value very much. For most, these are parents and immediate relatives - brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents, who are often far away from us. Sometimes even children living in the same city and their older parents do not find time to see each other at least once a week. In order to protect the rights of the elderly, an international holiday was created.

The content of the article

When is it celebrated?

On October 1, the International Day of Older Persons is celebrated around the world. The date was created with the goal that children remember their parents and relatives, show politeness and concern to their neighbors, and simply once again lend a helping hand to those who are often embarrassed to ask for it. The holiday was established at the initiative of the UN (Resolution No. A/RES/45/106) on December 14, 1990. In 2020, celebrations at the international level are held for the 30th time. He came to Russia a little later, in 1992, after the adoption of Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation No. 2890/1-1 “On the problems of older people.”

Who's celebrating

On International Day of Older Persons 2020, all attention is paid to older people: grandparents, older housemates, older work colleagues.

history of the holiday

Although the official consolidation of the event occurred thanks to the activities of the UN, the idea of ​​honoring the older generation is one of the fundamental stones in the culture and traditions of any nation. Conflicting facts and customs have followed each other for several centuries. And although many peoples had cruel rules according to which the elderly were left to die (or, as a matter of fact, weak children were killed), they were always replaced by more worthy traditions and the cult of ancestors.

Today, in many countries, the problem of demographics and aging society is acute. According to the UN, in the absence of fundamental changes (a surge in the birth rate), by 2015, with a global population of 8.5 billion people, more than 1 billion will move beyond the age of 60. Already in Russia, the share of elderly citizens of the country is more than 20% (20.7%), and average age Belarusian age at the beginning of 2011 was 39.6 years (despite the fact that the average inhabitant of the planet reached only 28 years). There is a sad trend of reduction in the difference between the population aged over 65 and children under 16.

We can proudly state that the International Day of Older Persons is gaining more and more positive connotations every year. The term “elderly people” has ceased to be offensive, and assistance is becoming targeted and targeted.

Rector of the Public University of Health in Minsk V. Kamenkov believes that teaching computer literacy has a very positive effect on the brain activity of older people. Together with dosed muscle load and proper nutrition, this ensures the maintenance of the necessary balance in the body and even slows down aging. The fact that poorly educated people age much faster has been confirmed by researchers at University College London.

October 1st is a special day. The day when you can safely bake a cake, prepare congratulations and invite your grandparents to the holiday. Today the whole world honors older people.

It is only in youth that life seems long, health inexhaustible, and prospects broad. Over the years, especially in old age, a person increasingly understands that his problems will forever remain purely personal and, at best, can only be of interest to close relatives. But that's not true. The world community has not ignored the issues of older people.

There are many social and government programs aimed at supporting the elderly, and even an official holiday. The whole world honors people who have crossed the 60-year mark on the Day of Older Persons, which falls on October 1 every year.

How often do we think about our elderly relatives? The bustle of life, constant troubles and problems do not leave a free moment for most to think about their own lives, not to mention caring for the older generation.

Exists perfect occasion, since there are not enough opportunities for daily care, think about your elderly relatives. Devote a little of your precious time to them on October 1, when the Day of the Elderly is celebrated.

The Krasnoselsky branch of the Meshchansky State Budgetary Institution TCSO is actively involved in maintaining the quality of life of older people. On the eve of this holiday, the head of the branch Dobrynina Svetlana Pavlovna congratulated the most outstanding and active recipients of social services of the branch.

We cordially congratulate you on the Day of Older People - a holiday of wisdom and goodness! You have a great life behind you. You are a living connection of times and generations. Your knowledge, wisdom and wealth of experience are especially important in modern conditions when, along with the initiative of the young, the life wisdom of the elders is required. You are the guardians of moral values ​​and traditions, support and faithful helpers for children and grandchildren. Special thanks to the veterans, the older generation, who endured the hardships of the war years, defended the independence of the Motherland, and restored the country. Let your advancing years not become a reason for despondency, and let your vitality last for a long time!

Kitaeva Lyubov Vladimirovna one of the most important and significant assistants of the branch. Lyubov Vladimirovna for a long time headed the Society of Disabled People of the Krasnoselsky District. After retirement, she did not lose her active life position: she traveled a lot across countries, attended all kinds of cultural events.

Antontseva Ekaterina Ivanovna veteran of the Great Patriotic War, worked in peat mining. She took an active part in the construction of the Leningrad Hotel. After the war, she worked as a conductor on the Far East long-distance train.

Elizarova Lyudmila Alekseevna veteran of the Great Patriotic War, has a medal “For Valiant Labor during the Second World War 1941-1945”, was awarded orders and medals for work during the Great Patriotic War. During the war, Lyudmila Alekseevna worked selflessly in the rear, providing the front with the most necessary things, went through the most difficult wartime trials with honor, and made a great contribution to the restoration of the country.

Every person, sooner or later, comes face to face with old age. There are many benefits to being a prefect. These include wisdom and experience.

To prevent older people from feeling lonely, the UN Assembly established the International Day of Older Persons in October 1990.

When was Elderly People's Day established?

In 1970, scientists noticed that people around the world began to age rapidly.

It was then that they came to the conclusion that it is necessary for every person to have social and moral protection in old age.

In 1982, questions about the problems of old age were first raised in Austria.

Representatives from different countries shared the life experiences of their elderly and listened to the recommendations of representatives of other countries.

In 1990, the UN listened to the assembly and the International Day of Older Persons was adopted.

Goals of the holiday for the elderly

This is the brightest and kindest holiday. It is necessary in our time. With its help, you can draw the government's attention to the problems that beset the elderly at every turn.

It is very important that parliament adopts social laws for low-income pensioners. Every person's life begins to change after retirement.

Due to the loss of a permanent job, a person stops expressing himself, so sometimes he can fall into depression. And on top of all this, the level of income is significantly reduced.

In every city there are medical institutions who provide free assistance to pensioners. This small step to improve people's lives was taken thanks to this holiday.

Pensions are gradually being increased to improve living standards. In the future, it is planned to create a program that will ensure a carefree old age for every pensioner.

One of the goals of the holiday is to strengthen family ties and help elderly relatives. Respect for old age is one of the main components when raising the younger generation.


The holiday of elderly people is needed in order to draw the attention of the highest authorities to the problems of old age, and attention and care must be given to your elderly relatives every day.