How to make a New Year's miracle. How to make a New Year's snow globe from a jar? New Year's cartoons list

Many are already looking forward to everyone’s favorite holiday. I would rather decorate the Christmas tree, admire the snow, stock up on tangerines, do good deeds and buy food for Olivier. And of course, everyone hopes to leave all the bad things behind, children are looking forward to magic, and even some gloomy adults are secretly expecting a miracle.

Why wait for anything? Every person is the master of his own destiny, so let's create a magical New Year's fairy tale for ourselves!

I'm already tired of waiting for this New Year's miracle, I’ll start doing weird things myself!

To create a magical mood for yourself and the people around you, you need a little: a creative approach and positive attitude! So, go ahead!

1. Have the best day for yourself!

Do you remember what was the most joyful thing on New Year's Eve as a child? Or how do you see yourself best holiday? Bring these ideas into your life!

Maybe you need a few boxes of tangerines? Or foam snow? Make this little wish come true! What if you are happy to celebrate the year in a warm country by the ocean? It's great to realize this opportunity! What if it’s not possible? Place a hammock near the Christmas tree, play a recording of the sound of waves, and have a themed party with your friends as if you were on a tropical island. It may not be real, but it will be fun!

2. Arrange the space to your liking

And again we listen to our inner child! How would he like to arrange his space? Maybe hang garlands all over the walls? Or literally cover the entire window with cut out snowflakes? Or lay down a white blanket like snow and place candles in every corner? What does your child want?

Make your favorite place the most pleasant: let it be a whole room or a desk, it doesn’t matter - and then you will be in your space with a smile!

3. Send a holiday card

How long has it been since you received letters from friends? No, not electronic! Everyone is used to postcards on social networks and congratulations over the phone. Imagine how nice it will be for your loved ones to receive a real paper postcard, and even with congratulations written outlining your thoughts in your own handwriting!

4. Bake a fragrant pie for someone

Admit it, it’s been a long time since you’ve visited your neighbor with homemade baked goods! Have you ever cooked anything really complicated for a friend? And even if cooking is not your thing, unexpectedly bringing something pleasantly tasty, even from a store or a pastry shop, for a person or family whom you love and respect, but always put off going to in the hectic days - great! These people will surely remember such a friendly gesture.

5. Be like the Italians

Everyone knows that it is necessary to rid a place of rubbish so that something new can come into life. And the best time for this is New Year's Eve. New happiness needs to find a place!

Down with all the old papers, clothes, boxes and boring sofa! Of course, I don’t recommend throwing things out of windows, but get everything unnecessary out of the house! You will feel how morally easy it becomes in a cleared space.

6. Draw a dream

You don’t have to be a professional artist to draw what you dream of and what you plan to wish for when the chimes strike - this way, you will increase the chances of realizing it. And it doesn’t matter, with paints or colored pencils, figuratively or abstractly, on paper, a wall or a plate, the main thing is to let your dream result in a drawing.

Or maybe not a drawing, but a craft? Let it be something material that will remind you of the imminent implementation of what you have planned.

7. Give yourself a gift

Have you been dreaming about some little thing for a long time, but somehow you still don’t have time? Or do you want to try something, but there’s never a right time? Now is the time to implement it! Go to the theater, enjoy an unusual dish, go sledding, buy that very dress...

What have you been wanting for a long time? If not now, then when?

8. Play a wizard

Become Father Frost or Snow Maiden for a while! So, go ahead and buy a teddy bear for a crying stranger. Or small bouquet pretty girl! No expectations or obligations!

Just hand a nice letter to a random passerby. Or send your children's old toys to Orphanage. Let as many people as possible believe in miracles!

9. Give a fairy tale to children

Arrange unusual holiday to your children, godchildren or nephews. Take them to an interesting event, play snowballs with them, bake gingerbread, read New Year's tales, dream, write a letter to Santa Claus. Let it be New Year Children associate it with the best moments!

10. Have an unforgettable vacation

Have you ever included the following in your plans: going to the skating rink, making a snowman, making a homemade gift for your grandmother, going down the slide, making chocolates and giving them to your children’s friends, watching a New Year’s comedy?

What if you remember the most exciting winter fun and include them in your plans for every day? What if you independently arrange the brightest, most eventful, warm and positive holidays for yourself and your loved ones? Everything is in your power, you just have to want it!

Probably, the proposed ideas are not new to you, and some of them are part of your daily routine. The main message is that the holiday is actually not on the calendar, the holiday is in your soul. And you yourself are free to do magical deeds as much as you like!

Let it come to your mind more often! Happy New Year!

Christmas tree, tangerines, champagne, fireworks - all this and much more appears in people’s heads as an association for the New Year. But, besides all this, the New Year still remains a magical, magical and even mysterious holiday, symbolizing the beginning of something new and bright.

It was because of the strong belief in miracles that making wishes became a tradition on New Year's Eve. Someone does this with the twelfth strike of the chimes, while others burn a piece of paper with their wish and drink its ashes with champagne. And everyone hopes that what was wished for in the New Year will definitely come true. So how to make a New Year's wish correctly so that it becomes a reality in the New Year?

Rules for making wishes

The main thing that is required to make your dreams come true is your confidence in it. You must firmly believe that this is real and completely achievable for you. It is on your conviction that the fulfillment of your desire in the future is built.

The wish must be made in the present tense, i.e. Instead of the usual “I want a car,” the desire should be formed as “I have a car.” Imagine your desire in as much detail as possible, in the smallest detail. If you want to make a wish for a car, imagine what brand it is, what color it is, how comfortable the interior is. Imagine yourself in it, how quickly you rush through the city and catch the admiring glances of passers-by and other motorists. Imagine what the reaction of your family and friends will be to the news that you have purchased a car. The more detailed you present the details of the fulfillment of your desire, the more effective it will be.

Tune in to the mood you will be in when you see that your wish has actually come true. Put on that joy and delight to be more confident that your dream will come true. Imagine how you look out the window with a happy smile and see your own luxury car, how you run out of the house and joyfully run towards it.

For greater efficiency, you can formulate your desire on a piece of paper. Write in detail about your dream in the present tense, as if the wish has already come true. Describe everything down to the smallest detail. But contrary to all well-known tradition, you don’t have to burn the piece of paper with the desire. Keep it with you until your wish comes true.

But the most important thing in the whole process of making a wish is your sincere belief in your strength, without which no dream can come true. Believe in yourself, and before you know it, happiness will come and fulfill your deepest desire. After all, any miracles exist as long as we ourselves are confident in their existence!

Publication date: 08/10/2016 Time: 14-03 Views: 592

Ulanova Aksana

IN New Year's Eve bustle, with its tinsel, gifts, more than once you have seen beautifully decorated showcases. New Year's deer, snowmen and other traditional symbols new Year. You can even buy such a deer if the price of 5-10 thousand does not bother you. My colleague and I were very embarrassed. Then the idea arose to create something like this miracle ourselves. Completely by accident, a colleague’s husband mentioned a certain amount aluminum wire. And they didn’t miss their chance. This is how it all started.

We decided on the size of our deer. We took apart a couple cardboard boxes, glued it together and sketched it with chalk. Then the first part of the deer was twisted from double wire.

The first pancake did not come out lumpy, and we continued to create. After some time, we already had the frame of a deer.

Then they used several meters of white tinsel, carefully wrapping the wire frame. But the deer New Year- so we added five or six meters of garland. And here's ours miracle - the first deer.

And so that he wouldn’t be bored, we made him a couple.

When we connected our miracle to the outlet, it became clear that you can create all miracles yourself. For two weeks, residents of surrounding houses and parents with children admired the light show.

The management of the kindergarten did not ignore us either. We were offered to create the same deer for the music room, for New Year's performances . After the first viewing, everyone decided that a sleigh and a snowman should be added to the reindeer. No sooner said than done.

In the end, everyone was happy. And children, and parents, and us, because we were able to create DIY miracle.

Publications on the topic:

Do-it-yourself Bilboke. Master Class. In the summer, my children and I spend a lot of time outside. We take out the attributes for plot-based and outdoor games.

The long-awaited spring has arrived again. Nature awakens, and flowers bloom with it: anemone, mother and stepmother, pleasing to the eye.

TO children's party dedicated to our mothers, in our second younger group, according to the script, it was thought that our girls would be chickens.

Master class: In order to make such a balalaika, I took: plywood, gouache, brushes and clear varnish. And of course, a good mood.

DIY photo frameA photo frame is the simplest thing you can do with your own hands - minimum cost, minimum time and maximum.

This master class is intended to be held on a thematic parent meeting, dedicated to the problems of children mastering material.

1. I bring to your attention a massager made from Kinder Surprise containers. To make such a massager you don’t need much.

New Year is approaching. New Year is the smell of pine needles and tangerines, painted frosty pattern windows, gifts in beautiful packaging, the fulfillment of cherished desires, the last leaves in the tear-off calendar and much more. And most importantly, the New Year is a constant expectation of a miracle, never leaving the feeling of a fairy tale. And it is very important not to lose it in the everyday bustle. For children, the approaching New Year's Eve is always joy, always a mystery, always a miracle. Adults experience the same feelings.

On New Year's Day, you always want to give these wonderful feelings to your family, friends and loved ones. How can this be accomplished? Of course, let's start with our home. The house can be decorated with multi-colored shiny tinsel, creating the interior of a real fairy tale. To do this, you can go to the nearest supermarket or market and stock up New Year's decorations, which are offered in a large assortment. Or you can show your imagination and approach decorating your home creatively, using your original ideas. Believe me, it won't cost you a pretty penny.

Do you think that only in fairy tales does snow not melt in the warmth? This fairy tale is very easy to make at home. You just need to dip the spruce branches into a very strong salt solution. Keep them there for 24 hours, then take them out and dry them. You will see how the salty snow sparkles on every needle. And even if the weather on New Year’s Eve is not snowy, you can make such a miracle with your own hands and decorate your house, apartment, or yard with snow-covered branches.

While walking in a park or square where beautiful spruce trees grow, collect cones under them. At home, put them in boiling water and keep it there for a while. The cones will close and look as if they were just picked from the spruce tree. We dry the cones well for several days, and then paint them from aerosol can in silver color. Make beautiful loops for them and decorate anything with them: a Christmas tree, a house. Cones can be hung one at a time or in clusters. They look very beautiful and elegant, no worse than store-bought ones.

Helps decorate christmas tree and a house garland made with my own hands together with the children. It may not be as beautiful as made from shiny tinsel, but at least it was made by children’s hands. How much soul and effort has been put into it. Cover your home with snowflakes cut from white napkins. This is where you can show miracles of ingenuity! There are so many snowflakes!

You can decorate your home and New Year's table with the help of fruits and citrus fruits.

You can turn ordinary glass wine glasses for all kinds of drinks into a real miracle. They will be decorated with rhinestones, giving them the appearance of ice crystals. It will be beautiful and unusual. To do this, you need to use glue that will dissolve upon contact with water. You can bring your glasses back to their original condition just by washing them.

Multi-colored honey prepared for drinks looks very beautiful. To prepare it, you can freeze milk, berry and fruit juices, and coffee in shaped molds. This ice is good both for the variety of colors and the piquant taste that it can give to drinks. You can also freeze water by adding berries and pieces of fruit to the molds.

When the beautiful Christmas tree was installed, beautifully decorated gifts for the household took their place under it, and spruce bouquets collected and decorated, from their remains (very small branches that you can’t throw away) you can make wonderful decorations for festive table. In order for the branches to retain their original appearance longer and not be left without needles ahead of time, they should be trimmed with a sharp knife (the cut should be oblique) and the cuts should be kept in water for a day, and then sealed with hot wax or paraffin.

The twigs can be collected in small bunches and decorated with various bows (blue, red, silver). These elegant bouquets need to be laid out on New Year's table between cutlery and dishes.

When it gets dark you can light candles. It would be right if you make a good supply of candles so that it lasts until the morning. If many people are participating in the New Year celebration, you will need a lot of candles. You won't sit in the twilight. And if you are having a romantic night, then a large number of no candles needed. Although there can be no exact recipes here. Everything is purely individual and depends on many factors.

Buy small ones in advance beautiful cards. The card can be signed for each invitee and placed under a plate on the New Year's table. A postcard with congratulations and wishes will immediately appear in someone’s possession. Active searches for postcards by other guests will begin. It will become noisy and fun. The holiday will start just wonderfully. An atmosphere of goodwill will reign in the house all night.

Or you can quietly put the postcards in pockets outerwear. This will be the final chord of your holiday - leaving guests will find postcards with congratulations and wishes in their pockets. Instead of postcards, you can place small souvenirs (for example, goat figurines).

You never know what else is possible. Fantasize, invent, compose, decorate your home together with your children and loved ones, because the process of joint creativity brings you closer together and gives positive emotions.

This, of course, is nonsense, little things, because it is from them that everything is always created. festive mood, magical atmosphere, a feeling of miracle is created.

Let everything winter holidays The feeling of a New Year's miracle goes hand in hand with you. Happy New Year and Christmas to you!

New Year's holidays are one of the most beloved holidays since childhood. Adults will put up a Christmas tree, take out a box of beautiful toys, gifts will be hidden at midnight. This is a long-standing good tradition, but the holiday can be celebrated in a slightly different way. So that the children will remember it for a long time!

How to make a magical New Year for a child

Decorating the Christmas tree

  • Traditionally . We decorate the Christmas tree shortly before the New Year with the help of New Year's toys, tinsel, garlands, etc.
  • In a new way. Add to traditional decoration, which remains unchanged all holidays, surprises! Unnoticed by children, among other decorations, hang candies, cookies, and small chocolates on the Christmas tree. Imagine the surprised face of your sweet tooth when he unexpectedly finds his favorite lollipop on the Christmas tree! After the first “find”, hint to your child that you can check the Christmas tree every morning, and you will “hide” a new surprise on it every night.

Photo for memory

  • Traditionally. We line up family members near the decorated Christmas tree and take photos as a souvenir.
  • In a new way. Don't just take staged photos. Shots where a child is filmed in a familiar environment - among toys or next to his parents - look much more interesting than a single portrait against the backdrop of a Christmas tree.

To take a lively and expressive photo, you need to captivate the baby with some activity (he can set the table, decorate the Christmas tree, pack or unpack gifts). The moment you are about to press the button, ask your young model a question. For example, ask if she wants you to invite her best friend to visit you. As a rule, the child will immediately raise his eyes and look at you, thinking for about three seconds. At this moment, his face will be unusually expressive, and you will have time to take an interesting shot.

Make a wish

  • Traditionally. We make wishes mentally or write on a piece of paper and burn, dissolve in champagne, drink during the chiming clock.
  • In a new way. Surely you have heard about the wish map. Why not make one for the whole family by making wishes on next year? On December 31, get together and paste pictures on a sheet of paper that embody the dream of every household member in the New Year - pictures of a dacha, a car, beautiful vacation spots, and maybe a new addition to the family, etc. This promotes rapprochement, and visualized desires come true faster! The resulting picture can be inserted into a frame and hung in a prominent place, or removed after the holidays and taken out on the eve of next year and checked to see if everything has come true.


  • Traditionally. The child receives from relatives.
  • In a new way. On New Year's Day all children will receive gifts. This is sacred! What if we make it a tradition on this holiday for a child not only to receive gifts, but also to give them? Become that very magician for someone to whom Santa Claus will definitely not come. It could be an old lady living next door, or a family with children in need of help. Nowadays it’s easy to find those who can help on the Internet. Making joy is a lesson in kindness that a child will certainly learn well.

Invite your child to make a gift for their grandparents with their own hands. Let it be, for example, a photograph of your grandchildren, for which you need to make a frame yourself. You and your child can buy the simplest frame and decorate it, for example, with buttons. Or you can help your son or daughter glue a frame from ice cream sticks or cut it out of cardboard and decorate it with serpentine ribbons. If you like to sew, help your child make a frame from shaped felt and add a loop of ribbon to it. This frame can even be hung on the Christmas tree as a decoration.

Letter to Santa Claus

  • Traditionally. The child writes with a cherished desire. If a child has an idea to take a letter to the post office, it is better to seal it in a regular postal envelope indicating the address: 162340, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, house of Father Frost.
  • In a new way. Can you imagine how much joy a child will have if he receives an answer to his letter from Santa Claus himself? It's easy to do. On the Internet, in response to the request “Letter from Santa Claus,” you can find many ready-made forms, appropriately designed, and even stamped. All you have to do is enter your text and print. What could be in the letter? Gratitude for good deeds in the past year, some kind of request (for example, to take care of your younger brother). A child can find such a letter under the Christmas tree after New Year's Eve or on the windowsill by a slightly open window after a walk, for example.

He is real!

Should you lie to your child that Santa Claus exists? After all, someday the baby will learn the truth and understand that the people he trusted deceived him! Everything is not so clear.

  • What for?

The image of Santa Claus is the main component New Year's holiday. We meet him in supermarkets, we see him on TV, he looks at us from posters, shop windows and candy wrappers - in a word, everywhere. It’s impossible to avoid talking about the old wizard. And there are parents who believe: “Since the child finds out the truth sooner or later, then there is no need to make wishes, it is better to immediately go and buy what he likes.” This is possible, but this “truth” also has its drawbacks.

IN early age a child must believe in miracles, otherwise he will not develop trust and a positive attitude towards to the outside world. Belief in magic is kept in the depths of the subconscious, and in difficult moments of life it will not allow you to despair, give up and stop fighting.

Lived once

What can we say about Grandfather Frost? Firstly, there is no need to prove with foam at the mouth that you yourself saw it last week on your neighbor’s roof. Or carefully think through the little things that indicate its existence - write reply letters as if from a fairy-tale old man or make phone calls.

To prevent your child from being offended by you for deceiving him, when talking about this wizard, use the phrases: “They told me” or “They say that Grandfather Frost”... Explain that the people dressed up in costumes everywhere are his assistants. Grandfather himself simply does not have time to visit all the children on the planet in one night. This way you will give the baby the opportunity to decide for himself whether to believe in this character or not.

Operation Blackmail

Many parents use the image of Santa Claus for educational purposes, reminding the child that if he behaves badly, he will not receive a gift from him. The baby understands that mom and dad will not leave him without treats and surprises, but the good wizard is a stranger. In psychology, this method of education has an extremely negative assessment. There are no ideal children: some behave badly when visiting, others beg for something in the store, and others regularly neglect safety rules.

But Grandfather Frost is a very kind wizard who loves children as they are. In general, this is exactly how a child should be raised every day, that is, with an awareness of his worth, regardless of his own behavior. And the gift was given to him without any conditions or reservations.

We hope that our tips helped you understand how to give your child an unforgettable experience of the most joyful and magical holiday- New Year.