Rough white cloth 3 letters.

rough white cloth

Alternative descriptions

. (Arab) men's clothing among the peoples of the Middle East - a long cloak made of camel hair, with holes for the arms (ethnographic)

Arabic men's clothing, a long woolen cloak with slits for the arms, which also served as a bed

In Muslim countries, coarse white cloth, as well as raincoats made from it for the rainy season

City in central China

City and river in Nigeria

Thick and rare white cloth or a cloak made of it (Caucasian)

Arab cloak

National clothing of nomadic Arabs, in particular Bedouins

Rare cloth and cloak made from it

On what river is the city of Prokopyevsk located?

On what river is the city of Kiselevsk located?

City in Nigeria

River in Nigeria

Bedouin Wool Cloak

White cloth

Cloak of the Arab peoples

City in Southern Nigeria

Bedouin clothing

Camel wool cloak

Arab cloak with slits for arms

Left tributary of the Tom

Tributary of the Tom

Nigerian city

City and river in Nigeria

Rough wool fabric

J. Caucasian local, thick and rare white cloth; a cloak made from it. Abino cloth ends in the window, rarely, see-through

On what river is the city of Kiselevsk located?

On what river is the city of Prokopyevsk located?

Cloak of Arab nomads

Camel cloak

A word of 3 letters, the first letter is “A”, the second letter is “B”, the third letter is “A”, a word starting with “A”, the last one is “A”. If you don’t know a word from a crossword or scanword, then our site will help you find the most difficult and unfamiliar words.

Guess the riddle:

There lived a husband and wife. The husband had his own room in the house, which he forbade his wife to enter. The key to the room was in the bedroom chest of drawers. They lived like this for 10 years. And so the husband went on a business trip, and the wife decided to come into this room. She took the key, opened the room, and turned on the light. The wife walked around the room, then saw a book on the table. She opened it and heard someone opening the door. She closed the book, turned off the light and locked the room, putting the key in the chest of drawers. It's my husband who came. He took the key, opened the room, did something in it and asked his wife: “Why did you go there?” How did the husband guess? Show answer>>

I buzz-zhu-zhu-zhu, I’m sitting on a branch, I keep repeating the letter “w”, Knowing this letter firmly, I buzz in the spring and summer.

Words displayed: 3 out of 3

(3) ABA -

  • in Muslim countries, coarse white cloth, as well as cloaks made from it for the rainy season
  • and. Caucasian local, thick and rare white cloth cloak made from it. Abino cloth ends in the window, rarely, see-through
  • thick and rare white cloth or a cloak made of it (Caucasian)
  • Tatar light red, bright red; the deepest color of a rose, the bright (not golden) dawn; crimson, crimson (not crimson), the colors of the blood of battle veins. Scarlet blood; scarlet flower; scarlet east. They talk more about objects and about pleasant colors, which is why a dear friend is called a scarlet friend, from which the friendly word was formed: Alusha ob. buddy. Scarlet, pale scarlet, with a scarlet tint. A moth falls on a scarlet flower. Scarlet small green (blue) caftan. Scarlet color spreads across the face, white fluff scatters across the chest. People live like scarlet flowers bloom, but our heads wither like grass. More beautiful than scarlet, whiter than white snow. The scarlet color is dear to the whole world. I’ll walk through the green meadow, look at the blue sky, and turn to the scarlet dawn. My heart is bleeding with scarlet blood. Scarlet-alekhonek or aleshenek, bright scarlet, completely, completely scarlet. Scarlet and scarlet. condition as enclosed Turn red, turn red, become scarlet; to appear scarlet, to appear, to appear scarlet. The buds on the rose are already turning red. What's red on the road, has anyone dropped a handkerchief? If you say scarlet instead of scarlet, then it expresses not to seem or seem scarlet, but to appear clearly, in a bright scarlet color, differing sharply from surrounding objects: the cloth is scarlet on the table; here it would be weak and indeterminate (but is this correct?). It turns red as it grows younger (while it is young); will begin to grow old and turn brown. Her cheeks turned red, faded, faded. Let the apples fly, let them reach. Poppy turned red from a distance and appeared; The dawn turned red and became busy. The flower has grown red, painted itself, and withers. Cheeks turned red from the frost. Scarlet-blue and blue-scarlet, two shades of purple: the first is bluer, the second is more red: scarlet-blue and blue-scarlet, the same two shades of purple. Aloe olon. blush: opposite gender white whitewash. Alozobik sib. species of crossbill, bird Loxia leucoptera. Scarlet-golden dawn, gold-scarlet, golden. Scarlet-faced, almond-cheeked, etc. are self-explanatory. Aloe-blooded animals, mammals (suckers), birds, reptiles and fish. Alco-blooded veins, fighting, arteries, anti-sex. black-blooded (veins, reverse) and white-blooded (pastrials and milkies)
  • and. not from gray, but from Mordovian sermyag, cloth caftan; chapan, caftan of coarse, undyed peasant cloth, sometimes even thread; homespun, white, gray, dark, brown, black peasant cloth, undyed. Homemade caftans. Were also on our militias, subordinates, of any natural color, also from camel homespun, brown-yellow. Sermyazhnik, -nitsa, peasant, peasant, peasant. They were nursed from the colts and into the velvets. Having your own homespun is not a burden to anyone, zap. There was Ivashka, a gray fur coat, and other boring tales