Elegant dresses for the New Year.

Unbeknownst to us, very soon we will be preparing for the New Year 2017. From the very first winter day and until January 31, the spirit of the approaching holiday begins to hover more and more clearly in the air. And lovely ladies are increasingly thinking about the age-old question - what outfit to choose to celebrate the best, most desired holiday for many children and adults.

According to eastern calendar, 2017 will be . This sign, replacing the bright Fire Monkey, promises to be even more extraordinary and memorable. You need to make friends with the restive owner of the coming year immediately, in New Year's Eve. Despite the fact that it is officially Fire

The Rooster comes into its own only on January 28; he will definitely stop by for the New Year’s light, which means that this guest must be met according to all the rules. So that all next year took place under the auspices of the Fire Rooster and under his protection, you need to know some of the nuances of celebrating the New Year 2017: how to cover festive table how to decorate a house, what dishes should be served for the New Year and, what especially excites the minds of all women - what to wear for New Year 2017?

Now we will discuss in more detail the issue of New Year's attire.

Outfit for the New Year 2017 - what should it be?

First of all, it is worth noting that you need to celebrate the New Year in style, the dress and jewelry should be perfectly selected. It's just wonderful if you wear jewelry on New Year's Eve. And the dress will be made of natural expensive fabrics - organza, silk, satin, velvet, brocade, leather, etc. Such luxury will only attract wealth and good luck into your life.

As for the style of dresses, it is safe to say that all outfits should embody grace and beauty.

Cocktail dresses, evening dresses, with slits, floor-length dresses, romantic dresses, high-waisted dresses, dresses with bare shoulders etc. - they all need to attract attention, so you just need to decorate your New Year's outfit all kinds of accessories (openwork collars, or collars made of beads, belts, embroidery, brooches, it’s great if it’s a brooch with a cockerel, feather decorations, etc. will not be out of place). It should be remembered that Fire Rooster loves chic and extravagance.

Ideal color scheme for a dress for the New Year

The coming 2017 Year of the Fiery Red Rooster leaves fashionistas practically no choice - the dress simply must be red or have a shade of one of its derivatives. All outfits, all accessories and makeup, in particular, should radiate fire, passion, rage, wildness, danger, luxury and even sexuality with their color.

The following colors can evoke the strongest fiery emotions:

  • red;
  • scarlet;
  • burgundy;
  • orange;
  • coral (namely dark shade coral);
  • rich bright yellow;
  • orange;
  • brown and brown-gold;
  • gold;
  • black.

In general, you can focus on the color of the playing flame when choosing a dress. It is best to try to combine all the colors of the outfit specifically in fiery harmony, then New Year's dress will amaze everyone around him, imitating the dancing of a raging fire.


When choosing a red dress for the New Year, you should take into account that at least two or three more ladies may show up in the same color. Even if the cut and style of the dresses are different, the same color will make your dresses look similar. If you adamantly decide to appear in a red outfit, remember that the red color itself is quite bright and noticeable, therefore, flashy accessories will look unnecessary.


The coral color is very beautiful and rich; in an outfit of this color you will feel truly irresistible, extraordinary and elegant. However, there are pitfalls here too. Despite its splendor, Coral color– a very complex and insidious color; when choosing this color scheme, you need to carefully select the shade to match the color of your skin.


No wonder the saying goes: “A cockerel, a cockerel is a golden comb.” In a dress golden color You will feel like the queen of New Year's Eve. And please the owner of 2017. Fashion trends say: gold color is the bomb of the coming year!

Brown and golden brown

A brown outfit goes perfectly with gold sparkly jewelry. And if you add a little golden gloss to the dress, then everyone’s attention will be guaranteed to your person.

Bright yellow

If you chose a yellow dress for New Year's Eve 2017, then keep in mind that yellow should be rich and catchy. The Cockerel will not tolerate a dull faded light yellow color at his holiday.


An orange dress would be an excellent choice. After all, orange is the color of luxury, the color of positivity and joy. By wearing this outfit to celebrate the New Year, you will find yourself in the thick of the fun.


The scarlet color symbolizes dawn, the beginning of something new and bright. The symbol of 2017, the Fire Rooster, will definitely like the scarlet outfit and it will reward you with interest throughout the year.


If you want to look elegant and sophisticated on, then a burgundy outfit is what you need. Add to it a few catchy accessories (gold belt, brooch or massive pendant) and you will be irresistible.


As Mademoiselle Chanel used to say: “Every woman should have a little black dress in her wardrobe.” If you choose an outfit like this, you definitely won’t miss it. By adding long tiered beads to a formal dress, you will be both elegant and elegant at the same time.

What to wear for a man on New Year's Eve 2017

Having chosen a festive dress for yourself, you should also take care of your man. For the stronger sex, a classic dark or golden suit is suitable. Don’t mind the symbol of the coming year and the dark burgundy color of your man’s outfit. A shirt or T-shirt must be ironed; the Rooster will not tolerate a sloppy attitude towards his holiday. It is also imperative that a grown beard should be carefully trimmed or completely shaved off. The haircut should be stylish.

Capricious fashion is like the weather: fickle and unpredictable. However, with the help of a relatively small arsenal of knowledge, advice and imagination, you can reach the “podium” new year party in a dress that will make you irresistible and the only one, in the full sense of the word, the Queen of the Ball.

Fashion trends that will be relevant when choosing a New Year's dress are already known. There is very little left: to check the preparations for the upcoming celebration.

Beautiful dresses on New Year with embroidery

How to choose the color of the dress?

Choosing general concept to dress up for New Year's Eve, you should include the components of sophistication, extravagance and brightness in one bottle. At the same time, sophistication of style and originality are welcomed. It is these qualities that will be appreciated by your guests, who will note the emphasized individuality and catchiness of your outfit, which contains all the trends in fashionable style.

Dresses from the Luxury brand

First of all, of course, we choose the color. The rooster is a big-eyed creature, and first of all he will evaluate you visually, classifying you either as friends or enemies by color. And if you do not want to fall into the category of predators that the Rooster is wary of, then immediately exclude from your future outfit everything that has to do with dark green, brown, dark blue, purple and black colors.

Therefore, your New Year's dress should be friendly to the owner, namely, include elements of white, red, yellow, purple and orange.

Brightness in any form is welcomed, especially if overall it becomes like a multi-colored rainbow palette. So, bright diversity and individuality, originality and courage - they will bring you unfailing success.

Dresses from the brand nasha

Remember Pushkin and his immortal creation about the golden cockerel. The main “color” secret is the indispensable presence of gold in the palette of your dress! It is to him that fashion designers give the palm of “citation” in the coming 2018. This choice will definitely lead you to an enthusiastic sensation and recognition of refined taste!

Of course, it is not recommended to overload the dress with gold. It will be much more impressive if you just complement the current color White dress gold necklace or brooch. It is recommended to complete the irresistible design with shoes of the brightest red color.

Photo: beautiful dresses for New Year 2018

The following advice is for those who always prefer black color when choosing an outfit, which is a kind of your status quo. For female fans, the recommendation is simple: the black color will not be gloomy and irrelevant if you use a trick, “lightening” it with an organic combination with red, yellow and orange flowers, as well as their shades. Of course, the brighter and lighter the shade, the better, and exquisite gold jewelry, very appropriate for such a combination, will give you a chance to be crowned Prom Queen!

Elegant dresses from the Lavira brand

And one more thing: in addition to never losing relevance white colors, you will surely hit the mark by choosing red New Year's dress. And if you choose the maximum color saturation, then you won’t even need additional decorations for your outfit.

Length and shape of New Year's dresses

Despite the transience and variability of trends, it should be recognized that its main criteria will not undergo any changes in 2018. Therefore, the widest range of choice in length is welcome. Mini dresses will look just as trendy as maxi dresses. The main thing is not to overdo it in your preferences, because the main selection criterion was and remains the individuality of your figure.

Long New Year's dresses for curvy girls

Sleeves - a detail that requires special attention - should be fluffy or straight, long or short. Lanterns are trendy; don’t go past ruffles, flounces and peplums in the design. This will help to unobtrusively draw attention to the hip and waist line. The combination of asymmetry in the cut of the hem, sleeves and necklines will add individuality and irresistibility to the dress.

Short dresses for New Year 2018

In terms of color range, Gucci designers offer more calm tones. But accessories, as opposed to a neutral palette, should please with brightness: huge brooches are welcome, earrings are striking in their massiveness, and glasses must certainly have large frames. The shoes are red or green. The chic of the season, in their opinion, is the print. Definitely bright, matching the Rooster, it includes pictures of animals or trees.

Photo: elegant dresses for New Year 2018

Chanel, on the contrary, considers classics obligatory. French laconicism will be especially chic; small lace or chiffon details will come in handy. Your dress will only benefit if the straps or sleeves are voluminous; additions in the form of bows and capes are also good.

The wizards of the Versace house demand that you bring maximum chic to your New Year's outfits. According to their version, this should be achieved, first of all, by emphasizing sexuality as the leading mood. Hence the attention to every detail, emphasizing the maximum advantages of a figure that does not lose its mystery.

Subtlety and sophistication prevail in the approach of Italian masters to revealing the essence of the issue. They already know how to add color diversity and brightness to a dress. We must assume that with their help, the Fire Rooster will be pleased with what he sees!

Dresses for the New Year 2018: new items

The undoubted leaders among the new products of the coming year, according to fashion designers, will be velor and velvet. There is reason to think about using these fabrics. A symbol of changing fashion is a dress decorated with gold beads or brightly stitched thread. But the greatest respect, experts say, will be given to New Year's gold accessories.

Fluffy dresses for the New Year

Another new item for the holiday party is a mini dress, sewn with iridescent satin. Perhaps a great reason for an experiment!

It’s a completely different matter for women who prefer clear shapes. For this category of our readers we offer classic case, where gold accessories are added in moderation. Follow the advice of professionals - and you will create your own original atmosphere and uniqueness at the holiday celebration!

Evening dresses for New Year 2018

This triumph of fantasy and perfection is ideal for those whose holiday venue on New Year's Eve is a restaurant or a gala reception. We are talking about an evening dress, long and luxurious. A-line models continue to enjoy maximum popularity, where the shoulders are open and the skirt is long and fluffy. Of course, such a dress requires expensive fabric. Ideal for finishing silk, satin or velvet.

Dress to the floor

The greatest preference in choosing colors should be given to red and golden tones. For a long, classic, strapless dress, a calm tone is recommended. Accessories in the form of earrings, bracelets and necklaces are welcome. If the choice fell on the “empire” style or Greek style, then in addition to it, a belt with a large and bright buckle is suitable.

If the event is demonstrative and responsible, then you should immediately select the comfort factor as the main priority. This applies to those cases when the pomp of the model or other inconveniences can negate the main goal of the entire holiday - to relax and have fun from the heart.

Here you are invited to use your imagination one hundred percent. A wide variety of colors are welcome here, including fantastic ones. Accessories are certainly expensive, preferably gold, which will be another evidence of the sophistication of her mistress’s taste.

And about one more important aspect: today you can buy or have a custom-made dress of any style, fortunately, there are enough opportunities for this. The main thing is to consider fashion trends, as well as the individuality of your figure and the ideas that you would like to express with your New Year's outfit.

Exclusive: dresses for the sweetest women

In an effort to celebrate the New Year cheerfully and effectively, all women – slim and overweight – are equal. For the plus-size ones, the very first advantage here is that an outfit for a plump housewife, due to our mentality, is sexy in itself. But this does not mean that bad taste is allowed when choosing it.

Fiery colors are in favor, which, in combination with the “sweet” features of the figure, will have a simply stunning effect. Recommended colors range from rich chocolate to burgundy, including all shades of orange, coral and purple. The Lord of the Year - the Fire Rooster - does not like darkness, and this must be taken into account when choosing a palette.

Experts, despite the classical requirements, are still inclined to lift all bans on the use of metallized fabrics. Of course, moderation must be observed here too. Combine! This way you will perfectly disguise all the unnecessary “details” of the figure.

A slight flicker within acceptable limits - and your uniqueness will be appreciated! For problem areas - contrasting inserts. Striped outfits, luxurious breasts, V-neck, round neck, floor-length style, skillful combination of multidirectional lines - all this will make you irresistible at the most important party of the Year of the Fire Rooster!

Capricious fashion is like the weather: fickle and unpredictable. However, with the help of a relatively small arsenal of knowledge, advice and imagination, you can go to the “podium” of the New Year’s party in a dress that will make you irresistible and the only one, in the full sense of the word, the Queen of the Ball.

Fashion trends that will be relevant when choosing a New Year's dress are already known. There is very little left: to check the preparations for the upcoming celebration with the eastern horoscope. According to it, the owner of the year 2017 becomes the Rooster, and not a simple one, but a Fiery one.

Beautiful dresses for the New Year with embroidery

The owner of the year is expected to be incredibly bright and active. Any activity entails numerous changes in life. All these changes will be favorable for you under one condition - strong friendship with the Fire Rooster!

Stylish dresses for the New Year

How to choose the color of the dress?

When choosing a general concept for an outfit on New Year's Eve, you should include in it the components of sophistication, extravagance and brightness in one bottle. At the same time, sophistication of style and originality are welcomed. It is these qualities that will be appreciated by your guests, who will note the emphasized individuality and catchiness of your outfit, which contains all the trends in fashionable style.

Dresses from the Luxury brand

First of all, of course, we choose the color. The rooster is a big-eyed creature, and first of all he will evaluate you visually, classifying you either as friends or enemies by color. And if you do not want to fall into the category of predators that the Rooster is wary of, then immediately exclude from your future outfit everything that has to do with dark green, brown, dark blue, purple and black colors.

Therefore, your New Year's dress should be friendly to the owner, namely, include elements of white, red, yellow, purple and orange.

Brightness in any form is welcomed, especially if overall it becomes like a multi-colored rainbow palette. So, bright diversity and individuality, originality and courage - they will bring you unfailing success.

Dresses from the brand nasha

Remember Pushkin and his immortal creation about the golden cockerel. The main “color” secret is the indispensable presence of gold in the palette of your dress! It is to him that fashion designers give the palm of “citation” in the coming 2017. This choice will definitely lead you to an enthusiastic sensation and recognition of refined taste!

Of course, it is not recommended to overload the dress with gold. It will be much more impressive if you just complement the actual color of the white dress with a gold necklace or brooch. It is recommended to complete the irresistible design with shoes of the brightest red color.

The following advice is for those who always prefer black color when choosing an outfit, which is a kind of your status quo. For female fans, the recommendation is simple: the black color will not be gloomy and irrelevant if you use a trick, “lightening” it with an organic combination with red, yellow and orange colors, as well as their shades. Of course, the brighter and lighter the shade, the better, and exquisite gold jewelry, very appropriate for such a combination, will give you a chance to be crowned Prom Queen!

Elegant dresses from the Lavira brand

And one more thing: in addition to the evergreen white color, you will certainly hit the mark by choosing a red New Year's dress. And if you choose the maximum color saturation, then you won’t even need additional decorations for your outfit.

Length and shape of New Year's dresses

Despite the transience and variability of trends, it should be recognized that its main criteria will not undergo any changes in 2017. Therefore, the widest range of choice in length is welcome. Mini dresses will look just as trendy as maxi dresses. The main thing is not to overdo it in your preferences, because the main selection criterion was and remains the individuality of your figure.

Long New Year's dresses for curvy girls

Sleeves - a detail that requires special attention - should be fluffy or straight, long or short. Lanterns are trendy; don’t go past ruffles, flounces and peplums in the design. This will help to unobtrusively draw attention to the hip and waist line. The combination of asymmetry in the cut of the hem, sleeves and necklines will add individuality and irresistibility to the dress.

Short dresses for New Year 2017

In terms of color range, Gucci designers offer more calm tones. But accessories, as opposed to a neutral palette, should please with brightness: huge brooches are welcome, earrings are striking in their massiveness, and glasses must certainly have large frames. The shoes are red or green. The chic of the season, in their opinion, is the print. Definitely bright, matching the Rooster, it includes pictures of animals or trees.

Photo: elegant dresses for the New Year 2017

Chanel, on the contrary, considers classics obligatory. French laconicism will be especially chic; small lace or chiffon details will come in handy. Your dress will only benefit if the straps or sleeves are voluminous; additions in the form of bows and capes are also good.

The wizards of the Versace house demand that you bring maximum chic to your New Year's outfits. According to their version, this should be achieved, first of all, by emphasizing sexuality as the leading mood. Hence the attention to every detail, emphasizing the maximum advantages of a figure that does not lose its mystery.

Subtlety and sophistication prevail in the approach of Italian masters to revealing the essence of the issue. They already know how to add color diversity and brightness to a dress. We must assume that with their help, the Fire Rooster will be pleased with what he sees!

New Year's dresses: new items for 2017

The undoubted leaders among the new products of the coming year, according to fashion designers, will be velor and velvet. There is reason to think about using these fabrics. The symbol of changing fashion 2017 is a dress decorated with gold beads or stitched bright thread. But the greatest respect, experts say, will be given to New Year's gold accessories.

Fluffy dresses for the New Year 2017

Another new item for the holiday party is a mini dress, sewn with iridescent satin. Perhaps a great reason for an experiment!

It’s a completely different matter for women who prefer clear shapes. For this category of our readers, we offer a classic case, where gold accessories are added in moderation. Follow the advice of professionals - and you will create your own original atmosphere and uniqueness at the holiday celebration!

Evening dresses

This triumph of fantasy and perfection is ideal for those whose holiday venue on New Year's Eve is a restaurant or a gala reception. We are talking about an evening dress, long and luxurious. A-line models continue to enjoy maximum popularity, where the shoulders are open and the skirt is long and fluffy. Of course, such a dress requires expensive fabric. Ideal for finishing silk, satin or velvet.

Dress to the floor

The greatest preference in choosing colors should be given to red and golden tones. For a long, classic, strapless dress, a calm tone is recommended. Accessories in the form of earrings, bracelets and necklaces are welcome. If the choice fell on the “empire” or Greek style, then in addition to it, a belt with a large and bright buckle is suitable.

Photo: evening dresses for New Year 2017

If the event is demonstrative and responsible, then you should immediately select the comfort factor as the main priority. This applies to those cases when the pomp of the model or other inconveniences can negate the main goal of the entire holiday - to relax and have fun from the heart.

Here you are invited to use your imagination one hundred percent. A wide variety of colors are welcome here, including fantastic ones. Accessories are certainly expensive, preferably gold, which will be another evidence of the sophistication of her mistress’s taste.

And about one more important aspect: today you can buy or have a custom-made dress of any style, fortunately, there are enough opportunities for this. The main thing is to take into account fashion trends, as well as the individuality of your figure and the ideas that you would like to express with your New Year's outfit.

Exclusive: dresses for the sweetest women

In an effort to celebrate the New Year cheerfully and effectively, all women – slim and overweight – are equal. For the plus-size ones, the very first advantage here is that an outfit for a plump housewife, due to our mentality, is sexy in itself. But this does not mean that bad taste is allowed when choosing it.

Fiery colors are in favor, which, in combination with the “sweet” features of the figure, will have a simply stunning effect. Recommended colors range from rich chocolate to burgundy, including all shades of orange, coral and purple. The Lord of the Year - the Fire Rooster - does not like darkness, and this must be taken into account when choosing a palette.

Experts, despite the classical requirements, are still inclined to lift all bans on the use of metallized fabrics. Of course, moderation must be observed here too. Combine! This way you will perfectly disguise all the unnecessary “details” of the figure.

A slight flicker within acceptable limits - and your uniqueness will be appreciated! For problem areas - contrasting inserts. Striped outfits, luxurious breasts, V-neck, round neckline, floor-length style, skillful combination of multidirectional lines - all this will make you irresistible at the most important party of the Year of the Fire Rooster!

According to the calculations of the Chinese calendar, 2019, rushing towards us at full speed, will be held under the auspices of Yellow Earth Pig. And although this simple-hearted animal treats people with all his heart and will not put a spoke in anyone’s wheels, you need to meet her appropriately. And the easiest way to do this is by choosing New Year's image according to the guest's tastes. Moreover, this is not at all difficult, because the Pig is democratic and friendly.

Color, fabric and style of stylish and fashionable outfits

What should you wear to please the lady of the approaching year and enlist her support for all 12 months? First of all, let's decide on the color.

There is no doubt that the favorites will be primarily shades corresponding to the color of the year, as well as warm and rich colors of the favorite element - earth:

You will also like other rich natural tones:

  • blue, azure, ultramarine, cobalt, blue - in the color of the sky;
  • green, light green, emerald, lime, marsh, mint - in the color of grass and leaves;
  • pink, lilac, violet, white and even black - in honor of flowering meadows, tree bark and stones.

The only shade that the future mistress of the year will definitely turn away from is a catchy red, evoking thoughts of the flames of a forest fire. But there are no strict restrictions here either. If you like red, you can safely add a noticeable detail of this color to your outfit or use its “muted” versions: scarlet, carrot, wine.

When thinking about choosing a material for a dress, think first of all about fleecy fabrics: velvet, velor, corduroy, plush, suede or fur.

Would you like to put on something more festive, alluring, airy or, on the contrary, enveloping and warming? No problem. The pig will favorably accept organza and chiffon, satin and silk; as well as wool. Undoubtedly, the creatively minded Piggy will also appreciate the fine weaving of lace fabric, whether you use it in the form of piquant inserts in clothes, an elegant trim, or as an independent fabric for a New Year's outfit.

As for the style festive dress, then there is only one requirement: your outfit must be comfortable. No super-tight skirts, body-constricting parts, rigid corsets, or high stiletto heels. The price includes a loose cut and softly flowing models that do not restrict the movements of their owner.

Dresses for the New Year 2019: 50 hot new items with photos

Let's see what modern world-famous designers and their less famous brothers propose to us to meet the Yellow Pig in?

Rachel Zoe equipped her feminine dresses with numerous frills and ruffles.
Bouffant skirts and Marchesa Resort's form-fitting silhouettes will look good on fragile girls
The volume in one part of the Marchesa Resort outfit is balanced by the laconic and smooth other
Jenny Packham was clearly inspired by the image Snow Queen
Velvet and suede dresses will turn any girl into a queen
The Yellow Pig's favorite color is ideal for dark-skinned women and hot brunettes
Any woman can try on gold - it’s ideal for celebrating the New Year
Elie Saab's deep blue is definitely a royal color
Minimalistic new items from Rachel Zoe shine like the Moon and the Sun
Fashionable prints with polka dots and stripes will not allow you to get lost in the crowd
Geometric patterns and plays on contrast are no less popular.
Marchesa offers to celebrate New Year 2018 in a cloud of flowers
Reem Acra advises girls to choose classic styles, simple geometry and contrasting colors: black and white, red and green
David Koma bets on the play of color
Prints with oriental or floral patterns are loved by many designers.
The everlasting trend - feathers - smoothly migrated into the New Year's collections of fashion designers. Who dares?
Alexander McQueen girls resemble white and silver clouds
Evening dresses from Marchesa inevitably attract attention
Beautiful legs it's not a sin to show
Elie Saab invites beauties not to be modest and choose bold models to demonstrate themselves in all their glory
Just don’t forget that it’s better to balance a daring neckline with a relatively modest upper part
A bare back looks gentle and elegant
Models Paolo Sebastian reminiscent of Greek goddesses who descended from Olympus
Alexis Mabille's motto is freedom and uninhibitedness. Shiny fabrics and flying silhouettes will do the rest.
Floor-length dresses, gently flowing over the body, will give any woman lightness and grace.
Despite the laconicism of their forms, the dresses of modern designers amaze the imagination.
The rather modest style of Talbot Runhot benefits from decor
The images created by Elie Saab are characterized by lightness, courage and relaxedness.
Girls with beautiful shoulders would do well to highlight them with an American armhole
Another fashionable feature for the New Year: catchy asymmetry
Tadashi Shoji skillfully plays with images of fatal beauties and innocence embodied
Stylish Jenny Packham outfits with sequins and embroidery will turn even a modest party into an enchanting event.
Black sheath dress Reem Acra painted with stones and beads, and Badgley Mischka - white inserts on the sleeves
Stéphane Rolland knows how to create masterpieces with a minimum of details
For his models, Stéphane Rolland chose a classic silhouette and daring innovations: flared sleeves and cutouts on the shoulders
Dennis Basso believes that you need to celebrate the New Year in theatrically ornate, fancy outfits
The mermaid tail, beloved by many, is not losing ground
Dresses with a train have somewhat lost their former popularity, but still remain in demand

Every woman thinks out her New Year's look very carefully. After all, everything should be perfect and appropriate: from the outfit to the makeup and manicure. Most often, fashionistas prefer to celebrate the New Year; it is this part of a woman’s wardrobe that can truly decorate any representative of the fair sex of humanity and make the holiday unforgettable. All that remains is to choose a suitable model that will not only be in trend, but also comply with the traditions of celebrating this particular new year. What should you wear on this New Year's Eve 2017, according to numerous stylists and designers, we invite you to figure it out with us.

The mullet style continues to occupy one of the leading positions at fashion shows in 2017. They have a very unusual cut: the front part of the dress is much shorter than the bottom. Thanks to this technique, you can significantly elongate the silhouette and give the image femininity and grace. For those with slender legs, this style of New Year's dress is a real find. The dress can be made from light, flowing fabrics or from denser materials that hold their shape well. Color palette is very diverse: you can choose more restrained colors, such as blue or black, or you can give preference to a fiery red shade, which will certainly appeal to the symbol of the year, the Rooster. Combine the outfit with high-heeled or wedge shoes, but it’s better to avoid low-heeled ones.

The favorite color for New Year's parties will certainly be red. This bright shade does not require additional and. You can choose any style - from flirty short cocktail dress to a feminine floor-length dress with a breathtaking slit. If you are afraid that all the ladies at the party will be dressed in red, choose shades close to red, for example, burgundy, coral, purple. In addition, you should remember that the shade of the outfit should match your color type.

The use of fur in New Year's outfits in 2017 is unacceptable, but feathers can be an excellent alternative. You can choose a dress with a feathered bodice, which will create the effect of a boa draped over your shoulders, an outfit with a feather-trimmed hem, or a dress completely covered in feathers. In any case, your image will be unusually elegant and expressive, and most importantly, next year’s patron, the Fire Rooster, will certainly like it.

In the cold season of 2017, dresses with slits are back in fashion. The height of the cut can be very different, sometimes very piquant - the choice depends on your courage. This outfit will make you a real star. A long one with a breathtaking slit in the front or side looks incredibly expensive and sexy. A dress like this is also appropriate for a romantic New Year’s dinner for two, where you will look desirable and unique.

A successful New Year's outfit is not necessarily a luxurious maxi dress, which can hinder movement and is clearly not suitable for active people who prefer to party until the morning. Owners of slender legs may well opt for short dress to celebrate the New Year. In this outfit you will be comfortable both in a warm home environment and at a noisy disco. This season, both dresses with open shoulders and more modest models with sleeves are popular. A short sheath dress will perfectly emphasize the grace of the figure and the slender legs of its owner. In any case, a New Year's mini dress is an outfit sparkling and shimmering in hundreds of festive lights.

Fluffy Maxi Dresses

In a dress with a long, multi-layered skirt, any girl can feel like a real princess. Models with a narrow corset top and a lush crinoline will favorably emphasize a wasp waist, and you will definitely not be left in the shadow at the New Year's celebration. Complete the look with updos and a sparkling tiara, and you will be the real queen of the evening. Of course, it is worth keeping in mind that long fluffy dresses appropriate only for the most special occasions. This model is unlikely to be suitable for celebrating the New Year at home or in a nightclub.

If you dream of looking like royalty at a New Year's party, you can choose a luxurious velor dress. It is designed to emphasize the prestigious status and refined taste of its owner. Long and short velor dresses are perfect for a New Year's party. This season, designers are offering luxurious dresses with lace sleeves, models decorated with flowers, as well as more laconic and strict styles that, despite the closed top, do not look boring and ordinary.

New Year's dresses with sparkles and sequins

Luxurious dresses made of shiny fabrics or models decorated with numerous sequins are perfect for creating a brilliant look. There is an opinion that sequins look a little cheap and are only suitable for the image of a frivolous girl. But collections of brilliant dresses from the world's leading designers convince us of the opposite: these dresses are luxurious and splendid. And the complex texture and brilliant effect dictate the use simple styles and a minimum of decorative elements.

A lace dress will help you become a real queen of the New Year's evening. The peculiarity of this material is that the simpler the chosen style, the greater the emphasis is on the intricate interlacing of threads in the lace. You can choose a brighter option - a dress made of shiny lace or embroidered with shiny threads.

For an evening look in 2017, you can choose a dress with a bright and colorful print. The Rooster, the symbol of the year, who loves everything colorful and expressive, will appreciate the outfit you choose. Whether you opt for fresh floral prints or original animal colors is up to you. One thing is clear - in such a dress you will be the brightest and most expressive.

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