How to properly decorate a living Christmas tree. Christmas tree decoration

Cones and nuts sprinkled with gold paint turn into elegant New Year's toys.

Fashion for decorative solutions, color combinations and toys comes and goes, but some principles remain unchanged. talks about how to dress up a beautiful New Year's Eve.
Take a little inventory

* A few days before decorating the Christmas tree, examine the contents of your boxes with New Year's decor. Find out what you're missing and make a list to go to the store with - this will save you time.
* Examine toys left over from previous years - they may need some minor repairs, new glitter or mounting.
* If you have children, give them a holiday by making homemade Christmas toys.

Select and install correctly Christmas tree

* Do not place a large Christmas tree in a room that is too small. Do not install a living tree near a radiator or other heat source.
* If you have children and animals, it is especially important to carefully secure the tree. Make sure its base is securely reinforced. An additional method of fastening is to tie the top of the tree to the cornices and cabinets with several cords (arrange a stretch), then disguise them with garlands that will stretch under the ceiling.
* If your tree is too low, you can place it on a podium (or table), after covering it with Christmas paper, oilcloth or fabric. By the way, this will create a place for you for elegant gifts, which will be more noticeable than on the floor.

Christmas tree
Use an electric garland

A Christmas tree decorated in the same color scheme looks very elegant
* Buy faceted bulbs rather than smooth ones - they have more glare.
Take care of the safety rules: do not use homemade or cheap Asian crafts, so as not to cause a fire. For the same reason, do not decorate the Christmas tree with candles and sparklers. An exception is an electric garland with “candles”.

* Before wrapping a tree with a garland, plug it into a power outlet and check how it works - whether all the lights are on and whether the wiring is sparking. Do not use more than three garlands at once - the plugs may not hold up.
* The electric garland is hung on the Christmas tree before other toys - this way it will not obscure them. It would be good if you wrapped one garland around a tree trunk and placed the other on the branches to illuminate the toys.
* It is more convenient to decorate the Christmas tree with the lights on - you will immediately see how evenly the garland lies. Arrange the garlands in a spiral rather than from bottom to top.

Hang toys in the correct order

* The larger the tree, the larger the toys that suit it. A small tree with huge balls will seem bulky.
* Large toys are hung first, then small ones. Start hanging with large balls that set the main tone of the tree. After hanging all the balls, rest for a while in another room. Then come back and take a fresh look to see if everything looks harmonious. Hang other types of toys in the remaining spaces between the balls.
* Large toys are placed on the lower branches. As you get higher, it's worth using smaller toys.
* It is better not to hang identical toys next to each other.

Attach toys correctly

Christmas tree
If you use ribbons, be sure to tighten the knots properly.

* You can hang balls on the Christmas tree using thread or wire. A convenient and simple method is straightened paper clips.
* You can also look for special plastic hooks for Christmas tree decorations - they are produced in green so that they are invisible.
* Toys tied with lush bows will look especially elegant.
* The best, most expensive and favorite toys are usually the most fragile. Don't hang them on weak, thin branches, close to the tips (especially if you have children and pets). Place them closer to the trunk.

Decorate the top

* Traditional decorations– a spire or star (it is a reminder of the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Magi to the manger of Jesus).
* You can also put an angel on top or even tie a bow.

Use available materials

* Try decorating the Christmas tree with edible toys - tangerines, sweets, nuts wrapped in gold foil.
* Teddy bears and any other toys will also look good.
* A wide shiny ribbon wrapped around the Christmas tree is a successful and not very common decoration.

Finishing touch

* Scatter beads, shiny tinsel, rain over the tree, spray with frost spray, artificial snow, sprinkle with confetti, streamers, sparkles - but only when it is fully decorated.
* Be careful with rain if you have cats - pets love to eat them and can die from it.
* If your tree is designed in a certain color scheme, pack the gifts that will lie under it in paper of the same colors.
* Place Father Frost and the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree. If you celebrate Christmas, you will find nativity scenes useful, i.e. “nativity scenes” where small dolls depict the Mother of God and other characters.

Decorating the New Year tree is one of the most important events in New Year's preparations. There were times when we didn't think about how to decorate christmas tree, but now everything has changed, designers, psychics, Feng Shui experts give us advice on how to decorate the New Year tree so that it is beautiful, fashionable and brings health, wealth, success and love in the New Year

New Year is one of the most long-awaited and favorite holidays of the year; preparation begins long before the event, because there is a lot to be done. Today we’ll talk about one of the most important attributes of the New Year, namely the New Year tree. Frankly, I didn’t even realize how many important nuances there are in choosing and decorating a New Year’s tree, and it’s not just about the beauty and fashionability of the New Year’s tree, but also about its symbolic meaning and importance for a happy and successful New Year.

Before the New Year, many people think about which tree to prefer, a live or artificial one. I made my final choice in favor of an artificial tree several years ago and do not regret it.

Advantages of an artificial Christmas tree:

  • you only pay once for an artificial Christmas tree;
  • It’s much easier to clean it up; needles don’t fall off, which then need to be cleaned up throughout the apartment and entrance;
  • you save and preserve wildlife. We are adults and it is high time for us to be responsible for the environment;
  • you can buy an artificial Christmas tree that is much fluffier than a real one;
  • it is easy to install;
  • it does not need to be transported, selected, tied up and pulled home, stored somewhere until installation;
  • artificial Christmas trees do not cause allergies and are not flammable; in terms of fire safety, they are much more reliable.

How to choose the right artificial Christmas tree

Before going to the store to buy a Christmas tree, measure at home with a tape measure or a centimeter how much space you can allocate for the tree, so you can avoid disappointment if the purchased tree does not fit in the space allocated for it.

Choosing the height of the tree: the human eye is best focused on the horizon line. The horizon line is the line at the level of our eyes, if everyone in your family is tall, then a Christmas tree from 170 cm and above will suit you, those who are not tall, pay attention in the store to Christmas trees with a height of 120 cm to 160 cm.

When choosing a Christmas tree, pay attention to the bottom fastening; it must be strong and reliable, otherwise the Christmas tree may fall at the most inopportune moment.

Check the fastening of the branches; options where they are simply inserted into the tree trunk are not suitable; it is better to choose Christmas trees in which the branches are inserted into the tree trunk as if in a groove.

When choosing a tree, give preference to pine rather than spruce; pine has fluffier branches; a fluffy Christmas tree looks better in the end.

How many balls do you need to decorate a Christmas tree?

Shellfield University students calculated exactly how many balls there should be on a New Year's tree so that the tree does not appear empty or overloaded with decorations:

  • on a tree 250 cm high. 52 balls
  • on a tree 200 cm high - 41 balls
  • on a tree 180 cm high - 37 balls
  • on a tree 150 cm high - 31 balls

In this post you will see a huge variety of beautifully decorated Christmas trees, some of them meet the standard developed by Shellfield design students, and others do not, which makes them no less beautiful, because beauty is a subjective concept. However, if you listen to the advice of students at the University of Design, it will be easier for you to decorate your Christmas tree beautifully and stylishly.

Choosing colors to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year

Before hanging balls and other decorative items on the New Year's tree, you should decide on the overall color of your tree; the toys and all New Year's decor should match the color scheme.

Think about the theme of your Christmas tree, you can have a children's tree, palace style, country, American Christmas with lots of red, etc., according to this you should choose Christmas balls and other New Year's decor.

And now some successful color combinations for decorating a green Christmas tree:

  • white and gold
  • gold and silver
  • gold and red
  • white, gold and red
  • white, silver, blue/turquoise
  • silver/pale gold, lilac, pink

Sometimes you can see how designers broke their own rules for color combinations and decorated the New Year tree using all the colors of the rainbow. This is the secret, the toys are arranged in color exactly one after another, like the colors in a rainbow, this way the harmony and natural combination of colors is preserved. These are the colors of the chakras, they are located in the same order, but the top one will be purple.

How to properly and beautifully decorate a New Year tree

Decorating a Christmas tree always starts with a garland; the more lights there are, the more elegant the tree will be. Place the garland from the top of the tree in a spiral.

To properly decorate a New Year tree, according to the designers’ recommendations, visually divide it into four parts and hang the same decorations in each. But each part must have its own compositional center.

As a rule, Christmas trees that are decorated in the same style, i.e. for example, only with the help of balls or only with the help of cones, they look better and more impressive than those Christmas trees where they tried to combine balls, and cones, and ballerinas, and Venetian masks. But there are, of course, exceptions to this rule.

Arrangement of balls on the New Year tree: first, the balls are hung very close to the trunk of the tree. creating a background for the foreground Christmas decorations. The largest balls are hung in the lower third, medium-sized balls are hung in the middle, and the smallest balls are located in the upper part of the New Year tree. Then they hang Christmas tree decorations in the foreground; these can be shiny butterflies, snowflakes, etc. decorations or also beautiful Christmas balls.

Remember this important point: high tree Large balls look good, but on a small Christmas tree, medium and small balls will look more impressive.

Now it has become fashionable to decorate the New Year tree with artificial flowers, it looks very beautiful, the flowers should match the color scheme and style of the New Year tree.

The decoration of the New Year tree is completed with rain, ribbons or beads.

Christmas trees are also decorated in a spiral or vertically.

How to decorate the Christmas tree below: to create a complete image of the Christmas tree, try to create a fairy tale under the Christmas tree; they will help you with this Stuffed Toys, Dollhouse, artificial snow, snowflakes, pine branches, New Year's beads, etc. Place all this on organza or nylon fabric, sprinkle with artificial snow. Father Frost or Santa Claus should match the color scheme of your Christmas tree and be in the same style.

White Christmas tree decoration

A white Christmas tree in the interior looks very beautiful, especially when the surrounding interior is made in light colors. Decorating a white Christmas tree is somewhat different; first of all, you need to purchase the color of the garland light color, so that the cord of the garland could be disguised with the branches of a white Christmas tree.

A white Christmas tree is cold in tone, and accordingly, the color scheme of the Christmas tree decor should be the same. The garland should have lights not yellow, but white. A white Christmas tree looks beautiful with decor in the following colors:

  • silver and blue
  • silver and turquoise
  • silver and pink
  • silver and purple
  • silver, white and clear

The white tree does not tolerate overloading with decor; be moderate; the rest of the rules for decorating the New Year tree remain in force.

Decorating a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui

The ancient science of Feng Shui promises that if you decorate the New Year tree correctly, then for the next year we will have everything the way we want it.

It is very important that a man chooses the Christmas tree, because... the tree is yang energy i.e. masculine, a symbol of activity, movement, result, and toys are Yin energy i.e. female, so toys should be chosen by a woman. The tree must be strong and stable so that wishes come true.

So, in order to to attract health In our life, next year we need to hang walnuts on the Christmas tree; they can be pre-painted in gold or silver to make them look festive. Walnut symbolizes creativity, health and longevity. To attract health, hang blue, silver or gold toys, doe or deer figurines on the Christmas tree. The lotus flower symbolizes our development and health.

It is very easy to get lost in the modern variety of Christmas tree decorations. Below are the most interesting options how to decorate a Christmas tree, as well as recommendations for using decorations in 2017. Read on to find out how to decorate your Christmas tree the right way this year!

Traditional and original jewelry

  1. Garland - a decorative chain made of interconnected objects. This year ideal solution the Christmas tree will be decorated electric garland. It will add bright holiday lights and New Year's mood. Garlands hung in a spiral look best in the photo. It is also very beautiful for decorating windows, the outside of houses (roof, doorway, windows, bushes and trees) and mirrors. Hanging a holiday garland is much safer than installing candles, but no one forbids you from doing so. The only thing is don’t forget to install them correctly. Ideal option in 2017, it would be to package them in glass lanterns with a monkey sticker. Later, it’s easy to remake such lanterns for an animal of another year with your own hands. It is enough to erase the old sticker from the glass, which is easily done with a blade, and stick a new one - with the symbol of the next year.
  2. Christmas glass balls It is advisable to use 1 or 2 colors. If you have a lot colorful balloons, then you can decorate them in one color with your own hands. To do this, you can use paints, paper (colored, white, newspaper, book), fabric, beads, seed beads and threads. For the balls, you can even knit or sew interesting costumes or simply glue lace to them beautifully!
  3. Do snowflakes You can decorate the Christmas tree using wire painted with white paint or strung with beads, paper or thread. If you know how to crochet, then sewing a snowflake or an outfit-case for a New Year's ball will not be difficult!
  4. Handmade balloons You can also crochet it. There are many schemes, but you can easily come up with your own. Another option for balls is to make them from rings plastic bottles. The main thing is to decorate it beautifully and brightly!
  5. If you're addicted carving, then make a couple dozen wooden toys in a year it won't be a problem for you. Even 3-5 wooden toys will add charm and originality to your Christmas tree. Be sure to color them to add some color and draw attention to them!
  6. Looks original on a holiday tree golden gears from watches, computer boards with bows and many other things that in ordinary life we ​​call trash. It will be especially chic to use your main working tools to decorate the Christmas tree for a corporate event.
  7. Whether or not to use classic bright in decorating a holiday tree rain- this is at your discretion, but every year its relevance becomes less and less. Perhaps, if you have it, then it’s worth hanging, but if not, don’t buy it. In just a couple of years, it will completely lose its relevance. There are three ways to hang rain on a Christmas tree: vertically, horizontally (floor by floor) and in a spiral. Try each option to see what you like best! Advice ! We recommend using rain to decorate various items at home, not the Christmas tree.
  8. Unlike the rain holiday ribbons Every year they become more and more popular. They are at the peak of fashion as decorations for the New Year tree. Today is very a large number of ribbons on sale: from thin to very wide. One wide tape 5 meters long is enough for the entire spruce with a height of up to two meters. Advice! To decorate the Christmas tree with thin ribbons, use a maximum of 2 colors. Ribbons matching the colors of the balloons will look very beautiful and sophisticated if you used 2 colors. If the balls are the same color, then it is better to take the ribbons of any two other colors. How to decorate a Christmas tree with ribbon? The best choice- spiral. More options: lower a few thin ribbons Place vertically or medium-width strips horizontally on branches.
  9. Fashionable trend for decorating a festive tree - beads.
  10. You can make them yourself or buy them. They look very sophisticated. If you decide to do it yourself, then use silk thread or thicker threads for beads. To require fewer beads, use glue to fix them or place small beads of the same color between them. In the year of the monkey there must be some zest associated with this animal. Most monkeys prefer greens and fruits, which means It’s worth hanging various plant-based goodies on the Christmas tree (bananas, grapes, tangerines, nuts). This way you will add pleasant experiences for your children. delicious gifts
  11. . The second option is to place the fruit under the spruce tree. Third, hang up some pictures of monkeys. These can be industrially produced toys or homemade ones. It will be enough to simply stick a few images on already hung balloons to flatter the main symbol of next year! Quickly sewtoy You can use new motley, multi-colored socks.
  12. This way you can easily make a snowman or any animal, including a monkey. Bright decorations for the Christmas tree made from unnecessary materials? Easily! Do penguins from burnt out lamps or plastic bottles
  13. ! They can decorate a Christmas tree or any other corner of the apartment. Original delicious decorations easy to bake or make your own. You can decorate tangerines or oranges. Cinnamon is most often used for this, but we suggest using another trick: decorate tangerines under New Year's balls! Of course, they will be quite heavy and only wide parts of the branches will be able to support them, that is, hang them correctly closer to the tree trunk. But for such You don’t have to spend a lot, and at the end of the holidays you’ll be happy to eat them!

    By adding a small wish under the decor layer, you can surprise your guests by inviting them to choose New Year's ball from the Christmas tree as a gift. The second simple option for delicious DIY Christmas tree decorations is Christmas gingerbread in the form of a snowman, tree, squirrel, monkey or gingerbread man. There are a lot of recipes for baking them: almond, honey, mint and many others. Choose according to your taste!

  14. You can quickly and easily decorate your Christmas tree with sweets using sweets and chocolate figures. Place them correctly: lower so that children can easily reach them. After all, these decorations are primarily intended for them! It's okay if these decorations are quickly eaten: you can always regulate the amount of sweets by no longer hanging candies below.
  15. Lots of quick and delicious decorations can be made from nuts. Enough to take walnuts, peanuts or beans and paint them with spray paint, and then attach a thread. Such decorations will make a wonderful garland or beads. The dyeing operation is quick, but you need to do it carefully! And decorations made from dry pasta painted with paint will also look original! Advice! To prevent furniture and other things from being damaged during spray painting, place a thick layer of paper or film.

Approaching New Year, and with it the pre-holiday chores and worries. One of the upcoming tasks is decorating your house or apartment for the holidays. Today we will talk about how to decorate the Christmas tree this year, consider new trends and design innovations.

When choosing Christmas tree decorations, some people rely on recommendations Chinese calendar or follows the rules of Feng Shui, someone is guided by their taste, interior, room size, age of children or, say, the presence of pets (when, for obvious reasons, it is impossible to afford to use whatever you want in decoration).

For some, a Scandinavian Christmas tree without toys is fashion trend, but for some, such a design does not resonate in the soul: either the holiday is ahead, or it has already ended, and the decorations were again hidden in a box on the mezzanine. And some people want to hang everything on the Christmas tree at once. Let's say, Americans, unlike Scandinavians, prefer to decorate forest beauty more voluminous. The best option in their understanding, it is a Christmas tree “in red”, littered at the base with gifts packaged in the color of the balls.

If you want to decorate your Christmas tree eastern calendar, then, in order to attract good luck and prosperity to your home, try to please the symbol of this year - the White Metal Rat. In decor, she will most like silver, white, gray, platinum, smoky colors and their shades. Moreover, white snowflakes, silver bells, beads, balls and flowing rain look great against the backdrop of green spruce branches.

The blue-silver color scheme, combining cool shades of blue, white, light blue and silver, due to the glare and magical shimmer of the balls, creates the feeling that the tree is sprinkled with light snow. It creates a winter mood and festive atmosphere.

For those who prefer to use more bright colors, designers suggest combining cool shades of light purple, cornflower blue, lilac, lavender with silver and white, maintaining a cold palette in the overall composition and, if possible, avoiding warm shades of red, yellow, lilac, and orange.

Fashion ideas

IN New Year's decor In 2020, there has been a trend towards the use of rich, bright colors, blue-green and crimson shades in combination with plant and animal prints, exotic leaves and flowers, and fantasy elements. For example, it could be Christmas decorations V nautical style or using leopard print. The designers called this unusual direction “Tropics”.

Christmas toys of all kinds are a priority dark shades: graphite gray, deep emerald, wine and even black. And among color combinationsvarious shades blue with brown and gold.

Decorations and toys in the form of balls decorated with embroidery, sparkles, beads, velvet and soft ones will look stylish on the New Year tree. volumetric stars, decorated with sequins and beads.

A definite hit of the season are delicate fluffy toys in the form of soft hearts and stars made of faux fur, which go well with spruce needles.

The fashion trend in decor this year is decorating with Christmas tree decorations. corrugated paper. You can make paper pendants with your own hands, remembering your labor lessons at school.

However, you can experiment with color without adhering to strict rules.

Eg, yellow tint goes well with blue (not to be confused with blue) and red. This outfit, which makes the forest guest bright and visually fills the entire space, will look harmonious in spacious and uncluttered rooms.

Orange (associates with New Year's tangerines) and golden tones also go well with yellow, creating a feeling of celebration.

The combination of green with beige and brown is also quite appropriate. This unusual combination of colors in New Year’s decor creates a calm and at the same time festive composition.

A not-so-obvious combination of colors will help you update your interior: pink, orange and green. This decor looks good in a laconic modern interior.

You can dilute the recommended colors with red. Although a Christmas tree “in red” is probably not the best outfit in the Year of the White Rat. But this is a traditional rich color, recognized as a classic of New Year's decor, which contrasts perfectly with the green spruce and makes the interior bright and stylish. So if you love this color scheme, you can decorate the forest beauty with toys in red shades that go well with gold and silver.

You can also decorate gifts in these same colors.

If the decisive argument when choosing a design is the collection of existing Christmas toys at home, you can get by with them, slightly updating it and adding several new sets of balls (for example, silver or gold).

Design Tip: Having 4 sets of balls different color(silver, red, gold and blue), you can always get into the trend by experimenting and combining two or three shades at the same time.

If the branches of the tree are not thick enough (this happens especially often with pine), you can add greenery with green balls or a green garland located near the table.

An interesting idea is to use vintage toys (touching New Year's figures, old balls). The principle of maintaining a certain number of shades is no longer important here. The general mood, feelings, memories are important.

Interior orientation involves choice Christmas tree decorations, based on two or three basic shades of the interior (the color of walls, chairs, shades of metal fittings, sofa upholstery, color of bedspread, etc. can be taken as a basis).

The main thing is that the decorated Christmas tree gives joy and a feeling of real celebration.

It seems that the Scandinavian trend of last year with a minimal set of decorations in the interior and a small number of toys on the New Year's tree (most often it is an ordinary spruce or a small pine twig in a vase) has reached us. At first glance, a Scandinavian Christmas tree may seem unusual and not even festive at all. But residents of Northern Europe (Danes, Swedes, Norwegians) living on the Scandinavian Peninsula have a different opinion on this matter.

Scandinavian style is a restrained color scheme, simple decor, natural materials and a special cozy atmosphere.

To decorate the Christmas tree and the house, one color is usually chosen - most often white and silver.

Residents of Scandinavia are surprisingly not indifferent to white color, which is always taken as the basis for any interior decorated in Scandinavian style. For this reason, it plays a dominant role in jewelry and textiles. Of course, this won’t hurt to slightly dilute the white color scheme with classic rich red.

Let's consider the characteristic features of the New Year's Scandinavian style.

  • Many lights effect

In the Scandinavian style, candles play a special role. And this is a mandatory element of the interior during the New Year holidays.

The main emphasis in the design is on the natural beauty of coniferous branches, decorated with a large number of different candles in the most incredible candlesticks, which are located nearby.

It could be a paper lantern in the shape of a fairy-tale city. You can dress up any piece of furniture that somewhat resembles a Christmas tree, for example, a stepladder, in a glowing outfit, or light tablet candles inside glass goblets.

A New Year's candlestick can also be made from simple glass bottles, filling them with water and glycerin and placing a pine twig or other green plant inside. You can insert a candle of suitable diameter into the neck from above.

  • Silver “rain” instead of tinsel

A special Scandinavian approach is manifested in such decoration as flowing “rain”, which they have not abandoned to this day. The only restriction is not to use bright turquoise, pink, light green and purple “rain”. This rule applies, by the way, to both New Year’s toys and garlands. The corresponding decorations are selected to match the color of silver “rain”: white and silver.

By the way, many people are interested in the question: is it fashionable now to use “rain” to decorate the Christmas tree and the interior? For those who grew up in the Soviet Union, it is difficult to imagine a Christmas tree without the New Year’s “rain,” which traditionally ended the decoration of the New Year’s tree. Throwing shiny threads onto the branches of a spruce meant almost complete readiness for the start of the holidays.

Over time, tinsel and balls replaced the silver and gold threads of the “rain from childhood.” And now it is quite rare to see him on New Year's beauty. But, apparently, multi-colored shiny tinsel, which was in trend last years, is gradually beginning to be replaced by festive decor in the style of eco-design, pursuing specific goals: as little plastic as possible and minimal harm to nature. Therefore, designers predict that the fashion for the New Year tree in the “rain” is returning to us again.

  • Natural materials

To decorate the interior and Christmas tree in a Scandinavian style and create the right atmosphere in progress is underway All. Moreover, the main material that is used is wood: wooden toys, spruce branches, cuts, stands, just a bundle of logs for the fireplace.

To create original decor, you can use store-bought interior items along with what you have lying around at home or found on the street. For example, long rods from a forest or park, spray-painted silver, can act as an alternative to a Christmas tree. Taking them off new Year decoration after the holiday, they can continue to be used to decorate the interior.

Branches with berries from the winter forest can be placed in a jar of water, and a Christmas wreath can be woven from pine needles or vines.

  • Circles instead of stars

Last year's Christmas and New Year's wreaths were made of various materials, brightly decorated with ribbons, berries, toys and pine cones, most often in the shape of a star. The same cannot be said about this season.

Today, those who like to follow fashion in New Year's interior decoration are trying to make ordinary round wreaths from pine needles and with virtually no decorations.

The Christmas wreath can be hung not as usual indoors or on the front door, but outside the window.

  • Improvised garlands of balloons

Even with such a minimalist approach to decorating the Christmas tree, you still really want to somehow use the Christmas tree decorations that have accumulated in the box over many years. Designers offer this solution: make an impromptu garland of balloons, stringing them on satin ribbon, and decorate with it, for example, the wall on which the main emphasis is placed in the festive decoration.

But it is not recommended to use more than two colors in any New Year’s decor, so as not to dazzle the eyes. And if the tree has a bright garland sparkling with lights of different colors, then no more color support is needed. The best option is to add a box of solid colored balloons.

Those who don't love bright colors and extra color accents, they can decorate the Christmas tree with a garland made of clear glass and acrylic. The green needles of the Christmas trees, as if sprinkled with crystal, look great.

In the New Year's decoration set, garlands of light bulbs on ropes (including jute ropes) are still popular, which fit perfectly into loft and eco styles.

Just like last year, designers urge people not to use special wrapping paper for wrapping gifts. Instead, colorful and bright remnants of wallpaper are used. It turns out no less beautiful, and also frees up space for storing necessary things.

Designer tip: do not forget to decorate your country house and site. New Year's lighting will transform everything beyond recognition and create a feeling of real magic and fairy tale.