How to avoid irritation after shaving. How to get rid of irritation after shaving: soft skin without problems How to prevent irritation after shaving

Shaving is a delicate matter. And often painful. Moreover, for both sexes. The shaving gel has treacherously run out, but skin irritation is somehow not part of your plans for today? Then look at what craftsmen from the Internet propose to do. You definitely didn’t realize that these things can replace gel or foam.

For sissies for whom any contact with a razor ends in irritation (both skin and nerves), the lack of foam is a whole tragedy on a domestic scale. But if time is running out, and you need to shave here and now, advisers from the Internet will come to the rescue. You won't believe what people manage to replace shaving creams and foams with. And, most importantly, it works! The natural scientists were pleased with the result. It’s hard for you to shave...

1. Baby oil

2. Conditioner or hair mask

Thanks to the silicones in the hair products, they ensure smooth glide of the machine and protect the skin well from cuts. You can even try it on harsh male stubble.

3. Honey

This point blew us away. But bloggers who dared to try such an extreme way of shaving were satisfied. Yes, it's sticky. But the stickiness is washed off with water. But not a single cut. And what aromatherapy!

4. Olive oil

Olive oil is not just for the kitchen.

It softens perfectly, and the skin after it shines like a Hollywood star. It’s just a pity, this noble shine is unlikely to be appropriate on the face.

5. Peanut butter

Butter is also made from peanuts – oil. Natural fats soften the skin well and give it a well-groomed appearance. You don't even need aftershave cream. The main thing is not to eat all the “remedy” in the process.

6. Aloe

Many people use natural aloe gel after shaving to relieve irritation. So why not play it safe and use it along the way? Healthy, natural, and the cooling effect is a nice bonus.

When shaving, be sure to use a special gel or cream. These products help the blade glide evenly over the skin, thereby preventing cuts and irritation. Please note that cream moisturizes the skin much more intensely than gel. If you decide to use gel, be sure to additionally moisturize your skin after shaving.

Change blades regularly

It is recommended to shave with the same blade no more than 8–10 times. After that it is better to change it. Dull blades will have difficulty gliding over the skin and may cause irritation. You should also avoid using razors with multiple blades. Such razors touch subcutaneous particles and can only increase irritation.

Don't press too hard

To achieve smooth skin, you don't have to press hard on the razor. If you use a high-quality and sharp enough razor, it will easily cut hairs even with gentle pressure. It is not recommended to use disposable razors. They are too light, so when shaving you have to press them closer to the skin, which can cause irritation.

Don't use other people's razors

Never lend your razor to anyone or use someone else's. Razors can accumulate, so if you use someone else's razor, you can become infected with infectious diseases. For this reason, you should not share a razor even with your closest people.

Use a scrub

Using a scrub before shaving prevents irritation and rashes. The scrub removes dead skin cells and thus ensures easier glide of the razor.

If skin irritation still cannot be avoided, an ointment containing cortisol will help to quickly eliminate it. It should be applied to the affected area of ​​skin twice a day.

Running out of shower supplies is a temporary annoyance, but things seem much worse when you run out of hair removal foam or shower gel. Of course, you can use any liquid personal care product, but the site will tell you what you can use instead of shaving foam to achieve better results and avoid skin irritation. Some of them can provide even better results than conventional means.

Using soap is the first thing that comes to mind when you run out of hair removal product. To do this, wet the skin (when using soap it is always important to use water), which will create a foam that will spread easily on the surface.

Thanks to this, the razor will glide evenly and will help avoid cuts and burns. If you are no longer in the shower or bath, wet a towel or cotton pad and wipe the skin prepared for depilation.

Water and heat will help soften the skin and open the hair follicles for more thorough depilation.

Baby oil

Baby oil can easily replace foam for shaving legs, and its transparent structure will allow you to easily see the area being depilated, reducing the possibility of cuts, and since the oil is used as a moisturizer, it will be less irritated than when using a regular depilatory cream. The smooth texture of the oil will not prevent the machine from sliding on the deposited surface.

To replace the depilatory product, a few drops are enough, since if you overdo it, the blades may become clogged. Other types of oils can also be used as an analogue Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil - they can be used instead of shaving foam for a girl, since these base oils are used in hair masks and are always available at home.

As an added bonus, using oils instead of shaving foam is fantastic for moisturizing the skin, softening it and helping to treat problems.

Hair conditioner

If you are already in the shower and find that you have run out of depilatory cream, you can use hair conditioner as a substitute. Designed to moisturize, the conditioner is rich in skin-beneficial ingredients and will help provide a smooth and soft surface after depilation.

If you cannot use conditioner for one reason or another, then shampoo can replace facial shaving foam - it lathers well, cleanses your face and makes shaving easier.

Regular bar soap

Of course, everyone has soap, and soap can replace cream when traveling. Soap was used as an analogue of shaving foam at home even before the boom of the cosmetics industry and with the help of cute foam they shaved in barber shops.

Soap will do its job, but will not offer additional functions - at a minimum, the skin will need hydration after depilation. Make sure you lather the area you are waxing sufficiently, as you may end up suffering from a burn or a clogged blade.

Raw honey

Instead of depilatory foam, you can use honey. It will simultaneously perform two functions - honey will replace a moisturizer and a depilatory product. Although it is difficult to apply, and the application site becomes sticky, honey will provide the necessary protection during depilation.

If you are worried that the honey is too thick or too sticky, add a little water. Rinse the machine thoroughly after finishing the shaving procedure.

Honey will also be an alternative homemade mask for cleansing the face with shaving foam and soda. This mask cleanses the face of comedones and clogged pores. If you don't have shaving foam, you can use honey to cleanse your face. To do this, apply honey to cleansed facial skin with massage movements and leave for a few minutes.

Then tap your face with light patting movements, abruptly tearing your hands away. Leave the honey on your face for another 5 minutes, and then use a cotton pad and cool water to remove the mask from your face.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel can soothe pain after sunburn, and also prevent burns from using a razor by replacing shaving cream. It has a consistency similar to shaving creams, is easy to apply and does not harm razors.

If the razor hurts your skin, aloe vera gel will protect you from itching and physical damage. You can use a ready-made gel, or use plant leaves. Thanks to its cooling and gentle effect, aloe vera gel can be used on the bikini area.

Body lotion

Body lotion is kept in the bathroom - and just like hair conditioner, shea butter and other products you use to moisturize after shaving can be used as depilatory creams.

The following flavors are popular:

Its consistency will provide the necessary barrier between the razor and the skin. However, be careful when applying moisturizing lotion before shaving. If you apply the lotion too hard, it may be absorbed and the surface of the skin will be dry before mechanical hair removal.

Since the lotion has moisturizing properties, it can be used for shaving intimate areas- it will not cause irritation and will moisturize the skin.


Dishwashing liquid can be used as a substitute for depilatory cream. It lathers well and will create a thin layer of protective foam on the surface of the skin. Dishwasher won't prevent possible irritation, but it will do the job if you don't have anything else on hand.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is perhaps the most radical alternative to shaving foam. It is difficult to apply, as it has a thick texture and the shaving procedure will not be as smooth as with the usual ones. by special means. Although peanut butter may be difficult to shave with, it will moisturize and soften your skin more than body lotion and honey.


Sometimes the best alternative to a hair remover is a combination of different ingredients. So, you know which product or ingredient is good for the skin, mix them and create your ideal recipe - for example, it will be a mixture of aloe vera gel and coconut oil.

Replacing shaving foam in slime

Lizun or slime is soft toy from a jelly-like composition. It is used as a toy with anti-stress properties for both children and adults. Slime was first released in the mid-80s by Mattel, which is famous for Barbie dolls.

At the end of 2016, the popularity of slimes and slimes increased due to the popularity of social media - slimers (people who make slimes and slimes on their own) make videos about making toys on their own.

For slime, use liquid glue (PVA will also work), liquid washing powder or dishwasher salt water. Mixing ingredients will create slime. For more interesting design you can add gel or powder dye, glitter or beads.

Instead of hair remover, you can add flour, water and a set of food colorings to the slime of a handmade toy you prepare yourself.

In this article I will tell you and show you what products I use before, for and after shaving, and which ones I tried and put aside. Perhaps my experience will help someone avoid mistakes that are almost inevitable in the initial stages of “classic shaving.”

I’ll say right away that in this case I consider shaving as a ritual, meditation, if you will. The instructions below the cut are not suitable for people who need to scrape off stubble as quickly as possible in the morning before work.

First let's talk about pre-shave.

Products that are applied before shaving to soften the stubble.

By and large, it is enough to wash your face with warm water and soap. But for people with very hard stubble, preshaping will not hurt. A good budget alternative would be a variety of hair balms or masks that make hair softer (exactly what we need). The women's bathtub shelf is usually filled with similar things; I steal this kind of thing from my wife (just shhh) and apply it while trimming the razor and whipping up the foam.

Increases shaving comfort and smells pleasant.

Shaving products.
Here we need to separate several means:
- Shaving gel
- shaving foam in a pressurized container
- shaving cream
- shaving soap

Gel. I don't think it's suitable for shaving at all. straight razor or t-machine.

I used gillette, arco and gel, as in the photo below.

I don't like it at all.

Foam in a container

A good solution for those who are too lazy to bother with a shaving brush; it’s easy to use, no need to whip up the foam. But in my opinion, the razor glides poorly with such foam. Plus they add something to it, as a result the razor begins to rust.

I used the same popular and widely available brands such as Gillette and Arco.

Shaving cream

This is what I use now.

In order to whip up foam from cream (and from soap too) you need a brush. Brushing brushes are still found in stores, mostly boar bristle brushes. They're not a fountain, but they'll do for a start. Badger makes excellent shaving brushes and is easy to order online (although I still can’t get around to it).

You'll also need a bowl. Any vessel from the kitchen will do.

Squeeze a little cream (about the size of a thumbnail) into the bottom of the bowl.

Soak the brush in hot water, shake it a couple of times and start beating the foam until it reaches the consistency of whipped egg whites to form so-called peaks. The smaller the bubbles in the foam, the better.

I didn’t like Arko, the foam doesn’t whip up very well and doesn’t last long.

I use cream from the Svoboda factory. Natural, easy to whip up and the foam lasts long enough. The razor glides easily through the foam. It costs only 30 rubles. In short, there are only advantages, I can confidently recommend it. The foam in the photo is whipped from it.

Shaving soap

Special soap, which is used for foaming, will most likely be the best option. I haven’t used it myself (although I really want to) because... You can’t buy it in the store, and everyone won’t get around to ordering it. Based on reviews, brands that can be recommended are tabac, prosaro, and omega.

After-shave - aftershave products
There is a huge choice here:
- various alcohol lotions
- balms
- creams, etc.

Let's try to figure them out.

Lotions, as a rule, contain alcohol. Dry the skin. If irritation appears after shaving (and for beginners it will most likely appear), then the lotion will burn terribly. In short, we can only recommend it to those with thick skin.

After Shave Cream They are usually oily, well moisturize and protect the skin (especially in case of razor damage).

Freedom for 35 rubles. and it didn’t let us down here, although it doesn’t have any special properties, it just works.

Phytoexpert with eucalyptus is not bad, very refreshing.

Cream cologne from Everest. The resulting combination is very good. I like the smell, the feel on the skin, and the price of 15 rubles. Contains alcohol and may burn if irritated.

All healing creams contain panthenol, which increases skin regeneration. Actually, panthenol cream itself can also be used as an aftershave product; it perfectly relieves irritation. And in general, I use it all the time, for wounds, when my lips crack due to frost, for burns, when healing another tattoo, etc.

Shaving balms
They are perfectly absorbed, moisturize and heal the skin, but it does not become too oily, like a cream. I use Nivea for sensitive skin, the results are excellent.
In general, now I constantly use this balm and Everest cream-cologne.


These are crystals used to stop bleeding from razor cuts. They have a hemostatic, bactericidal and drying effect.
An interesting story happened with these alums. I bought them for shaving purposes at an Indian supply store as a deodorant.

When shaving, I didn’t like the effect; it stung and tightened the skin too much. But alum turned out to be an excellent deodorant, I strongly recommend it, you won’t regret it.

This is where I end my educational article.

Thank you for your attention!

What is the reason

High alcohol content in shaving gels, creams, and aftershave lotions is one of the most common causes of skin irritation. Fragrances, dyes and some other ingredients in these products can also cause irritation and allergic reactions. Choose products that contain very little alcohol (it should be listed at the beginning of the ingredient list).

How to avoid irritation

Rinse your skin thoroughly after waxing - leaving shaving gel or cream on it can cause redness, dryness and itching of the skin. . It is advisable to rinse the skin with cold water, as it closes the pores and has a soothing effect. Dry yourself without rubbing the skin with a towel, but simply placing the towel on the skin so that the fabric absorbs moisture.

After shaving, you should use moisturizers that include aloe extract, vegetable oils, vitamin E and glycerin. If you are very sensitive skin, choose products that do not contain artificial flavors.

Moisturizing is necessary, firstly, because shaving dries and exfoliates the skin. Secondly, regular use of moisturizers slightly softens coarse hair, which, as soon as it grows a little, becomes prickly and can also cause skin irritation.

In addition, to prevent irritation after shaving, you should avoid:

How to eliminate skin irritation after shaving

  • Warm and cold compresses

To reduce the likelihood of skin irritation after shaving, make a warm, damp compress before shaving your hair - you can simply soak a towel in hot water and apply it to your skin for 5-10 minutes. To relieve irritation after shaving, apply a cold compress using a towel and cold water. You can also rub ice cubes on irritated skin.

  • Aloe gel

Aloe gel perfectly moisturizes and soothes the skin, and also promotes the healing of damaged tissue. Simply squeeze out the gel from aloe leaves and apply it to your skin. Aloe gel can also be purchased in some stores, but it sometimes contains additional ingredients such as fragrances and dyes that can worsen irritation.

  • Natural astringents

Astringents help in cases where irritation after shaving has led to the appearance of a skin rash. Natural astringents include, for example, apple cider vinegar and witch hazel decoction. If you get a rash after shaving, be sure to replace your razor - bacteria may have begun to multiply on it, causing this side effect.

  • Other recommendations

In case of severe skin irritation, it is recommended to refrain from shaving for 4-5 days. If irritation does not go away or even gets worse during this time, consult a dermatologist. You may have a skin infection that will require a course of antibiotics or special ointments such as hydrocortisone .

How to prevent irritation after shaving

  • Use shaving oil. It is applied before shaving gel or cream. The oil is believed to make the blades glide easier, making shaving more comfortable. Shaving oils contain natural plant oils that not only moisturize, but also soothe the skin and also prevent ingrown hairs.
  • Try using a shaving brush. It can be useful not only for men, but also for women. The bristles of the brush lift the hairs, which allows the razor to cut them straight rather than at different angles. Thanks to this, the growing hair is not so prickly and is less likely to grow into the skin.
  • Read the labels of shaving gels and creams. Many of these products contain ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate and alcohol, which dry out the skin very quickly. Dehydrated skin is more susceptible to problems such as irritation and ingrown hairs. Try to choose shaving products that do not contain such substances; This rule is especially important for women with sensitive skin.
  • Exfoliate before shaving. Exfoliation is the removal of dead skin cells. This procedure will provide a closer shave and prevent ingrown hairs. It is also recommended to exfoliate a couple of days after shaving.
  • Use aftershave lotion. Choose lotions that contain moisturizing and skin-soothing ingredients.
  • Maybe it's time to change your razor? Never use razors with dull blades. Wash your razors after each use and replace them frequently. Shaving with a dull razor increases the likelihood of skin irritation and ingrown hairs.