Finger knitted animals how to knit. DIY crochet finger theater: diagrams and description, master class

Fairy tales are very captivating for young children. They look at pictures in books with love and interest. But much greater development potential is provided by interactive fairy tales, that is, those in which the child himself can take part. The best option- DIY crochet finger theater. Let's look at the schemes in detail. The beauty of finger theater is that it develops fine motor skills. And, as you know, the baby’s speech is very closely connected with it.

What to knit

Let's try to make a finger theater. “Kolobok”, “Turnip” and “Teremok” are the most favorite fairy tales of children. Let's look at all the main characters that we have to connect.

  • "Turnip": grandmother, grandfather, Bug, granddaughter, cat, mouse.
  • "Teremok": mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.
  • "Kolobok": grandmother, grandfather, bun, bunny, fox, wolf, bear.

As can be seen from the list, many of the characters in these fairy tales are repeated, it turns out that only 12 heroes are needed for 3 fairy tales. These same finger toys will help you act out a few more fairy tales: “Mashenka and the Bear”, “Wolf and Fox”, “Snow Maiden”.

For work you will need: multi-colored knitting threads, a hook, a plastic needle, beads, or other colored ones. And also: lace, ribbons, beads and other little things for decoration.

The toys are small, so it is better to take a thin cotton thread (100 g per 300 m) and a hook of the appropriate size. The hook size is always written on the thread package.


For the mouse you will need white, gray and blue threads. Knitting patterns are very simple.

  1. We start with gray thread. You need to make a loop from the thread and knit 6 stitches into it, the loop is tightened and you get a base circle.
  2. Second row - in each loop of the first row we knit 2 stitches, we get 12 loops.
  3. Third row - now we add through the loop.
  4. We simply knit rows 4-7 with 18 stitches.
  5. Eighth row - decrease through a loop, 12 loops remain.
  6. Rows 9-12 - change the thread to white and continue knitting.
  7. We knit the 13th row only behind the back wall, continue to knit another 5 rows, and finish working with the base.


Let's go back to row 13. We bring the blue thread through the wrong side and start knitting on the front wall.

Small parts

For the nose, we pull 4 stitches into a loop, as at the beginning of work. In the 2nd and 3rd rows we add 2 columns on one side. To make the ears, we make 7 stitches into a loop, but we don’t pull them together very tightly and spread the edges a little to make a semicircle. We hide the ends of the threads inside with a needle. Pens. We make 6 stitches in a loop gray. 2nd row - 6 more columns. We knit rows 3 - 6 with white thread. The finished handle needs to be filled a little with padding polyester and tightened. Ponytail - chain air loops.

Now we sew all the small parts into place. This can be done using threads that match the color and a regular needle. We embroider eyelashes, antennae and mouth on the face. The nose and eyes are beads. If desired, make teeth from 2 white beads. It’s better to fill your head a little for stability. The mouse is ready.


You need to knit a few more animals to get a full-fledged DIY crochet finger theater. The patterns are very similar to the mouse, only for the head you need to make 2 more rows. In the middle there will be another row with the addition of 6 loops and one with a decrease. Otherwise the knitting patterns are similar.

For girl characters we also knit a skirt. The wolf, hare and bear need pants. To do this, at the level of row 13, simply change the color of the thread.

For a frog, the handles are knitted differently. We make 11 air loops and close 3 more into a ring. We knit 3 fingers into this ring, each with 3 air loops, and go back.

You can knit a beautiful scarf for your little fox sister. We start with 18 loops, and gradually reduce their number on both sides. You should not decrease the outermost loops, otherwise the scarf will turn out to be stepped. Finally, along the edges of the triangle we make chains of air loops to make it convenient to tie a scarf on a chanterelle.

That the animals were more elegant, we decorated the dresses with lace around the edge. You can sew on beads and fine rhinestones. Ribbons are also useful for decoration; we use them to make bows on the tails of animals.

Grandmother, grandfather and granddaughter

Finger theater turnip is not complete without the main characters. All people knit approximately according to the same pattern, so their descriptions can be combined. We knit the granddaughter like a mouse, and the grandparents with an addition to make them a little bigger.

We will make a wig with a receding hairline and a beard and mustache for grandpa. For the hair, we cast on 28 air loops and turn the work without connecting it into a ring. Further according to the scheme: 3 air loops, connecting column in the previous row. So until the end. For a beard with a mustache, we make a ring of 20 air loops and repeat the wig pattern 4 - 5 times.

Let's make a fashionable bun on grandma's head. To do this, we begin to knit the same as the head. We knit 5 rows, then we decorate the front part of the hairstyle. Half-column, 5 columns and another half-column, we complete the work. For the bun we knit 20 chain stitches, and back with single crochets. We twist the resulting ribbon into a snail shape and sew the entire structure to the head.

Glasses look incredible on grandparents. To make them for dolls, you will need colored paper clips. The paper clip needs to be straightened and twisted into rings using a pencil. We recess the arms directly into the head and sew them with threads for strength.

All that's left is to do my granddaughter's hair. Ponytails suit her very well. Yarn suitable color wrap it around a cardboard rectangle and cut it. Then we sew small strands in the center of the head. The hair will already be parted, all that remains is to make ponytails.


  • 1st row - make 6 stitches in a tightening loop.
  • 2nd row - in each column of the previous row we knit 2 columns.
  • Row 3 - increase through a loop.
  • 4th row - add after 2 loops of the previous row.
  • Rows 5-7 - knit the resulting 24 loops.
  • Row 8 - decrease through 2 loops.
  • Row 9 - decrease through 1 loop.
  • Row 10 - decrease through 2 stitches. There should be only 8 loops left. Now is the time to fill the turnip with filler, having previously formed a hole for the future finger.
  • We knit rows 11-16 with 8 loops. We make decreases for another 2-3 rows and tuck the resulting finger inside.

We knit 3 leaves for the turnip. We cast on 11 air loops, then 2 half-columns, 2 double crochets, 3 double crochets, 1 double crochet and 3 more double crochets in one loop. We unfold the work and repeat the same thing in reverse order. Sew the leaves to the base. The turnip is ready.


If you decide to crochet a finger theater, don’t forget about Kolobok. Its base is made like a turnip. Before stuffing, we will make a face for the bun. We sew on the beady eyes, embroider the eyebrows with black thread, and the mouth with red thread. We make the handles the same way as for other dolls. To make the bun a little more charming, we will knit a headdress for it. To do this, we will use the body diagram from rows 1 to 6, then we will make a row with a decrease. In the finale, you need to knit 3 air loops on the top of your head. You will get a beautiful beret.


To make the finger theater more interesting, you can also crochet a tower. But it will not be put on the finger, but on the palm. We cast on 50 air loops and close them in a circle. We knit 3 rows in a circle with double crochets. Then we knit 3 more rows, leaving room for a window approximately in the middle of the palm. Then we knit 1 row in the round again. Near thumb We make a chain of 18 air loops and knit 3 more rows in a large circle.

Now all that remains is to decorate our little mansion. We tie the window with thread contrasting color. You can also use air loops to make a crosshair in the window, or even hang curtains made of transparent material. The top is also treated with a bright trim.

We make the bottom of the tower green. We embroider grass different shades green. Let's plant a few flowers. If desired, you can add a butterfly or a bee. You will get a very beautiful little mansion. If you bend your finger with the character towards your palm, you can depict him knocking on the door.

So the DIY crochet finger theater is ready. The patterns for creating it are very simple and accessible to craftswomen of different levels. It turns out lovely set toys for a fun and useful pastime with children. All you have to do is use a little imagination, and you will end up with a whole bunch of new heroes and fairy tales. For example, if you add a chicken and a golden egg, it will be “Rocky Hen”. It's easy to crochet a finger theater, and it will delight you for a very long time. First, the parents will show the performance, then the kids will gladly take it into their own hands.

Absolutely all toddlers and older children love to play and watch finger puppet theater performances. Parents do not always have the opportunity to go to special performances with their children. In such cases, you can crochet a finger theater yourself using suitable threads and materials.

How to crochet a finger theater in a step-by-step master class

The history of finger toys and finger theater goes back to very ancient times. Our ancestors had no idea about the functions and properties fine motor skills, muscle tone and other intricacies of neurology and psychology, but intuitively created the right finger toys for their children. As soon as the baby began to show interest in own hands, they made a finger bear for him.

A square piece of fabric was folded diagonally into a flagellum, bent and wrapped with a narrow strip of fabric. A finger was inserted into the formed ring, performing the function of the bear’s head, and the hanging ends of the flap became the animal’s ears. The resulting finger bear, placed on the little finger, was not only a fun toy, but also had a strong therapeutic effect, preventing the baby from clenching his hand into a fist incorrectly.

Look at examples of DIY finger characters in the photo below.

Another option for making a puppet character for a finger theater.

Let's look at a detailed description of the process of making a fox character for a fairy tale.

We present to your attention detailed master class With step by step description the process of creating the character fox for theatrical performances in the puppet theater "Teremok" or "Kolobok".

Before starting work on creating a fairy-tale character, you should prepare everything necessary materials and tools that will be required in the knitting process:

  • yarn for knitting (acrylic or cotton) various colors and shades;
  • crochet hook (selected to match the thickness of the selected thread);
  • filler for a fairy-tale character (scraps of padding polyester, holofiber, silicone);
  • eyes or beads for a doll;
  • thread and needle for fastening all the parts.

After preparing everything you need, start crocheting a fox character with your own hands.

First of all, tie a cap that will fit on your finger. Depending on the chosen character, select the yarn required in color and texture. We offer to learn how to knit a fox, so we choose the color appropriate for this animal - red.

Then move on to knitting the character's head. Immediately before narrowing, do not forget to fill the cavity with padding polyester or holofiber. After completing the twelfth row, gradually begin to decrease the knitting to three loops, then remove the crochet hook, tighten and secure. Do not cut the ends of the threads; you will still need them for further fastening.

Knit the ears in four copies: two in white and two in red. Then sew the red and white parts in pairs to form a fox character.

Start knitting the front and hind legs using white yarn. After completing the third row, switch to using red color. Each piece must be knitted in duplicate.

Start knitting the tail by using white threads. From the fourth row, switch to red yarn.

Begin assembling all related parts. Decorate the face. The rest of the animals are also crocheted according to the principle of this master class.

How to knit a “granny” character with your own hands?

Base: cast on a chain of four chain stitches with pink yarn and close it into a ring. In the center, knit seven single crochets. On the next row, double each column. In the 3rd row, evenly add 7 more single crochets. Next, knit seven rows without increases. Change the purple thread and knit thirteen rows.

Hands: cast on a chain of 7-8 air loops with purple yarn, close it in a ring. Knit 10-11 single crochets into the center of the ring and knit eight rows without increments. Sew the arms to the base.

Scarf: it is better to knit from very thin threads. Using white yarn, cast on a chain of 25 chain stitches and knit fillet mesh, decreasing one rapport on both sides in each row. Tie the scarf in one row with single crochets.

Knit an apron for grandma using white yarn according to the pattern. Then sew on the eyes - beads, nose. Make hair from gray threads.

Now yours fairy tale character ready for finger theater.

A selection of thematic videos on the topic of the article

At the end of our article, we invite you to watch a selection of videos on the topic described in the article.

knitted toys for finger theater

wolf, bear and fox from the fairy tale "Teremok"

Now it’s time to post a master class on the last hero of the fairy tale “Teremok” - the wolf. I didn’t have time to knit it when I posted a post about all the other heroes of this fairy tale, and for the master class it’s also the last thing I pass

You will need Kartopu bebe akrilik threads (100 grams-300 meters) in gray, yellow and blue colors

Hook No. 3, gypsy needle, simple needle, yellow, black and gray threads for sewing, beads for the eyes and nose, a piece of felt, some white beads for the teeth

Abbreviations used

VP - air loop

ss - connecting post

sc - single crochet

dc - double crochet

pssn - half double crochet

inc - 2 sc in one loop

dec - 2 sc knit together


We knit with gray yarn.

1st row: 10 sc in amigurumi ring

2-3 row: 10 sc each

4th row: (sc, dec)x3, sc (7)

5-6 row: 7 sc each

7th row: 3 inc hdc, 4 sc (10_

8th row: inc sc, inc (sc, hdc), inc hdc, inc hdc, inc (hdc, .sb), inc sc, 4 sc (16)

Row 9: (sc, inc)x8 (24)

10-12 row: 24 sc each

Row 13: (2sc, dec)x6 (18) Fill your head with holofiber

Row 14: (sc, dec)X6 (12)

Row 15: 6 dec (6) Pull and hide the thread using a gypsy needle

2. Lower jaw

We cast on an air chain of 4 VPs, start knitting sc in the second loop from the hook, sc, 4 hdc in one loop, unfold and knit with reverse side sc, sc

3. Body

We start with yellow thread

2nd row: 6 inc (12)

3rd row: (3sc, inc) x3 (15)

4-8 row: 15sc, change the thread to blue

9th row: behind the back walls of the loops (2sc, inc) x5 (20)

10-14 row: 20 sc

Row 15: (2sc, dec)x5 (15)

16-18 row: 15 sc each

4.Paws - 2 parts

Start with gray yarn.

2nd row: 6 sc change the thread to yellow

3rd row: (2sc, inc)x2 (8)

4-7 row: 8 sc each

8th row: (2sc, dec)x2 (6) fill, tighten and remove the thread

5.Ears - 2 parts

In the amigurumi circle, sc, hdc, 2 dc, picot of 2 chain stitches, 2 dc, hdc, sc. We tighten the circle of amigurumi, forming a beautiful semicircle and using a gypsy needle we hide the ends of the threads in the eye.

We collect the wolf. We sew the lower jaw to the head, immediately placing a piece of red felt cut in the shape of a tongue into the mouth. Then we sew on the teeth (white beads), I sewed 3 pieces on each side onto the upper jaw of the wolf. We sew on the ears, eyes, and embroider the eyebrows with black thread. When the head is assembled, sew it to the body, then sew on the legs and tail. Our long-awaited character is finally ready - the top-gray barrel

MK on the bear from the fairy tale Teremok

You will need Kartopu bebe akrilik threads (100 grams - 300 meters) in brown, ocher, red and white colors

Hook No. 3, gypsy needle, simple needle, white and ocher sewing threads, beads for the eyes of the nose

Abbreviations used

VP - air loop

ss - connecting post

sc - single crochet

dc - double crochet

ss2n - double crochet stitch

pssn - half double crochet

inc - 2 sc in one loop

dec - 2 sc knit together


1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: 6 inc (12)

3rd row: (inc, 1 sc) x 6 (18)

4th row: (inc, 2sc)x6 (24)

5-9 row: 24 sc each

10th row: (dec, 2sc)x6 (18)

Row 11: (dec, 4 sc) X3 (15) change the thread to white

16-20 row: 15 sc each change the thread to red

21st row: (4 sc, inc)x3 - (18)

Row 22: (5sc, inc)x3 - (21)

23-25 ​​row: 21 sc each

Row 26: (2sb, dec)x5 times, sc (16)

27-28 row: 16 sc each


1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: inc - 6 times (12)

3rd row: (2sc, dec)x3 (9)

3. Ears

We start with ocher thread

1st row: in the amigurumi circle 6 hdc (6) without closing the circle, unfold and knit the second row with brown thread

2nd row: 3 sc, inc, 3 sc (7)

4.Paws - 2 parts

Start with brown yarn.

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: 6 sc change the thread to white

3-7 row: fill 6 sc, tighten and remove the thread

Let's start assembling. We fill the head with synthetic padding (in this case it is more convenient than holofiber - it will not come out), and after that we proceed to designing the muzzle. We sew a knitted nose and ears to the muzzle. Using drawstrings we form dimples for the eyes. We sew on the eyes, nose, and embroider the eyebrows and mouth with black floss. Sew the arms to the body.

Our bear is ready

Abbreviations used

VP - air loop

ss - connecting post

sc - single crochet

dc - double crochet

ss2n - double crochet stitch

pssn - half double crochet

inc - 2 sc in one loop

dec - 2 sc knit together

First Chanterelle


Start with tan yarn.

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: 6 inc (12)

3rd row: (inc, 1 sc) x 6 (18)

4th row: (inc, 2sc)x6 (24)

5-9 row: 24 sc each

10th row: (dec, 2sc)x6 (18)

11th row: (dec, 4 sc) X3 (15) change the thread to white

16-20 row: 15 sc each

21st row: knit 15 sc loops behind the back wall

22-27 row: 15 sc each

2. Skirt

We tie the skirt to the front wall of the loop of the 21st row with green thread. We knit the skirt in rows with double crochets, each row starting with a 2VP rise and ending with a connecting stitch.

1st row: Arr - to the end of the row (30)

2nd row: 30dc

3rd row: (2dc, inc) x10 (40)

4th row: 40 dc

5 row: (3 dc, inc) X10 (50)


Start with tan yarn.

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: 6 sc change the thread to white

3rd row: behind the front walls of the loops 6 inc (12)

4th row: 12sbn

5th row: (2sc, dec)x3 (9)

6th row: 9sbn

7th row: (sc, dec)x3 (6)

8-9 row: fill 6 sc, tighten and remove the thread


2nd row: (sc, inc) X2, sc (7)

4th row: 9 sc

5th row: (2sc, inc)X3, sc (12)

5.Ears - 2 parts

In the amigurumi circle, sc, hdc, 2 dc, pico of 2 chain stitches, 2 dc, hdc, sc. We tighten the circle of amigurumi, forming a beautiful semicircle and using a gypsy needle we hide the ends of the threads in the eye.

6. Tail

I then decorated the end of the tail with wool for felting, and in the absence of it you can simply knit the first 3 rows with white thread

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: (sc, inc) X3, sc (9)

3-9 row: 9 sc each

Row 10: (dec, sc)x3 (6)

11-12 row: 6 sc each

7. Vest

We cast on a chain of 16 VPs, knitting starting from the second loop from the hook

1st row: 15 sc

2nd row: 2 hdc, 2 ch (skip 2 sts from the bottom and then knit into the third), 7 hdc, 2 ch (skip 2 sts from the bottom and then knit into the third), 2 hdc

3rd row: 15 hdc

8. Headscarf

We cast on a chain of 55 VPs, knitting starting from the second loop from the hook

1st row: SS, sc, 2 hdc, sc, 4 dc, sc, 35 hdc, sc, 4 dc, sc, 2 hdc, sc, sl st, cut and hide the thread with a gypsy needle inside

We start the second row with the 18th column: SS, sc, 17 hdc, dec

3rd row: dec(sc), dec (hdc) 10 hdc, dec(hdc), dec (sc)

4th row: dec(sc), dec(hdc) 6hdc, dec(hdc), dec(sc)

5th row: dec(sc), dec(hdc) 2hdc, dec(hdc), dec(sc)

Row 6: dec, 2 hdc, dec (4)

Row 7: dec, 2 hdc (3)

Row 8: dec, hdc (2)

Row 9: cut 2 hdcs and hide the thread using a gypsy needle inside

We stuff the chanterelle's head with synthetic padding (in this case it is more convenient than holofiber - it won't come out), and after that we proceed to designing the face. We sew on a knitted nose, ears, make a small drawstring under the eyes, sew on the eyes and nose. We embroider the mouth and eyebrows.

Our little fox sisters are fashionistas and love to dress beautifully. We will decorate them with lace aprons and frills on skirts

Second fox with cheeks and tits


We knit with red yarn.

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: 6 inc (12)

3rd row: (inc, 1 sc) x 6 (18)

4th row: (5sc, inc)x3 (21)

5-6 row: 21 sbn each

7th row: 3 inc from hdc, 4 sc, 3 inc from hdc, 11sc (27)

8th row: 3 dec from hdc, 4 sbn, 3 dec from hdc, 11 sbn (21)

9th row: (5sc, dec)x3 (18)

Row 10: (dec, sc) x 6 (12) Fill your head with holofiber

2. Body

We start with the red thread

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: 6 inc (12)

3rd row: (3sc, inc) x3 (15)

4th row: behind the back walls of the loops 15 sc

5th row: 6 sbn, 3 hdc in one loop, sbn, 3 hdc in one loop, 6 sbn (19)

6th row: 6 sc, 3 hdc knit together, sc, 3 hdc knit together, 6 hdc (15)

7-8 row: 15 sc

9th row: behind the back walls of the loops 15 sc

10-14 row: 15 sc each


1st row: 5 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: (sc, inc) X2, sc (7)

3rd row: (2sc, inc)X2, sc (9)

4th row: 9 sc

Everything else except the scarf is knitted like the first fox

4 . Kerchief

We cast on a chain of 60 VPs, knitting starting from the second loop from the hook

1st row: SS, sc, 2 hdc, sc, 4 dc, sc, 40 hdc, sc, 4 dc, sc, 2 hdc, sc, sl st, cut and hide the thread with a gypsy needle inside

Next, I knitted, trying on the distance between the ears, which I got after assembling the chanterelle. You can knit according to my pattern, but it would be better to use the picture as a guide, but try it on to suit your fox.

We start the second row with 21 columns: SS, sc, 17 hdc, dec

3rd row: dec, 16 hdc, dec

Assembly: sew a nose on the head (you can put a piece of padding in it), ears. Sew on the eyes and beady nose. We embroider the mouth and eyebrows.

We sew on the handles, decorate the skirt with lace, and make an apron from suitable lace. We put on a vest. Applying it to your head and focusing on your fox, sew the ends of the scarf and put it on your head. Our vest and scarf remain removable so that the child can play with them

And here the little fox-sister is hurrying to our Teremka

You will need Kartopu bebe akrilik threads (100 grams - 300 meters) in red, green, blue and white colors

Hook No. 3, gypsy needle, simple needle, white, green, blue and red threads for sewing, beads for the eyes of the nose, lace for a skirt and apron

After my previous post about finger theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, there were so many people interested in the master classes that I decided to quickly start transferring them from the draft to the computer. Today we start with the first character of the fairy tale - the mouse.

I knitted two mice, first without cheeks, and then with a cheeky one. Although the description of the mice is completely identical, and they differ only in the presence of cheeks on one and the shape of the ears, the mice look completely different. One is slimmer and smaller, the second is a kind of plump one.

I offer master classes on both mice. Choose which one you like best and light loops!

Mouse without cheeks

You will need Kartopu bebe akrilik threads (100 grams - 300 meters) in white, gray, blue colors

Hook No. 3, gypsy needle, simple needle, white and blue sewing threads, lace, beads for the eyes and nose, beads for the teeth

Abbreviations used

VP - air loop

ss – connecting post

sc - single crochet

dc - double crochet

pssn – half double crochet

inc – 2 sc in one loop

dec – 2 sc knit together

1. Golovatelo

Start with gray yarn.

2nd row: 6 inc (12)

3rd row: (inc, 1 sc) x 6 (18)

4-7 row: 18 sc each

Row 8: (dec, sc) x 6 (12) change the thread to white

9-12 row: 12 sc each

Row 13: behind the back wall of the loop 12 sc

14-18 row: 12 sc


We tie the skirt to the front wall of the loop of the 13th row with blue thread. We knit the skirt in rows with double crochets, each row starting with a 2VP rise and ending with a connecting stitch.

1st row: Inc – to the end of the row (24)

2nd row: 24dc

Row 3: (dc, inc) – to the end of the row (36)

Before the sundress

We tie it from the front up with a blue thread, also clinging to the front wall of the loops of the 13th row

1st row: 4 sc

2nd row: 4 sc.

We tie along the edges of the front of the sundress harnesses 8-10 VP each


Gray thread

1st row: 4 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: (inc, sc)x2 (6)

3rd row: (inc, 2 sc)x2 (8)

3.Ears– 2 parts

7 sc in amigurumi circle. We tighten the circle of amigurumi, forming a beautiful semicircle and using a gypsy needle we hide the ends of the threads in the eye

4.Paws – 2 parts

Start with gray yarn.

1st row: 6 sc in amigurumi ring

2nd row: 6 sc change the thread to white

3-6 row: fill 6 sc, tighten and remove the thread


We cast on a chain of 15 ch, using a gypsy needle we hide the ends of the threads inside the tail

Having let Varya play with such a toy, I realized that the head still had to be hard. Therefore, we stuff the head with synthetic padding (in this case it is more convenient than holofiber - it will not come out), and after that we proceed to designing the muzzle. Sew on the nose, ears, eyes, nose. We embroider the mouth and eyelashes. Sew 2 white beads in place of the front teeth.

We sew on the arms and sew the sundress straps on the back crosswise. Sew on the tail

We sew lace at the bottom of the skirt and instead of an apron we also sew a piece of lace.

The first mouse is ready

Second cheeky mouse differs from the first only in the presence of cheeks and different ears. Therefore, it knits exactly the same as the first one, except

In Golovatelo

6th row: 3 inc from hdc, 3sc, 3 inc from hdc, 9 sc (24)

7th row: 3 dec from hdc, 3sc, 3 dec from hdc, 9 sbn (18)


We start with pink thread

We stage the fairy tale "Morozko".

Scenario .

Nastenka (stepdaughter)
Ulyana (daughter)
Choir - group of children

Storyteller: Roll, little apple, on a golden saucer. Show children a fairy tale about good and evil, about bad people and about the good ones. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.
In an open field there is a village, on the edge there is a hut. We'll look into the hut and congratulate everyone on the new day.

Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Choir: Early, early in the morning the cockerel: ku-ka-re-ku! And the cows sang in harmony with him: mu-mu-mu! It's time for everyone to get up and start work. The sun is looking out the window, telling us to wake up.

Storyteller: The snow is glistening at the gate. Nastenka the beauty does not sleep - she gets up early and sweeps the snow cleanly.

Stepmother (addressing Nastenka): Well, are the pies ready?
(Addresses Ulyana): Wake up quickly, my little flower, wake up, talk to me. I baked pies a long time ago and brought you warm stockings.

Ulyana: Oh, mama, mama, the day is so long ahead! I'll sleep under the covers. And then I’ll eat pies.

Stepmother: No matter how you get sick with me, no matter how you lose weight with me. Come on, my joy, my dear friend, eat a pie with cabbage, daughter!

Storyteller: The mother pampers her own daughter and does not force her to work, but she shouts at Nastenka and tells her to go get water.

Stepmother: Hey, you lazy one! Go get some water and wash the dishes! If you chop up more firewood, don’t forget about the cows: water them, feed them, and add hay to them.

Nastya: It’s so hard for an orphan to live in the world, no one needs the poor thing, and no one will feel sorry for me, no one kind words won't warm you up.

Storyteller: And on the street the girlfriends are literally laughing, and the guys are great, as one - they are all daredevils. Everyone is playing and frolicking, singing, dancing, having fun.

Choir: Let's go, Nastya, to a round dance, all the people are having fun.

Nastya: I also want to play, but who will do the work?

Ulyana: Mommy, I’ll go for a walk. I'll find a groom. Stay away, honest people, let me into the round dance.

Choir: Can you sing?

Storyteller: Ulka puffs out her cheeks, Ulka starts a song - she made all the people laugh, but they didn’t take her to the round dance.

Ulyana (crying): I’m calling Mama to help: tell her to drive Nastya away! She's invited to join the round dance, but she won't take me...

Stepmother: Hey, old man, come on, don’t blink, harness the horse quickly! Take your Nastya out into the cold - she brought Ulyanushka to tears!

Storyteller: He began to cry, grieved, put his daughter in a sleigh, and took him into the snowy thicket - to death, to the frost.

Father: Oh, my daughter, poor daughter! The bad woman didn't like you. But I don’t dare contradict her... (Seats Nastenka under a thick spruce) Don’t cry, don’t forever, tea, we say goodbye.

Storyteller: Nastenka sits, trembles, a cold runs down her back... Santa Claus suddenly appeared and stopped next to her.

Frost: I love to freeze everyone, but I can’t stand the heat. Well, are you warm, girl? Are you freezing, young lady?

Nastya: Warm, warm, Frost.

Frost: I’ll let in so much frost that the Christmas trees will crack! Everything was cramped from the cold! Well, girl, is it warm?

Nastya: It’s warm, Frost.

Frost: Tell me quickly, what warms you up so much?

Nastya: I, Frost, sing, warm my darling. (Sings the Russian folk song “Barynya”)

Frost: Eh, eat well! I thank you, I give you a warm fur coat, and also a casket of good things - gold and silver.

Nastenka returns to the village.

Dog: Tuff-tuff! They transport the old man’s daughter in gold, but they don’t take Ulyanka to the round dance!

Storyteller: The stepmother saw what her stepdaughter had become - she couldn’t say a word, she just threw up her hands.

Stepmother: Well, old man, why are you standing there with your mouth open? It would be better if I put my daughter in a sleigh! You, Ulyana, get ready quickly. If you go to the forest, be brave with Frost!

Storyteller: And he took her alone to listen to the silence of the forest.

Ulyana: I shouldn’t have listened to my mother, I shouldn’t have come to the forest. At home there are pancakes in sour cream, and jellied meat in a saucepan.

Frost: I love to freeze everyone, but I can’t stand the heat. Well, are you warm, girl?

Ulyana: Oh, it’s cold, there’s no urine! I'll freeze by nightfall! Bring your fur coat quickly and a heavier chest!

Santa Claus: Oh, do you have gifts too? Instead of a fur coat, here is matting. Instead of other good things - gold and silver - here is a chest of ash. Next time you won't be angry.

Ulyana returns to the village.

Dog: Tuff-tuff! Here the people laugh at the top of their lungs - Ulyana is bringing miracle gifts!

Stepmother (in the house): What's that barking? What kind of scream? I'll run straight! (Runs after the dog)

He runs up to Ulyana, sees her “gifts” and cries with anger.

Moroz: So you had to pay for your greed and anger!

The script is taken from here.