All flowers are made of beads. Beaded flowers: weaving techniques, step-by-step production of roses, forget-me-nots, lilacs, description, photo

If you love flowers and not only real ones, then you can weave flowers from beads with your own hands. For beginning needlewomen, we will now tell you how to make a product in the shape of a cute forget-me-not.

Let's start simple

First you need to string 6 beads onto a wire. The first is yellow, and then blue. After this, we pull the wire through 2, 3 and 4 beads, and then into the first yellow color. The ends of the wire must be connected under the yellow bead.

How many of these forget-me-nots to make is up to you, but we are sure that you will want a basket of forget-me-nots.

Next we make leaves. They weave parallel to each other. First, string three beads onto the middle of the wire, then thread the end into the second and third beads. After this, we increase the number of beads until the middle of the leaf, then reduce it. Twist the wire. Make as many leaves as you need. When everything is ready, combine your bouquet.

Now let's work on the daisies:

Using the parallel technique, make 10-13 petals for the flower itself. We use yellow beads for the center of the flower, and green beads will be used to make leaves. When all the details are done, assemble the flower: we connect the petals, you need to insert a yellow bead into the middle of the flower. We attach leaves to the stem, and that’s it. It turned out to be a cute daisy!

Variety of choices

Let's see what patterns of trees and flowers there are:

Agree that this is very beautiful, and if you do it yourself, then your joy will know no bounds.

In order to make flowers and other crafts, needlewomen use beads up to 5 mm in diameter, flattened on the hole side, and glass beads (up to 8 mm) are well used in making crafts.

All flowers, even if they are easy to make, must be collected according to patterns. Many factors influence the results of your work: the number of beads, in what sequence they are assembled, the tones and halftones of the surface, as well as the gloss, dullness or transparency of the beads, and of course the sizes and shapes.

But every craftswoman can learn how to weave flowers. True, the amount of time spent on weaving a particular craft depends on the degree of complexity of the weaving pattern. With such wonderful flowers you can decorate all kinds of hairpins, bracelets, handbags, clothes, etc.

Many flowers are woven French weaving technique (arc), some craftswomen make great ones original crafts V parallel weaving. You can even combine several weaving techniques in one craft.

Let's admire the photo to see what beautiful flowers you can get:

Love tree

A lot has already been said about trees; on the Internet, if you wish, you can find everything that is possible, and sometimes it is impossible to come up with. Let's see how we can make products that would please the eyes for a long time or would be an excellent gift for our loved ones and friends. Today we will try to learn how to make a tree of love; we will weave it, of course, from beads.

For this tree we need: wire, beads and beads, acrylic paint, thread.

At the very beginning we make a round tree frame. We measure 4 pieces of wire 23 cm long, and another one - 32 cm.

We roll four pieces into rings and carefully connect them together.

Bend the longest wire at 90 degrees. Then we will attach rings to it.

We insert the second ring into the first as in the figure.

We insert another ring into the resulting figure, at the junction we fasten everything with wire, should be pretty strong.

And we make the last ring, like the equator near the ground, connecting all the alignment points with wire. Tie a stem to this ball.

Now take another wire, measure a piece of 35 cm, and wind it to the leg. You can add various curls along the stem to make it more interesting. As a result, you will get something like this tree, the end of which we insert into a vessel with plaster.

As soon as the plaster dries, we make a trunk. We do this either from napkins soaked in glue, or we take construction tape. Once the barrel is dry, you need to paint everything suitable color. This is where we need threads; they also need to be dyed in the same shade and wound wet.

Beading flowers: how to start, detailed workshops on weaving flowers.

Beading is a fascinating activity that has not gone out of fashion for thousands of years. In the last article we discussed in detail how to weave a beaded tree. They are simple and can be done by beginners. For those who have already acquired a small practice, they want something more complex and original.

We suggest creating with my own hands beautiful bouquet colors. They look just as beautiful as living ones, but they will please the eye much longer (until you decide to change the composition). Interested? Then let's get started.

We will need multi-colored beads, wire, pliers and wire cutters, construction tape, thread for winding, PVA glue, and acrylic paints. And, of course, a vase in which a bouquet of glass beauty will stand.

How to weave flowers from beads for beginners?

For some reason, there is an opinion that bead weaving is a very labor-intensive, difficult craft with a difficult technique. Let us assure you that beadwork is very interesting activity with a simple technique that is accessible even to children. If you have picked up beads for the first time, we offer a flower brooch master class. Simple to implement and at the same time pleasing with the result.

Step 1

The brooch will require about 300 beads, we have them of one color, but you can take several colors, depending on the desired result. Wire, a brooch base (available at fabric stores) and the basic tool we mentioned earlier.


It is better to weave such a brooch continuously to minimize the number of wire ends. We cut the wire 125-130 cm long. We string 10 beads and pull them 10 cm from the edge. Bend it into a tight loop and twist it 2-3 times to secure it tightly.


We no longer touch the short tip. We string 20 beads on the long side and twist the large second ring tightly to the first ring on top of the first small one as in the photo.


Another 28 beads and the last large ring, creating a beautiful petal. We fix it as before.


The next ring is again 10 beads long, only move 2-3 mm away from the previous one, so that two more rings can be screwed on without any problems.


Having finished with the second petal, we move on to the third.


We weave a total of five petals.




There remains 10 cm on both sides, or a little less, but it’s not scary. We connect the first and fifth petals, twisting the ends. The gossip flower is over, all that's left is a little work to do. Difficult? I think several!


We form the middle from a button. We thread the wire through the button and secure it in the middle.


We screw the wire tightly to the base for our brooch and hide the ends, tucking them into the beads. If you leave the ends untucked, they will prick.

We form beautiful petals with our fingers and try on new clothes!

Liked? So, it's time to move on to no less interesting master classes for weaving more complex colors.

Beaded geranium master class

This flower is loved by many for its prostate care and beautiful bright colors. But, unfortunately, it blooms only once a year, but we always want more. We suggest making geraniums using the beading technique.

To complete the work, you will need beads of green (three colors), red or multi-colored, depending on the tastes of the housewife. And also thick and thin wire, a pot “for planting”, alabaster, and artificial moss or other decor for the pot.

Video: Beaded geranium master class

Master class on weaving azaleas from beads

A delicate ever-blooming plant in the house, isn’t this a housewife’s dream? The delicate azalea flower, reminiscent of a rose, looks great when made from multi-colored beads. The weaving is simple, but the effect of the finished product largely depends on the combination of beads. Before you start, decide what exactly your flower should look like, select beads, check the combination, it should be delicate with a smooth gradient. For foliage, it also wouldn’t hurt to take 2-3 shades of green.

Video: Azalea from beads master class

How to weave a large rose from beads? Master Class

The buds of red roses have been sung for many years; a bouquet of large roses will decorate any interior. And large beaded roses will not wither and will remain beautiful for many years. Caring for them is as easy as shelling pears; you just need to brush off the dust regularly and rinse them under water once a year. For large rose You will need thick and thin wire, several shades of beads from red to burgundy, and green beads for foliage.

Video: Weaving roses in Greek style from beads

How to weave a lotus from beads?

Do you have an aquarium or terrarium? Want to decorate and don't know how? Delicate beaded lotus will take the best place in decor. Tenderness, shine of beads, easy to care for (just rinse under running water), and individuality. After all, you will know for sure that no one else has such a flower! To work you will need beads: mother-of-pearl, pink, green, and gold or bright yellow.

Video: Beaded lotus master class

How to make a dandelion from beads, master class, photo

Decorating a house is an entertaining and exciting activity, but summer residents can also decorate their garden plots. The times when the dacha looked like a mini-field planted with all kinds of vegetables are far behind us for most. Now the dacha is a place to relax the soul and body. Beaded dandelions will take pride of place on the veranda or in the gazebo. The weaving is bright and varied and will delight both beginners and experienced needlewomen.

Video: How to make a dandelion from beads master class

Beaded water lily, master class

A cute water lily will be an excellent addition to an aquarium, a mini fountain, as well as in various interior compositions. Delicate white and pink petals and large leaves will appeal to many tastes. To make a water lily you will need pink and white for the flower, golden for the core and green for the leaves. If the leaves are made with veins, two shades of green will be required. Thin wire is suitable; thick wire is not required for this product.

Video: Water lily from beads master class

DIY beaded orchid, master class

Are you a fan of orchids? If you want to embody your pet in beads, then this master class is especially for you. For an orchid flower, any beads of your choice are suitable, and a little extra green for the foliage. The trunk can either be borrowed from artificial flowers or made from thick wire, while bends and turns can be made at your discretion.

Video: DIY beaded orchid

Fuchsia beads, master class with video

Bright, bold, original fuchsia looks great in modern interiors. For an original beauty, you need to stock up on white and red beads for flowers. Do you want trendy fuchsia? Replace white beads with pearl ones. Fuchsia also has large green leaves, so you will need approximately the same amount of green beads as colored beads for the buds.

Video: Beaded fuchsia master class

Daria: I came in with my child to buy him something to make with his own hands. Well, I didn’t offend myself, I bought a beading kit. Yes, I was so carried away that after a few days I bought several at once, and then I was so captivated that I also bought alluvial ones. Currently, about fifty works are ready, and six are in progress. Yes, I can't start something only after finishing the previous one. Still so exciting! But I can advise beginning craftswomen - keep the sets apart, I had several mixed up, oh, I was exhausted...

Christina: I got my first experience in labor classes - weaving a keychain. A lot of time has passed since then, I learned how to weave all kinds of products. I regularly participate in exhibitions and even have clients. It’s a pity that there are only 24 hours in a day; I would devote much more to my beloved, not to a hobby, but to art, I would say. I recently started conducting master classes, and do you know what I noticed? No one went home and disappeared, everyone was carried away by this needlework, and regularly send me their creations! And I'm so happy about it! Girls, try, learn, because what we do with our hands, we do with special energy, which is very positive for our home.

Video: The most beautiful flowers made from beads with your own hands

Today I want to talk about how my friend and I went to a master class where we were taught how to make garden and wildflowers from beads. This topic interested me for a very, very long time, but somehow I never got around to it, but then MK turned up, and I decided that it was time to weave flowers from beads. I can say right away that it is not very difficult, but quite labor-intensive. In principle, anyone can make a small bouquet or, for example, a rose in a pot, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to work painstakingly.

In general, in my opinion, beadwork compares favorably with many other types of needlework. I won’t say that it’s beautiful - in the end, it’s a matter of taste, but there are more objective criteria for the benefits of bead weaving. For example:

  1. This type of needlework develops fine motor skills due to interaction with small beads. Of course, it is most useful for children to develop fine motor skills, but if we remember that communicating areas of the brain are responsible for fine motor skills and intelligence, then we can say that needlework will not harm any adult - it makes us smarter and more savvy.
  2. Handicrafts are calming, especially when they involve small, monotonous work. Therefore, many women love to do hand embroidery (by the way, bead embroidery is also very popular).
  3. Beadwork is rarely utilitarian. Well, you must admit, you will most likely knit mittens or a hat, but you only make something nice from beads. Of course, you can do something useful, but in most cases it’s about pleasure and aesthetics.

Do you want to know if this type of needlework is right for you? Try to make a flower from beads - I will tell you how to make and decorate flowers with beads and show you the most interesting lessons.

Important Preparation

First you need to arrange workplace. I really like to do needlework in a comfortable chair, but in the case of beads everything is not so simple - you need a hard surface and good light, otherwise you risk putting too much strain on your eyesight and getting tired. Therefore, I advise you to work with beads at a table - it can be a desk or a dining table, the main thing is that you have free space and a table lamp with soft light.

Reaching for each bead into a bag or box is not very convenient. Use a velvet or velor mat in order to sprinkle some beads on it for work. Beads do not roll well on such a rug and do not mix. I also saw one needlewoman use a wonderful method - she simply pours beads into stable bowls and carefully pulls out the required number of beads with her finger.

Prepare your working tools - beads, sharp scissors, threads and fishing line, as well as special wire for beading. I also recommend using regular small wire cutters to cut through the wire.

French technology

The easiest way to make a flower from beads for beginners is to weave it using the French technique. Later I will tell you how you can weave certain flowers, but now I will give a description of the technique itself so that you understand its essence.

The French technique is bead weaving with arcs, when each element is woven in the form of a kind of boat (from the center to the edges), resulting in a pleasant pattern and the desired volume. If you see a bouquet woven from beads that looks almost lifelike, then most likely it is French beadwork.

French weaving is practically not performed on fishing line - in order for a leaf or flower petal to hold its shape and look elastic and fresh, wire is needed. So how to weave simple flowers beads for beginners?

We weave a rose

Everyone likes roses, and weaving this flower from beads is quite simple for beginners - especially with step-by-step master class.

What do we need to make a rose?

  1. Beads for the flower itself (you can take red, or you can take a couple of shades of pink - this way the petals will be beautiful and voluminous).
  2. Green beads (preferably two shades) for the stem, leaves and sepals.
  3. Toothpick or stem stick and green cloth or paper.
  4. Wire for weaving.

For a lush rose you will need about two hundred grams of beads of the main color, and about 50-80 grams of green beads for the leaves. You should not choose beads that are too large; the work will look too cartoonish.

To weave a rose, you need to make several types of petals - from 3 to 6. The splendor of your bud depends on this. The smallest petals are woven on a piece of wire half a meter long, then with each new petal size the wire size increases by 15 centimeters. 3-4 small petals are enough, 4-5 medium ones, 5 large ones, and 5-6 outer petals. If in the process you want to increase the quantity, everything is in your hands.

How to weave one petal

  1. We take a piece of wire about 50 centimeters long, measure about ten centimeters from the edge and make a loop.
  2. We string five beads onto the short “tail” of the wire and make a loop again. This is the base, and a small loose tail is needed to fix the arches.
  3. Now on long end We string about 7-8 beads on the wire, place this row of beads next to the first one, and wrap the working end of the wire around the free small tail.
  4. Then we string another 7-8 beads onto the working long end of the wire, and place them on the other side of the base, and secure them with a loop.
  5. For a small petal, four pairs of arcs are enough, for a large one - nine pairs.
  6. The largest petals need to be woven on three axes. To make a triple axis, you need to take two pieces of wire, about 20 centimeters long, and twist them halfway, and spread the free ends to the sides.
  7. To work with a triple axis, you will need a piece of wire 120-130 centimeters long.
  8. You need to string one bead on all three axes and fix the working wire on one of the axes.
  9. Then we work in circles - 12 circles in total. From axis to axis you need to select the appropriate number of beads (depending on the size and desired splendor of the flower), and when passing the axis, make a turn with the working wire around the axis wire.

You need to assemble a rose from the petals, tying the petals together with wire at the bottom edge - first the smallest ones, then a layer of larger petals. Make sure that the petals overlap, and not at the joint, so the flower will look more voluminous and more interesting.

Then you need to weave the leaves and sepals. We weave them the same way as petals, only occasionally changing the length of the arc in order to give the leaves a pointed shape.

After all the elements are woven and assembled, you can begin assembly. Leaves, a sepal and a flower bud are attached to the stem, after which the entire stem is wrapped in thread or covered with paper.

To make the rose look more natural, shape the petals and leaves, and make small thorns on the stem, and your beaded flower is ready.

If some points are not clear, then watch the video for more details:

Making Petals:

Making sepals:

Making leaves:

Collecting a rose:

I think I have explained in detail, using the example of a rose, how you can make flowers from beads, so next I will simply show master classes with a few comments. By the way, if you are interested in beaded flowers, a master class with photos or videos is what you need!

Honestly, if I knew how easy it is to make flowers from beads with your own hands just from a video, I would not have gone to offline master classes - images and pictures with other people’s flowers would have sufficed.

By the way, in fact, you can make crafts from beads - flowers and plants - without using any patterns, if you have already mastered beadwork or just like I did embroidery - one micron is enough so as not to sit over the patterns. It is much more useful to understand how a flower works, and depicting it using beads is an easy task.

Nevertheless, flowers made from beads and patterns for weaving different petals will be useful to you - you already know how to weave them, how to assemble a flower from ready-made petals is also quite clear, and you can weave petals from beads according to patterns.

Don't know how to make beaded flowers more natural? Use two or three shades for the petals and at least two for the leaves - this way you can create the effect of a voluminous petal with a border, which looks unusual.

Beaded poinsettia looks very interesting - it is also called a Christmas star. It is better to weave poinsettia not from beads, but from medium-sized glass beads, which is also called cutting.

For poinsettia, it is better to take bright shades of beads - deep green, carmine red. Of course, everyone has different tastes, but these are the colors that work best for indoor varieties of beautiful milkweed.

See how to make petals parallel French weave— a video tutorial will tell you how to make petals for this flower step by step.

Look at beaded flowers: photos - you will definitely find something for inspiration!

Now you know a lot - weave a few small roses in a basket or make a chic decoration for the interior (for example, a full pot of wild plants), or simply use the knowledge you have gained to make jewelry with beaded flowers or decorate your clothes and accessories with them for free!

Video bonus: Lavender made of beads without weaving. A very simple option:

Weaving flowers from beads using master classes and patterns seems very difficult only at first glance. In fact, even a beginner can make a small bouquet. Of course, different products differ in the degree of complexity, but every master will be able to choose a scheme for himself.

Ready-made beaded flowers can be used independently as interior solutions and room decoration. But this is not the only purpose of the products. Beaded flowers will perfectly decorate various hair accessories; if you attach a clasp to the flower, it will act as a brooch. In addition, the beaded flower can protrude decorative element item of clothing - hat, stole, wide belt.

Weaving techniques

Used for beading flowers various techniques– French circular weaving or arc weaving, loop weaving, parallel weaving. Before starting work, prepare all the necessary materials.

As a rule, to make any flowers you need wire of various thicknesses, fishing line, floss threads for wrapping stems or floral tape, PVA glue, and of course, beads. Pay special attention to the choice of beads. Its color should be as close as possible to the natural color of the flower chosen for weaving, unless it is a stylized product. You should also pay attention to the quality of the beads.

Materials for work

It is best to choose Czech or Japanese beads; their quality is much higher than that of Chinese ones. Flowers made from such material will shimmer in the sun, creating the effect of a real plant covered with droplets of water.

On our website you will find many tutorials on weaving flowers. You can make one gerbera or a whole bouquet that will delight you all year round. Give a delicate spring hyacinth to your friend, she will definitely like it. Learn with us, decorate your home with flowers that look just like real ones.

Beaded flowers photo

Tatiana Belova

Beading a fun activity to do with older children preschool age. It develops fine motor skills, perseverance, accuracy, attention and the ability to “read” a diagram.

My students and I decided to surprise our mothers and give them a gift for March 8 flowers. We started work back in February, met different ways weaving, chosen beads and started. Children wove no more than 15-20 minutes a day in their free time. Some did it quickly, others not so much. But all the children completed their work on time - in time for the holiday! Our mothers were delighted colors!

I bring to your attention step-by-step production flower.

You will need: wire for beads(the diameter of the wire depends on the size beads, green beads, beads of any bright color , one bead with a large hole. We prepared a workplace and everything necessary.

for the petal we take a large bright one beads. string 16 onto a wire beads. and twist the wire 2-3 times.

string 10 onto one of the antennae beads and lay them inside the first circle.

twist the ends of the wire

We weave 6 petals by analogy. choose the middle.

we pass 3 petals from the right to the middle and the remaining 3 to the left.

twist the wire from the petals into one bundle. This will be the trunk.

Now let's get to the leaf. We put 1 on the middle of the wire bead.

then 3 beads, then 4, 5. The number of rows and beads in them depends on the size of the beads and on your desire. Advice - so that the sheet expands evenly (no steps) you need to do 2 rows with 3 b. and 2 rows with 4 b.

I had a small one beads, and I made the width of the sheet from 5 b.

and you need to finish the sheet by decreasing b. up to 1. Twist the ends of the wire.

screw the leaf to the stem. The flower is almost ready. All that remains is to decorate the trunk.

I took satin ribbon, secured it with glue and wrapped it around the stem. I trimmed off the excess and secured the tape at the bottom with glue.

Flower READY!