Is it true that organic cosmetics are healthier than conventional ones, and how to distinguish them from counterfeits? Organic and natural cosmetics Organic cosmetics products of life.

Title: “10 Things I Hate About You” This should not be taken literally - we, of course, do not hate anyone. On the contrary, like Heath Ledger's hero in the film of the same name, we treat the objects of our attention with increased tenderness - and, therefore, exactingness. Because from hatred to love you know what, as well as vice versa.

« Buy our organic cosmetics - and you will save the world/make a better planet/support women in Zimbabwe who harvest macadamia nuts for five dollars a month/avoid dangerous “chemical” ingredients,” we were told last years and the brands themselves that support the eco-trend, and many media outlets. Do you have a lot of organic cosmetics at home? No? We'll tell you why.


The appearance of the jar - its weight, fonts, colors - is 80% of the success of cosmetics. When a jar of organic cosmetics, certified by EcoCert inside and out, costs around 2000–3000 rubles, but at the same time looks like 300, something doesn’t add up in your head. Moreover, the reasons are clear: EcoCert makes demands not only on the fields in which the plants grow, the plants themselves, the final formula, but also on the packaging. Plastic must decompose, as does paint on plastic. As a result, the jars come out unattractive. Yes, not all. But organics are already scarce, and among them, look for a brand with beautiful packaging few will.


Producing organic cosmetics is expensive. It includes concern for nature (you cannot use fertilizers in the fields where ingredients grow; the soil must be handled with care), and business ethics (while competitors pay five dollars for the work of an African woman in the fields, we will pay 15 and build a school), and payment for certification. EcoCert comes to certify the production of a specific batch of a specific product at each stage. As a result, the price of an organic product can be even higher than that of conventional cosmetics, but the manufacturer will still receive half the profit.

Places of purchase

Natural and organic brands are practically not represented in large networks like “Ile de Beaute” or “L’Etoile”. The only variety is Cosmotheca, where most of the brands are eco, but how many Cosmotheca stores do we have? The same can be said about Organic Shop, although he is opening more and more new stores. Melvita has seven stores and a website. British Organic Surge is generally sold only through the website. Fans go shopping on, again a website. Just going out and buying something organic is not such a trivial task.


But even if you go out and find something online, it's not a given that you'll come across a consultant who can tell you the merits of organic versus non-organic rose oil or why parabens are evil. So study the range of brands on websites on the Internet and make your own choice.

Allergenic ingredients

No, this is absolutely not a statistical statement, not supported by any scientific facts. But a short survey showed: girls prefer to buy anything for their body and hair from organic brands and avoid buying facial products, fearing allergies (natural essential oils and extracts can be more allergenic than their chemically modified counterparts) or not believing in their effectiveness.


Many organic brands, having realized that they are losing in the “sensual pleasure” category, today pay much more attention to both texture and aroma. But eco-production imposes some restrictions on the manufacturer. In order for the cream to be easily applied and distributed and quickly absorbed, conventional brands put silicones and emulsifiers in it, which an organic brand will not use. For fragrance, essential oils are often used as aromatic additives - or the product is made odorless.

Best before date

Many novice followers of the ecotrend are sure that natural cosmetic It cannot be stored for a long time, because the evil parabens have been removed from it. In fact, maybe up to two years on average. And the problem here is different. Two years is not enough for our market. In order for cosmetics to be accepted online, their shelf life must be at least two years. While the batch is brought to Russia, it goes through customs, Russian stickers are stuck on it - there is a year left from the expiration date. And this leads to point 3.

Animal tests

"We don't test on animals." And on whom? It seems like they're not telling us something here? Yes, the company itself may not test on animals. The fact is that very few people carry them out on their own - for this there are third-party laboratories and suppliers of raw materials. And even they have not often had to test ingredients on animals in recent years. Over the past 20th century, more than 20 thousand ingredients have already been tested on animals and are now used, including by companies with a rabbit logo on their packaging. (We are also for happiness in rabbits. And we are also for the full picture.)


Reluctance to belong to a sect. For some reason, fans of all things natural reek of serious brainwashing. And this is the most unpleasant thing in the whole story with eco-cosmetics. I don’t want to be part of the people who sincerely believe that “up to 60% of substances applied to the skin immediately enter the bloodstream.”

FOR WHAT What does all this lead to? Manufacturers themselves estimate the share of sales of organic cosmetics in Russia at less than 1% - and through many years of development they increase the shelf life, remake the packaging into more attractive ones and begin to tell us that they are effective, and not just organic. Today it is no longer a competitive advantage, even in the West. After all, we still want fewer wrinkles first, and then world peace. Otherwise, why do we need this cream at all?

Text: Anna Kryuchkova
Illustrations: Masha Shishova

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The fashion for a healthy lifestyle also extends to cosmetics. Harmless ingredients and naturalness are valued. But you need to navigate through the many labels and choose the products that are right for you. The most stringent quality control is carried out organic cosmetics, and there are nuances that distinguish it from other products.

We are in website decided to understand the intricacies of the differences between ingredients and what you need to pay attention to when choosing organic cosmetics.

What does organic cosmetics mean and how is it useful?

First of all, you need to understand: organic cosmetics do not equal natural. For example, in addition to animal and plant components, natural cosmetics may contain various fragrances, preservatives, and aroma enhancers. Control of the cultivation of plants for cosmetics is not always carried out, and the percentage of natural and non-natural ingredients is regulated by the manufacturer, and not by international certification companies.

The main principle of organic cosmetics is “do no harm.” And we are not talking only about the direct “users” of cosmetics.

Taken into account:

  • respect for the environment;
  • control of the cultivation of all natural ingredients;
  • clear ratio of natural, chemical and organic components;
  • Testing on animals is prohibited.

Such cosmetics are chosen by people with a certain philosophy of attitude towards themselves and the world. All components of organic products, right down to packaging, are strictly controlled for their impact on humans and the environment, and this is confirmed by certificates.

If we compare it with conventional cosmetics, it turns out that all substances potentially harmful to humans are initially reduced to a minimum.

To make sure that you are looking at organic cosmetics, you need to pay attention to quality certificates. Unfortunately, a unified certification standard has not yet been invented, so European countries they are different.

The most common:

  • Ecocert and Cosmebio (France)
  • BDIH and Eco Control (Germany)
  • Soil Association, (UK)
  • ICEA and Eco Agri Cert (Italy)
  • NaTrue (Belgium)
  • COSMOS Standard Organic (combines several of the above standards, pan-European)

The approach is slightly different, however they all ensure that:

  • there are no prohibited ingredients in cosmetics, the list of which is very large (fragrances, mineral oils, substances obtained from dead animals, aggressive surfactants, dyes, preservatives, allergens, GMOs, petroleum products);
  • cosmetics are environmentally friendly (quickly breaks down in water, does not form toxins, etc.);
  • packaging is environmentally friendly or made from recycled materials;
  • the product contains at least 95–98% natural ingredients.

You can only be sure that cosmetics are organic if you have a certificate. Green leaves, beautiful prints, flowers, bio, organic, eco inscriptions mean nothing without confirmation of certification and are simply a marketing ploy.

Falsifying a certificate badge can result in high fines and closure of the enterprise, so manufacturers are not guilty of this.

Can you tell the difference by appearance?

There are several features that set organic cosmetics apart from others.

Organic cosmetics:

  • has a not very pleasant, “pharmacy” smell, very rarely fruit or floral aromas, if the composition contains essential oils;
  • the products practically do not foam, since the composition does not contain chemical foaming agents (Soldium Lauril Sulfat);
  • there will be no words with the prefix PEG- and the endings -cone, -DEA, -TEA, -EDTA, -MEA, paraben.

Popular types of “cosmetics principles”

What could be behind an ordinary cosmetic product? It turns out there is a whole ideology.

Among natural and organic products, in the last few years, care products have begun to appear that are based on caring for your body and the environment.

Eco-friendly cosmetics is very similar to organic, but its main principle is not to harm the environment. That is, it can also contain synthetic elements, but only those that quickly break down in nature and do not pose a threat.

Vegetarian cosmetics- it will not contain some animal products, but not all. Honey, wax, collagen, etc. may be present.

Vegan cosmetics- strict absence of all animal components.

Ethical cosmetics- under no circumstances.

Organic cosmetics is not just a trend in the beauty industry, it is a whole philosophy. Everything in it should be natural: from the product itself to the packaging. At the same time, not all natural cosmetics can be considered organic: its ingredients must be grown in environmentally friendly areas and certified. According to recent research by ecologists, of the 10,500 chemicals used in modern cosmetology, only 11% can be considered safe and non-toxic.

The power of natural eco-cosmetics lies in the similarity of its molecules to skin molecules. Fans of organics do not understand why overload the skin with chemicals and toxins, when all the forces of nature are at its service - flower extracts, roots, oils: detoxification will begin as soon as you open the jar and feel the natural aroma instead of the usual synthetic odors!

Quality mark

Manufacturers cannot agree on what is considered organic cosmetics, and they come up with different classifications. But everyone has a common base.

1. Cosmetics must be made from natural ingredients grown in clean soil, clean water and clean air.

2. If cosmetics consist of 95-100% organic components, the American Department of Agriculture marks it with the Organic badge, if 70% - with the Made with organic badge. If such components are less than 70%, manufacturers have the right only to list them in the composition.

3. Cosmetics should not contain dyes or fragrances. Preservation is allowed only with strictly defined ingredients.

4. No animal testing.

5. Packaging should be biodegradable and safe for environment.

What is the difference between natural and organic cosmetics?

Organic cosmetics are cosmetics in which all (or almost all) of the ingredients are grown without the use of chemical fertilizers and in environmentally friendly areas. These cosmetics are not tested on animals, in addition, “they should not contain synthetic preservatives, fragrances or dyes, mineral oils, glycols and silicones.

For organic cosmetics there is a special list of preservatives approved by EcoCert - they can be used in minimal concentrations. Most organic cosmetics manufacturers also try to use environmentally friendly and easily recyclable materials for packaging. To get the right to call your cosmetics organic or put the “BIO” mark on the label, you need to go through many checks - special organizations certify the composition, production, and technologies for growing ingredients.

Natural cosmetic

Strictly speaking, it doesn’t exist as a special concept,” says Lidiya Zimakova (Green Mama). — Any brand that has used at least one natural substance in a cream can already say that it produces natural cosmetics. Working exclusively with natural ingredients is really difficult, and few brands dare to do this.” The composition of cosmetics, called natural, is not controlled by any organizations.

Vegan cosmetics

Vegan is the name given to the strictest vegetarians. Not all organic cosmetics fall into the vegan category: vegan cosmetics are plant-based products that are not tested on animals and do not contain animal ingredients such as milk and honey. Vegan - cosmetics are marked with a special icon with an animal’s paw.

Bio or organic?

It is generally accepted that organic and biocosmetics are synonymous. This is not entirely true. Biocosmetics may contain ingredients made from the skin of fish or other sea creatures, while the active substances from which organic cosmetics are made are extracts of plants grown without the use of harmful fertilizers. Companies that produce organic cosmetics do not test on animals and replace synthetic preservatives and silicone with natural ingredients. Thus, vitamin E, carrot seed oil, rosemary and jojoba can be used as preservatives.

Biocosmetics come in two types: plant-based (phytocosmetics) or animal-based.

Doctors warn: animal-based cosmetics should be treated with extreme caution. Firstly, it is extremely allergenic. But the main reason for concern is that such cosmetics have not yet stood the test of time. Next fashion trend- so-called cellular cosmetics (based on animal embryonic tissues) - appeared quite recently. However, no one can say with certainty how long-term use of face cream with placenta extract will affect it.

If you have very sensitive skin, it makes sense to avoid using animal-based products. At least that's what doctors advise.

Yes, and one more point - in the case of ordinary cosmetics, many do not attach importance to the expiration date. So - when buying biocosmetics, you need to pay attention to this first of all.

Natural or Organic

The concept of “organic cosmetics” is in no way connected with the chemical concept of “organic compound”. Organic substances include compounds containing carbon. Cosmetics certified as “organic” may also contain inorganic compounds, such as water and mineral salts.

It turns out that the concept of “organic” came to the cosmetics industry from the food industry, in which a product (ingredient) of natural origin is called organic. In the United States, products derived from plants are considered organic. In this case, plants must grow in environmentally friendly places (on plantations or in wildlife), and when growing them it is prohibited to use chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. The processing of these plants must also meet strict environmental standards and not include chemical synthesis steps.

In the USA, the main document regulating the concept of “organic” is the National Organic Programs (NOP) Final Rule. Primarily written for food products, these guidelines apply to certain other consumer products that contain certified ingredients and qualify for the organic label. For these products, the NOP rules establish three levels of marketing marks:

- “100% organic” - the product must contain only certified organic components of plant origin;

- “organic” - the product must contain at least 95% of certified organic compounds of plant origin, the remaining 5% must be included in the list of synthesized compounds permitted by NOP rules;

- “made with organic (ingredients)” - the product contains at least 70% certified organic components of plant origin.

The use of NOP rules in cosmetics production is severely limited because they do not take into account the specific cosmetics. More flexible in this regard is the standard of the British Soil Association - one of the most influential organizations that was the first to introduce the concept of “organic”, first in relation to farm products, and then in other industrial areas (textile and wood processing industries, production of products for maintaining health and beauty , cosmetics, restaurants. The Soil Association was founded in 1946 by a group of scientists, doctors and naturalists who studied the interaction of humans with nature. The Soil Association developed the first ever set of rules for conducting human economic activities in accordance with the interests of the environment. In 1976, based on this. Association created the networking center SA Certification, which today is considered one of the most authoritative certification centers for organic products.

How plants for organic cosmetics are grown

Can not use:

Genetically modified seeds


Chemical fertilizers



All this leads to the destruction of the natural properties of plants.

Can be used:

Non-genetically modified seeds

Weeds are weeded by hand

Compost and animal manure from organic farms

Pests are controlled with the help of birds and predatory insects

Treatment with homeopathic medicines

Strengthening plant defenses

How raw materials are processed.

Can not use:

Chemical preservatives

Synthetic dyes

Synthetic flavorings and taste improvers

Synthetic stabilizers

Synthetic thickeners (eg starch)

Genetically modified ingredients (for example: starch as a filler)

Harmful technologies: atomic splitting of the product, ultrasonic treatment, chemical preservation, aeration of products in vacuum packaging and without, processing of products with phenol and surfactants

Plastic packaging (requires preservatives)

Can be used:

Natural preservatives: (sugar, salt, vegetable oils, acids, essential oils)

Natural dyes

Natural flavors

Apple and citrus pectin, carob bean flour, guar gum, xanthan, red algae carrageenan, agar-agar

Non-genetically modified ingredients

Pasteurization, salting, fermentation, drying, drying, vacuum processing

Packaging: paper, glass, metal, packaging made from biologically inactive substances (do not interact with the contents)

Signs of organic cosmetics

The packaging is discreet and recyclable, usually free of glass and metal. Hence the principle: the more modest the packaging, the better its contents.

The color of the cosmetics is white (or it is colorless), because... no dyes. Don't be tempted by bright, alluring colors.

The smell is rarely pleasant, usually a "pharmacy" or medicinal herbal aroma.

The exception is fruity and floral scents if the composition contains essential oils. Due to the absence of chemical thickeners and solvents, the liquid emulsion can separate into layers. Therefore, the bottle should be shaken vigorously before use.

Little foam because there are no foaming chemicals. This may be puzzling at first, but the lack of foam does not in any way detract from the cleaning and caring properties.

When natural extracts come into contact with the eyes, they cause an acute burning sensation that goes away immediately after rinsing with water.

See the label for a complete list of ingredients and certification.

Organic companies are required to provide complete information when translating text.

Peel off the Russian label and check the list on the tube.


BDIH (Bund deutscher Industrie- und Handelsunternehmen - Federal Association of Industrial and Commercial Companies) Germany;

BDIH (Federal Association of Industrial and Commercial Companies) - Federation of German manufacturers and distributors of pharmaceuticals, health products, dietary supplements, personal care products and health care products.

The association, located in Mannheim, Germany, includes more than 300 manufacturers and distributors.

Main criteria for defining controlled natural cosmetics:

1. Plant materials must:

Grown in controlled biological farming;

Or collected under biological control in places where they naturally grow in nature.

2. Animal protection and animal testing:

Experiments on animals are not permitted, either during product development, or when testing raw materials, or when testing final products;

The use of raw materials from dead vertebrate animals is not permitted (for example, turtle oil, mink oil, marmot fat, animal fats, animal collagen).

3. Mineral raw materials:

The use of inorganic salts (for example magnesium sulfate) or mineral raw materials (sodium chloride) is permitted in principle (exception point 5).

4. Raw materials with limited use (emulsifiers or surfactants - surfactants). For the production of natural cosmetics, emulsifiers or surfactants can be used, which are obtained by hydrolysis, hydrogenation, esterification or transesterification from the following natural substances:

Fats, oils, wax;



Mono-, oligo- and polysaccharides;

Proteins or lipoproteins.

5. Absolute refusal to use:

Organic-synthetic dyes;

Synthetic flavors;

Ethoxylated substances (eg tensides);


Paraffin, mineral oils and other petroleum products.

The certification criterion for natural fragrances is ISO-Norm 9235.

6. Canning.

During preservation, to ensure the microbiological safety of products, along with natural preservatives, the following identical natural preservatives are allowed:

Benzoic acid, its salts and ethyl ester;

Salicylic acid and its salts;

Sorbic acid and its salts;

Benzyl alcohol.

(all manufacturers presented in our store do not use this assumption).

7. Radioactive exposure.

Sterilization of organic raw materials and the final product by radioactive irradiation is prohibited.

8. Controlled natural cosmetics.

Compliance with the above criteria is monitored by an independent “Institute of Control”. Compliance with the standards is documented by the BDIH Controlled Natural Cosmetics seal of approval.

Additional goals

1. Requirements for raw materials:

Stage-by-stage controlled production with transparent technologies;

Informing consumers.

2. Gene manipulation:

The use of genetically modified plant and animal raw materials is prohibited, since the use of genetic technology in agriculture is debatable and environmentally unjustified; biological farms are supported and active participation is taken against genetic technology.

3. Environmental tolerance.

Exclusively natural raw materials certified according to EG-Bio-VO:

Production that does not pollute the environment.

Optimal decomposition of raw materials and final products.

Economical, environmentally friendly and recyclable packaging.

No harm to the ecosystem.

4. Social compatibility.

Fair Trade Compliance:

Codes of fair competition, support for projects in third world countries;

Waste use and disposal;

Affiliate social relationships.

BIO/ ECOCERT (Cosmebio under the control and supervision of Ecocert).

COSMEBIO ("BIO" mark) is an association of manufacturers that, together with Ecocert, two years ago precisely defined the official standards in France. They developed and approved clauses not only on the naturalness of products, but also on the certification of products obtained from biological crops. In 2002, a group of French cosmetics manufacturers united to form the COSMEBIO organization. The COSMEBIO Charter is a set of very strict requirements regarding the rules for growing plants on environmentally friendly plantations, their collection and processing. The COSMEBIO Charter also regulates the use of ingredients in production cosmetic products. In particular, harmful components of petrochemical synthesis are excluded from the INCI list. Strict control is established over BIO cosmetics manufacturers - it is carried out by the independent organization ECOCERT.

The COSMEBIO Charter, adopted as a normative act by the French government and published in official journals, proclaims the BIO Standard. Today this is the highest quality standard for cosmetic products.

Requirements of the COSMEBIO Charter:

1. Requirements for the composition (ingredients of animal origin are excluded):

At least 95% of all ingredients must be of natural origin;

At least 10% of all ingredients must be BIO plants from environmentally friendly plantations;

At least 95% of all plants must be BIO plants from organic plantations.

2. Environmental protection requirements:

Everything related to emissions, waste, energy sources, transport, sanitary and hygienic standards is strictly regulated;

Production and storage are carried out in accordance with strict environmental regulations;

The processing of machines and containers used in cosmetic production excludes the use of chlorine.

3. Control over the BIO Standard:

Inspections by ECOCERT, several times a year;

A special procedure for maintaining documentation allows you to trace the entire chain from the manufacturer of raw materials to the end consumer.

What does BIO-certified raw materials mean?

This implies, firstly, regulated technology for growing plants, and, secondly, control of certain parameters and certification by an authorized independent organization.

1. Regulated plant growing technology:

Healthy seeds of genetically unmodified plants grown on environmentally friendly plantations are used;

A 2-year conversion period is established for annual plants and a 3-year period for perennial crops;

Soil enrichment is carried out using organic fertilizers and a limited list of mineral fertilizers;

The fight against plant diseases and weeds is limited to mechanical methods; their natural enemies and a limited list of non-toxic drugs are used to control pests.

2. Control of certain parameters and certification by an authorized independent organization:

Every year, the cosmetics manufacturer is required to officially notify the regulatory authority about the production plan for the coming year;

All documentation recording the receipt of raw materials, their processing, as well as the shipment of finished products is subject to mandatory inspection;

Any ingredient declared as BIO is subject to research by ECOCERT and only then is it assigned a BIO Standard.

Confirmation of COSMEBIO certification. BIO standard

A cosmetic product certified as compliant with the BIO Standard must have the following designations on the label:

BIO Standard Mark:

Percentage content (by three parameters):

All ingredients of natural origin (minimum 95% of the total composition);

All BIO plants from environmentally friendly plantations (minimum 10% of the total composition);

Moreover, all BIO plants are from environmentally friendly plantations (must account for at least 95% of all plants).

In formulations, all BIO herbal ingredients must be marked with an asterisk (*); Indication of the control and certification body ECOCERT and its address.

All BIOSELECT products are certified by the International European Institute ICEA.

The ICEA Institute has developed and operates the AIAB standard in all European countries.

Cosmetic products that have been tested in the laboratory and received an ICEA certificate meet the following requirements:

1. do not contain prohibited harmful substances

2. do not contain genetically modified organisms

3. not tested on animals

7. does not contain petroleum products

8. does not contain synthetic fragrances, dyes or prohibited preservatives.

The AIAB certificate confirms the biological and environmental purity of products.

Other certificates:

Demeter, Bioland, Naturland, Eco cert, Oko test (Germany)

Eco Control (USA)

Soil Association (England) etc.

The bio-certificate controls:

Production of raw materials for the product

Product manufacturing

Double control. The certificate confirms:

The quality of the raw materials from which the product is made

Processing method

Constant control. During the period of validity of the bio-certificate, the certifying body does:

Scheduled and unscheduled inspections of certified production

Purchasing products from stores for quality control.

Ecology of life. Health and beauty: Every woman at some periods of her life probably used the most expensive systems of cosmetic products, strictly following all the advice of cosmetologist consultants. How many women can claim that after six months, or after a year of strictly following the recommendations for the use of cosmetic products, their skin has at least visually changed for the better?

Every woman at some periods of her life probably used the most expensive systems of cosmetic products, strictly following all the advice of cosmetologist consultants. How many women can claim that after six months, or after a year of strictly following the recommendations for the use of cosmetic products, their skin has at least visually changed for the better? Most likely, few. In the morning, without cream and decorative cosmetics, we are all disappointed to note the inexorable fact of aging of our skin.

Most modern cosmetics (fatty creams, lotions and gels) affect only the epidermis, that is, the upper 0.1 mm of our skin, and often damage normal microflora - friendly skin bacteria - and epithelial cells with preservatives.

Such cosmetics do more harm than good, especially if the skin is problematic - excessively dry or oily, if it has begun to age prematurely, the first wrinkles or acne have appeared. Therefore, many are now returning to their grandmother’s recipes: they cleanse the skin with clay and yogurt, wash their hair with mustard or egg, and rinse with water and lemon or herbal infusions, etc.

Our skin does not have to endure the crimes that we commit every day: WE FEED THE SKIN WITH PRESERVATIVES!!!

Which of the unpronounceable ingredients in beauty products are detrimental to our health? We want to clear the air on this issue and highlight some non-toxic organic cosmetics lines.

A recent survey has revealed the true extent of concerns about chemicals in cosmetics and toiletries in Everyday life of people. The survey, carried out by Neal's Yard Remedies in response to Channel 4's Beauty Addicts: How Toxic are You?, revealed the top consumer confusions about beauty brands and found that 99% of consumers want clarity.

As surprising as it may sound, the average woman uses 12 beauty products every day and applies about 175 chemicals to her body.

Most products contain a long list of ingredients, many of which have unpronounceable names - much less the reason or merit behind them being there.

According to INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients), each component of a product must have its own name. The names of even natural ingredients accepted by INCI are often horrific, making the names of common ingredients sound like foreign, unintelligible words. Most natural brands, including A"kin, began to include regular common names

components in square brackets, near the standard INCI name. With European Union approval, almost all cosmetic products

are safe, but there is an undeniable questionable link to the presence of chemicals that cause an allergic reaction, skin sensitivity and even cancer.

Once it was suggested that if a cosmetic product is not absorbed into the skin, then the quality of the product should be doubted. However, it has now become known that the skin absorbs absolutely all products placed on it. All ingredients penetrate and are absorbed into the deep layers of the skin, but some of them can be toxic to humans and their bodies.

Plus, cosmetic products are designed to retain their properties for several years, and for this reason they contain a large number of preservatives.

So which ingredients, often called "bad heroes", should you avoid?
Propylene glycol

It is a humectant and solvent used in cosmetics, hair products, deodorants, aftershave lotions and toothpastes. It is also the main element of antifreeze and brake fluids - it is not surprising that it is a strong causative agent of allergic reactions.
This solid ingredient is found in toothpastes and shampoos, not to mention personal cleansing products. At concentrations as low as 2 – 5%, it can cause skin irritation and inflammation, and some reports may cause eye disorders, skin rashes, dandruff and allergic reactions. For products that do not contain this component, you can try Alterna and Daniel Galvin Junior.

Formaldehyde (formaldehyde)
Formaldehyde is most often found in bubble baths, shampoos, moisturizing lotions and many other products. However, this powerful chemical is known to be carcinogenic and toxic. It readily penetrates the skin and can cause serious health problems.

Suggestions have been made that parabens, a type of preservative, can cause hormonal imbalance and even breast cancer. However, the involvement of parabens in deodorants has been proven to be unfounded. Therefore, in the cosmetic world, their properties have been overestimated, and now they are considered quite safe. For paraben-free brands, you can try Trilogy.

Mineral oil ( mineral oils)
Mineral oils are very often added to various body lotions (baby oil is 100% mineral oil). They create a layer on the skin, like a plastic shell, so the skin is almost unable to breathe and get rid of toxins. And this encouragement of toxin accumulation can cause premature aging skin, acne and other skin concerns.

Petrolatum (Vaseline)
This is a cheap mineral oil jelly. It can be allergenic, poorly absorbed and clog pores. In addition, Vaseline impedes the access of oxygen to the skin and can cause skin cracks and photosensitivity.

10 most dangerous components - read the label!

Stop being content with pseudo-natural cosmetics. Start reading labels and you will learn to recognize truly organic products among others. Here are substances that, according to Aubrey Hampton, founder of Aubrey Organics, are not desirable in cosmetics.

1. METHYL, PROPYL, BUTYL AND ETHYL PARABENS often used in products daily care as preservative stabilizers that inhibit the growth of microorganisms. They are absorbed by the skin and have a weak estrogenic effect, which is dangerous for women for whom estrogen is contraindicated (for breast cancer), as well as during pregnancy (causes pathologies in the reproductive function of the fetus).

2. DIETHANOLAMINE (DEA), TRIETHANOLAMINE (TEA, TEA)- foaming agents are classified as amines (containing ammonia). They have a toxic effect with prolonged use. May cause allergic reactions, eye irritation, dry skin and hair.

3. PROPYLENE GLYCOL (PPG), POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL (PEG)- a mixture of petrochemical products used as a hygroscopic ingredient. May cause hives and eczema.

4. SODIUM LAURUULAURETH SULFATE- a cheap and harmful detergent used in shampoos due to its cleansing and foaming properties. A petroleum product often disguised as "derived from coconuts." Causes eye irritation, flaking of the scalp similar to dandruff, skin rashes and other allergic reactions.

5. VASELINE (PETROLATUM)- a derivative of mineral oil, used as an emollient, widely used due to its incredible low cost. It disrupts natural hydration processes and causes exactly the condition that it is intended to eliminate: dry skin, cracking.

6. STEARALKONIUM CHLORIDE originally developed for fabric softeners, it later found use in hair conditioners and creams due to its low cost compared to plant extracts. Toxic, causes allergic reactions.

7. IAZOLIDINYL-UREA, IMIDAZOLIDINYL-UREA (DIAZOLIDINYL UREA, IMIDAZOLIDINYL UREA) used as preservatives, they release formaldehyde, which has a toxic effect. May cause contact dermatitis. Also known under the trade names: Germol II and Germol 115 (Germall II, Germall 115).

8. COPOLYMERS OF VINYL PYRROLIDONE AND VINY LACETATE (PVP/VA COPOLYMER)- derivatives of petroleum products, often used in hair styling products. They have a toxic effect on the lungs when particles are inhaled.

9. SYNTHETIC DYES- increase the attractiveness of cosmetics. Marked as FD&C or D&C followed by color and number. For example, FD&C Red No. 6 (red). Many synthetic dyes are carcinogenic. It is better to exclude it from use, regardless of cost.

10. SYNTHETIC FLAVORS labeled simply as "flavoring" but contain up to 200 chemical ingredients that may cause: headache, dizziness, rash, hyperpigmentation, cough, vomiting, skin irritation.

Signs of organic cosmetics

PACKAGE discreet and recyclable, usually free of glass and metal. Hence the principle: the more modest the packaging, the better its contents.

COLOR cosmetics are white (or colorless), because no dyes. Don't be tempted by bright, alluring colors.

SMELL rarely pleasant, usually "pharmacy" or medicinal herbal aroma. The exception is fruity and floral scents if the composition contains essential oils.

DUE TO LACK chemical thickeners and solvents, the liquid emulsion can separate into layers. Therefore, the bottle should be shaken vigorously before use.

LOW FOAM, because there are no foaming chemicals. This may be puzzling at first, but the lack of foam does not in any way detract from the cleaning and caring properties.

IF HIT Natural extracts in the eyes cause an acute burning sensation, which goes away immediately after rinsing with water.

ON THE LABEL A complete list of components is provided and the certificate is indicated. Organic companies are required to provide complete information when translating text. Peel off the Russian label and check the list on the tube.

Some brands of organic cosmetics

Organic Pharmacy

Organic Pharmacy is a brand dedicated to health and beauty, using only organic ingredients, aimed at offering only best products, containing no toxic ingredients. They are noted by the pharmaceutical society The Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.


Ren are pure product specialists helping to achieve and support healthy skin. Their products are clinically approved and free of skin irritants such as synthetic fragrances, propylene glycol, petroleum products, sulfates, artificial colors, animal ingredients and parabens.


Nude contains no harmful chemicals and prevents the skin from absorbing ingredients such as parabens, sulfates, propylene glycol, PEGs, TEA, DEA, mineral oils, silicones and potential carcinogens. The products contain only organic ingredients that support health and beauty. appearance skin.

Bare Escentuals

Bare Escentuals is the number one mineral beauty brand dedicated to improving skin health. Concealer, for example, consists of 100% pure minerals without the addition of preservatives, irritants, binders and other harmful components. According to the company, their cosmetics are "so clean, you could even sleep in them."

Juice Beauty

This brand is successful all over the world. Out of line organic products For skin care, you should try the incredible Green Apple Moisturizer, as well as the Green Apple Peel, a mask that improves the clarity and texture of the skin.

Stella McCartney CARE

Fashion designer Stella McCartney, known for her vivid imagination and love of free style, decided to also dabble in cosmetics. McCartney's cosmetic collection follows a similar philosophy: the products contain no ingredients of animal origin, synthetic preservatives or silicone. The line will consist of eight essential products: moisturizer, makeup remover foam, toning lotion, anti-age serum, etc. The main active ingredients of the brand are mallow, green tea, grape seed oil, flaxseed, soybean and rose oil. In addition, all products will be positioned as “unisex”.

Dr. Hauschka

A very popular German company, cosmetics, which many other manufacturers look up to. This brand produces a great variety of natural herbal remedies: from the Body Silk Powder moisturizing body spray, indispensable in frosty weather, to the Neel Oil Pen cuticle product, which improves the structure of nails and accelerates their growth.


The products of this Greek company are also famous in many parts of the world. For those who suffer from unruly hair, we recommend Korres Rice Protein Shampoo and Shea Butter Hair Mask. After using them, your hair will be shiny and soft.

Light Organic

This American brand uses vitamin E, carrot seed oil, rosemary and jojoba as preservatives, and makes its creams only by hand.


This brand does the same; it has even developed a perfume that contains 25% natural essences, as opposed to 10-15% traditional ones, and alcohol from organic wheat, which does not prevent the aroma from changing and revealing throughout the day.

Organic Apoteke

This English brand invented organic perfume - without alcohol and fragrances. In addition, the brand’s arsenal includes everything for body and face care; the action of these cosmetics is based on the principles of Ayurveda and non-toxic components.


Some plants are so excellent that entire brands are dedicated to them. This is what happened with Ojon, whose products return beauty and health to our hair. Ojon is a nut tree oil that was used by the Indians of pre-Columbian times. Today they mine it and also cultivate wonderful trees. The extracted raw materials are then sent to Italy, where they are used to create modern masks, sprays, shampoos and hair conditioners (12 products in total).


Exotic ingredients and ancient traditions inspired the creators of the Jamu brand, whose cosmetics are produced according to traditional Indonesian and Balinese recipes from spices, fruits and herbs. In addition, the brand’s products are also suitable for SPA procedures, which once again proves its effectiveness.


Organic cosmetics are also good because they can be consumed orally. The French brand H.I.P. There is a tonic that is recommended to be added to drinks to enhance vitality. H.I.P. preaches the concept of global beauty, the brand has two series: Arc-en-ciel, designed for facial and body skin care, and H.I.P. Hair - for hair. To create all products, only natural active ingredients are used: essential oils, vitamins and rare plant extracts.


The principle of the Australian brand Aesop, like most brands of organic cosmetics, is to care for the skin with what nature created. The brand has everything for body, hair and face care. And, what’s especially nice, the line contains products that are suitable and solve problems sensitive skin(Camellia Nut facial hydrating cream - moisturizing cream with chamomile, sandalwood and rosemary extracts for sensitive skin) and for intensive nutrition and hydration of very dry skin (Damascan Rose facial treatment - serum with rose oil and vitamins).


Surely many of us have already become acquainted with the Greek brand Fresh Line, which in its boutique sells face masks, fruit soaps and strawberry bath jelly by weight. And no one leaves Lush, Grabtree Evelyn and L`Occitane stores without a fragrant scrub, massage oil or floral cream.

In addition to the natural advantages, organic cosmetics have other advantages: the vast majority of products are beautifully packaged, they will decorate any interior. In addition, these cosmetics often have delicious scents. Fragrances essential oils, as is known, prepare and improve the skin’s perception of the active components that make up cosmetics. published

Nastya Kostyuchenkova

Eco-cosmetics are useful not only for humans, but also for nature. Its production causes minimal harm to the environment, and the product is not tested on animals. It does not contain artificial colors or flavors. Preference is given natural ingredients. Introducing the selection 10 Moscow stores with eco-friendly cosmetics.

Ready-made kits in ECOvita

In a bio-cosmetics and eco-products storeECOvita You can purchase natural cosmetics for the face, body, hair, decorative, personal hygiene products and much more from different manufacturers. It is possible to order a ready-made set of products, including a set of product samples. There is courier delivery, as well as pickup from a warehouse in Moscow and Krasnogorsk.

Organic cosmetics inEcoway

Online store of organic cosmetics and environmentally friendly household productsEcoway was created by mothers and, first of all, for mothers. In addition to decorative cosmetics, household chemicals, face and body care products, children's products, the site also presents other products - eco-friendly clothing, eco-friendly dishes, bio-bags for garbage, eco-bags and much more. In chapter " Useful tips» contains information on how to keep your home clean and tidy without spending large sums of money or using harmful chemicals, and in the “Library” section materials on healthy lifestyles, environmental protection and consumer protection are published.

Children's cosmetics in "Planet IVF"

In the online store"Planet IVF" We paid special attention to the children's series. “All children's cosmetics are high-quality, safe and hypoallergenic, so they can be used even for the most sensitive baby skin,” says the company’s website. Gifts are provided for customers - hand cream, cleansing milk, as well as various discounts and the opportunity to participate in promotions.

Ecological atmosphere in the house from"Eco-cosmetics"

A system of discounts, gifts and promotions are also provided in the online store"Eco-cosmetics" . There's also Gift Baskets, homemade soap handmade, eco-candles and aromatherapy to create an eco-friendly and comfortable atmosphere in the home. The news section contains useful articles about proper care for the body and hair, as well as the value of natural cosmetics.

Natural remedies for Eco-Cosmetika

Articles and news about natural remedies face and body care products can also be found on the website of the online store of environmentally friendly cosmetics and household goods Eco-Cosmetika . The store's catalog includes decorative cosmetics, face, body, hair care products, a children's series, handmade soap, household chemicals, gift sets and much more.

Cosmetics from all over the world in Nature & Beauty

In a natural cosmetics hypermarketNature & Beauty organic cosmetics from all over the world are presented, according to the website. The store has olive, thermal, natural and mineral cosmetics, as well as exclusive sets. You can order delivery of goods via the Internet, or you can come to pick them up at the showroom, located near the Dmitrovskaya metro station. The site has a question and answer section, useful articles and information about quality standards.

Mineral and Ayurvedic cosmetics at

In the online store of useful cosmeticsDeoShop.ruThere is a large selection of eco-products - mineral, medicinal, Ayurvedic cosmetics, as well as some food products and yoga products. Both courier delivery of orders (daily) and pick-up from goods delivery points are provided; there are 21 of them in Moscow. You can place an order on the website and by phone (24 hours a day).

Sample sets in EcoVille

A wide variety of organic cosmetics can also be found in the online storeEcoVille.For those who just want to get acquainted with natural cosmetics, sample sets are provided. For the thrifty - sales, discounts and promotions. There is a series of products for children and expectant mothers. The order can be received by courier, or at one of ten pick-up points in Moscow.

Natural remedies forKosmetik Bio

In the online storeKosmetik Bio can be ordered face and hair care products, figure correction, natural oils, decorative cosmetics, products for children and expectant mothers, perfumes. Orders are delivered within 1-2 days. On the website you can read articles about the features of natural cosmetics, their production standards and eco-certificates.

Natural cosmetics store Organic Mania

In a natural cosmetics and organic food storeOrganic Mania In addition to standard products, there is a large assortment of children's cosmetics and products - clothing, food, bathing products, skin and hair care products, hygiene products, washing powder for the little ones and more. There is a pick-up point (near the Molodezhnaya metro station) and courier delivery. Buying eco-cosmetics in Moscow today is not difficult; it is more difficult not to make a mistake with the choice, since not all of them, unfortunately, turn out to be natural and safe. First of all, you need to carefully study the information about the online store where you plan to purchase the product. INIt is important that the website provides complete information about the products - composition, country of production, certificates, information about manufacturers and suppliers. In addition, the label of natural cosmetics must contain a complete list of ingredients and a certificate (the emblem of the association to which the manufacturer belongs). Another one distinctive feature The advantage of organic cosmetics is that they are usually packaged in dull containers that are recyclable. Special mobile applications, for example, Think Dirty or Skin Deep, can help you avoid making mistakes when choosing cosmetics. They read barcodes from packaging using the built-in camera of a smartphone or tablet, and then help identify harmful substances contained in products.