Cooling water face mask. Reusable gel eye mask: reviews

The dynamic rhythm of people's lives always negatively affects their appearance. And the first indicator that your body is asking for help is the appearance of dark circles around the eyes, and the skin becomes dull and lifeless. The reason for the manifestation of such signs may be systematic overwork and chronic diseases of the internal organs.

Of course, it is necessary to eliminate the causes, but in order to get rid of overwork, it is not enough for you to get a good night’s sleep for one night. So it will take you some time to eliminate dark circles under your eyes. And I want to be beautiful today. Therefore, today we will talk about how to get rid of minor imperfections in the skin around the eyes.

Basics of proper care

And the first thing we will talk about is how to care for your skin. First of all, you should pay attention to the product you use to remove makeup. The best option is creamy preparations. After all, they not only help get rid of makeup, but will nourish the skin. Also pay attention to the fact that when removing makeup from your eyelids, you should never rub the dermis. This way you will only injure the capillaries, which will make the bruises under your eyes even worse.

Please also note that face masks are not recommended to be applied to the area around the eyes.

This is especially true for warming or tightening cosmetics. After all, in both the first and second cases, you harm your appearance. By the way, if you apply a tightening mask to the area under the eyes, then in addition to bruises, you may also get small facial wrinkles.

And you and I absolutely don’t need this!

What oils can be used to care for the dermis around the eyes

You can use more than just a variety of oils to look amazing. For example, you can use regular vegetable oil. You need to use it as follows: first warm it up a little, and then gently lubricate the surface with it. The oil can be left on the skin overnight. In the morning, just wash your face with water. This mask perfectly nourishes the epidermis and restores normal blood circulation.

Attention! The oil should be lukewarm, otherwise you may get a serious burn. And it will be quite difficult to cure it.

Can also be used for care Castor oil. Making a mask from it is quite simple. You need to mix castor oil and half a teaspoon of vitamin A. You can leave a similar mask on your face for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Please note that you do not need to wash your face after using this mask - just blot off any remaining product that has not been absorbed with a sponge. Don’t forget about one more nuance: never make such masks in cold weather. This way you can supercool the dermis.

An excellent product for caring for the area around the eyes is a mask based on egg yolk. And the first thing you need to do to prepare this option is to beat the yolk. Then add twenty-five milliliters of any vegetable oil and a few drops of vitamin A to it. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the area for twenty minutes.

Cooling compresses for the skin around the eyes

If you have swollen skin around your eyes, you can use special compresses. To make the simplest one, you just need to put dried chamomile flowers in small linen bags. Then we lower the bags into boiling water and keep them there for five to ten minutes.

Attention! We repeat that hot bags should never be placed on the eyelids. After all, this way you can harm not only your skin, but also ruin your eyesight.

You can apply warm bags to your eyelids for about five minutes. This homemade cosmetic product is great for those who want to quickly get rid of swollen and reddened eyelids. It is also suitable for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes. In addition, if you use this product regularly, it can serve as an excellent preventive measure against the appearance of facial wrinkles.

As for cooling compresses specifically, it is best to use regular nutmeg. But before use, it must be thoroughly soaked in milk. Also pay attention to the fact that you can only place pieces on the area around the eyes.

Cooling masks for the skin around the eyes: folk recipes

You can also try using homemade cooling masks to get rid of minor imperfections in the skin around the eyes. The simplest and effective means in this case it is grated potatoes. You need to take one raw potato and grate it on a fine grater. The juice from the resulting slurry needs to be squeezed out, but not too much, so that the mixture turns out to be quite moist.

Then we transfer the grated potatoes into two gauze bags and apply them to the eyes. And believe me, if you use these products to care for the skin around your eyes, after just a few sessions you will notice that your face looks refreshed.

You can also use tea bags to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Of course, such a product can hardly be called a cooling mask for the face or eyelids, but nevertheless it is quite effective. As for the type of tea, it is best to use black. Although, if you don’t have one at hand, then green will do just fine.

Cooling gel eye mask: how to use it correctly

Of course, homemade cooling eye masks are good, but what to do if circles under your eyes appear quite often, and you have almost no time?

In this case, you should pay attention to special gel masks. They can be used even while sitting at work, because all you need to do is apply the mask to your skin and sit in this position for a few minutes. By the way, if you decide to carry out a similar spa procedure at your workplace, then make sure that no one comes into your office during such a procedure.

If you have chosen this method of combating imperfections in the skin around the eyes, then it is important to know all the nuances of choosing such a mask.

For example, the best option is a mask with both a cooling and a warming effect. Cosmetologists also recommend paying attention to the price. It shouldn't be too low. But remember that too high a price is most likely not justified, no matter what wonderful properties of this cosmetic product are described on the packaging. Therefore, opt for the average price, so you can purchase a high-quality and effective mask.

The most complete article on the topic: a cooling eye mask is an amazing new product in modern cosmetology and a little more for real beauties.

Modern life is such that it forces women to spend a lot of time at the computer and use all sorts of aggressive cosmetics in order to cope with crow's feet and swelling. In addition, due to their emotionality, representatives of the fair sex often like to cry into a pillow or vest best friend. The result of all this is red mucous membranes, swollen bags, dark circles, swollen eyelids. All this is very difficult to hide under makeup, but you still need to go to work in the morning. In such cases it can help perfectly and very quickly cooling eye mask, which will eliminate all cosmetic defects in this part of the face. Of course, it is better to purchase it ready-made once and then use it several times in a row. But if this is not possible, you can do something similar at home.

What it is?

Shop cooling eye mask, which is offered by many leading brands in the global cosmetics industry, resembles carnival glasses with slits for the eyes. It is usually made of polyethylene (polyvinyl chloride), a material that is pleasant to the touch. Inside it there is a cavity in which gel balls are in free movement, capable of retaining cold for a long time. They are compacted quite tightly. Approximately one mask contains 150-200 such granules. The edges of the glasses are sealed to prevent them from accidentally spilling out. If you do not use the product, in their normal state these balls roll down.

The cooling mask for the skin around the eyes is easy to use, as it is attached to the back of the head with silicone Velcro ties. Their length is quite long, so the product is suitable for any size. Manufacturers try to ensure that the Velcro is of high quality and holds the blindfold tightly.

Before use, it is recommended to briefly place the cooling mask in the refrigerator (in the side compartment of the door). During this time, the gel balls should freeze, absorb the cold and distribute evenly inside the polyethylene cavity. After this, they maintain a low temperature for a long time, without heating up from the skin. This is precisely what its cosmetic effect is based on.

This is interesting! If handled with care, the cooling mask for the skin around the eyes has an unlimited shelf life, as it is reusable.

Effective cosmetic masks around the eyes after 30 years:

Recipes for homemade masks for the skin around the eyes with Aevit>>.

Effect of a cooling eye mask

A high-quality, properly used cooling mask around the eyes can replace many products created for this area of ​​the face. Skin literally transforms when exposed to low temperatures. The versatility of this know-how in the modern beauty industry is amazing, because such a gel mask-glasses is capable of many things:

  • removes swelling (including morning swelling);
  • eliminates redness;
  • relieves tension and fatigue from the eyes in the evening or just after work;
  • even copes with pain in the eyes after long periods of sitting at the computer;
  • ideal in the fight against bags, bruises and dark circles under the eyes;
  • tones the skin through low temperature;
  • awakens after night;
  • relieves headaches;
  • suitable for daily care for delicate and sensitive skin of the eyelids;
  • refreshes the look;
  • hides the traces of the fact that the day before you had to cry a lot and for a long time;
  • relieves muscle spasm:
  • rejuvenates and tightens the skin around the eyes;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • reduces the severity of hematoma under the eye (bruise);
  • moisturizes the skin well.

This is such a miraculous and multifunctional cosmetic product. cooling mask for the skin around the eyes. Branded glasses with gel filler are especially effective, as they are very well designed. Granule-balls maintain a low temperature inside the polyethylene for a long time, preventing it from heating up from the skin. Another advantage is that the skin does not come into direct contact with any ingredients. Everything is done by the cold, so the risk of allergies is reduced to almost zero. Only benefits - and nothing more, but under one condition: if the mask is used correctly.

Be careful! A cooling eye mask can be dangerous if the thin and sensitive skin in this area of ​​the face. Do not forget that it lacks a protective fat layer, and therefore requires special, delicate care.

Instructions for use

Many people are interested how to use a cooling eye mask, especially if it concerns a branded product. Although in this case no questions should arise, since they are accompanied detailed instructions. Each manufacturer, of course, has its own “highlights” in the development of such gel glasses, but the scheme of their use is basically the same for all such products.

  1. Make sure that the gel beads in the cooling mask are distributed evenly in its cavity, as they constantly tend to roll down.
  2. How long a cooling mask lasts depends largely on you. You need to handle it very carefully: if you accidentally damage its outer shell, it will no longer be suitable for use, since the gel balls will burst and spill out.
  3. Find the best option for attaching the cooling mask to your eyes. Adjust the Velcro ties so that the headband does not put pressure on your head, otherwise you will end up with a sore head. You also can’t loosen it too much, otherwise it will constantly fall off and run across your face.
  4. Before use, place the cooling gel eye mask on the top shelf of the refrigerator door for 15 minutes so that it absorbs the cold.
  5. Under no circumstances should you put such a mask in the freezer or microwave - this will simply ruin it.
  6. After you have put the cooling mask on your eyes, it is, of course, better to lie down. But if, for example, you don’t have time in the morning, you can cook breakfast in it.
  7. Time of action individually, largely depends on the manufacturer. But on average it ranges from 5 to 15 minutes. Remember that the skin around the eyes is too sensitive and low temperatures will not have a positive effect on it.
  8. Some manufacturers of cooling eye masks go even further and allow women to wear them without even removing their makeup first. However, wise representatives of the fair sex, of course, understand that in this case the mask will not work 100%. So it’s better to wash your face and remove makeup before such relaxation so that your skin is clean and can relax completely.
  9. For such a mask between uses you need care properly: wash it in warm water and soap so that bacteria do not settle on it.

Want to get the most out of a cooling eye mask? In this case, try to follow the instructions for the purchased product. Any retreat or experiment may be fraught side effects in the form of severe redness and microdamage from hypothermia. And, of course, a lot will depend on how much you purchased such a mask for and what manufacturer it is from.

Helpful advice. Do not overuse a cooling eye mask - sensitive skin simply cannot withstand its use too often. Either once a day, or every other day.

TOP 10 best cooling gel masks for the skin around the eyes will help you navigate the variety of similar products that exist on the modern cosmetology market. Get acquainted with prices and manufacturing brands, as well as some features of individual gel masks.

  1. EyesCover is a cooling gel eye mask with an immediate effect of tightening the skin and eliminating swelling. Greece. $16.8.
  2. Masque Relaxant is a relaxing cooling eye mask with gel filler. L'Etoile. France. $5.9.
  3. Medolla - cooling gel eye mask (at the same time it can also serve as a warming mask if it is placed in the refrigerator and in slightly hot (up to 60 ° C) water before use. China. $5.1.
  4. Gel eye mask from Kristaller. Cooling and warming at the same time. China. $4.9.
  5. Cooling eye mask. Avon(Avon). USA. $3.7.
  6. Face & Eye Cooling Mask - cooling gel mask for eyes and face. Oriflame. Switzerland. $2.5.
  7. Bio-optic Cool Mask - cooling gel mask-glasses for eyes. Ericson Laboratoire. France. It’s good because the line includes additional remedy from the same series - a compress with a soothing decongestant eye lotion Bio-Optic. $1.7.
  8. Gelex is a gel cosmetic eye mask with a cooling effect. Delta Therm. Russia. $1.
  9. Cooling eye mask based on herbs (mint, chamomile). Bath things. Russia. $0.8.
  10. Good Look - gel eye mask. Russia. $0.8.

Cooling goggle masks for the eyes on the modern market are presented in a fairly wide range. There are funds here for those who spend considerable sums on cosmetics (premium class), and for those who prefer budget options (mass market). But when for some reason there is no opportunity to purchase a branded product, you can find an alternative - homemade masks with a cooling effect.

According to statistics. Most positive feedback We collected cooling gel masks from Avon and Oriflame.

Homemade cooling mask recipes

You can also prepare something similar at home, although, of course, you don’t have any gel balls or carnival headbands with Velcro on hand. Firstly, an excellent alternative to cooling eye masks from branded manufacturers is rubbing the eyelids with ice cubes. Secondly, based on some ingredients, you can always prepare a regular homemade mask with a cooling effect.

  • Cucumber

Cut the cucumber, kept in the refrigerator for at least an hour, into slices and apply to the eyes for 5 minutes. The most effective express mask for puffiness and bags under the eyes in the morning. You can prepare a puree from the same vegetable in the evening, after peeling it and seeds, and put it in the refrigerator, and the next morning, wrap it in gauze and apply it to your eyelids for 5-10 minutes.

  • Dairy

This is cooling compress mask with for the skin around the eyes, which well relieves fatigue after a hard day at work. Soak cotton pads in cold milk and apply to eyes for 10 minutes.

  • Peach

Turn the peeled peach pulp into puree, keep in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, beat with egg white in an arbitrary proportion. This cooling mask will make the skin around the eyes as soft as a peach itself, + it has a pronounced lifting effect.

  • Mint

Grind the mint leaves, keep in the refrigerator under pressure for 1.5-2 hours, wrap in multi-layer gauze, and apply to the eyelids.

  • Teahouse

The most widely available, well-known, popular and even to some extent primitive eye mask is made from already used tea bags. You can prepare a cooling tea mask at home using green tea. You will need not the bags, but the tea leaves themselves. It needs to be squeezed out, kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

A gel cooling mask-compress for the eyes in the form of glasses is a cosmetic product that should be in the arsenal of every self-respecting woman. Modern conditions Life is such that the eyes are subjected to very heavy loads and the skin around them requires special care - delicate and expressly restorative. This is exactly what masks of this kind are.

/5 – Ratings:


The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most sensitive. Eyelid skin requires careful care, since it has practically no muscles and subcutaneous fat. It is most prone to stretching and the first wrinkles appear on the skin around the eyes.

We offer you a selection of different masks for the skin around the eyes made from natural products!

Take care of yourself, smile more often and BE HEALTHY!

Masks for the skin around the eyes with parsley:

1. Mask of parsley and sour cream.
Mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with 1 teaspoon of finely chopped parsley. Apply the mask to the skin around the eyes, cover with damp cotton swabs. Rinse off after 15 minutes with lukewarm water.

2. Parsley mask with butter or margarine.
Mix 10 grams of finely chopped parsley with 20 grams of margarine or butter or sour cream.

3. Parsley mask.
Simply apply freshly crushed parsley to your eyelids, cover with damp cotton balls and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

4. Eye mask from parsley root.
This mask will help with swollen eyelid skin. Grate the parsley root on a fine grater and apply the resulting mixture to your eyelids for 15-20 minutes.

Masks for the skin around the eyes with potatoes:
These masks remove dark circles under the eyes and nourish the skin.

5. The simplest thing is to boil the potato in its jacket and wait until it cools down. When the potatoes are just warm, cut them into two parts with a knife and place them on your eyes for 30-40 minutes.

6. Mask made from raw potatoes, milk and flour.
Grate the washed, unpeeled potatoes on a fine grater. Mix 2 teaspoons of the resulting mass with 1 tablespoon of milk and two teaspoons of flour. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Honey eye masks:

7. For dry skin, this mask for the skin around the eyes is suitable: Mix one teaspoon of honey with egg yolk. Apply to eyelids and leave for 10 minutes.

8. Honey eye mask for wrinkles:
Mix two teaspoons of honey with two tablespoons of oatmeal and a spoon of strong tea. Add water to make the mask the required thickness. Steam the mixture to steam the flakes. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask first with warm, then cool water. Moisturize your skin with cream after application.

9. Honey-curd eye mask.
Mix 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and a tablespoon of cream or a few drops olive oil. Apply to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes.

Other recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes:

10. Peach mask.
Mash a ripe peach and add a spoonful of cream, sour cream, milk or starch to the resulting pulp.

11. Banana mask.
Mash a ripe banana into a pulp, mix with a teaspoon of milk and apply to the skin of the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

12. Oatmeal mask.
This mask will soothe irritated skin and smooth delicate dry skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with 4 tablespoons of milk or cream. When the flakes swell, roll them into 2 parts and wrap each in gauze. Place the prepared compresses on your eyes for 20 minutes.

13. Strawberry eye mask.
This homemade mask nourishes and smoothes the skin around the eyes. Mash 2-3 strawberries with a fork until thick and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Wrap the resulting mask in gauze and place it on your eyes for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, wipe your skin with a cotton swab soaked in milk.

14. Sauerkraut mask.
Wrap the cabbage in gauze and place it on your eyelids. Lie with her for 15-20 minutes in a dark room.

15. Fresh cabbage mask.
Finely chop the cabbage, wrap it in gauze and place it on your eyes for 15-20 minutes.

Good day, beautiful girls (

I know that there are no others on Cosmetist)

Lately I have been very concerned about caring for the skin around my eyes. I am 30 years old. There are some small crow's feet. I have had dark circles under my eyes since childhood, but only concealer helps with them.

Here is my little eye, which shows all the existing problems (

Suddenly, this photo will help you choose a mask

I have still decided on the cream for the area around the eyes. But I would also like to apply some kind of mask to my eyes. To prevent swelling, moisturize and smooth the skin. For some reason I'm more inclined towards eye patches. Namely:

1. Estee Lauder Stress Relief Eye Mask – A stress-relieving mask for the skin around the eyes

2. Shiseido Pure Retinol Instant Treatment Eye Mask – Instant mask for the eye area

3. SHISEIDO Benefiance - Regenerating mask for the skin around the eyes

4. THALGO Rejuvenating mask-compress for eyes

Has anyone tried these masks or similar ones? Please help me with the choice. I just want the very best mask. So that after it the effect is AWESOME (in a good way)

if this happens at all

Maybe you came across something else for these purposes. I will listen to all advice.

Thanks in advance to everyone who responded!

Many ladies have long paid attention to gel eye masks made in the form of glasses. Manufacturers promise clarity of vision, elimination of the effect of disappearance of wrinkles, etc. Whether this is actually true is discussed in the article.

Medolla gel mask

The delicate skin around the eyes needs delicate care. Expensive cosmetic preparations have been created for this purpose. In addition, you can additionally use an excellent and rather old method of exposing the skin to cold or heat. Previously, women resorted to uncomfortable-to-use wet compresses. With them you had to lie motionless on the sofa and wipe away the drops of water running down your face.

A convenient, modern product that is adjustable and also has slits is the Medolla gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that you can sit in a chair with it and move if necessary. 10-15 minutes after the start of the procedure, the skin is noticeably fresher and transformed, and swelling is significantly reduced. This mask consists of balls filled with gel. They remain soft when heated and cooled.

Efficacy and use of the mask

Easily relieves pain, for example, after working at the computer, such a savior for many girls as a gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that the effectiveness of the product lies in its following properties:

  1. Rejuvenation, that is, after the procedure is completed, the lifting effect becomes clearly noticeable.
  2. Elimination of redness from visual stress.
  3. Improving blood circulation.
  4. Reduces unsightly bags and dark circles.

A warming mask should be used for muscle spasms, fatigue, and as a home SPA treatment. It improves blood circulation and acts as an excellent pain reliever. Eliminates dry skin, smoothing out fine wrinkles, which significantly rejuvenates.

To use, place the product in the refrigerator and then put it on your face. To quickly cool the mask, you can use the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Or heat it in hot water at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for the same time. Boiling and using a microwave oven have a detrimental effect on a product such as a gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that it is not limited in any way if used carefully.

Avon eye glasses

We live in a time when, in addition to expensive procedures, there are ways to maintain beauty and health without significant effort, and many of us are concerned about the problem of red eyes after working at the computer and are especially frightened by our own appearance in the mirror in the evening. The problem is solved by using something as simple as a mask or glasses. Previously, these products were completely filled with gel, which leaked out when their integrity was accidentally damaged. But modern glasses are made from rolling balls.

In addition, it is attached to the head with Velcro, so the Avon gel eye mask is suitable for any size. Reviews indicate that the undoubted advantages of the balls are:

  1. Massage effect.
  2. Damage to only 1 ball when piercing, and not the entire mask.

Cooling effect of glasses

The manufacturer indicates that the product is suitable for use both heated and cooled. Customers mainly note: the gel eye mask is simply ideal for relieving fatigue and tension. Reviews indicate that relief is felt immediately after putting on the product. Although sometimes the girls noted that using glasses was somewhat unpleasant, since the cold affected the eyes. Not everyone feels this, but the most susceptible ladies have to move their pupils with their eyelids closed.

Many girls do not notice the disappearance of wrinkles. But they admit that, rather, for this you do not need to forget about a heated mask, which eliminates dry skin, smoothing out fine wrinkles. Reviews indicate that the product perfectly relieves fatigue, transforming the eyes. They become shiny and rested. A similar effect can be achieved using chilled tablespoons placed on the fabric.

Eyes Cover

Cover gel mask does an excellent job of relieving fatigue, tightening and brightening the skin. Reviews confirm that it is enough to carry out the procedure for 5-7 minutes daily. A good option is a combination of glasses with the use of cosmetics. This mask can be used at any age. For better effect Cooled glasses should be applied to the face in the morning, and hot glasses should be applied in the late afternoon.

You can find both enthusiastic and negative reviews about this product. The question arises: “Who is right?” It's actually worth looking at the situation realistically. The mask is not some kind of innovative facial procedure, but a convenient and more functional substitute for eye compresses. You should not give up creams that are used to eliminate existing problems. A gel eye mask significantly improves the effectiveness of cosmetic products. Reviews suggest that you should not think that this is because the mask alone is not really capable of eliminating deep wrinkles in a month, as advertising may promise.

What are the benefits of such masks, judging by the reviews?

These masks can be applied to the forehead to get rid of fatigue and increase vitality. You should have them in your first aid kit, as glasses can relieve pain and partially relieve a fever.

They certainly help with minor swelling and provide cooling in the heat. They don’t completely get rid of wrinkles, although they do reduce them. A reusable gel eye mask also helps relieve fever due to its cooling ability. Reviews confirm that the product is easy to use and indispensable for children.

The mask is able to take a shape that is anatomically close to the surface of the skin, which enhances the healing effect. Although not all girls agree with this: in reviews, customers may complain about the mark remaining on the bridge of the nose.

That is, the mask is actually a useful and modern offer from the beauty industry. Don't think that it will smooth out all the wrinkles in a month. You need to be patient and put warm glasses on your eyes in the evening, and cooling glasses in the morning. And it is not advisable to deny yourself the use of additional cosmetics. As you know, it is the complex effect on the skin and the regularity of procedures that allow you to maintain youth.


  • Narrows capillaries - a real salvation for those with sensitive skin prone to rosacea.
  • Helps with dermatitis and allergic reactions.
  • Removes morning puffiness.
  • Quickly soothes the skin after acid peeling (by the evening you will be fully prepared).


As a rule, the cryo mask contains mint or spirulina juice (cryogenic algae). Both components give that frosty effect. By the way, thanks to which the superficial blood vessels narrow and the skin brightens. Consider fresh look you're guaranteed.

On the picture: Refreshing gel mask with essential oils Gel Mask, Anne Semonin; Purifying mask with minerals and white clay Pure Empreinte, Lancome; Night renewing mask Skin Regimen Night Renewer, [comfort zone]; Moisturizing mask Thirstymud Hydrating Treatment, GlamGlow

Warming mask

What is he doing:

  • It opens the pores and, as a result, prepares the epidermis for cleansing - what those with combination and problem skin need.
  • Stimulates blood circulation and improves lymph flow - option with anti-age prefix.
  • Fights dehydration and dull complexion.

How does it work:

Due to nicotinic acid, camphor extract, horseradish or red pepper, these masks warm up the skin. You wash it off and apply your cream immediately after - the active components from its formula will penetrate into the deeper layers.

Just keep in mind that warming agents are strictly contraindicated for skin prone to rosacea. And after them, your face turns red - apply a thermal mask at least a couple of hours before going out.