When are the best days to cut your hair? The most accurate lunar calendar of haircuts for hair growth

This article does not analyze the technical aspects of cutting hair, but examines other, also interesting rules for cutting hair, which are related to who should cut their hair, when is the best time to cut their hair - on what day to cut their hair, is it possible to cut your own hair, and other similar questions. In general, these rules are peculiar signs of hair cutting.

Nine rules for cutting hair:

First Rule of Haircuts.

You should choose the person who will cut your hair quite seriously, since he will begin to change your biofield by cutting your hair. This means that when visiting a hairdresser you need to choose a hairdresser who is cheerful and energetic, and after a haircut from such a master, your life will definitely change for the better. The influence on you also depends on the age of the hairdresser - the older the master, the greater his influence.

If you are an independent person and like to solve your own problems, then you should choose a hairdresser who is either younger than you or the same age as you, but not older. If you are unlucky in life, and you do not know the reason for these unlucky situations, then you should get your hair cut by a hairdresser when you are older, even if this haircut will cost more than usual.

The second rule of haircuts.

It is better to have your hair cut by a person of the same gender as you, since during a haircut the mental, astral and etheric biofield changes, and as a result, at this moment we can succumb to someone else’s influence quite easily. And it may turn out that a master of the opposite sex will like you and this situation will lead to troubles in your personal life, or maybe, on the contrary, to pleasures - everyone has their own situation.

The third rule of haircuts.

You should never cut your own hair. It is very difficult for any person, no matter how strong and strong-willed he is, to correct the deformations of his biofield, so he does this with the help of his own deformed energy. And it turns out that by cutting your hair you can only harm yourself.

The fourth rule of haircuts.

Do you wish rapid growth your hair after cutting it - then you should cut your hair during the full moon. If you want to change some properties of your hair (for example, it doesn’t listen to you, it’s constantly tangled), then you should go to the hairdresser during the waning moon. But if you cut your hair during the waning moon, you should know that your hair will grow much slower. If you want to strengthen your hair roots (for example, they are falling out a lot), then you should get your hair cut on the waning moon.

The fifth rule of haircuts.

Hair should not be thrown into water after cutting. This sign is worth following and following, and then you will keep your hair healthy and lush until old age.

The sixth rule of haircuts.

On some days according to the lunar calendar, cutting your hair is prohibited. It is forbidden to have a satanic haircut lunar days- 9, 15, 23 and 29 according to the lunar calendar. You should also not cut your hair during solar and lunar eclipses. Hair cut these days can lead to illness in the body.

The seventh rule of haircuts

The day of the week on which you cut your hair is also important.

Monday- a good day for a haircut. A large number of bad emotions can be removed with a haircut on this day. Monday is also good for dyeing your hair.

Tuesday- if you have a problem in your life and you don’t have the willpower to solve it, then you should go to the hairdresser on this day. Also on this day you should go get a haircut if you lack activity and are tired of the monotony of life.

Wednesday- you should cut your hair on this day if you want to learn something interesting or new, meet new people, go somewhere to travel, or simply change the situation in many aspects of life.

Thursday- this day promotes well-being and good luck, changes in relationships between people, and contributes to the acquisition of popularity by the person himself.

Friday- this is the day of beauty, and by changing your hairstyle, you change your appearance as a whole. Therefore, if there is no desire to change, then it is better not to cut your hair on this Friday. But if, on the contrary, you want to look prettier and change, then on Friday you should go to the hairdresser, especially on the days when the Sun goes to Capricorn (this is from December 24 to January 22), or when the Sun goes to Taurus (this is from April 22 to 21 May).

Saturday- another good day for a haircut. Hair becomes healthier, some karmic sins and debts are removed.

Sunday - it is better not to cut your hair on this day, as you can cut your luck or slaughter your destiny. It is worth getting a haircut on this day for people who are constantly haunted by failures - it is possible that such a haircut will change the situation the other way around and the failures will disappear, although no one gives a guarantee of this.

The eighth rule of haircuts.

The day of your haircut should also be in harmony with your birthday.

Born in Monday The energy of Thursday, Friday and Saturday is in harmony - so it’s better to get a haircut on these days. Poor connection between Monday and Sunday.

Tuesday- related to the energies of Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. And the forces of Monday and Friday are unfavorable for those born on Tuesday.

Wednesday- means it’s better to get a haircut on Sunday, and refuse to get a haircut on Thursday.

Thursday harmonious with the energies of Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Negative Thursday and Wednesday.

Friday the strength of Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday is close. Poor connection between Friday and Tuesday.

Saturday- Friday is favorable and Sunday is unfavorable.

Sunday- Tuesday and Thursday are favorable, and Monday is unfavorable.

The ninth rule of haircuts.

The speed and quality of our hair growth is affected by the position of the Moon. This means you need to choose a good lunar day for cutting your hair and correcting your hairstyle. A favorable time must be selected taking into account the position of the Moon in a particular zodiac sign.

The Moon is in Aries - not favorable period for cutting hair, although it does not affect their condition. Negative side lies in the fact that a person’s immunity weakens, which means that the risk of getting sick increases.

The moon is in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - this is a favorable time for visiting a hairdresser, since hair grows quickly, has few split ends and quickly gains strength.

The moon is in Gemini or Libra - airy hairstyles are best done during this period. This time promotes rapid hair growth.

Moon in Pisces or Cancer - hair growth slows down, although the hair is saturated with vitality.

The Moon in Leo is not a very good time for cutting your hair if everything is going well in your life, and vice versa, this is a good period when everything is bad for you and you need to change your rhythm and lifestyle.

The Moon in Scorpio is a treacherous time, because it affects relationships with the opposite sex, your personal life, and it is not clear exactly whether it will improve or worsen - anything can happen.

The Moon in Sagittarius has a good effect on career advancement, achievements at work, and helps to achieve success and social status.

The Moon in Aquarius is a bad period for cutting hair and therefore it is better not to cut your hair at this time.

These were the rules for cutting hair. They usually say that if you want to change something in life, then start changing with your hairstyle, i.e. get a haircut. And these seemingly small changes can lead to big changes in your life. Therefore, it is probably important to choose the right day for a haircut so that these changes are positive.

Even in ancient times, people believed in the supernatural powers of the moon. They worshiped her, brought her gifts, sang and adored her.

Thousands of years ago, humanity learned to compile lunar calendars, which were supposed to tell which day of the lunar cycle is best to start planting and harvesting, when it is better to start new things, and when it is better to devote time to old activities.

By observing the Moon and the behavior of a particular process in a certain lunar cycle, people began to understand that it is a strong energy resource that can provide both positive and negative energy, control the ebb and flow of water, and have an effect on the organisms of all living things.

The influence of the lunar cycle on the body

It is known that the so-called human biorhythms, on which our general condition depends, significantly depend on the rotation of the Moon. There are completed and unfinished cycles of the Moon. During the unfinished cycle of twenty-nine days, people feel extremely agitated and are not entirely able to adequately assess each situation. Such cycles experience the most a large number of accidents and disasters that occur due to human fault. But during completed lunar cycles, people feel much better. This time is favorable for new beginnings, for completing old affairs and travel.

The lunar month consists of four phases, each of which has a unique effect on our planet. A new moon is the combination of the Sun and Moon. Full Moon - the Moon is opposite to the Sun. And there are also passing phases - growing and decreasing. Each phase of the lunar cycle lasts about a week.

About the influence of the Moon on the human psyche

In addition to the general lunar calendar, there is an individual one. The beginning of the month is taken to be the person's birthday. This calendar is constant from birth until death. Many researchers believe that if everyone on the planet knew and followed the advice of their individual lunar calendar, then humanity would be able to avoid many dangers, disagreements, and quarrels. And with all this, everyone could get the necessary amount of energy for themselves, be healthy and happy.

It is believed that character is influenced by the location of the Moon and the Sun during the period of conception and birth. People have learned to compile special calendars and so-called horoscopes. The most accurate horoscopes are those that are compiled based on many factors. The exact time of birth, place, weather and much more are taken into account. Many pop stars, politicians and athletes believe in the supernatural powers of the Moon, therefore they adhere to their horoscopes, which are compiled for them by astrologers and numerologists.

Everyone has long known that the Moon is responsible for water. Water is the source of life, and we are made up of more than seventy percent of it. Therefore, it cannot be denied that the Moon affects the human body.

The influence of the Moon on a person during the new moon

During this period, the gravity of the Moon and the Sun increases, a person’s mass becomes smaller, fluids are distributed throughout the body, thereby harmonizing all processes in the body. In this cycle, it is most effective to prevent certain diseases. The resulting vitamins and minerals will be absorbed better and faster during this period. But on a new moon, a person’s psychological state remains unstable. The psyche is unstable, the number of psychological disorders is increasing. Men should especially beware of this time, as they are most susceptible to the influence of the new moon.

Influence of the Moon in the first phase

If you carry out health cycles during this period, they will bring the most results compared to other periods. Therefore, astrologers advise taking care of your physical and psychological health precisely in the first phase of the waxing moon. If you are wondering on which lunar days it is better to cut your hair so that it grows faster, is strong and healthy, then this period is just the most favorable for changing your hairstyle. Women have long been interested in the influence of the Moon on their hair. Long, thick hair is the standard of female beauty, so ancient beauties cut their locks only in favorable days.

Second phase of the waxing moon

This period is favorable for cleansing the body of harmful substances. Diets and fasts are easy to tolerate these days. The greatest results in weight loss can be observed precisely in this phase of the moon. If you are interested in which lunar days are best to cut your hair so that it is thick and strong, then feel free to go to the hairdresser during the second phase of the waxing Moon. If you want to make yourself short haircut and you don’t want your hair to grow back quickly, it’s better to wait a couple of weeks until the new phase begins.

Full moon

On full moon days, people most often experience stress, dissatisfaction, irritation and agitation. When you can observe in the sky, everything increases sexual attraction. This is explained by the fact that energy rushes mostly to the genital area, so the craving for the opposite sex becomes stronger. Conceptions during this period are most complete.

Third phase of the moon

During this period, it is better to avoid heavy physical activity, since the fluid in the body, along with energy, is compressed, which can provoke various types of injuries.

Fourth phase of the moon

Experts advise observing moderation in everything at this time, since excessive attention to one type of activity can lead to negative consequences. You can engage in cleansing procedures for the body and monitor proper nutrition.

If you decide to change something in your life, then it is better to start not with Monday, but with the new lunar cycle - the new moon. A business or project started during this period will bring more benefits and results than in any other lunar cycle. The most favorable days for learning something new and forming new habits are the days of the new moon. Start following the lunar calendar and you will soon notice how your life has changed.

On which lunar days is it better to cut your hair? Beautiful hair and the influence of the moon

A visit to the hairdresser is a very important moment for any woman. After all, beautiful and well-groomed hair is so important for a self-respecting girl and woman. If you are thinking about which lunar days it is better to cut your hair so that it is especially beautiful, then the tips given below will be useful for you.

The ideal time for this, without losing shine, thickness and strength, is the full moon. for cutting hair will help you find long curls, they will grow faster, but become dull, lose strength and moisture.

But not only the phase of the moon for hair cutting is important, but also the time of the procedure. Pay special attention to this, and then you will not regret having a new hairstyle. You can get your hair cut when the Moon is in the sign of Leo or Virgo (both waxing and waning). Hair will not grow as quickly, but moisture and health will remain.

Whatever lunar day you choose for a haircut, pay attention to the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located. If this is the sign of Pisces or Cancer, then it is better to refrain from changing your image and wait for a more favorable time. Hair cut on days under the sign of Pisces or Cancer will lose strength and will quickly break and fall out.

Haircuts are not recommended on lunar days, when the celestial body is in its waning stage, especially if you dream of long hair. Hairstyles are also not recommended during this period. The exception is days when the Moon is in the sign of Leo and Virgo.

Lunar haircut calendar. Favorable days for haircuts (January-June 2015)

The moon and hair cutting are very interconnected. If you visit the hairdresser on an unfavorable day, you risk being unhappy with your new look. Follow the lunar haircut calendar, then troubles of this kind will bypass you.

The most favorable days for haircuts in January are:

  • January 1st, Thursday: The moon is waxing, in the sign of Taurus.
  • January twenty-first, Wednesday: Waxing moon in the sign of Aquarius.
  • January twenty-second, Thursday: Lena is growing, in the sign of Aquarius.

This month it is not recommended to carry out coloring and perms hair, as the coloring result may be too intense. The curl may also be too strong, and the result will disappoint you.

  • February twenty-fourth, Tuesday: Waxing moon in the sign of Taurus.
  • Third of February, Tuesday: Waxing moon in the sign of Leo.
  • The sixteenth of February, Monday: waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn.

This month you can safely dye your hair any color. If you've been wanting to experiment for a long time, now is the time.

Favorable lunar days. Haircut, month of March:

  • March twenty-fourth, Tuesday: Waxing moon in the sign of Taurus.
  • March thirty-first, Tuesday: Waxing moon in the sign of Leo.
  • Second of March, Monday: The moon is waxing, in the sign of Leo.

Hair grows especially quickly during this month, so it is not recommended to dye your hair a new color.

  • First of April, Monday: Waxing moon in the sign of Taurus.
  • April twentieth, Wednesday: Waxing moon in the sign of Virgo.
  • April twenty-ninth, Wednesday: Waxing moon in the sign of Virgo.

If you want your hair to grow faster, the roots to become stronger, and your style to last longer, cut your hair and get new hairstyles this month.

  • May 9th, Saturday: waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn.
  • The nineteenth of May, Tuesday: The moon is waxing, in the sign of Gemini.
  • May twentieth, Wednesday: Waxing moon in the sign of Gemini.

The waxing Moon in May will be especially favorable for haircuts. Do head massages and cut your hair this month, and after a while you will see for yourself that your curls have become strong and silky. It's better to do it in May new hairstyle or styling, it will be especially resistant.

Haircuts in June:

  • June seventeenth, Wednesday: Waxing moon in the sign of Cancer.
  • June twentieth, Monday: Waxing moon in the sign of Leo.
  • June twenty-second, Saturday: Waxing moon in the sign of Virgo.

The most favorable days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar this month are the twentieth and twenty-second of June. The Moon is in the sign of Leo and Virgo respectively. If you get a new haircut on one of these days, you should soon feel the Vital energy and creativity increases. If you get your hair cut on Saturday, rest assured that you will definitely not be left alone. But getting a haircut on a day when the Moon is in the sign of Cancer can bring a little trouble. Hair will become unruly. But if you oily skin head, then a haircut on this day will help get rid of excess sebum. It is not recommended for those with dry and brittle hair to get their hair cut on Wednesday.

Haircut on a bad day

Cutting your hair on lunar days at a favorable time will never harm your hair. But what to do if you learned about the lunar haircut calendar only after visiting a hairdresser, and the day of the procedure turned out to be unfavorable? There is a way out of this situation. Look on the calendar for the next date for a haircut and go to the hairdresser on this day, ask to cut off a few millimeters of hair. This time, do not forget to take into account that the phase of the moon for hair cutting plays an important role. Don't change your hairstyle while the Moon is in Pisces or Cancer.

March has arrived ahead of April 2020, the next season is ending. When the seasons change, you need to take more care of your curls.
So it's time to analyze moon calendar hair cutting for the winter months. Just in case, for those who have not yet decided when to go to the salon, on this page we have posted a lunar haircut calendar for March and April 2020. On this page you will learn all about the most favorable days for a visit to the hairdresser in order to answer the questions yourself the eternal question “is it possible to get a haircut today?”

Today, it is already generally accepted that hair grows better if it is cut according to the lunar calendar.

A lunar haircut should be done in April and March 2020 (as well as in any other month) on favorable days when your energy level increases.
Visiting a hairdresser at an unfavorable time can have a negative impact on your health. Therefore, everything related to the moon in March must be strictly observed.
What else needs to be done according to the phases of the moon? Honestly, any procedures related to your health and beauty. In cool and hot months, it is advisable to carry out everything from hair removal to Botox injections and mesotherapy in accordance with the recommendations of the Moon. It is she, your oracle.

Remember - cutting your nails, doing hair removal and fasting should be guided by the advice of the Moon.

Now about favorable days.
In March 2020, we cut our hair on the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 26th, 27th, 28th, 31st

Table of favorable days March 2020

What is a lunar calendar?

It has been known since ancient times that the moon influences everyone living on Earth. So a woman’s whole life is subordinated to the lunar calendar.
A woman's normal menstrual cycle is a lunar month (28 days), and the period from conception to birth of a child is ten lunar months(280 days).

The fact that hair grows better if we choose certain days when caring for it was not invented today or even a hundred years ago.
People thought that better days recommends the oracle.

The lunar calendar is already several thousand years old. It was compiled back in ancient times, when they saw that the phases of the moon affect the health and growth of hair.

Even the ancient Incas were well aware of the influence of the Moon on the human body, and they strictly followed this haircut rule.
In addition, by choosing the right day to cut your hair and nails, you will not only improve your hair, but will have a positive effect on longevity, luck and visual attractiveness.

On the contrary, the wrong day can harm your vitality.

In Tibet they believe that if you cut your hair on the first day of the moon, you will shorten your life.
Not only the Incas, but also the ancient Egyptians knew that if you cut your hair during the waxing moon, your hair will grow faster and become thicker.

But going to the hairdresser during the waning moon slows down growth.

The famous Parisian hairdresser Alexander brought the lunar calendar of haircuts back into our everyday life. While cutting people's hair, he discovered a long-forgotten truth - in order for hair to become thicker (and then grow better), it must be cut in accordance with the moon.

These laws are based on the fact that with the beginning of the waxing phase of the moon, the activity of all systems of the human body grows and reaches its maximum during the full moon.

Therefore, the development of hair renewed by a haircut also increases.

By cutting your hair monthly during the waxing moon, at least by 2-3 mm, you will not only improve the quality of your hair, but also activate its growth.

By the way, it’s better to apply makeup when the moon is waxing - on such days the paint applies better. It is not necessary to perform a full haircut - it is enough to trim the ends of the strands when the Moon is waxing. This is the advice given by the oracle.

Some stylists advise that if you do not want to visit the hairdresser often, choose days when the moon is waning - slow growth of your curls is guaranteed.

Although we would not recommend choosing a waning moon to visit the salon. After all, many peoples have a belief that if you cut your hair during the waning moon, not only will your hair be bad for life, but your life will change for the worse.

So that you always know when you can get a haircut in March and when it is better to refuse this event, we have posted a calendar on the website.
You will learn not only how to get a haircut correctly, but also when it is recommended to do cosmetic surgery, visit a massage and sauna.

Day Day of the week Lunar day number In the zodiac Phase Favorable and unfavorable days
1 Sun 7,8 Twins Waxing Crescent The day, according to the lunar calendar for haircuts in March, was clearly “trump”. You need to use it: get your hair cut and make up.
2 Mon 8,9 Drive away melancholy and sadness. Today you can’t cut your hair, but you can read, wash the floor, dry the pillows. This is worth continuing tomorrow.
3 W 9,10 The calendar shows the beginning of March, there is a partial Moon in the sky. It's a bad time to go to the salon. Have you scored the handyman for tomorrow? According to the lunar haircut calendar, this, alas, is again a bad decision.
4 Wed 10,11 Cancer Put everything aside. According to the lunar calendar, haircuts for March are one of the few extremely successful days to visit the salon
5 Thu 11,12 Unfavorable day. Bad time, today it is not recommended to cut your hair
6 Fri 12,13 Leo The lunar haircut calendar for March 2020 gives an optimistic forecast. The decision is yours.
7 Sat 13,14 Didn't go to the salon yesterday? But in vain. Today you can go anywhere, but it’s better to visit a salon. Shortening your hair and coloring it should not be postponed for a couple of days. The best day, alas, is not coming soon.
8 Sun 14,15 Virgo The lunar calendar recommends hair cutting. Let's believe and go to the stylists.
9 Mon 15,16 Full moon The lunar haircut calendar for March 2020 does not give an optimistic forecast. The decision is yours.
10 W 16,17 Scales Waning moon Girls. Let's listen here. According to the lunar haircut calendar, visiting a stylist is not recommended. It's better to stay at home.
11 Wed 17,18 The lunar calendar does not recommend haircuts or hair coloring. Let's believe and not go to stylists.
12 Thu 18,19 Scorpion According to the lunar calendar, you can get a haircut on this day in March. You should visit a salon or hairdresser today. And not only for you.
13 Fri 19 A favorable day for cutting and coloring hair. We visit salons. No to old hairstyles. You give a new one...at the old prices.
14 Sat 20 Sagittarius Neutral day. According to the lunar calendar for March, it may have been created for cutting hair. Take your time, a visit to the salon is recommended tomorrow
15 Sun 20,21 It’s the 15th on the calendar, there’s a partial moon outside. It's a good time to go to the salon. According to the lunar calendar of March haircuts, it’s time to remember the hairdressers and scissors.
16 Mon 21,22 Capricorn Neutral day. According to the lunar calendar for haircuts in March, there may be a better day to go to the hairdresser
17 W 22,23 According to the lunar haircut calendar, you will have time to shorten your hair in March, today or tomorrow.
18 Wed 23,24 The meeting with the master is close. Shoot the arrow for today, a good day in March.
19 Thu 24,25 Aquarius Unfavorable day for a haircut. Did you hold on with all your might? The meeting with the master is close. Score the arrow in a couple of days.
20 Fri 25,26 The lunar calendar recommends against cutting and other hair operations. And guarantees success in other endeavors. But until April, the lunar calendar will present days when the meeting with the stylist will be successful.
21 Sat 26,27 Fish A good day for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar. Especially for those who go to the recording master and are not in order general queue. There are not enough chairs for everyone, today I need to shorten my hair.
22 Sun 27,28 Hurry, after just a couple of days cutting and coloring are not recommended. So today or tomorrow, visit all stores, including grocery stores, only after cutting your hair
23 Mon 28,29 Time to meet with your stylist. There is something to show, something to ask, something to talk about, but the main thing is not to cut your hair.
24 W 29,30,1 Aries New moon Not a day for a haircut. It's time to remember about household chores, children, and, by the way, call your parents. And the hair will have to wait a little
25 Wed 1,2 Waxing Crescent Today we're going around the salon. We will buy a knitting kit, a Spanish tutorial, and a subscription to lectures on social psychology. In short, let's find a way to kill time.
26 Thu 2,3 Taurus According to the lunar calendar for hair cutting in March, this day is very successful. Don't miss it.
27 Fri 3,4 There is no need to wait for other indications of the lunar calendar. Time to visit the hairdresser. The month of April looms on the horizon.
28 Sat 4,5 Stylists are not resting today. April is just around the corner and we haven’t had our hair cut. Put aside all your dreams, you can and should get a haircut..., today or in April
29 Sun 5,6 Twins Unfavorable day for a haircut. The meeting with the master is close. Score the arrow to the master on another day in March.
30 Mon 6,7 To say that today you can and should cut your hair is to mislead you. The day is not made for going to the stylists.
31 W 7,8 Cancer The March lunar haircut calendar has given us another opportunity to welcome April with a new hairstyle.

An integral and far from the last part appearance every self-respecting woman is her hairstyle. It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s an intricate and complex creation from a hairdresser or an expensive one. Every year, fashion trends offer lovely ladies the opportunity to experiment a little with the length and color of their hair.

What time of year is best to cut your hair?

When is the best time to cut your hair, it’s up to you to decide. Perhaps this thought will arise spontaneously or after much thought. have always been and remain in trend. There is a fairly well-founded opinion that a well-executed haircut “removes” female face some years. Trichologists unanimously claim that you can change your hair length at any time of the year. This will not affect their structure or strength in any way.

Is it possible to cut hair in winter?

The myth that you shouldn’t change your hairstyle or shorten your curls in winter has long been debunked by experts and women themselves. The growth rate of your curls does not depend in any way on the external environment and weather conditions. Genetics rule everything, since hair follicles are born during fetal development. The question of when is the best time to get a haircut arises only because in winter period the body receives less nutrients and hair seems to grow more slowly. This is a superstition that you shouldn't get hung up on.

On which lunar day is it better to cut your hair?

The Moon, being a natural satellite of the Earth, periodically changes its appearance, depending on its illumination by the Sun. In science there is an exact definition of such a process - the phase of the Moon. Each period significantly affects the general condition of the human body and the structure of its hair. More and more often we turn our attention to the Lunar calendar, which describes the time of passage of the main phases of the night star, its location in relation to the zodiac constellations. With this guide, you can determine exactly when to cut your hair. Astrologers compose their treatises separately for each month. When planning a trip to the hairdresser, check out their recommendations. However, there are a few general rules:

  1. When it is better to cut your hair, it is during the waxing Moon - for faster growth, trim the ends.
  2. To keep your hairstyle in perfect shape for as long as possible, use the services of a hairdresser during the waning moon.
  3. The full moon and new moon are considered an unfavorable moment for any manipulation of your curls.
  4. According to the recommendations of the same astrologers, the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th lunar days are extremely unfavorable for changing the shape of a woman's hairstyle. During this period, the body’s protective functions do not work at full strength, which can lead to depletion of the energy aura. A possible result is not only a deterioration in the quality and growth of strands, but also a loss of strength.

What day of the week is best to cut your hair?

As for the question of which day of the week is better to get a haircut - here the opinions of famous stargazers completely coincide. The most positive day to spend salon procedures they call Monday. Although many consider this day difficult, deciding to change their appearance, you can try to change your attitude towards the environment:

  1. If you are overtaken, visit the hairdresser on Tuesday. Changing your image will lift your spirits.
  2. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are considered good days to visit the master. These days are filled with healthy energy, which is conducive to success in business and in personal relationships. This is exactly the time when it is better to cut your hair.
  3. You should listen to the opinion of star healers for girls with weakened curls. Saturday treatments in the salon will help strengthen and improve the condition of your curls.
  4. The only day of the week that is not suitable for manipulations of any kind is Sunday. This is a day of rest for the whole body. Don't tempt fate.

Best time to cut hair

You can choose a favorable time for a haircut yourself. First of all, this is the positivity coming from you and your master. Good mood and the professional work of a specialist during the procedure will give you great satisfaction, which will last for a long time. for a long time. Choosing “your” hairdresser, who will advise you on choosing a hairstyle, is a very important aspect in the life of every woman. If you turn to astrologers for advice, they associate the favorable period for salon procedures with the movement of the Moon through the zodiac constellations Virgo, Capricorn and Leo.

When can you cut your hair?

Trichologists recommend updating your hairstyle as needed. Even long curls, in addition to careful care, require split ends to be trimmed from time to time. According to popular belief, a favorable time for cutting hair is considered to be the period of the waxing moon. Your curls will grow faster.

Is it possible to cut your hair during your period?

Every woman knows what “critical days” are. Hormonal changes during this period affect the functioning of all body systems. Due to increased sebum production, hair becomes oily faster, which can ruin your styling. Blood loss and impaired blood circulation have Negative influence on the structure and condition of the follicle. Curls become brittle and lifeless. Additional manipulations with them are extremely undesirable.

Changing moods can be a disservice. What you liked today will disappoint you tomorrow. It’s worth considering whether it’s possible to cut your hair “these days.” The conclusion suggests itself. Your period doesn't last long. Better to wait. However, from the perspective of modern science, hairdresser's scissors will not cause much harm to your curls during menstruation. The decision in this case is yours.

Is it possible to get a haircut in the evening?

There are many superstitions and folk signs associated with various kinds manipulations in relation to our hair:

  1. The dark time of day is not very suitable for visiting the hairdresser. By changing the length of your curls you can change the length of your life or invite disaster.
  2. The evening time of day is the kingdom of negative energy, which, together with the cut ends of curls, “cuts” the connecting link between man and the sky.

All this knowledge came to us from ancient times. Modern women devote a lot of time to work and family matters. Should you cut your hair in the evening if it’s difficult to find an extra minute during the day? You can take a break from superstitions and tune in to the positive. Then nothing and no one will be able to interfere with your plans. Perhaps your master is free in late time days, and the question of when is the best time to cut your hair will not be as important as the question of who will do it.

When should you not cut your hair?

Religion prohibits cutting your hair on religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Trinity, etc.). This is not a time for work, but for a bright celebration. Don't change your hairstyle yourself. This destroys your energetic aura. If you do not have certain skills in working with scissors, you risk ruining your appearance for a long time. Natural collapses also negatively affect the condition of the hair.

When deciding to make dramatic changes to your hairstyle, it is important not only to choose the right period or day for this event. The main thing is a positive attitude and healthy optimism. On what days you can cut your hair was described above, but when you should not do it:

  1. Try not to plan your visit to the salon on Sundays or unsuitable days according to the Lunar calendar.
  2. Avoid haircuts on days when the Moon is in the zodiac constellations Cancer and Scorpio.

Hairstyle is an extremely important addition to any look. In order for a new coiffure to be successful, you need to know when it is best to cut your hair according to the lunar calendar, days of the week and the Zodiac.

Moon calendar

From time immemorial it is believed that the Moon has a strong influence on the female half of humanity. The menstrual cycle is calculated according to the lunar calendar; the phases of the satellite affect female activity, libido and even appearance. An astrological calendar will help you calculate not only days of increased activity, but also periods of loss of strength and sudden changes in mood.

Photo - Moon phases

The best women's day is the full moon (but only if you get your hair cut in the evening). This period will help cope with dry and lifeless ends, accelerate growth and increase strength. If you want to grow your braid faster, then, of course, you need to get your hair cut on a new moon. In the case when, on the contrary, there is no desire for the strands to grow quickly, then it is necessary to choose the waning Moon.

Before going to the hairdresser, you need to know not only the phase of the moon, but also the influence of a certain day of the week on you. Folk signs They say that every person has certain “dangerous” and “positive” days. For example, on Sunday it is not recommended to cut your hair for anyone except people born on that day. At the same time, “Sunday” people cannot go to the master on Monday.

What day of the week is best to cut your hair?:

  1. On Monday the girls go to the hairdresser to start new life and get rid of negativity. This is a very positive and strong period;
  2. The weekly haircut calendar claims that changing your image on Tuesday will help solve some of your financial problems. Our ancestors especially revered Tuesday and Friday. On these days, special “money” rituals were even held;
  3. A haircut on Wednesday will not bring money or a radical change in life, but it will generously reward you with new acquaintances and knowledge. This is a great time to attract interesting people into your destiny. Many mothers try to cut their children’s hair on this day of the week;
  4. Thursday is the day of glory. By changing your coiffure, you will become famous, popular, and perhaps gain new fans;
  5. Friday is beauty day. Any procedures carried out during this period will help you become more attractive and interesting. The dye will last longer and the curls will become stronger. This day of the week can also attract money and luck;
  6. On Saturday, karma is cleared. This is extremely important for those who have been working, stressed and struggling all week;
  7. Sunday helps normalize your inner world, calm him down.

Photo - Days of the week

It must be said that every day has its own antagonist (when you can’t cut your hair). If you cut your hair during this period, you may experience a dark streak in all areas of life.



The Zodiac is known for its powerful influence. It is necessary to take into account not only the positions of the stars at your own birth, but also the signs of the zodiac, when it is better to cut your hair, their lunar day and even the positions of the planets during this period:

Zodiac signInfluences and tips for choosing a hairstyle
Aries (April)It is better to have a short, sporty haircut. It will add dynamism, determination, and firmness.
Taurus (May)This sign requires a very serious approach to creating a coiffure. The most preferred models with medium length– square, cascade, asymmetry is acceptable. The sign is strong and will give you confidence and prudence.
Gemini (June)The astrological forecast claims that it was this sign that “invented” fluffy airy hairstyles - curls, chemical and bio-perms. By making such a coiffure on this day, you will cause minimal harm to your curls.
Cancer (July)Serious sign, treats well straight bob and laid cascade, during this period you can dye your curls. Will give vitality and health.
Leo (August)Unlocks potential Creative skills, inner confidence. You can do any voluminous hairstyles or long haircuts (below shoulder level).
Virgo (September)Conservative and serious sign. She prefers either neat long haircuts or extensions. Will help you earn and save money.
Libra (October)Feminine and elegant, but slightly arrogant. It is preferable to do evening styling– the rest of the coiffures will not please the owner due to the fact that they grow back quickly.
Scorpio (November)Long, straight and smooth hair- this is the main love of this sign. It will help you reveal your energy, become more desirable and sensual.
Sagittarius (December)It’s better to just cut the ends, because Sagittarius can’t stand short and medium hairstyles. Will attract success and good luck.
Capricorn (born in January)This is a well-known careerist who, after a haircut, will help you climb the career ladder. It is preferable to have tied hair or short haircuts.
Aquarius (February)The best period when you can cut your hair and give it any shape and color. Aquarians are innovators and extreme people. Any interventions are allowed. Changing your image on this day will help attract creative thinking.
Pisces (March)A good time to accelerate growth. In addition, Pisces pacifies and gives calmness and silent self-confidence.

Of course, the horoscope depends on the phases of the moon and the day of the week, but in general it will help you choose the most suitable period. It should be noted that in addition to this knowledge, it is not least important which scissors are best to cut hair (they are different for each type of strand), who does it and what kind of energy the hairdresser has.