Must exceed 1 8 mass. Standard weight of a schoolchild's backpack: Who is to blame for the fact that our children are diagnosed with spinal curvature

When getting a second-grader ready for school, parents sometimes fall into a stupor. After all, having equipped the child’s backpack with everything that the school requires, they place an unbearable weight on the children’s shoulders. Parents and pediatricians are concerned about the problem of the large weight of briefcases.

Let's figure out how much a student's briefcase should weigh primary classes.

Weight of a second-grader's briefcase

Types of school bags

To do right choice, let's clarify the types of school bags.

  • Briefcase. A faithful companion during the school years of grandparents, it is distinguished by its hard walls and strong handle. Previously, it was bought for more than one year. But Carrying it in one hand can have a bad effect on your posture, so the model must be equipped with straps!
  • Satchel. The dense body evenly distributes the carried weight over the student’s back. It has comfortable compartments inside, wide orthopedic straps, and sometimes reinforced orthopedic inserts. Ideal for a junior student.
  • Backpack. Popular with older children and teenagers. There are models with a solid back, but the body is not equipped with a frame. Therefore, it is not recommended for children.

When choosing a bag for a schoolchild, pay attention to the presence of such elements as waist and chest straps. Additional pockets and reflective elements will also be useful.

The first two will provide the little schoolchild with a comfortable distribution of the load, the last - safety on the roadway. However additional pockets, once filled, will add weight to the chosen bag.

Important! The dimensions of the backpack matter: the top should not support the back of the head, and the bottom should not put pressure on the lower back.

What determines the weight of a school bag?

Manufacturers of student attributes compete with each other, creating bright and stylish models. At the same time, they are often supplied with entire sets with pencil cases and bags for “changes”, water bottles and wallets. Each item in this set adds grams to the weight of the school bag..

Parents are often guided by the choice and opinion of the future owner of the item. This is correct, but it is important that the child does not sacrifice convenience for the sake of beauty.

Advice: When choosing a briefcase, try to weigh it, if possible after loading!

In addition to external attractiveness, you should evaluate all the features of the future repository of knowledge. Is the internal frame made with high quality, protecting against scoliosis and the inconvenience of the edges of objects cutting into your back? Does the quality of the orthopedic back pads inspire confidence? Shouldn't they wear out in the first months of use?

Special requirements should be placed on the material of the backpack: synthetic fabric should be both dense and as light as possible.

Empty briefcase weight standard

Important! The maximum permissible weight of an empty briefcase for a 2nd grade student (as well as 1st grade) is seven hundred grams.

Interestingly, the simplest and cheapest models are the lightest. Orthopedic elements, recognized as a necessity, are also weighting agents.

But the portfolio is empty only at the time of purchase. Let's pay attention to its contents.

How much should the contents of a briefcase weigh?

All SanPiNs recent years agreed on a simple principle: the weight of “baggage” carried by a primary school student should not exceed a tenth of his body weight. In numbers, on average, this is usually about one and a half kilograms.

This standard dictates special requirements for the weight of educational supplies.

Important! A textbook on hygiene standards for children and adolescents primary school should weigh about three hundred grams (perhaps an excess of ten percent).

Notebooks, diaries and a pencil case collected together also end up seriously weighing you down. And also - replacement shoes, a uniform for physical education, supplies for labor lessons.

Important! When assessing the “overweight,” one must also take into account the mass of items not included in school supplies: cell phones, water bottles, breakfasts, etc.

How to reduce portfolio weight

  • Anything unnecessary should not pass the parental control point: The gaming tablet and your favorite doll will wait at home.
  • When shopping for school supplies, choose the lightest options. A hard cover diary will probably keep appearance until the end of the year, but will add mass. It is also better to take thinner notebooks. Too many pens and pencils also seem like ballast. Adhere to the principle: pencil cases are lighter, folders are thinner, etc.
  • It makes sense to try to come to an agreement with other participants in the scientific process. With the parents of your desk neighbor - about carrying a set of textbooks, divided between two. With the school administration - about revising the schedule in order to evenly distribute “hard” and “light” subjects.

The child goes to 4th grade. I carry my briefcase to school and back myself, because on other days the child is simply not able to move it, let alone pick it up and carry it. I can’t even imagine what will happen next... oh, I think the briefcases are heavy and this is always the case. especially the beginning. but I’m not at all in favor of tablets lately, to be honest. While the norm for high school students is 4 kg, we carry 8 kg each. To academic year

was successful, parents must first of all take care of the safety and health of the child. When buying a backpack and filling it with textbooks and notebooks, it is important to take into account the recommendations of experts. In Russia there are a number of laws and regulations that determine the requirements for school supplies.

How much should a first-grader's backpack weigh, and how much should a graduate's backpack weigh? How heavy can a school textbook be? How are children's products labeled? Become a literate mom-shopper!
We have the same problem - after surgery, a child cannot lift or carry heavy things. The cool one said that a tablet is possible, let's see how it works out in practice.
We were not allowed a tablet.

I think two sets of textbooks is the way to go. The main thing is that the teacher allocates a place in the class.

I also want to download at least some of the textbooks onto my tablet in 5th grade. At the beginning, we carried them ourselves, because we were meeting/seeing off. And in the 5th grade there are more lessons, the briefcase will become even heavier
I've seen these on the streets a couple of times.

And this briefcase is adjustable in length, do you mean the handle?

I still plan to upload scanned textbooks to my daughter’s tablet. I'll do Russian in the summer (we have a textbook for grades 5 to 9), the rest - as they give out. The backpack is really too heavy to lift. And I don’t care what the teachers think, if anyone doesn’t like it, let her wear it The weight of a schoolchild's backpack often exceeds the standards established by the state. A doctor and a teacher tell Letidor how to solve the problem of constant weights. The Ministry of Education has been closely working on the problem of the weight of a school backpack for several years. The main idea of ​​officials is to transfer children to education in


is still difficult to achieve, since the technical equipment of schools is far from ideal. Because of this, parents have to get out of it: change several backpacks per year, carry carts and carry heavy weights for the child. Some people adopt the experience of foreign mothers and buy their children bags on wheels, as parents do in Israel and Spain.

How much should a backpack for a junior, middle and high school student weigh?

  • According to SanPiN standards, the weight of a daily set of textbooks, writing materials, as well as folders, change sheets and everything else that a schoolchild crams into a backpack should not exceed several kilograms.
  • Norm for different ages:
  • 1st and 2nd class - no more than 1.5 kg,
  • 3rd and 4th class - no more than 2 kg,
  • 5th and 6th grade - no more than 2.5 kg,

7th and 8th grade - no more than 3.5 kg,

  • 9th and 11th grades - no more than 4 kg.

However, we often don’t think that the weight of a backpack can be reduced by following three rules: Don't take anything extra This is surprising, but children, especially older and

high school

  • , often carry almost the entire set of textbooks every day. Teach your child to take out unnecessary notebooks and books, art supplies that will not be useful to him on a particular day.

Also, don’t take ten spare pens and pencils.

  • Once a week, clean your backpack of foreign objects

If you put all the heaviest things at the bottom of the backpack, it will pull down, which means it will seem heavier. Distribute items evenly: the heaviest textbooks should be placed closer to the back - this will not reduce the weight, but it will make your back easier.

Doctor's opinion

Comments ** Ph.D., * * pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist ** European Medical Center * *Ph.D. Irina But-Gusaim:
First of all, the backpack should be comfortable and not heavy when empty. When worn, it should fit snugly against your back - this way the load will be distributed evenly. If the backpack doesn't touch your upper back, it's bad. The backpack straps must be carefully adjusted so that the backpack ends strictly at the lower back and not at the pelvis. Explain to your child that the backpack must be worn on two shoulders. Otherwise, an imbalance begins in the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle; under the weight of the backpack, the child will begin to lean forward, which will subsequently lead to back pain.

If, after the first month of school, a child complains of back pain or the heaviness of his backpack, it is not too late to find a suitable replacement or reconsider the contents of the old one.

The chief physician of the Osteon clinic, osteopath Lyudmila Butenko, talks about how to approach these issues rationally:

  • Changing the backpack

The shape of the backpack should be rectangular and oblong, across the entire width of the back. The back of the backpack must be orthopedic, the straps are wide and connected with a special lock at the front.

  • Freeing up your hands

Parents often ask what is better for their backs: carrying all their school supplies only in a backpack or unloading their briefcase and carrying a physical education uniform, spare shoes and a folder for creativity in their hands. Honestly speaking, the second option is not the best idea.

It is better for your back to carry all your school supplies in a backpack without overloading your child with bags and folders. Try to fit everything you need into the backpack so that the child can support the backpack straps in front with his free hands.

  • About using a bag instead of a backpack

Students in middle school refuse to wear “proper” backpacks and often opt for shoulder bags. Parents should remember that it is recommended to wear a bag instead of a backpack only in high school, when teenagers have already formed a torso. To maintain correct posture, you do not need to use a long strap and wear it on your shoulder, with your body skewed. Perfect option carrying a bag for both children and adults - on an arm extended along the body, at the bottom, alternately changing the load from the right hand to the left.

How much should a backpack weigh? SanPiN norms.

Discussions about the need to reduce the weight of school bags have been going on for a long time. Heavy backpacks and especially briefcases influence the formation of incorrect posture. Regular stress on a fragile spine is fraught with troubles for the rest of your life.

According to statistics, only 20% of students enter first grade completely healthy, and less than 10% leave eleventh grade. Moreover, the strongest blow falls precisely on the musculoskeletal system.

What kind of portfolio should it be to take care of your health?

Today, every fourth first grader wears a backpack that is heavier than required.

According to paragraph 2.8.1 of sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN 2.4.7//1.1.1286-03 “Hygienic requirements for clothing for children, adolescents and adults, children’s products and materials for products (products) in contact with human skin”, the weight of school briefcases (knapsacks) for primary school students should not exceed 600 - 700 grams

. In October, new sanitary standards regarding children's clothing, as well as children's products, came into force. In particular, they regulate the weight of school bags. Rospotrebnadzor believes that school bags should become much lighter.

( Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2010 N 72 “On approval of SanPiN 2.4.7/1.1.2651-10”)

The weight of briefcases and school bags for primary school students should not exceed 600-700g, for middle and high school students - 1kg.

Satchel first grader at full load , i.e. with all textbooks, notebooks and writing materials, should weigh no more than 3 kg, and the school bag of a 12-year-old student - no more than 5 kg, starting from the 10th grade - up to 6 kg. In general, the weight of a school bag can be calculated as follows: it should be no more than 10% of the child’s weight.

In theory, all notebooks, textbooks, and the like assigned for one school day should fit into the required weight. But often a second breakfast is put in a child’s backpack or briefcase; some kids have not yet gotten used to their toys and take one of them with them to school, and they also have to carry replacement shoes, sports uniform, etc. What can you advise in this case?

First of all, parents, buying some attributes school supplies for a small schoolchild, pay attention to their weight, so that in the total amount it weighs a little. For example, you can buy a massive pencil case made of heavy material with various beautiful, but unnecessary details, or you can buy a simple and lightweight plastic one.

Textbooks They weigh too much, making the school bags of first-graders too heavy to lift. Since 1998weight of textbooks , namely they are the main component of the portfolio, are strictly regulated by GOST"Sanitary rules and norms SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and primary vocational education."

In paragraph 2.4.7. “Hygiene of children and adolescents” - books for primary grades should weigh a maximum of 300 grams, textbooks for grades 5-6 - 400 grams, for grades 7-9 - 500 grams. And graduates’ portfolios should not contain books heavier than 600 grams.These parameters are also included in the quality certificates used by printing houses to print school literature.

In the hygienic requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education(draft 2009) requirements establishedto the weight of an educational publication for primary school students - no more than 300 g. The weight of publications for grades 1–4, intended for work only at home or in the classroom, should not exceed 500 g. An increase in the weight of the publication by no more than 10% is allowed (access mode:http:// standard. edu. ru (official website of the Federal State Educational Standard).

Here are some SanPiN points"Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and primary vocational education."

1.1 Sanitary rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and primary vocational education” are intended for organizations and enterprises engaged in publishing or publishing and printing activities, institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service and are aimed at the prevention of diseases of the visual organs, musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system of the body of students.

1.2 Sanitary rules establish requirements for the weight, font design and print quality of educational publications (textbooks, teaching aids, workshops - hereinafter publications), as well as requirements for printing materials used for the production of publications.

1.3 Sanitary rules apply to publications with the stamp of the Federal Education Authority Russian Federation or the educational management body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

1.5 Responsibility for compliance with these Sanitary rules entrusted to organizations or enterprises engaged in publishing or publishing and printing activities, regardless of departmental affiliation and forms of ownership.

1.6 Monitoring the implementation of these Sanitary Rules is carried out by institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

1.8 Publications are subject to hygienic examination.

The sale of publications, including those produced abroad, is possible only in agreement with the institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

Methodology for carrying out hygienic examination

1. The size of the publication block in height and width according to clause 5.1.2 is determined with a ruler with an accuracy of 1 mm.

2. The type of paper according to clauses 5.6.2, 5.6.3, 5.6.5 is determined from the information in the publication’s imprint or from the information provided about the materials.

3. The external design according to clause 5.1.5 and the fastening method according to clause 5.1.6 are determined visually.

4. Edition weight according to clause 5.1.3 determined on a scale with an accuracy of 5 g.

5. Hygienic requirements for publications

5.1 General hygiene requirements

5.1.1 It is not allowed to publish publications that include materials from two levels of education (age groups).

The publication must include materials designed for no more than:

1 year of study for 1st grade;

2 years of study for grades 2-6;

3 years of study for grades 7-11.

5.1.2 Publications are allowed in formats corresponding to Table 1 of GOST 5773-90.

The optimal formats are:

For publications of 1-3 (4) classes - 70x90/16;

For publications of grades 5-11 - 60x90/16, 84x108/32, 60x84/16.

For workbooks, atlases, manuals on drawing, fine arts, labor training, etc. format 70x108/16 is allowed.

5.1.3 The weight of the publication should not exceed:

300 g for grades 1-3 (4);

400 g for grades 5-6;

500 g for grades 7-9;

600 g for 10-11 grades.

The weight of publications for classes 1-3 (4), intended for use only in class * (2), should not exceed 500 g.

It is allowed to increase the weight of the publication by no more than 10%.

5.1.4 Publications can be made in soft cover or hard cover.

5.1.5 Editions with paper-covered covers must be finished by pressing film.

Editions with covers must be finished by varnishing or pressing film, except for covers made of coated papers or papers with a special coating.

There are several ways to reduce the weight of school bags and thus contribute to the prevention of orthopedic and cardiovascular diseases in students: (Booklet)

    use only those textbooks and manuals that have passed a hygienic examination;

    find an opportunity (in primary school) to use two sets of textbooks (one at school and one at home);

    when drawing up a schedule, take into account hygienic requirements for the weight of daily training kits;

    organize storage of replacement shoes, sports equipment, supplies for labor lessons, fine arts, etc. on school premises;

    organize a library of necessary books for additional reading in the classroom.

    do not carry too much in backpacks

    check your backpack daily, don’t forget to take out unnecessary textbooks.

    Parents should choose a backpack very carefully. Its shape should be ergonomic and correspond to the physiological shape of the child’s spine. The length of the belts must be adjustable.

    Parents of primary school students should check the backpack daily - perhaps they carry a lot of unnecessary things in it that add weight to the backpack.

    Parents can purchase a second set of textbooks to keep in the classroom. An extra set of textbooks allows you to have one textbook at home for homework and another at school for class. However, this method is accompanied by large financial expenses, which not every family can afford today.

There are, of course, optimal solution Problems " excess weight» portfolio: with the introduction of Federal State Educational StandardsIIgeneration, new textbooks have appeared - electronic ones, work with which requires the presence of a personal computer not only at home, but also at school.

Some educational publishers have begun to split textbooks into several parts.

In the meantime, the project is approved at the state level, only parents can take care of the health of their children, from a carefully selected backpack to daily viewing of their contents.

During the Soviet era, this was a well-known briefcase. It still exists today. But satchels and school backpacks began to be made as an alternative to it. However, backpacks were also known in tsarist times - look at the paintings of artists. But then they were forgotten. Cause? Most likely, it was because the backpacks were used Genuine Leather. And it was expensive. And there was little of it in the country. It turned out to be much easier to sew briefcases from cheap leatherette.

But then (in the second half of the twentieth century) doctors sounded the alarm, drawing attention to the fact that carrying heavy briefcases spoiled the posture of children. During a rather long discussion, the doctors agreed on a compromise: to “give” the briefcase to high school students, and to sew backpacks for elementary school students. We proceeded from the fact that a small weight on the shoulders is even useful for children, since it forces them not to bend forward.

There are a lot of school backpacks being made now - for every taste, as they say. But a problem arose that the arguing doctors did not even know about. Modern textbooks are now thicker than before. So it became harder. According to the program there are now more of them. In addition, second shoes became mandatory for attending school. There is a special compartment for her in the backpack. Significantly more expensive lunches in the school canteen are forcing parents to refuse to contribute money for them and to provide their child with a lunch made from homemade products in a plastic bag.

As a result, it turns out that the weight of the backpack is about four kilograms! And this despite the fact that doctors recommend that parents provide their child with a lower weight: up to two kilograms for girls, half a kilogram more for boys. I wonder if the weight of the backpack itself is taken into account?

Although school backpacks are made in two categories (for girls and boys), they differ only in color, but not in weight! And if the “extra” 200-300 grams of weight for a boy is acceptable to the recommended two and a half kilograms, then for a girl this is a noticeable load on the back. Obviously, backpacks for girls should be more compact and made of lighter materials. But the standard, alas, is the same.

The question has become very relevant: how to reduce the weight of a backpack for a first-grader to what is recommended by doctors? There are several ways. First of all, when purchasing, focus on the weight and size of the backpack. There is no point in purchasing a backpack made of heavy materials. Of course, it is quite acceptable for older children, but taking it “for growth” for a first-grader means not thinking about his health. The only thing that should be relatively heavy in a backpack is an orthopedic back made of dense material. For example, from cardboard or thin plastic. Everything else is light in weight.

It is imperative to buy a backpack and try it on a child in the store itself. If the backpack's straps are not adjustable and force the child to hold them with his hands to prevent them from slipping, such a backpack is clearly not suitable. Carry out the fitting with a wearable weight (here you can use any other books and objects instead of textbooks).

Pay special attention to the second shoes your child will need to take to school. It should fit freely into the backpack, be light and comfortable.

How else can you reduce the weight of a backpack? Of course, it is advisable to contribute money for meals in the school canteen. It's hot and fresh there. But if this is not possible, you should only put light foods in your backpack.

And one more important piece of advice. From the very first days of school, ask your child to agree with his partner (partner) who will take turns bringing which textbooks to class from home. The nuance here is that often in a lesson there is no need to have two identical textbooks on the table - one, open on the right page, is quite sufficient.