What to give a six-month-old baby girl. What to give to a boy for six months? Set of doll dishes

Universal choice gift ideas for any occasion and reason. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, new guests and regular readers! In our discussions, I have repeatedly touched on the topic of gifts for children, especially the youngest. Today I decided to discuss what to give a six-month-old child for various holidays?

Half a year is the second serious holiday

The very first and most important holiday in the life of a baby and his parents is the day of his birth. After the mother returns with the child from the maternity hospital and comes to her senses a little, guests usually gather to sit for a while in a cozy atmosphere and celebrate the arrival of a new family member.

The next “serious” date is six months, after which the next important date will come in 1 year.

By this time, children are already growing up a little, a little more consciousness appears in their eyes and they are no longer afraid, but are interested in exploring the world. Therefore, first, let's think about what to give to children so that they are curious to play with your gift.

The best gift for a baby

During this period of development, children love everything noisy and bright, especially musical toys.

Try choosing a big car or a toy animal that makes sounds. Preferably nice ones. Imagine how both parents will feel at the end of the day, especially if their child plays strange music.

Maybe you are invited to a christening, children are often baptized at the age of 6 months, then give the child a silver teething spoon or a children's Bible with beautiful bright pictures for the future.

Or maybe you are not going to a christening or birthday party, but to New Year. You can buy a warm down jacket or mittens with a scarf for your child. Sometimes it seems that this is too simple as a gift, but no one is stopping you from choosing bright options with embroidered animals. The child will walk around in such clothes with pleasure and will not be capricious when they try to put them on him.

By the way, in winter period It’s very good to give children little slippers or socks in the shape of animals.

You can easily find these for an adult, but you will have to work hard to find slippers for a child’s feet, however, the children’s clothing industry is developing rapidly, and you will definitely find these somewhere, not in stores, but on the Internet.

What to bring a boy as a gift?

Boys and girls at this age are not much different, because they do not yet have preferences and tastes.

  1. As an option, I can offer the boy an educational musical mat or a children's phone.
  2. Another boy of 6 months (and, say, 9 months too) may be interested in a rattle machine with bouncy toys inside - a big, bright and musical one - this is just a godsend for children.
  3. A good gift would be soft balls and cubes with fillings inside. These toys are great for developing fine motor skills child.
  4. Mothers of boys also often order themselves a special liberation chair as a gift, in which they can sit their son and calmly go about their business.

By the way, asking parents what they need is good advice. Maybe the boy already has everything he needs, but doesn’t have basic everyday things, such as baby laundry detergents, humidifiers, etc.

If the child’s parents and the child themselves have everything, then just give them a beautiful handmade photo frame. A great option that will always be in sight.

What to give a girl besides dolls?

Most people give girls dolls for any occasion. Or toys. They are not interested in the first ones yet at 6 months, and the parents call the second ones nothing more than dust collectors.

Don’t forget that no matter what holiday you come to, especially if it’s a baby’s birthday, don’t forget about gifts for their parents, modest but pleasant.

Try not to bring anything into the house that could be accidentally ingested by your child. Your gifts should not contain small parts. As for the rest, be guided by your taste and the wishes of your parents.

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Six months of a child’s life is an important date for parents and loved ones of a toddler. In six months, the baby has managed to get stronger, grow up, and every day he actively and diligently explores the world. The right gifts for a baby - things that will help in the development of the child and care for him.

If you are faced with a difficult choice of a gift for a child for six months, give preference to something that the parents or baby really need. This could be a useful toy, kitchen appliances to help mom, and much more.

Gifts for parents for six months for a child

To ease maternal worries, relatives usually buy the young family the necessary things for the home:

  • from the category of household appliances it can be a multicooker, blender, juicer
  • clothes for a six-month-old child: overalls, bodysuits, pants, slips, tights, etc. Choose the size of children's items "with a margin", and if you are in doubt about the purchase, it makes sense to give a certificate for children's goods
  • body and hair care products for baby, washing powder, diapers
  • major gifts for parents of a baby are to buy a radio or video baby monitor from Switel, a high chair, a walker, stroller, sling backpack and much more

Gift for a 6 month old baby

If you have a slightly different goal - to please not the mother, but the baby, then give a child under one year an educational toy. But remember that the baby has not yet grown up to cars and dolls, and he is no longer interested in rattles. Here are some toys you can give to a six-month-old baby:

  • pyramids are the main assistants in the development of motor skills and logic; they will introduce the little one to primary colors
  • Musical toys bring children a lot of joy. They are very different, you can choose the one that you need to shake or hit so that it starts making sounds
  • The book is a wonderful gift for a person of any age. For active babies of six months, the book should be special, with large letters, bright illustrations and washable pages
  • It’s very good to give a developmental mat for six months: the child will crawl on it with pleasure

When choosing a children's toy for small child It is important to consider its safety. The product must not contain small elements or emit a synthetic odor. It is better to leave soft toys for later: at such a young age, the baby will not play with them, the products will only stand aside and accumulate harmful dust.

Also, gifts for babies may differ depending on gender. In honor of the holiday, a little girl can be given doll dishes or a tumbler, and for a boy it makes sense to choose a construction set or sorter.

The presented list of things is universal - if you choose from it a gift for a child for six months, you definitely won’t go wrong. Buy high-quality, safe products that will benefit mother and baby. Of course, don't hesitate to consult with the parents of a six-month-old baby - they may already have a few ideas.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

Age characteristics

There can be many reasons for celebrations before six months - these include viewing parties, which many parents, according to grandmothers' traditions, hold after the baby turns one month old, christenings, and teething. Many (well-mannered!) adults consider it their duty to buy something when simply going to visit a family with a small child.

The hero of the occasion at this age, by and large, doesn’t care what they give him. The newborn period is left behind, and the baby is now busy with a very important task - every day he learns more and more fully the world into which he finds himself.

The sense organs are improved - vision, hearing, tactile sensations. At 1 month, the baby begins to try to focus his eyes on objects, and parents can devote the short intervals between sleep, which takes up the lion's share of his life, to the development of their son or daughter.

Gifts for such babies should be useful so that mom and dad can use them in educational activities or for physical development baby. A two-month-old child can already look at bright toys quite easily, and a three-month-old child can turn towards the sound source. At six months, many babies begin to sit; they are good at holding objects in their hands, grabbing them, and picking them up if they drop them. These skills can and should be remembered when choosing a gift.

To please both the baby and his parents, you should know that colored toys should be age-appropriate - children are the first to begin to distinguish between yellow, blue and red, and then all the others. A sound toy should sound gentle, without damaging the baby’s delicate hearing with too loud sound.


All gifts for children of any age are divided into several types:

  • Developmental. These include large pictures, colorful development mats, fitballs, hanging musical carousels, and rattles with an elastic band for strollers.
  • Toys. These are rattles, squeaker toys, and pyramids, which have been popular at all times.

  • Practical. This type includes teethers, playpens, packaging of diapers, baby care kit, which includes powder, baby cream, baby soap. If possible, it is best to buy something that parents don’t have enough of - it could be a high chair with a tabletop “for growth”, a stroller, a child’s car seat.

Girls and boys who are less than six months old are given approximately the same gifts. Manufacturers do not provide any gender identification for children of this age, with the exception of children's clothing - a suit for a boy and a suit for a girl have a lot of design differences, and this is not just the color.


Little children do not need to give Stuffed Toys, no matter how cute the hares and bears look on the counter of a children's store.

In a couple of weeks, this cute little animal will turn into a dangerous dust collector. There is no need to give too complex interactive toys - now they are of no use to the baby.

When choosing a gift for such a young child, you can violate gift etiquette, which does not involve discussing the gift with the person to whom it is given. It would be better to ask the parents directly what exactly is required for the baby. If they cannot answer, then you need to use your imagination and imagination.

You can give something from the “giver cheat sheet” below:

  • Sets or individual baby care products. This includes children's hypoallergenic washing powder for the baby's clothes and his bed linen, conditioner for washing children's clothes. Brands such as “Ushasty Nyan” and “Stork” have proven themselves very well.
  • Baby soap, baby cream, bath product, powder and massage oil- this is what a baby needs every day. Today in children's stores you can find all these products already packaged in gift sets.
  • Appliances. An excellent gift for young parents who want to raise healthy child(and it can’t be any other way!) a household appliance can become useful for a baby. A good option is an air humidifier, a hygrometer (a device for measuring the relative humidity of the air in a room). A blender for grinding food will come in handy when the mother starts feeding the little one complementary foods. A juicer will come in handy earlier, when your baby starts giving juices.
  • Devices for the baby. Usually such gifts cause real delight in mom, because they allow her to free her hands at least a little for other household chores. These are an electronic swing for babies, a kangaroo carrier, and a cradle.

  • Educational gifts. An excellent gift for a baby from 1 month will be sets containing teaching materials Glen Doman. These can be pictures showing shapes, colors; a little later (from 3 months) the baby can begin to look at images of animals, birds, fruits and vegetables. The cost of the set starts from 100 rubles. The most complete set, covering the development of several age periods first year of life and older, will cost from 1900 rubles and more.

  • Hanging rattles are useful from about 1.5 months when the baby begins to learn to look at objects. There are special sets that include 3-4 rattles and rubber bands on which they can be hung with an adjustable height. While the baby will simply look at them, later he will begin to try to grab them with his hands.
  • Educational mats for babies can be interesting for babies from about one and a half months, if they have flexible arms from which rattles can be hung. The baby will definitely appreciate rugs without arms around the age of 3-4 months, when he begins to lie on his stomach on them. The most popular are rugs with mirrors and bells. The most time-tested and mother-tested brands are Bright Starts (from 2500 rubles), Tiny Love (from 3000 rubles), Fisher-Price (from 1700 rubles).
  • You can start giving sounding toys (from tumblers to squeakers) after 3 months, at this age the baby can already determine which direction the sound is coming from, and it will be interesting for him to engage with what is capable of making sound. The red tumbler, familiar to children who grew up in the USSR, is produced, by the way, by the Tambov Powder Plant. Today, the choice of such toys is large, including tumbler ducks, tumbler bears and a lot of other cute characters, including Smeshariki and Peppa Pig. The starting price of such toys is from 250 rubles.

  • For kids, you can buy socks with bells sewn on them., they will delight the baby for several months. To develop tactile sensations, rag bracelets for the handle, sewn from a wide variety of scraps, are recommended.
  • Bed linen, clothes. When choosing underwear, remember that too bright sets can be dangerous to the baby’s health, because textile dyes quite often cause an allergic reaction. It is better to buy linen made from natural fabrics, white. The same rule applies to the choice of clothing - everything that a child will wear must be made from natural fabrics, not dyed or irritate the skin. When choosing suits and rompers, it is best to check with the parents about the child’s height.

How to do it yourself?

You can make a gift with your own hands; such christening gifts are especially appreciated, since they will remind you for a long time of the giver and an important event in the baby’s life. If you know how to sew, sew your own patchwork quilt or educational rug. Your baby will really enjoy touching the bags you make from different materials and fill it with cereals of different sizes (peas, beans, buckwheat, rice). The bags need to be equipped with hooks that will allow the mother to hang them at a distance that the baby is able to reach due to his age.

If you know how to crochet or you just have a large supply of unnecessary pom-poms, you can sew them, different in size and color, into one long bright “beads”, the baby will be able to look at them after a month and a half, and then pick them up when he learns do it.

You can also make rattles with your own hands. Birch bark rattles sound very melodic and unobtrusive. The same material makes beautiful hanging carousels - birch bark birds - a classic of the genre, relevant to this day.

You can use embroidery to transform an inexpensive, simple white shirt for a baby bought in a store. For a girl it can be decorated with pink ribbons, and for a boy with blue or blue ones. Booties are also a classic gift. They usually try to crochet or sew a cap made in the same style. If the baby is being swaddled, you can sew on a set of thin and warm diapers. Men can make their own stand with fastenings - hooks for hanging toys, a transformable chair, a playpen.

The video below will help you choose suitable toys for children in their first six months of life.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Before I had a child, I racked my brains over gifts for my friends’ newly born babies. This was a real problem.

After all, there are at least three reasons (or even four) at the stage of the first year of a little Man’s life:

  • the birth itself
  • christening (of course, you can argue with me, but, basically, parents try to baptize their baby in the first year of life),
  • 6 months (in principle, every month for a child up to one year old is a huge step in development, but 6 months is a new important stage, so godparents and grandparents congratulate and, accordingly, give gifts),
  • First birthday.

How, tell me, should you choose a gift for a little one if you:

a) rarely seen

b) have no idea what a small child needs?

That's why rule one: ask your parents what they need for their child. The situation now is such that parents can simply ask for a package of diapers (since their cost fluctuates plus or minus 160 UAH for a large package, which is enough for a week or two at most).

Rule two: do not give soft toys (I affectionately call them dust collectors) - they are of little use, and at this stage of the child’s life they are simply not interesting.

Well, I’ll give examples of gifts based on what they gave us or we bought ourselves - and my son liked it. In order not to clutter the blog with pictures, I will provide links to Internet sites where there are specific gifts, but this is not advertising, and you can look for gifts in other stores.

Gifts for the birth of a child, christening, six months

Again, ask your parents what they need. You can follow the list below (the prices vary widely, to suit any budget).

From “not toys”:

  • powder for washing children's clothes, from 35 UAH;
  • baby care products (these are small items, mostly from 20 UAH);
  • men-suits for heights 62, 68, or even 74 (from 60-70 UAH);
  • humidifier (from 400 UAH) and hygrometer (from 100 UAH);
  • armchair-releaser of my mother’s hands (this was my salvation) – can be purchased for 350 UAH. and higher;
  • It was very nice to receive a children's photo frame as a gift from 50 UAH. (another option could be a photo album);
  • sippy cup, will become relevant from 6 months (from 60 UAH);
  • a blender will also be needed from 6 months, when complementary foods are introduced, from 100 UAH.

From toys (I distribute as the child grows older):

  • Doman's pictures (I learned about them when Tyomka was 6 months old, but would happily show them from birth), from 35 UAH per set;
  • rattle, from 30 UAH. (here is our first and most favorite);
  • books: our first book (about 130 UAH), from which Temchik could not take his eyes off (by 12 months it loses its relevance); the second book (about 230 UAH) and the third book (about 250 UAH), which we continue to play with after a year;
  • A super gift for us was the “Spring” gaming stand (about 400 UAH) - a fairly universal thing. There are three rattles that detach; the part where the keys can be removed and hung on the crib; the fully assembled stand is placed above the child, and he tries to reach the keys; Well, the option from 9-10 months - the “piano” itself remains, rattles are not particularly interesting by the age of one, but Temka presses the keys and dances to the music.
  • You can give a pyramid for six months (from 20 UAH), the child will already be interested;
  • We were also interested in the spinning top (from 45 UAH);
  • Also, from the age of nine, my son began to be interested in paper (cardboard) books, and he brings them to me and demands to read them (the cost of hard books is from 10 UAH).

There are two more fairly popular gifts: a mobile phone (from 200 UAH), but we were not interested in it, and an educational mat (we simply didn’t have one, so I can’t say anything about it).

First Birthday Gift (1 year)

  • an elephant on wheels with cubes - Tyomka became interested in him when he was 9 months old, by the time he was a year old he realized that he could be dragged along with him on a string and throw cubes there;
  • a smart puppy - in principle, he also became interesting from the age of nine months, by the age of one year Temka was dancing to songs;
  • funny airplane - music plays, the blades of the airplane spin, and it moves (about 200 UAH);
  • a car that a child can ride or push (from 350 UAH);
  • bicycle – from 300 UAH. (we haven’t tried it yet and I don’t know anything about my son’s reaction, I’ll be honest - we asked our godparents for growth, so that in the spring we can travel around the neighborhood in our own transport);
  • We also ordered a sled, since winter was just around the corner;
  • table and chairs – 390 UAH;
  • training helicopter from Vtech (a personal discovery for me was that it accurately names the colors of the balls that are thrown inside:) - about 330 UAH);
  • set for painting with water - parents will like it, because it is safe for wallpaper and other coverings in the house J (from 125 to 300 UAH);
  • sorters (the price varies depending on the complexity and manufacturer);
  • insert frames (in general, I like the Montessori method, which I plan to write a blog about soon), this and the next few items are the toys that are offered in Montessori classes. Artyomka knows them well and enjoys playing, some of them are also Houses;
  • maze puzzles;
  • toys with hammers (many children really like them, a little more than 100 UAH)
  • Artemka really likes a knife, a board and vegetables (about 130 UAH) that need to be cut.

I would like to write separately about things: give for growth! This is especially true for children in their first year of life, as the child grows in leaps and bounds. It’s very disappointing when they give you a beautiful suit, but you either can’t put it on your baby at all, or only wear it once: (Besides, my division of toys by age is arbitrary, children all develop differently, so I think that toys can also be give “for growth” (but you can also buy some from the list for up to 12 months for a year, if you are sure that the child does not have such a toy).

It seems that a significant event recently occurred in a family of relatives or friends - a child was born. And now the happy parents invite their loved ones to celebrate the baby’s first little anniversary, because he is six months old. It is quite difficult to decide what to give a child for six months, since the baby does not yet know how to move independently, and most of the toys are not yet interesting to him. It is important to choose a gift with soul, and also be based on what the baby already knows.

How does a six-month-old baby develop?

When choosing a gift, you should start from what the baby can already do at six months. Typically, children at this age can boast of the following skills:

  • ability to sit:
  • imitating the actions of parents;
  • holding attention on one of the objects for a long time;
  • throwing toys;
  • trying to get to the toys on their own.

Physiological changes in the baby’s life include the beginning of teething and the introduction of the first complementary foods. When choosing a gift, you should consider all these factors so as not to buy something useless.

How does the gender of the child affect the choice of gift?

It is a well-known fact that what is suitable for a boy is unlikely to be useful for a girl. For this reason, when choosing a gift, it is important to consider the gender of the baby.

What to give a boy?

It would be appropriate to give the boy the following things:

  • soft pyramids;
  • bathing books;
  • tops;
  • books with pictures and buttons, clicking on which will cause musical accompaniment of fairy tales or poems and a lot of positive emotions;
  • children's musical gadgets (small phones);
  • suction cup stool for bath;
  • tolokar;
  • the first large machine made of hypoallergenic, non-toxic materials.

What should I give the girl?

The following gifts will definitely suit a six-month-old girl:

  • rubber squeak toys;
  • bells that sound different;
  • a custom-made rag doll based on a photograph of the baby;
  • game development center;
  • educational mat made from felt with your own hands;
  • soft felt cubes filled with different mixtures, playing with which will promote the development of fine motor skills.

What should the gift be?

First of all, a gift given to a child for six months should be:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • safe;
  • age appropriate.

It is important that the item given to the baby does not have sharp corners or small parts. It is desirable that all components of toys and other things are tightly connected and do not unscrew. Before deciding what to give, it is advisable to consult with the child’s parents, because they are the ones who know better than others what he needs at the moment.

Main categories of gifts

When choosing a gift for 6 months, it is worth dividing all items into categories. Naturally, first of all, the donor should pay attention to toys in children's rooms. shopping centers and then on clothes and other necessary, useful supplies. It is important not so much to please the parents as to bring joy to the child by giving him a surprise.


Among the toys, the top ideas are:

  • tumblers - given the fact that the baby can already sit up on his own, it will be very interesting for him to watch the figure swaying from side to side, making melodious sounds;
  • balls various sizes– there is nothing more interesting for a baby than watching how multi-colored balls roll from hand to hand, how mom rolls them on any surface and trying to “catch up” with them;
  • pyramids - it is unlikely that a baby at 6 months will be able to string rings on a stick on his own. However, he will definitely watch with enthusiasm how mom or dad does this, trying to repeat their movements;
  • soft cubes - they will definitely be safe for the child. It is advisable that they are not too bright and contain an interesting print in the form of animals, figures, letters;
  • development tools - busy boards, cards for early development, sorters, wooden beads made from large figurines;
  • musical - rattles, maracas, synthesizers, microphones, drums, xylophones, trumpet. Sets with buttons, bells, animal figures, clicking on which will provoke their sound;
  • soft – before purchasing such things, it is important to consult with the baby’s parents. He may be allergic to stuffed animals. If it’s not there, then you can safely buy a plush friend for the baby;
  • sports - first of all, you should give preference to those that help strengthen the muscles and skeleton. These include a massage ball and jumpers. It is better not to purchase walkers, as many experts do not recommend their use;
  • for playing in the water – an excellent gift option would be bathing sets, including various animals and other water accessories;
  • for playing in the sand - despite the fact that the baby is still small, if he is six months old summer period and he is already sitting confidently, his mother may well allow him to play while sitting in the sandbox;
  • book - for starters, it is better to purchase poetic works by children's authors. At the same time, it should contain bright, colorful illustrations that can attract the attention of the baby;
  • CDs with music for babies - the baby will comfortably fall asleep to pleasant, relaxing music. Well, the cheerful rhythms will help him wake up faster in a great mood.


Both boys and girls can be given sets of clothes for six months. One has only to find out the height of the children at this moment from their parents. For example, you can give a goddaughter Nice dress along with a certificate for a children's photo shoot. Who knows, maybe she will become a famous fashion model. A tracksuit with an unusual print or, conversely, a classic shirt and trousers that can be worn for any upcoming celebration will suit the godson. It is also worth considering giving parents a certificate for purchasing clothes and shoes in children's shopping centers.

Daily Use Items

Naturally, at six months the baby definitely has a stroller, a crib, a playpen and many other things. For this reason, relevant gifts could be:

  • sets of children's dishes with suction cups. The introduction of the first complementary foods is a reason to give the baby a spoon, with which he will naturally spread the porridge cooked by his mother. However, this is how children learn to be independent. Well, the presence of suction cups on the plate and mug will protect them from falling from the surface of the highchair;
  • thermos - such a gift will be convenient for mothers who give their baby freshly brewed warm fruit drinks and compotes, thereby taking care of his health. Well, what’s better than a thermos to keep your drink warm all day long?
  • a set of bed linen;
  • set of bath accessories.

Household items

Among the household little things used in daily care Little by little, the leading positions are occupied by:

  • children's cosmetical tools(diaper cream, shampoo, wet wipes, soap, powder);
  • diapers;
  • pacifier thermometer;
  • self-heating bottle.

Having such things at hand makes life much easier for young parents. It is important to remember that when choosing diapers, you should consult with them on which ones to purchase. Otherwise, you can buy those that are not suitable for the child.

“Helpers” gifts for young parents

Gifts, by the way, can be presented not only to a 6-month-old handsome man or a 6-month-old beauty. Parents will definitely be happy with the following surprises from relatives and friends:

  • bag-chair;
  • sling or backpack carrier;
  • purchase certificate new clothes in fashion boutiques;
  • teethers (preferably silicone, which can be cooled in the refrigerator, with personalized holders).

Original gifts

The following are valuable but very original gifts:

  • a subscription to visit the pool with mom or dad;
  • humidifier;
  • radio or video nanny;
  • Jewelry;
  • photo album made using the scrapbooking technique;
  • night light-projector “Starry Sky”.

What is better not to give?

When choosing a gift, you should not focus on the following items:

  • cosmetic sets, hygiene products. It’s better if mom buys such things on her own. Well, if you want to help with this, you can simply give her a certificate for visiting a household goods store and a children's center;
  • loud sounding musical toys - they can scare the baby;
  • baptismal supplies - even if the baby has not yet been baptized, you should not purchase such things. They should only be bought God-parents immediately before or during the day of baptism.

It is best, of course, to discuss with the parents of the little one what to give him for his first little anniversary. Perhaps they will ask for a gift in the form of money in an envelope, because they want to buy something expensive and bulky for the baby. In any case, the gift should be beautifully decorated and accompanied by a bouquet of flowers, which will be presented to the mother at the end of the holiday.