67th birthday. Happy birthday greetings to a woman in prose

All I have left to wish is that on my birthday and, of course,
all year you did not lose heart, did not give up even in the most difficult hours
and moments for people to give you a piece of their faith, hope,
love, so that all troubles dissipate like mist! I wish you that
all your dreams have come true, all your enemies have become friends!

Our youth is a happy, swift moment, not understood by us, but securely stored in memory by everyone. Our new summers are wealth, a wise time that allows us not to make mistakes and enjoy life as we have it.
May all your days be filled with sparkling joy, positive tranquility, stormy impressions, new insights, exotic travels and convincing victories of wisdom. And we want to perceive all life changes as interesting cruises that will definitely end happily and will bring only joy and successful resolution of difficulties. On this day, meeting with loved ones and friends will fill your whole life with life-giving energy! Happy birthday, may your birthday add optimism and energy to you for many years to come!

We wish you cheerfulness, kindness, wisdom. May your health never fail, may your mood always be excellent, may harmony and mutual understanding reign in the family, and may success await you at work. Happiness, luck and all the best!

Congratulating you today - with great pleasure! - Happy Birthday, we must admit that you are a real decoration of our lives, special for everyone in their own way! For some you are a friend, for others you are a colleague, and for others you are especially lucky! For them, you are a spouse, a mother... We congratulate you and wish you to always remain as happy as we know you today!

Happy birthday! We all value and love you very much, and therefore to our congratulations and wishes we add a sincere desire that they be heard also in heaven, from where the good angels, having heard our words, could bring for you more love and good luck, good health and sunny mood! And - may there be only happiness in your life!

On your holiday, your birthday, I would like to express a thousand praises without stinting, but they still will not fully reveal your merits! Therefore, on your birthday, let me simply congratulate you and express my pure heart your wishes! And I wish you great happiness, the kind of happiness that gives a person wings and the opportunity to transform the whole world to his liking!

Dear, sweet, gentle woman, happy birthday! Your soul is so pure and immaculate. Always remain like this, no matter the years you have passed. May your eyes always, as now, shine, your lips smile, may your heart burn with the fire of love. I wish you to crush all the elements of the world and achieve your goal.

Ladies, as you know, do not like to talk about their age, but today we are celebrating a milestone anniversary, and I must say that the hero of the occasion has something to be proud of! In her years, she has retained not only the purity of her soul, but also the beauty of her face, she still believes that miracles have a place in our world, she true friend and a happy mother, the real head of her large and friendly family! I wish her real, cloudless and boundless happiness, because she deserves it so much!

On this day and at this hour
We want to wish for you
A lot of sun and goodness,
Human kindness, warmth,
Don't grow old every year,
Be cheerful, don't lose weight,
So that you live without looking back
Everything would be fine in the family!

You are so beautiful at this hour -
An outfit suits your face, a smile suits your face!
To the face and the look of crafty eyes -
It’s no wonder we love you so much!
Let your star shine
Star of love and inspiration,
Never goes out in life
Doesn't fade even for a moment.
Look at the sky. Where the milky way is
You will see a great cluster of stars,
Take one of them and don't forget,
That it's your birthday today.

I wish you to be blooming and strong,
Don't notice gray hairs and wrinkles,
To appreciate all your efforts
The husband and son are beloved men.
So that the most cherished things come true,
Health never betrayed
And memorable, joyful, bright
I walked next to you every day!

You are the essence of the family, you are devoted to the family,
Wherever you work, you are the foundation of the house,
You try as hard as a man,
Having experienced both the heaviness and delight of the ascent.

And what a miracle? Music and poetry -
Nothing without you, without your participation,
Without your hands, without your living eyes -
Living happiness is simply impossible!

Your secret is simple:
May the day of worries be difficult,
Rapidly, stretching time,
But there, in the house, awaits your care
The coming native generation...

Don't say the world is sad
Don't say it's hard to live
Be able to amidst the ruins of life
Laugh, believe and love.
Don't be sad, be happy
So that everyone always says:
“How beautiful this woman is,
How endlessly young!”

We measure time by minute,
And how quickly the years go by
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you to always be kind.
We wish you good health,
Good luck in life and work.
Love, consent, luck
Let them accompany you.
Even today we wish
Live happily for a hundred years.
And all the bad weather and sorrows
Always stay away.

How old are you there today?
Nothing at all? That's it!
If there was anything, it's long gone,
You are one year old today!
Nothing is lost yet
No reason to shed tears,
But fate has destined for you,
So much so that you even get tired of living.
And fun and desires
The cups are full, right over the edge,
And torments and dates,
And April, after April - May!
There will be joys and sorrows,
There will be a little grief, but
Believe me, it doesn’t matter
It doesn't have it now!
Today there will be drunken holidays
And there will be hangover days
And the ugly cupids
The arrows will not be released alone.
We wish you, beauty,
Pounds of money, tons of health,
And get your figure a little better,
And let your soul be white with roses!

Let it stay forever
And your beauty and strength.
And let the years go by -
You are like spring! You are young, tender.
It doesn't matter how many years have passed!
You, a man with a restless soul,
Able to overcome everything in life,
And because I believe you are worthy
Have this huge world at your feet!
You are worthy of love and admiration,
You are a woman with such fire in your blood,
What about a hundred years from now on your birthday?
Someone confesses their love to you!

Let the sun please you with a smile,
Let spring sing in your soul.
And let there be women's happiness
Accompany you all year.

May your wishes come true
And the problems will be forgotten,
Good luck in your endeavors,
Good changes to you.

We wish you eternal beauty,
Love and patience to you.
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy birthday!

May all your days be happy
Full of laughter, joy, light,
May you have enough novelty
The mood is cheerful and playful!
A sea of ​​joy and admiration,
Interesting, useful acquaintances,
And your wishes come true,
Relationships - without lies and pretense.
Be beautiful in any moment
Let the smile never leave your lips!
You are worthy of love, worship,
Without oppressive mental anguish!

Let worries and sorrows
Your house is being avoided.
Let the sun shine brightly
Your beautiful world will warm.
The flowers of the universe are blooming
Today just for you
And never fade
Your soul and beauty!

I wish you to forget about illnesses, adversities,
Stay healthy for many years to come,
So that people give you complete joy,
May peace and spring reign in your heart!
We wish you health, we wish you success,
More smiles, more cheerful laughter!
We wish you spiritual personal happiness,
So that trouble and bad weather don’t knock on the door!
We wish you to love and dream,
Let trouble pass by,
So that the soul remains beautiful,
And you would always be young!

A bouquet of flowers - fragrant, fragrant,
An unexpected, wonderful gift,
And a compliment - refined, pleasant,
And the conversation is sincere and interesting...

Smiles, sounds of beautiful music,
Exciting bright moments
And everything that can make life happier,
Let him give this birthday!

For the birthday of the mother, the closest and most beloved person, many, oddly enough, prepare at the very last moment. Probably because children often know what to give to the birthday girl, or because they are sure that any gift will be received with gratitude and without a shadow of dissatisfaction.

And yet, what should I give my mother for her 67th birthday and what should the present be first of all? Useful, pleasant or extraordinary? We are trying to consider all options.

Useful gifts for mom

If you want to choose a useful gift, go to a store with digital or household appliances or household goods. Here you can easily choose useful gifts that any mother will be happy with. For example:

  • Mobile phone. Choose a device with large buttons. This gadget is easy to use; mom can always talk to you or her friends.
  • Tablet or laptop. Don't think that a 67-year-old woman can't handle it! Any person will find information that interests him on the Internet, for example, a master class on cooking new dishes, propagating orchids or caring for seedlings!
  • Bread maker, multicooker, steamer or any other kitchen appliance that makes cooking easier. It's easier to follow the principles with a slow cooker healthy eating, and a good food processor will easily cope with mixing amazing pie dough and chopping vegetables!
  • TV for the kitchen- great idea. You can watch a cooking show and cook a new dish at the same time!
  • Robot vacuum cleaner will significantly free mom from household chores.
  • Ironing press– an ideal device for ironing bed linen.

The main thing is health!

The most common birthday wish is for health. And this is no coincidence, because in fact, old age does not exist - there are only illnesses and poor health. Therefore, in order to monitor your health, think about the devices that can help your 67-year-old mother with this, and about ways that will improve it.

So, choose:

  • Tonometer, glucometer. For many, it is important to measure blood pressure or blood sugar without visiting a clinic. Monitoring these indicators at home - great way stop your mother feeling unwell in a timely manner!
  • Pedometer or activity monitor. The beauty of these devices is that, in addition to monitoring activity, people using them are motivated to increase their activity throughout the day! And movement, as you know, improves all human vital signs!
  • Massager. Performing a foot or back massage at home is pleasant and useful! Mom will be delighted with such a present!
  • A trip to the sanatorium. Give your mom a wonderful holiday. Two or three weeks of pleasant and useful rest will certainly do her good!

When choosing a gift for your 67th birthday, think about her hobbies.

You know what kind of person your mother is like no one else! Therefore, it is hardly worth talking for a long time about the fact that any gift for the birthday girl that will be useful for her hobby will be to her liking!

Try to surprise the birthday girl with extraordinary gifts. For example:

  • If your mother’s main hobby is reading, give not a book, but a box in the shape of a book. And put into it a piece of your own composition: a short story, an essay, a poem. There will be no limit to the birthday girl's admiration!
  • Mom loves to work in her summer cottage - give her a personalized tree. As a rule, such plants are planted in one of the city parks and a personalized certificate is issued. Of course, it is better to participate in the process of planting a tree and take a whole series of pictures, which, after printing, will find their place in the living room.
  • a needlewoman who loves the company of young people will be happy to conduct a master class for girls who want to learn her skills. You can invite your granddaughters and their girlfriends. Who knows, perhaps such classes will become regular, and your gift will turn into classes on an ongoing basis. Mom will be glad that her knowledge and many years of experience can be passed on to the girls!
  • If your mother actively communicates with her peers, organize an interesting pastime for them in the park with a dance instructor. We are not talking about complex steps; a few simple and fiery dances in the company of peers under the guidance of a good trainer will give amazing emotions to all participants!

For a 67-year-old woman, the joy of communication is even more valuable, so such gifts will be received with a bang!

Cozy gifts for your beloved mother on her 67th birthday from children

The older we get, the more we appreciate everything our parents did for us. Therefore, for your birthday, we want to present gifts for a comfortable stay and creating coziness in the home. These include:

  • plaid. You can buy it or make it yourself. Complete the gift with small pillows;
  • bathrobe;
  • bedding set;
  • a set of good quality bath towels;
  • air ionizer-humidifier;
  • salt lamp;
  • a set of wicker furniture for a personal plot;
  • swing for the garden;
  • inflatable pool;
  • a beautiful tablecloth and napkins for receiving guests;
  • house plants in beautiful flower pots.

Classic gifts also include gastronomic gifts. A basket with delicacies and a bottle of elite wine will definitely come in handy for the birthday girl!

Gifts of femininity and beauty for mom

Never forget that your mother, first of all, is a wonderful woman! You can emphasize her charm and beauty different ways: present neckerchief, matching the color of her eyes, give her a certificate for visiting a beauty salon, after which she will feel like a real queen, or choose a lovely hat and gloves of a real lady.

In addition to the above gifts, pay attention to the TOP 10 truly feminine gifts:

  • Handbag. This is a must-have accessory for a woman of any age!
  • Perfume. A couple of drops of your favorite scent always lifts your spirits!
  • Stole, scarf, shawl, neckerchief– you can never have too many of these accessories!
  • Decorations. A string of pearls or elegant earrings will please your mother;
  • Cosmetics. A good anti-aging series of creams and masks for the face and hands will a nice gift from a caring daughter;
  • Certificate for SPA salon. A course of facial or body massage, wraps or any other procedures is a heavenly pleasure for every woman;
  • Theater tickets or to a concert of your favorite artist;
  • Beautiful glasses with a case. It is better to choose them together, otherwise there is a high risk of choosing a beautiful, but inconvenient option for mom.
  • Wallet made of genuine leather;
  • Annual subscription to my mother's favorite magazine.

Budget gifts. Good options for a 67-year-old mother

Very often mothers say that the most the best gift for them is the visit of children and grandchildren. And indeed it is!

Your successes, the achievements of your grandchildren and sincere conversations over tea and pies for your mother are the best pastime!

If you can't afford an expensive gift, don't despair! Choose a budget option from those suggested below and go congratulate your favorite birthday girl!

  • tea or coffee pair
  • teapot or coffee pot
  • beautiful containers for spices
  • wooden salt or pepper grinder
  • candy bowl
  • baking dish
  • wall panel
  • umbrella stand for hallway
  • apron, oven mitts and towels for the kitchen
  • wine glasses or liqueur glasses
  • photo album or photo frame with photographs of the birthday girl and her loved ones.

You can always please the birthday girl with a handmade gift. Everything done with my own hands, acquires a special meaning and is valued a hundred times more. You can bake an amazing cake, knit a great sweater, scarf and mittens. A coffee table made by yourself will also cause a storm of delight! Therefore, think in advance about what you can do and start doing it!

When choosing a bouquet for the birthday girl, think about what flowers she prefers. And if she is categorically against cut flowers, choose flowering house plants. One of best options– orchid. Violets, hydrangea and azalea are also loved by women. These plants do not require special care and will delight the birthday girl with the beauty of their blooms for a long time.

Congratulate your mother the most in sincere words! Give her all the warmth of your hearts and visit her as often as possible, and not just on her birthday!

Years are like pennies
The piggy bank is ringing,
You have 67 coins.
Don't hold her in your hands
Leave it to the others
Birthday fun
Celebrate with your friends.
Cheerfulness in life
I wish not to lose
Old age is your age
Please don't call me.
Will not be subject to
May the soul of the years
Happy birthday
I wish you.

You're 67 at your age
I wish you a lot of happiness
Living beautifully is the envy of everyone
And don’t face bad weather!

Only healthier and more energetic
All the time becoming
Look at life more cheerfully
And strives for the best!

A good date - 67 years old, I wish you to be proud of your life and continue to live with inspiration and the desire for the best. May peace reign in your home and harmony in your soul, may your loved ones love and appreciate you, may your care return with kindness and smiles. Be healthy and truly happy.

You look great
You won't think at all
What are we celebrating today?
We are 67 of yours.

I wish you optimism
And there is enthusiasm in my soul.
So that there is energy,
Like a matador.

67 To you, who would have thought!
After all, there is enthusiasm and sparks of light in the eyes.
We wish you not to think about bad things.
And let summer reign in your soul all the time,

So that roses bloom beautifully in it,
Giving only moments of bright joy.
What worries you so that you forget it,
Happiness sparkled brightly! Happy Birthday!

Life experience and optimism
We respect yours very much,
Sixty-seven years today
We celebrate you!

Love of life, good health
We would like to wish you
Always be on the move
And in in a great mood abide!

Life is beautiful at any hour,
You understand now,
That the years are not scary for you -
They are just funny.

I wish you success,
Lots of joy and laughter.
So that there is joy in love
And the envious are a hindrance.

Happy Birthday,
Don't change at all
At least today we celebrate
You are already 67.

I wish you good health,
Fortresses, happy days.
May it always give you joy
The agility of grandchildren, the laughter of children.

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday, your birthday. On this wonderful day, you can wish that this year will not be worse than the previous one, but, on the contrary, much better. Sixty-seven is not extinction, as some might say, but a new beginning. Let this beginning be exciting and open new horizons.

Every year your strength
Only become stronger.
Happy birthday
Blessings to you at 67.

May there be prosperity in the family,
Enjoy every day.
Just build harmony
In its fairy-tale world.

To a woman

Let your perfection surprise
And may your beauty never fade.
And may your years not be afraid,
Life will be a full cup.

Let there be a place for love and happiness,
And there will never be bad weather in the relationship.
You are a woman - a role model,
At 67, consider our wishes.

Bright and directed look,

I am incredibly glad to learn from your experience.

But on your birthday I will say,

And at 67 years old, I wish you happiness in being friends.

Throw all your problems into the sea deep,

And it’s easy and active to follow fortune.

May you always be loved in the family,

And among friends they are irreplaceable and valued.

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Laughter and fun - everyone is comfortable,

We celebrate your 67th birthday!

You are young and proud, like an eagle in the sky,

Such men are only in dreams!

You are hot in heart and blood, like a horseman,

Tell me, who can stand before you?

Everything will be fine, everything will be ok,

And you accept congratulations from me!

Live like in paradise, say: I love you

And the grief will only be equal to zero!

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2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Life is beautiful at any hour,

You understand now,

That the years are not scary for you -

They are just funny.

I wish you success,

Lots of joy and laughter.

So that there is joy in love

And the envious are a hindrance.

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Are you sixty-seven today?

Doesn't seem like the truth, otherwise

You are synonymous with the words “style” and “fashion”

In the rain - with an elegant and fashionable umbrella,

Beautiful warm shoes in the snow,

And in the heat the style matches.

I would definitely like congratulations

Deliver it in person, no matter how many miles later!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

It's sixty

Seven years - and life has stopped,

Like a spring, a key -

And it doesn't matter what was there.

No problems and no worries,

All the people close to you are nearby,

Read our congratulations -

Everything will be great right away!

15 236

2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Great news of this day,

And instantly ringing the bells.

We will announce a birthday today,

And it will be great fun.

On all local TV channels,

The birthday will be announced in the news.

And there will be a short introduction here,

Let's put our worries aside.

The presenter of all our news,

He will quickly announce the situation in the country.

“The country is fine. We are not expecting crises.

Well, in general, our life is in full swing.

And the news of the day will be this:

Good, interesting and kind.

After all, an hour ago it became known to everyone,

Why is someone here sixty-seven?

And we congratulate this man,

We wish him all the best.

Be happy and live to be a hundred,

And the relatives joined in the congratulations for a reason.

That's all. All news is completed.

Now everyone should just congratulate you.”

We turn off the TV and put it in a corner,

In the meantime, read our congratulations.

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2015-12-06 2015-12-06 *****

Congratulations on a wonderful holiday, your birthday. On this wonderful day, you can wish that this year will not be worse than the previous one, but, on the contrary, much better. Sixty-seven is not extinction, as some might say, but a new beginning. Let this beginning be exciting and open new horizons.

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