Farewell letter to a loved one. SMS to a guy about breaking up What to say to a guy when breaking up in prose

Hi all!

Breaking up is a difficult time, but there are times when people are not right for each other. And in order for the separation to be clear for both people - one is looking for the right words, and the other must perceive them correctly and react with dignity. How will it be in reality? Nobody knows. All people are different. But the situation can always be smoothed out.

  • By sending this SMS, I will erase you from my life, and, overcoming mental pain, I will look into the future with an open heart. And you go into the night...
  • Just recently I went crazy from your touch, but today it’s hard for me to remember everything that happened between us. Our dreams are not destined to come true and sadly, this is the end!
  • I want to plunge into routine everyday life in order to forget you as quickly as possible. Thank you for the wonderful moments you gave me, but my heart cannot give you a second chance.
  • The wind of change has blown away my addiction called love. The scarlet sail will no longer appear on the horizon, because I choose freedom - freedom from you!
  • After this SMS, I will put up an invisible wall that will protect me from all the lies in which my love for you drowned. I’d rather say “Goodbye” now than continue to torment my soul.
  • I am no longer happy with our relationship, in which understanding has disappeared. The game of love ended with this SMS!

It’s difficult to come up with farewell SMS messages when breaking up with a loved one on your own, because emotions affect intelligence. Choose ready-made words close to your soul...

  • Let someone else get you, not me. But our flower of love, which until recently was fragrant, was destroyed by envious people. Now we have tickets for different life flights!
  • I no longer have the feeling of wings behind my back, which means that the waterfall of love has already dried up. Now I am increasingly visited by the desire for loneliness and so be it. Goodbye!
  • The ball of our love has ended, unraveled to the end. My eyes no longer know the sparkle of life. The flowers of happiness released sharp thorns. I close the door to the world of our relationships, already past.
  • The dam of our river of love has collapsed. I have no desire to restore anything anymore. Sorry and goodbye!
  • The field bells no longer ring in my soul and the birds of paradise have stopped singing loudly. It's all over, there is no more “us”!
  • The branches of our once lush lilac have withered, every single flower. We won't see a rainbow together and won't run towards each other. The colors of love no longer have bright colors!

It would be more correct to say farewell SMS in your own words when breaking up, because your loved one will better understand the feelings that overflow your “scale.”

Don’t come to my doorstep anymore and don’t look for meetings with me. Move on in life your own way, because we are not on the same path.

I will never forget our dates, but I also don’t see a future with you. My train left without waiting for you.

Love is the engine of life on Earth. But our mechanism of eternal feeling is broken and cannot be repaired. Be happy, but without me!

  • Sublime relationships crashed against the rocks of reality and left us with pain inside, which will echo in our souls for a long time. Thanks for the experience and goodbye!
  • Our book of love will have to be closed and placed on a shelf to gather dust. The last chapter of the novel has already been written and cannot be changed!
  • I imagined our love to be completely different. Instead of a paradise oasis, I see an impenetrable jungle. Complete disappointment in you cuts me to the quick. I will extinguish the relationship candle forever and right now!
  • I'm not looking beautiful shapes loud words are no longer needed. The hour has come when our relationship has exhausted itself. I hope that my experience with you will help me become happier.

You can also write a goodbye message to the guy who offended you. Still, SMS - better than words. Because with their help you can convey your feelings as accurately as possible.

  • You broke the clock inside me and now time has stopped. I don’t have enough strength to continue to live at least as before, before you, before your betrayal. But I can do it, definitely! Goodbye!
  • It’s unbearably painful for me to look at you even during a chance meeting. I want to be on another planet to forget you and everything that happened between us. This SMS will be the last, and tomorrow another life will begin, from scratch!
  • Quiet sadness overcomes my consciousness and it’s so sad to realize that everything is already over. But it could have been different! But the reason for everything your attitude. I will no longer know the taste of your lips, and you will not touch my hair...
  • How could you hurt the heart that loves you?! I was incredibly happy about our meeting and every day we spent together. Now your strong hands will not squeeze my body in a fit of passion, and our dawn will not come. Collapsed fairy tale, sorry and goodbye!
  • I can never forget you, but we no longer have a future. The pain that is still boiling inside me will someday subside. But I don’t want to see your strange indifference anymore - this is the end!



    You need to leave or break up beautifully, and my personal opinion is that if you feel that the end of the relationship is not far off, it is better to put this final point on your own, then it will not hurt as much as if you receive something similar from a former loved one. By the way, I really liked some of the preparations, it’s a pity that this has never happened before and I had to come up with it myself so that I could put an end to it and stab it more painfully.

    Do you know how I said goodbye to mine? I hate texting, so I just grabbed him by the collar and pulled him down the stairs.

    I don’t see the point in writing all these messages beautifully and for a long time. Once they broke up, they broke up, and it didn’t matter whose fault it was. I walked out the door with my things - and good riddance, I now have to live for myself, my beloved, and look for a replacement.

    But what if the boyfriend is disgusted and I want to blow him off, but blow him off in such a way that he won’t be too offended by me? I’m thinking of doing this via SMS (I don’t know how he will react when communicating “live”). All that remains is to find the words. :-)

    I can’t understand who or what these SMS messages are for. If a guy doesn’t care about you, then complaining words won’t influence him. On the contrary, you will make it even more painful for the lover. And in general, I am for live communication. And then we got used to meeting and parting on the Internet. IN real life have you even met???)))) Kindergarten some...

    Personally, I react to any quarrel very violently and overly emotionally. It’s hard for me to find words, and sometimes it’s impossible, because... you are in a stressful situation. But when you have cooled down a little and are left alone, you feel the incompleteness of the conversation and want to speak out. And that’s when these SMS messages come in handy. Repeatedly I wrote something similar, a feeling of completeness of the relationship appeared, such a bold and beautiful point. And by the way, she made an impression, so I recommend it.


    Reporting a breakup via SMS if you had a long and serious relationship is cruelty and cowardice. Well, unless you seriously offended, then you can write something offensive yourself.

    But I can’t tell a person about the end of a relationship, even though I know that it’s right... I always somehow feel sorry for the person, and I put off breaking up even in hopeless cases. so SMS is my option.

    I broke up with guys twice, to be honest, it hurt. The first time I didn’t write anything at all and didn’t respond to his text messages to me. And the second time, yes, it happened - I wrote it. And I still regret it. Although we parted quite peacefully, in a rage I wrote nasty things. A banal stupid phrase - all men are assholes. And you lead this herd. Still haven't apologized. And I’m not going to, although I feel guilty.

    If you break up with a guy with a grudge, then I think that you definitely need to talk it out to him or write it to him - it will be easier to “turn the page” and start new life. And he, at least, will know that he was probably wrong, cruel, cold with you, etc., and will either try to fix everything, regardless of the text of the message received, or take time to think, and then, if irresistible will be drawn to you, will find a reason to meet. The main thing - if you still hope to restore the relationship - is not to offend with words, as I once did: “Be a man, don’t call again!”, And she herself expected the opposite, but he was simply offended.

    It’s better not to break up at all than by SMS Это же не серьезно, надо друг дружке выссказать все, что хотелось, т.е. послали по-хорошему и каждый своей дорогой!!}

    I don’t think that when breaking up you need to use any template phrases. You can take them as a basis and come up with something of your own. In general, you need to break up in person, and not via SMS correspondence.

    Many of these SMS can be taken as a basis; indeed, the ideas are simply excellent, but you still need to write from yourself. I think it would be inappropriate to break up with a person with some phrase from the Internet. In general, I think that you shouldn’t break up this way, especially if you were in a serious and long-term relationship. So you will not be able to put an end to your relationship.

I will think about you constantly, returning to you in thoughts and dreams. I will ask heaven and all kinds of saints to take care of you and return you to me safe and sound. You are my happiness, and as you know, it is impossible for a person to live without happiness. Come back to me as quickly as possible, I'm looking forward to it! Today will be an extremely sad day, and all because today I say goodbye to you. It might not be for long, just a couple of days, but this time will seem like an eternity to me. Please come back as soon as possible, because without you my whole life is in turmoil. My day begins with your smile and ends with your kiss. Don't deprive me of this for long. I will miss you beyond belief, the love of my life. The time for parting has come, my soul is somehow sad and empty. But, we will cope with all the troubles, with all the problems, thoughts and obstacles of time.

SMS to boyfriend about breakup

Why do we need extra problems? We both need to change something in our lives. You've already started. Have a nice journey, dear! I forgive you and let you go.

Forever." To the former “Hello, hello! I don’t even know how to contact you now. The heart beats and shouts to you “beloved”, “dear”, “the only one”, and the mind sobers up and says “former” about you.


Yes, you were a wonderful, wonderful moment in my life. Now it seems that everything was a dream. Morning came and our love dissolved.


After our separation, days and nights ceased to exist for me. I lived as if in some impenetrable fog. But the heavenly forces have had mercy, the fog is slowly dissolving, I see the outlines of the horizon.

It means I'm living and breathing again full breasts. You may no longer be in my reality, but no one will tear you out of my heart. Memories of our meetings will always warm and encourage me.

Forgive me for all. Remember us. There was love.

Writing a farewell letter to your loved one

That's all! You and I are parting! Time will pass, we will survive. We will wake up from love's stupor! And we will find the desired happiness! Author: Tanya Larina Dreams, love - all this is in the past. And in the future WE are no more... Why did it all happen like this? Who will give me the answer to this? Author: Nastasya87 I’m sorry, but we have to break up, This can’t go on any longer! As your mother and my mother-in-law will say: “Love doesn’t like jealousy!” Author: Tanya Larina Apparently, this is what fate has given us, I’m not leaving you - I’m saving you. I haven’t loved you for a long time and I haven’t melted in your arms for a long time! Author: Olga Fursova The time has come to part. But I retained the memory of the moment, When we were happy... Sorry that everything has passed! Sorry for falling out of love. Author: Tanya Larina If you want to leave, go! I won’t hold you back, I won’t cry. I wish you a good journey, But know: I won’t forget you.

Farewell SMS to a guy when breaking up

SMS congratulations, toasts, jokes / Sad SMS / About breaking up Love is not only romantic meetings by candlelight, kisses, hugs, dates, but also the bitterness of partings, quarrels, jealousy and separation. This section contains targeted, universal and mostly sad SMS about separation, written in verse for former loved ones.

I’ll be on the list of your exes.” Don’t talk to future ones about who you had in the past. Don’t call me, be silent, Even though I know it will be difficult.

It’s hard for me to think that now I will be on the list of your exes, And you will be on my list for losses, For those who love, but for those who have cooled down. “We must not forget about each other” What a pity that perhaps Fate will never let us see each other, But She will never make us forget about each other... “Don’t judge our past strictly” Reluctantly, but still we admit: In a relationship ours are stagnant.

Parting in prose

Our dreams are not destined to come true and sadly, this is the end!

  • I want to plunge into routine everyday life in order to forget you as quickly as possible. Thank you for the wonderful moments you gave me, but my heart cannot give you a second chance.
  • The wind of change has blown away my addiction called love.
    The scarlet sail will no longer appear on the horizon, because I choose freedom - freedom from you!
  • After this SMS, I will put up an invisible wall that will protect me from all the lies in which my love for you drowned. I’d rather say “Goodbye” now than continue to torment my soul.
  • I am no longer happy with our relationship, in which understanding has disappeared.
    The game of love ended with this SMS!

loading… Farewell SMS to a loved one when breaking up It’s difficult to come up with farewell SMS when breaking up with a loved one on your own, because emotions affect intelligence.

Sad sms about breakup

And be happy! Whom you don’t love “Dear friend! I am glad that I met you on the path of life. You are wonderful, sincere, interesting person. You know how to love and look after beautifully.
I'm sorry I can't reciprocate your feelings. My heart does not respond to the call of your heart. You can probably guess this yourself. I can no longer date you and continue this deception.

Thank you for the love and warmth that you generously give, but believe me, I am not the one who will reciprocate your feelings. Let's part as friends before our relationship reaches a dead end.

Keep this farewell letter and remember that I was honest with you. Forgive me a hundred thousand times and let me go once. Goodbye!" Modern girls can end a relationship by sending their ex-boyfriend a goodbye text.

Here are some examples: “Hare, it’s all over between us.

Farewell letter to a loved one

Be happy, but without me!

  • Sublime relationships crashed against the rocks of reality and left us with pain inside, which will echo in our souls for a long time. Thanks for the experience and goodbye!
  • Our book of love will have to be closed and placed on a shelf to gather dust. The last chapter of the novel has already been written and cannot be changed!
  • I imagined our love to be completely different. Instead of a paradise oasis, I see an impenetrable jungle. Complete disappointment in you cuts me to the quick. I will extinguish the relationship candle forever and right now!
  • I'm not looking for beautiful forms of big words - that's of no use. The hour has come when our relationship has exhausted itself. I hope that my experience with you will help me become happier.

Farewell SMS to a guy who offended You can also write a farewell message to a guy who offended you. Still, SMS is better than words.

SMS congratulations

We have a flight ahead... Special for Datki.net And now I have zero degrees inside, When you again said nasty things to me, When you put sharp fingers under my skin, And all the planets collapsed with the stars. And inside me the volcano explodes, And you remain silent, grinning maliciously. Your eyes insist that it’s my fault - I opened my arms to love! I came up with it myself, I believed it myself, I measured love with my own standards, I was looking for heaven with you - now I’m burning in hell. But even through pain I still love! Especially for Datki.net Everything froze and My homeless soul was covered with ice, And what I dreamed of did not come true... I, like on the edge of a knife, Walk along the edge of life, Walk along the edge of the bridge, And without you I freeze, But also with you I'm burning to the ground! Specially for Datki.net It was like a child was sleeping peacefully, So I woke up - and what now? Somewhere inside hope dies, And the door closes behind you... And then, in his soul, He hides the resentment in vain.

SMS when parting in prose and poetry

So come on, without cursing fate, let’s part ways with you forever! Don’t judge our past harshly, Try to find happiness! It’s good that we didn’t manage to go far down the wrong road! "Bye Bye! How sad this word is. Who invented it?! For the tongue it is simple, But what is it for the heart?... “It’s torment for me to say goodbye to you.” It’s an unspeakable torment for me to say goodbye to you, It’s not easy for me to survive your farewell glance. And where do separations come from in the world, That they always torment and hurt so deeply! Call, write, quench the thirst of your heart, Give it a drink with a kind and quiet word, like water. So that your soul can warm up from your warmth, So that these long days do not torment you so much. "I want to hurt you" I want to hurt you. I want to become empty and cruel, So that your icy blood seems like strawberry juice to me. I want to hurt you. I want merciless revenge. Shut up about your love. We will never be together.

Breakup SMS

I won’t shout: “How could you?” Love, be happy, smile and don't look guilty. Live calmly, don’t be tormented that our paths have diverged. And I will be calm too, I will give smiles to everyone, And at night, without hiding my trembling, I will shed tears.

Fate decided everything for us, And you and I must part. I will feel bad without you, and I want to admit this.

I will be waiting for a new meeting, I won’t even sleep at night. I will miss you, Because, dear, you can’t order your heart. I thought that the light had come together like a wedge. I saw the meaning of life in you. She took care of her, she cared for her, she loved her - and all this was a joy to me. Only the feelings silently faded away, Not finding reciprocal warmth. There is no love, there is a reason for sadness, After all, you are no longer with me.

The soul is torn to shreds by separation, The heart is crying alone. Darling, I miss you very much - It couldn’t be otherwise. The separation is very difficult, I want to cuddle up to you. Trust in my own hands, Stay together forever.

Now your strong hands will not squeeze my body in a fit of passion, and our dawn will not come. The fairy tale has collapsed, forgive and farewell!

  • I can never forget you, but we no longer have a future. The pain that is still boiling inside me will someday subside. But I don’t want to see your strange indifference anymore - this is the end!

Always live positively. Know! Everything that happens is only for the better. Life does not stop, and everything that awaits you ahead will be better, because you have received negative experience, and you will take this into account in the future. When breaking up, guys also worry, especially if your last farewell words are saturated with vivid emotions. I think you will find the necessary SMS or come up with your own words based on them.

SMS about breaking up with your husband in your own words

Hi all! Breaking up is a difficult time, but there are times when people are not right for each other. And in order for the separation to be clear for both people - one is looking for the right words, and the other must perceive them correctly and react with dignity. How will it be in reality? Nobody knows. All people are different. But the situation can always be smoothed out. Farewell SMS to a guy when breaking up, in your own words If you decide to break up, then choose suitable farewell SMS for your boyfriend, written in your own words, so that he not only understands, but also remembers this moment, because he will never meet someone like you.

  • By sending this SMS, I will erase you from my life, and, overcoming mental pain, I will look into the future with an open heart. And you go into the night...
  • Just recently I went crazy from your touch, but today it’s hard for me to remember everything that happened between us.

A beautiful farewell letter

The reasons for breakups are different: misunderstandings, resentments that have accumulated gradually, betrayal, or simply the feeling that love is gone. Many stories have a good start, but not everyone is able to leave love and put an end to it. It’s hard to take your thoughts into a fist and say: “Sorry, we need to break up.”

At this moment, the voice may tremble slightly, and tears may flow. If you still have to break up, then you should try to write a farewell letter to your loved one. Girls are fragile creatures, however, at times they have to pull themselves together and say goodbye. It’s easier to do it in this form, although it’s difficult.

Farewell letter to a beloved man

Forgive me, dear, that I cannot express everything to your face. I'm worried that I won't be able to find the right words. I thought of writing a farewell letter. You know very well that I have always loved you. Every day I think about those moments spent together, your frequent calls. At that time I felt like the happiest person in the world. I would give anything now just to recreate that time.

I will greatly miss your powerful and gentle hands, feel sad behind your gaze, and also want to find myself in your arms again. I think about the time we spent together every day. Our first meeting is in my thoughts.
Sorry, but we have to part ways. Warm memories of us will remain in my head.

Last letter to my beloved man

I never thought that you do not strive to value our feelings and relationships. Previously, we understood each other perfectly. I wonder if we have at least a drop of love left or if we need to start life from scratch.

After all, you feel that my love belongs to you. Your constant calls, our first date will be remembered for a long time. I'm not going to be indifferent to our relationship. I talked so little about my love. I was always worried that the fairy tale would end. I will always remember you. You are forever in my heart.

How to Write a Farewell Letter to Tears

There are always thoughts in my head about our meeting, about your stories and calls. The most important thing for me is that you are my beloved man, but I am not the one you need. If everything is as I say, at least say something, because separation is becoming more and more difficult. Whatever decision you make, I will accept everything.

A beautiful farewell letter from my wife

“My dear husband! I was finally able to pull myself together and decide to write you a letter in which I wanted to express my feelings. Our love has turned into something else. It doesn't help that I try to turn our life into a fairy tale. You stopped calling, our meetings became rare. You must understand that I am a girl and I feel everything.

It became difficult for me to pretend. Let me cry and worry, but I will try to get through it. I want to let you go, be free. I'm sorry that I couldn't make you the happiest person. May everything be fine with you and the other one. Sorry, goodbye!"

Farewell letter to an ex-man

With you I began to be able to love. You taught me to enjoy every moment. Throughout our relationship, you have become a part of my soul. Every day next to you, I will remember. I realize that tomorrow I won’t see you, I won’t touch you, I won’t smell you. It hurts me that you won't be around.

I realized that you are mine. You didn't want to change for me. And I, in turn, am not going to wait long. I don’t want to suffer and worry anymore, I hope you receive this letter and read it.

Farewell letter from a mistress to a married man

“Beloved, but not my man. It's difficult for me to write these lines. I shouldn't have loved you, but I couldn't restrain myself. Surprisingly, you couldn’t resist me either. Our relationship was like a sweet dream.

But no matter how bitter it may be, we have to part ways with you. You married man, I'm not going to destroy your family. At first it will be difficult and difficult for us, but it is necessary to do this for our own benefit. Be happy with the one you call your wife. You loved her before, you can love her again. I don't want to cause any more suffering. Sorry, I'm leaving"

Letter to the man who abandoned

"My dear! Sorry, I can’t call you anything else, because I love you. Now I feel resentment to the depths of my soul. Previously, your hands warmed me, now bitter tears of resentment and disappointment. Previously, my heart rejoiced.

Now it’s like he’s been ripped out of his chest. You left without really explaining anything. He just disappeared. Sorry, I'm not ready to forgive you, even if you want to come back. Be happy".

Letter to the man who offended

"Hi sunshine. I decided to write my last message in prose. I have no strength for poetry and rhymes. They left with tears that I could hardly stop, it’s time to put an end to it.

We started arguing and saying offensive things. We have become strangers. Let's admit that love has turned into emptiness, we have destroyed it. We're going our separate ways. Sorry!"

Published in the section

My dear and most beloved guy in the world. So I pulled this letter from afar for you. And all because I just can’t stay close to you anymore. I really had a good time with you, and I think you know it. But then everything turned out completely differently than we expected. Every day your sympathy for me diminished, and it became clear to me that I could no longer be with you for so long. And now I just want to ask you for forgiveness for taking so much of your time. I think that you can find another person with whom you will feel good. And now I would like to wish you happiness and good luck. May you have a happy and joyful life. Know that you were the best for me.

Happiness cannot last, that’s what everyone told me, but I didn’t really believe it. And only after some time I actually realized how very wrong I was. Because some time after we met, you showed yourself from a completely different side. And that side really scared me. And one day I just realized that I don’t love you at all. Reality scared and surprised me. And then I realized that I no longer want to be with you. And now I want to apologize to you for everything. May you always be happy. And may you never worry about anything again. And may everything be fine with you. Know that I will always be happy to help you with everything. So just live happily, and never regret what happened, because you won’t be able to get it back at all.

The happiness between you and me did not last long. That first love passed so quickly that I didn’t even have time to notice. When I first met you, I couldn’t even think that you turned your attention to me. My surprise was so great when you came up to me. And then everything started spinning and spinning. And only now am I going to part with you. And I do this because I do not have the strength or desire to continue all this. I want you to be able to understand and forgive me. I wish you happiness and good luck in everything, no matter what you do. And know that if you need anything, I will always be ready to come to your aid. But don't expect anything more from me. And may the sun of good luck always shine on each of us. And may no one ever be able to experience the same pain that I experienced. Let people look at us understand that it is absolutely impossible to do this. And that before you give up everything and rush headlong into the pool of love, you need to think carefully about whether you have chosen the right person for yourself. Will you be happy with him? And only after careful consideration do what you decide to do.

Every day I remember more and more times that became a great lesson for me. I don’t even want to remember them. But, there is nothing to do, and I remember everything again again. When I met him, I didn’t even think that something could work out between us. But then everything started spinning so unexpectedly that I didn’t even have time to notice anything. Long months of meetings unexpectedly ended in separation. That's how it all ended. And now I can only ask you for forgiveness for wasting your time on me. But you know, I don't regret anything. Everything I went through was just a lesson. So I am grateful to you for absolutely everything. Good luck with everything. And I will try to live so happily that you can never hear anything about me. And may luck always accompany you in everything. Happiness to you in everything, no matter what you do. And remember that under any circumstances you remained a good man.

Life doesn't always happen exactly the way we want it. You must first go through many obstacles and greetings so that, in the end, happiness will smile at you at least a little. So once upon a time happiness and luck smiled on me only for a moment. I met a man who became truly dear to me. He and I had real pleasure, which then ended in emptiness. And now I have absolutely nothing good to remember. So I just want to tell you, I'm sorry for everything that was wrong. No matter what you say, I will still be glad that I met you. Because this became a good life lesson for me that I can never forget. And finally, I want to wish you happiness and love. Let as little trouble happen to you as possible.

Autumn has come again. Now again, endless and lonely evenings await me, which I will again spend alone. I really don’t want to do this at all, but I will still ask for your forgiveness. I'm really sorry that things didn't work out for you and me. You and I broke up so quickly that I didn’t even have time to notice it. I apologize to you for the inconvenience caused, for always tormenting you with my whining and annoying you for no reason. And now I want to tell you that you are a good person. This means that you can quickly find the one that will make your life brighter and better. And know that there should be no falsehood in all your actions, everything you do must be sincere. And may luck always be on your side, no matter what you do. Happiness and love to you in everything. And even if something didn’t work out for you and me, may you be able to build a relationship with someone else.

My dear boyfriend, I am now writing you this letter because I want to tell you something that I did not dare to say for a long time. I actually had doubts about this, but I will still tell you, forgive me for everything. You know that I was too impatient with you, and often did not listen to you. But now everything has changed. I want you to do well. And that's why I want to wish you as much as possible more joy in life. I tried to always remain a good person, and then everything in life will work out for you. Because only through good deeds and deeds can people do for themselves everything that they will need later. And finally, I wish you to meet a person with whom you will always feel good. May you and your love be happy, no matter what. And may the sun of hope, good luck, and all the best not be hidden from you. Live happily.

How to break up with a man? What should I tell him? In this article you will find the best phrases to break up with a man.

Parting with someone whom you just recently called your loved one is not at all easy. Often women delay this unpleasant moment and avoid a farewell meeting, thereby aggravating the situation. Parting always has a negative connotation, however, even after it you can maintain friendly relations and not destroy all the good things that once connected you. Whatever the reason, by initiating a breakup, we are essentially telling the man that we no longer love him. Of course, this causes him unbearable pain, but by choosing the right words, you will reduce the force of the blow to his feelings and pride.

We offer the best phrases that will help you break up with a man with dignity.

Don't be afraid to take decisive action

The understanding that your relationship no longer has prospects, as a rule, does not come immediately. But one day a moment comes when you realize that parting is the only way out of this situation. It would seem that you just need to explain to the person the reason for your decision and go to different sides without mutual claims and insults. However, in practice everything turns out to be much more complicated. Not every woman can calmly say, “We can’t be together anymore,” preferring to delay this moment, thereby causing the man even more pain.

Psychologists for family and interpersonal relationships It is advised to act as decisively as possible in such cases. There is no need to put off the farewell meeting, and even more so, there is no need to give a person false hope. Parting is like a point in a story after which there can be no continuation. Often women choose the most painless phrases for saying goodbye, for example, “Now I want to be alone,” “Let’s break up for a while,” “Let’s just be friends,” etc. At first glance, these phrases seem to be ideal for civilized parting. But in fact, they cause great harm to both you and your partner. The meaning of these phrases is that you have not yet finally decided whether you want to break up with the person or not. Accordingly, you will not be able to put a firm end to the relationship, and the man will live with the hope that very soon everything will be as before.

The farewell phrase should be unambiguous, decisive and uncompromising. Having heard it, a man must understand that separation is an inevitable fact that has no alternatives. But, at the same time, there is no need to part on a negative note, thereby crossing out everything that connected you previously. Even if you leave a man because of his mistakes and actions, try to pacify your resentment without bringing the situation to a scandal.

An example of successful phrases for breaking up with a man

  1. “Right now I’m not ready for serious relationship, neither with you nor with anyone else."
  2. “I realized that I don’t love you.”
  3. “We have different paths, we cannot be together.”
  4. "My feelings for you have changed."
  5. "We do not understand each other".
  6. "We are too different to be together."
  7. "We have little in common."
  8. “Sorry, we can’t be together. Thank you for being in my life."

Breaking up with a man at a distance

It is especially difficult to break up with a person who is far away from you. If possible, still try to organize a personal meeting where you can explain to the man the reason for your action and dot the i’s. However, if no alternatives exist, for example, the person is in another city or country, and you will not see each other in the near future, you should not postpone the separation “for later”. Under any circumstances, you need to say goodbye to a man when you realize there are no prospects in the relationship.

When a personal meeting is excluded, you have several options left to say the last “goodbye” - video communication, phone conversation, correspondence by email or SMS. Choose a method of communication that will allow not only you, but also the man to speak out. For example, by writing young man a farewell SMS or letter, you will, so to speak, “drive him into a corner,” because he will not be able to fully fend off your accusations. In addition, your words may be interpreted by him in a completely different way than you intend. If you want your breakup to be as beautiful and dignified as possible, talk to your man via video or phone. This way you can not only speak out, but also listen to his opinion.

If your relationship developed primarily at a distance, emphasize the fact that you can no longer live alone and want your loved one to be near you. But, at the same time, let him know that you are not ready to change your life for his sake, and therefore you have made the final decision to break up.

For example, a farewell phrase ending a long-distance relationship may have the following meaning:

  1. “I need a person who will be next to me. Unfortunately, we cannot be together."
  2. “Relationships cannot always continue at a distance. Our feelings have faded."
  3. “I can't be alone anymore. Since we can’t change the situation, it means we need to break up.”
  4. “Unfortunately, our feelings could not withstand the distance. I do not love you anymore".
  5. “You're never around. This can't go on any longer."

The most important thing is not to delay by decision. The sooner you break up with a man, the sooner you and he will have a chance to start a new happy life.