He constantly lies about what to do. What to do if your husband lies all the time

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

All people deceive: men, women, and children. English scientists have found that people begin to lie from the age of six months. So already six-month-old children are able to fake laugh or scream in order to attract attention. Then, as children grow up, they learn to hold something back, and one-year-olds use lies to distract attention. From the age of two, children lie openly, and their favorite phrase is: “It’s not me.”

The ability to tell lies is an innate quality. And only through education, the ability not to indulge, but to carefully stop deception, can this property of human nature be reduced - this is what psychologists believe.

What to do if you are faced with a lie, and with the deliberate deception of an adult - your husband? Why do men lie? What incentives push them to deceive? And, most importantly, what to do if we discover that the man you love is deceiving you?

To begin with, immediately tame your anger and do not throw around irresponsible statements such as “I myself never lie.” This is no longer true, because the most common lie is the answer “good” to the question “how are you?” But today we will not talk about the types of deception, but we will try to understand the motivating reasons for men’s lies.

Psychologists say that there are many such reasons, and women themselves are to blame for many of them. How? Here is the simplest example: we all want to see next to us a kind of cross between a supermacho and a prince on a white horse, a person who will solve our any problem in the blink of an eye, like a magician, who will clear all the clouds over our head.

And an ordinary man, trying with all his might not to disappoint us, comes up with all sorts of fables, inflates his social status, financial situation, opportunities - all in order to maintain women's interest and attention. Such a man wants to appear taller, better, more competitive in our eyes. Should we blame him so harshly for this? Maybe it’s better to reconsider your own requirements and finally understand that there are no wizards in the world?

The second reason for male deception, called by psychologists, is a lack of attention, our female attention. All people love when they are praised, given compliments, appreciated and do not skimp on warm and good words. Men are no exception, but for some reason it is considered the norm to give compliments exclusively to women. So they talk about their real and non-existent successes and achievements in order to hear a word of praise, in order to see that we value, are proud of and admire them.

Does this seem funny? But in vain, because if your man is trying to rise in your eyes in this way, to gain attention and understanding, it means that he lacks this in your relationship, and you have missed something, and something important and serious.

Often men exaggerate, to put it mildly, how busy they are. On the one hand, this is dictated by the desire to appear more significant, to emphasize that they are irreplaceable specialists, they are valued and considered. But this lie can also be dictated by the desire to dodge household chores and worries that are of no interest to them. If we notice this, then we should take this husband’s behavior carefully, for example, expressly thank him for his help, explaining how important it is for you. Try to do household chores together, together, while gradually burdening your husband so that he gets used to the fact that household chores are common to family members.

But there are other reasons that are important to understand in order to adjust your behavior and relationships in time, before deception and the conflict caused by it destroy your feelings. Thus, many men are inherently introverts who are unable or embarrassed to open their inner world for other people, even for those closest to you. And if your pressure and irresistible desire become painful and too strong, then such a man would rather lie than tell what he does not know how and does not want to talk about. Such lies have no reason other than your immoderate pressure. But for some men, inner peace is the most valuable thing in life, so you need to respect their right to inner space.

As a rule, men do not like to talk about their personal lives, about the past, and even more so about former relationship, connections with women. This property male psychology, and there is nothing scary or dangerous about it. Moreover, you yourself can be sure that your relationship, no matter how it turns out, will never be made public.

One of the most common reasons for male lies is the presence of a double life. If your husband has a mistress, then the ball of lies will grow and grow until he himself becomes entangled in it, or you find out the truth in another way. At the same time, your loved one may be sincerely afraid of hurting you with the truth, or he himself still hasn’t figured it out or is unable to understand the current situation and make a decision. And it can be difficult to give up a double life for various reasons: either the relationship on the side has gone quite far and is no longer controlled by male desires alone, or the need for adrenaline from this state of affairs has become so necessary that he cannot refuse it.

To avoid hurting a woman, men lie much more often than women think. If your loved one knows and understands for sure that the truth will disappoint you or cause anger, resentment, or provoke a family scandal, he will not tell the truth and will begin to get out and come up with anything to keep him safe. family relationships from conflicts and negative emotions.

At the same time, they do not think about what will happen when the truth comes to the surface. The position of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand is just about such deception. For a man at this moment, the main thing is that the truth does not emerge here and now, and what will happen later is not thought about. Suddenly it will somehow blow by, or maybe later it will be possible to release everything on the brakes.

What should a woman do in this case? Realizing that your loved one is trying with all his might to avoid the scandal, think: maybe you swear so often that he no longer has the strength to endure it, and he is trying, at least in this way, to change something in your relationship?

Each person must decide for himself whether to lie or tell the truth. There are no people in the world who have never lied in their lives, but deception is different from deception, just as the reasons that force a person to lie are different. If in your relationship there is more deception than truth, if lying is all that is important and determining human relations, it is hardly worth continuing them. And they themselves will not last long on such a foundation.

Our best advice is to understand everything thoroughly.

A slight distortion of information about himself is a mere trifle for a man. Judge for yourself, just as women like to slightly dramatize, exaggerating the size of a real disaster, so men like to embellish the events of their lives, making achievements even more significant. In some ways, both of these phenomena are even interconnected: she reacts too violently to the world and cries, he begins to lie in order to avoid her tears. However, this does not cancel the pain that a woman experiences when she catches her loved one in a lie. Why do men lie? Let's figure it out.

3 reasons for male lies: psychology of the stronger sex

1. Make an impression

Just as a turkey fluffs its tail to attract the attention of a female, so a man wants to score as many points as possible in the eyes of the lady he likes. His logic is simple - lure her into his network by any means, make her fall in love, and then whatever happens. And at the very beginning, this tactic often works. He enthusiastically lies about his age, status, education received and even financial situation, just to seduce a woman. He does not understand only one thing - the secret becomes obvious, and his companion will most likely be offended by the very fact of lying rather than by the real state of affairs.

2. Avoid consequences

There is another story: a man dreams of going fishing, but knows that his wife will be against it. Therefore, he finds nothing better than to lie and go fishing under the guise of “business negotiations.” And what more woman will resist the desires of the partner in the future, the less he will devote her to his plans. Drinking parties with friends will take place under the guise of meetings; under the guise of a salary cut, the man will begin to save money to repaint his car. Who is to blame? More likely, a woman who established too tight control, cutting off her beloved’s breathing. After all, if he tells it like it is, he is unlikely to receive anything other than discontent and repression.

3. Maintain freedom

It also happens that a man lies about little things even when he does nothing reprehensible. For example, he says that he is leaving for work, and he goes to his parents. Or he swears that he drank one glass of milk for dinner, while he ate a pot of soup. And how should we understand this? Most likely, in this teenage way, he tries to rebel against the excessive control of a woman, fighting for every sip of freedom.

How to recognize his lies?

Lighter than easy. As soon as he jumps off the topic, tries to explain something in a very confusing way, starts putting passwords on equipment, generally behaves atypically and secretively - you’ll be caught red-handed! If a man is really lying, his reaction will tell it all. Or he will turn on the aggression mode, starting to react with hostility to ordinary questions. Or the opposite behavior will follow - excessive attention, which was not characteristic of him before. In this way he will try to compensate for the deep feeling of guilt.

What to do if a man cheats?

Our best advice is to understand everything thoroughly. Don’t accumulate resentment in yourself so that at the most inopportune moment you can explode and cause a scandal by doing something stupid. But, having exposed the setup, start a frank conversation.

Sometimes a man lies to save himself. Not because he is a scoundrel or a rogue, the likes of which the world has never seen. But because he wants to protect his beloved woman from unnecessary worries, so that she does not get upset because of his mistakes, does not worry about the lack of some benefits. The man’s goal in this case is noble, albeit unjustified. If you are caught in a lie of this kind, it is better to talk frankly with your partner in order to come to a common consensus.

It happens that a man’s lies are nothing more than a consequence of bad upbringing. Often the childhood of such liars was not a smooth one; they were often punished and limited in their desires, which is why they learned to get out of it by hiding the truth. If such a man subsequently chooses a mother-woman as a companion, who takes care of him and bothers him in everything, he can return to a childish pattern of behavior, which only a family consultant can help get rid of.

If a man is subject to various kinds of addictions, lying in this case becomes a means of survival. Do you agree that it is much easier to lie to your partner than to admit your love for gambling or smoking marijuana? The primary step in this case will be the fight against addictions, rather than against lies. And of course, the man himself should want recovery first of all.

There is also a pathological need to deceive, the reasons for which are hidden deep in the depths of the subconscious and are associated with a variety of children's complexes.

This kind of lie can only be treated by specialists in this field, and even then not always successfully. In this case, restoring the previous level of trust between partners really requires Herculean efforts, but it is still possible if both are ready and want to change. The only option in which it is better to end the relationship is repeated repetition of betrayal.

So, each situation of deception is deeply individual and requires clarification of all the reasons and circumstances. But it is quite possible to change a man’s attitude towards this problem, especially if both are committed to constructive dialogue.

For some people, deception becomes normal and commonplace.

Particularly fond of concealment and outright lies married men: This is not always associated with cheating, but the fact that there is no trusting relationship makes the spouse worry.

Exhausted by men's repeated lies, women ask what to do if their husband lies. But there can be many answers to this question, as well as reasons for lying: from a banal childhood habit to an unpleasant secret that is kept from a spouse.

The most common reasons for cheating

You should not draw unambiguous conclusions about the character of your spouse and the specifics of your relationship with him; you should understand the situation. If more and more often you hear from your spouse not only light or insignificant lies, but also outright blatant lies, then finding out the reasons for such behavior, which is uncharacteristic of an adult with a strong position in life, will be the only correct way to solve the problem.

But what to do: your husband constantly lies, even if there is no serious reason for this? Some of the most common reasons why an adult man lies are:

  • Fear of being misunderstood. Many men prefer to embellish reality so as not to be ridiculed or misunderstood: few people dare to admit to supposedly “unmanly” actions and hobbies. For example, in choosing a new chandelier or getting into blogging. A woman’s task is to let her husband understand that all his habits and preferences are accepted without reservations.
  • Difficulties in relationships. If there is no relationship between spouses, then lying for a man becomes a way to avoid a quarrel and another conflict - in this case, the issue should be resolved together.
  • Boasting. To attract the attention of a wife and make her admire her husband is another reason for a man’s lies: to exaggerate his importance at work, to boast of his success in repairing cars - for a man this is not deception at all, but a way to “let his feathers down.”
  • Taking care of a woman. Oddly enough, it is precisely the concern for the mental balance of their soulmate that often makes men hold back, dodge and lie. Loving husband will never tell the truth about his wife’s extra centimeters at the waist, about a bad blouse or tough meat for dinner: from childhood, trained to take care of and not offend fragile and tender girls, men are forced to dodge throughout their lives.

How to recognize dangerous deception?

Lies are not always dictated by concern for a spouse or a desire to avoid conflict. Sometimes the reasons for lies are more dangerous and turning a blind eye to them is fraught with final discord in the relationship.

Tired of repeated lies, women ask the question of what to do if their husband cheats and lies. Caught in a lie and destroy the family or close your eyes and forgive the adventures?

Cheating is one of the common causes of marital lies. Some of the men prefer to hold back and remain silent. Others build real castles out of lies and remain confident in their inviolability.

Both models of behavior reveal a liar and demonstrate to the spouse the presence of any difficulties in the relationship. A serious problem in this situation is the complete reluctance of men to admit the existence of a lie: many, even after being caught and convicted, continue to lie with inspiration and prove the opposite.

What to do if your husband is lying, but a thorough lie has no flaws and it is not possible to convict him of it?

In this case, you should follow the call of your heart: many women prefer to live in their own little world and look at it through rose-colored glasses, turning a blind eye to adultery and lies, others break off such relationships. It should be understood that he who has lied once will certainly lie again.

Options for solving the problem

When a woman thinks about what to do if her husband constantly lies, she should choose one of the appropriate lines of behavior and perform certain actions based on the decision made:

  • Talk frankly. It is necessary to understand that without trust and frankness, no relationship can last long, and trust must be mutual. If a woman constantly suspects her husband of lying, then she will be able to find lies even where there are none. A spouse who does not trust his wife will also lie and dodge where he could simply tell the truth.
  • Create a scandal. Many women choose this method of dealing with lies as the most effective, but is it really that effective? Of course, after a serious shake-up, the spouse caught in a lie will calm down, but he will not stop lying - he will simply begin to think through every word more carefully so that next time he cannot be caught in a lie.
  • Lie back. A radical way to show your spouse your despair is to put him in his place. Even the most inveterate liar will not be able to look indifferently at how his wife is deceiving him and hiding something, and after finding out the reasons, you can return to an explanatory conversation.
  • Accept your husband for who he is. It is important for a man to be loved and understood, so that all his hobbies are taken seriously and his successes make him happy. Pay more attention to your spouse: he loves football - go to the stadium with him, wants to relax - lie on the sofa together, is interested in modeling - give him a construction kit. Remember that with an understanding wife, the husband will not lie: it will be much easier for him to tell the truth and hear words of understanding.

Deception can destroy everything, including the most prosperous union. But only a woman is able to preserve fragile unity, help her husband get out of the veil of lies, restore balance and restore former understanding.

Trust and boundless confidence in a partner can work a miracle, reviving even the most hopeless relationships. Spouses trusting each other is a simple formula for a happy marriage.

>>What to do if a man is lying

What to do if a man cheats? What to do if your husband is lying?

This article, entitled " ", we will complete the topic dedicated to male deception. It is the end of the previous articles: " " and " ".

Understanding the reasons for a man's deception and finding out that he is really lying to you is still half the battle. After all, for many women it is no secret that their husbands are dishonest with them. But they accept these lies because they don't know what to do if your husband constantly lies.

Often a woman herself pushes a man to deceive

Often a woman, through her behavior, pushes a man to deceive. If he likes to keep watch over a man, ask him: where have you been? why was it half an hour late? who called? Who are you writing to? and start scandals even over a minor issue, then the man will lie to her. And he will do this in order to...

And this method of deception is ingrained in people from childhood. First, the boys lie to their moms, dads, and teachers at school in order to avoid punishment. When, he continues to deceive his wife, who, like his mother, scolds him for any offense.

What should you do if a man deceives you in this way? Well, the answer is obvious.

If a man is lying to you because he is afraid to tell the truth, then make sure that he is not afraid to tell it to you. Be open with him, trust your husband, support him, talk to him, interest him.

Your goal is to make sure that he is not afraid to tell you the truth and invent lies instead, but wants to tell you what happened. And I would tell you this regularly, every evening. You need to communicate more often and it will become a habit. This is a simple one that works very effectively and protects against many omissions. Dear women, remember, a man should not be afraid to talk to you, he should want and be willing to communicate with you.

Why does a woman often accept a man's deception?

It often happens that a woman knows that a man is deceiving her, but she doesn’t know what to do. This happens in cases where a woman is afraid to accept the truth and prefers a lie, in which she sees at least some hope for herself. After all, the truth, as we know, is often bitter. And instead of the bitter truth, the woman accepts the sweet lie from the man in the family.

Below we present one case that occurred in one of the married couples. In this family and secretly met with her. They were connected with their wife by children and a common business and, therefore, . But his wife began to notice more and more often, but he did not confess, he said that he had no one. This situation continued for quite a long time. The husband lied to his wife and she didn’t know what to do about it. The woman loved him and did not want such a situation to happen. Then she decided to take her husband out clean water

" and thereby force him to stop contacting the other woman.

And, although the man hid his connections on the side, his wife, over time, collected enough evidence to show him that she knew everything.

This example is very illustrative. And many women, in similar or other situations, know the truth, but accept, instead, a “comforting” lie from a man. After all, such truth often means that the relationship is over.

What can you do to prevent a man from cheating?

1. Well, first of all, start with yourself. In general, overcoming any difficulties should start with yourself. With changes in yourself. If you criticize your husband every day about his frequent get-togethers with friends, then understand that before your wedding they also gathered and sat together. They are also a part of his life and he has known them longer than you, perhaps with many more “on the potty.” Such friends cannot simply be erased from life.

Yes, you are now also a part of his life, yes, albeit the main and closest one. But your task is not to replace everything else (this is still impossible), but to harmoniously integrate into his life and take the most honorable place in it, without infringing (okay, not completely infringing) other interests.

2. There is no need to arrange daily “interrogations with passion”, like his strict mother. If he doesn’t want to talk or share any events, let him know that you are not a stranger. That you are interested in everything that happens to him and that you want to listen to him. Again, for this, you need to change yourself and after a while, not immediately, your husband will begin to change.

3. Get started. And if it seems to you that it is impossible to trust him, because he lies all the time, think, after all, that’s why he lies, which, in many cases, he doesn’t know. If mutual trust is restored to the family, things will get better, and the lies and deceit will disappear and become much smaller.

4. Think about whether every lie is evil. After all, you yourself probably resort to some feminine tricks and tricks, but this is also a kind of deception.

In general, the concept of “deception” is very broad. Jokes and various tricks are deception. No matter how they say that magic is sleight of hand and no deception. Betrayal is also deception. But these types of deception cannot be equated. Also in family life Not every deception is an evil that needs to be responded to negatively. Many situations can be treated with humor and irony. Very often, men know what women want to hear from them. Therefore, they say what the fair sex needs. After all, women love with their ears. Women love both compliments and

Imagine this situation: a woman asks a man: “Do you like Angelina Jolly?” or "Would you like to have sex with other women?"

or: “I have gained 6 kg, is this very noticeable?” In general, why do women ask such questions? After all, they themselves know the answer to them. But, nevertheless, they ask because they want to hear pleasant things for themselves, they expect support from men. And men also feel this subtly and tell women what they expect to hear.

Therefore, accept compliments from men, this is quite natural. Even if you see that a man is clearly disingenuous and flattering you, you don’t need to tell him: “You’re lying, you scoundrel,” or “You’re lying again.” Better smile and hug him, because he wants to please you. Our dear, beautiful women, remember that men, most often, do not lie in order to offend or anger you. And situations are different. Perhaps your man has met best friend

childhood, whom I had not seen for more than 10 years and, therefore, came home late. But I didn’t warn you because I was afraid of your harsh opinion and scandal on the phone. And perhaps he actually had a mistress. Then that's a different matter. After all, deception is different from deception and it would be wrong to react equally to any deceit of a man.

Lies are always unpleasant to listen to. However, it’s one thing when an ordinary acquaintance with whom you don’t really communicate lies, and another thing when your closest person deceives you. Of course, this cannot be tolerated under any circumstances and it is necessary to look for options on how to prevent this disgrace. So, let's figure it out together: what to do if your husband is lying?

First steps if you suspect your husband of lying

After a woman finds out that her husband has started lying, at least two questions arise: “Why does he treat me like this” and “Should I tell him everything or continue to pretend as if I don’t know anything”? But the first thing you need to do is calm yourself. Girls by nature are very emotional and hot-tempered, which cannot be said about men. And very often we say everything we think, but we don’t know what the consequences of our words will be. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is calm down and put your thoughts in order. It's really hard to do, but for your common good, you have to get through it.

After you calm down, analyze his behavior. Start to notice when he lies, what state he is in, when he tells a lie, is he lying only to you or to someone else?

Deceit may well be a trait of his character. If this is really the case, then he will lie to absolutely everyone, without exception: his wife, friend, colleague or just an acquaintance. This is indeed a real disease, similar to how kleptomaniacs behave. Both know that this is bad and indecent, but they still can’t stop.

Why does my husband lie?

Remember the main rule: if your husband lies to you, it’s not only his fault, but yours too. It is very selfish to blame everything on your spouse. So, the reasons for lying may be as follows.

  • Many men lie just to avoid offending the woman they love. If you ask if you're fat, how can he answer that it's time for you to lose those extra pounds? This is just a classic example, but there are many more. Either stop asking such provocative questions, or explain to him that you want to receive normal criticism from him.
  • Does your husband lie about little things? What to do in such a situation and what could cause this? One of the reasons may be that he wants to look more successful in your eyes. In this case, the wife should treat her husband less critically and praise him for every slightest achievement. And, of course, always and sincerely support him in everything.
  • If you constantly control your husband, don’t give him personal space, forbid him to meet with friends or go to a party with colleagues, then don’t even be surprised why he began to deceive you. Of course, you can also understand: you are afraid for him, and jealousy and care forces you to control his every step. But he lies not because he doesn’t love you, but because he doesn’t want quarrels and scandals. Try to learn to trust your loved one and then everything will really work out in your family life.

The most serious types of lies

If you can somehow come to terms with all the previous things, then what is described below cannot be justified in any way. We will talk about drunkenness and betrayal. This problem is quite common, and many women are desperately trying to fight it, against the wishes of their husbands.

If your husband drinks and lies, then you should seriously think about the further development of your relationship. Try to convey to your husband that if he does not stop abusing, then your relationship will end, because you do not want to spend your whole life with an alcoholic. Be confident and calm, don't stutter or worry while you speak. If this doesn’t make any impression on your husband, then think about the coding. If this doesn’t help, then think about whether you need a person who is ready to exchange your relationship for another bottle?

It is not uncommon for a husband to cheat and lie. Not every woman will be able to forgive such a man, even moreover, most women are really afraid that this will happen in their family. It is difficult to say what poor women should do in such a situation, because each case is individual. But in any case, try to create a harmonious relationship, no matter how difficult it may be. Do not infringe on a man’s rights, give him leadership in the family, but let him understand that your role in the family is also huge. This is the only way you can save your relationship from lies and betrayals.