Decorate New Year's with your own hands. We create original New Year's decorations with our own hands: photos, instructions, tips

Certain rules must be followed. Exists whole line ways that tell you how to make cake decorations as efficiently and simply as possible.

  • For mastic decorations, only the finest powdered sugar should be used. If there are large sugar crystals in the powder, the finished mastic will break when rolled out.
  • You need to take much more powdered sugar than is indicated in the mastic recipe.
  • To prevent the finished mastic from dissolving while applying it to the cake, it should never be applied to a wet surface.
  • You can put mastic only on butter cream, which must first be thoroughly cooled in the refrigerator, as well as on marzipan and ganache.
  • You can simply glue finished mastic decorations by wetting the joint with a small amount of water. The parts of the mastic figurines are connected to each other using egg white. You can use either protein alone or a mixture of it with powdered sugar.
  • Do not leave the mastic in the air for a long time. It will dry out.
  • Large mastic figures are made in advance. If you don't let them dry thoroughly, they can become soggy right on the finished cake.
  • Figures that have a large volume are attached to the cake almost before it is served. If you decorate the cake with them in advance and place it in the refrigerator until the appointed hour, then the figures, having absorbed moisture from the air, will simply crumble.
  • Color is given to mastic figurines using food coloring. Dyes are diluted before use.
  • The cooled mastic begins to roll out poorly. To make it more pliable, simply place the mastic in the microwave for just a few seconds.
  • from one to two weeks. In the freezer, the shelf life increases to two months. Before putting the mastic in the freezer or refrigerator, it must be placed in a plastic bag.
  • When rolling out mastic, starch is used. The rolling pin is also sprinkled with it. In some cases, the mastic is rolled out on a surface coated with vegetable oil.
  • After the mastic is rolled out, you need to cover it with film on top and use it to transfer it to the cake. The film should be on top. To prevent cracks from forming on the mastic coating, it is necessary to smooth the mastic directly onto the film.
  • The mastic lies as smoothly as possible on the marzipan coating.

Before you make a mastic cake decoration, purchase the following:

  1. 220 grams of marshmallows (you can use “Bon Pari” Marshmallow or “Zefirushki”);
  2. 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  3. 1 tablespoon water;
  4. 500 grams of fine powdered sugar.

Place marshmallows on a plate and pour water and lemon juice over them. Place in the microwave for fifteen seconds. Gently pour powdered sugar into the swollen candies. Next, the mastic must be transferred to a table sprinkled with powdered sugar and kneaded thoroughly. When it becomes viscous and dense like dough, you can start decorating the cake. Divide the mastic into several parts. One of them must be used to cover the cake. The remaining parts of the mastic must be painted with dyes and mixed thoroughly until the color is uniform. When working with mastic, your hands must be lubricated with vegetable oil.

Hello everyone. It's no secret that being in a beautifully decorated room is often more pleasant than being in it in its usual state. That is why in this article I will tell you about DIY New Year’s decorations that will be relevant in 2020 and subsequent years.

Everyone knows the classic decorations for this holiday - garlands, balls, etc. But today we will plunge into the world of original solutions for this case.

DIY New Year's decorations for 2020: 100 simple ideas

If you want to properly prepare for the New Year, then for this case I have prepared for you 100 interesting ideas, which can easily be done very quickly, but also use the most affordable materials.

What and how to decorate

As a bonus, I'll give you a decorating plan. It sounds scary, but it doesn't mean anything terrible at all.

This is the order I suggest:

  1. Doors. Classics of the genre - Christmas wreaths. But in Russia this is more of an adopted American tradition than a traditional New Year's decoration. In this case, you can decorate the door handles with pieces of garlands and lay out interesting patterns with the help of them.
  2. Window. Of course, you can also attach garlands to them. But it’s better to purchase special stickers for windows, or cut out traditional snowflakes and glue them to soap. You can also make so-called protrusions from paper - beautiful patterns and paper figures (snowflakes are a subspecies of this ancient Slavic art form). They can also be used for cabinets, especially with glass inserts.
  3. Other passages and transitions. Curtains in transitions were once popular, forming an airy cascade of threads. So for the New Year you can remember this good old fashion trend and make a kind of rain - hang several garlands or threads with flowers, animals, toys, made yourself or purchased.
  4. Walls. It’s impossible not to remember them) Of course, garlands will serve well here too.
  5. Ceiling. We also include chandeliers here.

New Year's decorations made of paper: master classes and photos

The first material for creating decorations for the New Year is, of course, paper and cardboard. After all, they are found in every home, and purchasing additional volumes of this pliable material is quite simple.

Paper window decorations with templates

They are very popular in winter paper crafts. various kinds window decorations. In the coming year, its symbol - the White Metal Rat - was given a special role. To decorate your windows with these animals, I suggest you look at these patterns.

Do you want to bring good luck into your home? Cut out rats from white paper and add silver glitter.

Here are the templates for the rest of the vytynankas (this is what winter paper window art is called). Among them you will find snowmen, bells, snow-covered expanses with fir trees and much more. Have fun carving!

Paper cubes with Santa, Christmas tree and snowman

In fact, there will be even more of these original and creative cubes! Along with them you will find little elves and a reindeer from Santa's carriage. You can put little surprises in these for children or use them as independent apartment decorations.

This is such a funny Santa.

Reindeer Rudolph, without whom Santa Claus is nowhere.

Snowman looking forward to the New Year.

Decorated festive fir tree.

And finally, the elf helpers are three kind kids.

These boxes were created by a wonderful girl under the nickname Hellohappycrafts. Thanks to it, you can download the designs of these holiday boxes in a large extension, which will allow you to experiment with the sizes of the finished decorations:

Download box scans

Of course, it is best to print them on a color printer and then cut them out. But if this is not possible, then you can paste elements from colored paper onto a black-and-white printed scan.

Other paper and cardboard interior decorations

If you have heavy metallic cardstock, some rhinestones, glue and ribbon, create a deer pendant like the one below. The laconic design will appeal to those who do not like an abundance of details.

To make a whole interior composition, stock up on several deer different colors and sizes. Secure them with tsapon varnish (or PVA if unavailable) and sprinkle with glitter.

From the same series, a patterned New Year's star. You can cut out both decorations if you save each option to yourself and then print it out.

It's easy to make a mesmerizing garland from cardboard. To do this, you just need to cut several hundred circles and sew them on sewing machine, connecting in series with each other.

If there is no machine or you are not sure of the result, then slowly glue the circles to the thread to make the same garland as below. Use a satin ribbon or regular lace as a hanging ribbon.

Another option for a garland with stars. The technology for creating it yourself is exactly the same as the first one.

Several snowflakes made using the quilling technique can complement the garlands. These can easily be used to decorate not only a room, but also a school and classrooms. You can even devote a couple of labor lessons to creating such snowflakes. primary school! After all, you only need to twist the strips of paper, sometimes squeezing the edge, and glue them together.

Don't know how to bake Chinese fortune cookies, but really want to try your luck? Make their likeness out of double-sided cardboard or thick paper. You just need to cut out a circle and fold it in a special way, putting a wish or prediction inside.

Small decoration from corrugated paper can be done by folding three diamonds of green and red colors like an accordion, and then connecting them with a ribbon.

If you want to make street lanterns, then I offer two options at once.

In the first of them you will need to fold a box using the origami technique. Such boxes can then be placed on a diode garland, creating an unusual diffused glow effect.

For exotic lovers, a Chinese New Year lantern awaits. For it, prepare red and gold cardboard, floss threads, a gold marker and scissors with glue. Cut the blank as shown in the photo below. Trace the edges with a marker, make a tassel from floss and gold cylinders from cardboard at the top and bottom of the lamp.

Such lanterns will decorate your garden or private home, becoming a highlight in your pre-holiday decoration.

We decorate the house, kindergarten and school

You can decorate a room for a holiday in a variety of ways, from a wreath on the door to snowmen made from cans with a variety of contents.

From felt and fabric

The most durable jewelry is made from these materials. Decorate your door with a winter wreath. It can be made from a base ring, terry yarn and felt elements chosen to your taste. Felt wreath details below:

  • three oak leaves,
  • bird,
  • three double flowers,
  • three snowflakes,
  • cat,
  • additional accessories: snowflake sequins, satin ribbon, buttons, feathers, artificial branches.

Cheerful fabric deer will turn out much more attractive if their legs and antlers are made from twigs wrapped in thread.

When we talk about New Year's toys, then we think only about Christmas trees. But these photo ideas are actually cute winter toys. The deer, bear cubs and penguin are made of fleece.

Crazy simple herringbone, the patterns of which can be taken directly from the photo. You can sew one like this in just a couple of hours, and in a couple of days you can fill your whole house with plush Christmas trees! Decorate it with braid, embroidery, buttons, rhinestones and much more.

It’s even easier to make burlap angels; they literally consist of two parts sewn together. You get interesting decorations in the rustic style, especially if you add natural material as decoration (dried leaves, flowers, etc.).

We use satin ribbons

A very large number of New Year's decorations of various types are created from ribbons. Moreover, as a quality additional element, and in the main role.

The next option is suitable both for decorating a doorway and as an independent decoration (in case you have a large photo frame). You will need satin ribbons and empty transparent balls, which you can fill with anything you want. The frame can be painted to enhance the festive effect.

The following wreath is suitable for both home and office or study. In the latter case, you can choose a muted range of colors. To make one yourself, take two colors of satin ribbons and then follow the simple pattern below.

A small stylish Christmas tree that can be used as a hanging decoration in your car. A thick cord is used as a base, onto which ribbons are tied one by one.

For another Christmas tree, beads are also used. Lay the ribbon in loops, alternating with beads and not forgetting to place the entire structure on the thread.

Experimenting with other materials

Home decor knows no mercy! If you have a little imagination and patience, the most unexpected masterpieces can be born.

To create these snowmen you will need several jars (preferably plastic ones), which you can fill as you wish.

Do not connect jars together. Fill the snowmen with treats and stack one on top of the other. Now you can treat yourself to these compositions.

Create snowflakes from plastic cans. Cut the bottoms of several pieces and paint them with acrylic paints. Make fastenings at the base so that these decorations can be hung above a window sill or under the ceiling, or hung on a cardboard frame to create a Christmas tree.

You can quickly make an interesting decoration in the form of a snowflake from a wooden blank by painting the wood with acrylic paints.

Crafts with embroidered elements always look unusual. To make the decorations below, you will need a plastic canvas that can be covered with a felt insert at the back. The diagram is easy to remove from a photo.

To create a ball with buttons, take a foam blank and that’s it decorative elements. Make a loop from the lace and glue the rest.

Beads and wire are great companions. Using them, you can create seemingly simple, but so cute pendants with your own hands that you can use to decorate windows and, in general, the entire space of your apartment. They are easy to make - put a sufficient amount of beads on a piece of wire the right colors and bend into the desired shape.

An original idea for exotic lovers - a winter-style dream catcher.

Christmas tree decoration

Again, you don't need any special materials. As they say, whatever is at hand (well, maybe a little more).

Christmas balls

It turns out that Christmas ball-type toys can be made from large quantity different components. For example, take a foam base and attach sequins to it using small pins.

Or finally get rid of the annoying disks and split them into many small parts, which are then glued to a transparent plastic base.

A ball made of foil and cardboard also looks interesting.

Take a closer look at New Year's ball from pompoms.

You can’t live without textiles; using simple patterns it’s easy to create a masterpiece.

Plastic balls are a huge space for creative imagination. They can be covered with a thread frame or sprinkled with glitter or sequins inside.

I'll show you how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands - there are never too many of them for the New Year.

Take a mesh, PVA glue, paper, pins and glowing garlands. Make a paper cone. Soak the mesh in glue and wrap this cone, securing the mesh with pins. Wait until it dries and remove the paper backing. That's it, you can light it inside the garland

For penguins made from light bulbs, prepare old light bulbs, ribbons for eyelets, acrylic paints and a pencil for drawing outlines.

In general, all you need to do is paint the light bulbs as you wish, attach eyelets and additionally decorate with various sequins, knitted and sewn elements, rhinestones, etc. Ready

The only downside to this idea is the need to get light bulbs somewhere.

Stars, stars

Prepare thick paper, glitter (can be purchased in woven ones), tape for fastening and PVA glue for the star. All you need to do is cut out a star, apply glue to it, attach a ribbon loop and sprinkle it with glitter.

What could be more pleasant on New Year's Eve (except receiving gifts, of course) than beautifully congratulating your family and friends? To do this, prepare felt, a base stick, glue, sequins, padding polyester and thread with a needle. For wishes - beautiful paper and pen.

Cut out two stars, cut off the edge from one of them. Sew the star along the edge, without sewing up the cut edge, stuff it. Decorate with sequins. Insert the rolled up wishes into the hole left. Sew a stick at the bottom and sew up the hole.

Another variation of the star is made from tree branches.

Pasta will also serve as an excellent material.

And thread options.

Let's take a different base

Felt will help you create your own fabulous decoration. To do this, cut out the animals according to the pattern, which you can take from the photo, and sew along the edge.

If you roll the feathers in glitter, you will get a cool decoration that can easily be hung anywhere in your apartment using a thread tied to the base.

A few more ideas for your creativity.

Decorations for the New Year's table

Of course, I also didn’t forget about the New Year’s table. I present to you a few ideas for him too.

To do this, prepare a tin jar, double-strand braid and braid with roses. Pins, glue and additional decorative embellishments will also come in handy. Wrap the jar with ribbons and secure. Decorate with a bow.

To create a Christmas tree you will need several woven or paper napkins. All you need to do is fold the napkins in four and fold them according to the photo.

For candle decoration, take simple candles and sequins. Sprinkle sequins into the candle; you can melt it a little for this.

For lamps made from balls, a well-known technology is used. For it you will need an inflated balloon, PVA glue and thread (preferably thick).

Draw a circle on the ball near the tip (it will be needed for the hole). Gradually wrap the ball with threads soaked in glue, without covering the hole. When the structure is dry, burst the ball and take it out.

Even more ideas New Year's crafts you can find in this article.

Food is the main decoration festive table. She could use cakes with winter patterns.

If you prepare a New Year's cake as a big gift, then the joy and surprise of your guests will definitely know no bounds.

Snowmen and cookie ornaments can become both a decoration for a spruce tree and a holiday table.

Small cakes with the simplest winter pattern - what could be better?

Christmas tree can be delicious too! If it is made from macaroons or cookies)

A separate topic is New Year's champagne. You can decorate it endlessly, but I will show you three cool options: with sweaters, satin ribbon and sparkles.

P.S. Subscribe to updates, save interesting material for yourself and come visit more often!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Decorating an apartment for the New Year is a whole ritual in which the whole family takes part! This activity gives a good mood and a special atmosphere as the holiday approaches. It’s especially nice if you made all the New Year’s decorations for your home with your own hands.

DIY Christmas decorations on the table

Recently, people have begun to pay much more attention to the decoration of the festive table. There is a completely logical explanation for this: during a meal, the aesthetic component plays a big role - than more beautiful table, at which we eat, the more pleasant the festive dinner is.

Most often, New Year's decorations for the table are chosen in the form of small paper Christmas trees, made by hand. Complete the composition with artificial New Year's tree possible in different ways.

Natural materials

New Year decoration with your own hands from natural materials They will look very harmonious not only on the table: they can be used to decorate shelves, entrance doors, cabinets - whatever your imagination allows.

One of the most simple ways involves the use fir cones. Place thick shiny candles in the center of the table and arrange the pine cones around them in a chaotic manner.

So that the decoration matches the overall color festive decoration, paint the pine cones shiny bright colors. Add nuts, small spruce branches, and chestnuts to the cones to create a warm and cozy atmosphere for a Christmas evening.

If you add dried citrus peels to a natural composition, you will get a wonderful aromatic craft. Place the fragrant elements in plastic bags, add beautiful beads and sparkles, tie the edges with ribbons and make small holes so that the smell comes out of the bags - such sachets can be safely distributed to friends after a festive evening as a cute present.

Ribbon decorations

Ribbons have always been considered an element of the holiday, and New Year is no exception. So, you can decorate the table with snowflakes made in an unconventional way - using ribbons folded in the Japanese kanzashi style.

  • Fold the square diagonally to form a triangle and glue the ends of the long side together to create a petal. Transform all the blanks in a similar way.

  • Prepare the details of the decoration by gluing the parts together - you should have 6 large branches, 6 small ones, a large one and small flowers as in the photo.

  • Connect the parts together as in the photo.

like this beautiful snowflake can be placed next to the guests' plates before the banquet begins.

Window decorations for the New Year

When you prepare your own New Year's decorations, don't forget about the windows - without them, the festive look of the room may look unfinished. There are many different ways decorate your window space - just choose the one that suits you best.

Starry sky

If you decorate transparent glass with glittering stars and look through them in the evening, it will seem as if your apartment has a view of a clear starry sky.

White tooth powder or paste, glitter powder, thick paper - that's all you need for the workflow.

  • Mix tooth powder with water, stirring the mixture until the consistency of thick sour cream. At this stage you can add glitter.

  • Place the stencils on the glass and use a scouring pad to apply a light coat of paint to the windows.

  • In this master class, the author placed stencils on the window in the form spruce branches- the drawing turned out to be very beautiful and even, but you can draw any picture with stars.

Using stencils, you can also cut out New Year-themed paper pictures and create a composition from them on the window.

Pendants and garlands

In addition to gluing materials directly to the windows, you can make hanging DIY Christmas decorations. Use everything you find at home - sometimes amazing ideas are brought to life from materials that, it would seem, are time to throw away!

For example, if you do embroidery or knitting, “insulate” your apartment with soft garlands made from balls of colored yarn. Pompoms are very easy to make - tie a lot of thread scraps in the middle with a thread of the same color and fluff them up until a ball is formed.

Place several of these pompoms on a long thread or ribbon, make about ten pieces and hang them in front of the window.

If you like unconventional solutions, try making your own Christmas decorations for your home from old hangers! Link them together to create the shape of a festive tree and decorate with Christmas tree decorations.

For conservatives, we also have a couple of ideas - New Year's garlands with glowing bulbs! With their help, you will turn your window into a real festive illumination, which will not only help create a carnival atmosphere from the inside - passers-by who look at your window from the street will immediately feel the warmth of home comfort.

Garlands can be placed over the entire area of ​​the window, in the upper part or only along the perimeter, outlining an outline, hanging in a strictly established order or in the form of a pattern.

Festive interior decoration

To give your home a complete look, along with the windows, festive table and Christmas tree, also prepare DIY New Year's decorations for the entire apartment.

Christmas decorations

Who said that painted balls are only allowed to be hung on the Christmas tree? Leading designers claim that Christmas tree decorations are suitable for decorating an apartment this season, and strongly recommend using them as much as possible.

For example, fill a large transparent vase or wide plate with many small shiny balls that match in color and texture, and place the composition on the chest of drawers.

Miniature shiny balls can be easily collected into a neat brooch - decorate a beautifully folded table napkin with it.

And don’t forget about traditional paper garlands in the form of a chain, with fringe or imitating Frost patterns- stretch them under the ceiling, decorate the window frame or the edges of the festive table.

The beauty of such garlands is that you can make them even with children - together you will have fun creating crafts as a family.

Christmas wreaths

Christmas wreaths are gradually becoming an integral part of the holiday in every home - they decorate the doors of every room, cabinet doors and wardrobes. Such New Year's decorations are usually made by hand, putting a piece of Have a good mood masters Try making your own New Year's wreath!

You will need a round base of wide diameter made of cardboard or wood, a long piece of shiny rain and a brooch.

  • Secure the beginning of the rain on one edge.
  • Start wrapping the garland around the base - you can use a cardboard circle, a hoop, or a wire blank.
  • Each new round of rain must be applied tightly to the previous one. Secure the second end of the garland next to the first. Decorate the joint with a beautiful brooch.

Hang the finished wreath, created with your own hands, on the wall or front door.

Another master class option is perfect for you if you are planning a children's New Year's party. You will need a large sheet of foam, a pack of toothpicks and 1-2 kilograms of multi-colored gummies.

  • Cut out a wreath template from a foam sheet. Alternatively, buy a ready-made mold from a craft store.
  • Take a toothpick and stick some marmalade on it. Poke the other side of the toothpick into the wreath blank.
  • Place the candies as close to each other as possible so that there are no gaps through which the foam can be seen.

To completely decorate your room using DIY Christmas decorations, watch the following video tutorial - it will tell you how to decorate the table, windowsill, window and cabinets.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Looking exclusive and stylish is one of the most important desires of any woman, especially if she is interested in art or simply loves beautiful things. Although most modern jewelry stores provide a huge selection of different earrings, bracelets, and rings, it is not always possible to choose something to your liking.

This is why the question of how to make jewelry with your own hands has become so relevant lately. And this is natural, because not only labor is put into jewelry made with one’s own hand, but also a piece of the author’s soul. Mastering the handmade technique is not difficult, you just need to have perseverance and a desire to create.

In order to start creating new and interesting things, you need to stock up necessary tools and source materials. The latter is easier; you probably have old beads lying around at home, or maybe a couple of bags of beads, rope, fishing line and even old T-shirts.

Yes, don’t be surprised, the most unexpected things can go to waste. Of course, if you are determined to create a specific piece of jewelry, then you can visit specialized stores where you can purchase everything you need, fortunately, now this is not a problem.

Handicrafts are not only an interesting hobby that you do alone, you can also involve your family members, children and friends in it, which allows you to spend your time interestingly and usefully.

We remove the dial from the watch, removing the strap from one side and the other. We insert the fasteners from the strap back into the dial. We thread a scarf into the resulting holes on one side and the other, tie it along the hand - you get a very original bracelet watch.

You can do the same thing with a suede or leather cord, braid it, and thread a watch through it. You can add some beads or other decorative elements to the bracelet.

It can be a little more difficult

But in order to get completely original jewelry, to add more variety and meaning to them, you will still have to master some techniques. First, you will need to decide what you would like to learn and what you need for this.

Maybe you will like the technique of working with beads? There are many weaving patterns on various thematic forums and websites - from simple and complex bracelets to various necklaces and headbands. You will have to purchase a couple of skeins of fishing line and various bags of beads.

Or maybe you'll like it? The technique is similar to bead weaving, but the starting material is any threads and ropes: silk, synthetic, linen, flat braid, etc. In macrame, the main thing is that the knots are chosen correctly, because all the technique is based on them.

There is very interesting technique modeling from polymer clay. This whole industry is in home handicrafts. From such a miracle material you can make almost anything - earrings, pendants, necklaces, figurines and many other beautiful jewelry.

In order to get started, you need to carefully study everything that you will need when working with polymer clay, and this is a lot - colors of clay that match each other, a sharp stationery knife, since you can’t use a kitchen knife - it’s harmful to health, a special rolling pin.

All this is just a minimal set of tools for working with the clay itself, and also, if you want to make earrings or beads, you will need special accessories for them. So learn, read and create unique jewelry!

To prepare a room and decorate it for New Year's holidays, it is not at all necessary to go to the store in search of toys. Of course, for the New Year 2019 you can buy a ready-made set of New Year's decorations.

If you want to diversify appearance Christmas tree and the whole room, try making custom decorations with your own hands. You can involve your children, relatives or friends in this process, so you can spend time together, and it will be interesting and exciting.

If you have already decided to take this step, all that remains is to answer the question of how to make New Year’s decorations with your own hands without special expenses, because today there are a huge number of suitable materials and all sorts of options for using them for interior decoration.

As a rule, homemade New Year's decorations are used to decorate the Christmas tree. But this is not at all necessary: ​​you can hang the toys you made on the walls, on a chandelier, or decorate the table with them. We will tell you about standard ways to create such jewelry and give you some new ideas.

Making a garland

Most common option homemade jewelry- these are garlands. You can make your own New Year's garlands using various materials:

Types of New Year's garlands made from natural and scrap materials

These are not all the ways to create a garland with your own hands: everything here depends only on your imagination. You can combine several elements at once, arranging them alternately.

The beauty of the garland is ensured due to the large number of elements, so try to place the decorations on it as closely as possible to each other. To ensure that all the elements are the same, prepare templates for New Year's decorations in advance, for example, cut out stencils in the shape of snowmen or Christmas trees.

The brighter and more saturated the shades of the elements you choose, the more solemn and cheerful the New Year tree will look. Although, many prefer to decorate it in white and similar colors: this style is associated with cold winter. For example, in such an interior New Year's snowflakes will look great.

New Year's snowflakes using the quilling technique

To make the garland even more unusual, you can use already ready-made option. Place multi-colored paper lanterns or other molds on the bulbs of an ordinary garland - and you will immediately see how your room will be transformed.

In addition, a ready-made garland with small light bulbs can be attach small plastic cups . Wrap them in pretty paper, make a hole in the bottom (criss-cross) and put them on the light bulbs.

A simple Christmas garland made from leftover colored felt

By the way, garlands do not have to be hung on the Christmas tree. You can make them vertical And hang it on the window or attach to the ceiling. And don't be afraid to use unusual items to decorate it: for example, prepare themed cookies and hang garlands of them throughout the room, or use candy.

Jewelry options

In addition to garlands, you can make many more New Year's decorations with your own hands. It can be New Year's wreaths, candles for the festive table, candlesticks, figurines.
Original Christmas trees from old magazines and newspapers

It is considered especially popular on the eve of the coming 2019 decoration New Year's balls . To do this, it is enough to purchase ready Christmas balls with the cheapest cost and without any pictures, and paste ready-made pictures on them, cut out of paper, draw unusual patterns, sprinkle them with sparkles, wrap them with thread, or pre-knit small cases for them and put them on toys.

Unusual Christmas decorations decorated with sparkles, beads, stars,

In order to emphasize festive atmosphere indoors, you can immediately place it under Christmas tree present for your loved ones and friends. A packaging for these gifts Do it yourself too: to do this, just stock up on beautiful paper and bright ribbons. You can also use a Christmas boot if the gift is small:

You can make an image of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus on a free wall: this is done using ordinary rain, threads, ribbons or colored paper. A fairly popular way to decorate the New Year's interior is usage New Year's socks , which you can also make yourself. For this you will need a red cloth, and for the white top you can use white cloth or cotton wool.

Don't forget about table decoration: cut out original molds for coasters for glasses, decorate the table with unusual napkins, place homemade New Year's candles or compositions from twigs and Christmas decorations , and also put several bottles of champagne painted with a New Year's theme.

This is how you can paint New Year's glasses for the New Year

Oh, and don’t forget about the dishes: it will be great if they look like New Year’s characters or reproduce the New Year’s theme.

It is not at all necessary to come up with something unusual, because New Year’s decoration of the house with your own hands is, first of all, a manifestation of imagination. For example, decorate the interior or Christmas tree by using bright beads, or use a non-standard way of decorating: come up with interesting pasta decorations.

Choosing materials

Before implementing the idea of ​​creating jewelry with your own hands, you need to select the necessary materials. But sometimes the opposite situation happens: for example, you find a lot of unnecessary material and cannot figure out what purposes to use it for.

Amazing Christmas decoration made from pasta

To help you make your choice, we will give you a few examples of using different materials:

You can even eat a bright garland and sweet toys on the Christmas tree

As you can see, making New Year's decorations with your own hands is very simple, and absolutely any available materials can be used. To do this, you need to show imagination and not be afraid to experiment.

If you still can't think of original ways interior decoration, ask your loved ones or children for help: they will probably enjoy this kind of entertainment.

Cute Christmas trees made from pine cones made by yourself

So, the room is decorated, and now all you can do is wait for the arrival New Year's Eve and gather guests. And, of course, don't forget about gifts! Although the main gift you have already given and received is an unusual, colorful, festive New Year's interior.