Santa Claus I behaved well. Dear Grandfather Frost! I behaved well all year long. Can I at least behave badly on New Year's Eve? Victoria Korneeva, event organizer

Happiness to you!

My name is Natasha. I am 7 years old, studying in first grade. I have a brother Lenya, he is 6 years old and goes to kindergarten. I haven’t learned to write yet, so I’m writing for both of them. I really want a big one soft toy, and Lena is a robot on the control panel. I wish you happiness and health! Happy New Year!

Mokhova Natalya, st. 3 Lezhnevskaya.

I love you, grandpa!

My name is Nastya Bakhareva, I am 5 years old. I want to go to school, give me a Winx girls backpack, please. I love you.

Nastya Bakhareva, st. Sverdlov.

I believe in you with all my heart

My name is Yulia, I am 7 years old, and I believe with all my heart that you exist, and I hope that you are reading my letter now. I behaved very well all year, I obeyed my mom and dad. I want to ask you for one gift - give me skates. I believe that my wish will come true! I wish you all the best too! See you in New Year's Eve!

Yulia Fomina, school 11, 1st grade.

If we don't get sick, we'll come!

Grandfather, the Smirnov family, consisting of 3 people, is writing to you: mother Olya, son Matvey (4.6 years old) and daughter Veronica (3 years old). That year we saw a photo in the Local Demand newspaper from the New Year's holiday and an article about how the holiday went. We loved it! Therefore, when we saw that Santa Claus was inviting us to the Christmas tree, we immediately decided that we would write a letter. We love going to the holidays that take place in the City Park and on the Central Square, but they are all mainly in the summer. And it’s not always possible to take the children somewhere – either there is no money, or there is not enough time, or there is not enough energy. Therefore, we will be very glad if Santa Claus invites us to his holiday. We will definitely come if the children are not sick.

Sincerely, Smirnov family, st. 2nd South.

Always remain kind, grandfather!

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Three sons and a sweet daughter are writing to you. And our names are: Baryshevs Nikita, Daniil, Sergei and Ilonochka. We are really looking forward to your holiday, where there are many gifts, gifts, merry round dances around the Christmas tree. We also want to thank you and wish you that you will always remain such a kind and good grandfather with the beautiful Snow Maiden.

Baryshev family, st. Anikina.

Helping mom sew

Kamilla Kustova writes to you, grandfather, I am 4 years old, I live with my mother. I know how to play football, I help my mother sew and wash dishes. My only dream is a big car with a steering wheel that you can drive and push with your feet. I rode it at the sanatorium and really liked it. Santa Claus, thank you for reading my letter, it’s time for me to go to bed. Bye.

Kamilla Kustova, st. Vasilievskaya.

Hello, Grandfather Frost!

How are you doing? How do you feel? I want to ask you for something for Barbie for the New Year, for example, a closet, a kitchen, a set with Ken, a pregnant woman with clothes and a stroller, or a big house and washing machine. And for my brother - gifts and a large car with a remote control. And give my sister, who is 2 months old, a toy for her crib with music. And give me and my brother a large painting with swans for our room. Please give me everything I asked for and write how you feel, how you are doing and if everything is okay.

Yulia, Pasha, Lera Barkhatov, st. Alimova.

I wish health to all people

My name is Ruslan, I study in 2nd grade at school No. 11. I really want my teacher to understand and love me. I love her, but she doesn’t love me, and she still offends me. Help me, Grandfather Frost. I wish everyone health: you, and mom, and dad, and her, and everyone. It’s my birthday on New Year’s Day, I really want to magic wand. I believe you, Grandfather.

Ruslan Chesnokov, st. Balakova.

I don't indulge and eat well

Santa Claus, hello! It's me - Igorek! I am 3 years old. I don’t know at all where you are and when you will come to me. I don’t indulge, Grandfather, and I eat well. I will wait for you and think what to give you. Maybe a hat or a gingerbread? I don't know, Frost, what do you want? Then call, okay? I live on the street. Balakova, 71. I also go to kindergarten, it’s called “Teddy Bear”.

Igor Chesnokov, st. Balakova.

I want to wish the children health

Hello, Santa Claus! My name is Oksana. I can read and write, I am 4 years old. I love to play, I want to wish the children health.

Oksana Vorobyova, 4 years old, st. 1st Pushkinskaya.

I study straight A's

Dear Santa Claus, my name is Kristina Sergeevna Pavlova. I am in first grade at school 8, I really want to have true friend- a York Terrier dog. I really want a faithful friend who will bring me slippers after a walk. I study straight A's and really love to draw.


May everyone live happily ever after

This New Year, I want everyone to become kinder and treat each other with respect, to become more caring and smarter. And also, of course, they lived happily ever after and always found a way out of difficult situations. I myself would like to receive from you a book of poems and fairy tales by different authors, because I really like to read. And to you, dear and beloved Santa Claus, I want to wish that you always remain the same kind, cheerful grandfather who brings joy and good luck to everyone! I also want all your wishes to come true, your dreams to come true and never forget that you really exist! Health and success to you!

Anastasia Shabalina, 8 years old, Vasilyevskaya school.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you, Grandpa.

Hello Dedushka Moroz! I go to kindergarten. I love to dance and draw, I have already learned the alphabet and numbers. I've been good all year! And my dream is to visit the dolphinarium. I'm really looking forward to seeing you for the New Year.

Dasha Khanova, 4 years old, st. Mayakovsky.

I want lots and lots of chocolate!

Grandfather, I love you very much and am really looking forward to meeting you. Please bring me lots and lots of chocolate and another big transforming robot, and I will try to obey mom and dad in the new year.

Maxim Barinov, 4 years 8 months, st. Kadykova.

I was taken to the sports section

My name is Kabanov Egor, I am 9 years old, I study in the 2nd grade of school No. 15. I really like to play sports, although I have a curvature of the spine (scoliosis) - I was taken to the sports section. And soon the snow will fall, and we will go to the ski resort, but I don’t have skis. My dream is to have skis with boots like an athlete, so that I can compete and win.

Egor Kabanov, st. 5 Markovskaya.

I believe that dreams come true

I am already 11 years old, but I believe that you can believe in miracles at any age. I believe that dreams come true. I study in the 5th grade at school No. 7. I love to study, my favorite subjects are mathematics and Russian. I also love to draw and go to art school, I really like to crochet.

Olya Zaitseva, st. Sverdlov.

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost!

My name is Kozhemyak Alexandra. I already go to school in 1st grade, I’m already 7 years old, I want cosmetics. Bye, Grandfather Frost.

Alexandra Kozhemyak, st. Builders.

And I will have a brother

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost! I live in Yaskino with my mother, father and grandmother. I will soon have a little brother. I can read and write. Goodbye!

Dasha Mizonova, 4 years old, st. 4 Petropavlovskaya.

We all help each other

Dear Santa Claus, my name is Nastya, and my sister is Ksyusha. My sister is 4 years old, and I am 11 years old. This year we behaved well and are waiting for new gifts. Ksyusha wants board game, and I'm a phone case. My family is friendly and kind. We all help each other. We love New Year's holidays very much, different trees. We are waiting for us to be invited to the Christmas tree, and for good gifts from Santa Claus.

Evdokimov Nastya and Ksyusha, st. Sverdlov.

For dad and mom to be together

Grandfather Frost, please do as I say. I want my dad and mom to be together and please bring me a soft toy bear as a gift.

Anna Vasina, 10 years old, Semeykino village.

Frost, congratulations!

I am 7 years old, I study in the first grade of the Kitovsky school. I like to study, I go to a music school. Frost, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year, winter holidays. I wish you a good mood, health and that you please us with gifts. I want to ask you for skates. I believe that my wish will come true. Thank you. Best regards, Lisa.

Lisa Zhizhina, p. Kitovo, st. Central.

There are many desires, but...

I have a big family, I love them very much. Mom, dad, sister Vitta, grandmother, dog Hera, cat Lucy and domestic hares Lisa, Zip. I love going to school, but I often fail, sometimes I get sick. I hope that in the new year I will not be sick. My most cherished desire is for everyone to live together in the world, for people to help and be kinder to each other. I want me to have many friends. Of course, I have many desires, but please at least fulfill one. Maybe you can give me a big doll?

Ksyusha Stotskaya, st. 10th Michurinskaya.

I love to study

Hello, Father Frost and Snow Maiden! My name is Veronica, I'm 7 years old, I'm in first grade. I love to study, I go to songs and dances at a music school. I have good grades 4+, 5, 5+. Mom and I drew a picture. Please give me a chocolate egg and a toy house with Barbie, and 2 chocolates for my brothers for the holiday. Thank you, Santa Claus.

Veronica Ershova, st. Vikhreva.

I want to become a photojournalist

Hello Dedushka Moroz! I am 10 years old, I study in the 4th grade at school No. 3. I get good grades. My dream is to become a photojournalist. I want to travel a lot and photograph beautiful nature, animals, people and city architecture. Grandfather, help me fulfill my dream and please give me a camera for New Year.

Yaroslav Zaitsev.

Make mom happy

Most of all I want my mother not to scold me, not to get angry, but to always be kind and cheerful. Grandfather Frost, if you can, please make sure that mom is happy, so that we live together. Now this is very important to me. It’s difficult and difficult for mom alone, I love my mom very much! Dear Grandfather Frost, I congratulate you on the New Year. I wish you health and longevity.

Sveta Susina, 9 years old, st. 2 Metalworkers.

And I have problems with speech

I’m already 5 years old and I can do a lot. I know some letters and numbers, I can count to 10, I can write “mom”, “dad”. Grandpa, I now have a problem with speech; some letters cannot be pronounced correctly. I hope that you and I, grandpa, will become friends, and you will instill confidence in me, and we will overcome all difficulties with you. I can't wait to meet you.

Arseny Druzhilov, st. Balakova.

I'm a fighter, but kind

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Dima Melnikov is writing to you (my grandmother Sveta is writing for me, because my arm is broken), I am 7 years old, I go to first grade, and I also go to Sambo, where my arm was broken. I have one problem: I can’t learn to read well. I’m a fighter, but I’m kind at heart, I help my grandmother peel potatoes, vacuum, and in the spring I help plant potatoes and water the garden. Grandfather Frost, I have a cherished desire: to have a car with disco control. If it is not difficult for you to fulfill my wish, please give me such a gift. My gift to you is a drawing. See you later, Grandfather Frost.

Dmitry Melnikov, st. 1st Northern.

Good luck, Grandfather Frost, in your business!

My name is Alena, I am 7 years old, I study in 1st grade at school No. 9. I like to study, my favorite lessons are music and writing. I go to the Kalinushka choir and play chess and checkers. I have a cat Felix, I want a monkey as a gift. Good luck Grandfather Frost in your business! Happy New Year.

Alena Berezina, Fabrichny lane.

Most of all I like the world around me

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Dasha is writing to you, I am already 7 years old, I study at school No. 7, in 1st grade. I really like studying! We are taught at school to read, write letters and draw. What I like most is the lesson " The world" Grandfather Frost, I will soon have a brother! I gave you a gift (3 drawings). I want you to give me a big book with fairy tales about magic. I’m really, really looking forward to seeing you with a gift, I’ll tell you a poem and play you a song about Santa Claus on the piano.

Dasha Yakovleva, Filino village, st. Embankment.

I want my girlfriends to make peace

I am 9 years old, I study at school No. 2. My problem is that my friends quarrel with each other, but I hope that they will make peace. I dream of going to visit you and taking a sleigh ride.

Alena Molozina, Southern Town.

I would like a costume of Ilya Muromets

Hello, Santa Claus! I'm really waiting for you, give me the costume of Ilya Muromets.

Kirill Sidorov, st. Balakova.

Thank you for being there!

Hello, dear and beloved by all of us, Grandfather Frost! My name is Nastya, I want to wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you that every year more and more children believe in you. This year I behaved well, got A's and B's, and helped my parents with business. Grandfather Frost, please give me rollers (size 36) with armrests and knee pads. I really believe in you.

Barkhatova Nastya, Filino, st. Embankment.

A wish for the whole family

Grandfather Frost, can I ask you so that my little sister doesn’t get sick, dad gets less tired at work, and mom always remains as kind and thrifty, and the cat Peach is just as affectionate and fluffy?

Yulia Troshina, 9 years old, st. 2 School.

So that our Vanya arrives faster

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Maxim Malafeev is writing to you, I am 8 years old, I study in the 3rd grade. My most cherished wish is that the whole family, as before, celebrate the New Year! But my brother is far from us, he is in a hospital in Moscow. I know you can do anything, let him recover quickly and come home, we are really looking forward to him! But for myself I would ask railway, I really love trains. My little sister Vika and I would build rails and think about how soon our Vanya and beloved grandmother would arrive! Thank you very much, Grandfather Frost, I always knew you existed. I wish all people happiness in the coming New Year!

I would like to have a real horse

Hello, dear Grandfather Frost! I am 9 years old, I study well, I am already in 3rd grade. I love horses very much - they are a very beautiful animal. I would really like to have a real horse, but I live in an apartment and there is no room for a real horse. That's why I only have a toy horse. Just recently I watched the cartoon “Friendship is a Miracle”, there are different horses in it. Of them all, my favorite is Princess Celestia, she is so beautiful! I will be very glad if you can send a “Princess Celestia” toy as a New Year’s gift. Goodbye, Grandfather Frost. I'll be looking forward to your answer.

Nastya Balashova, st. Factory.

Try your best, Grandpa.

Hello Dedushka Moroz! I'm in the 6th grade. I really love subjects: mathematics, drawing, computer science. I really like the items: English language, geography. I have a sister, her name is Ksenia, she is 7 years old, she is in 1st grade. I also live at home: the dog Gera, the cat Lucy and the decorative rabbit Chip. I would really like you to give me a Nokia phone, preferably with Bluetooth. And gel pens. If you can, of course, but you try. With all respect and love, Violetta.

Violetta Kalininskaya, 10 Michurinskaya.

My dad has “golden hands”

My most bad thing was when the boys and I broke the window in the club. The parents had to insert glass. I help my dad build an extension to the house almost every day, I really enjoy doing it. I am very grateful to my dad, who simply has “golden hands”, for the fact that he can teach me everything. It’s so cool when you can build a stove yourself, and I already have a little experience. I love my parents very much, they are wonderful.

Evgeniy Kiselev, 8th grade, Kolobovo village, st. 2 South.

I have a very responsible teacher

I am in 2nd grade. Our school is very good, fun and interesting. My teacher is Irina Gennadievna, she teaches us to read, write, count and even draw. She is very good, kind and responsible. Grandfather Frost, I have been waiting for you for a whole year to ask you under the New Year’s tree to give me an Omnitrix watch. I think that for the New Year you will definitely fulfill all the wishes of your children. You can do everything! Thanks a lot.

Vanya Shalin, Filino village, st. Embankment.

Give me a beautiful doll

Sincerely, Ulyana, st. 3rd Metallists.

To have many friends!

Hello Dedushka Moroz! My name is Natasha, I'm 11 years old, I'm in 6th grade. I have a younger sister, Yulia, she is 4 years old, she loves to play with dolls and take my things. Sometimes we fight, but we quickly make up. I love her so much. I have girlfriends: Ira, Vika, Nastya and Olya. We walk with them, go to the cinema and to the Children's Art School. I wish everyone that you have many friends, a lot of happiness and health!

Natalya Bormotova, village. Victory.

I didn't like it in kindergarten

I am 4 years old. I have a sister Natasha, dad, mom. I don’t go to kindergarten, I didn’t like it there. I'm staying at home with my mom, grandma and dad. I love drawing little people. I also go to dances, I like to play with Barbie dolls and big dolls. Santa Claus, come to me and see how many dolls I have. And I want another doll as a gift.

Yulia Bormotova, pos. Victory.

I love New Year with my family

I love celebrating the New Year with my family; we are always happy and funny. Thank you, Grandfather Frost, for coming to me every year with your granddaughter, congratulating me and leaving me gifts under the tree. This time I prepared a poem for you:

The snow is swirling outside

The wind sings a song.

Santa Claus is rushing to visit us -

New Year is coming soon!

Vika Rogozina, 9 years old, Kolobovo village.

You will arrive on a white cloud

Father Frost! I believe that you will fly to me on a white cloud and give me felt-tip pens. I really love to draw, and I also really love animals.

Varya Semenova, 8 years old.

I wish you, Grandfather, success at work

I study at school No. 2 in the third grade, I also go to a music school and to the “Rovesnik” club. Santa Claus, I try to study, I obey my mother, I behave well. Please give me a live Yorkshire terrier dog. And I wish you happiness, health, good luck and success at work!

Yuliana Vasilyeva, trans. Krasnoarmeysky.

We asked mom for a parrot

We live with mom, dad is not there. I really liked it when you came to our village. Grandfather Frost, please give us a parrot. We asked our mother, but since she works for us alone, there is no extra money, and she cannot buy it for us. We decided to ask you, since you can fulfill any wish. This year we behaved well and obeyed our mother. Our mother works as a postman at the post office and carries our letters to you and your granddaughter Snegurochka. Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, we wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Thank you in advance.

Tanya and Andryusha Shtykov, st. Cooperative.

I really dream about a doll with a belt

I study at school in the village of Klochkovo. Our teacher, Svetlana Gaminovna, said that if you study at 4 and 5, then Santa Claus will definitely fulfill your most cherished wish. Our whole class is looking forward to the coming of winter, because only in winter can you see Grandfather Frost and receive a gift and congratulations from him. And it’s also a lot of fun in winter. You can go sledding and skiing down the hill. You can also make a snowman with whom Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden are friends, you can play snowballs, and, of course, the most home in winterChristmas tree. Every year at the New Year's holiday we all dance and sing, dance in circles with the Snow Maiden, Grandfather Frost and other guests from the fairy tale. Therefore, New Year is my favorite of all holidays. Since last New Year, I've been dreaming all the time about how I would ask Grandfather Frost for my gift, so I'm studying for 4 and 5. I have even more A's than B's. Grandfather, I will study even better than now, I will obey my mother, respect older people, and try to help as much as I can. Grandfather, I really dream of a doll in a belt with clothes. I will look forward to the fulfillment of my wish and of course meeting you, come soon.

Alina Butylkina, p. Green Bor.

Everything is fine in our family

My brother and I live on the street. Builders. My brother is 10 years old and I am 11 years old. Everything is fine in our family, we asked our parents touchscreen phone, but my parents had no money. At first we were upset, but when my brother saw an ad in the newspaper about Santa Claus, we were happy and want to ask Santa Claus for gifts, my brother wants to ask for a LEGO police station, and I want to ask for a LEGO car.

Maxim, Alikhan.

Hairpins for my sisters, and a racket for me

My name is Max. I'm in second grade. I have good grades, only fours and fives. I go to table tennis, where they teach us how to serve and play on the tables. I also go to art school, learning to draw beautifully. I have two sisters: Polya, she will soon be 6 years old. This year she started going to music school for flute class. And Ksyusha, she will soon turn 2 years old, she is still small and sits at home. They are both big fashionistas: they love to wear makeup and dress up. So I want to ask you for either a set of hairpins or some children’s cosmetics.

Please bring me a racket and table tennis balls.

Happy New Year! Happiness and health to everyone, and good grades to all students!

My address: st. Anikina.

I'll show you the snowflake dance

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Happy New Year to you. I'm 4 years old, I just started talking, but I'm trying really hard. I go to kindergarten, I have many friends, I don’t offend anyone and obey the teachers, I really like it in the kindergarten, we play there, draw and dance at the matinee, I’ll show you the snowflake dance. Please give me a doll, I really want it. Thank you, Grandfather Frost.

Sasha Bodyagina, 3rd Pushkinskaya.

Toy pony that talks

My name is Alena, I'm 5 years old. I go to kindergarten. Grandfather Frost, please give me a toy pony that walks and talks. Thank you very much.

Alena Barkhatova, Filino village, st. Embankment.

Hooray! Hooray! Soon, soon the new year!

Santa Claus! It’s so good that again I can write you a letter and find myself in a New Year’s fairy tale. I have become 1 year older, I am now 10 years old. I have friends who live with my grandparents, I’m not particularly interested in anything, I like outdoor games, playing with friends on the street. I try to study as best as possible, but it doesn’t always work out. I really want to go to your New Year's party, it's so great. Grandfather Frost, if you can, please give me a book from a series of stories by N. Nosov.

Daria Chesnokova, 1st Gridkinskaya.

I'm a good housewife

We have Friendly family: father, mother and me. I am a good housewife and really like to clean up my toys. Mom and I made a bird feeder. Mom puts food for the birds, and I like to watch from the window how they cheerfully fly to the feeder. They peck at the crumbs, and if the feeder becomes crowded, the birds begin to fight for space. The birds need help; it is very difficult for them to get food for themselves in the cold. Grandfather Frost, I really want to meet you. Goodbye.

Vika Kotlova, st. Kooperativnaya, 14-a.

I dream about screwdrivers!

I am in first grade at school No. 7. I have a brother Timosha, he likes to play with cars. I dream of a tool set with screwdrivers. We look forward to your visit! Mom and Dad also want gifts.

Stepa Odintsov, st. Sverdlova, 38.

An accident happened to a living parrot

Hello, long-awaited Santa Claus! Katya Chesnokova is writing to you, I am 8 years old. Every year I participate in your wonderful competition. My dream is that you, Santa Claus, give us your warmth and great joy, it's so cool. I also dream that you, Santa Claus, would give me a toy - a talking parrot, because my cat ate a living parrot, that’s how it goes. Happy New Year, Santa Claus and your gnome helpers.

Ekaterina Chesnokova, 1st Gridkinskaya.

So that there is no war in our world

We are two brothers - Vlad and Ilya -

We decided to congratulate everyone,

Hurry to Santa Claus

Desire to send.

We want in our world

There was no war

So that the people of the whole country

They were cheerful.

We want everyone to

The family had wealth

So that children don't get sick

And they grew with joy.

We wish all friends

Study with straight A's

So that in the New Year of snakes

There were no twos.

Happy New Year

All the people in the world!

We wish you happiness and joy

Both for adults and for children.

And now we're running

In "Local Demand" rather,

So that our letter reaches

The frost hits everyone faster.

Telegins Vlad and Ilya, Vasilievsky tract.

We have a Christmas tree on the balcony!

I am 10 years old, I study in 3rd grade. I like to draw, I like to ski and sled in winter, and I also collect puzzles. Grandma, grandpa, mom and I are decorating the Christmas tree on the balcony, it is very beautiful and bright, there is no other Christmas tree like it in Shuya. Come and see us, only in the evening, the Christmas tree lights up very beautifully.

Denis Bobkov, st. Sverdlov.

Thank you for the gifts!

Dear Grandfather Frost! My name is Savinova Valeria. I live on Sukonka, on the street. Factory. I am in 3rd grade, 4th and 5th grade. Grandfather Frost, please give me a toy dog ​​that I can walk with on a leash, feed it, play with, and it will follow commands. Thank you very much for giving me gifts every year.

Grandpa, thank you for everything

Dear Grandfather Frost! My name is Kremneva Karina. I live on Vikhreva Street, I study in 2nd grade, 5th and 4th grade. I receive a lot of certificates because I participate in all school competitions. Grandfather Frost, please. Grandfather Frost, thank you for giving me gifts every year, and I am very happy. Please say hello and thank you to the Snow Maiden!

Come visit us

Hello Dedushka Moroz! My favorite holiday is coming soon - New Year. My brother Tem and I are looking forward to your visit. I learned a poem for you, Grandfather, and Tema is still small, he is 1 year old, he still doesn’t know how to talk. Tema and I love to play with cars. Recently my dad bought me a car – an old Ford. I love my parents very much, I always help them. Santa Claus, please give me an old taxi car and my brother an airplane. Santa Claus, come visit us, we are waiting for you!

Matvey Tumanov, 3 years old, st. Vasilievskaya.

I wish you happiness

I know that when the New Year comes, Grandfather Frost will come to us on his reindeer and give us many gifts. I wish you happiness and health, so that you can put gifts under the Christmas trees for all the children for the holidays. I really want to get skates for the New Year, and my younger brother Denis - a car. He is 4 years old, he goes to kindergarten and does not yet know how to write. Happy New Year!

Darina Balalaikina, Kolobovo settlement.

Thank you for last year's gift!

Grandfather Frost, I want to thank you for last year’s gift. You gave me an interesting pattern. At first I didn’t know what would happen, but then I sewed it and it turned out to be a wonderful toy. Now this gosling stands on the window and reminds me of you and that last year. Even though I’m big, I still believe in you, I know you exist. Every year on New Year’s Eve you come to me in a dream, and I imagine you so cheerful, cheerful, cheerful, beautiful, and most importantly, young. Happy New Year, Grandpa.

Sasha Levitskaya, 6th grade, p. Vasilievskoe.

Help children find their parents!

I want to become a teacher, like my mother and grandmother. I go to Orphanage, I help my mother look after the children. Grandfather Frost, help the guys orphanage find your parents in the new year!

Polina Levitskaya, 8 years old, p. Vasilievskoe.

I dream of going to Lapland

Hello Dedushka Moroz! I am 7 years old, I study in 1st grade. I dream of going to a fairy tale in Lapland, to the residence of Santa Claus, and I also dream of a toy laptop.

Artem Cherepinsky, st. 2 Melnichnaya.

Thank you very much for everything

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Vyatkina Masha writes to you, school No. 4. Dear Grandfather Frost, I congratulate you on the New Year! I study well, I like to play, read, watch cartoons, and solve problems. Grandfather Frost, I really want you to send me gifts for the holiday. I really want to Dollhouse, because I like to play a lot, and I also want a hospital and a nursery washing machine for dolls. And thank you very much for everything!

Masha Vyatkina

A guitar for me, and health for dad and mom

Grandfather Frost, my name is Sasha, I have prepared a poem for you:

Hello Dedushka Moroz,

You have a red nose.

We all respect you

And we wish you good health.

We wish for the New Year on the night

Receive gifts again.

Dear Grandfather Frost, give me a guitar and health to mom and dad.

Sasha Petrov, 1st grade, school No. 3.

And I would like to wish that childhood dreams come true!

Sasha’s mother is Olga Vladimirovna Petrova.

More smiles and joy

New Year is my favorite holiday because it is magical. All dreams come true! I would like to wish everyone happiness, good health, peace on earth, more smiles, joy, fulfillment of desires, and for you, Santa Claus, a merry holiday and good weather.

Robert Farajallah, 10 years old, gymnasium No. 1.

I've been waiting for this day for a long time

Winter has come. It's snowy, it's snowing, there's a lot of snow, and the New Year's holiday is coming soon. I want my dad and mom to never get sick, so that we all have it at home good mood, I wish you all a happy and merry New Year.

Sergei Vtyurin, 3rd grade student.

I will become kind like my mother

Santa Claus! Writes to you. We have a big family: mom, dad and two sisters - Tanya and Katerina. We love each other and care about each other. Mom and dad always do things together: they follow Tanya to kindergarten, go to the store, dig the garden, plant, repair the house - in general, they always do everything together. I help my parents, I even stay to babysit my younger sister. Sometimes I offend my mother, but I immediately understand that I am wrong and immediately apologize. After all, my mother is the most precious thing I have! Mom always forgives me and says: “Everyone makes mistakes, the main thing is to understand in time that you are wrong and correct everything.” I have a very kind and smart mother! When I grow up, I will become like her! Therefore, I do not ask you, Grandfather Frost, for any gifts. Just make sure that mom and dad are with us for a long, long time, so that we get sick and cry less often. May everyone be happy and healthy!

Olya Parfenova, 11 years old, st. Balakova.

They wanted Roma, but they brought Katya

Hello, Santa Claus! The letter for you is dictated by our daughter, Tanechka Parfenova. She is still 5 years old and cannot write well. So she sits next to her and dictates, and I, her mother, write everything down. Santa Claus, we have a big family, 5 people: mom Zhenya, dad Vitya and we are three sisters: Olya, me and Katya. Olya is in the 5th grade, I go to kindergarten, and Katya sits at home with her mother - she is the luckiest of all, because her mother is always with her. We behave well. I love to draw, sculpt, and sing Olya's songs. She goes to Kalinushka, and next year I want to go there too. I also want a stroller for the doll, so that I can put her in it and carry her around, like my mother took Katya when she was little. You know, Santa Claus, mom and dad wanted us to have a son, Roma, and mom brought Katya from the hospital. And then her godfather gave her a big baby doll, and we named him Roma. When you give me a stroller, I will be a real mother.

Tanya Parfenova

I love summer, but winter more

My name is Ksyusha, I live on Zavodskaya Street with my mother, father and brother, his name is Dima, he is 5 years old. I have 2 grandmothers and 2 grandfathers, and I also have 3 cousins, one of them, Yulia, lives next to us, and I also have a cousin, he now lives and studies in Moscow with his mother. I study in the third grade of gymnasium No. 1, I also study at the Voyage ballroom dance studio, also in the third grade. On December 8, we performed in Moscow and became first-degree laureates at the International Top Dance Festival. I also go to a drawing club. We have an animal at home: a dog Gray, two cats Aska and Barsik, and a hamster, Khomka. I love my animals very much. This year, our whole family is vacationing in the south, in the city of Anapa, I really liked the sea, especially rocking on the waves. I love summer, but I also love the beauty of winter, when the trees are in snow-white decorations, and the windows are in fairy-tale patterns drawn by the frost.

Ksenia Udalova, st. Factory.

Joy, goodness and a lot of snow!

Grandfather Frost, I want to thank you for bringing gifts to children every New Year and making their dreams come true! On New Year's Eve you always have a lot to do, you are happily welcomed in every home. So I'm looking forward to seeing you. I believe that you will bring me and my loved ones a lot of joy, kindness and fun, and also a lot of snow!

Irina Larina, 3rd grade, pl. Lenin.

My deepest wish is to ride a reindeer

Hello Dedushka Moroz. I am 9 years old, I study at gymnasium No. 1 in the 3rd grade. I love to study, but most of all I love the winter vacation. At this time, everyone celebrates the New Year. This is the most joyful and fun party per year. I know that you live in the city of Veliky Ustyug, which is located in the northeast of the Vologda region. My most cherished wish: to visit you, meet the Snow Maiden, and ride on reindeer. Seeing with my own eyes how magic happens, I know that miracles come true if you truly believe in them.

Anastasia Koroleva, p. Arsenia.

Good luck in everything and long life!

I am 9 years old, I study in the 3rd grade. I live with my mom, dad and brother. I really love to dance. This year I behaved well and tried to study well. In the coming year, I want to wish you good health, great happiness, good luck, luck in everything and long life!

Alena Kurtashkina, 1st Pushkinskaya.

I want you to hear me

When my mother gives me gifts for the New Year, she always says that they are from Santa Claus. But I know that you are just a person, and the toys were bought in a store. But deep down in my heart I believe that you will hear me and help me fulfill at least some of my desires. I may not be very obedient and not very good at music, but I want you to hear me.

Thanks in advance, Roma K. 7 years old.

Come, I'm looking forward to seeing you!

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Happy New Year! This whole year I have been good, helping mom and dad, cleaning my room and washing the dishes. Thank you for the gifts you brought me last year. Thank you for the kindness and joy you bring to people. Please give me a talking doll. Come, I'm looking forward to seeing you!

Ksenia Zhuravovich, 9 years old.

I don't mind any frost!

Dear Grandfather Frost! I really love winter. All I have to do is dress warmly, and I don’t mind any frost. You can walk through the forest, play snowballs, sled and ski, and build a snowman. My greatest wish is to ride a horse in winter, it’s so cool.

Anastasia Zhbanova, 3rd grade.

Family needs help

We are a large family, we have 6 children. We have a problem with money and for the New Year we don’t have a TV. Help us please. Kolya is 7 years old and wants a remote-controlled car. Katya is 12 years old and asks for a phone number. Lyuba, 10 years old, asks for a stroller to carry her dolls. Dima is 15 years old, he wants a computer.

Voronin family

I would like a real laptop

Dear santa claus! My name is Egor Kostin, I am 9 years old, I am in 3rd grade. Study well. I have a family: dad, mom and sister. I love them very much. I also have a cat, Muska. She loves to bask on the radiator and loves to be petted. For New Year I would like a real laptop.

Best regards, Egor Kostin.

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“Dear Grandfather Frost!
I am very glad that New Year is coming soon and my mom and dad will be decorating the Christmas tree.
And I'm waiting for you to come visit me!
Most of all I would like to receive a dog as a gift.
I promise to behave well and help my parents. Thank you!"

You can write such a letter together with your child. Or persuade his friends from kindergarten or school to write a general message: then the kind grandfather will definitely not pass by New Year's party and will bring long-awaited gifts.

What to write in a letter

Like any person, Grandfather Frost is unlikely to like impolite treatment, mistakes or an orderly tone. Keep this in mind when helping your child write a New Year's message.

The letter should contain the following points:

  1. Greetings (dear Santa Claus, dear Grandfather Frost).
  2. First and last name of the baby (there are too many people who want to receive a gift, you can inadvertently make a mistake).
  3. A short story about the child’s achievements over the past year (he was obedient, helped his mother with housework, learned to read, etc.).
  4. Request for a gift in a polite manner (or better yet, several to choose from).
  5. In conclusion, thanks to my grandfather; it would also be useful to say goodbye until next year. You can also go to a matinee or visit, he will be pleased!

Design of a New Year's message

Well, the text of the letter is ready. All that remains is to work on its design - after all, it’s somehow frivolous to write such a message on a piece of notebook paper! What are the options?

Ready-made templates for letters to Santa Claus

This is the simplest option: you just need to print out a sample you like from the Internet.

But a homemade card is much better, isn't it? Therefore, we call upon our imagination to help...

Children's holiday cards

Very elegant cards are made from bright cardboard, decorated with Christmas tree rain or simple cotton wool. Make a card out of a sheet of cardboard, and use pieces of fabric, pebbles, beads, beads, broken Christmas tree decorations or nutshells as decoration.

The postcard can have either a chaotic appliqué or a New Year's themed drawing: a snowflake, a Christmas tree, a snowman, a white bunny, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Family letter

Why not write an important family message to Santa Claus with a coat of arms and seal? He will be surprised and delighted!

Together with your child, come up with titles for the whole family: let dad be a king, let mom be a king, and let him be a prince or princess. Next, take thin parchment paper and beautiful handwriting write the prepared text on it. At the end, do not forget to draw the family coat of arms and put a seal.

New Year's collage

Another option is to cut out suitable pictures of children, Santa Claus, gifts and Christmas decorations. Then glue them onto cardboard and write the text. The holiday message is ready!

Envelopes and stamps

Their goal is to attract the attention of the recipient, so they should also be bright and festive. Bookstores sell large colored envelopes. You need to write an address on them and put a stamp on them. You can also make an applique on an envelope or create a special New Year's stamp.

Where to send the letter?

So, the letter is written, elegantly designed and packaged in a festive envelope. All that remains is to write the address and take the letter to the post office.

Here are some famous addresses of Santa Claus:

Father Frost, Russia:

1. Santa Claus Post Office, 162390, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, lane. Oktyabrsky, 1A.

2. 109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, to Grandfather Frost.

3. St. Petersburg, Shuvalovka, “Russian Village”, Santa Claus.

Father Frost, Ukraine:

1. Santa Claus Post Office, st. Khreshchatyk, 22, Kyiv-1, Ukraine, 01001

2. House of St. Nicholas, st. Druzhby, 84, Kosiv city, Ivano-Frankivsk region, 78600.

Father Frost, Belarus:
"Belovezhskaya Pushcha. To Santa Claus", p/o Kamenyuki, Kamenets district, Brest region, 225063.

Santa Claus, Finland:
Santa Claus, Arctic circle, 96930, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Vainakhtsman, Germany:
Weihnachtsmann, Weihnachtspostfiliale, 16798 Himmelpfort.

Giving your child a miracle is not so difficult. What if Grandfather Frost not only sends an answer on New Year’s Eve, but also fulfills a child’s most cherished wish? Who knows... In the end, you will always be aware of the contents of the letter yourself and will not let your child be disappointed.

    Did you believe in Santa Claus as a child?

Grandfather Frost, please give me a magic wand, and then I’ll somehow decide for myself!

I want to work like Santa Claus - in 364 days!!!

Dear santa claus! This New Year I would like everyone to become kinder, but only me to become more beautiful!

Today I wrote a letter to Santa Claus with a list of gifts. And I realized that I don’t need Santa Claus, but a sponsor!!!

Santa Claus exists! Just to see it you need to believe... and some drugs...

Santa Claus, on the contrary, comes from home with a bag of garbage.

For the New Year they came up with Santa Claus for children, for adults - New Year's discounts, for the elderly - an increase in pensions, for impotent people - fireworks.

Santa Claus congratulates everyone, but no one Santa Claus...

Sharp-tongued thoughts and quotes about Santa Claus

Dear Grandfather Frost, I was a good girl all year... Hmm... Well, almost the whole year... Hmm... Well, sometimes... Hmm... Well, I was definitely a couple of times... Oh, okay!!!... I'll buy everything myself;))

Rely on Santa Claus, but don’t make a mistake yourself!

New Year - tangerine in my mouth. Santa Claus - Olivier on my nose.

It’s always like this: he seems to be a prince and on a horse, but time passes and you realize that he’s just Santa Claus on a reindeer!!!

If you see a sober Santa Claus, then most likely it is Santa Claus.

And the pattern on the dial for New Year’s numbers is as common as Santa Claus in a salad!

Husband: What is Santa Claus doing in our closet?! Wife: Fulfills my wishes...

Clausophobia - fear of Santa Claus.

In Siberia there is no Santa Claus at all, everyone there is for him. Whomever you look at - Santa Claus!

Dear santa claus! All I want is New Year- this is your list of girls who behaved badly.

God's thoughts and quotes about Santa Claus

Indian Santa Claus has four arms and the head of an elephant, which is why all children in India have gray hair.

Dear Grandfather Frost, it so happened that I was born with three legs... I know you can do anything. Please make the shoes cheaper...

The New Year ends when the last piece of chocolate Santa Claus is swallowed.

The sadistic boy read the entire Pasternak to Santa Claus from a stool.

Santa Claus, my car just won’t start, but since childhood I dreamed of owning a car!

Grandfather Frost, send me some sweets! Well, at least semi-sweet.

Modern children wait not for Santa Claus to come, but for their parents to leave.

The boy got it wrong: instead of Lapland, he called Sicily and ordered Santa Claus.

In Soviet times, Father Frost personally took a list of children who behaved badly to Comrade Stalin.

Pearl thoughts and quotes about Santa Claus

There are three periods in a man’s life - when he believes in Santa Claus, when he doesn’t believe, and when he is Santa Claus himself!

Good Grandfather Frost - a beard made of cotton wool, I’ll buy everything for myself - increase my salary!

Sensation! For the first time on New Year's celebration Santa Claus will come not only with his granddaughter, but also with his wife. Meet! Snow Maiden, Father Frost and Frostbitten Baba!

Calling Santa Claus to your house! Call our phone number and your heat supply will be turned off immediately!

Dear Grandfather Frost! Last New Year, I asked you for a boyfriend. So, take this goat back and give him a better tangerine!

Santa Claus is a scumbag in search of frosty freshness!

Dear Grandfather Frost! I've been good all year. Can I at least behave badly on New Year's Eve?

Heartfelt thoughts and quotes about Santa Claus

I wrote a letter to Santa Claus... I gave it to my husband. I am waiting…

No matter how much Santa Claus drinks, he won’t forget his bag...

So… gold fish I died from my desires, okay, I’ll wait for Santa Claus...

Gypsy Santa Claus arrives on a horse, sings songs with a guitar and steals something valuable as a gift.

A typical letter to Santa Claus. Send me a bike (with money). Dima is 3 years old (my son).

Wishes to Santa Claus: Freeze price increases and inflation, utility bills, tariffs for travel on public transport and telephone calls, as well as all thugs and hotheads both in our country and in all hot spots on the planet.

Grandfather Frost, come out! - the children shouted and danced near the toilet.

If a fat guy suddenly turns up at night and puts you in a bag, don’t freak out! Someone just asked Santa Claus for you for the New Year :)

The New Year is coming soon and Grandfather Frost will give me new feelings!

Dear Grandfather Frost, this letter is not spam, but a real opportunity to make money.

The funniest

Early morning in the village, an ordinary family of mother, son and father without legs,

Early morning in the village, an ordinary family of mother, son and father without legs, which they lost in the war. The son is getting ready to hunt, takes a gun and a cartridge, then his dad crawls up to him and says:
- Son, take me hunting, I really want to!
- Dad, how can I take you, you don’t have legs, what good are you?
- And you, son, put me in a backpack behind your back, and if we suddenly see a bear, you shoot at it - you won’t hit it, you turn your back, and I’ll kill it with one shot, you know it yourself - I shoot a squirrel in the eye from 100 meters! So we’ll bring the loot home, so we’ll have something to eat in the winter.
The son thought and thought and said, “Okay, dad, let’s go.”
They are walking through the forest, the father is sitting in a backpack, and then a bear meets them. The son shoots, misses, shoots again - misses again, turns his back, dad shoots - also waves, again - misses again. The bear is already rushing towards them, well, the son will give it a try, and meanwhile the father is shouting - they say, quickly, they will catch up! They’ve been running for an hour, they don’t have the strength, the son understands that he and his dad won’t run that far - they’ll both be lost, so he decided to throw off his backpack and runs on.
He runs home all out of breath and says to his mother:
- Mother, we no longer have a father... - with tears in his eyes.
His mother calmly puts down the frying pan, turns to him and says:
- How did you fuck me with your desire, then my dad came running 10 minutes ago in his arms and said that we no longer have a son!

They invited a guy at work to a corporate party and allowed him to come

They invited a man at work to a corporate party, they allowed him to come with his wives, the corporate party was themed - a masquerade, you had to come in costumes, with masks. No sooner said than done, they got ready before going out, and his wife had a headache, she said, “Go without me, and I’ll lie down at home for now,” and she herself came up with a cunning plan - to follow the man, how he would behave at the masquerade, to pester Zinka from accounting or even get drunk. Before going out, she changed her costume, came and saw her hubby - first dancing with one, then twirling the other, guard! She decided to check how far he would go, invited him to dance, they danced and whispered in his ear: - Maybe we can retire...
They retired, did their business, and the wife quickly went home. Her husband arrived a little later, she decided to ask him:
F - Well? How do you like your corporate party?!
M - Yes, gray boredom, the men and I decided to go play poker, and before that Petrovich, our boss asked him to exchange suits, since he had dirty his, so he was lucky, can you imagine, some woman in the ass gave!

The son comes up to his father and asks: - Dad, what is it?

The son approaches his father and asks:
- Dad, what is virtual reality?
Dad, after thinking a little, says to his son:
- Son, to give you an answer to this question, go to your mother, grandparents, and ask them if they could sleep with an African for 1 million dollars. He approaches his mother and asks:
- Mom, could you sleep with an African for 1 million dollars?
- Well, son, it’s not a tricky matter, and we need money, of course I could!
Then he approaches his grandmother with the same question, and the grandmother answers him:
- Of course, grandson! If I had a million dollars, I would live the same number of years!!!
It's grandfather's turn, grandfather answers:
- Well, actually, once doesn’t count, so of course - yes, with this million we would build a house by the sea, and finally leave my grandmother!
The son returns to his father with the results, and the father says to him:
- You see, son, in virtual reality we have three million dollars, and in real reality- 2 simple#tutki and one fa@r#s!

The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And

The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And at that moment his stomach began to twist, he simply no longer had the strength to endure it. They come into her apartment and the girl says:
- Come in, don’t be shy, go into the room, and now I’ll go to the bathroom and powder my nose...
It was somehow awkward for the guy to ask her ahead of her, so he decided to be patient, although he no longer had the strength to endure it. He walks into the room and looks - there’s a big dog sitting there. He took it and piled it in the room, and thinks that he will then blame everything on the dog, while he, contentedly, goes to the kitchen to drink tea.
The girl with the bath comes out and asks him:
D: Why don’t you go into the room?
P: There’s a big dog there, I’m afraid of it.
D: I found someone to be scared of, she’s plush...
P: Wow, she gave a shit like a real one!

Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying out, everyone has gathered

Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying out, all the animals have gathered in the barnyard and are discussing their future fate.
The bulls came out first and said: We must leave here while the hooves are still intact. The roof of the hangar is already leaking, it’s not raining, so we’re swimming like ducks. Next come the pigs: they haven’t eaten normal food for 100 years, the straw is all rotten, they give water once every three days. It’s impossible to live like this, you need to get out. All the other animals supported: Yes, yes, stop putting up with this and let’s go. One Sharik sits still, everyone asks him:
- Sharik, why are you sitting?! Come with us!
Sharik answers:
- No, I won’t go with you, I have a prospect!
- What is the prospect? You'll die of hunger here!
- No, guys, I have a prospect here!
- Well, what prospects do you have here, you’ll get sick, catch fleas and die alone here!
- No guys, I have a perspective...
- What kind of prospect is that?!?!?!
- I heard here that the landlady told the owner “... if things continue like this, then we’ll suck Sharik all winter...”

New jokes

The husband runs home and says to his wife - WIFE, urgently, we have

The husband runs home and says to his wife - WIFE, urgently, we will have guests in half an hour, I called our boss to our house! Wife:
- Are you crazy?! We have nothing to eat!
- Well, figure something out, you definitely need to do something, because tomorrow they will distribute the money, whose salary will be increased!
- So we have nothing except soup and a can of peas!
- So, listen carefully! When he comes to us, I’ll tell him that you made an awesome steak and peas, and in the meantime I’ll treat him to some of my moonshine. And then you accidentally break a plate in the kitchen and shout that you dropped the steak and now it’s in the trash, you’ll only have to serve peas, nothing can be done.
We agreed, the boss came. The husband treats him to moonshine, then yells to his wife:
- Wife! Get the steak!
Plates are falling in the kitchen, there's a crash!
- Well, what are you doing there? Did she really drop the steak in the trash?!
From the kitchen sobs:
- No, peas!