Vladislav Radimov and his new girlfriend. The mistress of Tatyana Bulanova's ex-wife spoke about their relationship

Rumors of divorce Tatiana Bulanova and her ex-husband, football player Vladislav Radimov, have been discussed more than once in the media. And a few months ago, the singer publicly announced that her husband and her close friend had betrayed her. However, the artist did not clarify the details of her relationship with the athlete. And she categorically refused to answer direct questions about whether the couple had divorced.

And only in the studio of the “Tonight” program did Tatyana confirm for the first time that she had officially separated from her husband and named the reason for her radical decision. She reported on Radimov’s affair with fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva, whom he even introduced to his parents and gave her spare keys to the apartment. According to the singer, it was funny for her to hear the public revelations of her husband’s mistress, talking about such details of her relationship with Vladislav, who was never even there. “It was funny for me to watch what this girl talks about her relationship with Vlad. Much simply could not have happened, I know my husband,” Bulanova noted.

Tatyana admitted that she was most hurt by the fact that Radimov gave his mistress an expensive phone that the singer presented to him. “This is my phone, my gift! When I asked Vlad where he was going, he laughed it off. Woman, return the expensive thing,” the celebrity addressed the athlete’s mistress. Despite this ugly story, Bulanova was able to forgive Vladislav and maintain a warm relationship with him. According to her, she admits that she and the football player may well have a second wedding. After all, even after the divorce, they met to celebrate the 11th anniversary of their marriage.


Since the truth about the affair between football player Vladislav Radimov and fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva was revealed, this situation has been intensely discussed by the sports and cultural community. Tatyana Bulanova does not comment on it, which only fuels people’s interest. Vlad either remains silent or says that he knows Irina only vaguely. The girl herself for a long time did not dare to talk about her relationship with the Zenit star. But the MK correspondent in St. Petersburg still heard her frank story.

"X I really feel it"

— How did you meet Vlad?

— Seven years ago in the famous St. Petersburg restaurant “Terrace”. The World Cup was on, and Radimov and his friends came to cheer. They sat down at a large table in front of the screen, and my friend and I had already paid and were about to leave. As I later learned from Vlad, it was he who asked his friend Alexander to meet us. He sat down and invited the football players to the table. True, I did not immediately understand that we were facing famous Zenit players. I didn’t even recognize Arshavin. On screen he appears tall and slender, but in real life Andrey is short and stocky.

When the company began to disperse, Radimov asked: “Stay, let’s just talk.” We chatted until half past two. Then the Terrace closed and we went to another restaurant. When this establishment stopped working, Vlad suggested taking a boat ride on the Neva. Under the Palace Bridge we drank our last sip of wine, kissed and threw the glasses into the water for good luck. Vlad whispered: “Stay with me...” I couldn’t resist, I stayed. And in the evening we met again, and I found myself the subject of close attention from his football friends. It seemed to me that Vlad and Tatiana’s friends do not communicate closely. Vlad often went to Zenit parties without his wife. One day, my friend and I accidentally wandered into a restaurant where the couple were having lunch together. They looked like people tired of each other. Tatiana ate the soup in silence, Vlad looked out the window. They rarely rest together: each has their own interests and their own circle of friends. We then retreated from the restaurant; I didn’t want any awkward scenes.

— Did this feeling of awkwardness haunt you? Still, Vlad is someone else’s husband...

— When I met Radimov, I was an absolutely free girl. As I already said, I didn’t make any plans in connection with him. I just liked that despite all his achievements, Vlad remained a good and interesting person. He wasn't arrogant. It was easy and fun with him, our relationship flowed without any tension. At the very beginning of our meetings, Vlad immediately began talking about getting a divorce. I reacted skeptically: “No promises needed.” The answer was: “I want everything for real!” Some time later in the morning we went to his mother Svetlana Alekseevna. She was stunned by the appearance of a stranger in the house and, it seems, thought that I was a “moth.” Mom soon found my coordinates, called and asked: “Irina, tell us about yourself and your relationship with Vlad.” We met near her work and talked. Realizing that I'm not a lady prostitute, Svetlana Alekseevna calmed down.

I came with Vlad to visit his mother and stepfather at the dacha, we celebrated holidays together. And then he met my mother. They quickly found mutual language, discussing his beloved Spain. Our romance developed rapidly, and gradually I met all his relatives, even his eldest daughter Sasha, who was 11 years old at the time. She came to visit St. Petersburg, stayed with Svetlana Alekseevna, my friend and I organized for the girl cultural program. They took us to the Yusupov Palace, then walked around the city together. Sasha even came to my work at the gym. I know Vlad’s grandmother, stepfather, friends. When he couldn’t take his family somewhere, I did it. All these people have become a part of my life, I remember them fondly and am very grateful for the communication. I certainly miss them.

How Bulanova found out everything

- Why is it not enough? Have you stopped communicating?

— After the TV program, where I admitted that we were having an affair, Vlad remained silent. And he pretended that he didn’t know who Ira Yakovleva was. This offended me. He could have simply told Tatyana: yes, it happened, but it passed, let’s not develop the topic further. And to say that there was no romance at all, in my opinion, is despicable. Tatyana also added fuel to the fire: in some interview on TV, she said that I was an “insane fan.” And Vlad again did not object. I think that such words were ugly, because I behaved correctly and did not offend her in any way.

It turns out that our whole relationship is a lie, and everything is his beautiful words didn't cost anything. At first, Vlad’s mother assured that she would tell the press the truth. But when I saw the program, our communication with her abruptly stopped. She was afraid that she would harm her son and stopped talking to me. But I still think Vlad’s parents are wonderful people. And somewhere deep down I always thought: they are my second family.

- Do you think Tatyana knew about your relationship?

- I think I guessed. The wife of one of the football players once told her that Vlad constantly appears at parties with some girl. We were together at parties celebrating Zenit’s victories, and the players’ spouses saw me. I think Tatyana understood something from our messages. Vlad accidentally left a pop-up window from the correspondence open on his iPad. There the page “Irene the fitness trainer” was displayed - this is my nickname on the Internet.

There was another poignant moment. Once Vlad did not answer his mother’s calls for several hours, Svetlana Alekseevna became worried, called me, and I immediately came. Vlad did not open the apartment door for us then, but soon called back from another number. It turned out that his phone was dead. But Tatyana probably saw me on the surveillance camera recording. By the way, on that ill-fated day we met Bulanova’s eldest son Sasha at the apartment. Apparently he told his mom about it.

Radimov - lyrical nature

— Did Vlad give you gifts?

“I never asked him for anything.” Vlad rarely gave gifts, but he could withdraw money from a credit card and give it to me. Flowers are not his style at all. Buying a bouquet for your mother is sacred, but coming to a meeting with a rose in your hand is not. We corresponded often, and at some point Radimov began sending links to cute videos with lyrical songs, and once sent poems by Anna Astakhova.

But his first gift was amazing. Fashionable expensive shoes. He first found out the size of my feet and asked me to wear them in the evening. elegant dress, do your hair. Vlad came to pick me up at work, when I got into the car, he took out a box: “Open it and look! Like?" The shoes were very extravagant, high-heeled, my instep almost didn’t fit, but I put them on anyway and couldn’t admit to Vlad my discomfort. We went to a restaurant for dinner, and later my friend Ira joined us. I immediately boasted about the gift. We sat until late, and when there were few guests in the restaurant, I even allowed myself to put my feet on the edge of the table for a few seconds, showing off my new clothes. There were other pleasant little things, signs of attention. One day I couldn’t get a ticket for the Sapsan to go to my loved one in Moscow. Vlad talked to the head of the train - he asked me to sit, explaining how important it was for him, and the problem was solved.

— Do you have photos together with Vlad?

- I have nothing to show you. During the holidays, at Vlad’s parents’ house, his mother took pictures of us. She has these pictures, but I don’t have them. And the camera didn’t click much then, everyone was busy communicating. I didn’t think about any selfies, I don’t like them at all and I think that everything should remain in the heart, and not in ostentatious photographs. Vlad simply hates being photographed; he often even refuses to allow magazines to do so. Yes, it never occurred to me to take a photo for some kind of evidence, although sometimes I really wanted to have a joint photo. But only for myself personally, I was not going to make anything public. Besides, I then had a phone without a camera, albeit an expensive one. (By the way, Vlad gave it to me.) But I have video and photo messages from Vladislav of a personal nature, and there are also several photos with his daughter.

“Come, I feel bad”

— Has the thought ever crossed your mind that you are deceiving yourself? But in fact, this novel means little to Vlad?

“At some point I realized that I fell in love. And it’s difficult to cope with feelings. I did not demand a divorce; I felt that Vlad would not dare to do so. Of course, I wanted us to spend more time together. But this was beyond the realm of possibility. And I, ordering my heart to be silent, once said that our communication was “just like that.” Seven years passed “just like that.”

Over the years, things have happened. Sometimes he didn’t show up for weeks, and sometimes he asked me to come to the airport to say goodbye. He didn’t hide me from his friends and, although he talked to other girls, he always came back. I wasn’t jealous—fans are part of his profession. Often our meetings were spontaneous; when Radimov had time, he would pick me up at the sports club. I even liked it - the feelings always remained fresh.

But I saw how my beloved was changing, and I thought that this was a good sign. We began to stay together more often in his apartment - we watched TV, sat on the carpet or on the balcony, and discussed something. (Despite the fact that Vlad lived with Tatyana, he had his own, separate housing.) We talked for hours. Vlad taught me how to bet on sports. Of course, I understood that this couldn’t go on forever, I needed to build my life. Years go by... Once she even suggested that Vlad break up. But we didn’t last long, then we called each other, and everything started happening again. We went to team events together and I was proud of it. When Zenit won the Russian Championship and the Super Cup, I was at a grand celebration at the Ice Palace, sitting in the VIP box. She calmly introduced her friends to Vlad.

— What other moments stuck in your memory?

— I supported Vlad during difficult periods. Remember the technical defeat of Zenit in 2011? He was then removed from his position as team leader. Vlad retreated into himself, even his mother could not reach him. In the evenings I lay on the sofa in front of the TV and was silent, immersed in my experiences. And Tatyana at that time was in Moscow for the “Dancing with the Stars” project. One day Vlad wrote a text message: “I feel bad.” I was very upset and went to see him. She talked, consoled, explained that everything would work out. Then, when Vlad became the second coach, he was upset that he was not allowed to open up. I tried to convince that these were temporary difficulties; we corresponded all the time. After games he often asked: “How’s it going?” I assessed the match to the best of my knowledge. One day the conversation turned to a common child. But, to be honest, I don’t want to have children yet. As a responsible person, I understand that I’m not ready to be a mother yet. I can’t give my child as much love and attention as he needs. But I don’t want to make my child “abandoned.”

- After everything that happened, do you want your loved one back?

- I do not regret anything. Maybe it’s good that everything happened this way. That the truth has been revealed. My rose-colored glasses broke. On a TV program, in a fit of emotion, she said that I would love him and wait for him. Now I don't think so. I saw that Radimov was scared, and I don’t even understand why. And I need another, brave and strong Vlad. The way he seemed at the very beginning of our acquaintance. After the program, Vlad said that he did not want me to interfere in his life. But seven years of this life were mine too. After all, he himself let me into his space, and I opened my soul to him. And that means he should at least explain himself to me. Don’t remain silent and pretend that nothing is happening. We are responsible for those we have tamed And.


Tatyana Bulanova stated that Radimov’s passion was not the reason for their breakup. She spoke out about the scandal that erupted after Vladislav Radimov’s friend spoke on air on one of the TV channels. The artist admitted that she experienced difficult feelings while watching that program.

When it became known last December about the divorce of Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov, fans were shocked. After all, the couple of singer and captain of the Zenit club was considered one of the exemplary ones for eleven years. But it turned out that the football player had a mistress for seven years - fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva, whom he met in a St. Petersburg restaurant. Radimov introduced Irina to his parents and even gave them spare keys to their apartment.

Tatyana Bulanova for the first time voiced her attitude to the scandal that she created throughout the country ex-lover Radimov. She recalled this whole “ugly and vile” story in an interview with Andrei Malakhov in the “Tonight” program.

“It was funny for me to watch what this girl talks about her relationship with Vlad,” Tatyana commented on the televised revelations of her now ex-husband’s mistress. “A lot of things simply couldn’t have happened, I know my husband.”

As it turned out, Irina Yakovleva gave an interview to Channel One, and “Tonight” showed a recording where the woman again told how seven years ago she met Vladislav Radimov in one of the cafes in St. Petersburg, how she then warmly communicated with his mother and daughter from his first marriage. And she even showed her the keys to the apartment of the Radimovs’ parents, which they allegedly gave her themselves.

But this is what Radimov gave to his mistress mobile phone luxury brand, which he once received from Tatyana, offended her.

“This is my phone, my gift! When I asked Vlad where he had taken it, he laughed it off. Woman, return the expensive thing,” she addressed Vladislav’s mistress from the TV.

During this story, the camera showed the viewers several times close-up face of Tatyana Bulanova. Apparently, the singer really no longer feels any emotions about her ex-husband’s mistress. And he even finds the strength to react to this situation with humor and not take what is happening to heart.

“She only humiliated herself with this performance. I feel sorry for this man,” Tatyana said.

She also admitted that the divorce did not take place because of her husband’s infidelity, but there were some other reasons. Bulanova did not reveal them.

But Tatyana Bulanova did not talk about the details of the divorce from Vladislav Radimov, joking that a separate program should be dedicated to this event. In addition, the singer does not rule out that her disagreement with Radimov may well turn out to be a temporary phenomenon.

“The decision to divorce was not easy for me,” Tatiana sighs, “but I don’t know what will happen next. Maybe there will be a second wedding and Vlad and I will get married again.”

It’s interesting that even after the divorce, she and Radimov still celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary. Bulanova assures that she was able to maintain good relations with all her ex-husbands.

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Throughout history, people have used herbs in healing ceremonies for cleansing and protection. negative energy. It is worth taking an example from these traditions and...

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All the time, representatives of the fair sex have been and will be the guardians of the family hearth. In case of any problems, there is always the opportunity to make...

Irina Yakovleva spoke about a relationship that lasted seven years

Since the truth about , this situation has been intensely discussed by both the sports and cultural community. Tatyana Bulanova does not comment on it. Vlad either remains silent or says that he knows Irina only vaguely. The girl herself for a long time did not dare to talk about her love relationship with the Zenit star. But the MK correspondent still heard her frank story.

Vladislav Radimov with his wife Tatyana Bulanova.

- How did you meet Vlad?

Seven years ago in the famous St. Petersburg restaurant "Terrace". The World Cup was on, and Radimov and his friends came to “cheer.” They sat down at a large table in front of the screen, and my friend and I had already paid and were about to leave. As I learned later from Vlad, it was he who asked his friend Alexander to meet us. He sat down and invited the football players to the table. True, I didn’t immediately understand that these were famous Zenit players. I didn’t even recognize Arshavin. On screen he appears tall and slender, but in real life Andrey is short and stocky.

When the company began to disperse, Radimov asked: “Stay, let’s just talk.” We chatted until half past two. Then the Terrace closed and we went to another restaurant. When this establishment stopped working, Vlad suggested taking a boat ride on the Neva. Under the Palace Bridge we drank our last sip of wine, kissed and threw the glasses into the water for good luck. Vlad whispered: “Stay with me...”. I couldn't resist, I stayed. And in the evening we met again, and I found myself the subject of close attention from his football friends.

It seemed to me that Vlad and Tatiana’s friends do not communicate closely. Vlad often went to Zenit parties without his wife. One day, my friend and I accidentally wandered into a restaurant where the couple were having lunch together. They looked like people tired of each other. Tatiana ate the soup in silence, Vlad looked out the window. They rarely rest together: each has their own interests and their own circle of friends. We then retreated from the restaurant; I didn’t want any awkward scenes.

- Did this feeling of awkwardness haunt you? Still, Vlad is someone else’s husband...

When I met Radimov, I was an absolutely free girl. As I already said, I didn’t make any plans in connection with him. I just liked that despite all his achievements, Vlad remained a good and interesting person. He wasn't arrogant. It was easy and fun with him, our relationship flowed without any tension. At the very beginning of our meetings, Vlad immediately began talking about getting a divorce. I reacted skeptically: “No promises needed.” The answer was: “I want everything for real!”

Some time later in the morning we went to his mother Svetlana Alekseevna. She was stunned by the appearance of a stranger in the house and, it seems, thought that I was a “moth.” Mom soon found my coordinates, called and asked: “Irina, tell us about yourself and your relationship with Vlad.” We met near her work and talked. Realizing that I was not a lady of easy virtue, Svetlana Alekseevna calmed down.

I came with Vlad to visit his mother and stepfather at the dacha, we celebrated holidays together. And then he met my mother. They quickly found a common language, discussing their beloved Spain. Our romance developed rapidly, and gradually I met all his relatives, even his eldest daughter Sasha, who was 11 years old at the time. She came to visit St. Petersburg, stayed with Svetlana Alekseevna, and my friend and I organized a cultural program for the girl. They took us to the Yusupov Palace, then walked around the city together. Sasha even came to my work at the gym. I know Vlad’s grandmother, stepfather, friends. When he couldn’t take his family somewhere, I did it. All these people have become a part of my life, I remember them fondly and am very grateful for the communication. I certainly miss them.

- Why is it not enough? Have you stopped communicating?

After the TV program, where I admitted that we were having an affair, Vlad remained silent. And he pretended that he didn’t know who Ira Yakovleva was. This offended me. He could have simply told Tatyana: yes, it happened, but it passed, let’s not develop the topic further. And to say that there was no romance at all, in my opinion, is despicable. Tatyana also added fuel to the fire: in someone’s interview on TV, she said that I was an “insane fan.” And Vlad again did not object. I think that it was rude for her to say such words, because I behaved correctly and did not offend her in any way.

It turns out that our whole relationship is a lie, and all his beautiful words were worth nothing. Vlad’s mother first assured that he would tell the press the truth. But when I saw the program, our communication with her abruptly stopped. She was afraid that she would harm her son and stopped talking to me. But I still think Vlad’s parents are wonderful people. And somewhere in the depths of my soul I always thought - they are my second family.

- Do you think Tatyana knew about your relationship?

I think I guessed it. The wife of one of the football players once told her that Vlad constantly appears at parties with some girl. We were together at parties celebrating the victories of the “”, the spouses of the football players saw me. I think Tatyana understood something from our messages. Vlad accidentally left a pop-up window from the correspondence open on his iPad. There the page “Irene the fitness trainer” was displayed - this is my nickname on the Internet.

There was another poignant moment. Once Vlad did not answer his mother’s calls for several hours, Svetlana Alekseevna became worried, called me, and I immediately came. Vlad did not open the apartment door for us then, but soon called back from another number. It turned out that his phone was dead. But Tatyana probably saw me on the surveillance camera recording. By the way, on that ill-fated day we met Bulanova’s eldest son, Sasha, at the apartment. Apparently he told her about it.

- Did Vlad give you gifts?

I never asked him for anything. Vlad rarely gave gifts, but he could withdraw money from a credit card and give it to me. Flowers are not his style at all. Buying a bouquet for your mother is sacred, but coming to a meeting with a rose in your hand is not. We corresponded often, and at some point Radimov began sending links to cute videos with lyrical songs, and once sent poems by Anna Astakhova.

But his first gift was amazing. Fashionable expensive shoes. He first found out the size of my feet and asked me to put on a smart dress and do my hair in the evening. Vlad came to pick me up at work, when I got into the car, he took out a box: “Open it and look! Like?". The shoes were very extravagant, high heels, they almost didn’t fit my instep, but I put them on anyway. We went to a restaurant for dinner, and later my friend Ira joined us. I immediately boasted about the gift. We sat until late, and when there were few guests in the restaurant, I even allowed myself to put my feet on the edge of the table for a few seconds, showing off my new clothes.

- Do you have photos together with Vlad?

I have nothing to show you. During the holidays, at Vlad’s parents’ house, his mother took pictures of us. I didn’t think about any selfies, I don’t like them at all, and I think that everything should remain in the heart, and not in ostentatious photographs. Vlad simply hates being photographed; he often even refuses to allow magazines to do so. Yes, it never occurred to me to take photos for some kind of evidence. But I have video and photo messages from Vladislav of a personal nature.

Irina Yakovleva.

The thought did not creep into your head - that you are deceiving yourself? And what, in fact, does this novel mean little to Vlad?

At some point I realized that I fell in love. And it’s difficult to cope with feelings. I did not demand a divorce; I felt that Vlad would not dare to do so. Of course, I wanted us to spend more time together. But this was beyond the realm of possibility. And I, ordering my heart to be silent, once said that our communication was “just like that.” Seven years passed “just like that.”

Over the years, things have happened. Sometimes he didn’t show up for weeks, and sometimes he asked me to come to the airport to say goodbye. He didn’t hide me from his friends, and although he talked to other girls, he always came back. I wasn’t jealous - communicating with fans is part of his profession. Often our meetings were spontaneous; when Radimov had time, he would pick me up at the sports club. I even liked it - the feelings always remained fresh.

But I saw how my beloved was changing, and I thought that this was a good sign. We began to stay together more often in his apartment - we watched TV, sat on the carpet or on the balcony, and discussed something. (Despite the fact that Vlad lived with Tatyana, he had his own separate housing). We talked for hours. I began to understand hockey, and he watched with me programs about the fate of people. Vlad taught me how to bet on sports. Of course, I understood that this couldn’t go on forever, I needed to build my life. Years go by... Once she even suggested that Vlad break up. But we didn’t last long, then we called each other, and everything started happening again.

I supported Vlad in difficult moments. Remember the technical defeat of Zenit in 2011? He was then removed from his position as team leader. Vlad retreated into himself, even his mother could not reach him. In the evenings I lay on the sofa in front of the TV and was silent, immersed in my experiences. And Tatyana at that time was in Moscow for the “Dancing with the Stars” project. One day Vlad wrote a text message: “I feel bad.” I went to see him. She talked, consoled, explained that everything would work out. Then, when Vlad became the second coach, he was upset that he was not allowed to open up. I tried to convince that these were temporary difficulties; we corresponded all the time. After games he often asked: “How’s it going?” I assessed the match to the best of my knowledge. One day the conversation turned to a common child. But, to be honest, I don’t want to have children yet. As a responsible person, I understand that I’m not ready to be a mother yet. I can’t give my child as much love and attention as he needs. But I don’t want to make my child “abandoned.”

- After everything that happened, do you want Vlad back or have you decided to move on with your life separately?

I do not regret anything. Maybe it’s good that everything happened this way. That the truth has been revealed. My rose-colored glasses broke. At the program, in a fit of emotion, she said that I would love him and wait for him. Now I don't think so. I saw that Radimov was scared, and I don’t even understand why. And I need another, brave and strong Vlad. The way he seemed at the very beginning of our acquaintance. After the program, Vlad said that he did not want me to interfere in his life. But seven years of this life were mine too. After all, he himself let me into his space, and I opened my soul to him. And that means he should at least explain himself to me. Don’t remain silent and pretend that nothing is happening. We are responsible for those we have tamed.

The personality of Tatyana Bulanova is now often associated with the mistress of her ex-husband Irina Yakovleva, whose name has thundered throughout the country and even beyond its borders. The woman said that their relationship with Vladislav Radimov lasted seven whole years.

As it turned out, rumors about the betrayal of football player Vladislav Radimov have been circulating for the last couple of years. Previously, apparently, he was better able to maintain the mask of a faithful spouse. When Tatyana Bulanova announced her divorce from him, the whole truth came out.

Recently, fitness trainer Irina Yakovleva became the star of the “Live Broadcast” show. The woman did not hide the truth, because it had already become public knowledge, and therefore she told how her romance with Radimov developed.

They met in one of the elite restaurants in St. Petersburg, and it was as if a spark ran between them. They began dating and a passionate romance began. As Irina admits, she didn’t know that Vladislav was not free, and then her friends told her that he was married. But the passion, apparently, was stronger, and this did not force her to break off relations with her lover. Now she recalls how beautifully their romance developed:

“We had a very romantic relationship. We met, walked on a ship along the Neva, when the bridges were raised.”

Irina was satisfied with such a relationship, and the fact that Radimov was not going to leave his famous wife Tatyana Bulanova did not frighten or embarrass his mistress at all. He was next to her and that was enough for her to be happy. The surprising thing is that, being married, Radimov set out to get to know Yakovleva’s family.

“He really wanted to meet my relatives. He quickly found a common language with his mother,” Irina said in the program.

Vladislav Radimov continued to live in fact for two families, but in an interview with journalists he once admitted that the only woman he loved in his life was Tatyana Bulanova. Hearing such words from the man who swore his love to her and with whom she spent passionate nights, Irina Yakovleva was indignant. It came as a shock to her.

Meanwhile, the rumors circulating about Radimov’s mistress became the topic of one of the previous programs; Tatyana Bulanova was invited to the studio and this is what she said about it then:

“I don’t know if this is true or not. Vlad knows many girls. Maybe she thought it was love, I don’t know. I think it’s a shame for a girl to talk about her relationship with married man“,” the singer expressed her position.

It is clear that there is no smoke without fire, and even then Bulanova knew about the presence of a mistress. But for many years she had to steadfastly endure gossip behind her back and various gossip. When they filed for divorce, Radimov’s affair with Yakovleva was already over. The woman said that she does not consider herself the reason for their separation.

“We didn’t communicate this year, I didn’t call or write to him. I adhere to the rule that if a person has made a decision, I let him go. And now the marriage is collapsing, and you say that it’s my fault,” the fitness trainer said in her defense.

In addition, Irina also spoke out about Tatyana’s behavior, saying that the singer was acting ugly towards her now ex-husband:

“I keep hearing about her taking him away from the police. The most offensive thing is that she does not protect him, but puts him in an unpleasant light,” Yakovleva said.

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Throughout history, people have used herbs in healing ceremonies to cleanse and protect against negative energy. It is worth taking an example from these traditions and...

Being under hot water can be so pleasant that you just want to believe that taking a hot shower is not at all harmful. But medicine can prohibit the habitual...

All the time, representatives of the fair sex have been and will be the guardians of the family hearth. In case of any problems, there is always the opportunity to make...