Registration of pregnant women at the registry office without a queue. Submitting an application to the registry office during pregnancy

Let's take a closer look at how pregnancy registration occurs and how the marriage of future parents differs from other similar procedures:

  • At the request of the bride and groom, the couple submits a joint application to the registry office in person one month before the desired wedding date.
  • The date, as we already know, can be brought closer, and the ceremony, at the request of the couple, can be either solemn or modest.
  • If at the time of the wedding the bride is in the hospital for safekeeping, then the registry office provides the service of an outdoor ceremony directly.
  • With such registration there is no ceremonial part. The newlyweds just exchange rings and take a few photos for memory.

Required documents When submitting documents, newlyweds must have civil passports with them.

How to submit an application to the registry office and register a marriage during pregnancy


In accordance with the legislation of 2018, marriage registration can be carried out in the next week or on the day of application. The only condition is the provision of the relevant document.


If the bride is in the hospital under observation, then you can use the option of an outdoor ceremony. In this case, the bride and groom sign the relevant documents and, if desired, exchange rings.

It is important to consider that even pregnancy will not serve as a basis for registering a marriage between:
  1. The child and his adoptive parent.
  2. In pairs, if one party is already officially married.
  3. People who are declared legally incompetent.

In order for a wedding during pregnancy to go smoothly and leave only positive emotions, it is better to think about and carry out the celebration as early as possible.

The pregnant bride: it’s not too late to go to the registry office

It happens that young people are rejected because early dates pregnancy, but even in this case there are some reasons, for example, the bride is placed in storage. When receiving a medical certificate, be sure to ensure that the following points are indicated:

  1. Gestational age.
  2. Due date.

Deadlines for processing documents for marriage The terms of marriage will depend on the length of pregnancy indicated in the certificate and when the birth is expected.

Typically, registry office employees register future parents within one week or 3 days after presenting a medical document. However, by decision of the head of the state body registering marriages, the procedure can be carried out the next day if the institution is not too busy.

How to register a marriage correctly if a girl is pregnant?

If you have already been sent to a hospital, you can contact the registry office directly with this referral and a certificate of pregnancy, and you and your spouse will be signed up on the same day. If you are already in the hospital just before giving birth and want to register your marriage urgently, the registry office employees can make a decision and carry out the marriage registration procedure... right in the medical institution! However, this requires really compelling reasons: for example, medical contraindications for pregnancy and childbirth, when there is a high probability of death of the mother in labor.


In any case, such individual circumstances require an individual approach on the part of the registry office employees. Note! At the registry office, the certificate you submitted will be carefully checked, at least visually.

Marriage registration during pregnancy

If a girl (woman) is pregnant, then there is no need to wait for the prescribed period of 1 month. They can sign it even on the day of submitting the application. But this is provided that the registry office is provided with a certificate from the antenatal clinic (clinic) confirming the presence of pregnancy.

And it doesn’t even matter if a woman comes to submit an application to the registry office, being in the 9th month with her stomach protruding forward, a certificate must be provided. the author of the question chose this answer as the best to comment. If it happened that you, young, beautiful and pregnant, agreed to marry the father of your child, then there are no barriers. First, you should go to the antenatal clinic for a certificate about your status and come with this certificate with a man to the registry office. There you will write an application, attach a certificate from the antenatal clinic to the application and you can be registered on the same day. Or, if there is no special need, you can sign on any day of your choice.

How long should pregnant women wait after submitting an application to the registry office?

Family law Features of marriage registration during pregnancy B modern world Most couples are in no hurry to register their relationship and prefer civil marriages. There are many reasons for this - you do not need to draw up any documents and have any obligations to each other.

But often it all ends with the girl becoming pregnant and it is already necessary to legalize the relationship in order to avoid future problems. Then the future spouses face a number of questions about how the marriage registration during pregnancy takes place, the timing and documents.
Marriage to a girl in an interesting position has its own nuances and distinctive features, which the couple should be aware of, especially if the timing does not allow for a long wait. The procedure for accelerated registration of marriage In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a marriage is registered a month after filing an application.

Submitting an application to the registry office during pregnancy

Until approximately 4 months the pregnancy is not yet visible and the bride will have the opportunity to wear Wedding Dress whatever she wishes. There are several ways to apply to get married with official status:

  1. The traditional method, which involves a personal visit to the registry office by the bride and groom. This method is chosen by couples who want to make sure on the same day that their application is completed correctly and the chosen date is assigned to them.
  2. You can submit an application through the multifunctional government center. When contacting, a service employee will accept the application for signature, help you choose the desired day, set a time and decide on the registry office where the marriage registration will take place.
  3. Applying online is becoming more and more popular. You can do this by registering on the State Services portal.

Pregnancy and registry office

  • if you decide to resort to an accelerated procedure, you will need a document confirming your “interesting situation” - a certificate from a gynecologist;
  • and lastly: going to the registry office arm in arm with your future spouse and a set of necessary documents.

What to take with you In addition to passports, you will need to present to the registry office:

  1. Certificate of pregnancy and its duration.
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  3. Application for marriage.

Persons getting married submit a joint application for marriage to the civil registry office in writing in person or send this application and other documents specified in this article in the form of electronic documents through a single portal of state and municipal services.

Registry office - decided to sign during pregnancy

Home The decision to get married is almost the most important decision in the life of almost every person. But some people don’t think about registering their relationship – you can increasingly see young couples living in a civil union. Often they begin to think about legitimizing the relationship only after a decision has been made about having a child together. How is marriage registered during pregnancy? What does the Family Code say? Family code Russian Federation states that if there are good reasons, be it pregnancy or the birth of a child, the marriage can be registered on the day of filing the application. According to this regulatory document, spouses expecting a baby must submit a corresponding application to the registry office at the place of registration of one of the newlyweds. The decision on the timing is made by the head of the registry office in each specific case.

Features of marriage registration during pregnancy

There is no single answer; it depends on the individual needs and wishes of young people. If you are planning a wedding event, then it is advisable to submit documents as quickly as possible in order to have time to organize everything.

Until 4 months the pregnancy is not yet visible, and the bride will have the opportunity to wear the wedding dress she wishes. After 4-5 months, pregnancy becomes more noticeable. In this case, you can formalize the relationship even on the day you submit the documents.

But then a ceremonial registration is not guaranteed, since all weddings are planned by the registry office in advance and have their own schedule. It is possible to speed up the marriage process if you have a child together.

But in this case, the child must be registered in the name of the man with whom the documents are being submitted. All these rules apply only to girls over 17 years of age.

If you did not manage to register your relationship before you learned about the upcoming birth of a child, now is the time to do it. Moreover, the law in the described situation is to protect the interests of both expectant mother, an unborn baby. The marriage registration procedure for such couples has been simplified and accelerated.

Right to registration “in an accelerated mode”

In accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation (Article 11), pregnancy is recognized as a “special circumstance”, in the presence of which the couple can be registered directly on the day of filing the application. If the expectant mother and father still want time to prepare the celebration, but the month period seems too long to them, they can take advantage of the right given to them by law and get married before the expiration of this period. Moreover, future newlyweds can declare their right to marry earlier than a month both during the initial visit to the registry office and after the application has already been submitted. For example, young people notified the registry office in writing of their intention to get married, they were given a date for registration in a month, and a short period of time after that the bride finds out about the pregnancy. In this case, if there is a desire and a medical report, the couple will be married before the deadline.

Why is it better to register a marriage during pregnancy?

Often, couples go to the registry office who did not intend to register their relationship at all, but, having learned that they will become parents, decide to officially start a family. Of course, here we can argue that this marriage is based more on a sense of duty and responsibility than on emotions and affection. But, from the standpoint of the law, such couples act very correctly. After all, officially registered spouses automatically have not only responsibilities, but also rights in relation to a born child. Who knows how the relationship between the spouses will develop in the future? During a divorce, the father will not have to prove in court that he is the father - his name and surname are written on the birth certificate. In addition, when applying for child benefits, legally married spouses need to collect much less information than those who have not bothered to formalize the relationship. And perhaps the most important thing: if even the knowledge that a new addition to your newly created social unit will soon appear did not keep you from breaking up, and you separated soon after registering your marriage, your spouse in this case will receive a pleasant bonus. The fact is that throughout pregnancy, as well as in the three-year period following the birth of the child has the right to demand payment of alimony from her ex-husband (clause 1 of Article 90 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). This refers not only to child support, which is due to everyone, but also to his mother. And in this case, the woman will not have to prove in court the fact of living together with this particular man and having a child with him. It will be enough to present marriage, divorce and birth certificates.

We're going to the registry office!

What steps should you take to get married during pregnancy?

Algorithm of actions when deciding to officially register a relationship

So, you are pregnant and have already managed not only to please your man with this news, but also to receive a marriage proposal. In this case, you need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • discuss the format of the upcoming celebration with your future spouse: will the marriage registration be ceremonial or will you be married as usual;
  • decide on the approximate date of marriage registration: you can wait a month or exercise your right to accelerated registration, perhaps even on the day you apply to the registry office;
  • if you decide to resort to an accelerated procedure, you will need a document confirming your “interesting situation” - a certificate from a gynecologist;
  • and lastly: going to the registry office arm in arm with your future spouse and a set of necessary documents.

What to take with you

In addition to passports, you will need to present to the registry office:

  1. Certificate of pregnancy and its duration.
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  3. Application for marriage.

Persons getting married submit a joint application for marriage to the civil registry office in writing in person or send this application and other documents specified in this article in the form of electronic documents through a single portal of state and municipal services. The application, which is sent in the form of an electronic document, is signed with a simple electronic signature of each applicant. This application and other documents specified in this article can be submitted through the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.

Federal Law of November 15, 1997 N 143-FZ “On acts of civil status” (clause 1 of article 26)

An important point: if the future wife is already in the hospital awaiting the birth of the baby, the future husband can submit to the registry office not one joint application, but two separate ones. In this case, the bride’s application must be notarized or submitted through the government services portal.

Certificate of pregnancy

A certificate of pregnancy and its duration is issued upon request by the gynecologist with whom you are registered. If you have already been sent to a hospital, you can contact the registry office directly with this referral and a certificate of pregnancy, and you and your spouse will be signed up on the same day. If you are already in the hospital just before giving birth and want to register your marriage urgently, the registry office employees can make a decision and carry out the marriage registration procedure... right in the medical institution! However, this requires really compelling reasons: for example, medical contraindications for pregnancy and childbirth, when there is a high probability of death of the mother in labor. In any case, such individual circumstances require an individual approach on the part of the registry office employees.

Note! At the registry office, the certificate you submitted will be carefully checked, at least visually. Stamp medical institution must be clear, not blurry; The name of the gynecologist on the seal must be readable. The document must contain the address of the medical institution that issued the certificate and the telephone number of the registry office, which the registry office employees can call in case of doubt. The certificate is valid for 10 days, so don’t put off going to the registry office for too long!

Pregnancy is not a disease, and in this state you can go anywhere, even to the registry office. However, it is important to consider that your appearance and well-being during pregnancy are constantly changing. Therefore, if you find out about pregnancy and the future father of the baby sees you in the status of his future wife, it is better to stand in front of the registrar’s desk in the early stages, and not as a “deeply pregnant” bride.

Registration deadlines Usually, from the day of filing documents, young people have to wait a month until marriage is formalized. This period is set directly by the registry office so that the newlyweds once again think about their decision to start a family and have time to prepare the wedding event. But if you submit an application to the registry office during pregnancy, this period can be significantly reduced. It all depends on the stage of pregnancy itself. If it is small, you can sign within 1-2 weeks. If the pregnancy period exceeds 4-5 months, it is possible to register the marriage faster. In some cases, you can even sign on the day you submit the documents. When to submit documents Many young people are interested in when to submit applications to the registry office during pregnancy (find out how to fill out the application by following the link).

Submitting an application to the registry office during pregnancy

But, from the standpoint of the law, such couples act very correctly. After all, officially registered spouses automatically have not only responsibilities, but also rights in relation to a born child.
Who knows how the relationship between the spouses will develop in the future? During a divorce, the father will not have to prove in court that he is the father - his name and surname are written on the birth certificate. In addition, when applying for child benefits, legally married spouses need to collect much less information than those who have not bothered to formalize the relationship.
And perhaps the most important thing: if even the knowledge that a new addition to your newly created social unit will soon appear did not keep you from breaking up, and you separated soon after registering your marriage, your spouse in this case will receive a pleasant bonus.

How long should pregnant women wait after submitting an application to the registry office?

When submitting an application, the bride and groom can be scheduled very quickly, literally on this or the next day, or the next one proposed and chosen by them, but for this you need to provide the original and a photocopy of a certificate from a gynecologist with the signature and seal of the medical institution. In accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 11. in the presence of special circumstances (including pregnancy), a marriage between citizens can be concluded immediately on the day of filing the application or on the day when it is convenient for the couple.

A pregnant woman can register her marriage on the day of filing the application. You just need a certificate from a gynecologist. If there is no certificate, then the stomach will not be evidence.

Everyone else needs to wait 1 month.

How to register a marriage correctly if a girl is pregnant?

Home The decision to get married is almost the most important decision in the life of almost every person. But some people don’t think about registering their relationship – you can increasingly see young couples living in a civil union.

Often they begin to think about legitimizing the relationship only after a decision has been made about having a child together. How is marriage registered during pregnancy? What does the Family Code say? The Family Code of the Russian Federation states that if there are good reasons, be it pregnancy or the birth of a child, a marriage can be registered on the day the application is submitted.


According to this regulatory document, spouses expecting a baby must submit a corresponding application to the registry office at the place of registration of one of the newlyweds. The decision on the timing is made by the head of the registry office in each specific case.

Registry office - decided to sign during pregnancy


In accordance with the legislation of 2018, marriage registration can be carried out in the next week or on the day of application. The only condition is the provision of the relevant document.

If the bride is in the hospital under observation, then you can use the option of an outdoor ceremony. In this case, the bride and groom sign the relevant documents and, if desired, exchange rings. It is important to consider that even pregnancy will not serve as a basis for registering a marriage between:
  1. The child and his adoptive parent.
  2. In pairs, if one party is already officially married.
  3. People who are declared legally incompetent.

In order for a wedding during pregnancy to go smoothly and leave only positive emotions, it is better to think about and carry out the celebration as early as possible.

To the registry office with a certificate of pregnancy.

You must have the following list of documents with you:

  1. Passports of future spouses.
  2. Application for registration - form No. 7.
  3. If the bride and groom or one of them were already married, then it is necessary to submit a certificate of divorce.
  4. Receipt of payment of the state fee. Its size is 350 rubles, any of the newlyweds can pay.
  5. A medical certificate, which is the basis for accelerating the date of marriage.
  6. If one of the couple is a foreigner, he should submit a document confirming that there are no obstacles to registering the relationship.

The pregnant bride: it’s not too late to go to the registry office

If the newlyweds are denied a reduction in terms, then this decision will be appealed in court. In practice, officials, as a rule, accommodate future parents and reduce the waiting period for registration.

But for this you need to present the relevant documents, which indicate the reason on the basis of which you need to shorten the registration period. If pregnant, newlyweds must present officials with a certificate from a medical institution.

And to the question whether a pregnant woman is allowed to get married in a church, Father Arkady will answer in detail in the video: Peculiarities of registering a marriage during pregnancy No one has condemned a marriage concluded because a girl is pregnant for a long time. On the contrary, many modern couples begin to live together only after they decide to have a child.

Being in an interesting position, women allow themselves to finally take a break from work and plunge into pre-wedding troubles.

How to submit an application to the registry office and register a marriage during pregnancy

As well as a visa on the basis of which a person is legally present in the territory of the Russian Federation. In cases where it is possible to register a relationship on the day citizens apply and submit an application, the submitted data will be verified on the same day. ABOUT the decision taken The newlyweds will be informed directly when submitting all the necessary certificates.

The possibility of exercising the right to accelerated registration depends on the correctness of entering data into the application form. At this stage, the bride and groom need to decide on a joint surname.

Since the registry office employee is obliged to use this information when drawing up final documents during registration family relations. What does the certificate look like? Certificate for the registry office about pregnancy - Sample. Only a medical certificate issued by a gynecologist in a hospital will help speed up the registration process during pregnancy.

Marriage registration during pregnancy

There is no single answer; it depends on the individual needs and wishes of young people. If you are planning a wedding event, then it is advisable to submit documents as quickly as possible in order to have time to organize everything.
Until 4 months the pregnancy is not yet visible, and the bride will have the opportunity to wear the wedding dress she wishes. After 4-5 months, pregnancy becomes more noticeable. In this case, you can formalize the relationship even on the day you submit the documents. But then a ceremonial registration is not guaranteed, since all weddings are planned by the registry office in advance and have their own schedule. It is possible to speed up the marriage process if you have a child together. But in this case, the child must be registered in the name of the man with whom the documents are being submitted. All these rules apply only to girls over 17 years of age.

Features of marriage registration during pregnancy

It happens that young people are refused due to the early stages of pregnancy, but even in this case there are some reasons, for example, the bride is placed in safekeeping. When receiving a medical certificate, be sure to ensure that the following points are indicated:

  1. Gestational age.
  2. Due date.

Deadlines for processing documents for marriage The terms of marriage will depend on the length of pregnancy indicated in the certificate and when the birth is expected.

Typically, registry office employees register future parents within one week or 3 days after presenting a medical document. However, by decision of the head of the state body registering marriages, the procedure can be carried out the next day if the institution is not too busy.

One of the most important decisions in life together Every couple decides to get married. However, in our time, most lovers do not even think about registering their relationship, because they do not consider it necessary.

The young are quite satisfied with the so-called civil marriage, in which you can be a member formally, without drawing up any documents, and, accordingly, without having any obligations to each other.

But, sooner or later, the question of officially legitimizing the relationship still arises before every couple who decides to have a child. And most often, lovers realize the need to register their marriage when they are already in an interesting situation. Accordingly, future spouses and parents face many questions related to the specifics of registering a marriage during pregnancy. It is these nuances that this article talks about.

When is the best time to register a marriage?

Some couples really want to register a marriage, but the frantic pace of life, constant hassle, busyness, lack of time and many other reasons stop them from such a step. For such people, pregnancy is a chance to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle, because it gives a woman a lot of free time, during which she can plan a wedding. However, very often many couples do not find out about pregnancy right away, and, having found out, they are simply lost and do not know what to do, since, often, they were not prepared for such a turn of events. Some people make not entirely healthy and correct decisions and prefer to have an abortion rather than start a family. But still, most lovers make a prudent decision to leave the child.

In both cases - both with an unexpected pregnancy and with a planned one - the question of marriage arises. Often, many couples, for some unknown reason, drag out time and put off registering their marriage “for later,” but the deadline is ticking, time is running out. Therefore, it is best not to delay the legalization of relations, and do it as quickly as possible. After all, the closer the deadline, the less opportunity there is to solemnly celebrate the ceremony, because money will have to be set aside for the birth and provision of the baby. So, the conclusion is simple: having learned about pregnancy, you need to register your marriage as quickly as possible and begin preparing for a more important event - the birth of a child.

Features of marriage registration during pregnancy.

Marriage is a standard procedure that takes place in any civil registry office, or, simply put, in the registry office. When applying for marriage, you must have identification documents with you, as well as divorce documents if one of the future spouses was already married. If a woman is pregnant, she must also provide a medical certificate confirming that she is pregnant. You can get this certificate at any public clinic, or from a personal gynecologist with whom the woman is registered throughout her pregnancy. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, marriage between lovers can occur from the age of 18, however, in the case of pregnancy, this procedure is possible from 14-16 years, but only with a marriage license.

After submitting an application to the registry office, future spouses are required to wait at least a month before the official wedding date. But If you have a certificate of pregnancy, you can speed up this process, up to one day(depending on the stage of pregnancy). If there is an urgent need, if the pregnancy is very long, or if the bride is in custody, marriage registration can be carried out directly in the hospital, but in this case no ceremonial part is provided, except for the exchange of rings. Well, if it is assumed that the baby will bear the father’s surname, then the bride should also take his surname.

Otherwise, registering and celebrating a marriage during pregnancy is no different from the most ordinary ceremony, except, of course, that the newlyweds will become not only spouses, but also, in the very near future, parents.

Ekaterina Kozhevnikova

Reading time: 2 minutes

Currently, situations are quite common in which young couples entering into legal marriage are already expecting a child. It often happens that the news of pregnancy comes as a surprise, which forces you to reconsider your plans for the upcoming wedding date. In this case, it is useful to know that carrying a future child allows you to reap some benefits. One of them is the chance to register a marriage out of turn by presenting a pregnancy certificate of the established form to the registry office.

Marriage in special circumstances

Let's imagine a standard situation of applying to the registry office to register a marriage. What would happen if, for example, you do not know about pregnancy or are not sure about this happy circumstance?

  • To begin with, you should contact the registry office, where the newlyweds are planning a wedding. When applying, do not forget passports or other documents confirming the status of a free citizen (for example, a certificate of divorce from a previous marriage - if available).
  • To initiate the process and prove mutual desire for marriage, it is necessary to fill out an application of a certain form. The future wife and husband each fill out their part, indicating the desired date and time of the celebration.
  • On the day of submitting documents, a state fee is paid. Today, marriage is a legally significant procedure, a public service, paid by a fee, the cost of which is 350 rubles.
  • After the local registry office employees accept the documentation necessary for marriage, the countdown begins. Even if the ceremonial part takes only 10 minutes, you will have to wait a whole month.

According to the Family Code, under normal circumstances it is almost impossible to speed up a marriage. The head of the registry office will receive the wedding couple in the ceremonial registration hall no earlier than one month after submitting the application. It is within the competence of the registry office to even increase the waiting period by more than one month (if there are good reasons, for example, due to large quantity those wishing to tie themselves into family ties). The only thing that is not allowed is to refuse without providing justified reasons. Such a decision may be challenged in court.

About fake medical certificates

Employees of civil registry offices must be especially attentive and careful when accepting applications to accelerate marriage, as well as when providing such a free public service as registering the birth of a child. Indeed, according to statistics, about 5 percent of Russians use the services of false doctors.

A fabricated certificate can be identified by the following parameters:

  • unclear handwriting, blurry stamps;
  • the form differs from the standard copy in size, location of text and graphic information;
  • there is no registration date, certificate registration number;
  • the seal of the medical institution was made on a printer;
  • Inaccurate information is provided, for example the name of a non-existent doctor.