A story about my friend. A story about my friend (description)

Help me write a story about a friend)) and got the best answer

Answer from Marina Marinachka[guru]
Here are 2 examples you might like)))
1) A friend is known in need.
I want to tell you about my friend Sergei. He is thirteen years old. He is an ordinary awkward teenager, with permanent cowlicks and abrasions on his arms. The only thing remarkable about him is his eyes: they are large, round, wide open, gray. When I look at Sergei, it seems to me that he is surprised by everything he sees, so he wants to understand and find out everything. Sergey is an athlete-swimmer. He has the second senior category in freestyle, but he is never proud of it. But he only uses it occasionally: sometimes he argues with the guys that he will be the first to swim to the other side of the pond, or he will say that he will stay under water the longest. But this is not the main thing in his character.
He saved me last year, and after that we became especially close friends. I'm a bad swimmer, but I've never admitted it to anyone. Sergei suggested sailing to an island in the middle of the river. Everyone swam, but for some reason I got scared and began to silently drown. Sergei saw and pulled me out. Then he worked with me, now I “swim passably,” as my friend notes.
But I also help Sergei in his studies when he falls behind or doesn’t understand something. He often leaves for competitions, spends a long time at training camps, and misses a lot of training sessions. Sergei is smart, when I explain difficult material to him, he quickly “grabs” and assimilates everything well.
IN free time We like to play football or hockey with a friend, read an interesting book, or simply exchange opinions about an interesting film.
We value our friendship.
2) "My first friend, my priceless friend..."
My first friend, Sasha, whom I met in kindergarten, is the complete opposite of me. Thin, with huge, thoughtful greenish-gray eyes, always neatly and tastefully dressed. He likes to read a lot and seems to know everything. It's always interesting with him. He is not a “nerd” at all, it’s just that the world of science and literature is his element. He also has an amazing trait: the need to share everything he has learned. If he starts talking, you will listen. Friendship with him fills my life with happiness. We love to rejoice together more than to complain to each other about failures. He listens with pleasure to stories about my sports affairs, he can leave all his worries and go with me to the stadium to watch a football match. It’s easier and more fun for me to live next to my friend!
We study in different schools, each of us has classmates, but for many years now I feel that my first friend is a true friend. Firstly, he never let me down or betrayed my trust. Secondly, Sasha, like no one else, understands me and will always tell me what is the right thing to do. I never get tired of communicating with him, it seems that I would spend all my days with him.
There are many examples of true, beautiful friendship in life. Pushkin and Pushchin... Their devotion to each other, sincerity and loyalty in friendship captivate me. And I am so pleased that my friend’s name is, like the great Russian poet, Alexander. And although I don’t look at all like a serious, famous person - the Decembrist Pushchin, like him - Ivan. It seems to me that there is something symbolic in this. But what we should learn from these wonderful people is the ability to cherish friendship. The only, faithful Ivan Pushchin comes to a secluded house covered with sad snow to the disgraced poet, whom even his own father betrayed, and all his acquaintances were afraid to mention his name. He arrives without fear of denunciations to the Tsar or sidelong glances from the St. Petersburg nobility.
Life has not yet tested our friendship to its strength. But I believe that we will maintain our sense of friendship for many years and it will always help us overcome difficulties.

Answer from Karim Kerimov[newbie]

Answer from Yolava Kononov[newbie]

Answer from Nikita Esipyonok[newbie]
My friend
I think it's good to have friends who can understand, support and help in difficult situations.
Everyone is different, and you are very lucky if you have someone who shares your views on life and is able to understand you. If you have such a friend, a soul mate, then you are not alone on this earth.
I want to tell you about mine best friend. Her name is Maria, she is 16 years old. She and I go to the same school. Maria is a tall, slender, pretty girl, she has blonde hair and brown eyes.
Maria and I have a lot in common and we like to communicate with each other. She studies well, her favorite subject at school is English. Maria likes to study foreign languages. In addition to English, she independently studies French and Italian. She buys tutorials, watches TV programs, listens to the radio and reads fiction in foreign languages. Maria wants to be an interpreter, so she is going to enter the Linguistic University.
When we get together, we go for walks, watch new films, discuss them and talk about everything. We enjoy spending time together. In summer we go to the beach, swim in the river and lakes, play sport games on outdoors and walk in the parks. And in winter we go skiing and skating.

Answer from Kdsafjklad asdsd[newbie]
My name is Egor. I am 12 years old. I'm in sixth class. I have many friends, but I want to talk about my best friend. His name is Danil. He studies with me in the same class. Sasha is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. He is very responsive. In difficult times he will come to the rescue. I can always rely on him. Sasha goes to a sports school. He is very tall, so he plays basketball. On weekends we like to play football or ride bicycles with him. Sometimes we go fishing and catch crucian carp there. He also likes to play computer games and watch horror films. We often go to the cinema with him. Danil is a true friend.

Answer from 123 [newbie]
My name is Sergey. I am 12 years old. I'm in sixth class. I have many friends, but I want to talk about my best friend. His name is Alexander. He studies with me in the same class. Sasha is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. He is very responsive. In difficult times he will come to the rescue. I can always rely on him. Sasha goes to a sports school. He is very tall, so he plays basketball. On weekends we like to play football or ride bicycles with him. Sometimes we go fishing and catch crucian carp there. He also likes to play computer games and watch horror films. His favorite films are Saw and Scream. We often go to the cinema with him. Sasha is a true friend. My dad says that I am lucky to have such a loyal and reliable friend. I value our friendship.

I have a very good friend. You could even say that he is my favorite best friend. His name is Ivan, and we have been friends with him since kindergarten. We also live in neighboring yards, very close to each other. He has one habit - he is always late. He never comes to school on time. He also goes out into the yard for a walk late, despite the fact that we agreed on a certain time. Very often I have to wait for him on the street for a long time. Sometimes it happens that I arrive at the appointed time, and then wait another hour for him to arrive. This is not always convenient for me, because this way I waste my time, during which I could do something useful. But all the same, Ivan is my friend, and we are inseparable.

Let's look at how to write a story and write about your friend.


This word refers to a small genre of narrative prose, and the authors are sometimes called short story writers.

Typically a story consists of:

  • the plot, the purpose of which is to attract and hold the reader’s attention;
  • main part or climax;
  • denouement, with a description of the final activities of the heroes.

My friend

I have a friend. His name is Andrew. We have been friends for a very long time, since first grade. We like to play football in the yard after school and we are good at it because we have a lot of experience. Andrey plays football professionally. He has been a member of the youth football team for several years and periodically participates in competitions.

Last summer he played away in Italy, where his team won thanks to him, as he did not concede a single goal. He's a goalkeeper. His great height allows him to skillfully defend the goal. In that match, the Italian team played very well and, according to statistics, had more possession of the ball and had more shots on goal. Andrey parried all the blows with dexterity, which caused great approval among the fans.

According to the conditions of the competition, that match was decisive and in order to advance to the next round, Andrei’s team had to win, although the Italians were the favorites in the match. Moreover, the game took place in Rome, where the overwhelming majority of fans were Italians. Andrei's team had to play under difficult moral stress, as the fans booed the guests of the match as soon as they received the ball. But in moments of pressure from the Italian team, the public rejoiced and supported their team in every possible way.

At the end of the second half, the referee awarded an undeserved penalty. Taking a free kick, the striker of the Italian team already showed with all his appearance that Andrey could not avoid a goal. But as it turned out, luck was with Andrey and he guessed the right angle, skillfully parrying the ball from the very corner.

The height of surprise was that when a corner was awarded in the last minute, Andrei ran to the opponent’s goal and in the last seconds scored a goal with his head, redirecting his comrade’s serve.

At the end of the match, many predicted success in Andrey's football career.

It is human nature to desire communication and friendship. Throughout life, everyone meets many people, and everyone will agree that going through life is easier with someone.

You can know many people, but only some of them can be called a true friend. With such a person it is easy and reliable. You can share sorrow and joy with a friend. Over time, the understanding may come that this person is getting closer every day. When talking about friendship, the image of the present often comes to mind. true friend. Let's talk about friendship and friend English language.

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  • Introduction

You can start your story about your friend with the story of your acquaintance:

I met my friend Andrew in kindergarten. Even though we were in different groups, we often played together during walks outdoors. He always shared his toys with me, and so did I. It turned out that we lived near each other. After kindergarten we went to study at the same school.

I met my friend Andrey in kindergarten. Even though we were in different groups, but we often played together during walks in the fresh air. He always shared his toys with me, and I with him. It turned out that we live not far from each other. After kindergarten we went to study at the same school.

You can start your story with an expressive or interesting statement about a friend, and also try to explain their meaning:

According to Aristotle, friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Indeed, a man shares his life with another person and they walk together through life side by side.

According to Aristotle, a friend is one soul that lives in two bodies. Indeed, a person shares his life with another person, and together they live one life, walking along the path of life side by side.

  • Main part

In the main part you need to dwell in more detail on your friend. Here you can talk about how you met (if this is not where the story began), describe the appearance and character of your friend. Here you can talk about everything that comes to mind, but try to highlight the most important thing.

My best friend's name is Andrew. We've been friends since kindergarten. He is 15 years old and we study at the same school but in different classes. Andrew has got blue eyes and blond hair. He is taller than me. He is cheerful and he is slow to take offence. Andrew doesn’t allow anyone to insult other people. We have a great deal in common, we listen almost to the same music and we regularly play table tennis after school. Andrew is a sociable, kind and modest person. Sometimes he is witty, but his jokes are never wicked. We always find interesting topics to discuss. Very often we visit each other at home. We always can help each other with homework, and we usually play computer and video games together.

My best friend's name is Andrey. We've been friends since kindergarten. He is 15 years old and we study at the same school, but different classes. At Andrey's Blue eyes and blond hair. He's taller than me. He is cheerful and difficult to offend. Andrey will not offend anyone. We have many common interests, we listen to almost the same music, we go to table tennis together after school. Andrey is sociable, kind and modest. He is often witty, but his jokes are never mean. We can always find interesting topics for communication. Very often we go to visit each other. We can always help each other with homework, and we often play computer games and consoles together.

You can also tell in more detail about the human traits that make friendship real and indestructible, talk about what you like most about a friend.

I can safely say that Andrew is my best friend. He has an amazing sense of humor and he can easily make me laugh even when I have a bad day. He is as good as his word. Andrew is also good at keeping secrets. I like that he is a reliable person and he always supports me. We try to help each other. Of course we sometimes can argue or quarrel, but not for too long. We try to forgive each other.

I can say with confidence that Andrey is my best friend. He knows how to joke well and make me laugh when I have Bad mood. He always keeps his words. Andrey also knows how to keep secrets. I like that he is reliable and always supports me. We always try to help each other. Sometimes, of course, we can argue or quarrel, but not for long. We try to forgive each other.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, you can summarize what life has become since the arrival of a friend, highlight the most valuable and dear qualities of a friend.

I cannot imagine my life without Andrew. I appreciate our friendship and the fact that we are trying to help each other, and that we can talk about everything. Our friendship makes me happy.

I can't imagine my life without Andrey. I value our friendship and the fact that we try to help each other, we can talk about everything in the world. Our friendship makes me happy.

I have a friend. His name is Lyosha. He studies with me in the same class. After school we go for a walk. Sometimes we play in my yard, we have sports equipment there. We also love to play football. There is a good football field not far from my friend's house. There's even a net on the gate. We play there several times a week.

In the summer, Lesha and I see each other in August, because the other months summer holidays my friend is spending in the village. He is very good friend. I know that he will never betray me. Lyosha is a true friend.

Essay Description of a Friend Grade 6, Grade 7

I have a best friend. His name is Mikhail. He and I study in the same class. Misha lives on the next block. He has a younger brother. Misha and I sometimes take him for a walk. Misha and I go out together on the weekends. Can also go for a walk during the week after homework is done. Misha and I love to play computer games together. We do this online, each from our own home.

Sometimes we go to a cinema or an entertainment center. We really like watching 5D, 7D, 11D films. When you watch such a movie, it seems that you are present in the film itself.

I recently attended Mikhail's birthday party. His grandparents came to congratulate him, as well as God-parents and several friends from school. We started our birthday party at the entertainment center. The animators gave us a real quest. After the entertainment, we went to Mikhail's house, where delicious treats awaited us.
I gave it to Mikhail board game, book and constructor. Misha was pleased with the gift. When we can't cope with our lessons, we help each other. I can help Misha if I understand the material better, and he can help if he understands something better than me.

It's good when you have loyal and beloved friends with whom you can spend your leisure time.

Option for 5th grade

Today I want to talk about my friend. This is very good man and his name is Ivan. He is 10 years old, like me. We are in third grade.

Vanya and I have known each other for three years. Firstly, we live in the same yard. Secondly, our mothers also communicate. Thirdly, he and I go to the same class and to the same training session. We are close all the time. We also go to and from school together.

Ivan is like a brother to me. And this is very good. After all, I have a younger sister, but no brother. Besides, he is six months older than me. You can talk with Vanya and spend your free time. We get angry with him, sometimes we fight. But this happens very rarely. The reasons for our quarrels are a slight misunderstanding of each other. That's all.

Vanya and I met on my birthday. Then I turned seven years old and my mother invited many of my friends. There were girls from kindergarten, a boy from the yard, little baby who was someone's brother. I don't remember anymore. Vanya and his mother were among the guests. He came because our mothers were friends. That's how we met. That day I really liked Vanya. I wanted to make friends with him. In ordinary life, it’s not so easy for me to meet someone. And this boy was calm, didn’t show off, gave me a cool construction set and shook my hand. He sat next to me at festive table. He wasn't shy at all strangers, was positive and active.

Then the time came when we went to school together and ended up in the same class.

My friend is worthy of the title of friend for many reasons. He never offended me in any way, just as I never offended him. He never betrayed or deceived me. Vanya always answers the phone when I call him. Sometimes I need his help regarding lessons and homework. Sometimes we just chat for hours about computer games and classmates. My friend is not jealous of me and does not want to offend me. We don't compete with each other. We promised that we would try to be friends all our lives, no matter what.

I understand that friendship is a great gift that should be cherished.

4th grade, 6th, 7th grade.

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