Project do good elementary school. Social project "do good"

MU "Education Department of the Kudymkar District Administration"

MAOU "Kuva Secondary School"


Topic: “Do good”

Project manager Elena Afrikanovna Shchukina

Competition participant: 2nd grade students

Table of contents


1.The problem of good and evil in modern world

2.1. General concept of goodand evil

2. Organization and holding of events

2.1. Student survey

2.2. Carrying out activities aimed at doing “good deeds”


4.List of information sources


5.1. Appendix No. 1

Memo"Do good"

5 .2.Appendix No. 2

5.3. Appendix No. 3.

Collection of “Good Songs”


Fill this world with goodness

And let the warmth warm everyone with light!

Doing good is a spiritual feast,

What summer gives us even in the cold.

It's time for spiritual dawn

Goodness blossoms within us.

And while the planet is spinning,

Good wakes us up from sleep.

Words are nothing, deeds are important,

Fill things with kindness.

Do good fiercely, bravely,

We approach every task with soul!

You can do it - it's simple

Just do it, don't be lazy.

When everything around is dry, callous,

Fight evil with love!

We live in a world of technological advances where a person has everything. But lately, we have stopped noticing the main thing: people who need help, animals who depend on us; nature, of which we are a part.Lack of concern for one's neighbor, aggression towards our smaller brothers, indifference to what is happening in the world have become an integral part of people's behavior.

Is it possible to fix this? Of course, we only need to love and care for those around us. We decided that everyone should start with themselves.

Target : fformation of social and moral values ​​in children, involving children in meaningful independent activities for the benefit of other people, learning to do good deeds and deeds in the family, school, and on the street.


    define distinctive features good deeds;

    enrich the emotional world of schoolchildren, strengthen knowledge about goodness;

    encourage the desire to do good deeds selflessly and sincerely: cultivate respect for people of the older generation, for children who find themselves in difficult life situations;

    plan types of good deeds in the family, school, on the street;

    carry out planned good deeds;

    identify personal changes resulting from the implementation of good deeds.

Object of study : behavior of schoolchildren.

Subject of study: good deeds of schoolchildren.

Methods: analysis, comparison.

Research hypothesis: m You can learn to do good deeds and become more attentive to the people around you.

Significance of the project

The children’s conscious desire to participate in social activities together with their parents and class teacher served as the “impetus” for discussing the concept of “kindness” based on examples from literary works, the children’s own everyday situations, and the conclusions that many people, as well as nature, need help.

A feature of the proposed project is the involvement of the entire class team in its implementation through the organization of the activities of each student in our class.

Project participants : students3 "a" class.

Project Manager : Shchukina Elena Afrikanovna.

Implementation deadlines: open-ended project.

Project implementation forms:

    Joint organized activity with kids;


    Working with parents.

Project implementation products:

    Design of the photo exhibition “Our Good Deeds”;

    Making a “Diary of Good Deeds”;

    Creation of a collection of proverbs and sayings about goodness:

    Collection of “Good Songs”;

    Creating a reminder “Rules of Kindness”

Chapter 1. The problem of good and evil in the modern world.

1.1 General concept of good and evil.

They say that if a person has kindness, humanity, sensitivity, goodwill, then he has succeeded as a person.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote “If good feelings are not cultivated in childhood, you will never cultivate them.”

If a person loves only himself, he has neither comrades nor friends, and when difficult life trials come, he is left alone, experiences a feeling of despair, and suffers. In childhood, a person must go through a school of instilling good feelings. Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness.

In Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “good” is interpreted as follows: good is positive, good, useful, the opposite of evil. The word “good” is originally Russian and has its roots not in Old Church Slavonic, but in the Proslavic language. In which it had several meanings: brave, strong, strong. The word received its modern meaning after the creation of the “ABC”: A- az, B-buki, V - I know, G - verb, D - good.

In Wikipedia, the concept of “good” is explained as follows: : good - general concept consciousness, category , characterizing positive moral . Initially, it was the opposite of the concept of bad (i.e., it meant the result of the action of good, as opposed to the result of the action of evil), and more late time began to be used as an antonym of the concept , meaningintentional, selfless and sincere desire to the implementation of a good, a useful act, for example, helping one’s neighbor, as well as to a stranger or even the animal and plant world. In the everyday sense, this term refers to everything that receives a positive assessment from people, or is associated with happiness, joy, love of certain people, that is, it becomes close to the relevant concept of “good”.

Kindness, mercy, joy and concern for others create the basis of human happiness. Already in the 4th century BC. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato argued: “By seeking the happiness of others, we find our own happiness.” A person who does good to others feels happy.

You need to look around and find who needs support, who you can extend your hand to, say a kind word. We are all a part of this life. If we become better, life will become better.

Categories of good and evil constitute the essence of man’s eternal choice, the meaning of his earthly existence. This problem has appeared since the appearance of man. Without a person's awareness of what is good and evil, it is impossible to comprehend other categories of ethical values. The question of good and evil is the center of all religious doctrines known to mankind. Problems of good and evil are understood in philosophy, ethics, psychology and other sciences. Many literary works are devoted to this topic. This problem never ceases to excite humanity, forcing us to look for new answers to age-old questions.

Good and evil are the central concepts that determine the moral consciousness of a person. They are associated with the assessment of the totality of actions and activities. Goodness is the main criterion for morality; all moral categories are considered from its perspective; it combines all positive norms and requirements. In addition, goodness itself acts as a motive that determines human activity.

Evil is the opposite category to good. It expresses the totality of all negative phenomena that are subject to condemnation and overcoming. Evil reflects all morally negative concepts: deception, meanness, cruelty.

Moral actions are a choice between good and evil. This choice always means the action of a person’s free will; it is possible when a person understands what is good and evil and has an assessment of actions in accordance with these concepts.

2. Organization and holding of events.

2.1. Questioning students.

The eternal confrontation between good and evil is one of the most important problems. Discussions on this issue have been going on since ancient times to this day. It is difficult to imagine a person who has no idea about these concepts.

We decided to find out what the students in our class think about this issue. To do this, we conducted an express survey as part of the project. We asked my classmates the following questions:

    1. Who is a kind person?

      Do you consider yourself a kind person?

      Who needs help?

      Who can we help?

Analyzing the answers, we found out that:

    a kind person is a person with a good soul who helps others;

    a kind person is one who can do everything, help, help out in trouble;

    it is the one who never argues with anyone who gives way.

To the second question we received the following answers: By survey results,

We found that out of the 84 students surveyed from our primary school, 50 (60%) were kind and helpful. 34 people (60%) are kind from time to time. They are not kind to everyone and not always.

According to the guys, the following people need help:

    a person who is in the hospital, disabled:

    elderly people or children who do not have parents;

    beggar, homeless, sick;

    people who have no family;


To the last question we received the following answers:

    take older people across the road, open the door to the room, help carry heavy bags;

    children, the elderly and people who live on the street;

    help children from without parents;

    who are sick, who have no home, and the poor, the disabled.

The survey showed that the children understand what “good” is and how they can do good deeds on their own.

2.2. Carrying out activities aimed at doing “good deeds”.

In everyday life, everyone encounters both good and evil. We tried to make sure that the people around us encounter only good things. Here is our list of events held.

Good Deeds Plan

The first thing we did was create “Boxes of Good Deeds”, in which we began to record all our good deeds.

    Good deeds. For family.

1. Help with work matters (washing dishes, wiping dust, mopping floors...)

2. Take care of pets.

3. Treat older and younger family members with care.

    Good deeds for the class .

    Helping the teacher in the classroom.

2. Carrying out an action called“A good word heals, but an evil word cripples,” devoting her to the study of polite words. And then they conducted an experiment using a paper doll.

    We studied the musical material and created a Collection of “Good Songs”.

    We organized the exhibition “Everything is in your hands.”

During the technology lesson we made a craft using our palms. Palms are a symbol of the fact that everything is in human hands, even small ones like ours.

    Compliance with the rules of conduct.

    Cleaning the office.

3.Collecting books to replenish the school library.

4. Distribution of leaflets - reminders to school students and teachers.

    Good deeds for society

1 Cleaning the area

2. CreationCollection of proverbs and sayings about goodness


The activities carried out under the project were very important for us. During the implementation of the project, certain positive experience was accumulated.

During the implementation of the project, we created the following products:

a collection of proverbs and sayings about kindness, a collection of “Good Songs”, a memo “Rules of Kindness”, which can be used by students and teachers in their practical activities.

During the implementation of the project, we carried out many good deeds and learned a lot. But we cannot say that we have finished working on the project, because throughout our lives, every day and every hour, we are faced with the need and desire to help people. We decided that the most important thing for us is that we:

We learned to be attentive to our neighbors, to be kind, polite, to be responsible, and to cooperate.

And of course, if each of us, at least in our own family, does this, then there will be fewer offended people, abandoned animals, bad mood, there will be more smiles, happiness, and the world will be kinder.

List of used literature:

    Krylova N. School self-government before choosing a path // Public education. – 2002. – No. 7.

    Lutoshkin A.N. How to lead. For high school students about the basics of organizational work. – M., 1998.

    Pakhomov V.P. “Youth is building Russia”, Moscow – Samara: Publishing House “NTC”, 2002. -120 p.

    Appendix No. 1

    Rules of friendship and kindness “Do good”

    • Doesn't quarrel

      Give in to each other

      Don't be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you've offended a friend

      Don't be rude, be polite

      Don't get angry

      Don't be greedy

      Help a friend

      To be honest

      To be polite

      To trust each other

      Share successes and failures

      Don’t leave a friend in trouble, don’t wait for a request for help, but offer it yourself

    Appendix No. 2

    Collection of proverbs and sayings about goodness

      Kind words are better than soft pie.

      Life is given for good deeds.

      Good then will be good when people praise.

      Stick to the good and avoid the bad.

      A good conscience is not afraid of slander.

      Who loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.

      A good deed nourishes both soul and body.

      Having done good, do not boast.

      They pay for good with good.

      And the dog remembers the good old times.

      And the dog remembers who feeds it.

      It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

      A good proverb hits the spot, not the eye.

      A good family will add intelligence - intelligence.

      Good news does not lie still.

      It is necessary to hurry to do good.

      Good does not burn, but drowns.

      Good is not dashing - it wanders quietly.

      Good will not die, but evil will disappear.

      Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

      A good seed is a good seed.

      A kind word is a kind answer.

      A good joke does not ruin a friendship.

Project “Do Good”

Relevance of the project. Nowadays, when people so lack emotional contact and understanding, you can often meet aggressive people. Anger, malice, revenge as forms of manifestation of aggressiveness destroy society... Very often we see manifestations of aggression in life:  demonstration of violence on television;  children's rudeness;  inattentive attitude towards people;  shortcomings of education;  dysfunctional family environment. And here is a portrait of a primary school graduate according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation: “who loves his people, his land and his Motherland; respects and accepts the values ​​of family and society; inquisitive, actively and interestedly exploring the world; possesses the basics of learning skills and is capable of organizing his own activities; ready to act independently and be responsible for their actions to family and society; friendly, able to listen and hear the interlocutor, justify his position, express his opinion.”

Being cultured, well-mannered, kind is not the property of a select circle of people. Becoming a harmonious person, being able to behave with dignity in any environment is the right and responsibility of every person. Further justifying the relevance of the project, I would like to quote the statement the great teacher Vasily Andreevich Sukhomlinsky: “Nobody teaches a little person: “Be indifferent to people, break trees, trample on beauty, put your personal above all else.” It's all about one, very important pattern.. If a person is taught goodness, taught skillfully, intelligently, persistently, demandingly, the result will be goodness. They teach evil (very rarely, but it happens), and the result will be evil. They don’t teach either good or evil, evil will still be there, because he must be made a man.” The “Do Good” project was developed in accordance with the “Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen”, and is also based on the Federal State Educational Standards general education , where the spiritual and moral development of schoolchildren is defined as a task of paramount importance for modern education, a state order for secondary schools. In our educational institution, in the field of educational policy, priority is given to the process of education, which is an organic component of pedagogical activity integrated into the overall process of learning and development. This project

covers the entire pedagogical process, permeates all structures, integrating educational activities and extracurricular life of students into a variety of activities. Connections established for the implementation of the program 1 Internal: teachers working in the classroom, school psychologist, social teacher, speech therapist. 2 External:  family reading library named after. M. Trubina;  Children's Youth Center of the Moscow region;  Convention and Exhibition Center "Rainbow";  First city hospital named after. Osipova Project goal: formation of a moral value system among younger children through the organization of socially significant activities. Objectives: to develop in younger schoolchildren a respectful attitude towards parents, a conscious, caring attitude towards elders and younger ones;

development of goodwill and emotional responsiveness, understanding and empathy for other people; formation of patriotism and civil solidarity; developing skills in organizing and implementing cooperation with teachers, peers, parents, and older children in solving common problems; enriching vocabulary, developing the ability to argue your point of view. The “Do Good” project is built on the following principles:  the principle of freedom of choice, which allows primary school students who are involved in the project to show their creative abilities;  the principle of psychological comfort, orienting children towards positive emotions;  the principle of cultural conformity - the development of a child based on the cultural and historical traditions of the people.  The principle of a holistic view of the world will help the child understand his place in society and the world.  The principle of creativity is the development of creativity through artistic expression and creative activity.

Product of project activities: photographs, crafts for Mother's Day, for the Day of the Elderly, for February 23, wall newspapers, birdhouses, exhibitions of drawings and crafts, postcards for veterans, scripts for holidays, etc. Implementation period: September 2010 May 2014 Stage 1 preparatory - September 2010 2nd stage main - from October 2010 to April 2014 3rd stage final (or analytical) - May 2014 Preparatory stage (theoretical). 1. Introduction to the concepts of “Kindness”, “Mercy”, “Responsiveness”, etc. 2. Portrait of a good person 3. Drawing up a Bank of good deeds. Main stage 1. Creation of a “Treasury of Good Deeds”. 2. Reading stories and fairy tales that explore the theme of kindness. 3. Selection of proverbs and sayings about kindness 4. Exhibition of books by different writers about kindness. Final stage: 1. Questionnaire (comparative analysis) 2. Project defense

Project implementation plan: Types of activities Timing Results 1st grade Result registration form Class hour “What is kindness?” September Development of communication skills Bank of good deeds Labor landing “My schoolyard”, “My city”. September, April, May Education of emotional responsiveness. Development of labor skills Photos Exhibition “What can grandmother’s hands do?” October Education of emotional responsiveness Exhibition, photographs October Teaching formulas of politeness, gratitude, requests, rules of etiquette Festive concert “Wisdom Day in the First Cheboksary City Hospital named after P. N. Osipov And in the library named after. M. Trubina Mother's Day November Class hour “How to help birds?” December Creative performance by students. Teaching formulas of politeness, gratitude, requests, rules of etiquette Caring for nature, the desire to help birds Children's stories about their grandmothers, handmade gifts for grandparents, photographs Photographs, an exhibition of drawings Photographs, feeders

Campaign “Give a book a second life” January Careful attitude towards books, desire to help the photography library Holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day” February Cultivation of emotional responsiveness. Creative performance by students. handmade gifts for dads, photographs March Creative product Throughout the year Creative product Children’s works, diplomas and certificates of participation Exhibition, photographs, reviews from exhibition visitors April Cultivating a sense of kindness photography Participation in the “Most Beloved” competition for International Women’s Day on March 8, organized by the Postal Express newspaper. Exhibition of creative works “Magic with your own hands” in the classroom, at school, in the library named after. M. Trubina. International Children's Book Day. Promotion “Valentine for your favorite book” Entertaining hour “Do you know your city” April Promotion “Plant flowers” ​​April May May “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” Honoring war veterans in the First Cheboksary Stories about the city Photographs of photographs Cultivating a sense of respect, love, devotion to the Motherland, interest in its historical past, caring attitude towards the present of one’s country, its people Cultivating a sense of kindness, love, respect for the world around us, the people around us Education emotional responsiveness. Research skills, creative performance

city ​​hospital named after P. N. Osipov students. Piggy bank of good deeds May Reflection Class hour “Do good” September Labor landing Exhibition of creative works “Magic with your own hands.” September, April, May During the year, 2nd grade Development of communication skills Cultivation of emotional responsiveness. Development of labor skills Creative product Festive concert “Wisdom Day” October Teaching formulas of politeness, gratitude, requests, etiquette rules Mother’s Day holiday November “Bird Lounge” campaign December Holiday “Defender of the Fatherland Day” February Throughout the year April “Flower for the Class” campaign Excursion to the school local history museum “Do you know such a country...” (children as guides) Creative performance by students. Teaching formulas of politeness, gratitude, requests, rules of etiquette. Caring for nature, the desire to help birds. Nurturing emotional responsiveness. Creative performance by students. Nurturing emotional responsiveness Nurturing a sense of respect, love, devotion to the Motherland, interest in its historical past, caring attitude towards the present Presentation of good deeds Bank of good deeds. Cinquains on the theme “Good” Photos Exhibition, photos, reviews from visitors to the exhibition, handmade gifts for grandparents, photographs Photos, exhibition of drawings Photos, feeders, handmade gifts for dads, photographs Indoor plants Photos, video

“Famous people of our native land” October May Polyana “Flowers in the snow for mom” March April May May Campaign “Plant flowers” ​​“No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” Festive program for the school "Tsvetik Samotsvetik" Piggy bank of good deeds May Labor landing Festive concert "Forever young at heart" September, April, May October Holiday "Mother's Day" November Action "Bird's living room" December Exhibition of creative works "Magic with your own hands." During the year, cultivating a sense of respect, love for the Motherland, getting to know the life and work of famous fellow countrymen, cultivating emotional responsiveness. Fostering a sense of kindness, love, respect for the world around us, the people around us. Fostering emotional responsiveness. Research skills, creative performance of students. Reflection 4th grade Education of emotional responsiveness. Development of work skills Teaching formulas of politeness, gratitude, requests, rules of etiquette Creative performance of students. Teaching formulas of politeness, gratitude, requests, rules of etiquette Caring for nature, a desire to help birds Creative product Action “Give a book a second life” January Holiday “Day February Caring for books, a desire to help the library Raising the emotional Children’s projects Photos Photos Photos, children's projects Presentation of good deeds Photos, handmade gifts for grandparents, photographs Photos, exhibition of drawings, essay “My Mother” Photos, feeders Exhibition, photographs, reviews from visitors to the exhibition photographs Exhibition

Defender of the Fatherland" responsiveness. Creative performance by students. wall newspaper, photographs Sinkwine “My Mom” March Sweet rose for mom and grandma March Campaign “Plant Flowers” ​​April May Throughout the year A series of educational presentations for 1st grade students “Famous people of Chuvashia” “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” May Piggy bank of good deeds May Development of creativity in children, Creative product Cultivating a sense of kindness, love, respect for the world around us, surrounding people Cultivating emotional responsiveness. Research skills, creative performance of students. Cultivating emotional responsiveness. Research skills, creative performance of students. Reflection cinquain Roses from candies, photographs Photographs photographs Photographs, multimedia presentation “Our great-grandfathers are defenders of the Fatherland” Presentation of good deeds BANK OF GOOD DEEDS AND ACTIONS BE A PATRIOT OF YOUR FATHERLAND: 1. Plant a flower or a tree, take care of it, take care of nature on vacation, on a walk, at the dacha. 2. Find interesting story from the history of the Fatherland, read it and tell it to your loved ones or comrades 3. 4. Always think about your Motherland, glorify it with your deeds and actions. Take care of your school, participate in the affairs of your class and school. BE DILIGENT IN STUDYING 1. Remember that your current and future well-being and life lessons largely depend on your knowledge. 2. 3. Try to learn something new every day, in addition to what you get on Know your abilities and realize them

4. Remember that completing educational tasks is the path to success in learning. BE HARDWORKING 1. 2. Remember that creative work is the main measure of a person’s value. Find useful things for yourself, your family and friends and do them with interest and creativity. 3. Don’t wait for help, try to solve the problem that arose during your work on your own. BE KIND AND RESPONSIVE: Respect your elders. Show attention to the people around you. Strive to help the weak. Be honest in your interactions with adults and friends. BE DISCIPLINED: Develop willpower. Follow the norms and rules of behavior at school. Complete the tasks assigned to you efficiently and on time. Be self-critical and demanding 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Memo FOR PARENTS “Sow kindness in children's souls” Call the child affectionately by name. Teach poems and proverbs about kindness with your children. Create situations that call for kindness and compassion. Make up fairy tales about kindness with your children.    

   Do not humiliate the child. Do not discuss actions in front of strangers. After the comment, touch the child and let him know that you sympathize with him.   Talk about the good deeds of other children. Teach to take care of older and younger family members: give gifts, share toys, help get dressed, etc.  Show by personal example that good deeds live for centuries.

Maria Rodina

Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory

GBPOU "Perm Pedagogical College No. 1"

Social project « Do good»


students of group 31 PDO

Birillo Love

Gachegova Alena

Mikhnova Natalya

Rodina Maria

By discipline:

Basics social design

Intel technologies project activities


Kiselgof Maria Eduardovna

Martynova Tatyana Sergeevna

Perm, 2018

Explanatory note 3

Calendar-thematic plan 5

Economic component project 6

Intel component project 7

Conclusion 8

Appendix 8

1. Explanatory note

In the modern world, interaction between young people and older people plays an important role in strengthening connections between generations, instilling spiritual and moral values ​​and in demonstrating civic initiatives. By interacting with such people, the younger generation learns civic responsibility, respect for elders and preserving the historical continuity of generations.

Relevance the project is that in our time there is a lack of communication between the younger generation and older people. There is a need for spiritual, moral and civic-patriotic education of young people, respectful attitude towards older people and people with disabilities, striving to be like them, and to provide them with assistance.

Novelty project associated with the use of concepts "generation" And "dialogue". Their meaning boils down to next:

For children - exchange, awareness of the life path, problems and difficulties of the elderly, providing them with assistance in mastering knowledge, including modern information technologies, and implementing joint initiatives;

For the older generation - interaction within the team and with the younger generation, salvation from loneliness, transfer to youth social experience;

For society - relationships between generations are established, decreases social tension, tolerance is formed, partnerships to achieve mutual understanding and agreement.

Target groups addressed project:

Pupils - volunteers;

Elderly and disabled people of the Community Center "Chkalovsky".

Target project: creating conditions for interaction between representatives of different generations, namely older people, disabled people and schoolchildren - volunteers.

Tasks project:

organize and prepare a children's team to participate in project;

establish cooperation with the Community Center "Chkalovsky"

organize communication and interaction of children with the elderly and disabled through the implementation of this project;

summarize project.

help older people and people with disabilities increase social activity;

strengthen the patriotic education of children and form a strong civic position;

will strengthen the spiritual connection between generations

Implementation period: 19.03.2018 - 06.04.2018

Participants project:

Birillo Alexander;

Blinova Kristina;

Gasporyan Ekaterina;

Pankina Angelika;

Homeland of Ulyana;

Tufonova Darina;

Sheshukova Ekaterina.

Project involves working with elderly people and disabled people of the Center - and schoolchildren in the form of joint creative and leisure activities.

Expected Result

Special significance project« Do Good» , is that the result is two-sided and the older generation and children become socially significant units in society.

Events project« Do Good» have a positive impact on the upbringing of the younger generation, respectful attitude towards older people, giving them joy in communicating with children.

Calendar-thematic plan

o No. Topic Date of conduct Responsible Form of conduct

1. Getting to know project 19.03.2018 Birillo L.

Gachegova A.

Mikhnova N.

Rodina M. Conversation

2. Motivation of children 03.23.2018 Rodina M.

Birillo L. Conversation

3. Writing a script for the event 03/27/2018 – 03/28/2018 Rodina M.

Birillo L. Brainstorming

4. Conducting a master class 04/01/2018 Mikhnova N. Master class

5. Practical activities 03/29/2018, 03/30/2018 Gachegova A.

Birillo L. Rehearsal

6. Conducting the event 04/02/2018 Birillo L.

Gachegova A.

Mikhnova N.

Rodina M. Concert

7. Master class training 04/03/2018 Birillo L. Master class

8. Conducting a master class 04/05/2018 Birillo L.

Gachegova A.

Mikhnova N.

Rodina M. Master class

9. Reflection (general) 04/05/2018 Birillo L.

Gachegova A.

Mikhnova N.

Rodina M. Conversation

10. Reflection (organizers, children) 04/06/2018 Birillo L.

Gachegova A.

Mikhnova N.

Rodina M. Discussion

Economic component project

No. Name of costs Unit price Number of units Amount Available Required Sources of funding

1. Colored paper for printing 175 1 175 + - Organizational

2. White cardboard 40 2 80 + - Organizational

3. Colored paper 36 2 72 + - Organizational

4. Glue pencil 20 4 40 + - Organizational, Community Center "Chkalovsky"

5. Glue moment 46 2 92 - + Organizational

6. Scissors 129 3 387 + - Organizational, Community Center "Chkalovsky"

7. Satin ribbons 4 9 36 - + Organizational

8. Adhesive tapes for decoration 50 2 100 - + Organizational

9. Rhinestones 20 5 100 + - Organizational

10. Markers 51 1 51 - + Community Center "Chkalovsky"

11. Simple pencil 5 3 15 + - Organizational

12. Curly scissors 200 1 200 - + Community Center "Chkalovsky"

13. Directions by public transport 20 92 1840

14. Form for certificates 20 7 140 - + Organizational

15. Balloons 6 25 150 - + Organizational

16. Tablet (folder) for paper 175 2 350 + - Organizational

Intel component project

Within social project we created a blog « Do good»


Appendix 3

"You're Allowed to Laugh"

main idea: promote active interaction between children and older people.

Form: holiday.

Participants: Community Center members "Chkalovsky", children- volunteers.

Place and time: Community Center "Chkalovsky", Perm, st. Klara Zetkin, 21A. Time: 10 :30.

Target: creating a positive attitude.


Positive emotions;

Promote children's activity aimed at interacting with older people;

To promote a respectful attitude towards adults and each other.

Equipment and technical facilities: laptop, speakers.

Characters: Presenter 1, Presenter 2, 2 grandmothers, several assistants.

Props: chamomile with questions on the petals, lots.

Audio materials:

"Smile"(minus, "Chica-rica", “We need to trample the field”, "We wish you happiness", fan lights, music for competitions.

Progress of the event

FNG exit leading

Presenter 1:


Presenter 2:

Good afternoon, our dear guests!

Presenter 1:

Congratulations to all of you on the spring holiday! Today we have a fun holiday.

Presenter 2:

The custom of deceiving friends and acquaintances on April 1 has existed for a long time. It came from the ancient Greeks and Romans. In Russia, April Fools' jokes appeared under Peter I. He himself loved to joke and was never offended when people joked about him.

Presenter 1:

And that's why this day is also called "Dumbo Day" or "April Fools' Day"?

Presenter 2:

On April 1, 1860, an announcement was published in London stating that all residents of the city were invited to the palace square at 11 a.m., where the solemn ceremony of washing the white lions would take place. Long before 11 o'clock crowds of people flocked to the Tower Palace.

Presenter 1:

The curious waited a long time for this extraordinary spectacle, but their expectations were in vain. There was no washing of the lions.

Presenter 2:

And then everyone realized that they had been fooled. Since then, people began to call April 1 "April Fools' Day" or "Dumbo Day", and also dubbed “A day of fun, humor and laughter”.

Presenter 1:

And now I invite you to get to know our dear guests better. We will do this with the help of chamomile.

Presenter 2:

Now each of you will take turns pulling (tear off) petal and answer the question written on it. (Approximate questions: - If you feel bad, how do you cope with such a mood? - The main quality of character that you value in people? - Do you have any shortcomings? How do you deal with this? - If guests come unexpectedly, what dish helps you out? - Share a funny incident that happened to you at work. - Which poem Do you remember from the school curriculum? Can you tell me? - What did you dream about as a child? - Who do you love more, children or grandchildren? -What was the name of your first teacher? -Have you been involved in any sports? -What is your favorite jam? -What is your favorite TV show? -What is your favorite activity? -Do you like to bake pies? With what? -What is your favorite subject at school? -What subject do your grandchildren like)

Presenter 1:

So, let's go!

Presenter 1:

Well, here we are, meeting you!

We all know that humor helps to ridicule vices and shortcomings. But, unfortunately, people react to humor differently. For some, healthy humor helps them see and eradicate their shortcomings. Others don’t want to notice their shortcomings. And then they They say: "Not funny!"

Presenter 2:

People say about such people that they are the wrong kind of berries. But let's not stop and focus on this, let's continue the conversation about laughter.

We want to start our holiday with a cheerful song. And you will help us with this!

Presenter 1:

Tell me, how do people express their feelings when they see something funny? (guest responses)

That's right, with the help words: "Hee hee hee", "Ha ha ha", "Ho-ho-ho", "He-he-he". So let our laughter today "everything takes off" a funny joke, subtle humor, a funny song. It’s really not a sin to laugh at what seems funny!

Presenter 2:

So we will sing So: we need to visually divide by 4 groups:

Group 1 – HO-HO-HO!

Group 2 – HI-HI-HI!

Group 3 – HA-HA-HA!

Group 4 – HY-HY-HY!

Presenter 1:

And we will sing a well-known melody "Smile". One by one, are you ready? Begin! (leaders show which group should do it when begin:1,2,3,4, all together)

FNG song performed

Presenter 1:

How melodious it turned out!

Presenter 2:

Dear guests, what is a holiday without dancing! I invite everyone to come out to us and have fun. But for this we want to invite our current assistants, who will show us the movements, and we will repeat after them.

Presenter 1:

Girls, please join us on stage!

FNG exit assistants

Presenter 1:

So, the girls are on stage, the guests too. Is everyone ready? Then let's go!

FNG dance "Chica-rica"

Presenter 2:

I think we danced very cheerfully. And therefore we deserve applause.

Presenter 1:

But they will be a little unusual for us, reminding us of the sound of rain. You can clap like this way:

1. Prepare your palms. Lightly tap the left palm with the index finger of the right hand.

2. Then add a second finger and tap with both.

3. Then three fingers.

4. Four.

6. Clap with your entire palm.

7. We clap only with our fingers.

8. Remove one finger and knock with four.

9. Three fingers.

Presenter 2:

Such applause really resembles the sound of rain, which is why they got their name.

Presenter 1:

Dear guests, I recently heard interesting story! Here listen: Two grandmothers were sitting on a bench on a hillock. They told grandmothers:

1 grandmother: We have only A's! 2 grandmother:

Presenter 2:

Ours is in mathematics! And five for language! But I don't understand the rules of grammar well!

Presenter 1:

1 grandmother: And I’m studying history and it seems to be working out. It’s just that I don’t remember all these dates.

Presenter 2:

We sat and discussed. They shook each other's hands, even though it was not the grandmothers who received the marks, but the grandchildren.

Presenter 1:

Here's the story. I suggest checking how well you know fairy tales. Let's begin!

1. Which Russian folk tale solves housing problems, or in the language of adults, problems of housing and communal services? "Teremok"

Presenter 2:

2. Which of the Russian heroes folk tale was it a bakery product? Kolobok

Presenter 1:

3. Name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who was an agricultural product? turnip

Presenter 2:

4. In which Russian folk tale does the brother disobey his sister and only violate the sanitary rules once? hygiene rules, for which he paid dearly? "Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"(drank from a puddle and turned into a kid.

Presenter 1:

5. Name the heroine of the fairy tale who got her nickname thanks to her headdress? Little Red Riding Hood

Presenter 2:

6. Which hero of the Russian folk tale caught fish very in an original way? What words did he say? The wolf, lowering his tail into the hole, said: “Catch a fish, big and small”

Presenter 1:

7. Name a fairy-tale character who was very fond of shoes and got his nickname for this? Puss in Boots

Presenter 2:

8. Which one fairy tale hero sowed money, thinking that a money tree would grow and all he had to do was harvest? Pinocchio

Presenter 1:

9. Give the name of the fairy tale and the name of the lazy but successful hero who traveled on unusual transport. "By pike command» . Emelya.

Presenter 2:

You know fairy tales quite well. As we have already noticed, you all sing beautifully. I think that we don’t need to stop and propose another song competition.

Presenter 1:

Presenter 2:

In the event that any group is not picked a song, she is eliminated from the game. Ready? Then let's go! (after each team flight, the presenter changes the topic, for example, drinking songs, songs about childhood)

Presenter 2:

Let's applaud the winning team!

Presenter 1:

Dear guests, we can’t sit still, so we offer the following competition "Pantomime".

Presenter 2:

This competition requires 5 people. A choice of tasks is provided. Within one minute you need to come up with and depict what is indicated in the lot. The winner is the one whose performance the audience guessed the fastest. (Lot 1. Ostrich. Lot 2. Trader at the market. Lot 3. Michael Jackson's gait. 4. Scarecrow in the garden. 5. Grandmother always trying to feed her grandson.

Presenter 1:

So we have a winner. And our applause to you.

Presenter 2:

Our dear guests, spring has come. Nature will gradually begin to come to life, greenery will appear in the clearings, trees will begin to bloom. Well, you and I are starting to prepare for the gardening season. Soon we will sow the first seedlings and prepare the land for planting.

Presenter 1:

As the saying goes: “Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter”, so I propose to start preparing the land now. Well, "let's trample" field?

Presenter 2:

And our assistants, who are already familiar to us, will help us with this. The rules are the same, they show us, and we cheerfully repeat the movements.

FNG dance "Trample down the field"

Presenter 1:

Our dear guests, this concludes our event.

Stay young at heart.

And live for many, many years,

And from now on your smile

Let the white light be illuminated!

Presenter 2:

We have prepared small gifts for you, please accept them from us.

FNG children presenting gifts

Presenter 2:

And we want to end with a famous wonderful song "We wish you happiness". Who knows - let's sing along!

Performance of the song "We wish you happiness" with a guitar. All participants of the event take the stage.

Municipal treasury educational institution

"Chkalovskaya secondary school"

XIIIrepublican action“I am a citizen of Kalmykia”


5th grade students

Project Manager:

Bogaeva K.B.

Chkalovsky village

    Explanatory note………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

    Goal and objectives of the project……………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 4

    Areas of activity……………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 5

I. Relevance and importance of this problem…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

II. Collection and analysis of diverse information on the selected problem………………………………………………………..… 8

Analysis of the regulatory framework…………………………………………………………………………………..…. 10

III. The program of action that this problem offers………………………………………………………………….…….. 12

IV. Implementation of the team action plan……………………………………………………………………………………..………….. 14

Analysis of work results ………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………… 15

List of references…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 17

Applications……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… ……………… 18

Are you young and full of energy?

Do you have free time?

And you want to the world

was kinder and better

so that joy and happiness reign in him?

Then the project« Do good » - is yours!

Explanatory note

Do good for the benefit of others...

How important it is in the modern world, the age of progressive technology, when a computer replaces human interlocutors, to stop for a moment and think about those who and what surrounds us. Sometimes we lack citizenship, moral qualities: kindness, sympathy, active help and support for those who today are rejected by their family and friends, find themselves in a difficult life situation and, perhaps, have lost faith in society. We are indifferent to everything and who is around us.

In order to somehow solve this problem, we united into a group, creating a volunteer movement, and began to organize work and act under the slogan “Together we are strong!” Through our actions and work done, we wanted to demonstrate that our contribution is effective way decisions of many public and social problems, and any person who is not indifferent to the problems of others can participate in this.

And in this regard, the social project “Do Good” was created. The project is designed for 7 months. During the project, students independently conducted research using various sources of information (printed, Internet), conducted surveys with peers and village residents, and compiled the results of their research in the form of presentations and booklets. During the creation of the project, methods such as observation, studying the problem, interviewing, and surveys were used. This project is voluntary.

Target project:

Formation of active citizenship, mercy, tolerance, compassion, stimulate the interest of the younger generation in solving current problems society;

Tasks project:

1. Students acquire theoretical knowledge and skills necessary for successful participation in a socially significant project;

2. Acquisition of practical experience that forms a predisposition to socially significant activities of students;

3. Development of civil initiative and civic responsibility of students;

4. Involving students and parents in helping to solve social problems, creating conditions for the implementation of creative initiatives.




Hypothesis: If there is no good in the world, then people will become cruel and evil...

Project initiative group:

Andreev Evgeniy

Bambyshev Altn

Badmaeva Altana

Bambysheva Buinta

Garyadzhieva Dayana

Ivanova Gerel

Okonov Purvya

Sokhorov Igor

Project coordinator:

Bogaeva K.B., class teacher.

Project participants

Volunteers (grades 1-11)



Project partners

1) Partners of resource and regulatory support

Batyrova B.B. - head teacher;

Bambysheva O.A. - Deputy Director for Water Resources Management;

2) social partners:

Mandzhieva V.D. – Head of the Administration of Chkalovsky Rural Municipality

Kekeeva I.B. – specialist of the Administration of Chkalovsky rural municipality

Project implementation timeline: September 2015 – March 2016


"Care". Organization of real assistance to those in need (low-income families, elderly people, feathered friends).

"Creation". Organization of holidays, concerts, veterans, drawing and essay competitions, making postcards and crafts.

“School is my favorite home.” Identification and feasible solution of environmental problems of a microsite (improvement, landscaping)

The project is based on the following educational methods:

Involvement in activities;




Personal example.

Project budget. Total cost of the project

Type of expenses






Source of financing

Office expenses:


Refill color. quadr

File folder



1 PC





Made money at the fair

Directions to

v. Ketchenery


1 trip



Municipal budget funds








Sponsorship (parental) funds



Sources of financing: sponsorship funds (parents), municipal budget

I stage. Relevance and importance of this problem

Our project creates conditions for the manifestation of the best human qualities.

We are sure that there are still people among us who are ready to completely disinterestedly spend several hours a week for a good deed. And they are nearby, they just need to be interested and attracted, encouraged to do good deeds. Such people are called volontѐ ramie Volunteering is not a profession, not a hobby, not a social burden. This is a way of thinking, an amazing ability in this day and age - to find time and energy for complete strangers.

So we decided to try to organize such a movement among the students of our school. This is a children's movement that benefits both the state and the volunteers themselves, who solve not only many social problems, but also develop their skills, satisfy the need for communication, self-expression and self-esteem. They realize their usefulness and necessity, receive gratitude for their work, develop important personal qualities, actually follow their moral principles and discover the spiritual side of life.

The children's public movement of volunteers includes in its ranks students of the Chkalovskaya Secondary School, teachers and parents.

Today, for many, participation in the volunteer movement has become important and necessary. The children not only take part in organizing and conducting socially beneficial events, but also gain organizational skills, the opportunity for self-improvement and personal growth, experience working in a team, expanding their social circle and successful socialization in society.

We think ultimately, showing mercy can lead people to want to help other people.

Stage II. Collection and analysis of diverse information on the selected problem

To implement the program, students studied legal documents: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention of Human Rights, etc. The analysis of documents made it possible to determine the scope of responsibilities and the limits of what is permitted within the framework of the project. Legal basis allowed students to adequately respond to the process of interaction with people around them.

Using the survey method, a statistical study of the existing problem was conducted.

Using a questionnaire, it was carried outѐ n sociological survey among adults and the younger generation about mercy and care.

(100 people)

    What is the most pressing problem in society right now?

Attitude towards older people – 86%

Homeless animals – 7%

Peer relationships – 7%

    Is it possible for us to help older people?

don’t know – 6%

    What do we need to implement the project?

Money – 19%

So that everyone is interested - 88%

Adult assistance – 45%

4. How can you help with the project:

Establishing partnerships with different government structures – 24%

Financially – 44%

Household help – 87%

Organization of concerts – 67%

Carrying out charity events – 51%

We came to the following conclusions: All students and adults participating in the survey have a positive attitude towards mercy and caring for others. Although the concept of mercy is not defined correctly, it is gratifying that all 100% of respondents are ready to help those in need. And we came to the conclusion that the action needs to be continued further, since not the entire contingent of those wishing to participate was covered.

    Analysis of the regulatory framework

Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989

Article 15. States Parties recognize the right of every child to freedom of association and freedom of peaceful assembly.

Article 27. States Parties recognize the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development child.

Article 39. Everyone is guaranteed social security due to age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

Article 44. Everyone has the right to participate in cultural life

Federal target program "Older generation"

The goal of the program: to create conditions for improving the quality of life of older people through the development of a network and improvement of the activities of social service institutions, ensuring accessibility, medical care, social, educational, cultural, leisure and other services, introduction of new care strategies, promotion of: active participation of older people in society.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 3. Every person has the right to life, liberty and personal security.

Article 22 Every person, as a member of society, has the right to social security and to the exercise of the rights in the economic, social and cultural fields necessary for the maintenance of his dignity and the free development of his personality, through national efforts and international cooperation and in accordance with the structure and resources of each states.

Article 25.

1. Everyone has the right to such a standard of living, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services, as is necessary for the health and welfare of himself and his family, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, old age or other emergency loss of livelihood due to circumstances beyond his control.

2. Maternity and infancy give the right to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, should enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.

1. Every person has the right to education. Education should be free at least for primary and general education. Primary education should be compulsory. Technical and vocational education should be made generally available and higher education should be equally accessible to all on the basis of each individual's abilities.

2. Education should be aimed at the full development of the human personality and at increasing respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Education should promote understanding, tolerance and friendship between peoples, racial or religious groups and should contribute to the peacekeeping activities of the United Nations.

3. Parents have the right of priority in choosing the type of education for their young children.

Article 27.

1. Every person has the right to freely participate in the cultural life of society, to enjoy the arts, to participate in scientific progress and to enjoy its benefits.

2. Every person has the right to protection of his moral and material interests resulting from scientific, literary or artistic works of which he is the author. The charter of the MCOU "CHSOSH" in the village of Chkalovsky defines among the main tasks of the school the creation of favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual, the education of citizenship in students, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, family, and Motherland. The school development program defines as its goals a model for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality oriented to modern society. Thus, social design on the topic “Charity” is legitimate.

Stage III. The program of action that this problem offers

“Let's worship kindness! Let's live with kindness in mind. All the blue and starry beauty of the earth is good: it gives us bread, living water and trees in bloom. Under this ever-restless sky, let us fight for kindness!”


Meeting with the head of the administration Release of the wall newspaper “Do Good”, work with parents

. ChSMO Mandzhieva V.D. .

Stage IV. Implementation of the team action plan

Grand opening of the social project “Do Good”

Kindness Lessons Schedule


Subject class hour

the date of the


1, 3

"Kindness is the sun"

September 14, 2015

Lidzhieva B.G.

2, 4

“He who does good creates life”

September 14, 2015

Azydova G.S.

"Hurry to do good"

September 12, 2015

Bogaeva K.B.

6, 7

"Magic power kind words»

September 19, 2015

Mulaev O.V.

Goryaev E.P.

"Word in the palm of your hand..."

September 19, 2015

Bambysheva O.A.


"Be kind and humane..."

September 19, 2015

Boldyreva S.S.

Tostaeva K.M.

Lidzhiev D.D.

2. lessons of goodness

3. “Our feathered friends” (September), 4. Concert for the Day of Elderly People (October)

    “Clean Yard” (October)

    Week of Good (as part of the social project “Do Good”)

From November 17 to 21, Kindness Week was held at Chkalovskaya Secondary School. The program of the Week included events varied in form and content: acquaintance with book exhibitions:"Kindness is the sun"library lessons:“Planet of Tolerance”, “Let goodness settle in your heart forever”, “Day of Greetings”;A"Parcel to a Soldier" event

library hour “Planet of Tolerance”

greetings day

“Parcel to a Soldier”) – November



You are in the army now to defend the Fatherland

To be courageous and develop charisma,

You will return the best and the strongest, bravest

You will become the most reliable, as well as skillful!

As part of the “Do Good” project, students of grades 1-11 of the MKOU “Chkalovskaya Secondary School” held an action "Parcel to a Soldier", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory and the Year of Literature. We collected a parcel for four soldiers:

David to Orenburg, Utnasun to Sverdlovsk, Sarla to Astrakhan and Sanana to Rostov-on-Don. Our guys serve in these cities.

During the week, children brought condensed milk, cookies, tea, gingerbread, sweets and other products for the soldiers. They also wrote letters to the soldiers and drew pictures.

Taking an active part in the events, the children thought: what is good, what kind of person is good, what actions decorate him and why every day there is less and less good on earth. By holding Kindness Week, our goal was to create not only in the library, but also outside its walls an atmosphere of joy, warmth and kindness.

    Campaign “Let’s plant a tree of goodness” (December)

game program: “Tree of Goodness”

Always do good and evil

In the power of all people.

But evil happens without difficulty,

It is more difficult to do good.

This is such a kind and beautiful tree we got

9. “Give a smile to a passerby” (January)

Campaign “Give a smile to a passerby”

On the streets of the village of Chkalovsky, we gave passers-by emoticons “Smile” and “Recipe for Happiness”; adults responded to the wishes of children with a smile. This act of kindness amused and delighted both children and adults.


10. Drawing competition (January the drawings themselves)

Drawing competition “If you are kind”

    Promotion “Bouquet of compliments to your favorite school” (February

    Master class “Crane – a symbol of peace and goodness” (February

A master class on creating paper cranes was held for school students.

As everyone knows, in Japan the crane is a symbol of good luck, happiness, and longevity. There is a legend directly related to the most significant and important origami figure - the paper crane.

Once upon a time on earth there lived a very poor master who devoted his entire life to origami and was amazingly kind to everyone and everything that surrounded him. One day he met a wandering monk on the road and gave him a figurine of a crane. The monk was touched. He said: “Stack your figures further. The main thing is your belief in their importance. Even if there is war around, stay true to your art, and it will thank you by making you rich and famous.”

Soon, as the monk prophesied, war began. Only the poor master stubbornly continued to waste paper on his figures. Angry, the people decided to burn down his workshop. But when they found themselves in it, they were amazed at the variety and splendor of the figures. Then the master gave everyone a figurine according to their liking and taste. In front of the guests, the master folded a crane out of a leaf, which immediately flapped its wings and flew away - he was a messenger of peace and goodness.

Each participant in the master class tried to make a crane out of paper, which we would all launch together at the school event “Crane of Peace” with wishes for peace and goodness. This will be our symbol of gratitude to those who defended peace on Earth.

13. Concert

On March 1, students and teachers visited a boarding house for the elderly and disabled with festive concert"Do good." The children took this event very seriously and responsibly.

The children's performances were warmly received. The children sang and danced. Those present liked it all very much. Children presented handmade gifts to their grandparents.

The purpose of such events is to remind the children what kindness is. Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote:“If a person lives to bring good to people, alleviate their suffering from illness, give people joy, then he evaluates himself at the level of humanity. Only a super-personal goal allows a person to live his life with dignity and get real joy.”
All people on earth have an understanding of what is good or what is evil, but even if all the parliaments of the world pass laws commanding people to be kind and do good deeds, this will not change anything. People don't become kind under force. No courts will force a person to be kind in deeds and actions. Because goodness is the soul of man. There is a soul - there is good. There is no soul - there is fear of punishment, but there is no good.

The kindness and good deeds of our students depend on the kindness and virtuous actions of us adults. Because: “Virtue is the internal order or disposition of the soul; order is acquired by man through conscious and purposeful effort.”

    Brochure release

Our work motto

To make your heart burn

Don't regret your days

Do a good deed

For the sake of people's happiness.

Expected results.

- The socially useful activities of school students will become visible;

- school students will become active participants in the public life of the city;

- Schoolchildren will be able to show the vitality of the slogan “Together we are strong!” and demonstrate that their contribution is an effective way to solve many public (social) problems.

As a result of this work, children are involved in useful social activities, the society is improving, moral and moral qualities children.

Analysis of work results

Analyzing the work done, we came to the conclusion that, in general, the social project has been implemented, the goal and objectives of the work done have been achieved.

The results of the work, in the form of printed materials, photographs, presentations, collections of scripts, materials will be presented to the public: project participants will talk about itѐ m in the regional newspaper “Altn Bulg”, surveys and interviews will be carried out among people participating in the project in order to find out the prospects for continuing work in this direction, the results of the surveys and interviews will be reflected in the school newspaper “School Bulletin”.

We think the main resource for the development of civil society is the human resource, the rational use of which will help to significantly reduce material costs and maintain the necessary atmosphere of creativity and desire for social achievements.

Work is underway to provide assistance (social, psychological, household) to citizens in need. Thus, the project makes it possible to improve the psychological state of older people and create a sense of relevance among older people.

The implementation of the project also contributes to the spiritual, moral and patriotic education youth, increasing their social activity and civic responsibility.

Many people take care of us, they give us generously, but they also expect from us, and we have

enough strength to do good to people. We can live with dignity in our difficult world only by learning to stick together, support, appreciate and respect each other. We must learn to take our life seriously, to control our needs and desires. We need to develop respect for older people. Every person must learn to love people, and then older people will see the world a little differently and they will want to talk about it.

In our case, a start has been made...

List of used literature

    Internet resources

    V. Oseeva “Stories and Tales”

    Russian and foreign fairy tales

    Ozhegov's Dictionary

    Proverbs and sayings about good and evil