Revelations of married women about the history of their infidelities. Cheating on my wife

Hello. I am 29 years old. My story is real and happened 2 months ago. It just doesn’t give me peace of mind internally... I decided to put it here. My old school friend Sasha called me. And he said that he wanted to come. Immediately after school, he left our small town and went to go to college in a big city (our regional center). Yes, he stayed there. And then his parents went there to join him. Communication between us was almost lost, but with the advent of cellular communications, contacts were found. So, he called and said that he wanted to come and see his hometown. I was glad at the prospect of seeing my old friend, assessed my options and invited him to my place.

The three of us live: me, my wife Sveta and our three-year-old daughter. At first my wife was capricious, but then she finally agreed that a guest would stay with us. The apartment, thank God, is 3-room. The hall, our bedroom and our daughter’s room... For convenience, our daughter was moved to our bedroom. And he was given her room. I decided to greet my friend well: I booked a table at a restaurant on the day of his arrival. Met at the airport... Just like we never parted! We had a lot to talk about. For the remaining half a day we did not stop talking, everything about life, hobbies and interests. There was a lot to discuss in 12 years. A lot of stories have accumulated. My daughter was taken to my parents because... We had been planning to go to the restaurant for a long time (my wife and I haven’t gone anywhere for a long time, so we decided to sit all the way). Well, we went there.

Our evening was a success. Sashka has become an even bigger joker over the years. What didn’t he say! He recently got married, he says, for the second time. The first marriage was unsuccessful... The evening flew by in a flash. My wife and I laughed non-stop at his stories and jokes. We didn’t even notice the time had passed, but we drank a lot. Apparently, my wife and I’s rare consumption took its toll. We were lucky! True, I was a little stronger... But Sasha had to take us both out of the restaurant and put us in a taxi. Even shove it. He almost carried us all the way home... I almost don’t remember how we packed up. I fell off my feet. I remember that he fought off bed linen, said that he would sleep today anyway, and his wife tried to give him something to put on bed...

I woke up in the morning. It wasn't good. The wife was still sleeping. Sasha too. I went to the store and bought beer. We drank it and felt better. Then we went for a walk. It was incredibly fun to be in his company. Really: the soul of the company. We walked around the city partially, looked at our old places, his house...

The next day I had to go to work, Monday. Sasha was about to walk around the city himself. Having given orders to Svetlana to tell him if anything was needed, he left for work. I work in one... organization, I sit in a pile of papers. Fortunately, they pay well. And the week turned out to be stupid. Reports, a lot of everything. You can’t even escape, so I left Sasha without my help and wheels. In the evening we sat and talked, but for days I couldn’t go anywhere with him. I was sad. So the week passed. He was already leaving on Friday. And I vowed to take him.

In the morning, as usual, I took my daughter to kindergarten and rushed to work. In order to have time to take him by noon, a lot had to be done and quickly... Sasha called at the beginning of ten, said that he was fully packed and ready to go... But I was stuck. He said he could call a taxi, but I wanted to accompany him myself. I say: “No, I’ll come by 12 for sure, wait!” And he grabbed his head. They were expecting urgent information from me... And then my partner came to my aid, good girl. Having learned the reason, she took all the papers and said: “Fly, eagle! Say goodbye. I will do everything for you..."

Promising to love her forever, I jumped into the car and rushed home. He flew up the stairs, flew into the apartment and... near the sofa in the living room there was a packed bag, Sasha was sitting on the sofa with his pants down, and Sveta was completely naked in kind sucked his dick. What happened next... I find it difficult to describe. I remember that I hit him in the face once and said: “Get out!” He silently left the apartment with his things... His wife went into the bedroom and got dressed... There was a strong desire to kill her. But I restrained myself.

Gathering my will into a fist, I asked: for what? And why? At first she tried to attack me with her verbal attack, but she couldn’t stand it... she drooped. And she told everything: that on the day of the meeting, when we got so drunk, we returned home, I fell asleep, and she still decided to make his bed. And so she stayed in this bed. He pulled up her dress while she was laying it out... She herself didn’t, why didn’t she begin to resist. She allowed herself to be undressed, and there he fucked her. The next day they pretended that nothing had happened... And he and I left for the whole day. But on Monday, when I left for work, they had a conversation about what had happened... which only led to the fact that she was under him again. And that’s how the whole week went... While I was at work, he didn’t walk around the city - he fucked my wife.

I realized that this was not for me. I was angry. I spent about a month visiting different offices and finding out. But they told me everywhere that in the event of a divorce, the child will remain with the mother. There was no way I could have left my daughter with me. And I just can’t part with her...

This is why I am ashamed that, having realized that I could not do anything as I would like, I returned home like a beaten dog. Because we've been sleeping in the same bed again for almost a month now. And for the fact that it’s been 2 weeks since we’ve had sex.

On a business trip - with a colleague who winked at her at dinner, on vacation - with an animator while her husband relaxes in a bar, at work - with a married and completely unattractive office neighbor. Polina will always and everywhere find a person with whom she will cheat on her husband. And so it has been for ten years, and the husband has no idea about anything, although even mutual friends have been in the wife’s bed.

Polina is not a beauty at all; if you walk past her in a crowd, you won’t notice. Not slender, without the usual signs of sexuality - alluring breasts, exciting curves of the butt and plump lips. At the same time, she can always boast of short but breathtaking novels.

Photo: Westend6/Model released/Getty Images

Story one. Extreme


– You know, I can’t live without this. If my husband is not around for an hour, I already start shooting around with my eyes, looking for someone. And okay, I wish I had sex... Or the men were worthwhile. So we went to Kemer. We checked into a hotel, Artem was always at the bar in the evenings, well, we drank a day, drank a second, by the third I was tired of all this, and then the animator, I don’t even remember his name, winked at me from the beach. I bumped into him in the hall, exchanged a few words, and I dragged him into the room.

A young, hot, seemingly husband could come in at any moment, but there were no special sensations. But then for another week, while we were at the hotel, he smiled at me, winked at me, invited me to exercise on the beach, secretly stroking my shoulder.

Artem didn’t even feel that there was a stranger in the room. On the contrary, I was only glad that the ever-whining Polina smiled her most charming smile after that evening.

The second story. Working


– There was another case, they sent me on a business trip to Sochi, during the day we discussed the future of our company at seminars, and in the evenings we had a blast in local bars. There was a colleague from Yekaterinburg, lanky, poorly dressed, ugly, but all the time he looked at me with adoration. I thought, why not.

I invited him to my room, nothing worked out the first night, we fell asleep, but the second night everything worked out. I won’t say that I was delighted, but he shook my hand so sweetly under the table throughout the remaining days on the business trip that I melted from it.

Photo: Sweet Ice Cream Photography on Unsplash

The insidious colleague did not even write to Polina after she returned to St. Petersburg, and he went to his Yekaterinburg. The woman defiantly posted happy photos with her husband on social networks, trying to show that everything was fine with her, that she was happy.

Story three. Resort


– I went on vacation alone. I decided that this time it was a no-no. No men and bed adventures. She broke down in the second week, before that she stood up proudly for herself, saying she overcame it, withstood it, but she met him at dinner and was relaxing with a friend. He had already found himself a vacation lady. I didn’t like Kostya, but after a couple of glasses of wine my head was spinning, I dragged him to my room. And before leaving, we slept together for a week. After returning to St. Petersburg, we only spoke on the phone once, but there was nothing to talk about.

Artem held me close and gently whispered, saying, it’s time to think about another child. And then I became scared. If I get pregnant, it turns out that the child is not my husband’s, or I won’t even know who the baby is from... Although, it seems to me, Artem won’t notice.

Why is she cheating?

Psychologist Pavel Volzhenkov:

Our civilization limits instincts to morality. But despite this, there are constantly stories of people cheating on each other. There is duality in our culture, there is betrayal, but they try to keep it secret. Let's understand the motives because of which a woman decides to cheat.

Like to have sex with different men:

From an instinctive point of view, both men and women love to have sex. The myth that men are polygamous and women are monogamous is adhered to by men who want to cheat, but want their women not to cheat. There are couples who agree that cheating is acceptable in their marriage. It happens that they live as a “Swedish family”: husband, wife and lover. At the same time, the behavior of a man who allows his woman to be with someone else seems wild to some. But for this particular family this is the norm, because they agreed so, and no one objected.

I like the emotions that a secret relationship gives:

She likes the man's advances and sex. This is the most common type of betrayal. There is a moment of courtship, a moment of flirting, warmth, feelings, a secret that they do not make public, a special intimacy. For example, a husband and wife, when they are together, including in bed, talk not only about sexual topics, but also solve various everyday issues: what to cook, where to buy, where to send the child. If you look at the total amount of time, then sexual, erotic, piquant topics occupy a smaller part of the conversations. For lovers, sex is the focus. Lovers don’t talk about “everyday affairs”, they are the center of each other’s attention, enjoying each other. A woman receives more vivid emotions from a meeting because they are concentrated. And lovers are also united by a discussion of where they will meet, when they are brought together by a common cause, they become like-minded people.

11 monstrously real stories about betrayal and treason

What could be worse than this in a relationship? It seems nothing. We all try every day to make our relationships more or less normal and healthy. This is real everyday work, and not just sighs under the moon. And then one day the moment comes when someone on the other end of the line does what would seem impossible to expect from this person. You can't make it up on purpose.

At a party I found him in the bedroom during an orgy

“Once my now ex and I came to a party. There were more guys than girls there, but I knew someone and sat down to chat. Then I lost him. I searched all over the house. And I found it in the bedroom, there were five more naked men and two chicks. They seemed to be having a lot of fun at that moment. But not for me.”

I skipped work to throw a surprise party where she cheated on me

“I didn't go to work to plan a surprise party for my girlfriend. And in the midst of the fun he caught her with someone else. There was a scandal. And the next day I was fired.”

My boyfriend brought another chick to Christmas

“We celebrated Christmas with our friends. And my boyfriend brought some strange chick there. When I saw her, I shook. I looked at him with a silent question: “Dude, are you serious? What does all of this mean?". He said that it was his friend who called her and he had nothing to do with it. In addition, she was kind of creepy and drunk as hell. And I was wildly offended, because I felt that they had something.”

When I didn't want sex after giving birth, he said Tinder and went on dates

“I was never jealous of him. He liked to hang out all the time and I didn’t interfere. My pregnancy was not planned, but we had a sweet relationship and did not consider abortion. Naturally, I had to recover a month after giving birth. And he downloaded Tinder and went on dates. I only found out a few months later when my friend came across his profile. A year later, I started an internship and hung out with all sorts of promising smart guys and slept with them. Then she returned. I told him everything and broke up with him, proud of myself.”

Some guy asked my ex to send me a photo. And she sent me naked

“I was dating a girl. One day she asked me to print something from her email and gave me all the passwords. I did everything, but went on poking around on her computer. And I saw that she was grazing on all sorts of dating sites and communicating there only with men. One of them asked to send a photo and she sent a photo of me naked. She turned out to be a bastard even after we broke up and one day sent me a photo of another girl with the caption: “Look, I found something better than you.”

My best friend at university copied my coursework and passed it off as her own.

“My college friend copied my work and passed it off as hers before I did. And she set me up in front of the professor. But they gave me another chance and I did another project and defended it. And she failed because she didn’t know a damn thing about the subject.”

When my mom was pregnant with me, my older sister caught my dad kissing my mom's friend

“Mom was betrayed by both my biological father and her friend. My sister caught them, and my mother found out about everything a few days after I was born. I was 22 days old and she threw him out of the house. My father began to live with my mother’s friend, they adopted a boy, but their father then abandoned them. He never gave me anything or bought me anything, but only wrote letters in which he told me how he bought himself a new TV or a new car. I’m still angry at him.”

One day at a party I lost my mind

"We had serious relationship, but the guy kept calling them “open”. And I thought that he cheated on me three times. Then I went to a swingers party and hooked up with a huge number of people. Only 27!”

I caught my ex-husband cheating when I was eight and a half months old

“I caught my husband with another woman when I was heavily pregnant. She yelled at both and hit him and her. I returned home, threw all his things into boxes and sent it to his mother. That same evening I started having contractions and went to give birth. My daughter was born slightly premature and is now 14 years old. And I sincerely wish her never to experience this.”

My boyfriend broke up with me via text because I “study too much”

“My first boyfriend seemed very nice to me, he kept telling me that he loved me, but at the same time he was working all the time. Then he began to miss our meetings and invent all sorts of reasons. And then I received a message from him that we couldn’t date because I “spend too much time studying. I was terribly upset and my self-esteem fell wildly. Then I found out that he was hooking up with his ex and meeting with his former colleagues for money or gifts. I’m very glad that fate took such a piece of crap away from me.”

At the same time, he was dating another girl who paid for him everywhere

“Everything was perfect when we started dating. True, sometimes she complained that she was completely broke, and then suddenly appeared with expensive gifts. But all the time they were things from the same store or gift coupons. I began to suspect something. This went on for a year, I began to follow him and be very attentive. And I found out that even longer than with me, he had been dating a girl from another city. I told him about my guesses. He said that I was crazy and I needed to see a psychologist. Then I talked to her and she told me that she works in the store where the gifts come from and pays literally all of his expenses, even the phone and health insurance. He later told me that he simply fell in love with me, but he could not part with her because of money. Then I told her everything, but she loved him so much that she couldn’t leave him, he manipulated her all the time. Then I decided to leave.”

Have you ever seen a woman cheating on her husband? Admire it. It's me. I cheat on my husband and at the same time I love him very much. There's nothing wrong with my marriage. My husband is intelligent, successful, kind, caring and faithful to me. And yet I go to great lengths again and again. Adultery, romance, affair, leftist - whatever you call it, but I can’t live without it.

So, how did I end up living like this? I don't know where to start. Probably from the beginning. Start - a good place to start the story. At least that's what Mary Poppins thought. In general, I got married. Home, husband, dog. Everything was great, everything was wonderful. But one day, two years after the wedding, I opened my chest of drawers and was stunned: my laundry was neatly folded in it. In piles. Cotton pajamas, practical briefs with wide elastic bands. Everything is like the old lady... I sat down on the floor and cried. Where are my lacy, spiky bras? Where are my awkward, twisted garters? Where is all that beauty, that uniform of love? How did it happen that I left big sex and didn’t even notice it?

That same evening I made an attempt to revive my former passion. I danced a striptease for my husband in front of a vacuum cleaner standing in the corner. The husband smiled: “Baby, thank you for the great performance! But I have an important meeting tomorrow, and I’m falling off my feet.” Next time I decided to surprise him with something even more unusual. In one magazine I found an article “How to seduce your own husband” and underlined in pencil the most successful advice, in my opinion: “At a noisy party, whisper to him that you forgot to put on panties. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how excited he is!” Anticipating my husband's excitement, I left my comfortable panties at home when we went to dinner with my mother-in-law. In the midst of a lively family conversation (“There’s not enough pepper in the cabbage rolls, don’t you think?”) I leaned over to my husband and blurted out: “I’m not wearing panties!” He choked: “Natasha, are you senile? How can you forget to put on your panties?”

No, everything was fine in bed. We have not yet reached the stage of “Sex? What is this?”, but we have already gotten used to each other. To each other's smell, to each other's body. We no longer needed to discover anything new and be surprised by discoveries. We felt comfortable and good. We slept like spoons in a box. But when I read the book “Bridget Jones's Diary,” for some reason I understood it very well: “If there is a God in the world, I would like to ask him (although it is clear that I am deeply grateful to Him for the fact that Daniel unexpectedly and inexplicably turned into a completely regular character after such a long period of brainwashing) make sure that Daniel does not go to bed in the evening in pajamas and reading glasses, stares at a book for twenty-five minutes, and then turns off the light and turns away - and again turn him into naked, full of frenzied passion, the sexual beast I knew and loved."

The problem was that, unlike Bridget, I knew very well: it is impossible to enter the same river twice. It will never be like the first time with my husband. Never again will we “blush with a suffocating wave, barely touching our sleeves.” There will never be the worry of “Will he call or won’t he?” The heart will never skip a beat: “Oh my God, how he smiles!” You'll never feel like you're on a swing when he kisses you for the first time...

In general, I began to look at handsome young people and, as it were, try them on for myself: “Would this one suit me?”, “I wonder, what about this in bed?”, “Oh, how great it would be to be in these powerful anterior radial...". I did not pester men with immodest proposals. But she no longer rejected their little signs of attention. She was a little flirtatious. Laughed. She allowed herself to be touched, as if by chance. I wasn't about to open the door that held all these sinful possibilities. I just thought that I would look into it through a small crack...

But when I met one wonderful guy and, as they say, my mind was blown away, I didn’t think twice about it. There were only four reasons not to have an affair (in descending order of importance):

1. Ugly underwear.
2. I could get pregnant or catch AIDS.
3. Where?
4. I have a husband.

The answers were found quite quickly, in about a second and a half:

1. Don't care!
2. Condoms are now of high quality.
3. Or at least in the car.
4. He won't get hurt.

I kicked open the mysterious door. And only when I got into this wonderful world called “Let’s get to know each other better,” I realized how much I missed it. It was a fantastic novel! I ran around on dates, making up an alibi, like a girl. I couldn’t get enough of it, I couldn’t breathe enough of my unexpected happiness. We called each other a hundred times a day. We were hiding. We recognized each other by touch. We fell into the abyss and flew up to the skies... We flew for two months. Then my lover cooled down, and nothing froze inside me anymore when his name was displayed on the phone display. We calmed down. This is quite natural - wild passion with inevitable cosmic overloads never lasts forever - and then we either had to build some kind of serious relationship, or walk in circles, moving further and further away from each other, or break up without further explanation. The first was impossible - although I had some feelings for this person, I understood that they could not be compared with the feelings for my husband, tried and true, like a rock. Of course, a lover is always clean-shaven, he doesn’t walk around the house in an old tracksuit and doesn’t slam the window in the bedroom at the moment when you want it to be open. But I understood: maybe the grass on the other lawn seems greener, but it also needs to be cut. Why start all over again with someone I barely know? We broke up.

But since then I began to cheat on my husband from time to time. Unlike men, a woman practically does not have to strain if she decides to cheat. There are always plenty of people willing. And there is no need to whistle. All you have to do is come to the bar and smile. But the motives for female infidelity are in many ways similar to male ones. This is exactly the conclusion I came to when I tried to explain to myself why I needed lovers.

Sexual diversity

It is not true that only men love variety. Women also yearn for novelty. It’s just that some people in this case, while having sex, close their eyes and imagine Brad Pitt or neighbor Alexei Kartoshkin instead of their husband. In addition, women, like men, want to try something unusual - for example, a threesome. It’s scary to suggest this to your husband - what if he falls in love with the other one? Or will the family cease to be a family, and turn into a den of debauchees? It is better to conduct such experiments with a lover.

Emotional doping

Married life is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday... You wake up, have breakfast, go to work, come home, have dinner, have sex... Bored? Partly. But deep down you understand that this is real life. You understand that it is impossible to live your whole life on an emotional high. You understand that you need this stability, this rear, where you all will be comfortable: you, your spouse, your children, and your dog Tyafa. But you also know very well that time passes and if a man has a chance to be a desired sexual object even at seventy, then you are unlikely to succeed. That’s why you’re in a hurry to live, in a hurry to do everything, in a hurry to hear as many discordant “I love you!” as possible before the final credits roll. Besides, all these dates and the feeling of risk excite the blood so much.

Way to get fit

Your husband knows you inside and out. Another thing is a lover. You can’t just walk barefoot past him in a nightgown, set the alarm clock and, sitting next to him in bed, say: “Oh, something shot in my back. Massage, please...” For your lover, you strive to be cellulite-free, silky-skinned, flexible-backed and crepe-chested young chamois. And for as long as possible. During your affairs, the surrounding beauty salons become rich, and you become prettier right before your eyes.


Some men are afraid to get involved with married women. It seems to them that women don’t just have affairs, but only dream of how to ruin their men’s lives. For example, they know how to drag someone into the registry office, they’ve already tried it. Why they thought they were being hunted is unknown. A married woman needs a lover, by and large, for self-affirmation. Seeing another man at my feet, I mentally draw a star on the fuselage: “I’m young. Sexy. I’m still wow!”

Of course, I don’t tell everyone I meet about my infidelities. Even if one of my friends finds out about my next novel and is perplexed, I make a meaningful face and explain: “Life is a complicated thing.” Whoever came up with this phrase should have a monument erected. “Life is a complicated thing” - and that’s it!

There is only one person to whom I cannot answer like that. But he doesn't ask me anything yet. And I hope that the time when he puts his head in his hands and asks “Why? Lord, why?” never comes.

Natalia Neizvestnaya

If this happens:

Don't throw away all your closed and practical panties one day, replacing them with sexy little strings. Change your intimate wardrobe gradually, giving your husband time to get used to your new preferences.
Come up with some non-existent hobby that, firstly, will allow you to leave home often, and secondly, will not require material embodiment. The Brahmaputra Witnesses Club or the Global Warming Action Society would be suitable.
Exercise in the evenings. Let it be not just jogging in the park, but classes at a sports club, after which you need to take a shower.
In the evening, turn off the sound on your mobile phone - it is at this time that lovers begin to crave romantic SMS messages and it will be difficult to convince your husband that it was just your mother who wanted to wish you good night at 23.45.
Even if you are sure that your husband will never rummage through your things, still destroy traces: clear your phone of unnecessary messages, your pockets of yesterday’s movie tickets, and your purse of tubes of spermicide.
Let condoms be your lover's concern. You can, of course, tell your husband that condoms, like a gas canister, should be in your purse in case of an attack by a rapist, but this, you must admit, sounds unconvincing.
Try not to look too happy. If you've never sung in the bathroom, then there's no point in starting.
Watch your speech carefully. After all, in response to your passing slip - “The food in that new restaurant is so bad” - your husband may quite reasonably ask: “When and with whom were you there, dear?”
Do not refuse sex with your legal spouse, even if your illegal lover satisfies you to the fullest.
Don't faint if you violate any of the above guidelines. We all know very well that most men don’t see beyond their noses, and yours most likely won’t understand what’s what either, even if you say after a family dinner: “The Narcissians are inviting us to ski on Sunday, and I I'm cheating on you." But still, you shouldn’t give your spouse more signals than a traffic controller at an intersection.
I almost forgot! If you suddenly decide to write an article about your infidelities (anything can happen in this world), use a pseudonym.

“That’s what fate decided”

It’s a shame to remember this, but since I remembered, I will continue my story that has not yet begun... I fell in love with Pasha very much. We got married. Everything was wonderful and excellent.

But everything changed one day. It has changed so dramatically that I’m scared to even write about it now.

I ran to the bus, which had already stopped. I literally managed to jump into it. I jumped onto the first seat that I saw empty... The door closed, someone sat down next to me and greeted me. I answered automatically, realizing that I knew this person. But I immediately caught myself thinking that this couldn’t be. The voice that said “hello” to me was a voice from the distant, distant past. It belonged to the guy who was my very first love. This led me into the greatest misconception.

I looked out the window, afraid to look back in the direction of the polite man. But I did it when he continued the conversation with a banal “how are you? How are you doing?". I don’t remember what I answered, but he told me that he needed to go out soon and left his mobile number. I realized immediately that he wanted to meet again. I promised that I would call in a few days in the morning.

That day has come. I called. He asked me to visit him in the evening. For some reason I agreed. I remembered his address like a multiplication table. We grew up in the same yard! I told my husband that I would go to my friend’s house to get her out of depression. He immediately believed me because I always told him the truth. Always, but not at that moment!

At six o'clock I was already at Sasha's. We drank tea, watched a music channel and remembered our childhood together. Then he put his hand on my shoulder. The second hand was on my knee. I tried to move away from him, to sit down a little, but I seemed rooted to the sofa.

He began to remember how I ran after him, how he didn’t understand anything (fool), since he was little then... And then I “floated”…. I forgot about everything and everyone... And when what happened happened, Sashka told me (rather calmly): “that’s what fate decided.” It was easy for him to say! After all, he was not married. And, as far as I understand, he didn’t have a girlfriend. I didn't regret anything. The only thought that prevented me from living in peace was an explanation to my husband. I arrived home, forming something in my head, but didn’t say anything. And in the morning, while my “beloved” was sleeping, I wrote a note... It said that I was leaving, that we were getting a divorce, that I loved someone else... Because fate decided so.

“It doesn’t hurt me at all anymore...”

Everyone warned me not to marry Kirill. But I didn't want to listen to anyone. I didn't want to trust anyone. Everyone said that Kirya loves to go for walks, and that stamps or anything else in his passport would never stop him. I smiled and thought that they were just jealous of me. I walked with confident steps to the registry office. And happiness shone in my eyes, which ended after three months...

The whole summer (our wedding was at the beginning) he did not leave my side, giving me gifts and compliments. And then it was as if he had been replaced... He, of course, gave me all sorts of gifts, but a lot has changed.

He started coming home late, stopped giving compliments, didn’t talk to me much, and almost didn’t invite me anywhere. And kisses, like other caresses, were also extremely rare. I tried to sort things out, but my beloved referred either to fatigue or to being “busy”…. And then he actually said that he had changed his job, which I didn’t believe right away.

Later came the period when everything seemed to fall into place. During that same period I became pregnant. We (at least I) really dreamed of having a child. Kirill was delighted at this news. He sent me to a cottage, outside the city, so that I could breathe fresh air. He hired me a maid... I really liked his concern. So much so that I didn’t see anything suspicious in her at all.

We agreed that he would pick me up in a week, and I surprised him and arrived a little earlier. I just went shopping, found a very cool thing and decided to show it to my beloved on myself.

All the way (while I was driving) I imagined his reaction to my purchase. I closed my eyes, turned on my imagination and smiled. I wanted to live. I wanted the little man who “sat” inside me to live in the world as soon as possible...

When I got closer to the house... The pleasant feeling of peace left me. My intuition convinced me that something was about to happen. But I refused to believe it.

I entered the entrance and found that the elevator was not working. I pressed the button again and again, in the hope that soon the elevator would come to me and take me to my loved one... But the elevator did not move. I stood there for another two minutes and decided to walk up to the apartment. I walked slowly, since there were a lot of steps to take (my goal was the ninth floor). I went up to the third or fourth floor (I don’t remember exactly now) and the elevator buzzed. I smiled and moved on, but didn’t walk.

I took out my keys while I was driving in the “savior”. She opened the vestibule door silently, so as not to spoil the surprise. She opened the front door in the same way... It turns out that the surprise was waiting for me, not Kirill. Kirill was sitting on the sofa completely naked. There was a lady sitting on his lap. They drank champagne and laughed. I was the only one who wasn’t laughing... I felt bad. I “fainted”, they took me to the hospital, I had a miscarriage…. When I woke up after this whole nightmare, I saw my “beloved”, who was kneeling with a huge flower bouquet and crying. His hot tears fell straight onto my cold heart. I didn't feel sorry for him. I wasn't sad. The first thing I heard from my precious one was: “forgive me!” It really hurts me that this happened to us. I made a big mistake." And I answered him that it didn’t hurt me at all, that for a long time I would be an insensitive doll with a broken past. He realized that I was not going to forgive him, but he asked me to start all over again. My eyes said no. He left. And the tears that he left me as a keepsake have almost dried up... I won't go back to him again! His betrayal ruined our child.