Natural cosmetics recipes. Effective DIY cosmetics - cooking secrets

How interesting a person is! Until recently, we admired the triumph of new technologies, but now we suddenly turned our face to nature. We don’t just want natural beauty - we need maximum naturalness in the production of cosmetics, and it is desirable that it is not an industrial conveyor. 100% natural cosmetics, organic food without GMOs, healthy image life - all these are attributes of the new ecological consciousness.

There is now a huge variety of cosmetics on the market, from a variety of brands and countries of origin. And sometimes it’s difficult to immediately choose something without doubt. Many consumers can tell how they encounter various pitfalls that could have been avoided with a sufficient level of knowledge. Or, if you cook it yourself at home natural mask, soap, scrub or even cream according to a proven recipe, from 100% natural raw materials, which can be bought in an online store (for example, in ours), or prepared with your own hands, if time and opportunity allows.

Let's look at how natural cosmetics are produced on an industrial scale, and in general what they consist of (which is also useful to know for preparing it at home).

Ingredients of natural cosmetics

So, any cosmetic product includes:

    basis (basic components);


    active ingredients;

The basis of natural cosmetics- this is what causes the desired effect. The fatty base or emollient (English “emollient” - softening) makes the skin smooth, soft, responsible for its velvety and well-groomed natural appearance. Natural fats are of plant and animal origin. Vegetable fats are used in the production of natural cosmetics. Emollients do not penetrate into the body; they are fixed on the skin, thereby providing it the right type. Numerous studies have revealed that such popular ingredients in cosmetics as lanolin and isosteriaric alcohol negatively affect the epidermis and cause cosmetic problems. A number of industries decided to replace them with artificial silicones, which do not have a sticky effect. There are also completely natural emollients, such as honey, beeswax, egg yolk, milk powder, starch. Honey products increase shelf life.

Preservatives are designed to extend the service life of products due to the fact that they actively fight bacteria and prevent their formation. Without them, we would have to go to the store every day to buy some freshly prepared shampoo or cream. Or prepare cosmetics exclusively at home, because... However, it is unlikely that any store will produce fresh cosmetics without preservatives every day.

Active components are responsible for unique properties product. This is where the importance of the natural composition comes to the fore. Because all these active substances penetrate through the skin deep into the tissues, as if we simply ingested them. Preservatives also penetrate inside, and you must admit, not everyone will decide to voluntarily eat even a minimal dose of parabens and sulfates (surfactants).

So, we come to the actual definition of the naturalness of cosmetics. And in general, do effective bio-cosmetics exist or is it just a fantasy in our synthetic age?

Natural selection

Naturalness in this case is denoted by several concepts that are similar in meaning:

    cosmetical tools with a high content of natural components

    organic cosmetics (synonyms - biocosmetics, eco-cosmetics)

    mineral cosmetics (decorative)

    homemade cosmetics (handmade)

The cosmetics industry in our country is such that any product that uses plant components in any proportions can be considered natural.

Mostly manufactured industrially " natural cosmetic", of course, contains truly natural ingredients, but a very large percentage of the composition of such a product is made up of synthetic raw materials that improve consumer properties (long shelf life, good absorption, odor, etc.), as well as chemical dyes and skin-irritating surfactants that are responsible for for the external gloss of the product: uniform structure, ability to foam (applies to shampoos, detergents), bright color.

The life-giving power of organic cosmetics

Another thing - organic cosmetics. Products marked organic have a fairly high concentration of natural ingredients - at least 95% by European standards. This also applies to truth. Basic principles ancient Vedic Hindu knowledge "Ayurveda" is based on harmony with nature.
It should be noted that today it no longer lags behind well-known European brands of biocosmetics. Manufacturers understand that in the competition, products win more High Quality. And repeat sales to satisfied customers propel the business further.

Only a product where the proportion of natural components approaches 100% can be considered natural and act due to natural components, and not artificial additives, which, by the way, are addictive.

In Europe, and not only in it, in last years Seriously thought about certifying cosmetics based on natural ingredients. After all, there are a lot of manufacturers, and everyone is striving in the wake of the eco-boom to present their product as natural, often resorting to some kind of marketing tricks. And there are a lot of fakes. Therefore, certain standards have been created that enable the consumer to understand that a product that has a certain quality certificate is truly natural and without toxic substances, produced using technology and from high-quality environmentally friendly raw materials.

Among the world's certificates there is a standard GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), as well as a certificate ECOCERT- the most stringent and prestigious standard in the world. This international organization inspects manufacturers in more than 80 countries.

There is also certification for natural cosmetics COSMOS-standadd, adopted September 1, 2009. The composition of COSMOS standard products should not include nanomaterials, GMOs, or radioactive substances. Testing on animals is prohibited. Technologies for collecting and processing plants are safe for humans. The packaging must be completely biodegradable.

There are also other standards and certificates, but we will not dwell on them in detail - for this we need to write a separate article.

But still I would like to add. Let’s say we really have in our hands a 100% natural, certified product, as the manufacturer claims. However, this does not automatically mean that, for example, the base oil in it will be cold pressed (more likely it will be hot). But only cold-pressed oil gives real benefit for skin. Therefore, the best thing is to produce the necessary components with your own hands and make cosmetics at home.

Can it

The main disadvantages of organic cosmetics: high cost due to more labor-intensive production technology and short shelf life due to the low content of preservatives.

But any natural cosmetics in packaging necessarily needs preservation - it is extremely unprofitable and unprofitable for the store to keep products with a short shelf life on the counter.

In this case, industrial cosmetics with practically harmless preservatives in a concentration of 0.05 to 0.5% will be effective and safe: Caton CG(a powerful, harmless synthetic preservative that is completely destroyed at temperatures above 35 degrees, i.e., when it comes into contact with the skin. It is more expensive than cheap parabens and is used in some Ayurvedic cosmetics), essential oils, sorbic acid, sodium, potassium and calcium sorbates, acetic acid and its salts, as well as handmade cosmetics using essential oils and natural preservatives.

Many ayurvedic cosmetics contains exclusively natural preservatives, recognized by cosmetology communities as completely safe. Let's look briefly at the natural preservatives that are used in Indian cosmetic products marked "Ayurveda", as well as in Russian ones.

    One of the antiseptics used by ancient cosmetologists in India. It fights fungi and bacteria. Cosmetics containing neem are an excellent detoxifying agent.

    Essential oil tea tree has a powerful antiseptic, antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal effect. It has whole line other healing properties, so it is not only an excellent preservative, but also an active component. In general, many have antimicrobial and preservative properties, but this is the king among them.

    Lemon, or rather, citric acid, prevents rotting organic product. In addition, everyone knows that lemon contains a large dose of vitamin C.

    Vitamin E- to its antioxidant properties you can also add protection from ultraviolet rays. Vitamin E slows down the oxidation processes of the product.

    Rosemary extract minimizes the risk of product oxidation, has antiseptic properties and contains natural minerals: iron, magnesium phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc.

    Propolis has an antimicrobial effect, but, unfortunately, can cause allergic reactions, so manufacturers of natural cosmetics try not to get carried away with this preservative.

    Grapefruit Seed Extract- a powerful antibiotic that affects pathogenic bacteria and prevents the development of fungus.

    St. John's wort extract contains special components that have an astringent effect on the plant, fights the development of fungi, mold, and rot.

    Birch leaf extract has phytoncidal properties. In addition to preservation, the extract is also used as an active component.

    Walnut Leaf Extract contains alcohol, which, together with the own properties of this extract, is an excellent preservative.

    Leucidal- a preservative obtained from radishes.

Manufacturers of natural cosmetics have a wide range of choices. But not everything is so simple. Owners of mass production are in no hurry to introduce natural preservatives into their products. Their extraction is a very labor-intensive and painstaking process, which increases the cost of the product, and therefore affects the price. Aimed at mass sales, entrepreneurs are not interested in expensive cream sitting idle on store shelves for years.

Soul of the Master

And there is also an ethical side to the birth of truly natural cosmetics. It is consumed and produced by those who are interested in reducing their carbon footprint, that is, minimizing their harm environment. Vegan and healthy women who buy such cosmetics do not eat meat, do not wear clothes and accessories made of genuine leather and fur, and do not use plastic bags. Beauticians who create ethical organic cosmetics usually do not produce them in mass quantities, they are quite unique and somewhat exclusive. And there are literally piece products. They are created by hand, putting soul and energy into the creation of each bottle with such biocosmetics.

Beauty according to a recipe: making natural cosmetics with your own hands

Truly natural cosmetics, as you already understand, are not easy to find on the market. Even 100% natural cosmetics may have 0.1% synthetic preservative. However, if you are one of those 100% eco-consumers who, due to their ethical considerations, fundamentally do not take synthetics in any doses, then you have probably already asked the question: " How to prepare a natural cream, mask, scrub at home with your own hands?". If you have the desire, then cooking is not a problem. All that remains is to find out good recipes and buy the necessary quality ingredients (we can help with this, and don’t forget: oils should only be cold pressed).

So here are some recipes for natural handmade cosmetics:

Find out also what Ayurvedic, which is already gaining popularity among us, is, and how to prepare it.

Evening cream for dry skin

Melt 3 tsp white beeswax in a water bath, add 2 tbsp. and 3 tbsp. . Pour 1 tbsp into that mixture. heated to a liquid state, add 2 tbsp. vitamin E and a few drops of essential oils: 20 drops. orange, 20 drops lavender and 4 drops. . Stir thoroughly and after cooling this cream can be used.

Moisturizing mask

Avocado pulp in the amount of 1 tbsp. mix with 2 drops ylang-ylang essential oil and 1 drop rosewood oil. Keep the mask on your face for at least 20 minutes. Avocado can be replaced with banana, persimmon, melon.

Mask against hair loss

Take burdock and aloe vera oils - 1 tablespoon each, mix them and add 3-4 drops of lavender. This mixture should be prepared immediately before washing your hair and rubbed thoroughly into the skin. Additionally, you can add a pinch of cayenne pepper, which perfectly stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, accelerating hair growth.

Anti-wrinkle mask with pumpkin oil

Proven results from using this mask: smooth out expression wrinkles and evens out skin tone. Protects skin from UV radiation and temperature changes.


    5 ml pumpkin oil (only cold pressed);

    15 gr. corn (or potato) starch;

    5 gr. ascorutina.

Preparation: turn a vitamin C tablet into powder, add medicated oil + corn powder. Steam the skin with a herbal compress and carefully distribute using a spatula with smooth movements. After resting with it for 30 minutes, rinse with cold water.

Refreshing scalp mask

Mask for dry skin, tightening, nourishing, softening, smoothing

Mix 1 teaspoon natural with 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Breast compress - rejuvenates, moisturizes, nourishes

Lotion for oily and problem skin

In a 1:1 ratio, you need to take vodka, cover and leave for 10 days in a dark place. Then strain and add 1 tsp. boiled water. Pour the resulting pink lotion into a convenient bottle and wipe your face instead of washing your face. This recipe is very good for oily and problematic skin.

Recipe for lotion with essential oils

Calendula tincture - 3 tsp.

Preparation: pour vodka over calendula flowers in a ratio of 1:5. Place in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Then remove the herb and store the tincture in a darkened glass bottle, preferably in the refrigerator. Next, add real calendula to the tincture (you can experiment and replace some essential oils with others that suit your skin type). Leave to infuse for 3 days. Then mix with rose water, better immediately in a dispenser bottle or spray. Everything, 100% organic product prepared with your own hands at home, is ready without a single synthetic preservative. The essential oils included in the composition have an antibacterial effect, so the lotion will not deteriorate quickly. And if you add a couple of drops of tea tree oil, it will last even longer.

Cleansing milk based on Indian green clay

It is not produced from organic matter, but from substances formed as a result of physical and chemical processes that occurred in rocks, ores, meteorites, and the earth’s crust. The basis for such decorative cosmetics is the finest mineral powder, which is several times finer than usual. It does not contain talc, wax, fragrances, and does not require any preservatives at all: the compound of iron, titanium and zinc has a bactericidal effect on the cosmetic product.

Mineral cosmetics give the skin a natural look, while transforming it in the same way as professional ones decorative cosmetics. It does not cause allergic reactions and is suitable for most sensitive skin, protects from the sun. Quite durable, while absorbing sebum and sweat without causing skin irritation.

Armed with information

Let's consider the basic rules that should be followed before buying natural cosmetics :

Choose a product with information on the packaging in clear language so you can read the ingredients;

Pay attention to the availability of product certification (we wrote about this above);

Try to choose products that are in vacuum packaging or equipped with dispensers. This means that during the production of these cosmetics no aggressive preservatives were abused, and air access to it is relatively limited, which means it will last longer;

Cheap cosmetics may not be of high quality, but you shouldn’t overpay for a well-known brand either. Look for a compromise;

Remember: there are no natural cosmetics for all skin types. A special approach is needed; choose products only for your skin type. Ayurvedic cosmetics are quite specific, and you need to be able to choose them for yourself (the main criterion in Ayurveda is). Before using any cosmetic treatment, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist.

Recommendations for storage and use of natural cosmetics:

Store organic cosmetics in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer, since the cream can separate at fairly low temperatures), although this is not always convenient;

Try to use cosmetics of the same type (for face or hair) of the same brand. This way there will be no conflict between different ingredients with the same function;

Apply the cream with clean hands and use it individually. This way you will avoid foreign microbial environment getting into cosmetics.

The cosmetics industry does not stand still. Perhaps in the near future we will be able to use truly natural cosmetics that are affordable, but while this is not a mass product, its production is a sacred process. This is especially true for natural handmade cosmetics.

And, who knows, maybe, along with the beneficial properties of such cosmetics, we get something more than just smooth skin and shiny hair...

Every woman wants to look young and attractive. In pursuit of beauty, many representatives of the fair sex strive to buy a huge amount of cosmetics. And sometimes their price is the main selection criterion: it is the cost, not the composition. Sometimes we pay money precisely for a loud and well-promoted brand, and not for the “filling”. For some reason, it is believed that if the price is high, then the quality is corresponding. In fact, this is not always the case.

All cosmetic products produced in production are chemicals, which are supplemented with some natural ingredients. Of course, over time, the chemical component of a product can negatively affect the skin. But with natural cosmetics this certainly won’t happen to you. Homemade cosmetics, the recipes for which are published below, have many years of practice. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also used these tools. It’s just that previously it was not possible to purchase expensive creams and shampoos, but many women could still boast of matte smooth skin and luxuriant hair - thanks to recipes for natural cosmetics! Nowadays there are many more opportunities for making cosmetics at home, so you can look great too!

DIY cosmetics recipes: what you need to make homemade cosmetics

Do-it-yourself homemade cosmetics, the recipes of which are passed down from generation to generation, are very interesting activity. Moreover, it can captivate not only women, but also... men.

Today there are a huge number of cosmetics recipes that are adapted so that every woman can prepare them in her kitchen. Some of them are quite complex, so preparing them will require skill and a little experience. But mostly, do-it-yourself cosmetics are prepared using very simple recipes.

In order to achieve a certain result, you need, first of all, to decide what means you will use to achieve the desired effect. The skin’s reaction to folk cosmetics will be unambiguous, but what kind of reaction is the question. That is why use only high-quality and proven ingredients, and first determine whether you are allergic to a particular ingredient.

Equipment for making your own cosmetics

To prepare cosmetics at home, you will definitely need to have:

  1. Scales that have measurement accuracy within 1-2 g.
  2. Containers in which you will mix all the necessary ingredients - they should not be used in everyday life (exclusively for preparing cosmetics).
  3. Containers for storing the finished product - ideally glass bottles and vials with lids that tightly seal the container.
  4. Mortar and pestle for crushing flowers, herbs and other ingredients.

Do-it-yourself cosmetics: prepare and store

  1. Cosmetics recipes can be modified by adjusting them individually to suit yourself, for example, to suit your skin type. Feel free to experiment and combine ingredients.
  2. Prepare cosmetics in small portions. Since you use exclusively natural products without preservatives, your product has a short shelf life.
  3. Always mark the bottles - put the date of manufacture and indicate the expiration date.
  4. Never violate the storage conditions for natural cosmetics. If you doubt that you stored the product correctly, it is better not to use cosmetics.
  5. Every time you take a bottle of cosmetics to use, be careful and careful, as you can introduce bacteria or microorganisms with dirty tools or hands.
  6. If your cosmetics have reached the end of their shelf life, throw them away and don’t use them.
  1. Most often, oil is used as a base for home cosmetics. Basically, all herbs and flowers, seeds and plant bark are infused with oil. Thanks to this, the product absorbs beneficial features, add texture and aroma to cosmetics.
  2. When choosing a recipe for cosmetics that you will prepare with your own hands, study the properties of all the products that you will use. They must be suitable for your skin, this is the only way you will get exactly the effect you are hoping for.
  3. Remember that if you have dry skin, you should never use preparations containing alcohol to prepare cosmetics.
  4. If you have oily skin, be sure to include ingredients that can normalize the function of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Before preparing cosmetics, be sure to prepare the container in which you will cook - pour boiling water over it.
  6. Start working with clear thoughts, a fresh head and good mood. Be positive and you will definitely succeed!

DIY natural cosmetics: recipes

Folk beauty recipes include a wide variety of cosmetics. This includes: creams, scrubs, shampoos, lotions, soaps and even... deodorants! Thanks to natural products, such cosmetics have received many positive feedback. In addition, all these products are safe, they can provide complete care for your skin, which will preserve its youth and beauty. Handmade cosmetics, the recipes of which can be read below, will prove to you that you can make a real masterpiece - much better than a branded product, thanks to which you will always look great!

DIY cosmetics: face and body cream

  1. Excellent product, which is suitable for any skin type. You need to beat three yolks from chicken eggs, add 30 g of natural juice to them (your choice - either fruit or vegetable, whichever is more suitable for your skin type). Add 15 g of quality beeswax. Mix everything thoroughly. Pour in a few drops of vegetable (or olive) oil. Stir until smooth. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks. Apply morning and evening to washed face. Rinse off after a quarter of an hour with warm water.
  2. Thanks to this product, the skin around the eyes will become soft, but elastic. Mix 15 g of lanolin (the product must first be melted in a water bath) and 3 tsp. oil (ideally almond, but you can replace it with some other that is suitable for your skin type). Pour in tsp. lecithin. Add 2 tbsp drop by drop. warm water. Mix the resulting mass with a wooden spatula and put it in the refrigerator. Store for no more than two weeks. Apply morning and evening to the skin around the eyes, removing excess with a cotton swab.
  3. One of the most best creams from wrinkles. It will give your skin freshness, elasticity and velvety. Mix oils (necessarily from virgin grape seeds and coconut oil in a ratio of 4:1), tsp. lanolin, 2 tbsp. vegetable wax (beeswax is possible). Mix everything, then heat in the microwave (45 seconds). Remove the mixture, mix and microwave again (45 seconds). Repeat until the wax melts. Pour a little more than half a glass of clean water (ideally distilled) into a container, add 0.5 tbsp. aloe vera (gel consistency), 10 tablets ascorbic acid(after grinding them into powder). Mix everything thoroughly. If desired, choose any aroma oil that you really like and pour a few drops into the mixture. Mix the first and second mass. Mix everything well until the mass becomes homogeneous. Transfer to a sealable container and store in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks. Apply to clean, prepared facial skin twice daily. Remove excess with a paper napkin.

DIY cosmetics: scrub

  1. One of the best folk recipes– a scrub based on coffee grounds, prepared as follows. Brew coffee (preferably finely ground). Drink the liquid and collect the grounds. At 3 tbsp. l. coffee grounds: 3 tbsp. whipped cream, three drops of aromatic oil (orange or lemon, or citrus mix), a few drops of regular olive oil. If your skin is very dry or flaky, add a capsule of vitamins - either A or E. Thanks to this scrub, the skin is not only cleansed, it receives excellent nourishment and is greatly moisturized. It is not advisable to store this scrub; it should be used immediately after preparation. Apply the scrub to the body after a shower using massage movements. Rinse off with warm water.
  2. Another popular type of scrub is honey. What is noteworthy for preparing this cosmetic product There is no need to buy fresh honey at all - old, already candied honey is perfect. Mix 10 tbsp. honey, 5 tsp. sugar, a glass of Hercules oatmeal and 15 drops of lavender oil. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Use immediately after a bath - apply to a steamed body, making massage movements. If you plan to apply this scrub to your facial skin, you will need to first grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder. It is not advisable to store such a scrub.
  3. A scrub using brown sugar will allow you to keep your skin in perfect condition, as the skin will become elastic, healthy and clean. Mix 50 g of brown sugar and 0.5 tsp. almond oil. For scent, add a few drops of your favorite scent - essential extract (rose, lavender, orange, etc.). If the skin is peeling, you can add vitamin E - one capsule. It is better not to store this scrub, but always prepare a new portion immediately before use. Apply to skin with massage movements, massage a little before rinsing. If you have very dry skin, apply a moisturizer after using the scrub.

DIY cosmetics: skin lotion

  1. Take 3 aloe leaves. Wash thoroughly and pour 1.5 liters of cold water. Let it sit for several hours, then put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Turn the heat to low and simmer for five minutes. Let it brew and cool, then it can be poured into a glass bottle, sealed and stored in a cool place. Shelf life – six months. Wipe your face after sleep and after removing makeup.
  2. This lotion is an excellent product for oily skin. Make a puree from 6 fresh cucumbers. Mix with chicken egg yolk, tbsp. l. honey, 50 ml of alcohol and 100 ml of rose water. Mix thoroughly, pour into a glass container, seal and leave for five days in a dark place. Strain and store the finished product in the refrigerator (maximum two weeks). Wipe the skin twice a day - morning and evening.
  3. If you have dry skin, you will really like this lotion as it has excellent moisturizing properties. Take 2 tbsp. coconut oil 2 tbsp. beeswax, tbsp. vegetable (ideally olive) oil, 3 tbsp. peach oil, 15 ml of pure (preferably distilled) water, 0.5 cups of cocoa. Melt the wax in water over low heat, add cocoa and all other ingredients. Stir and pour into prepared container. Store in the refrigerator, but no more than fourteen days. Use twice daily.

DIY cosmetics: masks

  1. Good mask, which struggles with such a concept as “ problematic skin" Beat the white of one chicken egg until foamy. Pour in 4 drops of tea tree extract oil and add starch, stirring all the time to form a thick mass similar to sour cream. Apply to the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse. After such cleansing, the skin needs lotion to wipe the face and cream - it is applied after all procedures. The course of “treatment” is 10 days - alternately two to three. You can repeat the course no earlier than after a quarter. This mask cannot be stored for a long time - it must be prepared immediately before application.
  2. If you have blackheads on your face, be sure to use this recipe! Crush the activated carbon tablet into powder and mix with 1 tsp. gelatin. Pour the dry mixture into 2 tsp. milk (if you don’t have it, you can use plain water). Mix everything very thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Microwave for 15 seconds. Wait until the mixture becomes warm. Take a hard brush, first “drive” the mixture into the pores, then apply a thick layer on top and leave for a quarter of an hour. Remove it like a film mask. It is best to use this mask after taking a shower or bath so that your face is steamed. This mask cannot be stored! Contraindicated for use with rosacea!
  3. An excellent product that will help get rid of pimples, blackheads and various skin irregularities. In 0.5 tbsp. flour (choose between rice, oatmeal or wheat) add 1 dl. soda, stir. Use 1 tbsp at a time. dry mixture. It must be mixed with kefir - you should get a thick mass (like medium sour cream). Apply to face with massaging movements. Leave for a quarter of an hour. Wash off the mask. Repeat the next day. The finished mask is not stored.

DIY cosmetics: deodorant

DIY deodorant is a new thing, but practical. What’s remarkable is that you can change its aroma depending on the season, time of day or... mood.

Mix baking soda and starch in equal proportions (corn starch is best). Pour 15 to 20 drops of the aroma oil you like into 120 g of the prepared dry mixture. It is best to start with tea tree oil as it has a neutral scent. Add 2 to 4 tbsp. coconut oil Mix everything so that the consistency is homogeneous. The resulting product must be placed in some suitable container. It’s good if you still have a special box of antiperspirant. If there is none, then you can put the mixture on plastic bag and form into a block and refrigerate. It is advisable to store the product in the refrigerator - at least during the warm season. Shelf life is about three months. Deodorant should be applied in a thin layer to the armpits in the morning.

DIY cosmetics recipes. Video

The presence of chemical components and ingredients of artificial origin in modern cosmetics plays a role. The result of using “fake” cosmetics is allergies, rashes, irritation... How about using time-tested traditions? The recipes for natural cosmetics presented on this page will help you achieve your goals without overpaying!

DIY face creams and tonics: what do you need to know?

Natural cosmetic does not require unjustified costs for a person. At the same time, using proven recipes for natural facial cosmetics, you know exactly what is included in the product.

One of the main roles in natural cosmetics prepared with your own hands for facial skin care is played by base oils, which:

  • provide nutrition to the skin;
  • promote hydration and restoration of water balance;
  • soften and smooth the skin;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes;
  • provide protection from aggressive external factors.

For example, natural cosmetics, prepared with your own hands, the recipes of which include apricot, almond oil Suitable for skin prone to dryness. Oily skin also “loves” substances such as grape seed oil or black cumin oil. An excellent solution for sensitive skin would be crambe oil and peach kernel oil.

How to make natural lip balm?

Do-it-yourself natural cosmetics in the form of lip balm are much cheaper and more effective than store-bought analogues. Please note the following:

  • Use wax as a base for the balm. Melt it in a water bath, without using a microwave.
  • Combine solid ingredients with liquid ingredients. After softening the wax, add liquid vegetable oils and ethers to the composition. Use food coloring if necessary.
  • If you want to add a scent to the balm, use cinnamon, vanillin or other substances of natural origin.

Please note that lip cosmetics prepared with your own hands at home should include nourishing oils and a base such as food-grade glycerin. This way the balm will protect your lips. In addition to beeswax, oil vitamins, essential and base oils can be used as ingredients for the balm.

Preparing body cosmetics at home

Natural cosmetics prepared with your own hands for body care - this is a truly large selection of recipes, from homemade gels to scrubs and wraps. The types and quantities of ingredients in such cosmetics directly depend on the type of product:

  • Basis for natural deodorants is starch with essential and base oil.
  • Shower gels are made using a soap base, essential oils and natural flavors.
  • For homemade scrubs, natural “abrasives” are used, starting with coffee grounds and ending with ground sea salt.

You can choose all the necessary ingredients in our online store or buy natural cosmetics at a competitive price without the need to prepare the product yourself.

Maria Soboleva

Do you know how to make natural cosmetics yourself?

We are spoiled for choice cosmetic products— you can buy anything: from eyelid and eyelash care products to heel scrubs.

But many people experience allergic reactions, and some are not satisfied with the effect of using purchased products. We are also often scared off by the high price of cosmetic products.

The conclusion is obvious - we need natural cosmetics.

Natural cosmetics - what are their advantages:

  • no “chemistry” or dubious additives;
  • available natural raw materials;
  • if preservatives are used, then only of natural origin;
  • ease of preparation;
  • the ability to experiment and add the ingredients you need;
  • efficiency;
  • confidence in the quality of your product.

Natural cosmetics - what raw materials to use

You can use edible ingredients, that is, vegetables, berries, fruits, dairy products, eggs, beekeeping products.

A variety of medicinal plants and herbs, cosmetic clay, yeast, sea ​​salt, henna.

Essential oils of eucalyptus, citrus, and coniferous trees are used as natural preservatives.

Just a couple of drops of orange oil per 50 ml homemade cream enough to destroy all fungi and bacteria in it.

Vitamins A, C and E are powerful antioxidants. An excellent natural preservative is citrus seed extract.

Natural preservatives are not able to preserve homemade cosmetics for a long time.

Therefore, it is better to prepare them in small quantities, store them in the refrigerator, use sterilized containers for storage, and scoop the product out of the container with a clean spatula.

Natural cosmetics - make your own soap

Make natural soap You can do it yourself in several ways.

For those who have decided to try themselves as a soap maker for the first time, the option with baby soap is suitable. You just need to choose a high-quality, odorless one.

Suitable base oils include sea buckthorn, olive, peach, almond, and apricot.

The red color of the soap will be given by red pepper, green by dry herbs, orange by turmeric, brown by coffee, cinnamon, chocolate.

Marble soap

Baby soap - 100 g,
milk - 150 ml,
honey - 1 tbsp. l.,
olive oil and sea buckthorn oil - 1 tbsp. l.,
orange oil - 4 drops,
chocolate - 10-15 g.

Grate the baby soap, put it in a water bath, when the mass melts a little, add milk and honey. Stir constantly.

Remove the completely melted mixture from the heat and divide into two parts. Add sea buckthorn and orange oil, in the other - olive oil and grated chocolate.

Pour the cooled mixture into the molds in layers: orange, chocolate, orange again, etc. Gently mix the mixture and leave to harden.

The soap is suitable for almost all skin types and has a cleansing and refreshing effect.

Your own creation will cost you little more than a purchased piece baby soap.

Every housewife can find honey, milk, chocolate, olive oil. Sea buckthorn oil can be purchased on average for about 1 USD. e. for 50 ml, orange oil - 1.5 cu. e. for 10 g.

You can also use soap base, which is sold in specialized stores. Its average cost is in the range of 5-5.5 USD. e. for 1 kilogram.

Typically this base is made from coconut and palm oils.

What are the advantages of working with soap base: it melts easily; hardens quickly; There is no need to add water during cooking.

DIY soap from scratch

If you have mastered the basics of soap making from soap base and baby soap, you can try to master the process of making natural detergent for the whole family from scratch.

Soap recipe from scratch

sunflower - 20 g,
coconut - 120 g,
castor oil - 50 g,
olive - 85 g,
palm - 200 g,
alkali - 65.9 g,
water - 156 g and 75 g (purified or mineral without gas),
flavorings and dyes are at your discretion.

Be sure to take precautions - you will have to work with dangerous alkali.

Therefore, you will need: a respirator, tight-fitting goggles, gloves, oilcloth, a rubber apron.

1. Cover the floor and table with oilcloth and newspapers to avoid the ingress of alkali.

2. Solid oils Melt in a water bath, stirring occasionally.

3. When they melt, pour liquid oils into the container.

4. Remove oils from a water bath at a temperature of 60 degrees.

5. Slowly pour the lye into ice water, stirring with a spoon. The room must be well ventilated!

6. Strain the alkali solution through cheesecloth. Pour it into the oil mixture, stirring lightly.

7. Beat the mixture with a blender for 3-4 minutes until a trace appears: this is when the solution thickens and streaks appear on it.

8. After this, the mixture will thicken quickly, so add flavors and colorings, stir quickly with a spoon.

9. Place the soap in molds, compacting thoroughly.

10. Wrap the molds with thick cloth and place in an oven preheated to 100 degrees and turned off for 8 hours.

11. Then the wrapped forms must be kept at room temperature for 48 hours.

12. After this, remove the soap from the molds, cut into pieces, wrap each in baking paper, put in a linen bag and leave to mature for 2 months.

The cooking process, of course, requires time, adherence to technology and safety rules. But this soap can be stored at room temperature for a whole year.

Such soap will cost you more than purchased soap; a piece weighing 100 g will cost from 1.5 to 2 cu. That is, depending on the cost of the ingredients. They can be bought in specialized stores for soap makers, in pharmacies, or ordered in an online store.

Natural cosmetics - DIY cream

Cons of homemade cream: It’s difficult to achieve a light consistency at first; you need skills that come with time; the fragility of the cream, the optimal shelf life is 7-14 days.

Pros of homemade cream: only natural ingredients; the ability to use beneficial substances; saving; DIY cream is a great gift for loved ones.

Universal cream recipe

Black cumin oil - 30 ml,
green tea - 60 ml,
chamomile extract - 7 ml,
stearic acid - 2 ml,
essential oil verbena - 5 drops.

How to make cream with your own hands.

1. Place 2 containers in a water bath - one with oil and one with green tea.

2. At a temperature of 60 degrees, add stearic acid to the oil.

3. Pour tea into this mixture and place in a bowl of cold water.

4. When the temperature of the cream reaches 35-40 degrees, add chamomile extract and essential oil to the mixture and stir.

5. Place the cooled cream in a sterile jar and store in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

Natural cosmetics require compliance with the required proportions during production. A kitchen gadget will help you with this - a measuring spoon-scale.

Regarding the price - 100 ml natural cream with your own hands will cost you 7-8 cu. e. The cost is higher than that of a budget cream, but less than that of branded manufacturers.

Natural cosmetics - DIY hair products

Shampoo mask recipe

Mix 1 yolk, half a glass of cognac, 10-20 g of liquid soap or your usual shampoo. Apply the mixture to your hair, leave for 5 minutes, then massage your scalp and rinse with water.

Rinse your hair with water with the addition of apple cider vinegar or lemon and a decoction of herbs (burdock, nettle, chamomile). Perfectly stimulates blood circulation in the head.

Shampoo recipe that improves hair condition

You need to mix 2 tablespoons of any shampoo, 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of powdered gelatin. Whisk until there are no lumps.

This shampoo nourishes hair, improving it appearance. Eggs and gelatin contain a lot of protein, which makes hair thick and beautiful. The shampoo is prepared for one-time use.

Nourishing lotion

A common problem with our hair is hair loss and dandruff. In this case, a special lotion will help.

Mix 25 g of onion peels, 5 grains of crushed cloves, 200 g of alcohol. This mixture should be infused for 2 weeks in a dark place, in a tightly closed container.

If you have dry hair, add 3 teaspoons of castor oil to the lotion.

The course of treatment is a month. Store the lotion in the refrigerator until completely used.

Regarding the cost of homemade shampoos - no expensive components are used in them; the addition of eggs, gelatin, alcohol, lemon, herbs does not significantly affect the price of the cosmetic product. But the effect promises to be very impressive.

Natural cosmetics - face masks

One of the popular home cosmetics products are masks. They can be made from almost anything you have on hand.

Protein mask

1 egg white,
1 teaspoon lemon juice,
2 teaspoons oatmeal or ground rolled oats.

Beat 1 egg white, slowly so that the foam does not fall off, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 2 teaspoons of oatmeal (you can grind rolled oats).

Leave the mask on for 4-5 minutes, rinse with cool water. Do it 2 times a week.

Tightening mask with juniper oil

Mix 2 tablespoons of blue clay, 3 tablespoons of yogurt, add 5 drops of juniper oil. Apply the resulting mixture evenly to the face, hold for 15 minutes and rinse.

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The world of skincare cosmetics is constantly developing and evolving, so it can be difficult not to get confused in all its diversity. In this article we just figured out what the differences are between different types“washing stations”, and what makeup remover dermatologists recommend specifically for your skin type.

Today, stores offer the fair sex a lot of products for body, face and hair care, so much so that your eyes widen when choosing products. And many women have long begun to use homemade cosmetics, the cost of which is cheap, and the effectiveness is often better than store-bought products. When you make cosmetics yourself, you know what it consists of and that it is completely natural, but in store-bought creams, masks and lotions, no one can assure you that the composition is 100% natural.

What you need to make cosmetics

Today, no one can be surprised by preparing cosmetics at home. Often, for its production there are leftover products at hand, which every housewife can find. But if you want to constantly prepare cosmetics, then you need to get separate utensils. Of course, homemade masks and creams have many advantages: naturalness, affordable cost, lack harmful components. But do not forget about the disadvantages:

  • short shelf life, which does not exceed 14 days;
  • possibility of an allergic reaction.

Cooking equipment

To prepare cosmetics, you need to acquire the following equipment:

  • table scales that measure in grams;
  • beaker;
  • containers for mixing ingredients that should not be taken for cooking;
  • mortar and pestle for grinding ingredients;
  • glass jars with lids for storage.

Preparing and storing homemade cosmetics

When preparing and storing homemade cosmetics, follow these recommendations:

  • you can change the composition of cosmetics, adapting to your skin type;
  • do not add ingredients that cause an allergic reaction;
  • indicate the date of manufacture;
  • prepare products in small portions, as the products used have a short shelf life;
  • do not use the product if the expiration date has expired;
  • When working with cosmetics, wash your hands and tools so as not to introduce bacteria and infections into it;
  • Store the product only as directed, otherwise it will not have the desired effect.

It is necessary to become familiar with the definition of base oils that should be prepared for the production of various cosmetics. The hardest thing is to choose the main component that is suitable for your type. Many women choose Coconut oil, which smells nice and has only positive effects. Women also often add shea butter and almond butter. To heal problem areas, you can buy cumin oil and add it to night creams.

You need to listen to the following expert advice:

  • if you have extreme dryness, do not use alcohol-based cosmetics;
  • cook in a calm atmosphere and with pleasant thoughts;
  • if you have oily skin, then the composition should contain components that can improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • It is worth making products based on oils that absorb the beneficial properties of other components;
  • Before cooking, study all the ingredients so that they do not harm your skin;
  • Before cooking, pour boiling water over the dishes;

There are many recipes with great ingredients that do different things. They make their own care creams, balms, scrubs and even body deodorants.

All components used, unlike store-bought ones, are safe, and therefore they cannot cause harm in the absence of an allergic reaction.

Face and body cream

Below we list a recipe that is relevant for any skin type. It is prepared very simply:

  1. Separate three yolks and beat them.
  2. Add 30 g to this mass. natural juice.
  3. Add 15 gr. natural beeswax.
  4. Mix.
  5. Pour in a little vegetable oil.

After stirring the components until smooth, the finished mass is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks. The cream should be applied to cleansed skin twice a day for 25 minutes.

If you have the first wrinkles, you can get rid of them using this remedy:

  1. Mix coconut and grape seed oil in a ratio of 1 to 4.
  2. Add a teaspoon of lanolin and twice as much vegetable wax.
  3. Mix.
  4. Heat the mixture in the microwave for less than a minute.
  5. Repeat steps 3, 4 until the wax is completely melted.
  6. Pour 150 ml of water, 100 ml of aloe (gel consistency) and 10 crushed ascorbic acid tablets.
  7. Mix the masses.
  8. Transfer the cream to a container with a lid and store for 2 weeks.

The cream is applied twice a day, excess can be removed with a paper napkin.


The best ingredient for treasures is coffee. The following recipe must be followed:

  1. Brew in the usual way finely ground coffee.
  2. Drink or drain the liquid and reserve the grounds for the recipe.
  3. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of grounds with olive oil, three drops of aromatic oil (it is better to take citrus fruits), 3 tbsp. spoons of cream.
  4. Women with severely dry skin need to supplement with vitamin E or A.

This scrub is applied to the body and face after a shower, and it is washed off with cool water. With its help, you can cleanse your face and fill it with useful components. It is not recommended to store the finished product; it should be used after preparation.

If you have candied honey at home and you don’t know what to do with it, you can use it to make a scrub. To produce a scrub you will need the following ingredients;

  • honey - 10 tbsp. spoon;
  • oatmeal - a glass;
  • sugar – 5 teaspoons;
  • lavender oil – 10-15 drops.

It is necessary to combine all the components and mix them until smooth. The resulting scrub is applied to the steamed face with massage movements. The product is prepared for one time only; after storage, even for one day, it loses its beneficial properties.

Skin lotion

Below in the table we list two common recipes for body lotions for dry and oily skin.


Cooking method


  • vegetable oil - tbsp. spoon;
  • coconut oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • wax – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • peach oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa - half a glass;
  • purified water – 15 ml.
  1. Turn the wax into a liquid state.
  2. Add cocoa to the water.
  3. Mix the mixture with the remaining ingredients.
  4. Use lotion morning and evening.

Has a moisturizing effect.

  • cucumber – 6 pieces;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • honey - st. spoon;
  • rose water – 100 ml;
  • alcohol – 50 ml.
  1. Turn the cucumbers into a puree.
  2. Separate the yolk from the white (the recipe requires a yolk).
  3. Add ingredients.
  4. Mix the mass.
  5. Leave the jar to infuse for 5 days.
  6. Strain.
  7. Wipe your face with lotion morning and evening.

Struggling with oily skin, eliminating shine.

Prepared lotions should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.


Most traditional medicine recipes are based on homemade masks made from various ingredients. On the Internet you can find products for oily, combination and dry skin. Below we describe a budget recipe made from activated carbon, which can be found in every first aid kit. And if you don’t have these tablets, purchasing them is not a problem. The mask is suitable for combating blackheads. And it’s very easy to prepare:

  1. Grind the tablet to a powder.
  2. Add a teaspoon of gelatin to it.
  3. Add the dry mixture to 2 teaspoons of milk (if there is no dairy product, take purified water).
  4. Mix well.
  5. Warm the mask in the microwave for 15 seconds.
  6. Cool the liquid.
  7. Using a stiff brush, “drive” the mask into the pores, then distribute evenly over the face.
  8. After 25 minutes, remove the mask that has turned into a film.

If you are tired of suffering from acne, then this recipe will come in handy:

  1. Mix 100 gr. flour and 1 dessert spoon of soda.
  2. Art. Mix a spoonful of the dry mixture with the fermented milk product to the consistency of 20% sour cream.
  3. Apply for 20-25 minutes with massage movements.
  4. Rinse off.
  5. Leave the remaining dry mask for the procedure the next day.

Hair products

Hair requires constant care, but store-bought products often fail to do their job. And if you have tried different shampoos and conditioners, but could not get rid of hair loss, dandruff and brittleness, try making this remedy:

  1. Rub a small amount of fragrance-free baby soap into an enamel bowl.
  2. Melt the soap in a water bath.
  3. Pour in 500 ml of water.
  4. Remove liquid from stove.
  5. Drop essential oil.
  6. Use.

To make the shampoo more convenient to use, it must be poured into a suitable container. This product is very simple to prepare, foams well, does not contain harmful components and has only a positive effect on the condition of the hair and scalp.

If your hair is very dull, you can try making an egg-based shampoo. To prepare it, beat an egg and add a tablespoon of shampoo and gelatin. It is better to buy powdered gelatin so that it dissolves better. It is necessary to prepare the product for one-time use and apply it like a regular store-bought shampoo. The effectiveness of this mask lies in the fact that it contains a lot of protein, which strengthens the hair.


If many people prepare creams, scrubs and lotions at home, then hardly anyone made deodorant from improvised ingredients. Although it is a new thing, homemade deodorant can be called a practical product. To prepare it you need to use the following recipe:

  1. Mix starch and soda in equal proportions.
  2. Add your favorite aroma oil at the rate of 20 drops per 120 g of mixture.
  3. Drop 2-4 tbsp. spoons of coconut oil.
  4. Mix and place in a suitable container, for example, a jar from an old antiperspirant.
  5. If there is no suitable container, the mass must be formed into a rectangle, placed in a bag and put in the refrigerator.

Advice! Tea tree oil is better; it is odorless and will be suitable for any time of year.

You need to use deodorant every morning, applying a small layer to your armpits. The finished mass is stored for no more than 3 months. The uniqueness of such products is that you can use different oils to change the aroma of your deodorant. Many women note that when using homemade deodorant, the smell does not appear during the day.

Preparing homemade cosmetics is very simple: the most important thing is to use the ingredients in the right quantities and check for an allergic reaction before use. Every woman has all the basic products in her kitchen; if we are talking about medicinal mixtures, they can be bought at any pharmacy.