How does Nick Vujicic earn money? Nick Vujicic

Truly one of the most amazing personalities modern society you can name the Australian Nicholas James Vujicic. Deprived of arms and legs, he leads an active lifestyle, writes books and reads sermons that help thousands of people accept their shortcomings, raises his own and adopted children with his wife, and is sincerely happy.

Some people admire Nick Vujicic, others are indignant about his publicly displayed public activities. But it is definitely impossible to remain indifferent to his extraordinary biography.

Birth and illness

December 4, 1982, Melbourne. The long-awaited first-born has appeared in the Vujicic family of Serbian emigrants - nurse Dushka and pastor Boris. The anticipation of joy from the expected event gave way to shock and stupor. The new parents, and the entire hospital staff, were confused by what they saw - the baby was born without arms and legs, although during the pregnancy the ultrasound did not show any deviations from the norm.

Pity and fear - a mixture of exactly these feelings was experienced by parents in the first months of their son’s life. A sea of ​​shed tears and endless questions tormented them day and night for several months, until one day they made a decision - to live, just live, not look into the distant future, solve the assigned tasks in small steps and rejoice in what their family was given by fate.

early years

Nicholas grew up in a devout family. Every morning and evening for him was marked by prayer to the Almighty. It’s not difficult to guess what a little boy could ask for in his situation.

When a child regularly asks for something, in the depths of his soul he hopes to receive it equally or later. But, alas, arms and legs will not grow from prayers. Faith was gradually replaced by oppressive disappointment, which over time grew into severe depression.

At the age of 10, the one whom millions of healthy, prosperous people will want to imitate in the future firmly decides to commit suicide... Then Nick was saved from a terrible step by love, yes, yes, it was precisely this notorious feeling. Lying in a bathtub filled to the brim with water, he saw his parents bending over his grave as if in reality. There was love in their eyes, mixed with pain from loss.

Refusing suicide did not save the teenager from suffering, but it instilled in him the realization that even with congenital tetra-amelia syndrome, one can live a full life. Nick began to intensively train his only limb - a tiny semblance of a foot.

Nick initially attended a special school for the disabled, but when disability laws changed in Australia in the early 90s, he insisted on going to regular school on par with ordinary guys. Needless to say, cruel children bullied and hated their peers, who were so different from them. Nick found solace in weekly Sunday trips to church school.

How Nick Vujicic lives

Later, Brisbane's Griffin University will gladly accept a guy who has already matured and gained worldly wisdom into the ranks of its students. During this time, Nick underwent surgery and received the semblance of fingers on the appendage he had in place of his left leg. Thanks to his fortitude, he learned to use them to work on a computer, fish, play football, surf and skateboard, take care of himself in everyday life, and even move around.

The way forward

Nick Vujicic received two higher educations - he has a bachelor's degree in finance and accounting. However, this high merit did not give him personal respite: Nick, seemingly fragile and helpless, continued to improve himself.

In the end, Nick Vujicic found his purpose in life. If earlier he was sure that God had deprived him of his mercy, then later the awareness of the significance of his own illness elevated him above the rest. It was thanks to his external inferiority that he was able to show contrasting strength and fortitude.

Nick Vujicic in "Let Them Talk"

Since 1999, he has been conducting preaching activities, which today represent unprecedented work in terms of geographical breadth and power of psychological impact.

As Nick himself claims, hundreds of thousands of roads are open to him, and the world is filled with people, and each of them has their own difficulties. He, as a messenger of goodwill, has something to tell them.

Schools, universities, prisons, orphanages, churches - this is where Vujicic began his work, which he now succinctly defines as “motivational speaking.” The disabled person gained universal fame through his participation in talk shows and programs, and the organization of motivational meetings. At one of the first rallies, people lined up to hug the man who had helped them so much. Subsequently, this grew into a pleasant tradition.

“Butterfly Circus,” a 2009 short film starring our hero, gained well-deserved fame and received a $100 thousand award as part of the Dorpost Film Project charity project. In a couple of years, Nick will write and perform the song “Something More,” followed by a video adaptation, in the middle of which the author will make a personal confession.

“Butterfly Circus”: a film with Nick Vujicic (2009)

In 2010, Nick Vujicic’s first and most famous book, “Life without Borders: The Path to Amazing Life,” was published. happy life" On its pages, Nick spoke frankly about his life, hardships and difficulties and his experience of overcoming them. The book became a bestseller and forced hundreds of thousands of readers to reconsider their attitude towards life and become happy.

The following works were devoted to the same theme: “Unstoppable”, “Be Strong”, “Love without Borders”, “Boundlessness”. Translated into several languages ​​of the world, they are not just psychological reading material, they allow you to see solutions even through the prism of deep despair.

Nick Vujicic has a charitable foundation that has launched a campaign on a global scale. For his significant contribution to the development of humanity, he was awarded many awards - from his native Australia (“Young Australian of the Year”) to Russia (“Golden Diploma”).

Personal life of Nick Vujicic. Family and Children

It may seem that if a person can come to terms with such serious physical disabilities, then others will never accept them. But the most famous man without arms and legs lives a more than full life. He has a beautiful wife and absolutely healthy children.

Vujicic dated his first and only love, Kanae Miyahara, for about four years before proposing to her. A girl from a poor Japanese-Mexican family shared Nick's Christian views on life and was admired by his fortitude, kindness and selflessness.

On February 12, 2012, the couple got married, and 2013 and 2015 gave the spouses two successors to the family - Kiyoshi James and Dejan Levi. A little later, at the family council, it was decided to give a family to disadvantaged children - this is how three orphans found a father and mother in Nick and Kanae.

Nick Vujicic now

There is no clear definition for the Nick Vujicic phenomenon. He is a unique person who has made all dreams come true. This is the man who could. He deserves to be a role model.

Nick Vujicic continues to write books and devotes a lot of time to developing the Life Without Limbs foundation. The organization helps those who, like Nick, have congenital tetra-amelia syndrome, and those who have lost arms and legs due to accident or illness.

You've probably heard about a man like Nick Vujicic, he has neither arms nor legs, but he is strong in spirit! Incredible human endurance and desire to live a full life helped Nick find a family and help other people!

Nick Vujicic was born without arms and legs. When the father saw how a shoulder without an arm appeared from the womb of his wife, he could not stand it and ran out of the family room. When the doctor came out to him, he rushed to him and asked: “My son doesn’t have an arm?” The doctor replied that he had neither arms nor legs. It took the mother 4 months to come to her senses; she could not hold the child in her arms or put him to her breast.

Nick always tried to be an ordinary child, rejected any help. He has a semblance of a foot instead of a left note. Thanks to her, he learned to walk, which everyone could not believe for a long time. Nick learned to jump into the water and swim, lie on his stomach on a skateboard and push off with his left foot, write with a pen and use a computer.

However, at the age of eight, Nick almost gave up. School ridicule brought him down, and he decided to commit suicide. He said he wanted to sit in the water and tried to drown himself. He was stopped by the thought that his parents loved him and he loved them. Since then, his motto has been “Never give up!”

At the age of 19, while he was studying at the university, he was asked to speak to students. 7 minutes were allotted for the performance, however, after 3, the entire audience was sniffling. Nick talked about how every human being has value. At the end of the performance, a girl came up to him and asked him to hug him. Then she burst into tears on his shoulder and said that no one had ever told her that he loved her, that he had saved her life.

Since then, he has performed 250 times a year. He was invited to schools, nursing homes, and prisons. He became a professional speaker. He traveled to 44 countries, met with seven presidents, spoke from the rostrum in five parliaments, and in India gathered his largest stadium - 110 thousand people!

One of his hardest lessons is to laugh when it's hard. He calls his heel a ham, when children on the streets ask: “What happened to you?”, he answers in a hoarse voice: “It’s all because of cigarettes!”

Nick always ends his speeches with the words: “Sometimes you can fall, like this,” and falls on his face. - “In life, it happens that you fall, and it seems that you no longer have the strength to get up. Then you wonder: do you have hope? But know that failure is not the end!”

Today Nick lives in California, and on February 12, 2012, he married the beautiful Kanae Miahara. His life is full of both work and relaxation - in his free time from lectures and writing, Nick plays golf, likes to fish and surf.

And on February 14, an absolutely incredible event happened: Nick and his wife Kanae had a son, Kiesha James Vujicic, which the happy father announced on his Facebook page.

"Thank you all so much for your love and prayers! Kieshi James Vujicic - weight 8 lbs 10 oz (3 kg 600 g), height 21 ¾ inches (53 cm). Mom Kanae is doing great," Nick wrote. Even before the birth of his son Nick wrote that his wife’s pregnancy was going well and an ultrasound showed that the child was completely healthy. “Ten fingers and ten toes!” the future father rejoiced.

This was their long-awaited firstborn. The father was in labor. He saw the baby's shoulder - what is it? No hand. Boris Vuychich realized that he had to leave the room immediately so that his wife would not have time to notice how his face had changed. He couldn't believe what he saw.

When the doctor came out to him, he began to say:

"My son! Doesn't he have a hand?

The doctor replied:

“No... Your son has neither arms nor legs.”

Doctors refused to show the baby to the mother. The nurses were crying.

Nicholas Vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia, into a family of Serbian emigrants. Mother is a nurse. Father & Pastor. The whole parish lamented: “Why did the Lord allow this to happen?” The pregnancy proceeded normally, everything was fine with heredity.

At first, the mother could not bring herself to take her son in her arms and could not breastfeed him. “I had no idea how I would take the child home, what to do with him, how to take care of him,” recalls Duska Vujicic. - I didn’t know who to contact with my questions. Even the doctors were at a loss. Only after four months did I begin to come to my senses. My husband and I began to solve problems without looking too far ahead. One after another."

Nick has a semblance of a foot instead of a left leg. Thanks to this, the boy learned to walk, swim, skateboard, play on the computer and write. The parents managed to get their son into a regular school. Nick became the first disabled child in a regular Australian school.

“This meant that teachers were paying too much attention to me,” Nick recalls. - On the other hand, although I had two friends, most often I heard from my peers: “Nick, go away!”, “Nick, you don’t know how to do anything!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You’re nobody.” !”

Drown yourself

Every evening Nick prayed to God and asked him: “God, give me arms and legs!” He cried and hoped that when he woke up in the morning, arms and legs would already appear. Mom and dad bought him electronic hands. But they were too heavy, and the boy was never able to use them.

On Sundays he went to church school. They taught there that the Lord loves everyone. Nick didn’t understand how this could be - why then God didn’t give him what everyone else had. Sometimes adults came up and said: “Nick, everything will be fine!” But he didn’t believe them - no one could explain to him why he was like this, and no one could help him, not even God. At the age of eight, Nicholas decided to drown himself in the bathtub. He asked his mother to take him there.

“I turned my face into the water, but it was very difficult to hold on. Nothing worked. During this time, I imagined a picture of my funeral - my dad and mom were standing there... And then I realized that I couldn’t kill myself. All I saw from my parents was love for me.”

Change your heart

Nick never tried to commit suicide again, but he kept thinking why he should live.

He won't be able to work, he won't be able to hold his fiancée's hand, he won't be able to hold his child when he cries. One day, Nick’s mother read an article about a seriously ill man who inspired others to live.

Mom said: “Nick, God needs you. I do not know how. I do not know when. But you can serve Him.”

At the age of fifteen, Nick opened the Gospel and read the parable of the blind man. The disciples asked Christ why this man was blind. Christ answered: “So that the works of God may be revealed in him.” Nick says that at that moment he stopped being angry at God.

“Then I realized I am not just a man without arms and legs. I am God's creation. God knows what He is doing and why. “It doesn’t matter what people think,” Nick says now. “God didn’t answer my prayers.” This means that He wants to change my heart more than the circumstances of my life. Probably, even if I suddenly had arms and legs, it would not calm me down so much. Arms and legs on their own.”

At nineteen, Nick studied financial planning at university. One day he was asked to speak to students. Seven minutes were allotted for the speech. Within three minutes the girls in the hall were crying. One of them could not stop sobbing, she raised her hand and asked: “Can I come up on stage and hug you?” The girl approached Nick and began to cry on his shoulder. She said: “No one ever told me they loved me, no one ever told me I was beautiful just the way I am. My life changed today."

Nick came home and announced to his parents that he knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. The first thing my father asked was: “Are you thinking of finishing university?” Then other questions arose:

Will you be traveling alone?
- No.
- And with whom?
- Don't know.
-What are you going to talk about?
- Don't know.
- Who will listen to you?
- Don't know.

A hundred attempts to get up

Ten months a year he is on the road, two months at home. He traveled to more than two dozen countries, more than three million people heard him - in schools, nursing homes, and prisons. It happens that Nick speaks in stadiums with thousands of seats. He performs about 250 times a year. Nick receives about three hundred offers for new performances a week. He became a professional speaker.

Before the start of the performance, an assistant carries Nick onto the stage and helps him sit on some raised platform so that he can be seen. Then Nick tells episodes from his everyday life. About how people still stare at him on the streets. About the fact that when children run up and ask: “What happened to you?!” He answers in a hoarse voice: “It’s all because of cigarettes!”

And to those who are younger, he says: “I didn’t clean my room.” He calls what he has in place of his legs “ham.” Nick says his dog likes to bite him. And then he begins to beat out a fashionable rhythm with his ham.

After that he says: “And to be honest, sometimes you can fall like this.” Nick falls face first into the table he was standing on.

And he continues:

“It happens in life that you fall, and it seems you have no strength to get up. You wonder then if you have hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that even if I try to get up a hundred times, I won’t be able to. But after another defeat, I don’t give up hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. What matters is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise up - in this way.”

He leans his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.

The women in the audience begin to cry.

And Nick begins to talk about gratitude to God.

I'm not saving anyone

-Are people touched and consoled because they see that someone is having a harder time than they are?

Sometimes they tell me: “No, no! I can’t imagine myself without arms and legs!” But it is impossible to compare suffering, and it is not necessary. What can I say to someone whose loved one is dying of cancer or whose parents are divorced? I don't understand their pain.

One day a twenty-year-old woman approached me. She was kidnapped when she was ten years old, enslaved and abused. During this time, she had two children, one of them died. Now she has AIDS. Her parents don't want to communicate with her. What can she hope for? She said that if she had not believed in God, she would have committed suicide. Now she talks about her faith with other AIDS patients so they can hear her.

Last year I met people who had a son without arms and legs. The doctors said: “He will be a plant for the rest of his life. He won’t be able to walk, he won’t be able to study, he won’t be able to do anything.” And suddenly they found out about me and met me in person - another person like him. And they had hope. It is important for everyone to know that they are not alone and that they are loved.

Why did you believe in God?

I couldn't find anything else that would give me peace. Through the word of God, I learned the truth about the purpose of my life - about who I am, why I live, and where I will go when I die. Without faith, nothing made sense.

There is a lot of pain in this life, so there must be absolute Truth, absolute Hope, which is above all circumstances. My hope is in heaven. If you associate your happiness with temporary things, it will be temporary.

I can tell you many times when teenagers came up to me and said: “Today I looked in the mirror with a knife in my hand. This was supposed to be the last day of my life. You saved me".

A woman came up to me one day and said, “Today is my daughter’s second birthday. Two years ago she listened to you and you saved her life.” But I can’t save myself either! Only God can. What I have is not Nick's achievements. If it were not for God, I would not be here with you and would no longer exist in the world. I couldn't handle my trials on my own. And I thank God that my example inspires people.

What can inspire you besides faith and family?

A friend's smile.

Once I was told that a terminally ill guy wanted to see me. He was eighteen years old. He was already very weak and could not move at all. I entered his room for the first time. And he smiled. It was a precious smile. I told him that I don’t know how I would feel in his place, that he is my hero.

We saw each other several more times. I asked him one day: “What would you like to say to all people?” He said, "What do you mean?" I replied: “If only there was a camera here.” And every person in the world could see you. What would you say?

He asked for time to think. The last time we talked on the phone, he was already so weak that I could not hear his voice on the phone. We spoke through his father. This guy said, “I know what I would say to all the people. Try to be a milestone in someone's life story. At least do something. Something to be remembered."
Hug without hands

Nick used to fight for independence in every detail. Now, due to a busy schedule, more cases have begun to be entrusted to the patronage worker, who helps with dressing, moving and other routine matters. Nick's childhood fears did not come true. He recently got engaged, is about to get married, and now believes that he doesn’t need hands to hold his bride’s heart. He no longer worries about how he will communicate with his children. Chance helped. An unfamiliar two-year-old girl approached him. She saw that Nick had no hands. Then the girl put her hands behind her back and laid her head on his shoulder.

Nick with his bride

Nick can't shake anyone's hand - he hugs people. And even set a world record. A guy without arms hugged 1,749 people in an hour. He wrote a book about his life while typing 43 words per minute on a computer. In between work trips, he fishes, plays golf and surfs.

“I don’t always get up in the morning with a smile on my face. Sometimes my back hurts,” says Nick, “But because there is great strength in my principles, I continue to take small steps forward, baby steps.” Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to act, relying not on one’s own strength, but on God’s help.

Parents of disabled children usually divorce. My parents didn't divorce. Do you think they were scared? Yes. Do you think they trusted God? Yes. Do you think they are now seeing the fruits of their labors? Absolutely right.

How many people would believe it if they showed me on TV and said, “This guy prayed to the Lord and he got arms and legs”? But when people see me as I am, they wonder: “How can you smile?” For them this is a visible miracle. I need my trials to make me realize how dependent I am on God. Other people need my testimony that “the power of God is made perfect in weakness.” They look into the eyes of a man without arms and without legs and see in them peace, joy - what everyone strives for.”

16.04.2015 - 14:27

USA News. Meet Nick Vujicic! A man standing in front of a stadium-filled crowd captures the attention of thousands not only for his inspiring speech about the power of hope, but for the fact that he can stand there at all. He is grateful to fate that he was born without arms and legs. His life was not easy, but thanks to the love of his parents, loved ones, and faith in God, he went through all the hardships. And now his life is filled with joy and has meaning.

32-year-old Nick Vujicic was born on December 4, 1982 and grew up in Melbourne, Australia. Three sonograms did not reveal any complications. The appearance of a baby without limbs came as a shock to the parents. They didn't know how to handle a baby without arms and legs. The mother did not put her son to her breast for four months. Gradually, Nick's parents got used to it, accepted and loved their son for who he is.

There are no medical explanations for Vujicic's physical impairment. This is an extremely rare birth defect known as Tetra-Amelia syndrome.

Nick has a single limb on his body - a kind of foot with two fused toes, later surgically separated - which helps him maintain his balance. Nick nicknamed her Ham. He taught her how to type, pick up objects, and even push a ball. Although some practical aspects Everyday life(for example, brushing his teeth) still causes him difficulties.

The first years of life were difficult. His parents did everything in their power so that Nick could attend a regular school and live a full life.

However, Nick endured bullying at school every day. He constantly heard addressed to him: “You don’t know how to do anything!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You’re nobody!” Everything changed: he was no longer proud of what he had learned; he's fixated on something he can never do.

Nick constantly wondered why he was different from other children. At the age of eight he became depressed. When he was just 10, he decided to commit suicide and tried to drown himself in the bathtub. After several attempts, Nicholas realized that he did not want to leave his loved ones feeling guilty about his son's suicide. He couldn't do this to them.

Nick has been through many ups and downs. At the age of 13, he injured his only leg. This injury made him realize that he needed to be grateful for what he had and focus less on his limitations.

His amazing journey began at age 15. After classes, Nicholas had to wait an hour for a car that would take him home. He sat there alone for an hour. Every day.

One day he was not alone there. The teenager was kept company by a school janitor. They soon became friends and talked about everything. It was this man who inspired him to tell his story.

At the age of 19, Nick was asked to speak to students at the university where he studied (Griffith University). About 300 people gathered in the audience.

Nick Vujicic:

I was very worried. He was shaking all over. Within the first three minutes of my speech, half the girls were crying, and most of the boys were struggling to contain their emotions. One girl raised her hand and said, “Sorry to interrupt. Can I get up and come over to you to hug you?” And right in front of everyone, she came up to me, hugged me and whispered in my ear: “Thank you, thank you, thank you. Nobody told me I was beautiful. Nobody said they loved me. Nobody told me I was beautiful just the way I am.”

Nick Vujicic has two higher education degrees: accounting and financial planning. In addition, he is a successful motivational speaker and businessman. He for a long time practiced oratory.

Nick Vujicic:

I worked with a teacher who helped me become an excellent speaker. He paid special attention to body language because at first I didn't know where to put my hands!

He uses humor and faith to inspire millions of people around the world by speaking to packed stadiums, meeting with world leaders and writing best-selling books.

Nick Vujicic (in an interview with PEOPLE):

People look at me with curiosity. Whenever they come up and ask: “What happened to you?”, I answer them with a smile: “It’s all because of cigarettes.”.

Like all people, Vujicic hoped that one day he would meet his love, but he constantly wondered, “Who would want to marry me?” His last book"Love Without Borders" details the search true love, about his relationship with 26-year-old Kanae Miahara, whom he married in 2012, and the challenges they faced along the way to marriage.

From his youth, Nick Vujicic lived in fear that no woman would ever love him or want to marry him. He had many doubts about his fitness to be a husband and father.

After a relationship that was not moving forward, he dreamed of meeting a bride whose family would be happy to welcome him. Nick was afraid that his dreams would forever remain just dreams.

But all the uncertainty disappeared when in 2010 he met Kanae, without whom he now cannot imagine his life.

Nick Vujicic:

We've both been in relationships that caused a lot of pain. We look back and see that these painful times helped us get to know ourselves better and focus on what we were looking for in a future spouse. Waiting for “that one person” was sometimes extremely difficult. But we both say we wouldn't change a thing because it helped us become who we are today.

“Love Without Borders” consists of 15 chapters. There are chapters where Nick and Kanae talk about very personal topics. The couple does not shy away from the topic of sex, introduced in chapter nine, “The Joys of Abstinence Before Marriage and Sex After Marriage.” Before marriage, Nick felt obligated to reassure the girl that his physical disabilities would not prevent them from having sex...

Nick Vujicic currently lives in California with his wife and their 2-year-old son, Kiyoshi James Vujicic. The couple is expecting another child this year.

Nick spends a lot of time with his son. There is nothing more wonderful for him than the feeling of his little son wrapping his tiny arms around him and hugging him tightly.

My motto... Always love yourself, dream, don't give up and don't lose faith.

By the age of 32, this young evangelist had achieved more than most people in a lifetime. He is an author, musician, actor, and his hobbies include fishing and painting.

Nick admitted that he is an adrenaline junkie.

“Crazy” - many people think when they watch Nick looking for a wave while surfing or jumping with a parachute.

I realized that physical difference limits me only to the extent that I limit myself.

Nick plays football, tennis, and swims well.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, what you do. I hope my story inspires you. I share with you my thoughts on faith, hope and love to help you overcome any obstacles and solve problems.

Dream more, my friends, and never give up. We all make mistakes, but none of us are mistakes. Start with one day. Reconsider your attitude, your perspectives, principles and truths and you can overcome everything.

Yours sincerely,

Photo. Nick is a great swimmer

Photo. Nick plays golf

Photo. Nick with his wife Kanae and son Kiyose

Photo. Nick loves surfing

Photo. Nick and Kanae's wedding

How people with mental illness make eco-friendly dog ​​toys

For these people, finding a job is a real adventure with a sad and very predictable plot. The search scenario for them always looks approximately the same. Mental illness is to blame.

Alexander Zimelis:
UMy employment record says I was fired for health reasons.Andso I really likedayit's hard to find a job.WITHThey ask once: “Pwhyatfree?"ANDThere’s no way out of this.

During his life, Alexander managed to work as an entrepreneur, a loader and a cleaner. And then his mother died and the world seemed to stand still for him for some time: dismissal, long rehabilitation and, as a result, a disability group. The disease has closed many doors. His aunt helped him start living again and brought him to the Club House. It was this social service that gave the man friends, interesting employment and support. Together with lawyer and mentor Vitaly Pavlogradsky, people with similar problems as Sasha’s are knitting eco-friendly toys for dogs.

Vitaly Pavlogradsky, lawyer:
Ureading the specifics of the diseases that I suffer fromyutour wards, thenfarNot allof themcan workfull time. Zhere we can sit for an hour -one and a halfand peoplesheepcan earn5-7 rubles

Creating eco-friendly toys for dogs is simple and interesting. Everyone is comfortably accommodated behind round table, in the center of which there are several meters of ropes. They are made from industrial hemp fibers. It is from this material that eco-toys are then born. Knitting one such animal fun takes from three to fifteen minutes.

Vitaly Pavlogradsky:
There are toys on the market thatsdogs can chewAnddrag, but they are made of cotton. Myselfby oneselfcotton is notVeryeco-friendly, when growing it requiresgreat amountresources. And this type of natural fibersOwe have hemp inthe country does not, and in itself itecologicalproduct.

Meetings dedicated to knitting eco-friendly toys for furry babies take place twice a month so far. In the future, the organizers plan to do them more often, but for this they need to increase the demand for such products. Now it exists, but is not very active yet. Meanwhile, eco-toys are useful and completely safe for pets.

Natalia Bubley:
We alreadyintelligence under developmentualtoysekmade of wood and, again, our idea is made of eco-material, so now we are still thinking about a new product and want to immediately launch a whole trend of eco-toys.

For Andrey, knitting eco-toys is relaxing. It is at these friendly meetings that he feels especially good, because there are like-minded people nearby: people who understand and support. The man found himself in the Clubhouse. Now Andrey never leaves his camera for a minute.

Andrey Kachanovsky:
NIt's good to learn how to knit difficultigRushki. You can even tie it to someone’s backpack like a keychain.Mdoesn’t take much time and verydaygood profit.

Artisans sell their products for dogs through social networks, as well as in two friendly eco-stores. We plan not to stop there and constantly develop.

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A great desire to live and a feeling of gratitude for everything he has... This is what Nick Vujicic really is, whose biography touches to the core. This man is known for his will to win, ability to overcome difficulties, and also physical injuries that could ruin the life of anyone. However, he not only does not give up, but also helps people around the globe believe in themselves, developing the potential God has given him.

Nick Vujicic's story: childhood

Nick Vujicic was born on December 4, 1982 in Australia. He was born with a terrible pathology: the boy had no limbs. When the father, who was present at the birth, saw that a shoulder appeared without an arm, he ran out of the room. When the doctor came to see him, he learned with despair that the child had neither arms nor legs. For four months the young mother could not come to her senses and take the baby in her arms. But still, his parents did not give up on him, fell in love with him and began to raise him.

Nick always tried to do everything on his own, wanted to be an ordinary child and refused outside help. He only had one foot instead of a left leg, but thanks to this he learned to walk. This was his first victory, since no one believed that the boy would be able to move independently. But Nick Vujicic, whose photo can be found in this article, learned to swim, skateboard, lie on his stomach, write and even use a computer. He brushes his teeth, shaves, combs his hair, and talks on his cell phone.

At the age of eight, Nick Vujicic, tired of constant ridicule at school (he went to a regular school), wanted to commit suicide. But what stopped him from trying to drown himself was the thought of his parents and the fact that they loved him. And he decided to live full life. Moreover, he set himself a goal: to inspire others by his example. And as we all see, he achieved it.

Nick Vujicic: biography of the great speaker

After graduating from school, the young man entered the university. When he turned nineteen, he was offered the duration of the performance was determined: seven minutes. But after about three minutes the audience was crying, because Nick spoke about the value of the life of every person, regardless of his physical condition. After the performance, a girl came up to him, hugged him and sobbed, and then thanked him for saving him: she was going to commit suicide.

Nick found his calling in performances and since then began to travel around the world, gathering audiences of millions. He visited schools and higher education institutions, nursing homes and prisons. The number of performances per year could reach 250. Nick became a professional speaker and traveled to almost fifty countries. In India, it attracted a record number of listeners - 110 thousand people.

Motivation from Nick

Nick Vujicic, whose biography is a complete feat, teaches us to appreciate every moment, to be grateful to God for everything he gives, and he also helps to overcome difficulties. “Laugh when it’s hard,” the speaker says, calling his only foot a ham. When asked by children about his physical injuries, Nick replies that it was smoking that harmed him.

Nick likes to end his lectures with a story about falling and suddenly falling on your face. But at the same time, he reminds that everything in life happens, and you need to find the strength to rise, even when there is none. Failure is not the end if there is hope. He also says that his faith in God is a strong support for him, so he never tires of preaching about him to his listeners.

Personal life of an extraordinary person

Nick Vujicic, whose biography is discussed in this article, considers himself an absolutely happy person. He has everything he needs for this: a job he loves (he not only performs in front of audiences, he has acted in films and participates in television shows) and loving parents. IN free time surfing, playing golf, fishing.

But recently he has found a soul mate. In 2012, Nick, who lives in California, got married. His chosen one was Kanae Miahare, who strongly supports her husband. The wedding was very beautiful and touching, the bride was beaming with happiness, as she believed that her groom was a reliable support. A year later, Nick Vuychich’s wife gave him a son. Kieshi James Vujicic - as the young parents named the baby - is surrounded by love and care. The boy was born absolutely healthy, weighing 3 kg 600 g and height 53 centimeters.

Instead of an afterword

Nick Vujicic is showing the world how much anyone can achieve. After all, he could not believe in his own strength, consider himself a burden to his family and suffer from his own injury. But he took care of himself with God's help. He also became a support for millions of other people, taught them to find the confidence and energy to realize their plans. And you don’t need to be like other people. Actually, being special isn't that bad.